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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

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Summer 1925
Bedford, New York
Marshall College

It was a particularly dark night and shadows cast even greater demons when the moonlight entered through the windows of the empty College Office Building except it wasn't empty and Dr. Corbin, professor of Archaeology, had turned the lights off in his office after a long night of grading term papers, and quietly dozed off in his chair. After several hours of uninterrupted sleep, Corbin heard a noise which woke him from his slumber. Suddenly opening his eyes, he looked around the room to get his bearings and realized he'd dozed off in his office when he heard a second noise outside his office doors. He was not alone. Corbin stood up from his chair and walked to his office door, through the clouded window of the office door he could see shadows in movement. People were walking the halls at this hour, it must be students attempting to play a prank he thought to himself. I'll end this right now. He opened the door to find nothing but empty hallway.

He gasped before a pair of arms grabbed him from behind there was a short struggle before he escaped his captor, what appeared to be a man wielding an ax, dressed in the garb of a seventeenth century British soldier, he had a scar on his hand, and he was headless... The man raised his weapon in the air ready to strike. Corbin rushed over to his desk drawer where he had a hidden revolver, but he was too late. The ax sailed through the air, the tip of its blade super-heated, cut clean through Corbin's neck and struck into the office wall. The professor's head rolled to the floor and the headless man retrieved his ax before vanishing from the office.


August 1925
Bedford, New York
Marshall College

It was Monday morning the 24th, and the beginning of the Fall semester at Marshall College. Indy wore his grey suit and his usual fedora and carried a suitcase in hand. He had arrived on campus as soon as he could after his boss at London University had told him he was being sent back to the states for a temporary assignment at Marshall College. Indy was certain it was punishment for being new to teaching, and now that his old boss was gone he had no one to vouch for him; but at least it was only a semester, and he was told he was to return to London immediately after to continue work at the University. Deirdre was continuing her studies in London, and she had not been herself lately after the loss of her mother, and so the recently blossomed relationship seemed to be dying as quickly as it had grown. It seemed to be for the best that he was away for a few months.

He took in deep breath of campus fresh air as he walked past a lovely garden while students passed by in all directions heading towards their places of study. Two gentlemen in suits seemed to be watching him as he approached. "Dr. Jones, I presume?" the larger man with a cane asked.

"Why yes," he replied.

"Welcome to Marshall College campus. This here is Dr. Adams Dean of Students, and I am Dr. Black chairman of the campus's history department and your new boss."

"Pleasure to meet you both," he said shaking both gentlemen's hands.

"Thank you for arriving so soon for the replacement this semester, we can't thank you enough for you to come out here and help with the students. Let us give you a campus tour and show you where you will be staying.

The two gave Indy the campus tour showing him all the places he needed to know for his stay, and by the end of the tour he was shown his new office, classroom, and faculty suite where he would be staying. He thanked the two before they left, and he began to unpack his suitcase on the bed. It wasn't much, just clothes, his journal, his teaching materials, and his field equipment which consisted of his bullwhip, his .455 Webley revolver, and his satchel. He began to organize and place his things in the drawers provided bedside.

He was thinking about rest when he looked at his watch, it was almost time for his first two-hour class at nine o'clock. He grabbed his briefcase full of teaching material and headed toward Stroud Hall where his classroom was located. Along the way he ran into Dr. Black who said he wanted to sit in on his first class. Great, that's all I need someone looking over my shoulder.

As Black guided Indy to classroom 113, Indy opened the door to see all of his students sitting at their desks. There must have been thirty to forty students. Suddenly Indy felt a bit uneasy as he put his briefcase down and placed his fedora at his desk and, but Dr. Black was the first to break the silence.

"Good morning, class. I want you all to welcome, Dr. Jones who will be your professor of Archaeology this semester. He is a visiting professor from London University and experienced archaeologist who has done exceptional fieldwork in Greece, Iraq, Egypt, and just returned from his work in Scotland," Black said as he spoke to the class, making eye contact with his daughter Shay.

A few students clapped for Indy as he approached the front and Dr. Black took a seat at the back.

"Thank you, I appreciate the welcome, Dr. Black and class. I'll begin Archaeology 101 - Discovering the Past with this quote from Lord George Gordon Byron, The best prophet of the future is the past."

He put his glasses on before breaking out the syllabus and going over the general outline of topics to be discussed over the semester. He was a bit intimidated while he read, but hoped it wouldn't show too much. It was dull, boring first day as usual, and Indy could already gauge the students by seeing who was paying attention and who wasn't as he went over the introduction. Some students were already sleeping. Indy noticed a few girls passing notes and smiling at him. They were very attractive, but he didn't allow himself to be distracted from the lecture. It was going to be a long two-hours.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie came in a bit before the bell had rang, slipping into a desk. She had been talking to a few police officers about what had just happened to her professor, the one who mentored her, took her in even though she wasn't going to major in archeology or anything even remotely close to that. The man she had seen as her best friend was now dead.

Jackie sat there nervously, removing her glasses carefully. Her icy eyes showed...sadness. They weren't cold, just very sad and depressing. She was never like this. Even when people pushed her around she had quite the smile on her face. Nothing ever seemed to bother her very much, but this was one of those things that was bothering her. How could he be dead, they wouldn't let her see the body so was it that bad? She had heard there was a lot of blood. So it had to be...that bad.

Jackie looked down, she knew there was going to be a new professor for the semester. She wasn't sure how she felt about that as nervous as it made her. But she was one to just go with the situation and try to make the best of it. She would ask questions and see how good this professor was, it made her curious. Was he worth it? Could she learn as much from him as she did from her mentor? "So you were in Egypt?" She asked, looking at him. She was afraid of talking out loud, especially when it wasn't her mentor she was talking to.

"Did the rumors suffice? That there was something hidden in the tombs? Or was it just...nothing more than in the text books. Regular old hieroglyphics and nothing worth....talking about?" She asked, curiously. She didn't care what looks she got, it would make this class period more interesting. She found talking about syllabus to be boring, she wanted to hear about the actual archeology. Many times had she read about things he had done so she knew his name. She knew any archeologists name that was worth knowing and his name was one of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I've scaled the Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt twice actually and I've done some fieldwork there two years ago. Over 4,000 years old. By King Cheops, it's one of the largest constructions ever made by man and one of the seven wonders of the world," he said remember all the visits he made to the ancient sites of Egypt.

"I actually have a piece with me from a dig I was able to attend as a child at Howard Carter's dig in 1908, and I was present when the archaeologist found and opened architect Kha's tomb in Egypt." He walked over to his briefcase and opened it up, reaching into one of the pockets he pulled out an object wrapped in cloth. Indy unwrapped it and showed the class.

"This is the Jackal headpiece was an Egyptian artifact gifted to Kha the architect by his pharaoh. It originally adorned a statue of Kha placed within the architect's tomb, and was found within a secret chamber. According to hieroglyphs found on the walls of the secret chamber, the headpiece possessed 'eyes of fire' indicating its eyes were precious stones." He looked at the clock as it was time to end his first class. Finally.

"That's all for today, I'll see you all on Wednesday," Indy finished as he began to collect his notes. Most the students cleared out as if a fire alarm was raised. Indy didn't think he was that bad.

Katherine had been watching Jackie make her comments and before she got up she made her way over to her desk. "So it looks like we have a new teacher as well as pet," she said to Jackie snidely walking away to her next class making sure to say good bye to Professor Jones before she left.

Dr. Black walked over to Indy, placed a cane on his desk, and shot him a stern look. "Just remember Dr. Jones, stick to the syllabus," he said to Indy before walking out of the classroom. Great, this guy is worse than my Father.

Indy grabbed his fedora and decided it was about time for stroll around campus.
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie smiled, hearing his answer. At least he decided to answer her. Some people didn't even answer her with how smart she was. But her smile disappeared when she heard Katherine call her a pet. A few people bumped into her and her glasses fell, cracking on the floor. She sighed, taking out a back up pair and through her glasses away and slipping her new ones on.

She grabbed her messenger back and looked at him. She went up to him, holding a book by her chest. "Don't take it personally...he's a bit of an ass..." She said, looking back after Dr. Black. "Just....steer clear and don't say the wrong thing because it'll get you in trouble, Dr. Jones...trust me...on that. I know." SHe said, giving him a fair warning.

Jackie walked out of the classroom and sat down on a bench outside. Her next class didn't start for a little while so she had the time. She didn't have any friends and this is where she usually say because she had no one to talk to. She opened her book up and looked at the book. It was an archeology book. "He left me they for a reason, but why." She whispered. "I must keep it safe." She said softly. She sighed softly, shutting her book. "He was my only friend. Now what am I supposed to do? Why isn't Julius here." Julius was her step-brother.

Jackie whimpered softly. "I already know I can't make friends with Dr. Jones....now with Katherine around. It'll give them more reasons to bully me." She put her face in her book and screamed. Her voice was muffled. "M-maybe I can make friends with him...ugh what do I do!" She was talking to herself again. Why was she talking to herself? "I need a life!!" She sighed. She was thinking about what was she going to do. She looked around, no one was around so no one knew. She shook her head slightly. She needed a friend. MAybe she could show Dr. Jones around.
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Taking off his reading glasses and placing them in a case and back in his brief case, Indy donned his fedora and walked out out of his classroom. He strolled down the halls and exited the building to take another view of the campus. It was a beautiful day outside, and Indy enjoyed being outside as much as possible, something about being cooped up indoors just wasn't his thing. He walked around campus passing a very couples holding hands and other students having conversations. He remembered what it was like to be a student, it wasn't that long ago. He was incredibly lucky that young man like himself could even have his PhD and college professor so quickly. Indy loved teaching, but something about fieldwork you really couldn't replace with anything else.

Indy was walking along when he noticed his student, the girl who had been brave enough to speak her mind in class, sitting by herself. On a good day such as this it almost seemed like an oxymoron to see her down on her luck on a bench alone. Indy walked over to the bench. "Hope you don't mind if I have a seat, but I couldn't help but notice you sitting here all by yourself on this gorgeous day. By the way, you can call me Indy outside the classroom," He said watching other students and professors walking by.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie had never expected him to come and sit beside her so she looked a little surprised, closing her book and smiled slightly, removing her glasses and slipping them into her messenger bag. "I don't have any friends, not here anyways....not anywhere else I don't think either." She said with a small shrug of her shoulders, looking down at her book and sighing, shaking her head, but then she gave a slight smile. "Indy? Alrighty then. Well I'm Jackie...just...Jackie." She said, hating her actual name that most people called her.

Jackie smiled at him, nodding a little bet. "Well Indy, good luck with teaching here." She said with a happy smile. "You just have to beware of Dr. Black. He's thick and mean...." She chuckled a little bit, rubbing the back of her neck and shaking her head. "It's indeed a nice day, but....doesn't mean it's nice inside...jus nice in color and nice in the sky...in everything other than what's behind it all." She put her book away and put her hands in her lap. "So how are you enjoying your first day?" She asked nervously.
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Nice to meet you, Jackie," he smiled and laughed when Jackie mentioned Dr. Black. "He reminds me of my Father..." He paused, thinking about his Father and how he hadn't spoken to him in a long, long time.

Jackie changed the subject and he was grateful. Indy sighed. "My day has been interesting, trying to develop my skills as a teacher without becoming the boring type, but getting the right information across, but I keep thinking about how much I love the field and wanting to be out there looking for something new for the world."

He noticed she had been reading an old book. "What were you reading? If you don't mind me asking?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie bit her bottom lip as she pulled her messenger back closer to her and shook her head slightly. "No no....it was nothing...j-just a book! That's all." She gave a short and small shrug. "Just a book someone gave to me. It's really important." She said, looking down and at her bag. No one was allowed to know about this book.

"Well, Dr. Black is or was my guardian. My parents passed away and guess who got stuck with him. I did. I hate it..." Jackie rubbed her face and looked down at her hands and then him. "You'd be surprised of why I hate it and why I'd rather be living in my own." She chuckled a bit and rubbed the back of her neck and shook her head again.

"And about that book....it's important....something my mentor left me before he died. I want to figure out who killed him. Apparently it was brutal." Jackie looked down at her hands. "I don't know why someone would kill him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Through his office window Dr. Black could see everything from the new Professor Jones taking a seat next to the girl. It infuriated him. Its time to keep an eye on Mr. Jones....


Indy didn't know how his predecessor was killed or why, but he would talk to Marcus about it later. It was a little bit disturbing to know the events of his death had been violent. Brody had failed to mention that in the letter he wrote about his new temporary position. He was interested in finding out what was going on around here.

"Jackie, its okay, the police will find man responsible."
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie looked down and shook her head slightly. "I don't think they will." She murmured softly. "Mostly because there is no evidence and it's going to be covered up. It's always covered up." She said, standing up and she smiled at him. "So Indy, do you need a guide to show you around campus? My next class doesn't start for another few hours!" She smiled, looking at her watch and nodded. "Yeah. Another few hours." She smiled, keeping her messenger bag close. "I'm willing to show you around, if you have the time." She smiled at him.
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I'd really appreciate that," Indy smiled as he let Jackie show him around. It was his first day, and he already had a beautiful girl showing him around campus. It was easy for him to forget about what Deirdre was up to back home, and all to easy to begin to think about the present. There were many beautiful girls around the Marshall College campus, and Jackie was definitely one of them. He didn't mind spending the next few hours with her.


Out in the courtyard, Katherine Dale stood glaring at Jackie Bell. She was with the young, new archaeology professor Dr. Jones. It made her furious to see the nerd with the handsome professor already. She vowed she would make Jackie look like a fool in front of Dr. Jones. It's not over yet, until Doctor Jones is mine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie smiled, nodding a bit as she stepped back. "Ok let's go then." She smiled, looking at him. "Just so you know....I'm kind of antisocial. I haven't talked this much in years, but I guess when you have no one to talk to that's the punishment." She told him, turning around and walking. She was feeling something in her stomach, like she was being watched so her eyes kept shifting to the side. Her hands were shaking a bit as she was afraid of someone seeing her book.

"That girl in class...that talked to you. She hates me...first day I was in my mentor's class she embarrassed me in front of everyone. I don't know....she just....well people like ruining my life." Jackie said, looking forward. "She's probably going to again too. I just know it, at least once a week. Next it'll be a snake. I can't stand snakes. They scare the crap out of me."
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Don't worry about what others think about you. You have to think about yourself and do what you think is right. Some people in this life are just mean, they don't have real friends." He gave her advice. He couldn't help but shiver when she mentioned snakes. Indy too was afraid of snakes.

"I hate snakes too, never have, never will..." thinking about all the times he had been terrorized by the legless reptiles.

The two walked past the fence of St. Martin's Church, Reverend Alfred Knapp watched the two from the church door with a dour look on his face.
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie smiled a bit, looking back at him and then she looked back forward. "My brother had a lot of snakes when I was a kid, they got out...now I hate snakes. Too many encounters with them to say I have no reason to hate them." She said, holding her messenger back even close when they walked past the church.

The bible...it made her nervous walking past the church and having it in her possession as it was. She didn't want to lose it. she didn't want anything to happen to it. She wanted no one to take it, she made a promise even though her mentor died before she agreed, but somehow he knew she would keep it hidden. "The church can be so depressingly sad.."
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I never had any siblings, and I am very grateful for that..." He said as they walked past the church.

Indy saw an eagle land on the signpost of St. Martin's Church, the eagle peered into his soul. It was no ordinary eagle. He knew this eagle. It was his eagle. It was part of his past. It was his protector, his spirit animal. He'd last seen it when he was at the ruins of Stonehenge. The eagle turned it's head and looked to the church then flew towards the back of the church by the graveyard. It screeched at him, as if beckoning him to follow.

Jones turned to Jackie to see if she was watching what he saw, but she was completely oblivious to the scene, talking about how church was depressing. He was caught off guard for a moment, but now he was back to reality.

"I agree with you there, I find them much more enjoyable empty and without people."

He looked around, but the eagle was gone.
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie tried to keep herself out of everything that happened at the school. She knew it got quite dangerous at night. Very dangerous. So she tried to stay out of the way. If she didnt....who knew what would happen to her. Not a chance she was willing to take.

Jackie looked back at him once as he talked, then back forward as her mind went over the details of her mentor's murder. It was something she planned on figuring out. She had to. Someone had brutally killed her mentor and the school was probably just going to sweep it under the rug.

Jackie looked at him again. "something wrong?" She asked, stopping. They were closer to the library now. "I can show you around later if you'd like." She said, looking at her watch that was placed in her messenger bag, but keeping her messenger bag out of his line of sight when she opened it.
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"No, nothing wrong, just lost in thought... Yes, I'd love that. You can give me the rest of the tour when you are finished with your classes. I have another class to teach anyways. Thanks, Jackie," he smiled as her pulled the brim of his fedora down and headed back to his classroom.

Indy walked back to Stroud Hall and entered room 113 to find someone fiddling at his desk. It was none other than Marcus Brody, assistant curator at the National Museum, and an old family friend. Marcus had been like a father to him since he began his career as a professor in Archaeology and supported his every move, even giving him tips and financial help along the way. Also he has connections with the right people, Marcus had put in a good word for Indy on more than one occasion. To include his temporary position on staff at Marshall College. Brody has a big influence on this campus.

"Good to see you, Indy!"

"Marcus!" he grinned as he shook his friend's hand, but Indy could tell something was bothering the old man as his smile vanished.

"What's wrong, Marcus? There is something going on here, and I want to know what it is."

"Indy, please, will you keep your voice down, for good Heaven's sake! The walls have ears in this place you know." He lowered his voice as he made sure the door was shut and the windows closed.

"What have you dragged me into this time Marcus?"

"Look, Indy there is a lot going on you don't know about, and much of it I don't even know what to make of it, but you have to understand there is something very wrong going on among the faculty at Marshall College and it has to do with some great evil in Sleepy Hollow."

"Slow down, Marcus, what great evil are you talking about?"

"Well, you see it was the night before Doctor Corbin was murdered he told me that he was investigating something in his studies that dated back to the late seventeenth century during the American Revolution concerning a great evil and battle for the end of days, he rambled on about someone here on campus wanting him dead and forcing him to discover the whereabouts of an artifact here on campus. He said not to tell a soul, but he had discovered the location of item but feared it falling in the wrong hands so he hid his research and vowed to keep it safe from an enemy he was surrounded by. He told me not to trust anyone, that's why I sent for you. I took him seriously when I found out he was dead, so I sent word for you and arranged you to take over for him..." he said as he wiped sweat from his brow with a pocket handkerchief.

Indy could tell Marcus was really worked up about it, so he let him continue to say his peace.

"Indy, they decapitated him. Whoever killed Corbin, walked into his office late at night and beheaded him, when they couldn't get what they wanted."

"Marcus, maybe there is a clue to what they were after in Corbin's office. I need you to take me there."

"Indy are you bloody out of your mind, they are watching you. You are going to have to be subtle about it."

Indy smiled, "Marcus, sometimes I wonder if you have no imagination, besides you forget I was a secret agent during the Great War and good at it too, I've escaped German strongholds scarier than this campus..."

"Indy, just promise me you'll be careful."

"I always am, Marcus."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie looked back and forth as she was scared out of her mind. She went to her next class. This class was something to do with health, she was going to become a doctor and an archeologist. She wante to do both and it would be easy for her to do both, but the thing was, all throughout class, she couldn't focus on her class work, she couldn't focus on the notes. She was too afraid.

Jackie looked down at her hands the entire time, thinking about her book. She missed her mentor. She was always able to talk to him, but now she wasn't so sure. Who could she talk to? She couldn't talk to Indy, he could turn again her. Before class was over she would grab her bag and run out. Her heart was beating so fast, painfully fast.

"What do I do." She whispered, running into her dorm and throwing her bag onto the bed. She locked the door, closed the blinds and the curtains. He had made himself perfectly clear about this bible. Jackie removed a box from her closet and she put the book in it and put the box somewhere no one would find it. Thank god for hiding places.

She took a few deep breaths as she was having an anxiety attack, but she calmed down after a while. Jackie would go and shower and come out in her pajamas a few moments later. They were all black so she could sneak around in the dark. Jackie grabbed a notepad and a pen and grabbed her key to her dorm, locking the door tightly and she went away from the room. She was going to go to her mentor's office and see what she could understand. Jackie walked away from her room down the side walk. She looked around, keeping an eye out for Indy, Katherine or any of her enemies.
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reem The Rebel

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After his second class had ended, Indy waited until dark to begin investigating the campus. Avoiding the security night patrol, Indy began to search the office building. He discovered an unlocked janitor's closet and found a uniform which provided him a decent cover. He put on the coveralls taking a mop and bucket with him down the halls to Dr. Corbin's office. Taking a look to make sure no one was watching he opened the office door, closing it shut behind him. The office was full of Corbin's stuff. Papers, documents, files of research all over his desks, tables, and cabinets. Everything from ungraded homework to journals on early American patriots.

Indy heard a noise coming from the hallway and decided to hide under Corbin's desk. He wasn't taking any chances of being discovered...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadows Demons
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Shadows Demons The Ice Princess

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jackie walked down the hall to Corbin's classroom. She looked around before entering. She held the bible close to her chest, it was covered in her jacket so no one could know what it would be. She looked around some more and moved on. She didn't put the bible down though. But someone was here, she could feel it in her bones. "Who's here?" She asked, somewhat quietly.
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