Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tancuras

Tancuras Pain the Universe

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just reiterating my interest. Working on a CS right now.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Kimiyosis It is the fact that when they are transformed, they most likely are more of a powerful creature, as opposed to human/elf/ect, and have "natural weapons." It's their animal form's method of attacking.

(Because I have two lycans, im going to go back and make their section a little more fleshed out, though nothing youd need to wait on. just to say)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 8 days ago

Name: Voel Koveth
Age: 218
Race: Moon Elf
Appearance: Like many moon elves, Voel is possessed of very pale skin and eyes of a vibrant shade of crimson, with a thick mop of black hair atop his head; he is moderately muscular, and about 186cm tall. His clothing consists of blue silken trousers, a white undershirt, and a simple vest of the same colour as his trousers.
Personality: Voel is generally a very calm and pragmatic individual, whose personal philosophy dictates that he try to defuse tricky social situations when possible, or at the very least not aggravate such situations any more than they already are. He is not fond of fighting others, and will avoid doing so if possible, but is direct when it comes to ending fights decisively - he will use as much force as is necessary to stop somebody from attacking him, and if it is the case that he is forced to kill them to do this, then so be it. That being said, he is not fond of those who would make the situation any worse than it already is for the inhabitants of Reath, and tends to count, for instance, bandits as a social situation to be defused, with as much power as is necessary if worst comes to worst.
Religious Vocation: Voel worships on a general basis all the deities one might expect him to - Relanthon and Sylsetria, as loyalist members of the elven pantheon; Arrela, as the patron god of mages like himself; and Elanom, on account of their shared affinity for the moons of Reath. With that said, his primary focus for worship is the Lady of the Night, on account of her continued direct assistance of mortals on their plane, and he can often be found staying up late to provide worship to her as directly as possible, i.e. at night, and ideally under at least one moon.
Biography: Voel's life was, until the Descent, one of relative simplicity. Living under the rule of Lord Tanmion, his childhood was unremarkable, and he, as quite a smart individual whose physical power was not quite up to par, trained as an elemental mage for a great many years, acquiring skill in three of the four basic elements to the point that he could utilise them in a great variety of ways, not limited to only specific forms of attack with any given element. His next choice regarding what to do with his life seemed evident, namely to expand into manipulation and mastery of earth magic before moving on to more advanced elements, but that was before a gang of thieves mugged him and left him for dead. Whilst he recovered fully, the experience left him somewhat traumatised, and he vowed never to allow such a physical threat into his life again; as such, he chose instead to take up some form of self defense class to protect himself with, eventually deciding upon the martial art of Yael'is Non, taught to him to the level of mastery by a young ground elf name Janaena.
To cut a long story short, he and Janaena ultimately fell in love with one another, marrying around three-quarters of the way through Voel's training, and eventually producing a son once they had the time to raise a family; additionally, Voel managed to combine his physical and magic ability into a unique attack that could disable a target relatively harmlessly, leaving them stunned on the ground, a feat which proved its worth some time later when he was attacked again by the same gang, the end result this time being a curbstomp in his favour. Alas, Voel's union with Janaena was not to last: the Descent came, demons and shadows flooded the land, and Voel lost both his wife and son to an attack by the minions of Mandyl, barely surviving himself for want of his magical ability. Even so, Voel found himself wanting, almost needing to figure out a way of avoiding such a fate should the Shadows come for him to finish what they started. Thus, he began a fifteen-year-long journey across the remnants of Raeth, to search for some semblance of magic that could assist him in this task, until finally, he came across a form of magic to let him control the shadows around him, which was ultimately modified into a spell that, when applied, would let him take control of the Living Shadows themselves, and turn them against their brethren outright.
This leads us to Voel's current situation - wandering the planet in search of something to do, and, he has more recently found, people to protect from themselves as well as the monsters roaming the land: bandits are more common than he'd like to see, and Voel's past experiences with their ilk leads him to take out malicious mortals and hellspawn alike wherever they are found.
Other Notes: Much of Voel's skillset is based around a surprisingly avoidant attitude - if something bad happens to him, he tends to veer towards training to ensure that that bad thing can't happen to him again, and with the lifespan of an elf behind him, he is willing to expend a great amount of time toward achieving these goals; in the post-Descent world, this attitude is also projected outwards into a desire to assist others and keep society from degrading any further than it already has.

Class: Mage
Skill Points: 0/6
Fighting Styles:
Yael'is Non: Translating roughly to "Yielding Art", this Elvish martial art is the equivalent of Jujutsu/Jujitsu in the real world, and functions on similar principles - namely, manipulating the force or energy of a martial opponent against them, particularly if that opponent is heavily armed and/or armoured, through use of grappling techniques such as pins, joint locks, holds and throws, as well as utilising more painful attacks such as bites or gouges once a grapple is achieved. Voel considers it useful when an opponent decides to charge into melee range toward him in a manner that does not heed his normal magical threats, a major weakness of many mages.
Magic Styles: Elemental, Shadow
Natural Affinities: None
Sealing Strike: Focusing his mana into any point on his body, Voel strikes an opponent with the focus point, generating a disruptive magical shock that, if performed correctly, forces all of the target's muscles to go limp at once and completely disrupts their ability to channel mana, effectively paralysing them both physically and magically for about half an hour. The ideal target for this attack is the base of the neck, where the magical shock can have maximum effect as it reverberates throughout the target's body, but any point along the target's spine will have a similar effect, with perhaps a shorter duration, and even non-optimal strike locations such as limbs can still cause paralysis of the struck body part and any body parts which rely on it, as well as making casting much more difficult for the target anyway.
The main weakness of this ability is how relatively precise it needs to be to function correctly - whilst Voel's fighting style can help him restrain opponents for long enough to utilise this attack, he requires a few moments to focus his mana and a lack of significant distractions to make sure he does not mess up his focusing or targeting, and an opponent making a particularly concerted effort to free themselves can lead to neither of these being possible. Worse still is what happens if his focus is disrupted once the focus point is generated; if he is sufficiently distracted in the brief period between the focus point being created and actually striking the target, the energy within the focus point may instead ricochet back into Voel's own body, paralysing the areas of his body within a (relatively) short distance of the focus point and severely disrupting his channelling ability, which has a very good chance of leading to his demise given that he is unlikely to use it when he is not already trying to disable an active opponent. Furthermore, even if the ability is successfully utilised, any use of Sealing Strike will result in a brief period of magical inactivity as his mana recirculates around his body, though no more than fifteen to thirty seconds for any given Strike depending on where he placed his focus (the further from his core, the more time needed to restabilise mana flow), and he is not physically disabled as a result of a successful Sealing Strike.
Pyrokinesis: A relatively generic elemental ability, pyrokinesis involves use of mana to generate and manipulate various quantities of elemental fire, usually in the form of fireballs or flame waves. Whilst versatile in terms of how it can be applied, this spell does not particularly allow for more specialised uses such as healing, being an effectively purely destructive ability.
Aquakinesis: A relatively generic elemental ability, aquakinesis involves use of mana to generate and manipulate various quantities of elemental water, usually in the form of water blasts or liquid waves. Whilst versatile in terms of how it can be applied, this spell does not particularly allow for more specialised uses such as healing, being an effectively purely destructive ability.
Aerokinesis: A relatively generic elemental ability, aerokinesis involves use of mana to generate and manipulate various quantities of elemental air, usually in the form of wind slashes or air blasts. Whilst versatile in terms of how it can be applied, this spell does not particularly allow for more specialised uses such as healing, being an effectively purely destructive ability.
Command Shadow: Forcing his mana into the body of a Living Shadow, Voel forcibly takes control of that Shadow's body from the inside, effectively gaining control over it for the duration of the spell, at the end of which it will generally be dissolved into nothingness by an outburst of power. This can, amongst other things, let him use that Shadow's inherent abilities to fight for him, distract opponents whilst he makes a quick escape, or simply take hits for him whilst he works his elemental magic. This can be utilised on multiple Living Shadows at a time, or upon a sufficiently weak entity aligned with the Anti-Gods such as demons, but doing so requires additional focus and mana input, and if he should run out of either, the Shadows or other controlled entity can quite easily break free of this spell's effects, intact and very angry at Voel specifically.
Items/Equipment: Storage bag, food supply, minor valuable trinkets, a locket containing an image of him and his family.
Obsolete; see Koe Henir for my replacement sheet.

<Snipped quote by BCTheEntity>

I kinda hate to admit it but my character was definitely heavily influenced by Guts. Also for Orior's sake I will point out that Guts is the main character in a pretty well known manga called Berserk. It's a very brutal dark fantasy story.

Yeah, that did occur to me after I made my post on the subject. So, erm... *awkward cough*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I like your character up until mid-biography, EVEN THOUGH YOU DIDN'T KEEP MY FORMATTING!!!!1!(y u no like mah formatting?! i work so hard on it ;^; ).

The biggest problem I have with your character is that he's overpowered to the point of not being cannon to this setting. Having control over any type of magic "to the point that he could utilize* them in a great variety of ways, not limited to only specific forms of attack with any given element" in this world takes centuries to achieve. At that point in his life, your character would just know a crap-ton of spells. Which, would in theory be fine as long as they were spelled (LOL PUN NOT INTENDED BUT RECOGNIZED) out in your CS. (TBH, did you really think you could buy complete element control with 1 SP?)

But I wouldn't want your character to be that powerful. An important part of a roleplay, to me, is character development. The point of the skill points is to limit people over powering their character.

There are other semantics issues with your CS, but because I'm so vague in the CS, and others have had questions concerning that, its probably more my fault.

I'm going to do some edits to the OP and CS this evening, now that I'm home, so keep that in mind, please! Hopefully it'll clear some things up.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Speaking about formatting, can I get the base coding for the CS in a format you would like?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

You can't get it from the link in the OP? This one?

I'm also going to post my own CS soon.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AllIsOne
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AllIsOne The Swagful One

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jakken Pantyr


Moon Elf

Jakken is 6"3 in height. His hair is black like a moonless night, cascading down and ending at the middle of his back. His skin is pale white, his face long and clean-shaven. his eyes are blood red in color. He wears leather armor, including greaves, vambraces, boots, gloves and a belt. Over that he wears a robe that reaches just under his knees. Over his shoulder is a quiver filled with steel tipped arrows laced with Hemlock. On his back he carries an ash flatbow.

Jakken is quite arrogant and condescending. He looks at any non-elf as a lesser being, unworthy of his attention. He is brave, almost to the point of foolishness, because of his thinking that no creature can defeat him. Some might call him selfish, but he does care very much for his brethren and he does his best to assist any Moon Elf he encounters. Regarding his enemies, he is merciless and ruthless.

Before The Great Decent Jakken was a devout follower of Sylsetria, as were many elves. Since The world went dark, Sylsetria has become weak and almost helpless, and so Jakken left her following, with the belief that she has deserted her people. Now Jakken pays homage to Elanom, The Lady of the Night. Nothing is wrong to Jakken when protecting his people.

Growing up as the son of the king of Marduil, the biggest Moon Elf tribe in the land, puts a lot of pressure on a young elf. He was supposed to be smarter, faster, stronger and better looking than all the other elves in the tribe. His father was very distant, showing him any attention only when he would win a competition or come back from a good hunt. The only time he saw his father show any kind of feelings was when Jakken's mother died.

His father's expectations, as well as the rest of the tribe's, caused Jakken to put almost his entire time into studying. Archery, tracking and magic were only some of the things he learned during his first two-hundred and fifty years. On his two-hundred and fiftieth birthday, he set out into the dense forests on his mission.

It is a Marduil tradition that when an elf comes of age at his or her two-hundred and fiftieth birthday, that elf must choose a mission for himself. Then he proposes his mission to the council of elders who decide if it is a honorable mission or not. If they agree to it, the elf will set off to complete his mission, and not return until he has done so. If the council disapproves the mission, the council will choose a mission for the elf, which the elf then will have to complete.

When Jakken came forward before the council with his proposal, the elder elves were amazed. They quickly agreed to his proposal, and so the next day, Jakken set off. His mission: To speak face to face with Sylsetria, his matron goddess. He was out in the forests when The Great Decent happened. With everything falling and dying around him, he started to believe that Sylsetria does not really care for her followers. Caring for his tribe, Jakken returned to his tribe's city. What he saw there made him fall to his knees and weep.

Only ruin. Ruin and death. All the beautiful buildings he remembered from his childhood destroyed, huge pieces of stone laying in the streets. It was as if a huge fire-breathing giant had ran through the city, utterly destroying everything in his path. Jakken walked among the ruins, searching for life. So many bodies lay in the streets, pouring their blood into the gutters.

Jakken left the city with one goal in mind. Find Sylsetria, and avenge his tribe. He has heard whispers that a man only known as "Demon Hunter" has arrived in Uranda who has found a way to kill a god. He is known to have a huge red beard and carry a great battleaxe. Jakken must speak with this man, and find out the truth. If he will not speak, Jakken will make him.

That is how Jakken arived in Uranda.

Other Notes:
(Anything you want to add)


Skill Points:
0 / 6

  • Ash Flatbow - 1 SP

  • Fighting Style: Archery (pretty self-explanatory) - 0 SP
  • Natural Affinity: Quickness - 1 SP

Natural Abilities:
  • Moon Elf: Jakken has the ability to see in low-lighted areas and with infrared (heat) vision. - 0 SP
  • Tracking: Jakken has learned the basics of forest tracking from some of the best trackers in the realm. Using all of his senses in their fullest, he tracks his prey. - 1 SP

Magical Abilities:
  • Magic Style: Arcane Knowledge of the Wild: Jakken spent almost his entire life training with royal rangers and royal mages in the art of the wild. The mages taught him to tap into his mana and cast Primal spells, though Jakken specialized in the Natural School and the Illusion School. - 1 SP
  • Animal Tongue: Through studying Natural magic, Jakken has gained the ability to telepathically communicate with most animals. - 1 SP

  • Illusion: At the start, Jakken can create simple visual and auditory illusions, but as he gains skill he can come to bend light and sound to create much more detailed illusions, and even solid ones. - 0 SP

  • Young Gray Wolf - 1 SP

General Equipment:
  • Water Canteen
  • Some Food
  • Small Knife

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hm, Interested, will get a CS when I can :)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alright, he looks awesome! I just have a few comments, but nothing too bad. I really like your character, he's not what I was expecting.

Even though his father is a King, he'd still pay some sort of homage to the Emperor, but the whole concept is fine (not necessarily complete sovereignty, but you get it right?). That's just me being nit-picky.

The only other issues I have are his abilities being just a bit too involved for costing 1 SP. Is there an upgrade to Quickness, the plus sign? Because then I believe you have one too many SP in your skeleton. For Illusion; what kind of illusion? Auditory, visual, or both? How big can it be? (Please remember that you will be able to upgrade these abilities.) The tracking seems a bit OP, so could you pick a terrain/environment he is a specialist in?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AllIsOne
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AllIsOne The Swagful One

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, he looks awesome! I just have a few comments, but nothing too bad. I really like your character, he's not what I was expecting.

Even though his father is a King, he'd still pay some sort of homage to the Emperor, but the whole concept is fine (not necessarily complete sovereignty, but you get it right?). That's just me being nit-picky.

The only other issues I have are his abilities being just a bit too involved for costing 1 SP. Is there an upgrade to Quickness, the plus sign? Because then I believe you have one too many SP in your skeleton. For Illusion; what kind of illusion? Auditory, visual, or both? How big can it be? (Please remember that you will be able to upgrade these abilities.) The tracking seems a bit OP, so could you pick a terrain/environment he is a specialist in?

I was thinking that the tracking might be a bit too OP too.
Alright, I'll fix it up, but for the next 24 hours I won't be able to be active here, so expect it to be ready in like 26 hours.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Cool. I like how you tied in my character to your reason for being in the city. I am curious though. Does Jakken know what Kragen looks like at all? He's a huge red bearded guy carrying a ridiculously large axe so he's kinda hard to miss.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 8 days ago

I'll go over points as I come to them.
Formatting: I was not aware that there was a set character sheet at all. I didn't see any links or anything to it, so... that'd be my fault, I suppose. I can modify him to fit that character sheet, if you could make the link and/or the sheet itself more obviously present apparently you already did that, so we'll see how that works out.
OPness: Yeah, that one's my bad. To be honest, I'm somewhat used to playing in settings where versatility doesn't directly correspond to power, and I guess I got carried away. That being said, if you could recommend suitable replacement spells for those, I would greatly appreciate it.
Character development: To be fair, how a character develops can have nothing to do with how strong they are. For instance, Superman's story is for all intents and purposes one of character development, with any strength enhancement being incidental to this. Then again, a great many people despise Superman for how powerful he is at all, so who am I to judge? But again, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could recommend suitable replacements for those spells, and I'll most likely modify Voel's biography to match. Then again, I could just go straight in on that Kenshiro idea...
Semantic issues: I'd like to know what these are. I'd rather get rid of them sooner rather than later, and I'm sure future signees would appreciate the fixes too.

EDIT: In fact, screw it, I'm going all-in on this Kenshirexpy idea. I evidently don't expect him to ever develop ludicrous insta-kill moves of that sort, but all things considered, I think I'm close enough to that sort of character anyway that a slight change won't be too difficult.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Name: Dalgun Battlehammer

age: 130

Race: Iron Dwarf

Appearance: Dalgun is your textbook image of a Dwarf. Four feet, 3 inches tall with a braided fiery red beard and furiously determined eyes. He wears plate mail crafted by a close (now dead) friend of Dwarven steel, trimmed in gold and adorned with Dwarven runes. These runes hold no power but are merely décor. Dwarven codes of honor forever engraved. He carries an Axe at one side and his Hammer on the other.

Personality: An honorable and righteous soul, Dalgun will always fight fair and protect those who cant protect themselves. He also makes light of battle, often singing, jesting, or laughing as his axe rends flesh and his hammer crushes bones. Dalgun is also (as many Dwarves are) a heavy drinker and carries a horn of ale. A lesser known side to this Dwarf is the nostalgic side. The part of him that remembers the 'good 'ol days' and sometimes leads him to remorse, an all to common occurrence among those old enough to remember how good life used to be.

Religion: Dalgun was a warrior smith before the First Descent and a devout follower of Kurladt. Betrayed by his god, Dalgun abandoned his forge and crafting to focus his rage against the many beasts that roamed the world.

Bio: As old as he is, it is quite safe to say Dalgun was born into the old world. His childhood was much like other Iron Dwarves in the City State of Kord'An. Kord'An itself was on the fringe of Dwarf territory within the deep places of the world and followed the architecture typical to the Dwarven race. Many of its buildings were dug into the rock face of the caverns and were simply smaller caverns themselves with ornate doorways. Kord'An lay in a cavern of monstrous proportions though so there were standing structures, as well as a sturdy wall around the city. The central Government of the City State was a Monarchy and thus a palace hung from the cavern roof like a massive stalactite in the center of the city. A Large, intricate stairway connected the bottom most level of the palace to the city streets. This design prevented a massive invasion of the palace by infantry.

Long had Clan Battlehammer been recognized among the Dwarves for their warriors and smiths. Durin Battlehammer, Dalgun's father, had been the Kings personal smith while other members of the family served as officers in the army. Durin taught Dalgun the ways of Kurladt and the anvil. Through his father, he too became a smith worthy of recognition. It was Moradin, brother of Durin, that taught Dalgun the ways of the Battlerager.

To fight with your heart and soul and let your passion drive your arm to slay your foe! To take heed and answer the call, to axe and Hammer do the wicked fall! A song of honor and valor we sing, the Battlerager's wrath to you we bring!

The Battleragers chant, and code. Battleragers were an organization of warriors dedicated to upholding justice and defending those who could not defend themselves. Most comfortable when surrounded, small numbers of foes held little interest to the crazed defenders. Dalgun and his brethren prefered when the odds are stacked against them and find themselves outnumbered. Being outnumbered got the blood and adrenaline flowing quickly and heightened ones fear of death, therefore increasing the willingness to survive and by doing so causing the warrior to fight harder.

Under the tutelage of Durin and Moradin, Dalgun learned his trades quickly and exceeded expectations. His combat training consisted mostly of actual combat against roving bands of goblins and other ilk of the caverns. At 40 years of age, Dalgun was dubbed an official Battlerager of Kord'An. This is also the day he forged his axe and named it Moradin after his uncle, who taught him the ways of war. And when Durin, Patron of Clan Battlehammer, gifted his son with his most magnificent Hammer. Dalgun named the weapon after his father, who passed on his knowledge of Kurladt to his son.

The city of Kord'An was unaware of the goings on of the surface and the proceedings of the First Descent... and would have continued to do so had it not been for the smithies. Dalgun had been at his Father's forge, crafting a battle helm for a fellow Battlerager, when the signs first began. The forges fire burned low, cold, and could not smelt the ores. Steel cracked and his smithing tools splintered. Ingots showed impurities.. Dalgun and albeit many other smiths in the city knew instantly what had transpired. Kurladt.. their patron god of the forges.. had abandoned them.

Not more than a week after the smiths reported that, the city fell under siege by the beasts of the tunnels. Ever the roaming bands of mindless creatures, suddenly they were driven and focused and whats worse they were at the walls. Climbing, smashing, doing what they could to get inside. Goblins, trolls, spiders, orcs, umberhulks, to name but a few of the creatures assaulting the city. Kord'An was caught off guard but not crippled. The Dwarves quickly mounted a defense and bought time for the citizens to retreat to the palace which would be much easier to defend.

The siege lasted for more than three years before the horde of beasts began to disperse. Not before killing half of the population of the city, though. It was the King's decree that a party be dispatched to the surface to discern the source of these events. The abandonment of their god and the horde of monsters..

A party of six was chosen (the smaller the group the easier they could slip by their enemies) and Dalgun volunteered. Two of the six fell in the tunnels before they could break the surface. The remaining four emerged from the underdark the find that the world was much different than it'd been before.

The Dwarves sought answers, traveling throughout the old human kingdom and finding naught but death and destruction. They lent their axe and hammer to any in need they found and thus committed themselves to helping the surface dwellers while they searched for answers.

Over the last 17 years, the other three Dwarves fell in battle and only Dalgun remained. Devoted to bringing justice and hope to this diminished world. The palace of Kord'An, his home, may still stand (or hang, rather) but he would not return until this deed was done.

Traveling and combating the monsters of this new hell, Dalgun now finds himself in the port city called Urenda

Class: Warrior

Skill points:


Moradin- His one handed Axe crafted by himself deep within the forges of Kord'an and enchanted by the Diamond Dwarves of that city so that it may never rust nor feel the effects of time.
Durin- A hammer, crafted of ore fallen from the stars and given to him by his father long ago. Durin, due to Dwarven craftsmanship and unique alloy, is remarkably light despite its bone shattering capabilities.

Fighting style- Battlerager (dual wield hammer and axe)
Heavy armor. 2 sp

Natural abilities:
Dwarven strength- Dwarven warriors are known for their strength and Dalgun is no exception.
Battlerager's tenacity+ - As a Battlerager, Dalgun can fight for extended periods despite his heavy armor and bone crushing weapons.
Pain resistance- Can take hits that would stop most others in their tracks, or do things that most others cant (such as head butting an Orc in close combat)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 8 days ago

Replacement character for Voel follows.

Koe Henir



Koe is possessed of pale skin and eyes of a deep brown, almost black colour, with a thick mop of messy black hair atop his head; he is moderately muscular, with a chiseled face and a set of seven circular scars across his chest in the pattern of a relatively famous constellation, and he is about 186cm tall. His clothing consists of blue trousers composed of a dense flannel-like substance, a red undershirt, a simple vest of the same colour and material as his trousers, two brown leather shoulder pads, and black shoes; this is usually hidden beneath a brown travelling cloak that covers his entire body, complete with eye-shadowing hood.

Koe is generally a very calm and pragmatic individual, whose personal philosophy dictates that he try to defuse tricky social situations when possible. He is not fond of fighting others, and will avoid doing so if possible, but is direct when it comes to ending fights decisively - he will use as much force as is necessary to stop somebody from attacking him, and if it is the case that he is forced to kill them to do this, then so be it. That being said, he is not fond of those who would make the situation any worse than it already is for the inhabitants of Reath, and tends to count, for instance, bandits as a social situation to be defused, with as much strength as is necessary if worst comes to worst; also, it is occasionally the case that one may find him staring off into nothing, with what might be mistaken for a sorrowful look in his eyes, before he snaps back to attention.

Morality / Religion:
Koe pays at least casual heed to most remaining gods that still see merit in the mortals of the world, particularly those of the human pantheon, but shows a surprising degree of deference towards Elanom, apparently staying up late on many nights to worship her specifically. This is perhaps justified, as both parties seemingly feel that they should do what they can to assist the remaining mortals of the world, though in Koe's case, he is somewhat more aggressive when it comes to situations where one mortal party is choosing to harass another.

Adopted by the famous martial arts master Raika alongside four other children, Koe was always quite a curious individual, and took up practice of his master's martial art, Kaze a-Raken, a.k.a. The Fist of the Gods, in a bid to become its successor. The art in question was one that followed a particular rule of succession - namely, that there could be only one master and one student of it at any given time, and for the longest time, it seemed that its successor would be the oldest and most skilled brother, Raga, as the second-oldest Tukoeh chose to abandon practice of the art and develop an alternate, more passive fighting style of his own, whilst the third-oldest Kaje repeatedly proved himself far too cruel and unfocused to be suitable for further training, at one point even threatening Koe's own life, but failing to overcome him and ultimately being severely injured by Raika for his indiscretion.
Alas, it was not long before the Descent came upon the world, and the four brothers were scattered to the winds in their respective struggles against the subsequent apocalypse.
Koe spent the majority of his teenage years alone and wandering, finding that he dare not attempt to continue training up what little martial artistry he knew, for fear that he was not worthy of the title of successor. Far too often, though, he found that the few remaining mortals of the world were as cruel to each other as the demons that marauded across the remaining habitable land, and after a particularly bad encounter in which his body was scarred in the pattern of Kaze a-Raken's own inspirational constellation, he finally decided that he would train to save the mortal races from themselves, even if fate did not wish for him to succeed, and began mercilessly practicing what little of the martial art he was still capable of, focusing in each case on a single aspect to perfect each technique as best he could by his own merits.
It was during this period that he met the woman who would prove to be his soulmate, a ground elf named Jaen of blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and an optimistic personality that saw the best in everyone in spite of the fact that some foul demonic illness constantly threatened her life, which drew Koe like a moth to a flame. The two relatively quickly fell in love with one another, and spent many happy years together, until the day that a raiding party attacked their settlement and stole Jaen away. Koe once more took to the road, following leads that would, no more than a couple of months after Jaen's abduction, take him to Urenda, hopeful that perhaps he might reunite with Jaen once more, should bandit, demon, or her own failing health have not yet taken her from the world.

Other Notes:
Koe's past experiences have ingrained somewhat of a fear in him that he is "not good enough", which has driven a lot of his development; telling him that he cannot, for whatever reason, help out in a situation is one of the few things that is likely to break his cool, and repetitive instances of such from any given person are likely to anger him to the point of rage.


Skill Points:
0 / 7

Fighting Style:
Koe practices Kaze a-Raken, or the Fist of the Gods (0 SP), a martial art originally developed by ancient sun elves that, through use of induced trances and occasionally mana to enhance physique and perform relatively minor feats of will, is primarily designed to kill one's opponents even through armour with just the user's hands, though it can also be utilised for, amongst other things, permanently mutilating one's foes and negating the force behind both armed and unarmed assaults. Alas, Koe's training in the art is nowhere near complete, and he has been forced to rely on a few moves of substantially lesser strength than those present in the martial art's true form, though he generally makes up for this with creative uses and combinations of those techniques he does possess.

Magic Style:

Weapons / Tools:

Skills / Abilities:
  • Teten-Reka Kaze, a.k.a. Hundred-Strike Fist (0 SP): Utilising a combination of crushing palm and fist blows and piercing finger strikes, typically alongside the induced trance state of dyl-Dracken Kovos (see below), Koe strikes a target a great many times in just a few seconds. True masters of this technique can strike a target a hundred times in just a few seconds even without enhancement (hence the technique's name), shattering bone and rending flesh with each strike; Koe's version, whilst coming relatively close to emulating the speed of such an attack, has nothing like the raw power behind each strike, mostly relying on the extreme number of blows dealt and dyl-Dracken Kovos' trance to subdue foes. To wit, this merely describes the most effective nature of such a technique, the "Hundred-Strike" portion being somewhat of a misnomer - strikes can be removed and their force reduced as needed, such that Koe may deal as much or as little damage to a foe as he desires; along the same lines, additional attacks may be added on to the end of this technique to increase the overall damage dealt if needed, though more attacks obviously take more time, and stringing attacks together for too long obviously runs the risk of gradually tiring Koe out.
  • Ulsir vot-Dracken, a.k.a. Breaking the Dragon's Wings (1 SP, +1 Upgrade): An extremely fast and powerful attack made with a knife hand, the mastered version is intended to completely mutilate or even sever limbs and/or extremities such that they can never be used again, though it is equally as effective at mutilating and severing heads or bodies if aimed correctly, and will typically shear through armour like butter to boot; Koe's version is certainly relatively powerful, able to slash about two inches into unprotected flesh, even dealing damage through hardened leather armour, but is nothing like as powerful as the full-power technique. Often tacked on at the end of a Teten-Reka Kaze by Koe as a finishing strike, or to kill opponents that he sees no need to waste additional energy upon.
  • se-Velsis Reka, a.k.a. Sealing Strike (1 SP): One of the few inherently non-lethal attacks in Kaze a-Raken, this technique targets pressure points on a foe in order to paralyse their muscles, forcing them to go limp for several minutes at a time, and those Kaze a-Raken masters who possess magic can use it to enhance the paralysis effect or even disrupt the foe's mana channelling capability. Evidently, Koe's version of the technique is noticably weaker - his Sealing strikes tend to cause only momentary muscle spasm on their own, and his lack of training sometimes catches him out when trying to find a pressure point to target; as of current, the move is more useful for the purposes of throwing off an opponent's accuracy than paralysing them for extended periods of time, though this can obviously open them up for more lethal blows if need be.

Natural Abilities:
  • dyl-Dracken Kovos, a.k.a. Sun Dragon's Breath (3 SP): The technique of Sun Dragon's Breath is one of the fundamental principles of Kaze a-Raken, and one of the major reasons why it can be so immensely destructive, yet it is one of the most difficult aspects of the art to fully master. In principle, however, it involves manipulating one's breathing in order to put oneself into a lucid trance of sorts, during which the body is, supposedly, filled with the power of the sun itself. In practice, what this actually does is channel mana to maximise the user's potential with their current physique, allowing them to access up to 100% of their strength, speed, and toughness, as opposed to the mere 30% or so that most others are capable of utilising; in essence, their physical strength, speed, and damage resistance is more than tripled whilst in trance state, making the user a force to be reckoned with for most common foes. Koe has not mastered this technique, and in some sense has developed a slightly different technique in and of itself - as of current, the trance he enters allows him to access up to 60% of his physical ability rather than the full 100%, a boost of roughly double his normal physical power, but the trance itself is not passively maintained by patterned breathing during combat as it is with the standard form of the technique, instead requiring Koe to perform his breathing prior to entering the trance, and then remaining in trance for about 50% longer than he maintained his breathing for. All that being said, no mere mortal was meant to wield the power of the sun: whilst a true master can circumvent any negative side effects through stamina training, amongst other things, Koe's imperfect form of the technique can, if he sustains it for too long, begin tearing his muscles apart, since the human body did not evolve to utilise that much strength at a time, and certainly not for as long as he can maintain it.
  • Drevel el-Lyka, a.k.a. Fluid Moon (1 SP): One of the biggest strengths of Kaze a-Raken is its fluidity, the ability of its user to switch from one attack form to another in an instant. Unlike many of the martial art's finer points, this fluidity is not lost on Koe, and he is quite capable of stringing his combat techniques together in a variety of ways, for instance inserting se-Velsis Rekas into the attack flurry of his Teten-Reka Kaze to ensure that foes remain off-balance and unable to fight back. To some extent, this fluidity bleeds over into his personality, granting him a certain degree of creativity in many situations outside of combat, and ensures that he can to a certain extent incorporate moves from other fighting styles into his own from observation alone if he so desires.

Spells / Magical Abilities:

General Equipment:
  • Storage bag;
  • Supply of dried food;
  • Minor valuable trinkets, gathered to sell to others;
  • Spare change, with most excess money spent on food and shelter;
  • A locket containing a magically-induced image of his family members: Raika, Raga, Tukoeh, and Kaje, as well as himself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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<Snipped quote by Orior>

I was thinking that the tracking might be a bit too OP too.
Alright, I'll fix it up, but for the next 24 hours I won't be able to be active here, so expect it to be ready in like 26 hours.

Awesome, thank you~! Just because you mentioned it, I'm working tonight and tomorrow, so I'll only be on sporadically as well.

I'll go over points as I come to them.
Formatting: I was not aware that there was a set character sheet at all. I didn't see any links or anything to it, so... that'd be my fault, I suppose. I can modify him to fit that character sheet, if you could make the link and/or the sheet itself more obviously present apparently you already did that, so we'll see how that works out.
OPness: Yeah, that one's my bad. To be honest, I'm somewhat used to playing in settings where versatility doesn't directly correspond to power, and I guess I got carried away. That being said, if you could recommend suitable replacement spells for those, I would greatly appreciate it.
Character development: To be fair, how a character develops can have nothing to do with how strong they are. For instance, Superman's story is for all intents and purposes one of character development, with any strength enhancement being incidental to this. Then again, a great many people despise Superman for how powerful he is at all, so who am I to judge? But again, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could recommend suitable replacements for those spells, and I'll most likely modify Voel's biography to match. Then again, I could just go straight in on that Kenshiro idea...
Semantic issues: I'd like to know what these are. I'd rather get rid of them sooner rather than later, and I'm sure future signees would appreciate the fixes too.

EDIT: In fact, screw it, I'm going all-in on this Kenshirexpy idea. I evidently don't expect him to ever develop ludicrous insta-kill moves of that sort, but all things considered, I think I'm close enough to that sort of character anyway that a slight change won't be too difficult.

You aren't the only one to wonder where the CS is, so I'm going to make the link more noticeable in the OP.
I can give you some replacements no problem, and I'll make them work as best I can to your back story, give you a couple different to choose from and PM you.
I HATE superman for that exact reason - development is in no means based on the physical aspect, but what's the point and where's the fun of playing someone who can't be challenged? I've also never really seen much development of superman at all, but I haven't read all the comics so I digress. That was why I was kinda apoloegtic when I said it, because I didn't make it clear in the OP so that was my fault.
The semantics weren't important and I fixed them in OP; it was really just that a magic style is supposed to be an explanation, but I hadn't even included it before in the CS.

...I-Is that the same as that Guts guy, or is he different? I was going to try and not have to make you change your background, although by all means you can.

Oh ok! Hold on, reviewing the last two CSes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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Kenshiro is a different character to Guts, who I am now playing an expy of you cannot stop me huehua. On a more serious note: honestly, I do agree that Superman is by this point overworked to the point of stupidity, and should by all rights have been dropped long ago; the only way to really develop him any further short of permanently killing off one of the important people in his life is "make him ever more OP", so...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I really the beginnings of this! The only current issue I have is your weapons. Yes, you get two for free, so that's fine, they are just too powerful to be bought with 1 SP. Also, the one named "Durin;" if it couold only be dismantled by a god, it is godly in power, and i cant allow that. Not saying you cant upgrade it to be unbreakable, it would just take more than 1 SP. You used the SP system just fine expect for that, though. Maybe just tone the weapons done and then its golden.

@BCTheEntity I like the start of the character, I just don't understand how/why there would only be two practitioners of a martial art. Maybe elaborate on it some more? But it sounds cool.
Yeah, they whored him out to hell and back. :/
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I'd say a mix of Bruenor and Pwent :P and no problem! I can most definitely tone down the weapons.

Edit: Toned down the weapons (I think)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Orior
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Baconator Hell yeah. Rad.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Crap, might not be able to join this, seems like i am gonna be a bit busy for a bit this week.
Sorry for the inconvenience and good luck with this rp.
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