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Miret's fingers found Zarina's and intertwined them. "In my heart, always just for you, luush'elar." She began leading Zarina over to a picnic basket she'd hidden, and she took a moment to extricate it from the bushes. "Work, too, though," she sighed. "Always work, even when I'm on leave."

Unceremoniously yet with incongruous grace, she plopped herself down on the grass and patted a spot beside her. "I forgot the blanket," she remarked sheepishly and, for a moment, there seemed to be something small about her - vulnerable, even - as she looked up at Zarina.

“Well, it's an honour to have your scarce break time dedicated to yours truly.” answered Zarina, choosing to not dwell on either subjects. One made her far too many butterflies and the other forced the dregs of anxiety she bottled up back up.

A seat was taken on the dry grass, announcing the end of Dorrad and the hottest days having yet to come. “Luuchi.” a gentle hand remained over the Yasoi's and a mellifluous voice beckoned Miret's attention. “How are Tyrel and Chad? Without you around ...” then, a light squeeze of the hand. “Are you alright?”

Miret leaned in. "No," she whispered. "They're watching me, so smile as if I've just told you a funny secret."

“Pfft.” Zarina immediately blurted out, even letting a few spittles bombard her unfortunate luush'elar. Bent over as if getting over a flabbergasting joke, she passed her hand over her hair to comb it over her ear. “If you want to talk seriously, I know a few places.” she whispered, eyes narrowed to feign some foxy look, suggesting she had teased or something equally as playful. “Or we can just enjoy.”

Miret forced a blush, for such was her control over her face. "We totally should," she squealed. She pulled back, standing and twirling on the spot. "Just me and you and not a care in the world." She breathed a deep breath in and out, extending a hand. "Let's do it!" For a moment, her eyes told more: "Please," they said, "right now. I really need this."

Zarina sighed, just to put up the facade as the one in control. An attempt at reassurance in a time where many felt like their fates were held in the palms of men they never met. After a tap on her knee she hoisted herself up, reaching for Miret's hand half-way there. “Thanks, love.” a quick pelvis thrust with her hands on the small of her back prompted a light crack of her spine. “You and me. And my hippo. I need to feed it, actually.” she shrugged. “Did I tell you how it almost saved a platoon's life?”

Miret arched an eyebrow in curious amusement. "Oh really?" she chirped, "Do tell." With that, she squeezed Zarina's palm and made to follow her wherever she might lead the pair.

“It put the King of the Sea to sleep.” answered Zarina with a whimsical and dramatic voice. “I would likely not be in one piece either if it weren't for that nascent warrior.”

With a quick glance to both sides, she made both herself and her lover zip through space-time to land in her bedroom. “As comfy as it is, this isn't the place.” the Virangish rushed over to the opened cage where a sleeping house hippo was plucked out to instead sleep in a handbag loaded with fresh lettuce. “Biby - check. Now then, hand!” this time she offered it whilst keeping up with the inherited habit.

This time a portal was opened and ... They were on a mountain and behind them a lonesome cottage. “Welcome to my Dorrad villa.”

Miret's eyes widened and she turned on the spot. "W-where are we?" She sucked in a great big breath of the fresh cold air. "I mean... it's gorgeous!" She seemed, at least momentarily, at ease.

“Sawand.” Zarina smiled cheekily, tugging at her partner's hand as they approached the building. “I'm willing to bet even Tarlon doesn't have folks in this little prize I've won.” and soon they were inside the warm, homely establishment.

Miret twirled about as she followed her luush'elar in. "Sawand," she enthused. "Whew-ee." Her eyes darted one way and then the next, taking in the unique architecture, the cozy homeliness, and Zarina and her odd but adorable little pet. "Was this from the Trials, Luuchii?"

“M'hm.” there was a front desk, unmanned and neat. “Ashok is probably getting provisions.” she mumbled to herself, deciding that waiting was pointless and unhooked one of the keys from the board. “The rooms are great, we get out own fireplace if it gets chilly.” again she held her luush'elar's hand, guiding her to room 3 of the cottage inn.

It was as homely as could be with a double bed, a kitchenette in an adjcent room, proper latrines and an expensive begemot rug. And, of course, the promised fireplace surrounded by stone. Zarina placed her bag on the rocking chair and sat on the bed. “If you need a place to crash, this room is always kept vacant.”

Miret curled up beside her. "It's lovely," she remarked softly, eyes roving about as she snuggled in. There seemed to be something of a wistful air to her. "A place of our - your - own." She smiled at Zarina. "I'm sorry for being gone so suddenly and so long," she sighed. "You deserve better." Her eyes darted about the wonderful room again.

No words came from Zarina, only a blush. And then a tight squeeze of her arm around Miret, tugging her close. “You came back, that's all that matters.” she laid a peck on her luush'elar's forehead. “What's been troubling you, Luuchii?”

"Heh," Miret snorted. "I almost died." She shrugged and shook her head ruefully, cracking a sad little smile. "After all you've seen and been through and all that I have, that doesn't sound like such a big deal, does it?"

She sighed. "I was doomed, to tell you the truth, and so was Chad and so were all of us if Tyrel hadn't arrived." She bit her lower lip. "It got me thinking that, aside from you, what do I have to show for my life? What have I done with it?" She shook her head again, tightly, this time. "I'm tired of war. I wanna take my family, my friends, and you, and... get out." She paused and shrugged, shooting a hopeful glance up at Zarina.

Instead of giving her opinion or pushing back against the negative thoughts plaguing Miret, Zarina merely caressed the distressed woman's head, focusing on the minute little locks of hair to neatly straighten back behind the pointed ear. “Mmm.” was her response to Miret's wants. “But we can't simply abandon our homes, now can we?” her head tilted as she peered down at the curled up Yasoi.

“I'm being called home. Likely because of what's happening in that Coffee Island - Palapar.” lips pursed and hands clenched harder. “It's coming soon. The war. And all I'm worried about, honestly, is the same as you. What have I done of real note in my life? Not because I think I'm going to die ...” although the fear lingered, even as she put on her brave face. “I owe it to my family to fight for them and become something. The same way you owe a lot to your family - Tyrel and Chad.”

Miret managed a quick, nervous smile. "You always know just what to say," she admitted, forcing a deeper breath and then a second. She smiled again, a bit more relaxed this time, but it faded quickly. "Tyrel is being called there too," she offered, "but it's a trap." She shook her head. "She disobeyed orders in Yarsoc and..." Miret trailed off for a moment. "She tore that queen - the one who'd toyed with Chad and I - apart like a plaything."

The Tarlonese shrugged. "She saved us all and won the battle and afterwards -" She rolled her eyes. "- it was retroactively sanctioned." She sat up and crossed her legs, running some fingers thoughtfully through the hair that Zarina had untangled. "You should've heard them: all the soldiers chanting her name." She scowled. "The emperor and the empress and high command will not like it. it is the job of the Avatar of Vyshta to die before her twenty-fifth birthday, and that is only a few years away now." She knit and unknit her fingers nervously. "I don't know what they'll do to my sister there," she mewed, "but it'll be bad - another bad thing in a stupid conflict all about people's pride and money - and I have to find a way to stop it."

Zarina absently stroked Miret's hair and cheek as her worries and recounts were being aired out. Once again, there was only listening with the occasional little affirmative sound to show she was paying attention. A light inhale, stronger than her idle breathing, came in reaction to the revelation of Tyrel's presence in Palapar. A crucial piece of information, should Zarina actually go there.

“You're hurting enough, Luuchy. It shouldn't always be you taking action. It shouldn't be you always getting hurt.” delicate brushes of her thumb over Miret's cheek slowly guided the Yasoi's gaze to Zarina's. “But if you must take on the world itself like a raging bull, then I'll do it with you. At worst, we both die horribly together.” she grinned and chuckled halfheartedly. “But, promise me one thing.” she stared right into Miret's eyes, digging to find her very soul. “No matter what happens with this war, you won't hate me, and I won't hate you.”

Miret was a strong woman, or had always appeared so to the world at large. She had won the Trials of Ersand'Enise. She had ended the tyrannical reign of Queen Talit in Tanso and served with distinction in Yarsoc, all before her twentieth birthday. She had shared herself with many men and some women. She had spoken before crowds of thousands and embraced the empress herself.

To be small, to be vulnerable, was not something that she ever got to do anymore, except with a very precious few she had known since childhood... and Zarina. "Speak for yourself," she snorted weakly. "When I go, it'll be either out of boredom when I'm a thousand year old elder sanguinaire, or in a blaze of glory." She smiled softly, ironically. "You're welcome to join me in either one."

The fact that their countries were enemies was not lost on her either. "I could never hate you," Miret replied softly. "I even love your laundry habits... or how you hog all the covers in bed."

A fire crackled in the hearth, picturesque mountains and blue sky filled the windows, and they were both away from conflict and politics and the worry of what others might think, at least for the time being. Miret leaned in and kissed Zarina. "Most of all, though, I love this."

“I do not!” Zarina protested without any real conviction to be found in her voice. “I just move a lot when sleeping all comfy-like. Doesn't happen often.” with that, she tugged her lover closer as to actually lie down on the guest bed for some much needed cuddles. And then a kiss.

They were to stay like this for a while. Minutes? Hours? They didn't count. This was just too nice. “What's the plan, then? If things do get worse and worse? When do we just ... Stop? Do we even?”

Miret shrugged. "I expect shit'll hit the fan, and a lot of it, and soon." She shrugged weakly. "I expect I'll fight back and I hope you'll join me." She took a deep breath and managed a brave smile. "I already know others who will." She shook her head. "Not gonna let a little cabal of beard-stroking old men tell me what to do my entire life. For now, though," the yasoi concluded, "let's just spend some time. Let's just... love each other."

Zarina flinched. “Why would shit hit a fan?” of all the things Miret had said, this just stuck. “Is that one of your Tarlonese sayings?” a cheeky grin came with the remark. But soon she settled back into a tone-appropriate demeanor. “Of course.” was her answer with conviction, even if she was ignorant to most machinations from the upper echelons of society.

Hours passed. It had been dark out in Sawand for a while now. Zarina had fallen asleep with an ease she hadn't experienced in a long time. The Yasoi she clung to may have had a role to play in that. Very peaceful. It'd be the footsteps outside of the room that woke her up. “Mmmm ...”

It was on the eighteenth day of Miret'thilan'dichora's absence that Zarina made it up to the attic and opened the back window to let some air in. The room had formerly been occupied by Jamboi and, all-too-often, Penny. With the pair having gone on extended leave under circumstances that most whispered had to do with the bulge in the latter's belly, the room had sat more or less empty, though it was still Ashon's space and felt like it.

Perhaps Zarina had needed to take her mind off of the happenings in Mezegol or the summons of her mother or Marceline's ongoing retreat from the world. Maybe she was just cleaning because it needed to be done. the space was getting rather musty. In any event, she pushed open the window and there was a loud 'thump' that made her jump slightly, though she likely never would've admitted such except in the company of her closest friends.

There, handing from a tree and swinging gently back and forth was a gift wrapped with a neat little bow and a somewhat crude but very fetching little smiley face pinned to a clipboard. She recognized the penmanship - or lack thereof - immediately.

Upon seeing what had made flinch, she re-thought the notion of sharing this to even her best of friends. There are enough embarrassments to poke fun out of her anyway. That said, as silly as the situation was, the hanging gift with a message dangling by it. Her first instinct was not to seize it and instead look around her, the outside. Up, down, left, right, even under her feet. She was sure this wasn't there twenty minutes ago when walked home.

At the absence of any presence, Zarina's amber eyes took in the familiar quirks of the message dedicated to her. A simple smile, one that communicated the author without a single word. Another peek of precaution out the window, one dedicated to the tree more than anything - tree people, a hassle - before giving up and taking in the spoils of her discovery.

With the smiley-message put to the side after a quick check, the avaricious part-dragon couldn't help herself. She pulled the ribbon and started to neatly undo the wrapping ... Until five seconds in and she got impatient. To shreds.

Inside was a strand of Osaian ribbonwood, imbued with manas in the manner of Tarlonese woodweaving. It was thin and flexible and slightly translucent. Attached to it was a small note that twirled in the breeze as Zarina held it.

"Dear Luuchii,

I miss you more than words can tell: your cute face and your hidden sweetness and your big ideas, so I begged my aunt to make you this so that we could be together. It's more than just figurative, too! The ribbonwood is a sanguinaire of a plant and it siphons manas. I let it bite me and take some of mine (maybe a fair comeuppance for a bloodsucker - now I know how it feels). They're in there and they can help whatever you use this for. I love you forever and always and I hope it helps you until we can be together again and for long after that.



P.S. Have you done your laundry lately?"


Zarina answered in yet another show of infantile habits. All with a massive smile that stressed her features, leaving her cheeks reddened from the extertion. The note was clutched close to her chest, her breathing exceptionally tranquil, as she leered at the peculiar plant. A sanguinaire plant, how macabre. And the visceral nature of it piqued curiosity. With some hesitation, she produced a gardening glove from one of the attic boxes she had stored and reached her hand out to the thing. “Now I need to figure out how to not have you eaten by my little feathered and fur babies, Miret.” she chuckled.

The plank was... a plank, having ceased sucking blood around the time it had been felled and carved. There was, fortunately, no danger, though its manas did seem to respond do hers immediately, trying to assimilate her colony, failing, and then settling for communing into it.

It was not too much longer, however, before Zarina found herself in the cellar, rooting around through baskets of unwashed laundry that she'd usually have used magic on or paid a washerwoman to clean. In the very back corner, after lifting one up, she noticed that something about it was 'off'. There was something solid in the middle, thumping around.

After a bit of digging and eventually meeting an anomalous addition in the dirty laundry bin - she did not revel in it whatsoever - Zarina plucked the next step to the treasure hunt. At first she was concerned with touching any of these, and still used her gardening glove. But then she realize this was Miret. Why so much paranoia? Rid of any unnecessary precautions, she extracted the next 'gift'.

There was a head of Eluuxo inside, only, it had a piece of paper with a little angry face pinned to it. "This is to remind you of what we will do when I'm back," the back of the note said. "Look your best for me, hmm?"

It was once again signed 'Miret', only in yasoi script this time.

"P.S. Have you studied for your Tinctures & First Aid exam?"

Zarina could only muster a dull stare at the cabbage. She dreaded the idea of somebody else accidentally stumbling upon it. The vegetable used for aphrodisiacs was quickly hidden away before she heeded the next 'clue.'

“Hah. Never a boring moment with you.”

Next stop was the the study where most of her course work and assignments were kept, including the practice tinctures. She opened one of the cubards under a shelf to find the box full of needles, threads, dried reagents and a few old instruction manuals.

There, she found another note and a smiley face with glasses and buckteeth. "Go to the library and take out that book we talked about, lazy bum. I love you."

Zarina rolled her eyes and capitulated to the mocking smiley's demands. The library was, well, a few feet away. The challenge was to recall what book was mentioned-

“Ah, right.”

The Greedy Dragon's Hoard, a young adult's novel about a dragon with immense wealth, a harem and the most beautiful of beasts. Eventually, one of his concubines burned down his den, and the melted gold melded into his scales, turning him gold and truly immortal. The book is mostly a variety of fables, ending with the dragon being far too heavy to leave his den. As to why they talked about it- Zarina was teasingly compared to the main character for reasons.

Zarina dug for the book and couldn't find it. Miret had returned it a few weeks ago, before leaving. Instead, where the book had been, was another note: "The Grand Library, dork. ♥"

Zarina let out a frustrated sigh. An exaggerated response given she was always smiling.

To the Grand Library! Where she sought the same book.

It was not so very long after that Zarina found herself at the Grand Library. It smelled of books and dust that sparkled in the Dorrad sunlight. Voices echoed up through the foyer and there seemed - always - to be a slight stench of pigeons at the uppermost levels, where they congregated about the great glass dome.

It was on one of these levels that she located her book, but she found more than that. There was a little bottle of plushtail oil behind it, with a little note attached carrying a worried face.

"Dear Zarina,

Please remember to drink this when it's that time of the month. I love you no matter what, but you're better when you're not trying to eat me... well, you know what I mean.



P.S. Have you cleaned the old dragon stables lately?"

Zarina took advantage of the tranquil nature of the library to give herself a brief break. Plushtail in hand, she contemplated whether to still take this game with joy or vexed that her lover hadn't just come and said hello. The thoughtful nature of the gifts and quips made her lean toward the former still.

After a quarter-hour of putting around, she headed to the animal farm - although not before killing two birds with one stone and acquiring meats from the local butcher. Dried, harder meats that were cheaper and quite lean. A bit too lean to be enjoyed by gourmands, anyway. The sack over her shoulder contrasted with her green silks, earning herself a few stares by gossiping lordlings and snarky commoners alike. She'd be lying if she said it didn't affect her a little, but she was keen on feeding her beasts herself.

Her allotted stables held three dragons: Alqasas, Thawra and now Sassy Xiao. The eldest, Alqasas napped and had grown wise to rushing in for food, knowing it was going to come eventually. Thawra was more like an eager dog - always wanting attention, and being hand fed. Being the smaller of the two Froabas, she developed quite the needy tendencies.

Then there was Sassy Xiao, raised wild but still a chick when taken in. She reportedly made daily messes in the brief time it had been housed.

“Oi, sit.” the rambunctious critter nearly lunged at its master out of a show of affection, but the size made the distinction between playing and predation very muddied. “No. NO!” Zarina took a quick step to the side and pointed her finger over the Emperor Kite's snout, nearly poking between her eyes. “Relax, and open wide, princess.”

In time, the three dragons were fed. While Zarina did so regularly, and went about all of her usual cleaning tasks as one might expect of a responsible dragon owner, she only went over the unused stalls once a month... on a good month. The last time had been shortly before Miret had been sent off to war.

Unsurprisingly, she found a smiling face gently carved into the cleaning bucket. Inside was a note left by her lover and a small bottle.

"This is Luudus Leaf shampoo. The Luudus plant grows in colonies along the southern edge of Nanoi, where it is rainiest, on coasts and islands of swampy inland lakes. It is a writhing vine and is known to eat people when it can. Harvesting it is an immense act of bravery and personal risk - no, I didn't get this one myself. I bought this from a vendor - and seen as a symbol of the importance of personal fitness and beauty. It is also the best shampoo that money - or a few fingers - can buy and will continue to clean your hair for two weeks after applied.

This is a reminder to always work as hard as I know you do, luuchii, but to look after yourself as well. While I'm right beside your snoring self as I write this, I imagine it'll be about a month until you find it and I hope you won't be too mad at me for being away for so long. I only ever cared about Tyrel and (kinda) Chad before I met you. You helped me care about myself and my future, about causes greater than me, about people who weren't yasoi, and - most importantly - about you. Do me a favour, would you? Space these out two days when you do the rest. If everything goes to plan, you'll have the best surprise of all waiting at the end of the last one."

Love you always,


P.S. Have you checked that Stella has been replacing the grinder filter regularly at your Proving Grounds location?"

The first paragraph was taken in like all the other letters, sat comfortably inside of Xiao's pen with the needy dragon's head rested over both Zarina's legs. Idle strokes kept the beast soothed and in partial slumber while the other held the longer note. It was the second paragraph that warranted a few pause. Embarrassment, loneliness, regret, want, fear. So many emotions flooded in at once. Her forehead met the base of her thumb, eyes closed in an effort to contain her feelings. She ended up letting only a sniffle escape.

“I miss you so much.”

Zarina whispered, prompting the semi-conscious Xiao to perk up for a second before falling back into comfort. “Other side of town, huh? Little shit.” the moment ended with a smile.

Respecting the request, the young beastmaster took the opportunity to do some errands - yet another task she usually delegated to hired work - by making the rounds through the shops and finally stopping at the Proving Grounds where her next message had be found. The last for the day.

The next day, after class, it was the Biology classroom with the fake skeleton - or at least she thought it was fake - where she'd find the next smiley-clue inside the skull.

Then it was the very first kiosk she had opened for Zenobucks. Inside the bin full of discarded coffee bags they returned to the merchants every two months for a light discount on extra shipping fees. The smile had a particularly smug look to it.

Initially she wanted to call it early if the clue hadn't led her back to her house. This one was easy to find: Riesco's mane had been neatly braided without Zarina's knowledge, and inside one of the braids was the next clue. There was no smile, instead the horse turned to perform his signature tongue-wag mockery. It never failed to make his rider burst into laughter.

Early in day two, the Virangish treasure seeker found herself at the Arboretum, by the tree where she and Miret had first met. Where she sought the shade after a botched three-legged race. “Where it all began. Corny. I love you so much.” she spoke to herself as she got to the tree and just took the chance to sit and watch the dawn kiss the city of magic.

While some of the surprises had been prepared and left waiting before Miret's departure, others had been slipped into place by a series of accomplices: a Seviin here, a Tku there, a Tommy at some point.

There didn't seem to be much here except a pretty view to make Zarina wax sentimental. That was when she detected a rustle in some nearby bushes. A quick energy sweep revealed no interloper - only the telltale signs of someone masking their energy signature.


In the blink of an eye, Zarina stood just a foot away from the bush, arms crossed and eyes glaring down at it. Her position was such that the morning sun cast quite the shadow over the bush and whatever was hiding inside. “Where I'm from, we castrate peeping Toms.” she smirked.

There was nobody there, oddly. Zarina looked around in tandem with an energy sweep and saw a note nailed to the tree that she could've sworn hadn't been there before. When she approached it, it read:

"Look up."

She mouthed it as she read and... there was more than her own voice. Gazing down at her from the branches, hair dangling like curtains to either side of her face, was Miret with a soft smile and cheeks flushed with colour.

“Nice try.”

Zarina cackled and fought against the urge valiantly ... Before obliging with a swift and twitchy movement of her head. “Oi!” she called out as she spotted Miret. “Do you have a loicence for that tree there?” she asked with a mediocre Enthish accent. Hands on her hips, she expected the object of her affections to come to her after trekking for two days.

Miret dropped right down on top of her. "Here comes!" she squealed, hoping to be caught.

Zarina scooped her up in a bridal carry and the yasoi laughed, leaning in for a kiss. "Sostrong," she cooed, "My hero!"

A total fluke, Miret's voice made Zarina's knees weak and the shows affection reduced her tense muscles into mush, and yet she caught the trickster. “Hah. I may or may not dabble in some shellfish lifting.”

She batted her eyelashes as they parted and she was let back onto her feet. "Like my little scavenger hunt?"

Holding Miret in such a manner, however, quickly got embarrassing. Far too manly of a role! And she feared her increasingly permanent bitchface was going to make her into one of these easily identified sapphic phenotype the girls would incessantly gossip over. Gently she let her lover back down with careful consideration. “Uh, yeah, a date's never boring with you, is it? I'm just going to say it, I can't one up you.” she raised her hands in surrender.

But she didn't keep the distance for long. A quick step forward and she was brushing up to her sorely missed partner. “What brings you here, Luuchi? All this way, just for me? I'm flattered, but really?”

Dear Honourable Prospect,
Has your life taken a turn? Do you seek thrills you have long since desensitized yourself to? Or perhaps you wish to start anew?
Whatever your creed may be, one of Sipenta's mythical and lost marvels beckons the ambitious, curious and desperate alike. Deep in the frigid tundras lies the oldest gem of this world.
An expedition like none other in history to unearth a legend that can make dreams into tangible reality. A chance for a legacy. A chance for a new beginning. A new era.
The Abyssal Forge awaits you.

Whether it was morbid curiosity, a search for answers or a last chance to find meaning, you signed your soul to the once in a millenia opportunity to be the first to discover the Abyssal Forge. Its secrets beckon so sweetly, the potential infinite. The way you obtained your invitation could be interpreted as fate, a pure chance encounter, but at the back of any reasonable person’s mind, you wonder if this wasn’t all predetermined.

All invitation holders were brought to an innocuous meeting point, different for each. One was in the centre of Varrahasta inside a famous inn, another in a shed in the middle of nowhere Meatu. The response to their signed letter was a simple map with no other instructions. Most would be suspicious, but why even sign the letter if one wouldn’t even entertain the opportunity? There were no signs of danger after rigorous scouting, after all.

But the forces behind the plot had no intention of being discovered. Once in the respective rendez-vous points were found, the sensation of ants on every part of the body overtook even the strongest among you. Resistance was futile, magic had been stifled far too quickly compared to the anti-magic devices encountered in the past. Before long, the ceaseless, horrible sensation reached the head, numbing the mind as it did the body. You would awaken some time later somewhere unfamiliar, reeking of old and dust.


You could hear the sound of static near you. It repeated in regular intervals. The sensation of ants was still there but duller. You could move, but your magic was near impossible to tug out without causing your extremities to ache and your body to falter. As you come to more and more, your vision becomes less blurry and the source of the electrical noise becomes apparent: A wooden box with gold-coloured metal meshes of a circular shape. A contraption like you’ve never seen before, barring perhaps a few similarities to Sirrahi-tech, but far more rustic. In short, it was a radio.

“Bzzzt. I- Bzzzt. See you are awake. Good.”

The box produced a masculine voice. It sounded mundane, unfamiliar to you, though the grainy filter and static veiled the finer details and intonation. Upon focusing on the box, you notice a set of egg-sized metal capsule containers surrounding it. Three for a couple of groups, and two for another. As you keenly gain in awareness, you easily realize there is one for each person with you. Along with them was an equal amount of oil lanterns.

“Before we begin, open these eggs and swallow the pill inside. Lest you wish to perish slowly as did countless others.”

Whether you were already outdoors or you found a window to the outside, you would at some point see where you truly are. You had likely heard of Halge Larchelon before coming, the city known to have housed the first ever great forge in history. Now a large and dead ruin in the shape of a crater. That isn’t to say what created the crater was the cause of the lifelessness, but rather this city was once built inside of it with a large tower, one compared to the Forked Tower, looming over all.

You could not see the sun, nor even the sky that you knew for that matter. A thick fog contained the borders and spread about in the city while the heavens were perpetually swallowed by a blueish cloud with only a dim light source East of the tower that never seemed to move. There was the occasional lightning and thunder clap from these unusual clouds.

It was cold. Not freezing, just cold. The wind felt unnatural, almost stagnant as if it had been the same gust circulating for a long time.

A city ruled by a dark, featureless blue, dull grey and unimpressive brown. No life to be found, no home to preserve, and thus nothing to love, hate or feel passion over. And with the absence of all life, death too became stagnant. Memories now mere dust with nothing being built for thousands of years. Nothing.

A city that even the Gods had forgotten.

Silence. Not even a gust of wind. Everything had died in what was once called Viiqii. All that remained was a crater of salted land and rapidly decaying matter. Matter that was once the men and women of this village, now gone without a trace. Cawiuo Zast, Selena Creighton and Qelen the elder were among them too. But what had claimed the very last morsel of this land’s soul was not the horror that had made it its nest. An amalgamation of the worst things in the Hells had baptized it with his arrival. Now, it is permanently scarred.

Arcaan’toras’aamii had witnessed it all and managed to keep his head. He would never know whether Belthagor allowed it or if he was insignificant enough to not even be noticed. The once promising land he had hoped to leverage for his clan’s long term prosperity became ground zero for the most repulsive and monstrous thing he had ever seen. His eyes were hollow and his gait reduced to a limp despite being physically fine.

He found his tent an hour later, partially destroyed. Inside was Yamo’nabal’fiin, kneeling before a body wrapped in blankets. His eyes were red from tears he could not hold back anymore as they met Arcaan’s. The Aamii did not have to see what was in the wrappings to know, but he still endeavoured to see. Suulii was in it, many veins bulging all over her body with her severed leg infested with now decaying plant life. Her eyes were closed, her chest did not move with a stab wound in its centre and she looked cold.

In a land where all distinguishing factors were devoured and brought to death, where it was neither hot nor cold, where nothing lived or died, the world had never felt colder for these two men.

Esmii’nesta’tawar had vanished without a trace while Niallus Saberhagen fought off the Smiler until the bitter end to save his friend. Both were considered dead, leaving many friends and family to grieve without bodies to bury or cremate.

Few, if any, would know what truly happened in Viiqii. History would sooner forget it over the grander war that was to come and the inevitable calamities the Grand Demon Belthagor was preparing for Sipenta. But those that survived, the precious few with still their bodies and minds, will remember this day. Where the beginning of the end was birthed.

It came from the Bog.

Until last year, the world’s balance was held and controlled by a select few people. Some held more weight than others, but their roles in world events were undeniably above any other formal ruler of the world. Some called them the Gods of the mortal plain, others thought of them as none other than mere tyrants playing the role of a God. But now the biggest players were off the board.

Hugo Hunghorasz - Slain by everyone that mattered.

The Emperor of Nikan - Slain by his own brother.

The Silent Monk - Slain by his own hand.

Optimate Pious XIII & Optimate Justine III - Alive and poised for replacement if the need arises.

President Sanfor - Allegedly still presiding in Missai.

Half were gone, the other half nubiles compared to the ‘big three’. She bit her thumb’s nail as recalled some of these events unfolding. Exhilarating. There were now the ‘New Powers’, some already near their peaks, others budding at an alarming rate.

Emperor Cascal’umi’anthan - Emperor of Tarlon and Supreme commander of the Grey Fleet.

Empress Esuul of Tantiac - New head of the Sanguine council, allying it with Tarlon.

Karim Harrachora - Hugo’s replacement in all but raw skill and power.

The Twin Emperors - Heads of the new Sanguine Council.

Volto Dorado - The head of the Volti, now making their move.

The Mad Avatar - High Priestess of Viisan.

Juulet smirked in satisfaction as she carefully noted that particular one down. The best was saved for last, though in spite of her megalomania, she knew something was missing in this picture. It quickly broke that infantile smile of her’s.

The Traveler - The true wildcard.

She tapped her pen against her chin. Surely there was someone else of that calibre. Surely there was another extraordinary being to consider.

Of course, there was one that had been there all along. As she was about to jot it down above even the fallen ‘Gods’, the sound of a door opened prompted the one-legged Yasoi to perk up. None of the guests whom she could hear the footsteps could actually see her, instead they saw a dark chair turned opposite to them. It was one of those spinning chairs she was incredibly fond of.

The rugged man content with merely a tunic and other inconspicuous clothing spoke up. “Are you about to make a dramatic turn-”

Juulet spun her chair to dramatically reveal herself to the group of guests.

“Greetings! I’ve had shrimp prepared for this early supper.” the Yasoi opened her arms to display the long dining table before her. There was a silver bell over each plate where the guests were invited to take seats. “I was real hungry, so I figured this big meet would go well with the yums.”

Viktor, briefly known as Felix, shrugged as if this was routine and took a seat to Juulet’s right. To her left sat a Yasoi of about her age. Facial features suggested more masculine traits, but the build and long brown hair leaned feminine. They grimaced the moment Juulet opened her mouth and sighed in exasperation when offered a seat. They were also the first to remove the bell, revealing large, roasted prawns with a healthy amount of spicy sauce on them.

“Where’s Merit?” inquired the androgynous individual, the voice revealing without a doubt that he was, in fact, male. His voice was dry and demanding, but he didn’t raise it nor come off as downright aggressive.

“Busy.” replied Juulet. With a bell removed, she had given herself permission to indulge after setting her notepad to the side. “She’s met with our special guests already. We’re here to discuss business with ‘em.” she munched away with little regard for manners. She was a goddess, such petty worries were beneath her.

“That way you can burn away all our credibility again after all the work she’s done? You never cease to amaze me, babe.”

“Shuuuut the fuck uuuupppp Calion.” whined Juulet, surprisingly composed for how she was being talked to. It looked more like siblings bickering than animosity, at least from her. Calion, on the other hand, had a hint of venomous animosity in his eyes.

Viktor completely zoned them out and indulged in his meal as would any man used to the outdoors - mostly using his hands to peel the shrimp.

There was another participant that had entered last. A man adorned in fine Rettanese silks with the attire itself reserved only for the highest class within the capital - The Exemplars. Clad in a mixture of gold, green and brown, this round-faced, clean shaven man looking to be in his forties employed proper etiquette from his region, from using gloves for his hands when needing to touch the foods to expert use of chopsticks.

“Anyway,” Juulet took a bite from her grub without even bothering to decorticate. “I wanted to lube us up before the big welcome. Namely with discussing dear Viktor’s report. And also I’ve had the best fookin’ idea ever.” the accent slipped there, just a little bit.

All three raised a collective brow to that.

Juulet cleared her throat.

“Viktor, I see here our guy Don Balls kind of had it coming. That kind of leaves us in a pickle, don’it?” she cocked her head like an overly naggy teacher reprimanding a young student.

Viktor shrugged one shoulder, his interest clearly geared more toward the tricky shell of the prawn he had in his hands. “He was dead before I had arrived.”

“Yeaaaaaah, but you fucked up with controlling that thing. It slipped and screwed around and now here we are.” her wide and crazy eyes peered deep into Viktor’s hollow soul.

“It did.” he answered, staring her down without a change in his demeanour.

A silence reigned briefly, only for it to be broken by Calion.

“Wasn’t that what we wanted?”

“... Yeah, but the results aren’t to me liking. I gotta blame someone.”

Calion rolled his eyes. “If it’s such a big issue, find someone else to hold your hand in that adventure down south.” Juulet glared his way, he returned the favour. “That isn’t me.”

Juulet huffed and crossed her arms. “I’ve had another job for you anyway.”

“You’re not my boss.”

“Kind of am. Anywho- Now we’ve got all this nice info on our green pet project, but a new actual issue arises.” there was a shift in tone in the mad avatar’s voice. All eyes were on her now, including the mysterious Rettanese man who seemed frankly out of place. “The Big B is out early. We’re going to adapt.”

A new voice spoke. “If the Arrogant One’s presence is a true concern, then we would have been mobilized to silence him.” the regally dressed man spoke with perfect Avincian. “If no such thing has been ordained, then the matter must be settled. I believe Mister Strauss has performed his duty and retrieved the essential information we had been seeking.”

Juulet kept quiet and had nothing witty to add. “Hmmm. Sure.” she reached out to pat the Magusjaeger’s forearm. “You did good. For a guy that’s died like four times.” she snorted and Viktor chuckled.

“Let’s get the other part done hastily, please.” complained Calion.

Juulet clapped her hands. “Oh right! Thanks Cally!”

Calion groaned and rolled his eyes. He detested that name, and her.

“So, I met this painter guy, right? Total pushover artsy type. He had this cutest rock-person! And it could shoot a big laser too!” her gestures were trying to capture both the smallness of the construct and the flashiness of the blast. “And so I thought, how could I get one of those?”

“Golems. Ersand’Enise has recently integrated them.” spoke the Rettanese nobleman. “An art specific to the Dark Mages of West Callanast.”

Juulet pointed the man’s way. “Yeah, that! I saw how BIG and AWESOME they were during that big kerfuffle of revolution, soooo …” a big grin with nearly lidded eyes was directed Calion’s way.

“... What?”

“Sooooo I thought maybe we’d get a few of our own. And what better place than the source. That art Yanii mentioned a place called An Zini or something.”

“An Zenui.” corrected Calion.

“Sure. I figured you’d be the best suited to filter out the best of the best and retrieve it for us~” she leaned toward Calion’s, almost rubbing up to him like a cat. “C’mon, say yes, before I gotta put on my boss pants.”

The male Yasoi pursed his lips and, after brief deliberation, shrugged. “Not the worst idea you’ve had. And keeps me away from you. I’ll do some recon.”

An excited Juulet clapped in celebration. “Fan-fuckin-tastic! We’re going places, I promise. Just a few more steps …” she bit her lip in anticipation.

“Oh right!” she shuffled on her seat to adopt a more proper posture. “I think our special guests are here. Let them in!” she called out to the doorman upon sensing a cluster of unfamiliar energy signatures. Three sets of footsteps entered. All Yasoi. Two women and one man.

“Welcome ladies and good sir, have a seat. I, Juulet’oli’muustii’zan, High Priestess of the Nation of Viisan, humbly invite you to my table.” she opened her arms and nodded her head in respect, though she didn’t stand.

Cherii'cola'caliman and Arsii'cola'sevenuup were first to find their seats, with the martiarch Leluun’dorii’cola taking the spot opposite of Juulet.

“And we would be delighted to discuss how we can help you settle a few misfortunate scores.”

Zarina materialized atop the now slain thresher corpse that remained afloat, partially kept afloat thanks to the hooks many of the ships had planted upon it. Her hand reached into some of the bulging guts by its jaw and drew the obscenely large buster blade as if it had always been her's. With a single hand, no less! Albeit with the help of the gift and the unnatural physical might helped too.

With the grotesquely large cleaver over her shoulders in an all-too-cool pose, the partially transformed wildblood overwatched the vultures now plucking the corpse for winnings. Vivid, near-reptilian eyes glowing with a golden hue scrutinized all those that bothered to dumpster dive. Trinkets and baubles were fair game, but there remained hazards she trusted none with after the recent developments. Not even her own allies.

It was a while after Zarina took her watch that she heard the thud of a chest dropping at her feet, the top flew open and a few loose coins clattered out. Leon stood on the other side as the kind donatdaer of such loot. "A tribute for the fearsome dragon." His smile was apologetic. If Zarina had half the greed she jested to have then the problem would be solved, but the performer knew it wouldn't be that easy. A gift of gold was simply a consolation prize to the loss of her plan.

He stood there beside her and took in the Virangish girl's defined draconic features. This is the strongest he had seen them so far, even more than in the Forked Tower.

Zarina peered down at the chest. With a light tap of her boot against it, the bowels ripped open to present the winnings. One coin stood out, one she drew in her mind to compare with another coin she prompted into flight - a silver coin with the same face on both sides. “A bribe.” she remarked, her voice quite nasally to accentuate the unimpressed nature of her reaction. “Really, Leon?” she rolled her eyes and did not seem to have any qualms in pocketing that one valuable coin after a brief comparison. She hadn't rejected it, at the very least.

“If you're going to say something about how you wanted to save lives-” she raised her hand and waved in dismissal. “Save it, I already know.”

"An apology." The performer squatted down and begun picking the scattered coins back up into the chest. "But I won't deny you the sense of dignity. I'll put the rest toward something good for us all, I never had much care for money." He went to close the lid.

Leon paused, Zarina had beaten him to the chase. "I won't bore you with the repetition, only that I doubted myself when I saw your plan having almost succeeded. I was ready to join you and ensure it's success. Then it started drawing again..." He put a hand on her shoulder. "I wasn't sure if it had been sedated enough and I saw students nearby it, you most of all. Who knows of I made the right call, but I did it to save your life Zarina." He retreated the comforting hand. He had no clue how the dragon would react to that. Not with flames, he hoped.

Zarina raised her foot and pressed it upon the chest's lid, closing it and preventing it from budging. “I may act offended, that doesn't mean I'm above taking your advance.” attempts at veiling her smug satisfaction had failed. A sharp-toothed smirk reigned supreme on her expression. “It will go to a good cause.”

Reptilian, almost snake-like, eyes peered toward the hand that touched her. No sudden movement or reaction of great aversion. Only an uncomfortable and frigid look. “Of all people, Leon,” the blade over her shoulders was planted back onto the thresher's carcass and she leaned her shoulder against the flat surface of the massive cleaver, arms crossed. “I'm not the one you should fear for. In the blink of an eye, I can be gone. With animal-like brutality, I can rip off a thresher's brain. No matter how small it may be.” she dedicated her gaze to the scenery she had charged herself with surpervising. “I don't hate you. I'm not even truly upset. But I want you to do something to dispel a doubt I have-” there was no eye-contact as she spoke solemnly. “Make sure your 'allies' are clean from the poison we've found here. Hurt them if you must. You do not want to appear as Revidia's dog. You do not want this to happen again.”

Leon held his hands up from the chest and gave a small huff of annoyance. He wondered if Zarina was getting a kick out of sending mixed messages. He rose back up. (If this gets posted, this chest exchange can take place before the other thing)

Leon shrugged. "And yet I feared for you anyway. I'm sure you would have done the same for me." His tone was no longer apologetic but conclusive, it was what it was. He walked forward to stand beside her and followed her line of sight, feigning the same vigil the girl had dedicated herself to.

"My allies?" He had to take some time to think about what she meant. He thought of the other Revidians on the mission, then realised that one hadn't been among the looters at all. "It's a generous statement to consider Trypano my ally. Myself and Rikard made a pact with her to ensure the weapon's destruction. But I suppose she has a short memory when it comes to allegiances, I don't trust her to have kept that promise. Its fortunate we will all return to the same place when we leave Zengali."

Before Zarina could reply, Leon raised a hand to cut her off. "Food for thought, Zarina. Do you think that this weapon would be entrusted to an expedition around Mezegol if it were the only copy?" He turned toward her and looked into her eyes with certainty and resolution. "Do you trust me, Zarina? Despite all this, do you still believe in me?"

“No, I'm willing to bet they have a festering supply.” answered Zarina as she turned her gaze to meet Leon's. “I trust your heart, less so your head.” cold frankness came with unflinching eyes. A mixture of disappointment and frustration, directed at the universe rather than Leon himself, was the concoction that created such an emotionless reaction. “The fact that they likely have copies of the stuff made the plan all the more important. It WILL appear again. It WILL spread. And we don't have a proven weapon against it, other than the same old.” a nasal sigh escaped her.

“That bitch - the creepy one - was willing to let my friend die in order to study some disgusting slime. She is not a friend to anyone. A book you can most certainly judge by the cover.”

When Zarina confirmed her trust, Leon seemed satisfied and allowed himself a smile. Even if it was backhanded, it was good enough for him. With a wave of his hands, he put a sonic bubble around them and went back to talking business. He thought about bringing up the fact that Zarina had also been willing to give lives to study a slime today. But what did that achieve? How did that benefit his goals? "Zarina, I don't trust Trypano for more than just that. If she has taken off with the weapon, she stands to support a regime that would take the lives of thousands. She will see justice for it, I swear that."

After his vow, there was a short pause as he pondered something. "Another thing to consider: if you retrieved the slime, what if you couldn't find an effective cure in time? The Sovereign Pact could get the weapon and now it is just a normal part of war, both sides will use it because they fear the other will use it first... Right now, it's contained to a small secretive group, but undoubtedly they take their orders from someone." Leon looked at Zarina and smiled sweetly for outside eyes, but the subject matter gave it a conspiratorial look. "Would it not be better for the weapon to be disposed of before it sees the light of day?"

Zarina cocked her head, and then an eyebrow. “What are you getting at, Leon?” her tone seemed challenging, but her gaze oozed of curiosity. “Such a secretive group would be ... Hard to reach. I would wager that getting such people out of the picture would have bigger implication for the world than the removal of a bad, bad plague.”

It was the kind of subject matter that justified the sonic bubble he put around them. Leon's expression was performative, he wore a kind smile while he spoke of dire subject matters. To the outside eye it could have been perceived as a private conversation for personal reasons.

"Being hard to reach tends to happen with secretive groups, but I'd wager we both have a pretty good idea on who calls the shots. Even if we somehow stopped the weapon here, another would take its place, and another. A man who condones such things remains in power so what happened here is just a battle in a greater war." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "Imagine if that man was replaced by someone kinder who would want this all to stop. Someone more popular to gain the support of the people. Someone, frankly, hotter." He gave Zarina a wink at the final jest to make it clear that that 'someone' was himself.

Ideas on who this replacement could be ran through her mind. It all seemed like a web of possibilities, many of which had their flaws but also their upsides. Then, of course, he used 'hotter' as a qualifier. The dullest of stares took shape upon the dragon's visage. “You? Really?” she scrutinized his form from top to bottom. She then tapped her thick nail upon the forearm he had extended toward her shoulder. “Are you even Revidian?”

"You have such little faith?" Leon was beginning to get tired of Zarina's mean mugging and his smile started to fade. He retracted his hand back and faced the scene of the thresher's remains. "It's simple enough really, I just need to marry-" He caught himself with a grimace. "Well, I'll find a way. If it is a matter of the people's support, I already have it and I'm Revidian enough... I don't plan to let the possibility stop me. I have the ability to change things, Zarina, my goal hasn't changed since the Forked Tower. This is the route for me to do it."

“I devoted my faith to a God that ended up being a guy in a big parka playing games in the trials. And I'm also not in the best of moods.” Zarina's eyes took in the gore that Leon had been watching, emphasizing the source of her discontent. “You alone won't make it. The great and mighty Hugo tried, and look what happened to him.” her crossed arms tightened around herself. “So I'll be skeptical. For your sake. You've got enough Yes Men. It's the least I can do as your genuine ally.”

"Well there's a big difference. I hop around and play games in the Trials and people only have more faith in me." He chuckled the thought away. "But your right, Zarina, I can't do it alone. I'm not even entirely sure you can help with this, but I told you anyway... I need you on my side and I don't want to let something like this get in the way of it. So trust me that justice will be done."

Leon shifted his eyes toward Zarina and tilted his head slightly to her direction. "We have an entire world to change, let's not stop that here. I don't think I'll get far without you staring me down on the occasion and letting me know my wrongs." He explained with an amused tone.

“Here's not the place for the details.” reminded Zarina as the vultures were piling up their bounties. One was missing, as expected. “But I'm with you.”

"I am happy to hear that." He said sweetly.

"Now!" he announced in a far more playful and upbeat tone. "As much as I trust you, I would rather minimise the risk of waking up with a knife in my back. So, we were actually talking about your love life this whole time. Me, being the nosy romantic, was prying into your fling with that Tarlon girl, Miret, was it? And of course, you were unimpressed by the poor timing, didn't want to talk about it, and told me to stay out of it. Agreed?"

"You may slap me if you think that'll sell it better."

The moment Leon finished and brought up even the the word 'slap', Zarina immediately seized the opportunity and raised her fist, arm bent in a ninety degree angle, to collide with his nose. Yes, she intended to potentially break it. Luckily they had binders up the wazoo.

“Great idea. Don't bring her up again, though. I'm still moody over it.” she warned with a faux-smile that was supposed to denote a another layer of fakeness. Although, truthfully, she did feel he had deserved some of it, tasteless comment or not.

Leon had extended his head forward a little to received the slap. He did not expect a punch in the nose and he recoiled back at the impact. "Ow, ow ow," he spoke through hands that cupped his mouth, "I had meant a pretend slap, Zarina..." He hunched over and expended some binding magic before rising again to a face that is perfectly fine.

"Honestly... this face is worth more than Zenobucks, you know." With a huff, he adjusted his clothing. Traces of blood on his hands indicated that it wasn't Zarina's blow being poor but more Leon's proficiency in cosmetic binding that had his face come out alright.

Then, when the silence took in, Leon realised it probably wasn't right to bring up. "... I'll keep her name off my tongue. But don't be afraid to let me know when you need help. I'm quite the asset in that regard and I do owe you a few favors." With that he rose a hand, clicked his fingers, and the sonic bubble dissipated.

Velles 19th

Location: Zengali - Mezegol
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: Evening
Characters: Zarina, Biby, Horus, The Blue Beauty, Ayla, Taleja @Ti, Vuvu @dragonpiece, Leon @Jumbus

Like an orange blur, dusk had passed and made way for the clear, starry skies of Severa. Before she could regain some lucidity, Zarina found herself gawking at the burial ceremonies from afar, shoulder leaned against a tree and overall looking mightily suspicious. How did she get here? The details of it she could hardly recall, like a routine she had done a thousand times. But she was there, body restored but mind not quite whole.

Widows cried, men lost their bravado and children stayed strong from their hurting, singular parents if they didn’t join the mothers in anguish. It was like any other funeral, with the themes of the sea not unknown to the coastal girl. She owed it to the men that had lost their lives to be there, but she did not have the courage to, as an outsider, impose herself as the one who couldn’t have done more. She knew they wouldn’t see it that way, but it was a good excuse to save herself some more grief.

A smart decision, she had come to find, as all this time lost to an ailing mind had produced a most curious fruit, still fresh in the mind and intangible - begging to be made real. Inspired, and with the sounds of celebration in the horizon, Zarina had a mission.

One blue chicken. Twenty seven contestants. One Virangish. One little Hippoboi. One shadow.

Zarina stood among veterans and savvy locals, a fish quite literally out of water with a strange animal in her bag. In an act that resembled a certain degree of self-consciousness, she left the bag onto one of the many tables used by the people to share the many feasts shared for the event. There was a conspicuous bump inside of it.

“Winner gets the chicken?” she inquired with a lazy index finger pointed at the animal’s cage.

"That is right missy! But she is a favourite this year. Will you be bringing a team?" the young host inquired with immeasurable cheekiness.

Zarina shrugged. “I don’t think so, no.” her gold hues brushed through the many that had now taken the role of gawkers. “More glory alone, right?”

A wave of chuckles and snickers resonated in response.

"Courageous! You are taking the true gauntlet. Know you will have to do so without magic. Are you still ready?"

“Hmm? Oh yeah, sure.”

The other contesting didn’t stop in their condescension.

“Delusional foreigners again, the thresher has them all worked up up there.”

“Brave girl, heh heh.”

“Laugh all you want, we still have all these fools to deal with.”

Before long, they were all set to begin the game. Once the shot was fired and the panicked chicken unleashed, all sprinted, including Zarina. She was going to play the game like anyone else, there was no doubt about it.

Many frontliners already met some unfortunate accidents with their overzealous efforts to catch the unusually swift and rowdy avian. A couple already gave up after feeling the pressure from the over two dozen men and women. Zarina, looking to still be in some zoned-out state, simply stayed with the peloton. None had gotten too close yet. Not until a good six or so had blown off the event in favour of another opportunity opening.

The fat had been trimmed a little. And then the first incident occurred. A young and athletic woman just … Didn’t feel all that energetic anymore. Like she hadn’t slept all night. She nearly tripped! Eyelids heavy and calves a tad number, she opted to sit out. The same happened to some of the more aggressive runners.

Soon enough, Zarina was one of the more invested players by simply remaining content with her job. The mages sensed no real drawing from her form, or any participant either.

They were like flies. Eventually, only a few not-so-threatening obstacles remained, and of course the chicken. The lazulite avian she was keen on saving - none could doubt her reasons, as a Darhannic. Given that a few of the drowsy and worn out contestants were also aligned with such a goal, suspicion had no real direction. The chicken faltered too, barely able to flap its wings and scratch an unburdened Zarina from gently sweeping it into her arms in a maner that it quickly found a desire to roost.

A winner, one that many were unsure to celebrate for. Well, the contestants anyway, but the cheers of the audience that had been paying as much attention to their meals, ware and other events as the competition itself wailed with their vuvuzelas.

Chicken secured, back into a cage for the Virangish to claim. So too was another avian - a black one that had been hopping from rooftop to rooftop with a little something in its unusually dextrous wings.

"Zazzy Zazzy! I follow! FOLLOW!" rapid nods came from the pitch black monkeybird holding none other than Biby.

“You did a very good job, Horus.” praised the mildly content owner. Biby, on the other hand, was antsy and quickly hopped back into his portable bag-home, while Horus was allowed to visit a few colourful things before being brought back home for bedtime.

Zarina’s grand revelation brought her to the next destination: Vuvu. Few foreigners found value in these obnoxiously loud instruments. The Virangish was no different. But there was something they were good at: Being loud and far reaching.

A sack full of magi was dropped before the Vuvuzela queen. It prompted a curious set of blinks from the woman. Nearly a hundred of these coins! For vuvuzelas?!

"M-miss!" the great Vuvu, said to be quite the terror, was caught off guard. "If it is a joke, it is of bad taste! After a funeral, Stagfulaizah ahidi …"

“Not a joke.” said the teen with the regally blue chicken still in a cage held in one hand and a hipped sticking out of her bag over the opposite shoulder. She smiled. “I want as many as you can offer. And a carpenter. I definitely need a carpenter.” the way she talked, one would think monotone, but it was more so overly casual for the situation. Crazy was one’s first conclusion. Was this why so many had died?

Vuvu furrowed her eyebrows. "No. I don’t trust this money." she waved in dismissal.

“Why?” a confused Zarina tilted her head.

"It’s suspicious, and I have a reputation to maintain! What if others want a treasure from Vuvu? Eh? Today is not a day for greed."

“Vuvu.” Zarina spoke after a brief pause. “You will be the hero of Zengali. I know you will. Your Vuvuzelas are the key.” she spoke with conviction and a completely unflinching expression. “I need at least twenty. And-”

A finger rose for Vuvu to stand by and then it reached for the inside of her top - a leather jacket that resembled what many other sailors wore. Out came a black scale - or rather a fragment of one. One of a kind, unlike any dragon scale one had seen before, and Zengali had its fair share of exotic animal imports.

"Is this to, as they say, sweeten the deal?" a sceptical Vuvu regarded Zarina, wary.

“No. It’s my bail for your treasure.” the item was posed right by the bag for the woman to claim. “I will return it. You can keep my treasure.” a more expression look came to be, one that pleaded.

Vuvu reflected for a moment. What did she truly have to lose?

A questionnaire was given, but attention was diverted to the sheer mass of popularity the Mbita and Chika service had garnered. Slow business, but good business. However, Zarina did not have all night. A breather was perhaps not the worst idea, and the fabric she was about to propose was going to be tactically used to usurp some attention.

Then appeared familiar faces. A blonde girl, one she had far too much fondness for despite the glaring flaws and warning signs. A distraction. A deterrent. And then there was another blonde, this one a man. A ghost, she felt almost. How? She did not know. Was she growing delusional? Was all this just some massive daze? Or did she die from the thresher attack?

The fabric initiative had to be delayed. A disruption in her unusually smooth plan. Where to next?

The chicken woke up. She could not think. A break was in order - an excuse to go back to her group’s retreat. There, she’d find Taleja, and ensure the cup had fallen into her scholastic hands. From there, the intellectual of the group could reinforce her theory. But the night was not over. There remained one more step to her operation.

For an established socialite and rumoured dancer, Zarina failed to deliver any sort of notable performance. The festival raged with energy and she partook enough to avoid ringing any concerning looks, but there was little excitement in this one's spirit. Monotone and distracted. Anxious, even. Information on the recent incident had spread with the memorial ceremony she felt obligated to attend. It was no surprise that, once she had found the boisterous Sun King between tents, hidden in plain sight, she lacked the distinct excitement many others were keen on showing off before the big day.

“On a scale of one to that Enthish girl you brought over, how anxious has tomorrow really got you?” was her opening, a clumsy attempt at humour. Clumsy due to the poorly veiled fact that it was actually genuine. “I'm not feeling any of it.” she confessed, arms crossed and handbag slightly squeezed to her side. Inside rested a hippo that curiously studied the performer's demeanour. Uninteresting, it concluded, a total lack of yum. It hid back in to nap.

“I'm not quite sure what to do once we actually do the job, either.” and with this second confession, a blue ribbon wrapped around her index finger emerged from her hand that had been previously tucked inside her elbow. “I've asked Ayla to join us, if you don't mind.”

Leon practically frolicked up to Zarina still buzzing off the night's events. "Zarina, I would pick 0. But I don't believe that was an option." It was an exaggeration but not entirely untrue. The actual threat of the Thresher was the furthest thing from his mind, a confidence fueled by lacking knowledge.

He extended a hand to offer Zarina to dance but she retracted a little. It was then he took noticed of her crossed arms and reserved posture, then difference between them was night and day. Leon knew Zarina to be strong of both ability and will, so whatever had got her like this was not to be ignored. His expression turned to concern for a friend.

He considered asking if she was alright, but she spoke with direction, he didn't want to deter her from it for now. "Of course I don't mind. It sounds like we three have a lot to discuss."

Ayla approached and wrapped her arms around Zarina, giving her tall friend a hug. “So, you are our big bad competition, eh?” she teased. “The amount of factional one-upmanship when we all share the same goal is ridiculous. How are they going to determine if it’s a Sovereign Pact cannonball or a Central Alliance one that scored the killing blow? And ultimately, does it even matter if the threat has been dealt with?”

She sighed and looked at the pair. “Enough of my ramblings. What is the goal of our discussion?”

Abdel, Dayanara, Qadira, Niallus, Oksana, Johann, the Yasoi 'Victims'

Velles 19th

Location: Zengali - Mezegol
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: Daytime -> Late Afternoon
Characters: Zarina, Biby, Penny @Force and Fury, Rikard, Yvain @jasbraq, Taleja @Ti, Guy @dragonpiece, Keanjaho, the rowing crew.


Captain Bean-Man

Off to the Seas

It Came from the Depths

Velles 19th

Location: Ersand'Enise - Animal Farm
Day of the week: Victendes
Time: Morning / Daytime
Characters: Zarina, Nu, Biby, Penny @Force and Fury, Rikard, Yvain @jasbraq, Taleja @Ti, Guy @dragonpiece

Zarina hovered over the calm, misty waters of the cordoned off deep sea section of the animal farm in search for both solitude but also a reassuring presence. It had been rough the past two weeks and she had just about reached the limits with people in general. The cool sea air reminded her of a time far less complicated.There were very few beasts to disturb her quietude in this section as they all preferred the abyssal depths and artificial trenches made for them.

There was one exception: A pair of black, beady and predatory eyes that emerged from the waters like that of a crocodile, albeit longer. Under them was a large shadow, one big enough to cover the area of a shed. It had been attracted by the familiar presence - prey, it always thought - only for it to float completely immobile once it reached the surface. The tune became familiar after a week. It meant food. And its mistress always provided.

“You’re a big, dumb and menacing piece of work.” she spoke after a breather without ending her tune. “But not vicious. I would even say-” the beast-mistress angled herself to ‘lie’ on her stomach while floating a good twenty feet above the water surface. “Innocent.” she tossed a large slice of tuna into the water, and it slowly sank into the behemoth’s antenna.

The woman that had approached Zarina had laid out the details before her group had been made known. If there was one student in Ersand’Enise to deal with such Behemoths, it was her. The whole conundrum had her wondering what could cause the sudden aggression. The reputation of these threshers lent one to conclude it was the norm but serial strikes on ships was deviant behaviour.

Her mind wandered into the possibilities, but each time she pictured the potential destruction and slaughter an abnormal animal could do, she could only imagine herself and what she would have done to that boy, Fiske, had she not been quelled beforehand. She was going to kill him without paying any credence to his side of the story, much like a beast would. Her eyes hollowed, mind divorced from her surroundings. It took Nu’s stirring, her Bluewater Behemoth, to snap her out of it.

“You’ve had enough.” she decided before dousing the critter with an unpleasant chemical spell to convince it the session was over. “Like clockwork.”

Too many parts of the equation were missing, she figured. These things did not want or revel in glory like humans, nor were they close to intelligent. With a sigh and without a solid hypothesis, Zarina dove into the trenches blind. For now.

The meeting Penny conducted had done its job: They were gathered and Zarina could get a feel for the group. A particular sight had her posture stiffen just a little more.

Yvain. It took a lot of willpower to not just utter that name with disdain. The guy had supposedly humbled himself, but nearly being blasted to death and causing the mess that had burned a few bridges for the teen that only sought to help would understandably leave one sour for some time.

Affiliated. Guy was neither hot nor cold to her. From what she understood between Penny’s recently revealed (to her) status and this guy’s position, he was bound to her. Still, the shady nature of this operation’s premise had any sort of politics make her anxious.

Unknown quantity. She saw the odd interactions between Taleja and Jocasta. Perhaps the most brilliant student of their cohort. Perhaps a mind over emotion was what they would need to crack this.

Good kid. Finally there was Rikard. A powerhouse and known quantity. Smart but a child. The Venomhand’s brains were going to be crucial to keep a plan going.

Princess. A leader, perhaps? Or was she truly the hothead some might have suggested she was? It was either her or Zarina that would realistically take the reigns if personalities were to matter. Given who attended, however, perhaps the old legged royal was the better pick.

And there’s me. Someone’s gotta know what they’re doing, after all.

“Agreed.” Zarina crossed her arms as she regarded Yvain. “Let’s keep the trigger-happiness to a minimum, even when that big thresher is upon us. The smart thing would be to keep it alive to see what’s causing it to go mad. Hopefully without hurting our misguided peers.” her eyes narrowed on Yvain. “Or even our own allies by mistake.”

Out of her messenger bag loaded with supplies emerges the golden head of Biby, the house hippo, fully prepared for a trip. Why did she decide to bring it? One would have to find out, or just ask. The young and smol beast yawned wide and curiously ogled at every moving thing.

“That said, if the port’s in immediate jeopardy, we kill it. Straight up.” Zarina declared, solemnly.

Gear: Hetzelburg Homburg, Conquistador’s Gauntlets, Many Moons Armband, a singular silver coin.
Currency: Ỽ5
Consumables: Puffchicken Egg Salad with spratz cream coffee.
Familiars: Biby
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