Avatar of Yam I Am
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 5 yrs ago
  • Posts: 532 (0.27 / day)
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    1. Yam I Am 5 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current This site's like Old Broadway...I'm seeing a young man sittin' in an old man's bar, waitin' for his turn to die.
1 yr ago
I would sooner face outright phobia again than be given a half-hearted apology by the same systems which did nothing in the face of injustice and to now seek to make profit from our suffering.
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1 yr ago
I will never celebrate Pride Month for being stabbed in the leg and shot in the neck while it is sponsored by Chase. I will never mistake complacency for forgiveness nor acceptance.
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1 yr ago
Pride Month is celebrate by those who have never struggled. Those of us who have - those who have been harassed, assulted, detained and debased - have no such pride in it. There is only ire and spite.
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1 yr ago
So sorry if I'm not enthused. It's just that there's nothing to be happy about now, and people just buy rainbow stuff from the same corps who need us kept down to sell them in the first place.


“There was a time when I was master of the universe. As I was staying ageless and motionless before my computer, flying untouched over human frenzy, cities rose and crumbled under my thumb, tiny people ran hurriedly to their death on the roads I had built and time flew at my command.

Then it all stopped, and I had to become one of those running specks. They call it 'life.'”

Nicolas Combrexelle

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Yam I Am>

I thought Crusader Lord did?

Edit: I'll just reiterate too that I've got The Institute Remnants, Acadia, and Far Harbor as part of my faction.

Shoot you're right, I think they did and I just forgot.

Plugging @Crusader Lord
Question who grabbed the brotherhood of steel? i dont remember if someone did.

Nobody's quite nabbed them, to my knowledge.
My faction being mostly nomadic, I was going to have my only permanent territory being the underground of either Indianapolis or Columbus if nobody minds

I got no problems. Anyone else?
Also, just updated the FAQ: As soon as anyone's put up their concept sheet in the OOC, you can begin posting as soon as there's a go-ahead. Don't let me keep you waiting.
I'm rolling with the concept that there was a pre-evacuation. Father setup a contigency plan and set aside a portion of The Institute's population as "designated survivors". So they had some equipment, supplies, a small synth protection force etc. So they weren't left completely destitute.

I guess it makes sense that they'd leave little supply caches around in the Commonwealth in case things went south; After all, they could already get a considerable synth presence around, including some spy-bird synths according to concept art.
Love how much hype this seems to be getting. Full speed ahead.

@Mao Mao Am I free to pick and choose who from among The Institute survived the destruction? Or is there a particular Institute character you want dead-ed. Other than Father that is.

I mean, I guess you could handwave a lot of the Institute's destruction by being a lot of their teleportation tech just warping them out when stuff's blowing up all around them, at the cost of - y'know - having basically to build it all back up from scratch with nothing but the clothes on their back.

War. War never changes.

Men - certainly - may, through the roads and trials they tribulate. And if the society of old is naught more than the collection of the will of Man, then by some rightful thought we may possess the inkling to suggest that the horrors of the wasteland have, perhaps, made us emerge stronger. Better? Wiser? More intelligent? More acute? Perhaps not, but, barring these inclusions, certainly...stronger.

But alas, to seek strength for strength itself - to grow for the sake of growth - is the ideology of a cancer, and the sun-blasted rays of the wastes may thoroughly irradiate all tumors away from the land...or, perhaps, have only emboldened their growths.

Which of these is more true? Well...peradventure, it is our duty as chroniclers to decide for ourselves.

Welcome to the successor thread in this long series of War Never Changes: A Post-Nuclear Nation Roleplaying Game! We're happy to have you here in the closely-voted Eastern Seaboard USA, so please, take a moment to look over everything before getting around to posting.

I'll do my best to keep this section updated as things come up.

Base Rules:

If you need reminding of all the Kindergarden-level rules of RPing in general, then i'm just gonna kick you out the door where you stand and make sure it hits you on your ass on the way out. The rules you see here are going to be specific for this RP.

  • Your nation and your claim to said nation aren't canon until you make an In-Character post. If you don't want your sheet to burst into flames, please get to posting. The sheet's short for a reason - to get to developing things in the thread quicker. Do note: This does not mean that you'll just vanish off the face of the earth for inactivity. It just means that it's up in the air until the group can decide what ends up happening to it.
  • Likewise, you cannot add any other sections to your sheet - demographics, population, military, et cetera - until you make an In-Character post. Better get to posting if you wanna do army wank on your sheets a mile long.

Nation Sheet Template:

And that's it. Unsure about it? Check the rules.


What's the starting year?
2298 AD.

Where does this take place?
On the East Coast of the United States and Canada.

When can I begin posting?
As soon as you put a CS in the OOC and you've got an idea for a post.

Is there a Discord server?

I'll keep this section updated as more questions crop up.
@DX3214 @Andronicus23 @Jeddaven @Wampower @Andreyich @Noblebandit @TheEvanCat @Crusader Lord @Mao Mao @FalloutJack @HEAVY METAL @Auz

Wow, that's a lot of takers. Regardless, c'mon in, and let's get started.
<Snipped quote by Yam I Am>

I'll bet there's speculation. What I did for The REALLY Wild Wasteland RP was have it that the Fort Knox area retained automated (possibly malfunctioning) defense units that would include robots and on-site military turrets similar to the ones found at the Sierra Army Depot. Also a minefield, but that's to be expected. Nobody ever returns from this location, however, if they wander too far to the main gold vault. Amidst the semi-broken buildings and potential blast sites in the area, nobody's ever hit this building, it seems, and nobody's ever scoped it out too close either that's come back. The reason? Well, you're right. It does seem like people would go after the gold, using it for official purposes or just wanting to steal it. So, anyone getting past the basic defenses would be within striking distance of finding...mainly painted bricks. Lots of them...followed by several secret passages opening and a platoon of black powersuits wielding plasma rifles.

Welcome to the Enclave's secret weapons development center, son.

This is a large secret Vault built on United States' money by the organization that would later become known as the Enclave, the folks who secretly owned Vault-Tec, Poseidon Oil, and more while being essentially the shadowy side of the government, pre-war. Post-war, they are a military organization of scientific levels that the Brotherhood of Steel fought so hard to not be like, but then as of Fallout 4, the BoS started going full-zealot, which I felt was following the path of Father Elijah.

But getting back to the Enclave, the story is that those that were able to pull out of their outposts in various locations around the US would gather here, under the command of a new leader who declared that "The old Enclave is dead. Long live the new Enclave.", and proceeded to operate a new organization which was going to be far more tactically sound and using the old head-brain properly to handle matters. The new leader, a black-and-red powersuited figure known only as Number One, has had some years to expand his limited amount of troops and to outfit those under his command.

I can give you alot more details than that (Categories of troops, weapons, vehicles, etc.) upon the asking.

A fully automated Enclave remnants faction, mayhaps with several backups of President Eden's code lurking within? And one set on trying to reform the Enclave? An interesting proposition, certainly...
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