Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 2 days ago

-In the human world-

Kyoichi woke. He was taking a simple nap when the even had transpired. Grunting, he stood up from the grassy field and looked about. "Just what in the hell happened..." He said to no one in particular. He spotted three captain, particularly the captains of Squad Four, Nine and Thirteen. Having not heard what was said before he woke, he approached the captain of Squad Thirteen and said "Ma'am, just what is happening? Are we on a special mission or something? There is sure a lot of shinigamis here for a mission..."

-Sword Quest-

Moving through the mountain path, Kyoichi had spotted a small diner, oddly placed considering the locale. "Yukihira's...sounds interesting..." Securing his sword and backpack, he stepped through the curtained doors of the small diner. "WELCOME!" The chef called out. "Have a seat wherever you'd like sir." The chef continued, without even turning around. "The menu is on the wall. The special today is Scalding Hot Nabeyaki Udon, served with a side of ryukiri beef!" Kyoichi was nodding along to the whole nabeyaki udon part but when the ryukiri beef bit came about, he furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at the chef.

To his surprise, the chef wasn't at the stove...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Nishiki's head curiously bobbed upwards, much like a meercat, as the worker from earlier answered her question. She gave the man a cheerful grin in return for his information. "Oh that's great! Nairin would loves these then! Hmhm C? What's that short for? I'm guessing that's short for cook right? Or maybe the cook's name?" Nishiki asked, tilting her head a tiny bit to the left as she talked to the man. "What's your name anyway? I'm Nishiki, but you can call me Niki. Your hair looks really nice by the way" Sporting a friendly aura, Nishiki continued to smile as she attempted to make another new friend. "Oh and Keisukee-saan, after you've finished eating, wanna come with me to the Seireitei so I can show my partner my new friend?" Her smile grew wider as she set her sights back on Keisuke, hoping he'd accept the offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kagiko Shuiji

Kagiko listened and watched as the Captains took their place, listening a Sai spoke about not needing a pecking order. To Kagiko working all on an equal level would achieve nothing...this was why any sensible military organisation had ranks. It was more so a person knew their place...Kagiko wasn't an unreasonable man..."I believe order is needed. It's what we know best and is the formula we are used to so why change it? You other Captains have come here with your squads, I have not...I only placed myself in the position of Head Captain as I know the man we are dealing with the best and as far as I know I'm the only one that has the experience to get us back. Remember this is not the Gotei 13...this is something else..."

Kagiko then rubbed the back of his head with his right hand before continuing to speak "Just because I named myself as the Head Captain of our little order doesn't mean I will work the same as the traditional Head Captain. I'm very open to opinions but all I'm really here to do is guide us in the right direction and give you other Captains tasks to fulfil with your Squads. That aside...remember to watch yourselves out there as we don't have limiters on...that means we will be attracting hollows so look for somewhere that's out of the way. As for contacting one another...we will have to improvise with that until I can find the time to create some devices that allow us to communicate. The one thing I will ask is this...does anyone have any questions or problems with this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Oblivion666 @abigailtenshi @kurisa

Shin had been going about simple, every day shinigami business. He had been writing reports and the such as he normally did until a booming voice and a light interrupted him. As the ground shook, he looked about, unable to decide what to do for a moment. "Traverse the heavens in but a step, Ma!" He shouted, turning his zanpakuto to its shikai form. As the ground shook, he let himself fall, swinging the two halves of his shikai above and below him so he could take his time with looking around. Because of his shikai's ability, he had practice with using it to ensure he wasn't being thrown about randomly, and thus, looked around while falling through the portals. He would bring his hands down to hit the ground before he went through the portal occasionally so as to avoid going too fast. This didn't last very long though, as the ground glowing faded, but so did his knowledge of where he was.

The human world

Shin opened his eyes slowly, but quickly closed them again as the sun nearly blinded him for a moment. He brought his arm up, giving himself some shade while his eyes adjusted and he looked around. "That wasn't some prank, then..." He said as he realized he was in the human world. He sat up and checked his waist for his zanpakuto, which, for some reason, was sealed and in the sheathe, despite his using it only moments prior. He looked to another shinigami who seemed to understand what was going on, and label himself temporary head captain. He hadn't gotten many chances to interact with shinigami from other squads, so the only thing he knew was that it was the captain of squad 12. He stood up, looking around only to see that other members of his own squad seemed absent, and thus, he went to the closest squad to his own... At least number-wise.

He didn't know the captains all that well, as he'd focused on his own squad mostly, but he could at least pick them out of the crowd with ease. He saw captain Sui Sanada standing with other captains, by the look of it, and stepped over towards them, bowing as he did. "Apologies for interrupting, but captain Sui Sanada, I would like to request to act as a member of your squad for the time being... Seeing as squad ten seems to be missing." he glanced up, hoping to see a reaction, "If you need to know about my zanpakuto, I can explain the shikai." He was about to wait for a response before realizing he hadn't introduced himself. "Oh, right... Sorry captain Sanada, my name is Shin Kimoto, fifth seat of squad ten."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Hmph, so those new recruits thought they could make a complete fool out of me? ...and with such cheap tactics? I guess I can start by etching my treasures' names into their skin one by one." The lieutenant muttered in a sadistic tone as his eyes slowly opened to great disappointment. Jumping up to his feet, he quickly looked at his surroundings cautiously only to come across a big percentage of the captains and their subordinates bundled up together in conversation. It looked rather serious from the short distance away that Akuseru was from the crowd of higher - ups, which made him eager to head over there in order to have some of his questions answered but was it most important? Regardless of both how and why it happened, the lieutenant had arrived at the human world. As such, his third most treasured object was within his reach so getting it was top priority.

However, his captain was up and about which made him simply smile lightly before walking over to her side. Nothing created by mere mortals could ever topple captain Sanada when she was at her full alertness. Jumping in on the conversation late rather than early, Akuseru gave a blank stare at the captain of squad 12 as the man finished up. "No, no one doesn't because everyone here is either too oblivious to everything or too lazy to take control over the situation. As for me, I'm content with you taking charge but I just wish that you'd poke your chest out some more because the troops need to have some fire in their bellies if we ever want to win against these...people. That's just my personal preference but outside of that, I am without complaints."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Keisuke Tsubaki

Keisuke continued to eat his food and in truth was actually ignoring most of the people around him as he was to focused on eating however once he had finished he finally began to pay attention as Nishiki spoke to him "I really shouldn't...people like me aren't accepted into the Seireitei...I thought you'd know this..." Keisuke looked at Nishiki and raised an eye brow slightly...it was odd..how would she not know that outsiders weren't allowed in the Seireitei
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo could not help but smile at Sai's look of concern for her, though she was sad that she had caused worry for Sai it was nice that she truly cared for them. Waving her hands back and forth she was about to explain and try to calm Sai down but suddenly the ground started to shake violently! "Captain?!" She reached out to grab onto her captains robes to help steady herself, however her attention was suddenly taken by the booming voice, causing her to straighten up and guard Sai.

"I shall spare you all your lives...however you are now no longer members of the Gotei 13...the Gotei 13 will be reshaped by me. You're all now obsolete...consider this your only warning. If you come back here then I will be forced to kill you all...now~ Begone..."

It was then that a bright light and force started to burst from below them, and though she had retained her stoic and alert demeanor even as this happened, she turned to grab onto Sai's hand, pulling the two of them together as she light engulfed them, sending her mind into darkness. Did she fail to protect Sai? Was she dead? No, this feeling was...
The human world

"Come on, awaken already. They are starting without you."

"Ah" Her eyes shot open, the swaying grass before her giving way to the sea of black and white that were her fellow shinigami. Pressing her hands into the earth she listened to the captains talk as she stood up from the ground, a certain stiffness around her neck reminded her the fact she lacked the top half of her uniform. How long was she out for anyway? Though that did not really matter right now as some rather heavy stuff was being thrown around, such as pecking order which Koyo did not seem pleased with Kagiko declaring himself head captain all of the sudden "I think Sai should be head" She cared after all and, just like that she noticed she had said that out loud, causing her to blush a little "Ah, I mean you make some good points captain Kagiko." She bowed her head a little, hoping that her embarrassment was not noticed by others.

Koyo straighten up as she heard her captain trying keep moral up, it lit a fire in her chest as she decided to join in, after all she was not dubbed Squad Thirteen's mascot for nothing! "She is right! After all we have our capable captains here with us, there is no way we can lose." Giving a small fist pump, she then turned to the captains as she decided to give her input on what to do, after all only the basics had been laid out. "May I suggest that lower members of other squads start expelling hollow that are likely to start coming in due to our influence? While this is happening Squad Thirteen will start searching for a area where we can make a HQ, after all we know the area the best." Her attention was split by the few shinigami that came due to now having their captains here "I don't see why not, that is of course if Captain Kagiko doesn't need your assistance... Also, give me your shirt?" She was decent but it was cold in the human world...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sui Sanada

Sui listened not really needing to speak beside that she was holding Mr Sits, yet after Sai spoke she shook her head. "A pecking order is indeed needed, while its a kind idea to place us on equal grounds. That kindness won't work when it comes down to it, we can't wait for everyone to agree to one simple plan therefore its easier to have someone giving them out. Also to be fair while Kagiko may not look to be stronger than others, its his intelligence that makes him more fit for the job." Sui said before holding Mr Sits up to Kagiko. "Also this little guy was wondering when you were coming over for our annual lazy da-" Sui stopped and looked at the others. "Planning of different strategies day.... yep." she said before a man spoke up to which she shrugged. "Fine by me Shin and no need to explain it. If anything its better that way in case they are watching and listening." She spoke to him before Koyoshi spoke up about wanting her captain as head cap, that was loyalty for you. She did have a good idea though, so Sui walked over to her and took off her Haori coat she had custom made it would be enough to keep her covered. She had one of those sleeveless uniform on so wasn't like she had nothing on. "Not a bad idea there. Shin take some of the squad nine members and go clear out some hollow, Akuseru you are on with me in finding a temporary base." Sui stated while Mr sits meowed on the ground.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sai held her smile as a Shinigami approached her. He didn't seemed to have a grasp on what was happening, he must have missed Kagiko's speech. "To put things simply, all of us here have been kicked out of our Gotei Thirteen. According to Captain Shuiji, a man named Juki, his father, has challenged our Head Captain and now has expelled us. I guess you could see this as a mission, or more a duty of ours to combat this issue and return." She tried to give a brief explanation, condensing Kagiko's speech.

Facing back to Kaigko, Sai's smile dropped to a neutral expression as he expanded more on his role of temporary Head Captain. As usual, Sai wasn't fully convinced that this was a good idea, but the opinions of others seemed to digress. The moment Sui Sanada, Captain of Squad Nine, decided to speak up, Sai's eyes slightly narrowed, however this was quickly replaced with her neutral expression before she faced the other Captain. Sai knew enough about Sanada, she was notorious for being lazy which was much unlike Sai meaning that it was natural for Sai not to be fully trusting of her either. None-the-less, Sai stuck to her beliefs and took the woman's opinion into account. Another Shinigami spoke up, on their Captain's side which too wasn't unnatural. Koyo-shi then came into the mix, adding her point of view at which Sai couldn't help but smile. It wasn't because Koyo-shi was routing for her, even if she also agreed with Kagiko, Sai would still smile at her input. Koyo-shi added a positive thought for the other Shinigami to think to boast more moral before purposing a good suggestion. Just as Sai was about to give her Lieutenant her own Haori, Sanada beat her to it. Sai didn't say anything though, only smiled at the unlikely generosity shown by other Captain. She also chose to ignore Sanada's personal talk with Kagiko.

Walking over to her Lieutenant, the Squad Thirteen Captain paced her right hand gently on Koyo-shi's shoulder and smiled at the woman before removing it, continuing to smile as she started to give her input to the conversation. "As I am true to my word, I've listened to your opinions and have came to the conclusion that we should go with Captain Shuiji's leadership. And, on the contrary Squad Nine Captain, I suggested merely out of fairness rather than kindness. The last thing I would want to do is trust the lives of my Squad members to someone I'm not entirely trusting of my own life to. I'm not saying this out of spite, I am just protective of my subordinates and want to make sure that I'm not leading them into something I'm unsure about." As she spoke, Sai's smile soon slipped of her face as it was replaced by a serious expression. Her members were her top priority along with her duty as a Squad Thirteen Captain, she wasn't afraid to be honest about opinion or how she felt when it came to those priorities.

"Squad Thirteen, follow your Lieutenant's orders! We will be looking for a place to reside. I assume that Captain Sanada and her Lieutenant will also be assisting us, unless Captain Shuiji has other plans?" Sai looked back at the Captain of Squad Twelve, since he was temporary Head Captain now due to a unanimous vote against her wishes, she'd honour the groups choice and comply, however that didn't mean she was going to abandon her moral code either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As Nairin knocked on Shinzo's office door, her acute hearing picked up on voices coming from inside. She didn't want to eavesdrop on the conversation so she fought the urge to listen in and just waited, a little confused at what was going on. 'Who's he talking to?' Just as she ended her thought, Shinzo's office door thrust off of it's hinges and smacked straight into her face, pushing her body back quite some distance before smashing her right into a wall from the sheer force behind the door. "...Fuck... Ow" After a minute, Nairin began moving in the rubble, harshly pushing the broken door aside as she stepped out of the hole in the wall while rubbing her sore back. "I'm so... fucking confused right now... dammit Shinzo" Wincing a little, Nairin took a deep breath and got over her pain before making her way back to Shinzo's office, shunpo'ing most of the way.

As she got back, she spotted Shinzo's other Lieutenant, Aya. 'Heh, if Shizuka isn't there, Aya is' Musing a little to herself, Nairin kept her lips pursed as she stepped into the semi-tarnished room through the hole where the door was meant to be. "Nevermind the pole. Shinzo, any clue to what the hell just happened?" Nairin butt into the conversion, uncaring of how rude she may of been as usual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shin nodded to what Sui said, agreeing that there might be someone listening to them, seeing as they didn't exactly choose to be here. He nodded as she ordered him to bring some of her squad with him to take care of some of the hollows, which would be plaguing the area because of the large amount of strong shinigami in the area. He wasn't sure about who was in Sui Sanada's squad, and so, looked to her, inquisitively for a moment before stepping off to the side some, and shouting to the skies. "Captain Sanada has asked for some of her squad to join me in a mission!" He then stepped away from her, moving away from the large group of shinigami in the hopes that some of her squad would join him of their own accord. While he waited for them to join him, he tried to focus, hoping to sense for the presence of any hollows nearby, or if there were any other high-reiatsu areas in which to start searching for the hollows.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Almost instantly was the question of what C was short for asked followed by his own name. If this was some random civilian then he would easily give away his own name, yet since this was a woman in a shinigami uniform he had to make something up. "Yep you guessed it, its short for cook and my name is Zephyr. Thanks I guess?" Ike said not really sure how his hair was nice, yet if it made her not question him then she could admire it for as long as she wanted. Then she asked her non shinigami friend if he wanted to come back to the Seireitei. The man instantly questioned this as they don't allow it which should be common knowledge. "Yeah its kind of their thing to deny random people from coming in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 2 days ago


Nodding, Kyoichi responded "I see..." In his mind, he was thinking that now he has two people that he has to defeat to uphold his name. One man was the killer of his former captain, the other took away from him everything that he loved. Clutching his two swords slightly, he listened to all the suggestions of the other people present while scanning the crowd to see if there was anyone there from his squad. "Well, as the sole representative of Squad Eight, I say we go with the captain of Squad Twelve as the acting leader of our group. However, I do not believe that he should be called 'Head Captain' but that is neither here nor there, so no big deal..." After kyoichi voiced his opinion, he turned back to the captain of Squad Thirteen and said "and Ma'am, I'd be honored if I could join your group since you are one of the captains present and we were asked to form into groups for now..."

-Sword Quest-

Quickly turning around, Kyoichi was surprised by the cook standing right next to him, holding a menu.

"Well hellooo there young man. Like I said, the special of the day is nabeyaki udon, served with a side of ryukiri beef. Interested?" The chef said, with a small grin on his face. "Uh. Yeah. Please. I'll have one those..." "ALRIGHT! Coming right up. Yukihira special, Nabeyaki udon with ryukiri beef!" The chef said. While the chef was saying so, Kyoichi took a sip of his tea and had his eyes closed for those three seconds. When he opened his eyes to thank the chef properly, the chef was no longer next to him but was back at the stove, furiously cooking away. Kyoichi thought to himself "Just how fast is this man....unnaturally fast..." Kyoichi focused his mind to seek out if the chef had a trace of reiatsu. To his surprise, the chef did and was not trying to hide it. However, its potency does not warrant the speed the chef has shown. Thus, Kyoichi attributed that to the chef has lived in the Soul Society for a while and thus picked up that amount of reiatsu. The reason for his speed was still unknown...

And just when was Kyoichi served his tea....?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


"Well it's lovely to meet you Zephyr! I've never heard of a name like that before, it's very nice and different hmhm. You're that lazy that you need a short name for Cook? Hehehe" Nishiki couldn't help but have a little chuckle over the nickname, it seemed silly to her since it wasn't even a nickname for the person's name, just their job title. Nishiki then looked at Keisuke and pouted as he rejected her request. Zephyr then gave his input, making Nishiki give a little 'hmpf'. "Well that's a shame, I wanted to take you both to meet my partner, I think she would of gotten on well with you two!..-Wait, what do you mean by 'people like you' Keisuke? Are you not a soul? Are you a human?" Asking her question, Nishiki gave Keisuke a strong look of curiosity, if he wasn't a soul then what was he? This discovery would definitely make Nishiki's day more interesting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Kagiko Shuiji

Kagiko rubbed the back of his head as he listened to everyone speak. It did seem that some believed in him where as some didn't...but this wasn't unexpected. "Well let us find somewhere as soon as. This shouldn't take to long...however be on the lookout for any other Shinigami...we may not be the only ones that were brought here." With that Kagiko tilted his hat a little before turning and shunpoing off in search of somewhere they could call their home...at least for now

(This should be literally done in a post. I'd say just find a place and describe it and whichever seems best we will go with. You can also come into contact with hollow if you wish but that is your choice entirely)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Shinzo Harimaya

Shinzo looked at the two women as they entered the room after Juki had left. He listened to Aya go on about a pole and then Nairin but in with her questions "A pole is the least of my concerns and I just took out half the barracks what the hell did you think happened? Anyway you two should be training or training our Squad members...it seems they need it...now if you will excuse me I have to go find Shizuka..." Shinzo then walked past the two before using shunpo to disappear from sight swiftly. In truth he just needed to be alone with his thoughts for awhile...it seemed things were taking a very different course now
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Keisuke Tsubaki

Keisuke looked at Nishiki as she spoke and gave her an almost blank stare...why would a human be in the Soul Society and more to the point why would they carry a Zanpakuto? or be able to see the souls that inhabit the place? this made Keisuke want to facepalm yet he resisted the urge to. "Why would I be anything but a soul? Humans don't exist here...and I mean they don't allow just random souls into the Seireitei, that isn't their deal..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyoshi was waiting on one of the lower seated members of her squad to offer her their shirt but she was a little shocked when Captain Sanada came up from behind and draped his haori over her. She could not help but blush at the sign of kindness from a captain towards her as she scrambled a little to fit the haori right. Sadly she didn't have her armband with her, having left it in Sai's office, but with everyone here she was sure no mistakes were going to be made.

After Captain Sanada had finished her talk with Captain Kagiko, Koyoshi gave a small bow in thanks "Thank you captain, I will go and search the local area, I know a few places that may be of use." With that she turned around to give another bow to Sai before running off, giving one more wave before vanishing into the city.


Thankfully the time that had past was short and sweet as she had suspected the building had not been torn down or even converted! The old steel factory was once used in world war 2 but from what she could gather it was fenced off and was going to be converted into some kind of sweet and soft drink factory, well that was last year. It would be safe to think that the place was abandoned and with it being a little ways out from the city it meant that the hollows attracted to them would be less likely to bother innocents. With this she sent off a report with two of the unseated members of 13 to go tell Sai and Kagiko about the possible site.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Sai turned toward the Shinigami who requested to join her group after watching both Koyo-shi and Captain Shuiji disappear. Smiling at the stray Shinigmai, Sai nodded her head in acceptance. "Of course you can join my Squad temporarily, we welcome everyone with open arms! So, what's your name Shinigami? You may call me Captain Yoshi, my full surname can be a mouthful at times heh" Sai chuckled, finding a place to sit on the grass and wait. Being the Captain of Squad Thirteen meant that Sai knew this world better than anyone else would, she had been in control of it's protection for many many years now, however she chose to purposely withdraw from finding a base for this reason. This was an excellent opportunity to allow her Lieutenant, Koyo-shi, gain more knowledge of the place she was also in charge of protecting. Leaning back and placing her hands, palms faced down, on the grass behind her, Sai looked up into the clear skies. She wondered how this whole ordeal would play out, although she knew things wouldn't be as simple as they may seem... This was refreshing though, it had been a while since Sai was needed in action.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Shinzo Harimaya & Kurisa Kuchiki

As Shinzo walked through the streets of the Seireitei to gather his thoughts he was suddenly stopped in his tracks as he saw another Captain, one he had never gotten along with either "What is the Squad 11 Captain doing around my Barracks? Come to hassle my members again?" Shinzo looked up at Kurisa and narrowed his eyes slightly before speaking "I'm not in the mood for your shit Kuchiki...step aside" Kurisa looked at Shinzo with a cold stare as he spoke "That I cannot do...I will not tolerate disrespect, especially from a piece of trash such as yourself..." Shinzo grit his teeth behind his mask as he then clenched his fists, resisting the urge to attack

"I wont ask you again...step...aside..." the aggression was clear in Shinzo's voice yet this didn't reach Kurisa "It would be useless to repeat what I already said...you truly must lack any form of intelligence...it's no wonder your kind kill for their position. All you know is how to swing that sorry excuse of a Zanpakuto at what is infront of you..." Shinzo's eyes burned with rage as he could no longer hold his anger in as his spiritual energy began to leak out of him, his body shaking with rage as he then gripped his Zanpakuto's hilt with his right hand, unsheathing it as he released it immediately into it's Shikai form before slashing down at Kurisa releasing a large arc of silver wind at Kurisa yet Kurisa simply stepped to the side as the arc flew past him, Shinzo then appeared behind Kurisa, his body low as he slashed from left to right aiming to cut Kurisa's back yet Kurisa simply leaped into the air and flipped upside down as he looked down at Shinzo

Now aiming his right palm at Shinzo he fired a large Hado 33 down at him which caught Shinzo yet emerged from it was Shinzo with smoke pouring off his skin that was now covered in iron scales "I'll fucking kill you Kuchiki!" Kurisa's expression remained calm as Shinzo said this, Kurisa then landed on a nearby roof as the building then began to shake as iron sand erupted out of it in an attempt to engulf Kurisa in a sphere of this immensely sharp and heavy sand. As the Sphere formed Shinzo grinned yet the grin didn't last long as the area shook violently as Kurisa released a burst of spiritual energy that made the iron sand lose it's shape and scatter in many directions "Is this a joke?...Do you truly believe that can match my Zanpakuto...truly pitiful..." Shinzo's expression continued to show his aggression as the iron sand then came back to strike Kurisa from many directions only for Kurisa to evade these attempts with simple shunpo's before appearing infront of Shinzo aiming to slash his now unsheathed Zanpakuto up his body yet Kurisa's eyes widened as he noticed a scythe appear before his throat which caused him to shunpo away onto a nearby roof as Shizuka then skidded across the floor on her feet before coming to a stop and looking up at Kurisa

"You must be the Trash Captains little psychotic Sister...very well...I'll kill both of you the-" Kurisa's eyes widened once again as he looked down at Shinzo suddenly who had released a large amount of spiritual energy "BAN-KAI!!!" This released an immense shockwave that destroyed a fair amount of the area around Shinzo, Kurisa's eyes however had returned to normal as he looked at Shinzo's Bankai form "That is your Bankai? for a Kenpachi I must say it looks pitiful...what could you possib-" Kurisa was cut short once again as Shinzo appeared before him with great speed holding two of his swords as he then slashed at Kurisa, crossing the blades path's to create an X that then fired off two large arcs of razor sharp wind.

Kurisa however narrowly managed to evade this attack by using Shunpo, landing on the street below "You nearly had me...yet you're still to slo-" Once again Kurisa was cut off as Shizuka appeared above Kurisa high in the air as She slashed her scythe down towards him releasing a large green arc of energy "How simple..." Kurisa's eyes then widened as he looked around him to see many arcs of wind closing in on him "A diversion...who thought you'd be capable of such tactics...but it still isn't enough..." Kurisa then shunpoed and appeared behind Shizuka who was still in the air, before she could react fully she was cut down her back and sent flying down into the ground.

Seeing this Shinzo's eyes widened as his Spiritual energy began to start leaking more aggressively as it began to slowly turn black "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU KUCHIKI!!!" Shinzo's spiritual energy then turned complete black as his eyes did virtually the same as he then gripped his mask with his left hand and tore it off revealing his hollow mask "I'LL FUCKING GUT YOU!!" Kurisa looked at Shinzo somewhat surprised at this form however his expression remained calm as he then spoke "Even if you do have more power...it wont be enough..." Shinzo then appeared before Kurisa and went to slash down at him yet Shinzo disappeared once again as Kurisa went to step back and before Kurisa could fully and successfully react Shinzo's second attack coming from behind he was caught by it as he was cut somewhat shallowly on his lower back, Kurisa then went to shunpo forward but was stopped once again by another attack from Shinzo. It seemed Kurisa was quite literally locked into his position as Shinzo would react perfectly to Kurisa's body movements, thus predicting where he intended to go. While Kurisa was able to block the rest of the oncoming attacks he found himself unable to escape this constant onslaught of attacks

"Die! Die! Die! Just fucking Die!!!" Kurisa's eyes widened as Shinzo fired a large arc of wind that Kurisa could only raise his Zanpakuto to before being pushed down to the ground by it which in turn threw up a great amount of dust, however emerging from it Kurisa was mostly fine, his uniform only slightly dirty "It'd appear I misjudged you...however allow me to finish you. A failed experiment like you has no place within the Gotei 13..." Kurisa raised his left arm as he aimed his palm at Shinzo who was now flying down towards Kurisa "Hado 88...Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho" Kurisa then released a gigantic burst of blue Kido from his palm that flew towards Shinzo as a large pillar of energy yet it exploded half way causing Kurisa's eyes to widen, Shinzo almost immediately after had a palm slam into his face and shatter his vizard mask as he was then threw down into the ground.

From the smoke emerged Juki as he then spoke "I think this has gone far enough...While at first it was rather interesting to watch it has gotten very much out of hand. You're lucky you didn't cut that girl in two...she has quite a tough body. It was just as well that I know healing Kido wasn't it? Now you two will return to your barracks...if I catch onto any fighting like this again then I will personally kill you both...I have no time for grudge matches within my Gotei 13. I must say I'm disappointed in you Kurisa...while I expect this of the Kenpachi I do not of you...who would have thought that even anger could reach you..."

After this Kurisa left without a word, Shinzo doing the same, leaving with Shizuka to return to the Squad 11 barracks leaving Juki there alone "I seem to have quite interesting Shinigami on my hands...seems I wont have to do anything to them. They will surely be enough...you're friends are very interesting Kagiko...I look forward to seeing what else they can do..."
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