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What biting you? REDUX 2.0
Similar as before, YC is saved by MC after being bitten by a mysterious wolf and it transforms her into a She-Wolf. With no other alternative YC stays with MC until they figure out what to do. And whats the only idea they can think of? Use it to solve the mystery of her parent's death. Something wasnt right about how they died and there is more there. This leads the two down to a dark rabbit hole of werewolves, vampires, slayers and magic. What Else will they come across? And what secrets do they both have about their families?

Do it for him Redux!
It seemed like a perfect life! They were going to get a new house, the money was all saved up. That was....until they lost it all(Either by scam, a friend invested it to a shitty comany, or banking issue) now they wont have the house they dreamed up. To make the money back, she decides to do somethig she never thoguth of. Stripping. Though doing so in secret, telling him its a secretary job. She begins to however enjoy the job, loving the men watching her. Loving being desired and watching people dance. As well as seeing the kidn charms of the owner. Maybe this wont be a bad job after all
-Now whats different? Its a modern fantasy/mosnter girl setting. IE this wont just have humans but an assortment of fantasy creatures. Of course set in modern times. But YC will be a fantasy creature(Any of your choosing. Get creative ^.^)
Got some more things planned soon ^.^
This next Redux is VERY long bare with me

More ideas areto come ^.^
Animal Ive BecomeWhen people experience something so stressful and traumatic that their life is in danger and when they have no way out something happens where they transform into the animal that can most help them out in that situation. For example, what if a child falls into a lake and starts to drown? As he lays there on the brink of death he suddenly transforms into a fish and can now do so at will. The only problem (especially for kids) is that not only can you be granted that one animal during stressful and emotional times--but if you experience high and dangerous emotions like: Fear, anger, stress, excitement then you transform without any control of your own.
These creatures then have to struggle to keep it hidden in a world that uses and abuses them, anything from circus acts to killing them for their fur, even using them for experiments.
Which is where the bad guys come in, there's a Governmental Agency that specializes in this particular subject. They capture these creatures, place them through many trials and tests and if they survive then they are brainwashed into a secret warrior that does their bidding, if not then they are experimented on and killed.

MC is one who is on the run from them because he is Unique. Being one of the few who can transform into 3 animals instead of just one. What about YC? Well YC is one too. SHe can change into three different animals. However YC is essentially a wild woman, escaping to the forest when she was young. On a faithful day they meet, and he has to help her know what its like to be a human again. As well as deal with the government down his neck
REALLLY Craving the Surprise Engagement Redux idea
Have soem things I want to add to it later
Also have a HAPPY NEW YEAR
Seasons Greetings!
Got something new brewing
Stay tuned!
Happy Holidays everyone!
Thanks for staying tuned holidays have been busy so Im not gonna have time to make ideas, but I dont have much time to post the new plots or revised
Still working on ideas
Been craving a Fantasy, scifi or Harem rp.
I will work on ideas regarding those.
Of course send any ideas or questions you have to me!
Thanks for the interest!
Sent you a PM too!
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