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Are all servants being summoned earlier, or just a select few? Because Berserker would be... Well he's a Berserker. You don't want them around that long.

Just a select few.
On the topic of establishing prior relationships, how early is Cadmus being summoned?

Probably around the same time period Vlad was, to help with the fortification and such.
@Anza Accepted!
@Turboshitter Not sure it's a great idea to have Caster be around as an early summon, though Avicebron needs it to make a bunch of golems, most of what Tiresias would do with that time is just look into the future for spoilers. Useful, but probably a bit too powerful. Plus, I think it would be more interesting to have Tiresias and Cadmus meet on summon rather than having already been hanging out for a while.

Fair point.
@Anza Alright I’m at work atm, so I’m going to try to keep this brief. After doing some research, I realized Void Space was indeed introduced in FGO as a canon concept. I have sworn to do my best to keep my opinions about FGO to myself as much as possible, so I’ll just say that her Void Space magecraft and Codes are fine as long as we tweak them a little.

That said, the Sketchbook is basically the Second Magic in miniature, and I’m just really not okay with anyone having that. I’m afraid that’s going to have to be left out.
Quick question revolving around how we're starting. Would some of us have some time to be summoned earlier, like how in Apocrypha, Darnic summons Vlad months in advance so he could set up (since otherwise his NP wouldn't work)?

That is indeed the case. While I imagine not all Servants would have been summoned ahead of time, Caster and Lancer would more than likely have been around for a while by the start of the war.

Oh, good to know! You really should keep an up to date Servant list if you're going to be doing claims, though, in the future. It's hard to keep track of what's claimed otherwise, and it leads to situations like these.

Ah, good point. I’ll add that to the 0th post in the OOC. Thanks for the suggestion, I’m busy enough that I might not have thought of it.
Thought I'd throw my hat into the ring. No interest in a Master, but we'll see how this one goes. I may do some minor edits since I threw this together much quicker than usual, but its overall done.

I’m really sorry, but Yankee has already claimed Rider. If things don’t work out with them I can let you know though!
@Blaze Gamma Have you seen the message I left you yet?
Master Sheet! I did a brainy girl.

Okay, so I’m going to be honest, I have a couple of issues with this one.

  • Five Mystic Codes is a lot for any magus, let alone a Yggdmillennia clan member. Regardless of the actual power of half the Codes, it’s still quite a sum that’d take a lot of money and skill to make. Most mages we see in canon don’t have that many, or at least we don’t see them use them. To me that implies that either most mages don’t have this many Mystic Codes, or Grail War-worthy Mystic Codes represent a fairly substantial investment not all families are capable of putting together.
  • Nuari’s Void Space magecraft feels a little over the top. Now in all fairness, El-Melloi II Case Files did establish that “normal mages” (a.k.a. people like Trisha Fellows who are still Clocktower elite but don’t have any super-special OP bullshit magecraft) are capable of making small pocket dimensions or other feats of spacial manipulation, but I feel like being able to do so on this scale is a bit beyond the level of skill/experience most Yggdmillennia mages would possess. Space-erasing projectiles, person-sized pocket dimensions, and a Mystic Code that can temporarily swap/overwrite chunks of reality with whatever terrain or objects the user desires is not only a power that’s a bit too rife for abuse (for a Master at least). To me, that feels like a Noble Phantasm or the kind of Bounded Field it’d take a lot of time and resources to make, rather than something that can be deployed on the fly.
  • The background presented here seems a bit implausible. Mostly in the way this family managed to not only escape Atlas but remain unnoticed and undetected for years. People like that seem like they’d be capable, resourceful, and reclusive enough that joining an organization like Yggdmillennia would be unnecessary. The other thing about it is... it just doesn’t really fit the aesthetics of this group. Underdogs, outcasts, misfits pining for revenge or their time to shine. That’s what Yggdmillennia is. Mages who were rejected, abandoned, or made outcasts by the Association and mage society writ large. The Maaikes, to me at least, come across more like they’re playing both Atlas and the Association for fools.
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