Avatar of vancexentan
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Old Guild Username: VanceXentan
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 9706 (2.56 / day)
  • VMs: 6
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    1. vancexentan 10 yrs ago
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1 yr ago
Current Losing a game of dragon ball the breakers because my dipshit allies wouldn't give me their fucking dragon balls pisses me off. the raider was already nearly dead fml.
1 yr ago
devaronian is the race you're looking for. They're basically thugs for the hutts for the most part.
1 yr ago
Man I'd love to be proven wrong so i'll keep trying but still it sucks like the fourth time this has happened for entirely seperate reasons each as dumb as the last.
1 yr ago
Man I just can't stick with a DND Group. I'm aware I feel pushy at times but I never intend to push anyone into doing anything. I'm just feeling so dejected at this point.
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1 yr ago
In general I've given up play by post roleplaying. I only check on occasion due to how NO ONE commits to forum posting in my over ten years of experience.
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I'm one of the surviving members from the event known as Guild Fall. I am a big fan of Mobile Suit Gundam and am very specific on what I want in a roleplay. I have completed two roleplays (one is debateable) and have over six years of roleplaying experience dating back to when I was in Middle School.

Most Recent Posts

@1Charak2Zerker is still open.

@ManyThings I'll wait on you to see if you change your mind before continuing on.
Yes but that also works on physical weapons it doesn't specify stuff like that, and it just ends up making the other enemy servants weaker with every other engagement lancer is present in. And since we're the attackers we can possibly abuse that. Send in Lancelot, Archer covers him, Lancer uses his skill on enemy Lancer his magical ancient lance suddenly becomes less effective, sorry Diarmuid your already unflashy weapon now has more difficult time cutting through armor. Also Caster your book of deep, and bizarre magic can now only conjure two monsters instead of six.

Its effects are too potent, and too general to be allowed in my eyes.
And that's where it falls apart. Medea for example is a magister from ancient times, and enemy caster is exactly like that. Becoming a hero allows people to break physical laws, and or make reality not matter. Its not a matter of it being a fireball. Its a fireball because it was suddenly, and unexpectedly pulled out of the air by way of non combustion, usually, and them just flinging it at them. It would require me to make up explanations of why things work when I don't have those answers because anime/comic book logic.

Alright well while its a real big stretch I'd like to get a move on so I'll let it through this once. After all like Reflection said Tesla is Archer because F/go is stupid sometimes.

Innovation of understanding can only work on things that are non-magical in nature. Sound fair? So things like low level presence concealment, and swordsmanship (skill) are effective sound fair?

A list of skills is needed I would have asked Reflection for the same if he didn't place it in Imperial Privilege. Its simply for the sake of having a reference list and to make sure it doesn't get to crazy.

@LemonZest1337 "Oh fine if you wanna get mauled I'll fucking do you in!" Mori roared as he charged forward he was suddenly hit from the side by the shielder who had managed to crawl over it left him gasping for air. However he collapsed on his knees quickly after his ankle wound still effecting him. "I did it quickly get him!" the man gasped still effected by the roar as well it seemed to have burst his ear drum in his left ear if noting by his bleeding ear was anything.


@Eviledd1984 As Verd assisted in tracking they came across a villain on the way there with a large bleeding wound on the back of his head it would seem he got hit by a big rock from behind but he was still alive. If not assisted he would probably die there. However the other villains insisted on moving on quickly. As they kept tracking them back to the entrance they found themselves face to face with a few cops staring down White Skull as he stood out in the open, laughing. -you could be so stupid as to let this happen. Heroes have gone down hill your best are shots in this situation are mother fucking children. Little, and weak! My boys over there have been schoolin' them. Now then if you have any last words I don't mind hearing them." the cops shot at him but he quickly ducked under a nearby pillar holding up the ceiling. The cops were focusing on him, and the teacher hero from earlier was lying on the ground coughing, and grasping weakly at a shotgun wound on his stomach area. His arms were also shredded by some other quirk. A half dozen villains lay on the ground dispatched around him while the other ones distracting any newcomers were too busy to help. The kids they were tracking where hiding behind a staircase to avoid being shot anymore.


@Zelosse The shot that came from Midnight was unexpected the other students forgetting about him being a threat. The girl was hit mid-flight before falling out of the sky she screamed out in pain. The other heroes stared out in horror and the speedster was afraid to move but the archer called out, "Speed Shot! Catch her, and run! Get out of here!" he called out before retaliating at Midnight with another arrow this time it didn't pop off immediately meaning it was either a standard arrow, or it would start when it got close. The speedster froze up for a second but quickly managed to use a car to catapult himself into the air, and catch her before landing roughly into a pile of dirt and then rushing off. "You better come back alive jerkass!" the speedster called as he ran off as fast as he could in the opposite direction from the group leaving just them and the archer.
Natural Born Genius A++ is basically imperial privilege you'll have to list which specific skills he can use. This is for the sake of balancing the character stealing things like mind's eye, and other techniques is a bit of a long shot.

Innovation of Understanding A seems more like he'd just be able to find out names, or what specific abilities are instead of directly downgrading the skill, or weapon itself. How does it even work when put against legendary weapons like Lancelot's Arondight for example which is a weapon that is divinely made.

Most importantly how does Galileo meet the requirements for the lancer class? I used the word "spear". and "Lance" as search words and didn't find a single thing about polearms in his entire wiki.
alright well moving on if anyone finds my last post vague I'll try to lengthen it, or correct whatever. However you can also just ask questions in character as Orson directed. We currently in character don't know much about the situation because well The Grey family used some sort of tactics set to quickly kill off the scouts. So Orson will give you what he can but he doesn't know much but that is hardly his fault.
As Joachim Heikkinen entered the room Anderson smiled at him, and chuckled as he came in and announced his allegiance to the church. "The pleasure is all mine. Don't worry we haven't started yet. But shouldn't you have stopped to make sure you caught your breath before you entered?" Anderson laughed as Leon smiled at Anderson's cheerful attitude but didn't say anything. Leon himself had not found issue with the church but he was raised in the backwoods but he couldn't help but wonder who exactly wonder what Anderson was to get in here. However he decided to speak up after a brief moment"My name is Leon Winchester nice to meet you Mister Heikkinen." commented the young magus as he nodded in his direction. "Aren't we all formal Miss Jeanne? I hope no one here planned on summonin' Jeanne D'arc of France. That'd get annoying to deal with naming wise." Anderson cackled as he ran his hand through his messy blonde hair.

"We have a suitable amount of masters here. Not all of them as I had planned but it will be enough. It would be for the best if we at least began to state our current situation." commented the Director as he ran his fingers across the desk in front of him was a series of picture taken from the scene in Poland. Dead mages brutally killed with sword wounds, and bizarre maulings. Other pictures showed a dark forest, and a small city.

"This is a village just somewhere south of Danzig in Poland. Roughly east of the forest that is shown in the picture. It is quite the historical area however it is now near the home to the Grey Family's castle. Using magic they have strategically placed themselves in the center of some fairly substantial leylines, and are using them to channel mana for their servants. We don't know who they're using to fight but there's reports of monsters, and humans alike around the forest. Of which is unnatural because there is not suppose to be a forest there meaning they bloody used magic to grow it, and hid it with magic. Just enough to make sure normal people don't notice. Any attempts to get into it have been stopped after the butchery of the mage scouts, and our specialists vanishing without a trace shortly after. The Greys' have no doubt summoned several servants other wise we wouldn't have reports of the extra class Ruler surfacing. What they have planned is unknown to us regardless our only choice is to attack it with our own servants. There is a small village we have set up as a 'base' therefore we intend to send you all there." commented Orson as he pointed at the pictures of each for emphasis on his points.

"Illusionist magic is not a thing to take lightly it could be covering darker magic. I assume we have plans to deal with that? It is something that executors like me, and the lad here can take care of but it appears advanced if a whole party got lost in it." Anderson stated as Leon spoke up "I believe that the Director wouldn't send us out there without help. Do you have someone in mind?" Leon questioned the Director who nodded. "It would be a student of mine skilled in all sorts of occult arts including Illusion. A prodigy of sorts in the field of countering such things. She had even unraveled some ancient magics...basic ones but undoubtedly useful ones. I will show her to you later should you agree to the terms I have for you. But for now I will answer any questions about the mission, or the Greys that you may have for me. I will warn you we don't know too much."
@SosukeThis isn't about your character the other roleplayers, who I shall not name out of curtsy if they want to name themselves they can, its about other people who want to fuck with me/this roleplay. I'm not calling you out for being a troll for all I know you're brand new to this site, and just are getting a boot for being 'new'. However others feel that you, or other new accounts could just be puppet accounts meant to screw with continuity/piss on other roleplayers.

Basically: Its not about you specifically its about who you/other new accounts could be, who I couldn't start to point fingers at, and thus people don't want to take the risk. Its a gm choice both to placate my fellow roleplayers, and to make sure the rp isn't getting possibly sabotaged. I've already apologized once but I will do so again as I have no evidence to support their requests, and I am indeed judging you off merit of what could be.
@The Irish TreeI'm not sure if there's a point of caster having it. Its not a part of their legend the only reason is that they killed the original owner. Besides not being a part of their own legend swords are synonymous with the saber class, possibly Rider/Berserker. Caster doesn't usually spawn in with a physical weapon based noble phantasm. So I'm going to say no on basis of it not really meshing well with the character's legend, and class. It doesn't seem to have a good reason for being there other than just because.
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