Avatar of WhiteAngel25


Recent Statuses

8 days ago
Current Sorry for delayed replies to OOCs and ICs, I’ve been away from my computer all weekend.
2 mos ago
"May it be an evening star, shines down upon you. May it be when darkness falls, your heart will be true." :)
3 mos ago
No consistent power for 24 hours. No power now and I’m on my phone. So, replies will be limited. Sorry, friends!
5 mos ago
Motherclucker! Broke a fricken fingernail! Why does such pain hurt the worst of all?
7 mos ago
Going to be busy today. If you see me online, I'm just checking up on RPs. Hopefully, I'll reply tonight.


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Most Recent Posts

@Dynamo Frokane So sorry, I've been busy. And yes, I'm still available.
@RedBalloon please PM me to discuss it. :)

WhiteAngel25 is searching once again. I have some free time and would like to find some sugary sweet RPs to delve into.

I'm looking for someone who can post a detailed two paragraphs to five-ish paragraphs if you choose to post more that fine just keep it in mind that I will only be posting two to five.

PLEASE have decent spelling and grammar, I'm not a grammar-Nazis and I'm for sure as hell not the best speller in the world, but try to make some sense when writing.

Please don't just drop me off into a vat of cyber-darkness. If I don't reply to you within five days message me, heck! Message me in two. I, like most people, am human and have the attention span of a squirrel. I will do the same to you.

I'm thinking no fading romance scenes, so if you are a "fade to black" type of writer, sorry. I like to think as my RPs of some sort of reality, in which people have sex as well as slicing off limbs and jugulars. Graphic definitely! So that is the reason for +18.

I don't mind some smut, I like the rough, light bondage, passionate love-making that resides in everyone's deepest desires, however, I don't want it to consume the RP.

I think that's all I can think of right now, to the plots/pairings we go!


Protect Me, Carry Me, Take Me to Salvation

As We Burn

Why Do You Torment Me So? (isn't pertaining to where the song is from)

We're All Mad Here

It's Just You and Me Babe


She Wouldn’t Be Gone

Bullets In The Gun
@Dynamo FrokaneAre you still looking?
I will PM you as well!
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