Avatar of Zoey Boey


Recent Statuses

9 mos ago
Current im 24 now
10 mos ago
Back home. I need a breather, lol.
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10 mos ago
one more five horu drive to home...then ill stop spamming the status bar. promise. go back to only updating it once every few months
10 mos ago
back in my home state. actually a real nice hotel compared to the last one that had cockroaches in the bathroom. so thats cool and good. ready to get home tomorrow. blehhhhjgkjgkjhatk
10 mos ago
on the road
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Call me: Zoey, Boey, or Zoey Boey
Pronouns: She/her
Homestate: Texas
Time Zone: Central Time
School/Work: In person college
Age: 22
Birthdate: the bizarre summer of 1999 (literally)
Available: Usually. but especially on friday-sunday. most of the time.
Available available?: No
Means of Production: Seized
Liberals: Owned
Sunglasses: On
Products: Consumed
Justice: Shining
Sex: Repulsive
Ace?: Pilot
Part 6:... Over
Bread: Garlic
Water: Wet
Homework: Late
Giant rat: Making all of the rules
Spider: Manned
Grill: propane
Role: played
Taco trucks: On every corner
Ryu: Stanned
Street: Fighting
Fan Club: Lancer
Peanutbutter and?: Todd
Large Fries: Yes
Fried Chicken: No
Death: looped
Video games: unplayed
Ears: Ringing constantly
Sense of humor: decayed beyond recognition
Layers of Irony?: four
Favorite Roleplay: Dead
Stone: Free
Yognau(gh)t?: Yognaut
Wilds: Outer
State: Uncertain Until Observed
Dead: Walking
Hair: Short
Over It?: Not Yet Yes
Favorite Ending: Broom Closet
Coda: Begged for life purpose
Upper: Rising
Foo: Fought
World: wonderful
Attack: Dodged
Flash: Final
Piccolo: Three Guys Now

Most Recent Posts

In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Power Rangers HQ
Interactions: Everyone

Vallory gave a little thumbs up towards Clint. "Cool. That's good to know." She said. She was piecing this interesting dynamic together pretty quickly. There was clearly a lot of love between the Power Rangers but, they also hadn't hung out in a while. The fact that the Blue Ranger, Jordan, was sticking around proved that she might only be angry because she cares so much. Which was...nice. Vallory just hoped that Jordan didn't start caring about her too quickly. Vallory wasn't sure she could handle that much emotion thrown her way.

Vallory raised her eyebrows and proudly jutted out her lower lip at Ross's compliments. "Hmm. Well. Thanks, Ross." She shifted her weight onto one leg and put a hand on her hip, and flexed the other arm. "Queen of the castle." She tittered, leaning forward and slapping her hands together. Those two compliments particularly bolstered her confidence. Ross was basically saying she was Power Ranger material. Imagine that! Power Ranger material! That helped ease her doubts. She was apparently so qualified she was making Ross have doubts just by being in the same room as him. It was quite the boost to her ego.

When she thought about that last part a little longer, her empathy kicked in. "Don't sell yourself short, Ross. I think you'd make great Power Ranger material. You're super nice, and good with kids. And...you care. A lot." She tried and failed not to look down at Ross' hands which had been busted up earlier.

"And, like, heart is what really matters. The suit can turn anyone into a badass. This is like, Captain America stuff, y'know?" She tapped her chest. She glanced over at Sloane and screwed her mouth up to the side.

When Sloane spoke, she found herself in agreement with him. It didn't really matter whether or not her suit fit. Jordan asked her questions next, and, man, she didn't want to be rude, but she seriously didn't care about the landlord situation. She also didn't care about why Druidon were back, or what Charlie was up too in her apparent absence.

"Yeah, I'm- I'm with Sloane on this one. I think everyone who wants to suit up should suit up, everyone else goes home." She nervously punched the palm of her other hand a few times. "I'm ready to roll. Like, right now. I don't care if I'm only a Power Ranger long enough to get those people back. I can fight." She held up the Power Crystal. "I got this thingy. I'm all...synced up to the Morph Zone, or whatever. Let's go." She looked back at the Pink Ranger suit. She tapped the Power Crystal against the glass. She tried to find a way to open the pod, be it an obvious handle or seam or some kind.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
page 3 baby

Oh, dang. Was almost done with a first draft of a peppermint. Alright, I'll try to come up with a sunflower character. Might be tomorrow or the day after.
Ahoy there, saw this RP. Think it looks pretty cool so I'll be submitting a character and trying to get in. :)
i like jojo

Level 4: 38/40
Location: Shippy --> Fruit Finders
Word Count: 521
Points Gained: ? + 20
New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 19/50 Level up!

Sakura nodded, and then got a little excited. "Then he's probably alive! Those cats must have saved him!" The teenager exclaimed. It faded a little, though, as she anxiously rubbed the back of her head. She brought a hand up to the bow in her hair and her cat ears. "Man...I guess they can't save everyone, huh? Even if they're super good at their jobs." She held her bandana between two fingers and then rubbed at a back part of her hair that was still a little wet from her ocean dive.

Letting her arms swing, Sakura let some air out from between her lips. Now what?

Her eyes widened in genuine surprise as she saw Geralt absorb the spirit of the Harbor Demon. He grew, and grew, and grew, until he was ten feet tall, and Sakura found herself staring upwards. At onlt 5'2, the Witcher was now easily double her height.

"Wuhhh-" Sakura made an unflattering confused noise. Now he looked even weirder than Bowser. Geralt looked like a normal human before, and now he looked like...a giant? A pale giant. Wow he was tall.

"Umm. Well. Okay." Sakura said awkwardly. "Boy. Um. Well." She gave an awkward thumbs up. "Do you think we'll still be able to like, talk and stuff?" She asked. She ended up looking over at Luigi, who Link pointed out as Mario's brother. Luigi and Mario, from Mario Brothers. Apparantly, Luigi was kind of a jerk, and also, in a different costume from when she saw him at Alcamoth. Weird.

She perked up. "Well- good luck with your...transformation, Mr. Geralt. I'm gonna go help everybody find food. I'm actually pretty good at it." She had lots of experience surviving in the country side. It was actually pretty fun. She understood why most people didn't want to do it, but with her fighting skills she could pretty safely travel the world without getting put into real danger.

Sakura hopped over the side of the boat and landed in the water.

She literally gigggled like a school girl when she saw Link's shenanigans, but she skimmed on, trying to catch up with Peach and the rest of the potential foraging party. "Oop! Hold on!" Sakura rushed off at impressive speed back to the landed Atomos.

"Hi again Bella," she said as she ran by, into the Atomos. There she found her trusty student bag waiting for her by one of the seats. Picking it up she carried it with her as she sprinted to meet with the foraging party.

"I used to keep homework in here. But it's all gone, now. So, only room for fruit and stuff!" She opened the student bag- clearly meant for paperwork. She held it out towards Peach and the others. The inside was stained with various colorful splotches that had accrued as she carried it on her journey from the Forbidden Kingdom to find Ryu. Such a long journey had only ended yesterday afternoon. There was actually some berries of some kind in there already. Warm, dusty, squashed berries.
In Rangers 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Location: Power Rangers HQ
Interactions: Everyone

Clint's Power Morpher made Vallory smile. It was a honor to see one so close. She casually continued to play with the Power Crystal, not embarassed by her very practical testing of the power crystal. It didn't taste like anything. "Heya, Clint. My name's Vallory." She answered Clint simply. Someone was screaming, and Vallory became alerted.

She turned around and saw Ross with bloodied hands, and she frowned. "Jesus, Ross. Are you okay?"

Sloane made some jerk-ass douchebag comment again, but before Vallory could say anything the Blue Ranger, Jordan, popped the fuck off in a way that was pretty scary. And also a little disappointing, especially when she started yelling at the Green Ranger, too. She wasn't sure what she expected the Power Rangers to act like, but it wasn't this. Weren't they supposed to be friends?

The Purple Ranger calmed everything down, kind of. Vallory wasn't sure if she was mad at her, too? Even though the Power Crystal was fine, she found herself wiping it off with her tied up Starshine t-shirt anyway. But, whatever. If it had been secretly candy she would have looked really smart.

"I got my own car. I'll meet you there." Vallory said, surprising herself with how calm she was.

As Vallory crouched into her simple black car, she pulled her phone out of the back of her jean pocket. Yes, they were mens jeans. Whatever. She texted her parents to let them know she was okay since they would undoubtedly find out about this event soon enough. If she was going to be disappearing on some secret mission she would need her parents to know she was okay.

Flicking the pink Starshine rearview mirror ornmanet for good luck, Vallory followed the pick-up truck out of the community center and apparently, to her new homebase.

As she drove, she briefly considered what she was doing. Was this really happening? Her life had suddenly taken a drastic turn from it's previous trajectory. But as someone who believed in destiny, she reframed this turn of events. This was always her fate, she just hadn't known it. Besides...it made sense. Deep down she might have been waiting for something like this. All she had ever wanted to do was help people. To be a hero. She played the face, the hero, in the ring, to satisfy that part of herself. Now it was real. That was that, she supposed. Vallory Vance was the new Pink Ranger.

It looked like they were holed up in an old GENESIS HQ. Strange, but, it worked. This implied the old base wasn't available anymore. And Vallory hadn't seen any of the other Rangers. And given that Red, Black, and Pink were available colors...there were only so many conclusions to be drawn. It was all too much to thoroughly process right now. Vallory would just have to take these issues as they came up. If she got overwhelmed, she'd be no used to anyone.

Once inside, Vallory decided to try and focus on the hype factor. At the same time, she really wanted to go save her friend and the other hostages.

Still rolling the Power Crystal between her hands, Vallory walked over to the pod with the Pink Ranger suit. Running a hand over the glass, being this close to the Pink Ranger, was a strange feeling. Because now she was the Pink Ranger? Compartmentalize, Vallory! Compartmentalize. Don't think about it too hard. Just rush headlong into it like you always do. It's worked out for you so far, hasn't it?

"Uhm," Vallory raised a hand. "Ms. Charlie- Purple Ranger- Ms-, uh." Her voice was too quiet. She cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. This is- this is a huge honor, by the way. It's just-"

"Will the Pink Ranger suit automatically...change sizes?" Her head was well above that of the previous Pink Ranger's height. "I'm okay with wearing tight outfits but..." She trailed off.

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