Avatar of Tyler Night


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1 mo ago
Current Reubens are my favorite sandwich and I am heavy handed with the kraut lol But pastrami or roast beef on Irish soda bread would be amazing. When I made it, I used caraway seed and raisins for mine.
1 mo ago
Classic is always nice. Irish Soda bread uses baking soda as the levening agent instead of yeast. It comes out much denser and darker, it is not the usual bread for it but it makes amazing reubens.
1 like
1 mo ago
Way to go on joining us in the bread baking club, have fun learning more and more stuff. Should get an Irish soda bread recipe and try that out. Make sure you get a recipe with raisins and caraway.
1 like
5 mos ago
Not me, I use adblock
6 mos ago
it is always active, just the bulk of roleplayers are horny on main so they are in private :P


I am a big country boy with a love for all things country, cars and cooking. I am easy going so if you look me up feel free to drop a message, I don't bite.


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As they drive he shows her different sights and animals along the way. The trip to the bridge taking 2 hours one way he pulls off before reaching the bridge itself. He drives up to the lake and parks looking over the water.

"These are the straits of Mackinac. Right now we are on the Lake Huron side, cross the bridge and you will be on the Lake Michigan side."

He parks the car smiling over at her.

"Quite the view isn't it?"
Some adorable children that will probably be able to breathe fire.
"Oh, of course."

He says with a smile. Getting on with the trip he drives to the far off freeway, heading north.

"We will have 3 rest stops between here and the bridge. Just let me know if you need to stop."

He says as they drive down the road, heading further from civilization.
10 years is nothing for rp. I have been going for 18 years now.

But welcome to the guild.
"One of my favorite drag racers, John Force, does lots of charity work and he was surprised by the guys at Overhaulin' he had this old 50's school bus that he wanted to get restored but never got around to it so they took it and overhauled it. Put a big block ford in it and all kinds of stuff. He uses the bus to pick up kids from the hospitals he works with. Enough power to chirp the tires."

He chuckles.

"It would be fun to do something like that."
"Oh we are doing that already. You can lay down in the back of it but it isn't a bed so much as it is 2 couches. I am gonna add a piece between the seats so we can actually put a mattress in there."

He smiles over at her.

"But it would still be fun to get a bus and convert it to a camper."
Turning right he heads to town.

"I think we should drive up to the Mackinac bridge, maybe someday soon we can make a weekend of it."

He drives down the road smiling at her.

"It is 2 hours 1 way so we might spend the day up there."
He slides in with her and says.

"Alright, lets do this."

He starts up the car and starts buckling up. As he gets strapped in he smirks and backs out.

"Longer road trip sound good to you?"

He asks driving to the end of the driveway.
"I was sure you were gonna say that."

He smiles.

"I am thinking about buying a spitzer dragster here soon and building a top sportsman car."

He looks over at her.

"I think you will love it. 4 to 5,000 horses in a 1,400 pound car."
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