Avatar of Torack


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2 yrs ago
Current Look at that, looks like I'm back!
5 yrs ago
In the middle of exams. Apologies to all RPs for the silence. Responses will come soon tho!
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5 yrs ago
Wildest thing I learned was that the Mistborn series is loosely tied with the Stormlight Archive in this incredible novel universe Sanderson is making.
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5 yrs ago
I think The Long Night was amazing. The Battle of Helm's Deep for GoT, and it pulled it off wonderfully.
5 yrs ago
This is a bit late, but 2019 has officially been blessed by Tom Brady. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


Yo! I'm Torack, you can call me Jay!

I've been RPing for a long, long time. I blame it on my overactive imagination, but it's a wonderful medium to put all these creative ideas into some sorta use. My favourite genre is fantasy. Straight up fantasy. It can be high fantasy, low fantasy, dark, modern. I love fantasy, grew up with it. I also like sci-fi, dystopian settings, etc.. Characterization and character driven stories are my favourite type of RPs, I like seeing them grow and change and the way characters react to completely shit and horrible situations. It's always a fun time.

Personally, my hobbies include reading, although recently the only types of reading I've been doing is from text books ffs. I like sports, any type of sport really, except soccer. My legs are way too clumsy for that sport. Music is something I love, R&B mostly, although I'll listen to mostly anything.

I also love pie. Pie is life, especially pecan pie. It's damn near traumatizing knowing that I haven't eaten any in like five years. Sad times.



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Like one massive convergence, eh? I like it! I like it a lot!
Eyyy Awesome!

Sadly that's true even though they're amazing books.

How do you mean by the continent deal? As in jumping from continent to continent as the books did?
Alright, fair point. How does being slow sound? As in he's slow due to all the armour he's wearing, which I'll have to edit to make this make sense, and his swing speed is not as fast as the average swordsman.


I've also lowkey been craving a Malazan roleplay so this works out perfectly!
Yes! One of the best series I've ever read! I'm just about to finish Toll the Hounds and I'm shook.

Also edited my character!
He's one of my all time favourites too!

Aight, fair enough points. I guess I didn't quite understand the weakness part. I'll fix it up ASAP
Kalam Tobli

Kalam Tobli




A city guard




Kalam stands at 6'5" at full height, has broad shoulders with a lean, athletic build and a kind face. His skin is dark with bright blue eyes and a goatee covers his chin. His full lips are perpetually turned upwards in a small smile, only ever disappearing in extreme circumstances. There are no visible scars on his body save for the dorsal surface of his hands which look like they've been mistook for a cutting board.

Spirit Animal: Lion


  • Incredible Endurance
    Kalam's endurance is incredibly high, from hours of having to patrol the city with heavy gear along with his old captain having him and several other men jog around half the city with full gear before the sun rose and the other half just as it set. It was torturous, but it gave him near superhuman endurance. It would take an incredible amount of physical strain to even make Kalam break a sweat.
  • Absorbance
    Kalam's shield was enchanted by an old friend of his, long past, to absorb a small amount of damage, decreasing the jarring effect on his shoulder and elbow every time he blocked an attack, thus allowing him to follow through with a counter-attack that much quicker.


Kalam's greatest strength is perhaps his endurance. He can, in most circumstances, push his body to its limit without even getting winded and uses this particular gift in his fighting style; using a mostly defensive style to tire his enemies out before taking them down.

As an alcoholic, his obvious weakness would be alcohol. He will often accept any drink from just about anyone without a second thought, and although he knows this is stupidly dangerous on his part, he can barely help it.

Another weakness would be the subject of his father. Although he is an emotionally strong character, broaching that topic cripples him both physically and mentally.

Post Color: teal

So I'm almost done with my character creation, I just wanted to ask, since I'm a little stuck on this, what would be considered a strength and a weakness?
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