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I did not join the last one, but I might join this one.

"Here," Ravdur said as he finally stopped moving and landed on the coast of the large lake in the taiga region. Here he decided that here in this place that his new race will be born. Plenty of fresh water, and to his back, the many trees that cover the region. Plently of building material. A good start for a fresh face on this planet, he thought.

As he turned his back to the lake, Ravdur, with his arms raised, his hands started to glow, and soon enough. An image formed in his head of what this race will be. Tall, grey-skinned, and with pointed ears, a race that oddly does not resemble him, and yet Ravdur is fine with that. Their design seems oddly familiar to him, like he has seen them before, and he can not place it, but right now, it does not matter. This will be his race, a hardy, and strong people. Their name will be the Eosin, and time for them to be born.

So without another thought and with his hands glowing so bright that it would blind any mortal that would gaze on it. The Eosin came into being, albeit with only minimal clothing. Thousands laying on the ground, and yet they were not conscious, not yet. For Ravdur has one thing to pass on to them before awakening them. Taking off his helmet, revealing his short gray hair. He sent a message into the minds of the sleeping Eosin.

"Hello, my people, I am Ravdur, Lord of Ice, your maker. I have created you to not just survive in this world that we both call home but to thrive and stand tall against any that seeks to control you. And I have given the knowledge needed to survive in this world, but it falls on you to thrive in this world. Only you can do that, and good luck, my people." Just before he ends the message, Ravdur imparts his code of honor to the Eosin, and when he was done.

He snapped his fingers, and every Eosin wakes up and when they first opened their eyes. Ravdur was gone, already on the move, as he was curious about the other gods and what they have created. Leaving his creations on their own for now, but he will return to gauge their progress once enough time has passed. Now, it is time to see more of this world, his new home, and see if any of the others gods are as strange as Myrtu.

Sorry for being silent just been preoccupied and dealing with some things. So I think I should leave the rp and you can control my char if needed for the mission.
Desmond Mores

Interactions: Sean, Lysandra, Poppy

"Yeah, nice to meet you too, Sean," Desmond said as he escorted Sean to the Crows Nest. "The escape tunnel?" Sounding a bit confused, "That would explain the setup I found down there when I first came here." So that stuff belongs to Sean, okay, not sure why he has his stuff stored there, but it would be easy to run if the Crows Nest gets overrun.

Either way, he went to the entrance to the escape tunnel before waving goodbye to Sean. "Understood, Sean," and watched as the man descended into the escape tunnel.

I wonder how long he is going to stay and might as well tell Poppy about Sean being situationed. So after some time of walking around the Crows Nest looking for Poppy after seeing she was not at her expected locations like the medical area and Desmond's room. So he found her in Lysandra's. And with a friendly voice, he spoke, "hey Poppy, just came to say that Sean is settled with his things in the escape tunnel." Waiting for a response, but noticed the substance on Poppy's hands. His calm face turned into a concerned one. "What is that on your hands, Poppy?"

Location · |@Theyra] Location · Everyone nearby

It went wrong so fast so to Reman. Right as he found Jin and Sumire with a man that was eyeing the Kyoshi. Then the tower exploded, a gunshot coming from the man with Jin and Sumire. Reman was stunned, and as he tried to collect himself. A second explosion behind him that almost sent him reeling to the ground. Catching himself only barely once he was settled and got a look at the chaos unfolding before him. People running for their lives to what car was still working, and the bullets raining down on them. Only two thoughts was racing through his mind. Jin and getting the hell out of dodge.

So Reman quickly to Jin but coaching down as he tried not to get shoot. Holding his steel case firmly and when he came to the downed pair. As tried to get Jin up but noticed the still smoking gun that the man had and took a chance to stop the man from firing any more shots at Jin and Sumire. Seeing how he was still conscious, Reman moved fast with his hands still firmly gripping the handle of his steel case. The unnamed man seeing Reman coming to him. He managed to fire two shots while cursing, and Reman shielded himself with his steel case. While the bullets did penetrate the case initially, the bullets did not come out the other side.

Which Reman then proceed before the third shot to use his case to bash the man's head twice. Reman, in the chaos of things, did not check if the man was still alive, only when he was clearly at least knocked out. Reman, just to be sure the man could not bother them, he took the man's gun and secured it on his person.

Once that was over, Reman went over the Jin and Sumire and tried to get Jin up first while someone was yelling at Jin to get in the car. "Jin come on, you need to get up and listen to her. We need to leave now, or we all will die!"
Reman Xuoshi

This almost seems unreal to him as he leaned against the outside wall of the old outpost. With the hot desert sand beneath his feet and luckily in the shade of the outpost. Still carrying Mova's case firmly in his right hand. Yesterday, he was sent on a deal between his family and the Moons at their storage faculty in the lower ring. Now he is not just outside the city, which would had happen if the deal went through. But, now staying at some abandoned outpost with what benders could escape from the city. He did always wanted to see the land outside of Ba Sing Se, and the course they are heading is to Tu Zin. A place that might not exist but that is their best option or well,, the benders like Jin's best option.

Which is why he choose to accompany Jin in the first place. Reman knows the way or at least the general direction of the Tu Zin, and he guessed he can see if the place is real or not. But, before that, they must rest here at this old outpost, and Reman was watching the group that was eyeing up Jin's car. Since Jin's was one of the best equipped vehicles here. He was about to get up and maybe say something, but the sound of a scream from inside the outpost made him jump. He turned to the door to the outpost to see what was the matter when a man came running out screaming fire from his mouth.

It took a moment for the fire to stop and the man to settle down, but that is one thing about being with this group. Barely anyone knows how to control their bending, and so far, no one has been hurt, luckily.

But, what happened back there at the city yesterday? An explosion at the storage facility turned people into benders, and those that were to manifest their abilities? Though the part that he was more concerned about was why those two people with them tried to kill them. Why did that happen, and was related to the explosion? Still, why did Ms. Moon choose not to come with them? she is a bender, and with the updated drones running around scanning for benders. It would be a death sentence, and he only wished he asked to why on earth she chose to stay behind.

Still, questions that can not be answered right now or never maybe. Now he just has to focus on guiding Jin to Tu Zin and deciding on finding Jin. So he left his spot near the outpost wall and walked around to see what Jin was doing. And to tell him how many fans the Kyoshi has.

Desmond Mores

Interactions:Poppy, Sean and Indigo

"Uh, sure, Poppy, but I should come with you to...." And she was already gone, Desmond only sighed and was concerned. Someone was watching them from the treeline, and that is not a good thing. Now they have to worry about this unknown variable. Lost are one thing, mindless, predictable, and dangerous. But people are another thing and in the past, while he lived at his home settlement, the main threats were Lost. There was one occasion of dealing with a hostile group of raiders that to be dealt with some casualties.

Bastards, the lot of them, but that was a group of humans. Revenants, on the other hand, can do far worse, and it was fortunate they never encountered hostile revenants. Even if they would be later brought down by Lost.

Well, either way, with Poppy making sure that the coast albeit by herself. Desmond reluctantly followed Poppy's order and introduced himself to Sean. "Well, Sean, nice to meet you and nice to see a friend of Poppy. And let's get you set up, and I am Desmond, by the way."
He motioned for Sean to follow before making one last look at Poppy. Please, let nothing happen, he thought worryingly. So he walked slowly back to the Crow's Nest, on the off chance something does happen, and if he hears a scream, then he will be running to her. Now to see if he made the right choice.
A day late but it is up.
Mateo Secada

Mateo simply chuckled at what Skye said to him before getting serious when she brought up the details of their next mission, and he put his drink away. So a capture mission in French Pacific. He would like to know specifically how many HVTs there are, but he can settle with a few. Hopefully, they will be in one place, but that is wishful thinking. Either way, he was already thinking of which approach he wanted to take and what to bring with him on the mission.

Then Xander approached him about needing something strong. "Uhhhh," at first, unsure what to make, then it came to him, and he looked at the alcohol behind him. "Well, I do know of one drink that will do the job, and I think we have the ingredients." Mateo made a nervous chuckle, he has not made that cocktail in a long time, and the last he saw someone drink that cocktail... Well, the liquor sure left him alright. Time to see how Xander reacts to it. So Mateo, without a word, goes on and making the cocktail known to him as the Hangover Cure. It did not take long to make, and when he was done, he placed it on the counter in front of Xander. "Here you go, and good luck with it," Mateo said with a hint of concern.

Next was listening to Greyson's suggestion. Nice to see that someone other than Skye cared about his survival during the mission. Though he is used to working solo during a mission. Sneaking behind enemy lines and causing chaos or stealing something valuable from the enemy. Mateo does know he has the hard part of infiltrating the base and keeping the HVTs from escaping, and it might be easier if he had a teammate with him.

"I know it is your order, Queen, but, like with what Brazen said. It would be nice to have a second set of hands with keeping the HVTs from escaping. But that is your call, Queen." Time to see what Queen says now, and hopefully, Xander can handle the Hangover Cure. Please handle the cocktail well, he thought as he waited for an answer from Queen.
I will get a post up tomorrow.
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