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Desmond Mores

Interactions with whoever is near him

"What was that sound, did they kill it?" Desmond said while running with the group. A fricking Tsar Bomba. He remembered Lys talking about that once, but he never expected to face one. Let alone seeing one die or rather hear one die if that is what that sound was. If it did blow, then chances are they would be dead. And the last thing he wants is to leave Amelia in this world alone. All for a mistle that they luckily found. Well, Akaia found it and got into some trouble, but things seemed good now.

However, if this city is hosting a Tsar Bomba, then this city might host other dangers they have yet to encounter. Though what can top a fricking Tsar Bomba? But, now that they have the mistle so they can just leave this cursed city and head back to base and get their reward. Even if their reward is useless to him personally. Either way, Desmond kept pace with his team and kept running. This day is not over yet, and who knows what else lies in this city.

Tempted to join and I have play some of the Battletech game.
Oh, sorry somehow missed that ping but I am still here. So it is at two.
Desmond Mores

Interactions with whoever can hear him

Desmond was looking away when Akaia went to the building and disappeared. Hearing the loud clang of her staff hitting something and the crumbling of infrastructure. Then the sound of what sounded like a bird, Licorice crying. Desmond's eyes snapped to attention as Erik gave orders for Dallas and Desmond. "Roger that" was all he said with his rifle already in hand. He moved to a better position near the building and scanned the landscape for targets.

And sure enough that a few lost that showed up, and Desmond took careful aim at the closest one. Bang, the shot fired, and he scored a hit a killing blow on that Lost. Then moving to the next one, he could see and fired again and scored another hit and a dead Lost. But, as he was about to fire another shot at the third Lost. A bellowing roar out of nowhere sounded out. Caught off guard by the sound "What in god's name is that?"His voice barely hiding his fear. His instincts told him that he should get out of there and not face whatever made that sound.

But, there is still the matter of Akaia and the others still in the building. So against his instincts, Desmond stayed where he was and continued to fire at the incoming Lost, which there were only a few left. Yelling at the others as he fired. "Get Akaia out of there, and we need to get the hell out of dodge now! Before whatever made that roar shows up."
Desmond Mores

Interactions with his group

Desmond listened quietly to what the others said and replied to Erik's questions."I would be okay with telling some stories and some about Amelia. Something relaxing to unwind with, right?" Amelia, it feels kinda weird to him to talk about Amelia given her state. Since it would be stories that would be better that she was there for. Taking part in the laughs, joy, excitement, suspense of sharing their memories. Like she was not in a deep sleep that who knows when she will wake up. Still, in a way, it would be like introducing her to the group before she wakes up.

Looking around and he just spotted Dallas tossing away a blood pack, and it made Desmond think. What will Amelia be like as a revenant, her same old self or something else, since losing one's memories is par of the course from what he was told. Still, would she remember him? Their family? Their friends and live at their home? If she did not remember him or their family, then..... No, not now. Desmond did his best to bury the thought in his mind. This is not the time for this kind of thinking. He needs to be alert for Lost and not worry about that. They already faced and had some injuries from their first brush with Lost. They can not afford more in his mind.

So he went back to staying alert and wondering if they will find this mistle before they have to turn back and return to base. Still, he was in a talkative mood and replied more to the group. "Karaoke, that was a.... fun welcoming night, and that would be nice to do that again." Kinda fun to him, ignoring how bad his singing was. It was more fun just watching and listening to people sing and stuff. Granted, some of the music was... different than what he was raised with. Either way, when Amelia wakes up, it would be nice to have a karaoke night since she would love that. If they can find that microphone, that is.

So he went back to being on alert and scanning the landscape for any sign of Lost. They will not get close if he has any say about it, as he carried his rifle in his hands. Not noticing that Dallas tripped on a pebble and continued moving forward.
Sorry to say but, I have to not join this. Despite what I thought, I just do not have the motivation. So bye and good luck with the rp.
Yeah, I am still interested. So our chars somehow find the gear then and learn how they work right?
I would be tempted to bust some ghosts.
Desmond Mores

Interactions: Everyone

The battle was over, and while they had won. Poppy got hurt, and bearing a few, he gunned down with his rifle. The others did most of the work, and he has to remember that he is only human. He almost got overwhelmed by Lost while the others handled it. Not without injuries, of course, but still better than what he did. Either way, the group survived their first brush with Lost in this city, and there are bound to be more Lost within. More reason to step up and help more with defending the group.

Taking out his rifle and walked over to the group. Noting Poppy's wounds while she laid on the Iron Horse. A nice thing that Lys had brought with her with Desmond hopes that this is the worse of it that they will have in this city. If not then, the group could get in serious trouble while on this mission. But, he will try to be hopeful, and this is his time to step up. Speaking up, "Then I call second shift then. The least I can do since I am fine." Taking a deep breath, a thought popped into his head that maybe he should learn more about fixing wounds after this mission. Especially, with their main medic on a makeshift stretcher. But, focusing on the now, "But, we should leave soon before more Lost show up if everyone is ready." Sounding concerned more than anything.
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