Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Marius instantly slammed on the brakes when he saw the child out of nowhere come into the front of the car. Even more so after Kiri's sudden warning.

Unfortunately, Marius was caught off guard at the worst of times. As he hit the brakes, he tried to turn away from the child.

But as he did so, all he heard was the "thump" of the car hitting something or in this case, someone.

"....s***...not a good first day on the job...", Marius said, his face slightly pale after what just happened.

He immedately got out of the car to check on the victim he just hit. Most likely it was Mai now that he had a few moments to compose himself and think clearly as to what happened....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 27 days ago

"I don't see why your daughter could not come along" Flint muttered placing his glasses back on his nose.
"I look forward to meeting you again" With that Flint began to walk away, deciding to not say anything about Yuki pretending that not going to the meal was a bad idea.
"You know you should try and be a bit more serious, we are fighting for humanity you know" Flint muttered to Yuki as they walked away, They have had similar conversations in the past so Flint decided to drop it with a sigh
"Where are you off to now?" Flint asked wondering what they would be up to before the meal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Bye bee!!!" waved Yuki to Seikou, Akane and Hizumi, walking away with Flint. He muttered to her about being more serious. "It's because we are fighting for humanity that we should lighten up and enjoy ourselves with our free time." she replied. Since he sighed, she knew he had dropped it.

Flint had asked where she would go now. "Hm... I don't know ... is there something you want to do? There's still a few hours till the meal." She replied to Flint. Yuki walked ahead of Flint and was walking backwards. "Want to head for a game center or something?" She asked him. It had been quite a while since they had gone to one. "Or perhaps bowling? Oh right, we should tell Okaa-san and Otou-san about our dinner." Pulling out a phone, and sent them a text message saying they would be having dinner with Kiri.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Kiri managed to attempt to stop Marius from hitting the girl too badly, but to say the least it didn't matter at all in the case. Impact was impact, and even with the seemingly bolting with speed Mai, flying out of the car to try to save her friend, the damage may still be high. She moved to flip open her phone, calling in a few contacts of hers before stepping out of the car closing it rather quickly and adjusting her tie on her suit. Though she would have wished for a better event, for now she could have this poor child transferred to her housing. “Is she okay?” She asked aloud with a seemingly calm manner as she continued to approach the group consisting of Mai, and the child. She looked to Marius whom seemed to be rather annoying about this on his first day.

“It's fine, the child came out too quickly, and even if I was able to react, the light...there was to many possibilities to allow you to do anything. Blinding is a leading factor in hitting people, though it's not like she's dead, so we managed that much.” She looked to the two together as she continued her pace towards them. It was annoying to her that they hit them, but it would work for now.


The detective looked at the both of them for a moment, before looking at the possible ID's presented. “Well we need you guys no matter the case. There has been a string of vanishings occurring in the area, and i'm believe it may be connected to one of the anti-cursed children members. Of course we aren't entirely sure. There are a few cases that hover around here. More so when it comes down to the occasional Gastrea. As I can see miss Nomura isn't here yet, i'll just have to take you 3 closer to the building for the moment. I'll talk you down some of the investigation information we have on the building. And what we managed to gather before even entering it.” the man stated calmly.

“I see.” Hizumi stated, leaning on his hip for a moment and looking to his partner then to the seemingly even newer blood to the company then him. “Well? You ready for this? Or do you want to wait for Miss Nomura here? Either way it's not going ot be too much of an issue. We are only being briefed on their information.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 27 days ago

Flint looked to the young girl, he found it so odd that she could be so... normal... despite what horrid things she fights on a daily basis. He shook away the thought as he pondered what Yuki had said.
"Sure we can go bowling if you want" Flint smiled, feeling Yuki deserved the break. He went into his wallet and figured he had enough money as the two moved into the main street. The streets where a lot busier further away from all the action that had just occurred. This part of town was known for it's crime rate and so Flint was constantly on look out.
Flint glanced over to find a small girl sat on the floor, people walked past uninterested and as Flint and Yuki walked closer they could see the sign the girl had, it read:
'Need Food Please'
Flint felt terrible, she was probably a cursed child as it was common for them to be homeless, abandoned by people who think the cursed where disgusting and inhuman. A group of men walked over and began antagonizing the poor girl, knocking over her money can and telling her how disgusting she was.
Flint looked to Yuki and knew what they should do.
The pair began to walk over, the four men did not see them approach.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

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Takeshi thought about the issue for a few seconds before turning to Hizumi and beginning to speak.
"Well, if it's simply being briefed on information then it shouldn't be that much of an issue. I'd argue that seeing the scene might end up giving us a bit more information and gives us the ability to search it over. Entering may not be an option without more preparation, but we might as well search the area over just in case. That's what I think, at least." he said, turning to the detective as he finished. "If my co-worker is on board with that idea, then I say we move to check out the site of the incidents."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

When Flint was looking at Yuki, she angled her head, curiously looking at him. He then told her they could go bowling. "YAY!" she said. As they walked their way back, they went into a part of town which had a relatively high crime rate. It couldn't be helped though, they had to go through here to go back to the part they were from in the first place. They then passed a girl who had a sign that requested for food. As older men came to harass the poor little girl, Yuki was getting angry. Turning to Flint, she knew what they should do. Approaching the four men, her eyes turned red.

She wasn't going to hit them, because chances were, their bones would break. Taking out four retractable javelins, keeping them retracted, she spit on them. She wasn't going to stab them, only prick them a little, but that would be enough. Yuki's eyes returned to their normal color. Looking at Flint, she nodded, to let him know she would start and be quick to paralyze/poison. At times like this, she paralyzed/poisoned the people who would do such things, and let Flint handle the rest. The paralysis would vary from an hour to three hours on humans at this level of poison. Yuki silently approached the men, pricking them all with a javelin each. In a matter of seconds, they collapsed, their bodies not listening to them with the poison running through, disabling their nerves. Scoffing a little at the men, she approached the little girl, helping her with her money can. "Are you okay?" Yuki softly and gently asked, trying to coax the poor girl.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Everything was flashing the cars that past through the opening in the side. Her right eye seemed to sting a little just like most of her body. The sun shined down on her face just barely through the building of the city, two people could be seen headed towards her and the girl. She gave a glance at the other cursed child that was lying pretty close to her. She gave a small smile as she could see her chest moving up and down slightly ''I did it" she whispered softly to nobody. Mai didnt move at all trying to take the pain in for a second. The right side of her body was covered in scratches from the fall on the ground and her dress was all messed up.

The flashing slowly stopped and she could see kiri and marius approaching the two girls. She didnt feel like moving her entire body and kept lying on the same hurted side of her body the whole time. She only looked at the two with her left eye. Her vision wasnt clear at all it all shaked and it was half blurry "Kiriri I did it" she only moved her mouth while she kept trying to look at them directly "Kiriri I cant see through my right eye." She moved her hand towards her eye and could immediatly feel that it was bleeding. She moved her hand away and looked at her bloody hand with her other eye "it hurts" her voice sounded like there was no emotion in it at all. She turned her body around to show her eye to the two. A scar with only just a little bit of blood on it went from her forhead downwards to her cheek. She slowly tried to sit upright glancing towards the girl. Her body felt very heavy from the hit from the car just now "Is she okay" she muttered while failing to get up any further.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"...not good...I thought they heal rather quickly...jezz did I really...do this...?..."

Marius then had a nasty flashback...that fateful day that changed everything...that one order which would led to him and "him" at each other...being accused of treason...finding out the real truth behind that.

All because he couldn't bring himself to do something like this...and now, even though it was an accident, he felt regrets.

Slinging last gamble onto his back, he then carefully picks up Mai. He then looks at the other "child" that Mai had pushed aside.


Unable to ask her anything or even if she was a "cursed" child, Marius then looks at Kiri.

"...Kiri...I'm sorry for bringing this to the table working with you....your orders ma'am? Continue on or we find a place willing to give her medical attention? Bear in mind, I can think of only a handful of places that'll provide medical to C.C.'s-"

Marius then suddenly stopped and looked at the alleyway where that girl had come out. He then noted the two individuals starring...and perhaps realizing how badly they had screwed up.

"...HEY! DID YOU CAUSE THIS TO US?!", Marius yells.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeonNetallo


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Blinding light...then nothing. Thats all that kept replaying in her unconscious little mind. Lia had been knocked out after having been saved by Mai. Usually something like this wouldn't be much to a healthy Cursed Child, such as Mai, but Lianna simply wasn't healthy. Lack of food and both her splitting headache and her sensitivity to the sun contributed to her already poor health. When Mai had knocked her out of the way though she had tumbled against the pavement, scratching up her arms and face. She had a cut on her left cheek that was bleeding and the rest of her injuries were either bumps or bruises. Most likely more injuries, but that'd probably require a trip to the hospital to be sure. Her already worn school uniform was even worse, big tears all in it. After some time she slowly roused about the time Marius began yelling, pushing herself shakily up, she shut her eyes tightly trying to make the fuzziness go away.

The trash men stood in the alley stunned at what had just happened, they stood there jaws slacked. About the time Marius started yelling and Lia was coming to the garbage truck driver came running around the corner a metal baseball bat in one hand. "Where is that little cu-aah shit..." his voice petered out, his eyes locked on the intimidating man screaming at them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 27 days ago

Flint watched as Yuki did her magic. A crowd begin to form and so Flint Removed his Nomura Security Corporation Badge and began showing everyone. Repeating to the crowd that everything was under control.
The little girl looked up to Yuki, her eyes where grey and one lazily looked off into space "Im fine.." She said nervously shaking slightly at the events that unfolded. She was wearing a pair of ripped pants and a jumper far to big for her. Her hair was a dark brown and short.
The crowd Flint was trying to control began to become angrier.
"You cant do that!"
"That girl just killed those men!"
"Their dangerous!"
Flint continued to attempt to coax the people down, it was a reasonable crowd now but Flint saw an opening for escape "Yuki grab the girl and bring her home, I will sort this lot out" Flint yelled to Yuki over the crowds angry ramblings. They had began to move closer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Kiri looked to the young fox cursed child who was seemingly in massive amount of pain. There no need to seem to be anymore sad, then she was on the inside. No, she knew this was the situation. She smiled kindly to Mai, and walking closer to Marius, she placed her hand on her head, making sure not to press to much on any wounds. “You did well Mai, just hold your hands closed lightly.” She whispered sweetly as she noticed the people that were clearly in the suspicion list she looked over to the seemingly dying from hunger other Cursed child and walked closer to her. Grabbing her chin lightly to make her look at her, and she looked over her eyes. Checking by minor poking for reactions from her and then looked to Marius.

“You'll need to bring Mai to one of scientists in this region, also remember to tell them that the Nomura Corperation is paying for this. We'll pay full cost to bring her back. Tell them she also has...all her needed...papers.” She stated, it hurt her inside to have to leave them. But there was a few people she needed to deal with first. “Once you are done that, get 2 of the pmc groups to watch over her, and make sure we have access to the files. I want you to come back, and we'll deal with the detective then. We don't have much time, so be sure to use the car to full potential. Remember to switch out.” She stated after she patted the Cursed Child on the head. “bring her aswell. I'll send a contact to Flint and tell him about the situation. I'm sure he'll be able to set up rooms if need be in my mansion.” She stated as she pulled out her phone and walked towards the car. Seemingly to move rather quickly. Putting the phone on the seat she pulled out a handle and then a blade. Shining in the sunlight as it's master craftsmen ship was visible to the naked eye. “It seem's i'll have to interrogate some people.” she stated, her face never seeming to change into an angered form as she looked to the man who had come over from the corner. Pulling out another phone from her other pocket she pressed a few buttons on it, as it sent Flint a message in code explaining the situation. Atleast all he needed to know. She moved towards the man, walking past Marius. “Remember, every second counts Marius. The longer you are away, the less human some of these people become.” She finished before taking off towards one of the people. “SIR I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR BASEBALL BAT!” She screamed in a rather feminine manner as her fitness proved how fast she was. Closing the distance between the two rather quickly. Her face holding no hostility...aside from the seeming glowing blade that was being held back behind her.


Hizumi was glad the new recruit was willing to check it out on a more personal level. Though of course, Takeshi and him may as well just be in the same pool when it came down to experience. He looked to his partner who was seeming rather silent. But he could already tell that she was probably waiting for his command. She seemed to be rather, intelligent, in aspect that she was watching carefully his reactions. Almost as though she was trying to figure out the true him, instead of intruding on this conversation that seemed to not really take part of whom or what she did.

“It's a good call Takeshi.” he stated and looked to the detective who had been ready to begin the breifing. “We'll take a personal look at the situation in the apartments. I think it's best you keep your officers outside of course. Notify us of anything you see. I don't think you should come with us, as by protocol you can't be exposed...to it.” He finished as he sighed looking to Takeshi. “So we'll go in then.”

The detective merely let out a loose sigh. “Listen, you can't go in there and get killed. I know the black metal like stuff is what kills and harms them. But I don't want two newbies getting taken out okay? Normura wouldn't enjoy it, and nor would I. Just check out the inside. Take some pictures, and then we'll work it more out in a safe area. I've spent a good amount of time in the field so, I should be of some help. Remember, using resources is always a good and important thing.” He finished as he pulled out the key. For the complex. “We locked down the majority of the building. But you guys should beable to get in and check it out. Just remember that if it's still in there...or well if it's a person. Try not killing the person. We'd like to question them if they aren't infected.” He finished as he tossed the key lightly to Takeshi. “I know you don't have a partner, but just take it easy. 2 Promoters and one Initiator shouldn't be to bad.” he stated calmly as he pointed to some of the men who would follow them to the doors before they would break off from them. “Best of luck, and lets hope this is just a murder case instead of an infection...though neither are good, at least one doesn't bring out monsters.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aoi


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(Wow...double post >,,>)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

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Takeshi nodded as Hizumi agreed on the course of action, catching the key and pocketing it before rapidly unpacking the M16 from the case he was carrying, loading in a magazine of bullets and making sure that the gun was in good condition.
"Well, it never hurt to be prepared." he said, closing up the case and propping it up against a nearby wall. Taking a deep breath, Takeshi pulled out the key from his pocket where he had placed it earlier before walking to the doors and cautiously opened them up.

"I'll check first. You can lead, but I'd rather be backup without an Initiator of my own as of now." Wary of his surroundings, he opened the door wide enough so that moving in and out wouldn't be too much of a hassle and entered the complex, checking around to see if anyone... Or anything was inside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Smiling at the young girl, Yuki replied, "That's good. Now then, I am going to take you somewhere safe, okay?" Nodding at Flint's command, Yuki picked up the young child, carrying her on her back. The crowd was very unsupportive of their actions. Tch ... Being humane, just not something very human sometimes is it? Yuki thought to herself. As she was leaving one of the men started to roar. "FUCKING LITTLE BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO US!? GET BACK HERE SO I CAN FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" As he roared the crowd went silent for a moment. The other men started to say similar things.

Yuki then spoke out to the crowd, "As you can see they are alive. I didn't do anything. I just went to help a poor defenseless girl. That is all. I never touched such dangerous people." She sighed. Continuing on, she ran at the speed of a normal child, trying not to demonstrate any Cursed Child blood. This was to avoid parents from the school, or associates of her parents doing harming those close to her. Not far from Flint, she heard his cell go off. "A message? From who?" she asked, continuing on through the crowd, eventually getting out of their reach. So, where do I take her? Home or to Kiri? Yuki thought. She hid out in an alley, thinking about which was the best thing to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The sun was way to bright for her eyes. She squinted lighlty to see what was happening. The little wounds already started to recover very quickly. But the wpund on her eye didnt seem to recover that quickly it needed its time to do so. The two had decided to bring Mai towards the scientist in the region all the ussual stuff they did with her last promoter. It felt tiring to recover all the little wounds over the side of her body. Mai panted a little when Marius raised her onto his back and kept panting qhen she was onto his back. It was difficult to keep her eye open the whole time she also didnt sleep a lot yesterday. Thinking about what happened a few days ago wasnt the best thing to do while you try to sleep. She felt a bit embarrassed needing support from some random man that she just met and didnt completely trust. Suddenly she could feel a hand landing onto her head she looked up to Kiri in reaction and tried to give her a smile which didnt turn out to be such great smile. She gave a nod in reply and wrapped her hands around Marius his neck which was quiet difficult to reach and holded her hands tightly wrapped around his neck. She talked softly Into Marius his ear while her eyes slowly lowered "Im.. just going to..." she fell asleep before she could even finish her sentence. with Kiri screaming in the background she slowly nodded of breathing softly into Marius neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DarkRecon
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DarkRecon The sword that smites evil

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yes ma'am but if I may and now that I'm calm, I think you should come with...us..."

Marius's statement just trailed off when Kiri drew her sword and approached the individuals that chased the girl into the car he was driving. Letting out a sigh, he suddenly felt sorry for those individuals. He just hoped Kiri had enough sense to keep herself in check and NOT do anything rash. Plus, she was a big girl and even though she had her sword, she was good with it. He had only worked with her a handful of times but...he knew better than to think that she was a wimp.

Marius heard Mai speak to him as he held her but noted that now she was napping. While any normal person should stay awake after serious injury, Cursed Children were an exception to the rule from what he studied and/or observed. Still, medical treatment was still needed. Even more so if they were in danger of losing all control of themselves.

He then turned to the girl that Mai saved then asked, "Going to need your help. Have to drive REAL fast so I need you to watch Mai here in the back seat so that she doesn't get thrown around too badly...are you healthy enough for it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by solamelike
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solamelike Probably not even real.

Member Seen 27 days ago

The crowd began to get angrier, Flints phone went off but right now he was not in a good position to read the message. "Your not even a police officer, just a hitman!" One of the people said and the rest of the crowd seemed to agree. As Yuki ran past the crowd a man stepped forward to grab her. Flint ran over and swiftly and effectively punched the man in the jaw.
"Well now I've done it..." Flint muttered to himself as the rest of the crowd soon began to attempt to attack Flint.
He dodged a few punches and began to fight back, blocking sluggish untrained blows and retaliated with a few professional ones. It was easy... at first.
The crowd didn't seem to stop, there must have been ten people attempting to 'apprehend' him, and for each blow he blocked another would soon be on its way. His arms where hurting from the constant barrage and soon a few hits began to meet their mark. Flint tasted blood and gritted his teeth, quickly pushing off the wall behind him to make some room and removing his handgun from his Jacket, He fired two shots into the air and people began to scream. He could already see people getting to their phones so he knew it was time to leave. As the others fled he also did, running into the back alleys to avoid people.
His vision was blurry as his eyes watered, the taste of blood didn't help either and he had a pain in his stomach. He stopped running after a few minutes, panting and spitting blood. Despite what he thought, he wasn't indestructible after all. He sat down and began to rest, caressing his arms as they stung. His adrenaline wearing off and the full pain hitting him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Little_ninja


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Poking her head out from the alley, Yuki could see that Flint was getting beaten and had felt bad about it. I should of just picked him up as well and ran away properly. Regretting her choice slightly, she checked up on the girl. She seemed to be fine. Taking her to my place first because it is closer would be better, and then over to Kiri's to be looked after. Yuki made a decision. As she was about to pick the girl up, Flint's gun could be heard. Unable to find out where he had run to when she poked her head out, she started to feel for Flint's vibration patterns. Her eyes turned red, and she could sense the vibrations of many people.

Pinpointing Flint's location, he was in a connected alleyway, still running for now. Picking up the girl on to her shoulder, Yuki told her, "It's going to be a little rough, but I need to get moving quick, so hold on and brace yourself." Dashing through the alleyways, she saw Flint, sitting down holding his arms. "Sorry Flint, I should of paid more attention to how many people were there." She admitted her carelessness. "I'll get you home as soon as possible. No arguing about how this looks, but sorry if this hurts. It's going to be rough." Picking up Flint, Yuki held both Flint and the girl on her shoulders. The balance was off, so she had to lean over to her right a little, the side the girl was on.

Jumping up, by wall kicking the buildings, upon reaching the top, Yuki kicked off from the edge of the wall and the rooftop, and started running across building roof tops. This would help avoid pretty much everyone, and helped make the trip a lot quicker. The amount of force hitting the three from the speed she was running and jumping had some impact to it. She just hoped it didn't hurt Flint too much. After about 6 minutes, she had landed at home. Putting the two down, her eyes returned to their normal color. Banging on the door, "MUM! DAD! QUICK! FLINT AND THIS GIRL ARE HURT!"

Her parents came out of the door, seeing the sight, her mum picked up the girl, "I'll look after her, you go help Flint." The father nodded, picking him up. The girl wasn't in too much trouble, she just needed mostly some food and water. Her dad rested Flint onto a bed. Not Flint's bed, but something akin to a hospital bed. Checking up his body, he sighed in relief. "Looks like no serious injuries. Just a couple of broken ribs, and possibly a cracked left radius. The right one seems to be holding up." Getting an IV drip, the dad had some put of Yuki's poison in it to help numb the nerves and a dose of morphine. "For now just get some rest okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aoi


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hizumi watched as his team member moved into the building. Looking around corners and keeping himself in check, though for the most part he didn't really see the point in it. If it was a gastrea, or one infected by it. Though if it was still human maybe. He took another step forward before noticing some parts of the ceiling above them being bent in slightly. He paused for a moment as he looked at it. It could have been water damage. “Hmm, “ He went to look at his Initiator, however within the split second to do so, it seemed to be pulled into the wall which then collapsed as the massive Gastrea made it's appearance. Hizumi only barely managed to jump back at the realization of this gastrea that seemed to flex it's massive claw like jaws and moved back towards the inners of the building while climbing about. This wasn't good...did this mean the entire building was actually taken?

He looked to his team mate “Listen, we have to get out of here and call back up...there is no way we can take that down.” He looked around to see where she must have been...where did she go? Was she taken? If she was maybe she could fight it off long enough for them to get reinforcements...though they couldn't get to close...it would easily take them down the being was massive. “From a glance at it's claw like jaws, it's probably related somewhat to the Solifugae...” Hizumi stated allowed as he look to see the next bunch of cops outside get hit with what seemed to be smaller Gastrea. This couldn't be happening...

Ms Matoi had already begun to punch in the numbers, to call miss Nomura.
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