Avatar of Xandrya


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13 days ago
Current I don't care if you're left, right, white, black, brown, or all around. You politicize something not political, I'm done.
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13 days ago
Never drinking like that again...
14 days ago
Omw to karaoke and my Uber is hitting 80 on the turnpike. I like her. I guess us women can read each other's minds after all.
1 mo ago
The ENT doc to me: "it's not looking so good in there". I know, doc. Please fix my nose, and maybe tell the VA to approve my claim.
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2 mos ago
Survived the Spartan Race! ✌🏻


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RIP TJ's shirt. First Denise, then Philip.
No matter how many times I deny it, realistically speaking, I'm quite dramatic. I blame it on the fact that I'm Hispanic though, so when I become passionate about something, it's simply in my nature and it's something that can't be helped. You're gonna cut me off in traffic? Prepare to be hunted down. Honestly, I wasn't like this in the past, but people change, and now the world has to deal with me. Oh well.
@Gunther Ooh sooo my NJP was for Failure to Report. Nobody was supposed to be drinking while attached to that training command, but out of the 6 of us who went out on Christmas, the trouble maker came back drunk. I ain't no snitch, so we tried to get him back to the barracks but him being a big dude who towered over the rest of us, we weren't successful. He needed to use the boy's room, and he wanted to use it in the same building where the MPs were housed. He wouldn't take no for an answer. One of the MPs saw us arguing and you guessed it, click click, you have the right to remain silent. He was dishonorably discharged while we got base restriction until our ship out date which was like the following week. Oh and the second time around I unintentionally lost a piece of my M9. That was definitely my bad.

In other news, I've had a hell of a roller coaster week.

"That's a good idea...we've been spotted," he motioned behind her.

Lily turned around to see one of them slowly heading their way. Shit! "Do we shoot? I mean they'll be attracted to the noise."

James loaded a couple of rounds into his shotgun. "Step aside," he ordered, readying his weapon.

"Wait, no!"

He looked at her before taking aim. "Unless you want to get hurt, I suggest you move out of my way because shotguns are unpredictable." He placed his finger on the trigger, waiting a couple of seconds for the zombie to get closer before taking the shot.
@Gunther Nice. It was cold, wasn't it? Of course, the desert can be quite chilly as well:

And obviously hot enough to where they allow you to work with partial uniform:

I was the equivalent of a corporal. I was NJPd once after being detained and had to face the disciplinary review board on another separate occasion. I didn't care about the punishment as long as they didn't mess with my rank or pay. In the end, all I got was a file in my record for a year and a stern talking to.

@Gunther Yep, and that's the Bahraini flag so it would make sense. When I was there we had a lot of British people come into our base.

Two gifs, not one. Say something.
Walking with a slight limp, Denise tried her best not to slow TJ down. That, and she did not feel like being in those dark woods any second longer than she had to. They were practically unable to see anything save for the path in front of them which was illuminated by his flashlight. Now that Denise had been clothed, fed, and her wounds had been tended to, she felt a little bit better, though not enough to squash that uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

Eventually, the pair arrived back on site. Denise looked around for a moment and noticed what everyone else was staring at.

"This can't be happening..." She took some long, determined steps towards the gear that was scattered around in a mess, pushing some of the others along the way. "What are we gonna do?" Denise went on, inadvertently ignoring Philip's comments. "We don't have a ride back, and given the equipment is inoperable, should we just try to get as far away from this place as possible on foot?" Denise's voice slowly lowered until she was more or less talking to herself. She remained still for a moment, then moved closer to the vandalized vehicle.

"Hey, you guys, has Joe showed up yet?" Like TJ, she too had heard his screams, and that worried her. Yes, who knows how long him and his uncle had been on the grounds, but that didn't mean he was immune to whatever evil lurked around.
I found @Gunther when he was in the service:

But anyway...

<Snipped quote by Xandrya>

That's awesome! Edibles don't do anything for me, maybe cause I'm a big guy I dunno.

And I'm the opposite, being a small woman and all. Plus I had the whole damn thing.

<Snipped quote by Xandrya>

As long as you're fine with it and you're not hurting anyone along the way...it is YOUR life...live it.

I remember every detail and honestly, I'm good. It was a one-time thing because I'm a crazy curious person.
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