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9 days ago
Current Go to doctors to get shots in my back. Then I go dr tomorrow see if I fracture or broke a finger on my right hand # beinginpainsucks
9 days ago
Go to doctors to get shots in my back. Then I godr tomorrow see if I fracture or broke a finger on my right hand # beinginpainsucks
30 days ago
anyone a fan of wrestling I would love to make more friends.
2 mos ago
Yesterday I walk 13 laps so i walk 1.3 miles so all together I walk 2.4 miles. so far in the pool. but this is my total for march. I cant wait to see how I do in April.
2 mos ago
I know for abled people this is not going 2 seem like a lot. I mean it barely seem like a lot to me since Im use 2 walk 20 to 90 laps a day. I walk 11 lap in pool & person say 10 is like walk a mile
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I love roleplaying and have been doing it for several years. it helps me let my creativeness out and lets me play out story ideas. I like to write stories.

i am in a wheelchair i am very unique and i am tired of guys acting all friendly and then a few months later or a while later the truth comes out. i am tired of being use. i am a good girl yes i have problems name someone who dont. but at least i do not let my problems control me.

love in movies books and music. i just want love i am not asking for a lot i am just asking for what everyone wants to be accept for who they are. dont pity me i do not need your pity

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looks like

name melody rose hardy
aka melrose or mel or rose
age 18
personality : sweet bubbly navie sometimes. book worm nerdy in certain subject. she works for the college newpaper.
history: she has a great relationship with her dad. she does not have one with her mom or her sister. she has a few best friends. she is not a girly girly. she lives in the country and loves to get her hands dirty.
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