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As the situation unfolded and she gave her blessing to her allies, it became evident that Lumiére was out of the fight. Though a veteran of a hundred years, not to mention in possession of a Grimoire with literally mythical strength, the hit she took must have been enough to almost overwhelm her reserves. That is probably why she held back, encouraging the new girl to take her power into her hands instead, however that did leave one of Wilhelmina's blessings worse than useless. She had to end it or find a new target with what precious little mental capacity she had left as she put her soul into maintainin-

The new girl!

Not questioning why she could give the blessing to her and also sensing she was about to do something big, Wilhelmina removed the blessing from Lumiére so it could assist Nessie instead, all the while apologising to her senior in her head. It felt cruel to withdraw this aid from her comrade, especially when she must have ran herself dry, but they did need to win this and if Wilhelmina also lost her power... Who would heal the injured after the battle? The decision weighed heavy on such small shoulders, necessity considered unjust by a mind used to odds far more fair and beneficial. But at least her acts have not been in vain.

A tidal wave, or at least a close enough equivalent, flooded the construction site. The torrent of water obliterated the massive Pageless with a titanic crash. It rent it apart, disintegrating the construct into dozens upon dozens of pieces before it erased all traces of its existence in a magnificent display of magic. Wilhelmina could feel the raw power behind it, akin to one of Lumiére's concentrated beams which could smash through buildings with little effort. Truly worthy of finishing a monster on this scale.

She let out a relieved sigh as she let go of her magic, sailors and blessings fading along with the Pageless' influence. Her form also returned to her original one as the familiar forces settled down.

"Haaa... I am so sorry about that, Rose!" she spoke up after she had a moment to catch her breath. Her shoulders sagged a little as tension left Wilhelmina's body as though it were a tightband freed of its load. She was still aware of the situation of course, knowing that Lumiére had Nessie in good hands and that she wanted to make her introductions.

"Thank you for respecting my wishes," the dutch girl continued, completely unaware of the situation previously. She had been too focused after all. "I'm Wilhelmina or Captain Goodhope. Sunny and nice to meet you! Do you want to get to know the others together?" With a genuine, radiant smile, Wilhelmina introduced herself. She truly had no idea what was in store for her...
It’s going to be adorable when Camelot discovers Roma’s love is cosplay as she’s stuffed into a Saber Alter dress and has to sit through hours of make up. Fufufu.

And now I am imagining Roma stuffing Wilhelmina into various cosplays.

It is adorably hilarious.

Thank ye.

Say, I'd think now seems like a good time for us to talk about what sort of downtime interactions we've got in mind. Cause I think we're supposed to have a brief break before the next group of Pageless.

Wilhelmina will want to get to know everyone! Currently, she is only aware of Lumiére, Lilac and possibly Camelot. So there are some introductions to go around definitely. And I am up for whatever extremely awkward shenanigans @Ponn has in mind for Olivia, because I genuinely want to see how that goes.
Mmmmm, I think I'm gunna peace out of this RP guys. It was fun while it lasted, and I'm sure you'll all have fun obliterating the pageless in my absence.

I am sorry to hear that, but best of luck with your other RPs!
The power of BONK! shall be with you.

On a related note, @Sonnambula, if Nessie responds to Lumiére in the affirmative, consider the buff moved from Lumiére to her, as Goodhope realises that her sempai is exhausted.
<Snipped quote by Villamvihar>

Not sure about the soup, but I do want to do something with the whole "Goldilocks the intruder" aspect of the story, where she broke in unseen and broke stuff. Maybe like a power that only works when nobody can see her, forcing her to sneak around?
Basically, I'll go the exact opposite direction of Camelot and make a character that has to slink in the shadows and play it careful.

Spec Ops, Magical Girl Edition!
A Goldilocks Magical Girl who can summon bears and shoot soup sounds badass and funny at the same time. I honestly think there is a lot of potential in Fable rank, because many of the weirder fairy tales are amongst them. There is a Hungarian one about an all-devouring stomach or a rooster that kicks the ass of a Turkish Emperor for example. (Don't ask. I have no idea why either.) So while Legend or Myth is quite powerful, the sheer variety of Fables along with their off-the-wall nature makes for an interesting playstyle.
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Actually, she was like this long before she became a Magical Girl. If anything, her transformation makes her slightly less annoying, due to her added charm and the pleasing sound of her voice in that form.

Fear not, for Magical Girl Captain Goodhope (That is a little weird to say, but whatever) will rescue her with the power of friendship! Even if she gets freaked out a couple times down the line. I am actually quite serious about this, because I think that Wilhelmina would try really hard to understand an outcast despite creepy hobbies or the like. After all, her whole shtick has somewhat of a no man left behind aspect to it.

Oh no no, you misunderstand. Roma has henchpeople. She can totes delegate.

And you seem to be assuming Roma would try and subvert anyone while either are Transformed. Why be on guard from the advice of a friendly face met at your favorite cafe~?

Coincidentally it’s a toss up between Good Hope’s optimism and Tabbi’s isolationist mindset that tie them for third most likely.

To Wendil’s dismay Olivia is untouchable cause even Roma won’t tarnish true love.

Oh no! Sempai has noticed me!
<Snipped quote by Lewascan2>

Sad, but probably true.

In case you couldn't tell, Olivia has some... issues...

Don't worry, her issues are absolutely adorable. I find her inappropriate nature to be hilarious. And I am very much looking forward to Wilhelmina trying to make friends with her, because God knows she will try. And she will feel sorry for her. And it will be hilarious.

Despite Wilhemina's request, Ethereal Rose kept on speaking. At least the good captain did manage to get her name, but most of the conversation just breezed through her skull as though it were a wind. She needed to watch out for her teammates, she needed to keep track of her sailors, but at least the swarm of Pageless around her... stopped advancing? And there was a hand on her shoulder that she did not immediately connect with Ethereal Rose standing beside her for better or worse. Regardless, all these concerns vanished the next second when an absolutely gargantuan Pageless formed from the swarm, barelling through the construction site without regard.

On the one hand, it headed for the Grimoire, causing it to have more and more impact Goodhope's senses. On the other hand, it headed for the grimoire! It would rip the story apart if it got close and that, she could not allow.

Throwing her caution to the wind, she withdrew some of her blessing from the fox maiden and Lilac, pouring it into the link towards Lumiére in an effort to help her stop the creature. Even then, it seemed that its power would overwhelm her senior at any moment and there was little to lose, so she called the rest of her crew into existence. Her core of magic throbbed in response, the overwhelming strain becoming evident on her even as she ordered her loyal sailors to aim their muskets at the gigantic creature and buy time even if they had to do so with their lives.

Blessed they be, her loyal comrades obeyed. Sharp cracks of gunshots rung in the air, a lucky few engraving shallow wounds into the titanic Pageless. The team's efforts were wearing it down iota by iota, with Lilac managing to wound the creature before it broke into a mad frenzy, completely disregarding all threats before it and focusing on... a new magical girl?

And within seconds, a massive explosion of light and magic that seemed to consume all. Wilhelmina had never seen something like that: one moment, she had been contemplating how to help her newly ascended comrade and the other, a sphere of light slammed into the very claw it had raised to eliminate Nessie. The sheer force of the impact caused dust to swirl and winds to sweep, Goodhope's long hair fluttering with it as it cleared the site. And more crucially, all things combined gave an opportunity for all present.

Captain Goodhope took a deep breath. Her eyes closed. Her magic swelled. When she opened her gaze-

It shone with the very same golden radiance that she had seen a moment before.

Lilac Shimmer, Lumiére and Burning Heart felt a distinct thrum through their blessed link to Captain Goodhope. The magic connected to them swelled, opening its channels so as to accommodate a veritable torrent, no, a tidal wave of power to flow. Magic along with luck threw itself into the fray, a feeling akin to dozens of dozens of sailors standing their ground against a terrible storm settling on the shoulders of her comrades. For they were safe under Goodhope's protection, for they could accomplish anything by her side, for they were her beloved friends helping her through thick and thin. And Wilhelmina would do her all for them.

It strained her, of course. That much was evident as she locked her hands in prayer, fingers closing on another with a force that caused them to whiten and pale. Even her sailors wavered for a moment before they redoubled their efforts with their muskets and started to pepper the monstrous creation with their projectiles, both wounding and disrupting it at crucial moments. Their grit teeth reflected their effort and that of their captain to turn back the darkness.
I haven't read Camelot's sheet yet, but there are few people that Stripes synergizes poorly with, especially if the team is small. And then there's Goodhope.

And she can not even summon the entire Flying Dutchman yet! Poor Stripes will be having nightmares about it 24/7.

On another note, I've been wondering if I should make a Discord server for this RP given the small number and to better funnel conversation. If that's something people would want, I'll consider it.

I am leaning slightly towards having a Discord, because I do like to casually chat with other people from time to time, but I do agree with the point that we have been doing just fine so far without it.
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