Avatar of Xandrya


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21 days ago
Current I don't care if you're left, right, white, black, brown, or all around. You politicize something not political, I'm done.
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22 days ago
Never drinking like that again...
22 days ago
Omw to karaoke and my Uber is hitting 80 on the turnpike. I like her. I guess us women can read each other's minds after all.
2 mos ago
The ENT doc to me: "it's not looking so good in there". I know, doc. Please fix my nose, and maybe tell the VA to approve my claim.
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2 mos ago
Survived the Spartan Race! ✌🏻


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"Keep doing what you're doing," she called out, her body mostly hidden but with her sight on the target as she reached for a frag grenade. She removed the pin and aimed at the crate they were cowering behind. "Grenade out," Carlotta warned, her back once more against the wall. She declined to watch as the little explosive landed not too far from the troopers before going off, presumably killing them. Once the dust had settled, so to speak, Carlotta peeked around the corner and saw the bloodied corpses of the dead soldiers, verifying her suspicions.

She had her rifle at the ready when she walked out, making sure to cover any crates she passed while she kept her eyes and ears open for any sign of movement. She worked quickly but efficiently, wanting to reassure that they wouldn't be caught off guard by additional troops. Unbeknown to her, Carlotta stepped on a pool of blood from one of the dead troopers, leaving behind a trail of bloody boot prints which followed her until eventually, the debris collected by her boots dried out the evidence. But it didn't take long for her to clear the area, giving the all clear signal before making her way back to David.

"We're good here, time to provide some backup."

It was still dark out, but it wasn't as bad as before. Once they were done in the warehouse, they could go after the commander who would more than likely be bunkered down somewhere with additional troops guarding the immediate perimeter. That simply meant that they needed to preserve as much ammunition as possible.
Yvonne was just about to speak up before she was interrupted. A dialogue had formed between some of the people in the cell and the voices over the loudspeaker, the latter informing them just how much time they had before supposedly, someone came for them. She then turned to the guy who'd last addressed her.

"I was thinking we come up with a plan, but it's too late now," she went on, her eyes desperately scanning every corner of the cell. She stopped when her eyes fell on the door once more. "We could have overpowered them, catch them off guard and possibly make it past them..." Yvonne sighed, her hands starting to shake just the slightest as time continued to slip from them. It was hard to concentrate, especially when they were mere moments from being exposed to psychopaths.

"Get back against the wall," she whispered as some sort of warning.
With that said, will this game move forward?

I didn't want to post so soon to my last one. But tomorrow I can definitely reply if no one else does :)

I hope so.

Genevieve looked up at Judah, glad to have another trusted, familiar face present. She had ordered another drink to pass the time as the others talked about the vials, but that would be her last drink for the evening. Offers and deals were being discussed and although they didn't really concern her, she had to have a limit.

A few moments later, she heard an all too familiar notification tone go off. Genevieve reached for her phone which was in one of the pockets in her jacket and saw she had a message from Judah. She eyed him monetarily, a small smile forming before she texted a quick reply explaining what had occurred, how their abilities were temporarily disabled. As she sent him the message, she wondered what his reaction would be like, or whether he'd react at all. She suddenly pictured him going all out, throwing chairs, attacking the Broker, etc. In all truthfulness, the idea wasn't far-fetched. It's not like they had voluntarily given up their powers.

Once she was done, Genevieve put the phone down. She would watch as eventually, Judah would go over to Broker and start talking to him. She looked back for a moment but made it a point not to stare. Although the conversation didn't last long, and soon enough Judah made is way back and rejoined them at their table.

"This is what happens when you don't want to believe your powers are gone," she replied, leaning forward on the table as to not raise her voice. She looked over at her phone that was sitting adjacent the half-empty glass after it went off again and read the message from the notification preview. Genevieve nodded slightly, a bit antsy to get out of there by that point.
The following is a collaboration between @Crossfire and myself.

“Well, maybe not all day,” she replied, her eyes falling on the envelope as she’d suddenly remembered she had to read the DNA results sooner or later. Amy’s mood changed in an instant, and she tapped Grayson’s hand so she could sit up in bed, the covers falling to her lap. “I guess I might as well just rip the band-aid off, right?” she motioned towards the envelope before looking back at Grayson.

“Yeah, best ta get it over with. Here, I’ll get it, gotta hop up for a sec anyway.”
Grayson pulled the covers off himself and crawled out over Amy, the floor was cold on his bare feet, he could see why she didn’t want to get up. He picked up the envelope and laid it in her waiting hands, then grabbed out a pair of socks from the drawer and quickly pulled on his pants from last night and a plain white shirt.
“Gonna run to the Men’s, back in jus’ a min Ames.”

Amy gave him a “you’re leaving me now?” look as Grayson walked out, but she took a deep breath and realized that he was giving her space. It was obvious she couldn’t put it off any longer. Amy pulled open the edge of the envelope before she hooked her finger to open it up the rest of the way. She sighed, then unfolded the results page.

It was a positive DNA match.

A quivering hand covered her mouth. She suppressed the urge to cry, her breaths growing a bit irregular. Don’t freak out, don’t freak out. She was related, but you don’t remember meeting her before. She was practically a stranger...

After a few moments, Amy managed to calm herself down a bit. She simply stared off into space absent-mindedly, her thoughts taking her to her childhood.

Grayson groaned as the harsh fluorescent light of the bathroom hit his eyes. His headache intensified as he shuffled in and leaned over the sink for a minute. He splashed some cold water up into his face and cupped his hands under the flow to get a bit of water into his dry mouth and sore, parched throat. He felt a little better after that and returned to the room to find Amy, blank faced and deep in thought.

“Ames, ya ok love?” he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and put a hand on her shoulder. The results paper sat on Amy’s lap, he didn’t read the whole thing, but the words ‘positive match’ jumped out at him.
“Whatever ya need lass, I’m here.”

“It just seems that…” she bit her bottom lip, trying not to cry, “everyone from my family seems to die, you know? It’s frustrating, like, I can’t catch a break…”

She looked at him, her watery eyes turning a bit red. But despite getting extremely close, she didn’t cry, not that time. “I’m sorry, it’s just sometimes I don’t know how to take bad news. But...what do you say we go get something to eat?” she asked, wiping her eyes as she did her best to try to smile.

“I know the feeling Amy, felt it a few times, caused it more. Hell, I contributed to yer pain, an’ though it was to save yeh, there’s not a day goes by that I don’t regret havin’ to kill ‘im. But, you listen here, I’m not goin’ anywhere, yer stuck wi’ me ‘til the end of the world. That, or until ya get sick of me.”

He caught her eye and grinned jokingly as he took his hand off her shoulder. It dropped to her lap, and he gave her leg a reassuring pat before standing up.
“Aye, let’s go. Bad news gets a lil easier to digest on a full belly.”
The explosion startled Carlotta, her eyes drawn to the window as she took a few steps closer in that direction to see. Carlotta cursed herself out in her native tongue. The current outcome was not the one she was expecting, and even though she was simply going along with the plan, she took this failure personal. But at the moment, she didn't have the time to spare, not when they had a group of incoming ADVENT soldiers.

"Go, I'll stay here," she said to David before walking back behind one of the terminals. Carlotta positioned herself so she would cover the entryway with minimum exposure. It was an advantageous spot, one that would allow her to pick off the guards one by one if they were so stupid as to keep coming in. But that was too easy. Realistically, they would draw her out with a grenade, then ambush her with firepower. That's what she would do anyway.

From the sounds of it alone, the fight outside had picked up. She switched out her primary weapon and just as quickly, headed towards the door. It was a last-minute decision, but she figured it was better to help David out instead of becoming a sitting duck.

When she reached the doorway, Carlotta noticed David taking some fire. Since she had flanked them, she switched off the safety and began to engage. The soldiers reacted instantaneously, immediately taking cover but not before she scored a hit with one of them. He'd gone down, and even though she wasn't sure whether he was actually alive or not, she didn't have the luxury of finding out. Carlotta hid behind the wall after drawing the attention to herself.

"Hey Washington, what do you say we tag team them?"
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