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8 yrs ago
Current What do you call a magic owl?... Hoo-dini!


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<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*Launches off of the remains of the stone wall and flicks a metal bead into the air, which morphs into a crude but razor-sharp blade in my hand, all in rhythm*
I avoid crashing parties.
*Slices the blade against you, paying close attention to the flexibility and stability of your body*

*Drops below the attack by doing a split, while hooking my arm upward into your gut for a blow to lift you off the ground, then pops back upward before you come back down and repeatedly volleys out rhythmic blows into your torso to keep you off the ground, not letting you touch*
<Snipped quote by Inimical>

The stakes are the only thing that matters!
*Fires seven blasts of light into your body from alternating guns, capping the sequence off with a triplet blast to below your chin, then kicks off of your torso and slams the guns together in one beat, charges an enhanced double-barrel blast the next two, and unleashes the attack on the fourth*

*Each blast bursts against my person creating a cloud of smoke that gets louder with each impact, completely enveloping me, but after a moment I swipe my arm through the air and dispel the smoke in one motion while posing confidently*
You sure you haven’t done this before?
<Snipped quote by Inimical>

*Swipes my hand through the stone wall, which crumbles at my touch while the rest of it breaks off into jagged chunks that fire into your limbs, torso, and neck with no apparent pattern, while I grip onto the other wall for support*
Never touch my gun.

*While the projectiles may not have had a pattern upon initial firing, they seem obligated by some outside force have their strikes at me timed with the music, allowing me to leap between and off them equally as rhythmically*
But the people love it, Joe! You’re a natural!
*Throws my hands up as a massive array of pyrotechnics is let off, sending the crowd into an uproar chanting “Joe” repeatedly*
<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

*Takes a closer look at the barrier anyway, aiming to unpack its structure and source*

*It’s a standard stereoholographic barrier designed to be permeable one-way, likely to protect anyone inside.*
<Snipped quote by Nimda>

On it!
*Magic circles spin in front of each of your irises, emphasizing perturbations in the air that originate from outside the immediate vicinity*

*Despite the attacks being sourced from the music, their timing seems in line with my actions, striking with the beat as I dance while I DJ. In a bizarre twist, the song takes an upbeat swing as a sax and drums accompany the guitar in rhythm*
<Snipped quote by Inimical>

*Slips into the shadows and then emerges from the smoke, trained directly on the barrier*
Lily, analyze!

Don’t worry about that.
*Leaps gracefully into the air, flipping once as I pass through the barrier, and lands on it near you. The low rumblings of an electric guitar sound from the stage’s speakers while the crowd cheers, as though knowing what to anticipate*
I’m right here.
<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

And you’re dressed like you could be melted down to make the box.
*Flicks my thumb across the handle of the gun and fires a small black bead with the same trajectory as the beam, this time exploding into smoke as soon as it hits the barrier*

*Laughs dramatically, playing up the theater as the crowd roars*
<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

I have a real job.
*Pulls the trigger, launching a white thin beam directly at your forehead, which is accelerated as soon as it passes through the magic circle*

*The crowd roars in excitement at the first attack, and I snap my fingers as the speakers around center stage begin to play what sounds like drums at the start of a song*
Could have fooled me. You’re dressed like you live in a box.
<Snipped quote by Unhinged>

Nonono, none of this "how could you ever believe I would—" I've seen it
*Thrusts my hand forward in emphasis*
Too much. You agree outright.

Sure, say that. But you don’t get popular by killing your audience. Where’s yours?
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