Avatar of Xandrya


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22 days ago
Current I don't care if you're left, right, white, black, brown, or all around. You politicize something not political, I'm done.
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22 days ago
Never drinking like that again...
23 days ago
Omw to karaoke and my Uber is hitting 80 on the turnpike. I like her. I guess us women can read each other's minds after all.
2 mos ago
The ENT doc to me: "it's not looking so good in there". I know, doc. Please fix my nose, and maybe tell the VA to approve my claim.
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2 mos ago
Survived the Spartan Race! ✌🏻


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Please forgive me for rushing this last post. Due to the obvious time constraint I'm facing Raven will not be returning for the 2nd season.

The third, well...who knows.

A few minutes after the attack

When the Soul-Self reached Central Park, Rachel was surprised to see how bad the attack had gotten. The scene was nothing short of chaotic, the point reinforced when a couple of bullets whizzed through her spirit form. Rachel wasn't harmed, but she needed to deal with whatever was going on in person. She opened her eyes and quickly got to her feet, the Soul-Self disappearing from the sights of those targeting it. Within the next couple of minutes, Raven flew out of her window and headed south towards the Hudson River. She wanted to circle the city as well as the surrounding areas to see how far the mess extended, beyond what she was originally able to see.

Raven was in the air making her way over to Governors Island when she was knocked off trajectory by what could be described as a wrecking ball being dropped on her back. The heavy impact knocked the wind out of her, making her crash-land atop a building as a result. Pain immediately followed, though it was tolerable and not crippling despite appearing otherwise. She ignored the feeling and attempted to shake off the daze, her eyes focusing on the hooded figure hovering some distance above her. Raven got to her feet, but an almost identical attack caught her by surprise again, this time making her fall and hit the pavement below.

After she was able to compose herself, two of her brothers came into view, getting close enough to Raven for her to identify her attackers, Jesse and Jared. The siblings stood side by side, the expression on their faces one that Raven recognized a little too well.

"What are you doing here?" she questioned, but failing to get a response. After a few tense moments passed, Raven looked beyond the pair to make out a familiar frame she hadn't yet noticed. Her breath caught in her throat almost instantly, the dark-haired woman slowly approaching her. Neither of them said a word to each other, they simply stared. Raven hadn't seen her mother in years, yet now she was standing a few feet across from her. Or at least, the woman she thought was her mother.

"Is it really you?" Raven went on, noticing there was a slight change about her looks but nonetheless recognizing the woman as her mother. Her stance, the way she looked at Raven, the silence...

Raven breathed a sigh of relief when Arella nodded at her. She smiled a little, an unfamiliar sense of happiness washing over her. Raven had been brought back to life before, taking on a new physical form, and the possibility that the same had occurred to her mother wasn't all that far-fetched. But Raven was too caught up in the blissful moment to realize that her brothers were there too, and it wasn't to witness a happy reunion.

Raven's smile vanished when Arella's appearance shifted and took on a new form, that of her other brother Jacob. She watched for a moment before she forced herself to react, although by then her siblings had the advantage. Despite Raven's attempt to lunge at Jacob, she couldn't move. She looked down to see her hands trapped in orbs of dark energy. She had been fooled by their emotional manipulation, and the idea didn't sit well with her.

"What the hell do you want?" Raven was growing frustrated, the image of whom she believed to be her mother burning in her brain and clouding her judgement. Jesse took a few steps forward, arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Nothing complicated, except for our father's return. Of course if that's to happen you're going to have to die."

"Is that so?"

Raven's eyes starting glowing, but a bright flash that nearly blinded her knocked her back roughly 100 feet. The initial shock quickly wore off and was replaced by a burning sensation, something much more painful than if were set on fire. Her lungs were slowly deprived of air, allowing just enough for her to not suffocate right away. Raven panicked, faintly remembering a similar attack strategy used by her father. If that was the case, then she wasn't making it out alive.

Raven was unable to protest when her brothers surrounded her. She was looking up at the three monsters responsible for a lot of misery in her life, but she didn't think she would die at their feet. Raven's breath grew more shallow when she attempted to speak.

"He's waiting for me..."

There were no more words from either of them. Raven closed her eyes, feeling herself growing numb as was her body's response to the overbearing pain. She figured she was done, that she would be left alone to die at that point but she was wrong. The same crackling noise from before filled the air, and through her eyelids, Raven noticed another bright flash before her world turned black.
The humidity here makes my hair unmanageable. I have no choice but to roll my eyes when either my mother or my aunt asks me whether I've brushed my hair that day (they judge simply by looks). No, woman, I have not brushed my hair, and I won't brush my hair unless it's prior to getting it washed and I have a ton of time and a lot of detangling spray at the ready.

In short, curly hair sucks in this humidity.

That's what my mind automatically assumed, its own version any way.


That's unfortunate. Wawa sells really good sandwiches, or so I've heard.
I was driving to my boyfriend's house yesterday night and someone started flashing their lights behind me after I left the gas station. I kid you not I thought I was being targeted and I was going to get killed in a gang initiation or something, but it turns out this guy who was around my age just wanted to inform me my headlights were off once he pulled up next to me.

I felt dumb after the fact. I'm not sure if I'm a bit too careful or if I need to stop watching violent movies.
I was "hypnotized" once but I mean, I was awake and aware the whole time, I was simply playing along.

For me it's somewhat of a hard concept to grasp. We obviously don't notice our appearances slowly changing over time, so I believe I still look the same as I did years ago. But I do want to be the next Helena Bonham Carter. I love how good she looks even now.

For the most part I work out on the regular. But why don't you try something other than running?
Oolarger eh? My race would be Oosmaller.

Last Friday someone came into the office and was genuinely shocked when at some point in the conversation I told him I was 32. He says going by my petite size and baby face he was assuming I was at most 20 or 21.

I think I've mentioned it before but the day I stop getting carded is the day I will develop some mild form of depression.
I wasn't well aware rping as an animal was a thing. My characters have always been human, save for a demoness I played once. She was Satan's right hand, although she appeared in human form and didn't have horns or anything. Fun character, very suiting for me.
I'm a 32 y/o Cuban and I'd never seen Scarface until now.
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