Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

The sun was out. It's rays poked through spotty clouds like golden fingers, bringing warmth to all that they touched. A light breeze rustled leaves, and gave a refreshing moment to those who disliked the warm air.

It was a beautiful day at Londro academy. The large and tree abundant hill it sat atop was full of life, as students and teachers alike moved about the courtyards and expansive staircase. It was the first day of the new year. Well, second day really. Yesterday new students had been orientated, and moved into their dorms. Today, the entire school system was to move about and mingle, hopefully making it easier for all freshmen to feel comfortable when the learning actually began.

A small figure stood atop one of the schools highest towers. She had small smile sprawled cross her lips, and a warm gaze emanating from her eyes. This was the headmistress. Looking no more than possibly 13 or 15 yet being (apparently) over a hundred years old, she was a mystery that everyone knew. A mother figure just as much of a commanding one she took care of her students, and her teachers. She stood silently up at windy heights, watching her children go here and there, talking and greeting each-other, some with familiarity, some with nervousness.

Down below, near the food stalls and information desks, a boy stretched his body out. Yawning with some added effort and looking at the place with some joyful eyes. This would be his second year here, and he couldn't wait to meet all the new kids. This was Elliot, a hunter to be, and someone who would, among others, be thrown into a wild situation, where all his skills and abilities, would be tested.

For now though, he would be eating a hot-dog alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Orion sat comfortable near one of the food stalls. silently he sipped a drink as he watched everyone coming and going. it was no real surprise to him that he found himself on edge. He was never fond of crowds yet someone always found himself around them. With his wings tucked close to his back it would take some real close inspection to see them. he kept them this way to keep from bumping into people. That and it also kept most eyes off him. some of the people he had already had classes with might notice him, or recognize him. but these new students, still had the curse of curiousity. they asked far too many questions, all of which are usually answered day one of class. He took another sip of his drink and scanned round one more time this time looking for familiar faces, to see who he could see
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tchtkrmkc
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tchtkrmkc Beater

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The warm rays of sunlight extended their way through the leaves of the willow tree. The tree was like any other tree in the woods surrounding the academy in all ways but one. On this specific tree sat a boy. The boy was busy cleaning his sniper rifle, humming a mellow tune. Darren had found this tree somewhere back in his first year at the academy (he was now starting his third year), and it has become his secret hideout ever since. Any day he wanted to be alone, this is where he would go. And this was one of those days. Darren wasn't really into the whole "mingling" thing, and preferred solitude. He thought that maybe later he might go see what his best (and only) friend was up to. But for now, he would stay in his tree, watching the academy and its inhabitants scurry around and "mingle".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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It was the second day of school. The day that Kiba hated the most. And this was the third time he had been forced to endure it. All those people wandering around, old and new faces alike. Though he was used to only having one eye, there was still that blind spot on his right side that made it hard to navigate through large crowds like this. He had learned ways around it, but it still wasn't easy. He hated large groups of people like this, they made him very uncomfortable. If you paid enough attention to him, you would notice how tense his shoulders were. His goal was to walk around for a little while like they were supposed to, then get the hell back to his nice comfy dorm room. So he could do something nice, quiet, and alone, like read a book. Books don't stare at the medical eye patch on your right eye and ask questions about it.

He didn't even know why he was out here, it wasn't like he was actually going to talk to anybody. Socializing just wasn't his thing. But he was in it now and the dorms were in the opposite direction of the crowd. So as he walked by them, he slipped out of the crowd and to the food stalls. He was kind of in the mood for something sweet anyway. Taking out his wallet, he approached the stall that sold smoothies and ordered a strawberry banana one. After waiting for his drink he took a seat near the one of the other students, he remembered his name being Orion. Last year they had been in a class together so that was how he knew. After giving the winged student a nod he pulled a book out of his bag and proceeded to shut out the world.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Humhum Highvoice

Humhum blinked his eyes open, he was in his dorm room, in his nest on top of the bed.
The light was quite strong, for early morning, way too strong. He turned his head to the direction of the wall clock and jumped on his feet up. He slept in so much! Stretching his arms letting the feathers, that grow over them all the way along the arms and hiding his human like palms, get into the right position, as in his sleep he mostly messed them up with turning and wriggling about. He folded the wings up so his palms and hands could move with out much problems as he run a hand thought his hair, fixing it too. He was sure one of his friends were supposed to wake him up. He stepped off the bed and noticed a figure on the floor sleeping nicely.
'' Aww, so thats what happened, mmm-mhm'' He said to himself. Kneeing beside the figure he broke his own magic. It wasnt the first time he in sleep cast the lullaby to avoid to be woken up himself. He really should work harder on his sleep singing. It was like snoring for humans, just for him it was magical songs he sung. After short apologizing to the other still somewhat sleepy friend Humhum jumped out his open window. Being on the 4th floor of the dorm had it perks for the winged person. He made a circle around the grounds watching the many new and old faces mixs about. His first time he felt quite lost back then. He chuckled looking for a place where he could land. Crowds not really offering such places.
His grumbling stomach lead him towards the food stalls. He really could take some fish, right about now.
His eyes spotted some tables and the decision was made. The male harpy started sinking and with a small thump landed on a table. Trying not to land in any food plate, he was a mannered bird. '' Sorry for landing here...mmm is there a place free to sit here too?''
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Elliot munched on his meal. His eyes looking around curiously as he did. So many faces, so many known and so many mysteries. He saw the two not far down the way. Kiba? He thought that's what their name was. He wasn't completely sure, they barely spoke after all...Not far next to him was...Uh. Okay he blanked on their name. Something with an "O" he thought though... He tossed up trying to go and start some conversation, Elliot was feeling a little left out after all...

Just as he was to pick up his paper plate and head over a shadow eclipsed him. Looking up to see a winged figure soaring down towards him. He shoved a couple plates that weren't currently being watched and watched with a large grin as the boy hit the table. A stray feather flew by his face, taking note to not let it spoil his food he looked up to it's previous owner.

"Couple opens spots." He said with his mouth a bit hushed. It was rude to speak while your mouth was full...

"Two right over there." He said after swallowing his chew, gesturing with the plate to two spots directly across from the others he had recognized. Maybe he could start a little conversation. It would do just fine until he found his friend. Not that he couldn't guess where he was, a certain tree somewhere was probably more full than usual.

"Shall we?" Elliot smiled as he stood to change his spot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Orion notice a former classmate as he scanned the crowd. Kiba, decent dude. He rose his cup in greeting and went back to sipping from it. A few other faces stuck out here and there but some were easier to remembers. The graceful landing of another student caught his attention, so he watched as the harpy exchanged words with another student casually. The good thing about this school, he noted, is that despite all the species here most people kept their biases to themselves. while at the same time most people kept their backgounds to themselves as well. The students were coming in his direction, he noticed, but when they got a little closer he recognized Elliot. a simple name to remember thankfully, but Orion was good with names, after the first week or so.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kumori Master
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Kumori Master The Fool

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rachel awoke that day, bright and early as always. Today was her second day at Londro academy. The previous day had been the opening ceremony, it had passed fairly uneventfully. She'd have to get used to seeing a bunch of people with wings, fangs, tails, and other such things. But it didn't bother her too much. After all, that was why she was here. After she got up, got dressed, and finished all of her morning affairs she set out from the dorms. Apparently the second day was used for all the students to gather together and mingle with one another, not a terrible idea she thought.

Rachel stepped out into the main courtyard, sounds and smells flooding her senses. It was quite a lot to take in. Various food stalls making and selling food, other sellers making money off the thriving crowds of students. People were meeting up again, and for the first time. It brought a smile to her face. Well, guess the place can't be too bad. She thought cheerfully.

Looking over, Rachel noticed a nearby table of students. She watched as another winged student dived onto the table. Well they look fun, she thought as she approached the table with a smirk. "Hey, there a free spot over here?" She called to the group congregated at the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonruby
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Dragonruby Putting the Danger in Stranger Danger

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Andrew gave a wary glance from around the corner of the building, looking for any sign of his uncle out in the school courtyard. He had managed to avoid the man for the last day or so, using the fact that Uncle Lionel actually had a job as a teacher here in order to move get around from place to place, and hiding in places he wouldn't think of. The magic lessons Andrew's uncle had been giving him were slowly getting worse and worse. As the lessons designed for beginners did little to help Andrew further his magical talent over the past year, his uncle seemed convinced that putting Andrew under pressure would help 'unlock his hidden potential' or something like that. 'Putting him under pressure', seemed to involve throwing him into life threatening situations, which is something he'd like avoid if at all possible. Honestly, Andrew had no idea why Uncle Lionel didn't just give up on him. He figured that it was possibly because Lionel hated being wrong, couldn't bear to believe that Andrew wasn't going to be the next super-mega-wizard-archmage, or whatever the hell the man seemed to think he had the magical talent for, but that was all just guesswork on Andrew's part.

Seeing that the way was all clear, Andrew gave a quiet sigh of relief and began to make his way off campus. Of course, the familiar voice of his uncle calling out from off to the side showed that it was, in fact, not clear at all. "And just where do you think you're going, young man?"

Andrew cringed, and turned around slowly to face Lionel. If he had to describe Lionel in only a few words, they'd be 'stereotypical fantasy wizard', if a stereotypical fantasy wizard liked to wear a gray suit instead of a robe and pointed wizard's hat. With a long mane of silver hair that really didn't look like something that someone with whitening hair should be growing, and a wispy beard to match, if you threw Lionel into a bathrobe, he might've been easily mistaken for Gandalf the Grey. Hell, Andrew wasn't actually too sure how old Uncle Lionel was, but last he heard, the man shouldn't have been old enough to have just about every hair on his body be white. Maybe he dyed it or something. Andrew wouldn't put it past the man. He gave a sigh, and greeted Lionel. "Heeeeey there, uncle... I'm, just uh... You know... Headed to my college class? They started a while back, remember?"

"College?" was the curt and eloquent response his uncle gave back, paired with a bit of a blank and confused look on his face.

"Yea... You know... College? A place of higher learning? That thing I've been going to ever since I got out of high school for like, a year now?" Andrew asked back, unbelieving that the man could not know what college was.

"Ohhh, right! That thing!" Lionel said, quickly dismissing the topic. "Ahhh, forget about that! We have things to teach you!"

"No, no, no, no, look I gotta make it to class and-"

"Alright, that's enough out of you, Andrew!" Lionel quickly says, cutting him off. Then with a wave of his hands, Andrew soon found himself slowly slipping off the ground, floating up a few feet. "Come on! We've got magic to do!" Lionel cried out as he walked off back towards the main school building.

Andrew tried to struggle, 'tried' being the keyword, flailing his limbs as he slowly floated along behind him. In desperation, he pulled out his staff, expanding it to its full length and stabbing it into the ground, hoping to root himself there, though all he ended up doing was dig up the dirty and grass in a line behind him. "Dammit, uncle! I have a test today!"

"Damn right, you do!" Andrew's uncle said triumphantly, uncaring about Andrew's plight. "Today, we're seeing how much you remember about defensive spells! Come on, I've got a whole range set up for us today! The students'll be testing out their aim, and you're the target!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


Member Offline since relaunch

Kiba sighed and put his book away as several more people joined him and Orion at their table. He had chosen this spot in hopes to be left alone, but it didn't seem to be the case this time. He gave the winged student an apologetic glance, remembering that he wasn't the most social student either. The human ran his fingers through his messy red locks and took another sip of his smoothie. Mostly so he didn't have to say anything to the two newcomers. He racked his brain for their names. The harpy he knew was Humhum, there weren't too many harpies at the school so it was easy to remember his name. The other one he believed was Elliot. Names were easy for him to remember so he was almost certain he had gotten those right. Though he had been wrong before.

As another student walked up, a girl he had never met before, Kiba grew tense again. Four people all around him like wasn't exactly comfortable for him. When she asked if there was room at the table, he just shrugged as if he didn't care whether she was there or not. Though he actually did. While he pretended to be focused on his nearly finished smoothie he was actually keeping an ear open to store away any information the new girl, or anybody, gave to the others. It would doubtful that he would join in on the conversation much, but he would definitely be listening.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

it seemed Elliot and the Harpy...humhum was his name, were coming to sit at the table. Orion shared a quick glance with Kiba and took yet another sip of his glass. social skills werent really Orions Best skills, nor were they Kiba's if he recalled correctly. Orion could manage a conversation but they tended to be short and to the point. Those worked better for him usually. no long heart to hearts, those... were wholly unnecessary. But since it was the day when everyone was supposed to be mingling he couldnt really be upset. He was uncomfortable but not upset. Better familiar faces sit with them than complete strangers asking a billion and seven questions.

Clearly the thought too soon. yet another addition to the table, a new face. a pretty face but still a new face. Orion would not be the one to deny her a seat, and shockingly enough Kiba agreed to her joining them. Maybe he wasnt so anti social....naa. Who ever this new female was she made this a table of 5. If Kiba wasnt getting uncomfortable Orion sure was. He glanced at Kiba again, who seemed to be focusing real hard on his beverage. It was kind of funny how similar Kiba was to Orion, who once again, sipped his beverage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Brandon awoke early as he always did. But instead of rushing outside or taking a shower or something as many might do, he knelt down and prayed. It was routine for him, daily prayer was food for the soul after all. Eventually he would leave, but not for another hour or so. It was only the second day of the semester, no need to rush
After an hour and a half of praying and otherwise getting ready Brandon emerged from his dorm room, his black hair damp and silky after his shower. He walked slowly down the dull halls towards the courtyard where he knew food would be, Good, food. I'm frickin' starving. He eventually made it to the courtyard, the smells and sounds of many people and lots of cooking food assaulted his senses. They weren't unwelcome, in fact they reminded him of a festival or something, and festivals always had good food.

So Brandon started navigating the courtyard, scanning food stall after food stall until eventually he found what he was looking for. A light blue stand, who's sign depicted a red bowl with noodles, and peas, and meat spilling forth along with the broth and various other ingredients. His nose was filled with the smell coming from the stand, the smell of pure bliss in a bowl. Yes, this was a ramen stand, and one of Brandon's favorites.

There was no line surprisingly, so he approached casually and placed his order, handing the short, dark haired girl the required amount of currency. She was fairly good looking some might say, Brandon didn't really care though. Eventually he got his ramen and took a deep whiff before starting the search for a place to quietly sit and enjoy his food. Eventually he found a seat, an empty seat not to far away from a large group of students. From his seat though they shouldn't be much of a bother, unless they really got loud. So Brandon took a seat and began to quietly enjoy his ramen, silently observing those around him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TalijaKey
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Humhum folded his feathers along his arms. Stepping off the table and nodding at Elliot. Looking towards the two places that were pointed by the other. Recognizing the students that were sitting on that table, to Humhum most people were in category of nice. So were this two too.
''Good idea, Elliot, let me first just grab some fish mhm I am going to starve, then lets join them.'' He nodded, not wanting to let anyone wait he slipped between the crowds to the stand, getting two grilled fish. The smell alone was making his mount water. Not just assaulting on the fish, as his stomach demanded, the harpy slipped as fast back to Elliot, before they were going over to the next table a girl approached them.

"Hey, there a free spot over here?"

Humhum bowed his head, bending his knee a bit towards her.If he didnt hold a plate he would have took her hand and shack it in greeting. He was sure he didnt know her from previous years, concluding she must be new. '' Well mmm to speak the true we were about to join that table, feel free to tug along mmm '' He nodded, sitting beside Orion once they arrived on the table. Biting in his fish, hapily to calm his stomach, he looked over the faces.
''You must be uncomfortable like that no Orion? Want to stretch them later with a fly around the circle. '' Humhum asked noticing how the other folded the wings up. Wondering to himself why he was like that, nearly hiding his wings out of view. Humhum found them to be a really nice color, in his mind those wings should be showed off. He ate a few more bites, listening and nodding. Eyes trailing to the new student.

'' You must be amazed by how many different students are around here? My name is Humhum mmmm mhm'' He chuckled now offering officially a hand to great her.
'' Are you finding your way around here nicely? If you have any question, ask them mm someone may know the answers mhm~'' He hummed before he started his second and last fish. Hoping the girl will relax and tell about herself maybe. He like knowing lots of peoples, and enjoying hearing some of the stories they may tell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Katherine was dressed in her normal attire. A dark green hoodie over a long sleeve black shirt, a short skirt with black leggings and wearing dark green athletic shoes. Around her neck she wore her father's combat goggles and on her head an old brown hat. Only this time there was something a little different. Her hat now had two holes for her new long, golden fox ears and a long, fluffy tail poked out of her rear end. This new look was something that Katherine was still getting used to, something that made her incredibly uncomfortable about her appearance. "I feel like a god damn cosplayer or something...." She thought as she arrived at her new found school.

Much to her surprise, the school grounds looked like a anime convention. Even the normal kids walked around with weaponry like it was their band instrument. It seemed that there was a few stalls set up for serving food and the day hadn't really begun, so, taking a deep breath, Katherine walked into the school courtyard, looking around the place. Suddenly she heard something.

"Alright, that's enough out of you, Andrew!" A well dressed middle aged man walked down the path way opposite to her. A guy, seemingly a little older than her, was levitating behind him, obivously very unhappy about the situation as he attempted to slow the progress by stabbing his staff in the ground.

"Dammit, uncle! I have a test today!" Andrew said

"Damn right, you do!" Andrew's uncle said triumphantly, uncaring about Andrew's plight. "Today, we're seeing how much you remember about defensive spells! Come on, I've got a whole range set up for us today! The students'll be testing out their aim, and you're the target!"

"Oh boy...." Katherine thought as she watched them. Remembering what her one dad was like, she gave a big sigh and quickly rushed up towards them. Giving off the look of someone who had been running around all day she approached Andrew and his uncle. "Ahhh ahhh, There you are Andrew! I've been looking all over for you! The food stalls are getting a bit more traffic than expected. I guess all the new kids are hungry? I don't know, but we need your help back at the stall. Those burgers aren't going to magically flip themse-" she paused and looked over at the man that kept him levitating. "Oh! Sorry, if I'm interrupting something sir! Truly am. It's just I've been looking all over for Andrew here. Ya know your nephew here is a really swell guy, volunteering to help with his magical capabilities. He's got a lot of potential I tell ya. No wonder you two are related! Sorry, but do you mind if he comes and helps us out here for a little while? We're under a lot of pressure as it is and with him on board we can take on even more." she said, giving a friendly smile, trying her best not to break character and hoped that this Andrew guy will play along.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((Triple Post!? REALLY??))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kilo6


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

((Triple Post!? REALLY??))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

as Humhum took a seat next to Orion he seemed to notice Orions wings. when asked about them Orion Shrugged before rolling his shoulders. "im used to keeping them Like this" he explained to Humhum. "but flying later sounds like a good idea" If anyone would notice someones wings it would be a student with wings themselves. Of course he also knew about the wings before hand. while he usually kept his wins like this, he let them out during class mostly because he sat in the back and wouldnt be blocking anyone's view. He welcomed the thought of flying but didnt say anymore on the matter. instead he turned his attention to the newest face to the table. Thankfully she was attracting all the attention so Orion didnt have to say much at all. He almost felt bad about it.....almost. But at the same time, better her than him. "excuse me" he stood up and went for a refill of his beverage. HE contemplated making a break for it, taking off and leaving them to mingle but it would probably be rude. instead he took the long way to the other side of the area for a drink. lemonade with lots of sugar was what he really wanted, so its what he got for himself. an Slowly he returned to the table, unsure if he had missed anything even though it really didnt matter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tchtkrmkc
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tchtkrmkc Beater

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darren's stomach growled. He hadn't eaten anything since last night, and he was getting hungry. Darren frowned. I guess I'll have to see people now. Darren put his sniper rifle in his back, and skipped nimbly down the branches and to the forest floor. He walked towards the academy, watching it slowly emerge from behind the trees. It really is a beautiful place.
As he was getting close to the academy, he noticed a boy he recognized from the previous year being dragged away by what seemed to be nothing. Then he saw behind the boy was one of the magics teachers. And then he remembered. One of the students had an uncle who was a teacher here. The teacher always seemed to be teaching his nephew (if you can call almost killing him "teaching") and training him.
All of a sudden, a girl (with fox ears and a tail) came running out of nowhere, and started talking with the pair. The magics teacher didn't seem too thrilled at having his family gathering disrupted. Darren's curiousness overcame his urge to be solitary, and he walked over to the small group. When he got within earshot of the conversation he heard the girl saying "...we need your help back at the stall. Those burgers aren't going to magically flip themse-" She paused for a moment, then turned to the magics teacher, "Oh! Sorry, if I'm interrupting something sir! Truly am. It's just I've been looking all over for Andrew here. Ya know your nephew here is a really swell guy, volunteering to help with his magical capabilities. He's got a lot of potential I tell ya. No wonder you two are related! Sorry, but do you mind if he comes and helps us out here for a little while? We're under a lot of pressure as it is and with him on board we can take on even more."
Darren's stomach growled again. He realized she was talking about the food stalls. Darren always liked working at the food stalls, because then he got to eat as much as he wanted (it wasn't really allowed, but no one noticed). So realizing he fell upon a perfect oppurtunity, Darren forced a smile to his lips, turned to the girl and said: "Hey, I wouldn't mind helping out at the food stalls. No need to bother this happy family!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kumori Master
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Kumori Master The Fool

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rachel looked around the table, completely silent. Umm, maybe it's because I'm a human? Or maybe I just picked a particularly tight knit group? She thought to herself before the winged man finally broke the silence. He bowed his head, and gestured to a nearby table saying they were moving over to it. "Ah okay." She nodded and followed the group to the other table.

Rachel took a seat near the end of the table, right across from the one with the medical bandage over one of his eyes. She couldn't help but look over to the winged student as he discussed flying with another student. Though, she didn't quite see the wings on the other student. I'll bet that's pretty awesome, having the ability to take off whenever you want... She was pulled from her musings once again by the winged student who proceeded to introduce himself as Humhum. "Oh, thanks! I think I'm doing alright." She smiled to him as she shook his hand. "Um, right yeah, guess I forgot to introduce myself." She scratched her head, she had completely spaced introductions. Looking out to the rest of the table, "My name's Rachel Yuzuri!", she proclaimed just loud enough to be heard by everyone at the table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Redwing


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As Humhum, Elliot, and the new girl sat down at the table, Kiba looked around. He realized that quite a few people had entered the area and he no longer had a clear exit route. He suddenly regretted ever leaving his dorm today. He did an excellent job of keeping the worry off his face, and managed to maintain his usual bored expression. Though inside he was anything but bored. He had mixed feelings as Orion got up with his empty cup. That meant one less person to worry about, at least for the moment, but it also meant the only person who he knew wouldn't drag him into the conversation. Kiba really wished this day would end quickly. Classes were so much better than socializing.

Kiba was so lost in his thoughts that he almost missed the new girl introducing herself. Rachel was it? He stored the name and face in his memory for later. He knew it would be polite to introduce himself, but he didn't. Nothing against the people at the table, Kiba just didn't like to talk much. He'd answer questions if he was asked one, he wouldn't just ignore people. But it would usually be a very short answer, as short as he could get it. He finished the last of his smoothie, setting the cup down on the table in front of him. Absentmindedly he messed with the ends of his hair, feeling a mix of relief and panic as Orion returned to the table and filled Kiba's escape route.
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