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I joined 5 years ago now.

I enjoy pm rps, if anyone is interested. but I will do thread rps too.

I am into otome games. I enjoy rock music. I like reading.

My time zone is: EST

My fav. colors are: red, blue, pink, white, and black.

I am open for any rps.
However, I am not into rps that are strictly nation, horror, apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic, superhero, military, or sci-fi.
But I MAY give them a shot if they are mixed with another genre, like romance for example.

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sorry for not posting at all.
Alexander James Francis Maximillion Nightingale had just barely managed to get through the initial greeting of all those who had arrived the eve before. It was exhausting, to say the least. He hoped he never had to smile like that again. He rubbed his check again, his face still feeling worn out from then, even though some time had passed. Now? Now, he was finishing getting ready for what he, once more, would call a dreaded event. His formal wear would certainly stand out to say the least. A black uniform with gold trim was what he was wearing. There was red cloth lining the pockets. He wore a large medallion around his neck, if only for tonight. The crown worn by the king before him would adorn his head at this time. The crown would seem small for a king, but it was of a high-quality silver, with masculine gems along the edges just above his hair. The crown itself was a sign of the enormous wealth this king was said to have. Anyway, Alexander let out a sigh as he made his way down the corridors and halls, going down to the 'ball room'. The place had gathered dust since the day he assumed the throne, since it had never been used. It had taken a month or more of preparing to make it ready for this 'ball', the first one to ever happen in that castle in a long time. Now the room looked like it had never been ignored to begin with, and no one, not that he was aware of anyway, would be the wiser. The king in question would glance around that room upon entering it, if only to make sure everything was prepared for what he hoped would be the last of these events, and not just the first. He nodded at times and servants began to leave, but only to prepare the food and such. They would later return, escorting the guests.

Alexander took a deep breath as he made to approach the 'ball room' doors once more. As they were opened, he tried to act as calm as possible. This was also supposed to be a formal event. And so, he felt that he had to act as formally as possible as well, which meant he could not be himself, not now. He had a bride to choose, and a tradition to uphold. He had responsibilities. It was his duty, and not just because he was currently the king. He would wait as the guests had their fill of food, during the meal that was to happen before the 'ball'. He had already eaten. He was currently not one for large meals, since his appetite was currently not very large itself. When the time came, he would clear his throat and welcome them all to the 'grand event'. He just barely kept himself from shuddering upon saying those words.

"Welcome all, to this... grand event. I hope you all have a... grand time. May you all leave happy, regardless of what happens. I see many a young lady has arrived, whether escorted by their families, or sent here to seek me out. Well....perhaps one of you may be lucky enough to call this place your permanent second home tonight. Until then.....enjoy yourselves."

He would turn and walk away after that. But that was when it started. Many a young woman approached him, trying to ask for a dance, their eyes saying that they wanted to be chosen. Of course, there were others whose families nudged them in his direction, and convinced them to do that. In his mind, they would be rejected straight away. Besides, the shadows would guide him to her. If his shadow, guided by the magic of his people, touched hers and did not let go, that young lady in question would be his bride. He would made it well known that she had been chosen, that 'he' had chosen her. Until then, she had to be found, for she had not even been seen yet.
Alexander James Francis Maximillion Nightingale let out a sigh as the dreaded time had drawn near. The following evening.... it would be time, time for that awful event. Well....it would be awful to him, or so he thought. This was one ruler that was certainly....different than most royalty. Another royal, another king, or even queen, he knew would be quite thrilled with something like this. However, that was not the case for him. He was most certainly NOT thrilled, not one little bit. He would soon hear the sounds outside the window of his bedchambers, outside the balcony window that is. Alexander had returned to his bedchambers after a bit of time had passed. A few days had passed since then, and he was now once more there, getting ready, mentally preparing himself, when he heard those sounds. And so, he approached his balcony window and stepped out onto the balcony itself. He froze at the sight he would now see below. Out on the castle grounds, the servants had already prepared the front grounds for 'guests'. Carriages were already arriving, one by one, and through the large ornate front gates that stood there, guarding the entrance to the grounds, which in turn led up to the entrance of his great and respected castle. The castle was a symbol of the greatest power within his realm, power that came from the very shadows that they worshiped, the shadows that were their guardians and protectors, or so they believed. Anyway, Alexander would let out yet another sigh.

It was soon to be time. The 'guests' were already arriving. The servants would greet them, one or two or even three or more at a time. They would all be lead inside and, in turn, they would be shown into the various 'guest rooms' that they would be staying in. He frowned as he watched various nobles and aristocrats and the like enter his proud castle, his glorious estate, his great home. This was one ruler who did not find any enjoyment in the sight of what he was currently seeing.

"May the shadows give me great strength the eve after this one..."

He spoke quietly out loud. Then, Alexander would turn around and head back into his bedchambers. He would remain there until he was summoned by staff to either great those that had entered his castle, or to simply have a meal to eat. Either way, this underworld realm ruler would not look very pleased, and would keep to himself. The most he gave, as far as any orders or the like, would simply be to cook him something different, and that would be if they made a mistake with his food. The servants kept their distance unless they were following their duties and such. When all was said and done, he would end up waiting in the main hall, forcing a smile onto his face as he did so. He tried to hide how he was truly feeling with that forced smile.
Alexander James Francis Maximillion Nightingale was within his castle walls. It was silent during this time. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of the wind outside as it blew by. This ruler liked it when it was quiet. Well.... he liked it most of the time. Whenever he was stressed, some peace and quiet was certainly enjoyed. Anyway, the male in question was sitting in a certain throne of his in the main throne room, just a stones' throw away from the main hall. He was....thinking. There was a certain event coming up, one he had not hoped would ever have to happen. This ruler, this king, hated balls when he was a child. Others had ruined such events for him. If it wasn't the, now deceased, former guards accepting bribes from cold humans to allow said cold humans to gain access to the castle and try to go after him and anyone who may have been close to him, it was servants who were.... doing things they should not have been doing in the darkest corners within those stone walls, one could simply say, without actually saying what it was of course. Alexander HATED thinking about those days, just as much if not more so than he hated thinking about the event that was to happen. He was currently a bit.... unhappy, to put it mildly, very mildly. No one dared to approach him during this time, for obvious reasons. And so, they left him alone. They did not bother him, not even for a moment. They were to afraid of what he would do, and that was for starters. A sigh would soon be heard from him, and if anyone was in the room, they would see a frown upon his face, and his eyes staring down at the floor at his feet for a time. He did not say a word, not one little tiny letter was uttered from his mouth at that time.

of course, now, he had no choice but to attend a ball. This was his own ball. It was one he felt he was forced to throw. A tradition for one such as himself was to occur. A royal ball was held every time a ruler, or in this case someone like himself, was to wed, or simply to find a bride if you will. Every available female in the surrounding land, among others, were to attend. Being one to not disrespect, or shirk, traditions, or responsibilities, he felt he had no choice, no say, in this case. Alexander was now throwing a ball...if only to find a bride and wed as soon as possible. Others had begun to question why he was still unwed for some time, and it had taken quite a bit of effort to silence them, although he knew the questions remained within their minds, their thoughts. He would often see it in their' eyes. If he had no bride, he had no heir, and he needed an heir, and not just because of tradition. Anyway, the time was drawing ever closer. It was now the evening before the ball. He noted how time seemed to be passing now. Alexander could only hope to get it over with quickly, find a bride to wed, and then be done with it all. That was all he seemed to care about at the moment. That was what he was thinking when it came to the ball and such. Servants who were passing by, or through, the room may have been glancing towards him, but that was all they did, nothing more. Alexander would raise his head after some time had passed and glance towards a candle that had burned out. He noted how dark it had truly seemed to have gotten, indicating that it was no longer day, but night instead. Another sigh could be heard from the one who actually dreaded, and hated, this the most.

Name: Alexander James Francis Maximillion Nightingale

Age: unknown

gender: male

sexuality: same as above character

eye color: in the picture.

hair color: the same as in the picture.

Height: six foot one.

Bio: It may mostly be revealed in the rp. All that is currently known is he is a ruler of his own realm, and that he is powerful. He has quite a bit of wealth to his name, but often refuses to say how he earned it except for him inheriting it from 'family'. He has been around for a while and he has been alone for quite some time. Others questioned it at first. However, he got them to silence, to stop questioning him, soon enough. They dared not to do so anymore, and it was not just fear, obviously. The rest may be revealed in the rp, as stated.

Other: unknown
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