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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ueno Haru

Collab Between Man Emperor and Danyel

What caught Haru off of his game was something that penetrated his mind so gently, as if he's tapped & stroked with care.

“You're grotesquely beautiful as you're inside me.” Lisara teased.

“Flattering,” Haru deadpanned. He tried to summon his quirk, but nothing happened. Must be a dreamscape, then. Damn mentalist quirks. “I don't think we've even met.”

“We will, soon enough.” The dreaming turns into something resembling Haru to be precise. Perhaps a distant future where he got normal skin while having his Quirk intact and hefty treats like All Might merchandise around him, which later turned into visual cues of vanity to secrecy of Heroes then vs now.

The sensation of memories, not now but from the future looked deceiving yet enticing, it's a distant memory of Lisara & Haru being together in Eirei not too far from now.

“You know that he's going to get back up anytime now and the Police aren't taking your side.” Lisara refers to a much later event.

“What is this… sorcery that you're trying to use on me?” Haru questioned. He was quite proud of his mutation, since it was a constant reminder of his heroic father, one of two great inspirations for him. He could never imagine himself voluntarily giving it up for anything, Creature Rejection Clan idiots be damned. “Are you trying to tell me that you can tell the future?” He knew of only one other person with future sight, and that was Sir Nighteye. Even then, Haru had never taken visions as inscribed in stone. They can always change… right?

“These… cannot happen. These are false. Lies! Return me to reality at once, woman!” Haru hissed. Oh no, just because the villain was a lady didn't mean he'd pull his punches. After all… a villain's a villain.

“It depends on how you'll reach it, but sooner or later, you'll be dying light if you don't pick up what's yours.”

Whatever that meant, she muses of the idea of breaking Haru and curious about his long term progress.

“Have you tried living your best potential?”

“What are you on about?” Haru decided to entertain the witch, if only to make this whole conversation somewhat productive. “Pick up what's mine? Living up to my best potential Why, I'm quite satisfied with the life I have so far, thank you very much! I'll reach my potential, eventually. All things take time, so… what exactly do you want out of talking with me?”

“Oh, are you now satisfied?” She teased and gaslighted him to see how he'd react.

“Listen, you don't have much time, he is going to kill everyone and not even the likes of Endeavor’s children and those of legacy Heroes can drop him, I am helping you reach your potential, not just in Quirk but also every bit of your life.” She hugged him from behind, whether it's suggestive or not, she was rather stark.

She whispered in Haru’s ear.

“If you're living the best way you are now, why is it, even the most selfish Hero like Yusuke, keeps laying his life down for you? Does that mean you're living your full potential or are you simply too afraid to act on your own and take the risks? How much more good Heroes like him, must sacrifice their future for you, there will come a time that you're gonna be alone and you'll realize it too late, that's what you get for relying too much on others.”

“I don't rely too much on others,” Haru hissed, though the thought of Yusuke taking a hit from a Nomu for him did weigh on him. Despite his mind's protests, he ignored that the witch was hugging him from behind; while he did consider himself a hugger, this… was just not right. “I know my own weaknesses. This is why we have teams and team ups. So, pray tell, how exactly are you going to help me reach my full potential? By rearranging my neurons?”

“You will see.”
-Conversation Ended-

Snapback to reality, Yusuke took another hit for Haru, Keyaru laughed at the attacks like nothing happened.

“Fucking witch dug her way into my brain,” Haru growled as he began to collect photons, readying a powerful attack against Keyaru. “Hey,” he bent down to get a little closer to Yusuke just as he released an enormous stream of burning light capable of melting through rock straight towards the Yakuza leader. “Are you good? Sorry that I blacked out. Stupid mentalist quirk hit me.” The Luminous Hero paused for a second as he sent out another beam of light. "I suppose I owe you three drinks now."
Just another posting.

The Truth and Reconciliation walked on its four legs with a rather surprisingly fast gait. Its advanced sensors detected all the obstacles on its path, and the artificial intelligence managing its systems, autopilot in particular, had adjusted and precisely calculated each movement of the legs to avoid stepping on anything, or anyone.

Meanwhile, its pilot was lounging about in the cockpit. Anka Kraec, otherwise known as Old Man by his old colleagues from decades prior (even though for his species, he was in the equivalent of the mid-20s at the most), sat in the most peculiar way possible. His feet were raised to the air as he relaxed his legs on top of an instrument panel that just happened to be the one responsible for the operation of the mecha's radar systems. His back was almost squarely on his seat, while his head was pressed against where one should have their backside when sitting properly. But Anka just couldn't be assed to do it properly. He can just do it later. Or never at all. It wasn't like the commanders peered into the cockpits and invested themselves in the pilots' posture. As far as anyone, mecha pilots were always sitting the same way. Well, except for those with seats that looked more like motorcycles, if a motorcycle was used as a component for a mech's cockpit. That wasn't even practical at all. The pilots in there must have very tired arms.

As his mech moved on its own, Anka only glanced from time to time at the projected path overlaid on the 3d screen that made up the inner shell of the Truth and Reconciliation's cockpit. He busied himself with reading on his tablet, or rather, the pirated copy of the novel 'Babylon's Ashes.' The book had been around for, what, 180 years? It's not like you can file copyright claims when it's been centuries. This story... is this what the humans thought would happen when they colonized other worlds? They would simply repeat the cycles of oppression?

How odd. Any self-respecting species would have learned that harmony with one another is a more practical and logical step. Did they look upon themselves so lowly that they would forsake members of their own species? But again, the other Zarrah-Kul didn't like Anka very much.

"Do not form attachments" my ass. They're just afraid.

Just as Anka was about to curl up into a sleeping position once again, the mech stopped moving, throwing the unprepared pilot out of his seat. He slid down to the floor into a most ungraceful heap. "Ugh," Anka grumbled as he reached up and grabbed at his seat. "You just had to come now..."

"You have arrived in your destination." The monotone voice of the AI began to resonate within the cockpit. It was... annoying. Anka wanted to have it changed, but apparently it was a fixed feature. Did the manufacturer of this mech set it to this irritating, lifeless voice that would make even actual dead planets look alive purely to spite him? Considering how the Zarrah-Kul carried their spite and grudges for literal centuries, that would make sense. But what did he even do to the manufacturer? Did he get the wrong mech because the deliverer mixed up the address? Did mix it up to spite him?

Eh, whatever.

The cockpit opened up, finally exposing Anka to some light for once. The Zarrah-Kul yawned, letting his beak suck in fresh, no, recycled air. "Ah! So we are here," Anka looked up at the beautiful frigate before him. Another mech had arrived, which meant that at least one of the other rangers was here. "Could have just waited for five more m... eh, nah, I should go, right?"

"I think you should go," the Truth and Reconciliation's AI replied.

"Can you even actually think or are you just spitting our pre-recorded scripts?"


"Tch," Anka shrugged. "Oh well. Let's see what interesting new things we can find here..."

WIP for now
Ueno Haru

"You owe me two for this!"

Haru shuddered as Yusuke once again took a hit that was meant for him. For the second time today, no less. He knew that Yusuke would be alright, as he began to regenerate before his eyes, but knowing that someone is sacrificing themselves just to ensure that you’re not the one getting hurt…

Is this what the civilians feel when they see heroes get battered in battles against villains?

Haru wouldn’t have any more time to ponder that feeling when another of the villains appeared, calling upon his henchmen to fall back. His presence, his aura… it was all but overwhelming. Haru immediately readied another beam of light only for the sheer gravity of the new villain’s existence in that place to manifest quite literally. Space and time ripped apart as the villain imprisoned the heroes within a cage made out of visions and impossible timelines. The city turned into a true hellscape, even more so than when the Nomu from earlier had ravaged the streets. And far above them, a ball of fire beckoned, screaming death and destruction.

“Congratulations, Mr. Ueno. It appears that your son has an Inverted Quirk.”

‘Huh. Why am I seeing the day of my Quirk assessment?’

Haru looked at his four year old self. The blue skinned boy held an All Might action figure in his dainty little hands, his grey hair cascading onto the sides of his hair. He sat on his father’s lap, whose very presence dimmed the light around him. Like his son, the father had blue skin and grey hair; a set of mutations passed from generation to generation.

“An inverted quirk… so it is the opposite of mine?” The now-retired Pro Hero known as Storm Shadow asked the doctor while his son held the All Might figurine up here like it was a holy artifact. “A strange development…”

“Your wife being Quirkless could be a contributing factor,” the doctor replied with a shrug. “But we’ve been studying quirks for more than two centuries, and we still don’t know where Quirk Factors came from, exactly! Quirk inversions are rare, but in most cases, one of the two parents is Quirkless. If its an opposite kind of quirk, like ice and fire, you get quirk fusions, like Endeavor’s kids.”

“Hnn,” Storm Shadow nodded. “What do you want to do with your Quirk, Haru?”

“I want to be a hero, like you and All Might!”

Storm Shadow grinned. “And why do you want to be a hero?”

“I wish… I wish to make other people look and know that everything will be okay. Why? Because I AM HERE!”

“That’s the spirit…” Storm Shadow nodded. He set the boy down on the floor and bowed at the doctor. “Good afternoon doctor.”

“With a strong quirk like that, I’m sure little Haru will be a great hero one day.”


Everything is so heavy.

Haru groaned as he struggled against the gravitational distortion that the thrice-damned villain, Keyaru, summoned. He rose from the ground, his body protesting with every inch he defied the pull of the earth. Though the villain nor anyone else here would see it, for his goggled mask obscured his face, Haru’s eyes burned with defiance. No one tells Sol Invictus to just lie down and take an incoming fireball!

Haru stood up. Unlike some of the others, he wasn’t as tired yet. He hadn’t pulled off his supermove, Supernova, yet. He had yet to be injured beyond a few cuts and bruises. Still, being imprisoned in folded space, surrounded by illusions of shattered buildings, and a blazing ball of fire coming down like a proverbial Sword of Damocles, and his wounded allies all around him… one could say that this was as dire a situation any hero may find themself in.

“What can you do with your Quirk, Ueno?”

“I eat light and shit it back out.”

“No, really?”

“That is an abridged version.”

“I’m sure that you can do much more! You basically control photons, right?”


“Imagine all the applications, Ueno!”


And see through the lies.

Haru scanned the illusions all around him. None of this was real, of course. No one, save for maybe All Might and All for One, can reduce a city to rubble in an instant. And the abilities of this villain so far don’t line up with mass devastation. He was more of a manipulator of the fabric of spacetime.

Holograms are little more than lasers being manipulated in such a way that they form a coherent image. Lasers are just a concentrated stream of photons. And illusions… they are nothing more than photons being rearranged to make the beholder see what is not there. After all, sight is merely the brain’s interpretation of its reception of photons.

“I want to be a hero like you and All Might!”

Haru held out his hands and PULLED. He could feel every photon dancing upon every atom of air, on every quark that made up the most basic building block of reality. They were like grains of sand on a glass canvas, rearranged and manipulated to form a most sordid bastardization of what was real.

“Why do you want to be a hero?”

Separate the truth from the lies. The fake from reality. Put photons back where they should be.

“Because I AM HERE!”

The veil weakens.

Haru tugged at the illusion and ripped it apart with the sound of shattering glass. He could only imagine the surprise on the yakuza leader’s face as the intricately constructed lie unravelled and died.


That damn fireball was real?!

Would taking the radiance away from a fireball work? Haru didn’t know. But he knew well enough that he had to try. Kazuki was going to try to shoot the yakuza leader, and so Haru still had another role to play.

Haru reached out his hand to the fireball, willing it to go silent and snuff out. He wouldn’t see the result, however, as the restored world around him began to fade away, replaced by darkness.

Ueno Haru

Rather unexpectedly, the Nomu were handily obliterated. They were weak to fire of all things, and their weakness to it extended to the hot, piercing beams of concentrated photons that Haru so liked to use... which translated to the now Nomu that had a burning hole in its head. Uttering a prayer for whoever were the poor chaps and gals that got turned into the Nomu, the Luminous Hero looked around to see Yusuke no longer on the ground, regenerating the impalement wound with what he assumed to be a copied version of the Nomu's self-healing quirk. Hebi was not harmed, thank God. Meanwhile, Kanako looked like she had one hell of a headache. Haru would have taken that moment to reassess the situation and start cleanup operations. Matsuru had burned a Nomu's head straight off, something that Haru viewed to be a liberation of the tortured souls that might still reside in the creature-thing's mutilated consciousness. He wouldn't voice that, however, when Matsuru had blood coming out of his mouth.

"You should evacuate, stat," Haru called out to Matsuru from across the street. "I'll... ah, what now?!"

Portals. And villains stepping out of portals. What else was new?

Where Haru, Hebi, Yusuke and Kanako rested, things only took turn for the worse.

A redhead lady that's also in a business attire, appeared before them. Her voice sounded seductive as she commended Haru for his genuine performance with Matsuru. Her face showed light as well but of images of death, imprinted to Haru alone, hinting that she's taken interest of the young hero. Yusuke who was unconscious, has gotten up, he has copied the Nomu's super regeneration to heal himself.

Haru was immediately ready for a fight when the suited people arrived through portals of all things. What he expected from the apparent villains were words of hatred for wider society, perhaps a monologue of how they had it so bad when they were younger. It could have been anything. Instead, one of them, the red-headed lady, turned her attention to Haru, and Haru alone. She spoke in seductive tones, like a yandere of popular culture. Haru's face creased with cringe with every additional word that came pouring out of the lady's mouth. No, that wasn't a lady! What kind of lady would utter such crass things? It was unbecoming... and expected, for a villain. For what are villains, but deviants that vent out their frustrations unto the rest of society through acts of violence and general mayhem?

"First of all," Haru raised a finger, his whole body quivering in shock at the... things she said to him. It was equal parts a compliment and a twisted attempt at flirting. That, and the projected images of death on her face, which he tried to ignore as much as he could. "I suppose that I should thank you for the compliment for beating these creatures... And second..."

The area around him immediately darkened as he once started eating photons. "Don't call me daddy, damn it! I'm Sol Invictus, the Luminous Hero, not your 'baby'!" With that last word, a beam of light came shooting out of the sphere of darkness, heading straight for the red-headed lady. It would be enough to knock her back and hopefully daze her, perhaps cause some light burns, but it wasn't as strong as the beams Haru tried to blast the Nomus with. Even if she was... insane, the goal first and foremost was to capture and contain.
Ueno Haru

Of course the beam didn’t have much of an effect, Haru thought as the beam of searing light simply scalded part of the Nomu’s pale skin, but not much else. These creatures that were once men that walked the Earth had always been resilient, and Haru intended to test the waters, so to speak, before committing to a more powerful attack. As he took mental note of the situation with that particular Nomu, photons rushed into the void that had been created around him, revealing that he was standing in a combat stance, proper legwork ensuring that he can quickly dodge anything that might come his way.

That would be when that Nomu, Clap, yes, that was the monster’s name, finally turned its attention to him and Hebi. Haru readied to get out of the way while charging another blast of solar energy. Photons began streaming back in. He determined to try to blind it this time, sear away its eyes with the most atrocious light show he could conjure without expending too much energy. It would have been a kaleidoscopic explosion of colors as bright as ten suns put together, all shining in a small, concentrated spot. Nomu, for one reason or another, usually lacked eyelids.

That was something Haru wished to take advantage of. He didn’t know if it had sensory quirks to ignore getting blinded, but ripping away the foul creature’s eyesight was something he was willing to bet on.

That is, until it moved blindingly fast, catching him by surprise. “It is coming!...” Haru managed, before Yusuku moved in and became a shield, quite literally. The burning snakes that were his hair became one barrier, preventing Clap from turning the two heroes into red stains, but then Haru saw tendrils of… was that flesh? Tendrils of flesh penetrated Yusuke’s body. Haru imagined the pain must be unbearable.

He had nothing to say to the Nomu. This was no villain with a sympathetic backstory or small-time thief that could be reasoned with, somehow. A Nomu was simply that: a Nomu. A creature of simple thoughts and simple motivations, one that has shed all humanity to become the perfect killing machine. This world does not require the existence of such creatures!

“Close your eyes,” Haru said to Yusuke and Hebi as he made two glimmering suns in front of himself. Photons were once again consumed and redirected. The suns quickly crashed towards the Nomu, exploding into strange, scintillating patterns of kaleidoscopic light as soon as they met its face. Haru would then jump out of its way, not trusting that simply trying to blind the Nomu might be enough, and begin charging another, stronger beam of light.

Seth Montes

Helmut again raised a brow at Harper, calling her Chucky. He didn’t get the reference, but he guessed he didn’t introduce himself, so nicknames seemed applicable. “My name is Helmut Spielzeugmann. It’s a pleasure to meet you. And I assure you I would not waste my time peeping on female students.” He didn’t blush, but he did look at her with a grimace. He was not as lascivious or ghoulish as she assumed.

"I... won't even try the second one..." Seth said with a defeated tone. He had repeatedly repeated Helmet's second name in his head, but to no avail. He couldn't pronounce it! There was no way, indeed, that he unravel that kind of mystery right here and now. He was also afraid that he may accidentally cast a spell in the process. Maybe even an advanced one that he never knew about before. He just knew that something like that might happen!

"Shall we?" she nodded in the direction of the common room's table tennis table which was currently being ignored in favour of retro gaming...

Seth mostly listened in when Harper talked about the rules. "I have not participated in this game before," Seth said, interrupted for a second when Munnin randomly cawed and earned a side eye from Seth. "But... I will see how I fare." Maybe he could do with a little bit more beer than he's usually allowed himself to take. But would the fraternity like him anymore if they got the unfiltered Seth here? He was a telepath specialist, after all, and there are a lot of thoughts that he read that he'd rather erase from his memory. And yet, those sorts of things tended to burn themselves into the mind, like a brand in the side of a cow's ass.

No! He must win this game! He must win, as he always has! He can imagine Mom cheering him on at this moment, screaming and yelling. Go get them!

"Imagine having fought that long, and that hard. Only to be just... picked up. And walked off an edge to oblivion by a being so... committed to your destruction they didn't care about their own life because they already know they've won at this life, and you've lost. And you're unable to do anything to affect your fate." He continued speaking quietly to no one in particular. "And all you can do is writhe helplessly, as the unthinkable becomes... inevitable."

He turned away from the tv screen, opening his mouth and emitting a large cloud of smoke from his lips. "Fuck."


Seth didn't even try to read what was on Abisu's mind. Such words can only come from insane, mad thoughts. And he didn't want to have such thoughts at the moment. He didn't want to have portents of doom swirling in his brain. Not here, not now. There's a game to play! "Who's first?" Seth asked.
Ueno Haru - Sol Invictus

Location: Le'Nombril Restau


Here Haru was, away from his usual area of operations, walking to the exclusive area of the renowned Le'Nombril Restau. Very French, and very fancy. He wore his hero costume, outwardly consisting of a white cloak emblazoned with golden symbols that generally represented the sun. A helmet with an angelic-looking halo mounted behind it obscured his face, ensuring that the public only knew him as Sol Invictus and not as Ueno Haru.

At this time, Haru had been given a mission by Sir Nighteye. Rumors of a Nomu sighting had been circulating around and round here, and it was heavily implied that someone's actually mass producing those things again. Such gossip must always be taken seriously; the creatures, the resurrected corpses that had been jammed to the brim with as many Quirks as inhumanly possible, are and always have been difficult to get rid of. Haru recalled that Endeavour usually just burned their heads off… and again, does it really count as dead, if it already died? Nomu are just fleshy automatons, are they not? Very powerful automatons, one should add, but Haru pondered, as he ate the last remnants of his meal, whether the “license to kill” that could be acquired through interning in Hawks’ agency was needed to permanently take those out.

Hawks’, Best Jeanist’s, and Endeavour’s agencies were already looking into it, Sir Nighteye said. Haru needed only to join their efforts. He had only entered the Executive Top, though, when he heard a woman scream from the nearby street. Then, Yusuke, the quirk copyer in the class, made a hole in the floor using a mass of flaming snakes. “Of course it appeared just now!” Haru grumbled as he rushed to the three that were preparing to get into the action in the street below.

“Hey!” Haru called out to them. They were probably not aware that one of the Nighteye's interns (and another classmate) was already here. “I was sent here by Sir Nighteye to aid in the investigation, but it looks like we're going to fight… I'll go with you now.”

The thought of blasting the wrath of the sun into the Nomu’s face coursed through Haru’s veins as the nearby lights began to dim, their photons consumed by Haru/Sol Invictus.
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