Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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At the arrival of Archibald's crew, there would be some startled reactions among the gathered units. Kalte would grab his sword, just in case, but it would prove not to be necessary. Griswal would straighten his back a bit extra in preparation to move. Aldo would stand unflinching, staring.

Aldo shifted his eyes a bit between Alvin saying he knew his way around and Archibald about to leave, considering the options. "I'd say we'd still have use of them." But he would shrug and determine the matter unimportant should the prince decide otherwise.

Lexa was told to give the message to Natalia, and she nodded attentively, her little face marked with seriousness, as she accepted the ring. She blinked a little in surprise at that she wasn't allowed to find them again after, so the Pegasus Knight looked over them with a bit of worry. "... I will deliver the message. Take care of yourselves, dear princes, you owe Natalia that." And then she'd turn around and prepare Nightmare to fly, unless someone stopped her with something else to say to her before she takes off.

"Prince Alvin..." Griswal would say, looking at him with a serious expression after the prince had said they'd be free to leave at any time. "Should you let me, I will stand by your side and protect you to the last. And you know that." He said in a gruff tone, stone-hard visage maintained. "And so will I." Said Kalte, the young man putting a hand on his chest to show his resolve. "Before enlisting, I was raised by a merchant of Carcino. Though my knowledge could be outdated, I know a few routes or contacts that may potentially be useful to us, should we want to make use of them." He informed.

Ret would in some way in his own speech say that he would assist in the defense of the Sacred Stone.

"I can hardly see that there'd be a more useful use of our lives than in the defending you, right now, sir." Aldo would note with a hint of disapproval in his voice about how Alvin even gave them the option to just leave. He looked back and forth between Marwood and Alvin, and then put in his own little input. "If we move through Renais and Jehanna attacks Renais, we could have our backs free as we escape." His words did not reveal how his gut was wrenching at suggesting that. "There are more Jehannan Guilds in Grado than in Renais, more of those we have to move past in the western route. ... Though Sion probably expects us to flee directly to Renais, our closest ally." He shifted his eyes at Lexa, who was about to leave. "If we give a location to Natalia or anyone else who wants to protect us, we could get support part-way." Aldo would be silent for a couple of moments, staring between the royals. "And Marwood took down the most foes in the previous battle." Aldo randomly informed, his mind having kept track for some reason in the previous battle.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

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A single voice stopped him in his tracks. Turning his head back, he gave Arthyra a lazy half smile before turning around slowly and striding up until he was an arms length away. "We bandits ourselves have no use for money," he said as he folded his arms under his cloak, "but...your other offer doesn't sound too bad."
"Archie, she wouldn't survive 10 minutes in the forest," reprimanded a fiery voice from behind him.
"You're assuming we'd leave her alone," piped up another, "a healer is too precious an asset to be left wandering."
"And old Payle IS getting a bit senile..." murmered a quiet voice.
As his little band continued to banter, Archibald's single eye never left Arathyra's own, locking their gazes together. All the while, his half smile continued to dominate his face. Finally, he blinked and shook his head. "Elfie is right," he said as he opened his cloak to reveal a small clay pot which he dipped his ungloved fingers into before moving them to his mouth, a long trail of viscous honey-like liquid trailing behind it. Taking a moment to chew it like cud, he continued. "Just from looking at you I can tell you wouldn't last more than a day with our lifestyle," he said with a small shrug. He gave a moment for that to sink in. "However," he said afterwards, "though i like your sincerity," he looked over to the nobles who were already colluding amongst themselves. Typical nobleman fashion. "It looks like your companions do not agree with your course of action." He took a few steps back and gave her a half-apologetic smile. "Sorry, but your little lordlings don't want our help."

Two words stopped him in his tracks as he turned to leave. Sacred. Stone. His joking smile disappeared and his single eye dilated as he afixed it onto Alvin. He had heard legends of it, of its duty in the protection of the land. And now it was being moved? He started to chew slower. "You may know these woods like the back of your finely manicured hand," Archibald said as he again signalled for his band to stop, walking towards the Prince, "but you don't know these roads like a bandit's." The closer he got, the stronger the right side of his face twitched under the curtain of hair. At first he had just thought that it was the natural reaction he had to nobility but now...he was certain...it was much, much more. "The forests you hunt in are now crawling with Jehannen mercenaries, specifically the Dagger Guild, the Broken Blades and the Jagged Teeth," he said, drawing on the information his scouts had given him yesterday morning, "you wouldn't make it halway to Renais before you were run down like dogs." He stopped before it became physically sickening for him to be in the Royal's presence.
"Show me the stone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

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Alvin stood silently, thankful he was blessed with companions as faithful as these. "Thank you, my friends." He listened carefully to Marwood's and Aldo's input. "Sion, if he is even aware of our mission, would expect to find us in Renais. I've no doubt that if he doesn't know now he very soon will." It was very difficult to argue when not one, but two of his companions argued for one course. Though one was arguing in, perhaps naive faith while the other was a callous, calculated insight that was tactically sound. Be that as it may it was a mortifying thought. If Sion attacked, use Renais as a distraction to slip away. Would they do that with Frelia also?

"The only Jehannen who knows what I look like is their princess, and perhaps the king, though I was a young boy. And I find it very unlikely that Refeala would lead the manhunt for me herself, now if it were Marwood....." He shot his fellow prince a sideways smirk, he needed a bit of humour after how down his friend sounded at the thought of the Jehannen Princess.

By that point, the bandits that had helped them escape still hadn't dispersed. Alvin didn't notice that fact until their leader spoke to him.

"You may know these woods like the back of your finely manicured hand, but you don't know these roads like a bandit's. The forests you hunt in are now crawling with Jehannen mercenaries, specifically the Dagger Guild, the Broken Blades and the Jagged Teeth, you wouldn't make it halfway to Renais before you were run down like dogs."

The man drew closer to him with each step, the one side of his face obscured by his hair. His one visible eye was trained on ALvin so intensely it made him want to run and hide, still the prince was trained to maintain his posture no matter the situation. So he stood, stock straight staring the bandit dead in the eye. As the bandit leader drew closer though, Medea stirred behind the prince, a deep snarl rising in her throat as she raised her head to look at the the perceived threat. A swift word and gesture from Alvin was all it took for Medea to back down. Though she was still eying Archibald apprehensively. The bandit stopped in front of him, finishing with a single demand.

"Show me the stone."

Alvin wasn't sure what to do. As far as he could tell these bandits didn't have them outnumbered, but maybe they had reinforcements. Maybe he wanted Alvin to show the stone so he could steal it, now or later. A tough call, and Alvin's mind went back and forth over and over again like a waterwheel until he finally reached into his pocket and seized the stone. Wordlessly showing it to the bandit in front of him.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

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As his eye met the stone, he managed to hide any repulsion with a single step back, the only indication being a slight twitch of his eyelid. The entire right side of his face seemed to itch and burn, like he had bathed it in ivy. "It's certainly powerful," he muttered under his breath as he took another step back, spitting the now flavourless gum onto the ground. "I'm sure the Jehannans do not have entirely pure intentions for this thing," he said out loud as he maintained a small distance between him and the revealed stone, "I'm a magical blank and I can still feel that...thing...pulsing." He turned back around to face the forest before taking a deep breath. "Follow me if you wish to advance unaccosted, royals," he said, the last word rolling off his tongue like poison, "while I won't guarentee your safety, I can at least tell you that me and me lads and lasses won't slit your throats in your sleep."

He forgot to mention the other reason he was now helping them. Their encampment had been seeing some...shadowy figures as of late and it was causing fear and paranoia in the ranks. IF the sacred stone did what it was reputed to do...then he could at least ease the worries of his troops, if only for a day or two. That was reason enough to force his cooperation with this party. With a rustle of leaves, his troupe disappeared into the dense foliage of the woods. He stopped just as his figure was beginning to melt away into the green. "Coming?" he asked, flicking a look back.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Arathyra gave a sigh of relief when the bandit leader finally agreed to help them. She was staring after him as he made his way into the woods until he said, "Coming?". Shaking herself out of her reverie she hurriedly made her way after the leader. Arathyra couldn't help but thinking about how handsome he was, with his cloak flourishing behind him and his eye a beautiful shade of green. And he was good with that bow of his- for a second she flashed back to what he had been like when Morag had shown up and what he had do to him. She shook her head, he'd done what he had to, even if it was more than a little scary.

Besides he was helping them, surely he couldn't be bad. As she followed him through the tress, albeit somewhat more clumsily, she said, "Thank you so much for helping us sir. Are you sure there isn't anything I can help you with?"After all it would be no good for him to help them and receive nothing in return, surely she could help in someway. "And, if you don't mind me asking, why is it you hate erm, royals so much? I haven't been at the castle for very long but Lord Alvin is very charming and kind, what possible reason could you have for disliking him?" Lord Alvin had even been gracious enough to show the stone, the whole reason they'd had to leave the castle. And it was such a pretty stone at that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alvin stuffed the stone back in his pocket quickly after the bandit turned from him. The man assured the young prince that should they follow they'd slip past the Jehanan forces and the bandits wouldn't hurt them, sounded too good to be true. Still, Alvin knew how to play his cards close. "Very well." He motioned his group to start following the bandits, catching Aldo and giving him a quiet message. "Keep an eye out, tell grizzly and Marwood the same." Four pairs of eyes should be plenty, six if you counted Medea. The plan was simple really, just play along and be on guard. If they tried anything well, it would be time to put his silver tongue back into practice.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Trotting through the forest with a measured gait, he seemed to be alone from the bandits, though his footsteps were silent as a predator. Decades of stalking through the forest had given rise to a certain way of movement that would allow him and his companions to move unhindered and unheard through the otherwise silent woods. Occassionally there was a rustle as one of the other bandits dashed from bush to bush, but their green cloaks made the transition almost natural, apart from the occassional dull glint of a blade. The girl beside him on the other hand...no so much. She was having throuble moving through the undergrowth, occassionally stumbling as she snagged a root or her foot played onto uneven ground. "You'll have plenty to help out with once we get to the encampment," Archibald said as he scanned the horizon before ducking beneath another low growing branch, "best not tire yourself out now."

Her second question caused him to grimace. "That visage you see is probably a front," he said after a brief pause as he stepped over a large root, "a ruler has to manipulate his enemies and subjects with equal ease, either through force or seemingly kindness." He turned to face her, his single eye fixing her like a dagger through her heart. "Royalty are scum." Slowly turning back around, he continued forwards. "They indulge themselves while their people suffer, are well fed when others are starving and post guards while others battle nature," he said, clenching his fist, "a ruler should watch over all his people, not only himself." His mind flashed back to the fat blob of a man who sat on the throne. He got so angry that he slammed his fist into a tree hard enough to shake leaves and a few hard shelled nuts off. "Royals and rulers are leaders in name only..." he muttered as he continued forwards. It was then that one of the scouts, a female archer, stepped out of the bushes. "Archie, Jehannen patrol ahead, bearing north towards the encampment, 6 man strong" she said, stone faced, "orders?"
"Harry them with a few volleys and then retreat away slowly, leading them back towards the exit," Archibald said, equally stone faced, "after that, slip away and return to the encampment. I expect to see everyone unharmed." With a simple nod, the lass disappeared back into the undergrowth and one could pick out the forms of a few of their band splitting off. Looking back towards the others of the party, he could see the wyvern having trouble moving through the brush. He scoffed loudly. Such a cumbersome beast moving through the forest would definitely make a trail. He just hoped he had made the right decision by letting them follow him. "Jehannen patrols ahead," he said matter of factly, pointing in their vague direction, "we'll head east cut across Sion valley before continuing back towards the encampment. Don't get lost, it gets more treacherous that way." Archibald couldn help but shake the hope that one of the royals would trip and fall into the valley. It would remove one problem at least.

Unfortunately, they traversed the valley with little incidence and neared the camp. Slowly, the trees and bushes gave way to crumbling stone walls and moss covered pillars. A few places were patched up with wooden palisades crudely tied to a few wooden pillars with alternating ropes and vines. A distinct smell of burning wood permeated the air and the gentle ringing of hammers on metal betrayed the presence of a blacksmith. There was a general murmur in the air and one could almost feel that this was a small settlement. As the approached, Archibald held up a hand and stopped everyone. "Iwisa, come out, I know you're watching us," he said, looking up into the branches of a tree. Multiple rustles betrayed the positions of the guards as they stepped out of hiding, weapons drawn. "Archibald..." muttered a boy, no older than 15, "I see you've brought companions..."
"More out of necessity than choice I can assure you," Archibald replied bluntly, "and you can lower your weapons now."
"How do we know its the real you and not some shape shifting Jehannan?"
Taking a deep breath, he took a few steps closer to Iwisa who in response drew hsi blade form his scabbard. Stopping a few inches away, he leaned in...and pulled the hair covering his right side up. Iwisa's face instantly drained and he signalled for his men to put arms at rest. "Now open the gate," Archibald said smugly.

A few seconds later, a makeshift wooden draw gate swung up, allowing a view of the interior...and it was not a pretty sight. Tents and makeshift shelters dotted the area, and one could spot a triage center being tended to by an old man with a staff. the injuries ranged from missing limbs and malnutrition to grazes and bruises. Children were listlessly drifting around until they saw Archibald and the rest of the party filter in. "It's Archibald!" they shouted before congregating around him like a swarm of locusts. "Not now kids, I have something important to do," he said as he gently pushed some aside. "Follow me," he said gravely to the ones behind him as he started to weave his way through the tends, "and try not to knock anything down."


In what used to be the castle keep, Archibald had instead created a meeting room made from crude wooden chairs, a large log cross-section and a badly drawn map of the region. "We take in the refugees of Grado who were displaced by the invasion of Jehanna," his eyes flicked to Alvin, "whom the Grado military had not been able to protect." Taking a seat at the head of the table, he invited them to sit in the rest of the chairs, "As you can tell, we are ill equipped to deal with a sudden influx of dependants," he said, bidding anyone to look out of the arrow loophole and see the state of their camp, "we're quickly exhausting any food we had and our usual hunting is insufficient to keep us going." If one looked out now, they could see Darius and Aiph handing out the stolen food to a grateful populace. Steepling his hands in front of his face, Archibald leaned onto his elbows. "Where the royalty fails, the outlaws have to step in," he said spitefully, his eyes drilling into Alvin. He let that sink in for a moment before he asked his real question. "What is your purpose with the stone?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

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Marwood froze at the idea and shivered of hunted by the Princess, that girl scared him. Though if it came to it he might be able to get her to help them. Or at least see her to find out more about what was going, he carefully moved to Alvin's side as they followed the bandit archer. He kept Aldo in earshot as well as they traveled. "Alvin... I've been thinking, we travel though Renais... Let me go to Jehanna and speak with Refeala. She would know more about this war and with our past friendship I could ride to Jehanna and return by the time you reached the capital of Renais."

He sighed looking between the group. "While I fear the girl we must know why this war started and if peace is possible. She is our best chance. Let me do this for and while I am traveling visit my mother... Tell her I am okay and rest for a night, Sion will first search Grado before looking to other countries with me in Jehanna he will not know you have had contact with me."

Marwood gently removed something from his wrist, a bracelet of pearls each shined royal blue and engraved with the Renais royal seal. "Take this with you to capital, rest their and alert my mother to your refugees needs. She will take them in and help them... She could never turn away those in need and Renais has had bountiful harvests so we can feed them." His eyes followed the hungry and poor trying to survive a war where mercenaries ran rampant.

Marwood dismounted and petted his horse carefully, he hoped the hungry would not try to butcher and eat her. He left her close the Medea knowing the dragon would protect the horse. He followed Archibald into the meeting room he looked at him. "The stone later, you have more pressing issues... I rode in from Renais, on my way in this morning I saw something that might interest you. Jehannan food caravan, six wagons full of food that are stopped Serafew until tomorrow morning. Very few soldiers their as it's border town between Renais and Grado. That's enough food to feed you camp for a week, three if you ration. If you can get us their I'll help you capture the carts." He stated. The Prince of Renais was more at home here then in castle, he leaned back in the chair. "That information I believe is worth your help." He smiled, he was no Alvin but he could make a deal when he had to and giving them information first would go a long way toward building trust.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

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Arathyra gave a small eep of fright when the archer punched the tree. Clearly he felt rather strongly about this but, still she couldn't just accept that Lord Alvin was just hiding behind a front of kindness, it seemed too real for that. Perhaps he'd just had some bad times in the past with nobles and he was letting it cloud his mind.

Still she followed him silently, mulling over his words. Well, she wasn't speaking anyway, silent passage was another thing altogether. Though it got a little easier after she began following the archer closely since he was having an easier time of it then she was. As they entered the camp Arathyra looked around saddened by what she saw.

All these children, probably starving. All the wounded with a single old man attempting to heal them as best he could. She reluctantly followed the group into what appeared to be some sort of strategy room. She listened to the discussion silently as nothing she would've had to say would've been important. Arathyra waited curiously to see Archibald's response to Lord Marwood's offer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PlatinumSkink
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Since nobody apparently had anything further for her to inform anyone of, Lexa took off, having previously wished the princes to take care of themselves.

The Sacred Stone, also known as the Fire Emblem, would seem to be burning in dark fire as it was shown before Archibald’s eyes at his request. Aldo would look a bit disapproving at the fact that the stone had been shown like this, but he put his trust into his lord’s judgment and kept a steady hand ready, just in case. Just in case.

When informed that they were going to be following the bandit, but to keep an eye out, Aldo nodded to his lord. There was no hesitation as Aldo continued to walk with the party, only falling back part-way in order to inform Griswal and Marwood. “Alvin wants you to keep an eye out.” So would the short message sound, before they continued following. Griswal would have done so even without the command, straightening his back and continuing following the prince, attentive eyes looking around. Of course, in armor, Griswal was probably the one with the greatest difficulty trying to wander about in the forest, but as an experienced soldier he took to the task and arrived with relatively few complications.

Past that, the party of individuals would follow into the room in order to protect their princes should it be found necessary. Previously there would have been a variety of reactions, relief apparent on Griswal’s face to that there was a place that was looking after those that the military had not been able to evacuate to a safe place. Obviously, this place hadn’t been able to look after too many either, but any number was nothing short of wonderful.

Since that appears to be the present right now, some attention would focus on Marwood and his most recent proposal. Aldo would give him a little look before sighing to weight in his own tactical mind onto to the matter. “Jehanna is currently a nation at war, you’re unlikely to be able to see their current princess without a good number of guards around, which would harm your chances of getting back should she decide to keep you for whatever reason. Weight that against the possibility she isn’t entirely in favor of this war before going.” He’d say with a look towards Marwood, giving a look of ‘it is my job to warn you about the dangers’.

“Moving with a large amount of refugees would lower our chances of making it to our destination safely, if that is your intention. Though it is possible we could move in two separate groups, one smaller to transport the Sacred Stone.” Aldo would continue, looking down at the bracelet which signified Marwood’s importance here. “… Jehanna will learn if their food-caravan is captured, and may possibly seek out the source, unless they’re too busy looking for princes elsewhere.” Other than having shared this information, Aldo would stay back, looking at the three men currently in discussion, waiting for if his input would be further required.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

For a moment, Archibald continued staring at Marwood, his one eye widened in disbelief. His feet had migrated to the top of the wooden slab that served as a table and he was already leaning back on his seat, causing a steady ricketing noise. All of a sudden, he burst into laughter. "Bloody Serafew!?" he managed in between gasps for breath. With a loud thud, the two suspended legs of the chair hit the ground. Wiping away a tear, the bandit lord looked up again. "...Oh, you were serious..." he said, the tone of voice changing instantly. Standing up he picked up his bow and walked towards Marwood menacingly, a half smile on his face. "You must still be wet behind the ears if you think that would work, Royal" he said mockingly, pacing around Marwood without ever looking directly at him.

"Lets assume that, hypothetically, all units are mounted like you," he said as he shrugged his shoulders, plucking an arrow from his quiver with the same movement, "It'll take you a good day and a half to get from here-" With a single swift motion, he nocked the arrow and fired it into the map on the other side of the room which stuck fast in the wooden backpanelling, "to Serafew. Compound that with the fact that you THEN have to move the food caravans BACK here, probably under constant attack from the Jehannans..." Archibald paced back around to his seat and flopped back down, resting a leg on the armrest. "This isn't your little fantasy world any more, princeling," he said, once again, mockingly, "you don't have legions of elite troops under your command, or unlimited resources." Sitting up straight, the young archer folded his arms and leaned back in his seat, "Welcome to the world that isn't served to you on a silver platter, Lordling," he declared, a wicked smile on his face. Honestly. These royals seemed to have no grasp of basic tactics or troop movements. Soft lands and soft foods breed soft men, he vaguely remembered an old deserter saying. He could see now that it was true.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alvin walked through the forest silently, listening to Marwood but really just letting the matter drop for the moment. They were arguing in circles and not getting anywhere. Best to let the matter rest for the time being and get back to it later when they had a bit of time. He accepted the bracelet, but he doubted it'd be necessary.

The camp was horrible for Alvin. Though his face a mask of unbreakable stone the mere sight of what was going on here broke his heart. Eventually they got into the meeting room. Alvin remained silent throughout the conversation, absorbing information and taking whatever verbal abuse the bandit hurled at him without losing his composure. That was the most important thing; never let your enemy, or friends for that matter, see you rattled. Though Alvin was, the sights in the place were horrific. Enough so that if he wasn't as well disciplined he might be sobbing in the street. As much as he hated to admit it, the bandit's remarks dug deep. He had failed, plain and simple. And now this man was rubbing it in like salt in a fresh wound. Sure Alvin had no chance to help in the first place and truthfully it wasn't really his fault but it still hurt all the same. Being prince meant taking responsibility for your people, no matter what.

Finally Alvin started paying attention to the conversation again. Marwood was proposing a raid on a food caravan in Serafew. The biggest issue Alvin saw was the same the bandit pointed out as soon as he heard. The time it would take to get to Serafew and back would take awhile. However the young prince had a different thought. "If it's in Serafew, it's a fair bet it's on it's way to the castle." He said as he approached the map, rubbing his chin as thought. "Which means it has to pass through this forest, probably on this road here." Alvin pointed to a spot on the map. "Set up an ambush, kill all the guards. Clean, and the Jehannans will have no trace as to what happened to their caravan. And besides, as Aldo pointed out if they hear I'm on the move they might just be too busy to care. That is, if they are aware of my escape in the first place. Though I'm sure Sion will work that out soon."

A few more ifs then Alvin would usually care for, but hopefully it would serve. The reason these refugees are here in the first place is because Grado failed. They were on the track of strengthening their military but they hadn't got there yet. The least Alvin could do was contribute whatever he could so his people could eat.

"As for the stone," The young prince turned to the bandit leader. "I'm going to take it and hide. If Sion gets it, he will use it's power to destroy the world. That is my purpose. I plead, do not try and hinder me. Whatever your grievances, I am sorry. But I must do this, whatever the cost." He turned from everyone and gazed out the window. It was a reality that physically made Alvin sick, but it was reality all the same. If his nation needed to be sacrificed to keep the stone out of Sion's hand, then so be it. The alternative was far, far worse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Harbringer
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Harbringer Death to Asgard!

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Archibald raised his eyebrow for the umpteenth time that day. Well. At least one of the princes had a brain. He stood up and wandered over to Alvin at the map, placing a gloved hand on his chin. "Well...you have a point there," he conceded as he yanked the arrow out of its housing, revealing the mark which displayed their current location. "I suppose if we set up an ambush here," he said, pointing to a valley around a river, "we could catch them unawares, set up a noose and strangle the life out of them." There was a definite if in the air. It was just that no-one wanted to give voice to it. Archibald, of course, did not give a rats arse about it. "Thats of course, if you believe we'd help you with it," he said, fixing Alvin with his eye. A bandit's life was one full of betrayal, treason and backstabbing. One had to choose their friends wisely. If one was not known in the thieves' cant and coven, they had little to zero chance of recruiting their services. Course, Archibald's merry band wasn't your standard bandit group.

"However, I cannot, in good consciouness, leave these people to starve, along with my lads and lasses," he said after a bit, shrugging,"I'll lead an expedition to intercept this caravan. You can feel free to join us if you please." There was another pause. "But if you screw up...don't expect a bailout. We've shown you enough hospitality already by not shooting you on sight."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Arathyra attempted to listen to the discussion of tactics and battles and such but ended up nearly falling asleep except at the end. From what she had gathered it seemed that here was a plan to attack a food caravan to feed all the poor people here. Arathyra raised one hand nervously like a school girl, clutched her staff with the other and spoke up. "Um, would you like me to stay here and help those injured already, o-or join the attacking group and help anyone who gets hurt in the a-attack?" Arathyra asked stammering somewhat, the question was open ended for either Archibald or Alvin and Marwood to answer.

Arathyra really wished that Archibald hadn't felt the need to use the phrase "strangle the life out of them" it made her somewhat queasy just thinking about it. While she didn't like the thought of going into combat again she would do it if that was best, even if she thought she would be of more use here. Oh this whole thing wasn't even supposed to happen, Arathyra wondered when things would go back to normal, probably not for a long time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Marwood nodded at the plan, a bit insulted by the bandit. "My idea would be to leave a trail point to escaping Grado soldiers, heading towards Frelia. If we can make them believe were headed one way then it would buy us more time, not to mention the fact that the escort I saw with the wagons was a handful of common grunts from a no-name guild." Marwood stated. He was not much for politics but he could do strategy, chess was pass time of his in the castle. His brother had taught him to play and both would constantly use it setting different moves and strategies.

The Prince nodded to the archer. "And we thank you for not killing us, however I will be going with you. A rider can get ahead of you and flag them down." He nodded then smiled. "If I play the lost prince they'll come running. then you can line them up and take them down." He realized most of the plan was still in his head so he began to explain. "I'll ride towards them claiming to be lost, my colors and armor will mark me a Knight of Renais which is friendly with Jehanna. They'll come up to investigate me and then you strike." He looked at the archer. "More importantly it keeps your people out of harms way. Before you ask why they would stop for me, my mother has been... Talking about marrying me off to a Princess... More than likely Jehanna's." He shuddered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Alvin listened intently to the proposed plan. The biggest issue he could see with Marwood's plan was the prince being the bait. But if it's what Marwwod wanted to do..... "Why don't you stay here Arathyra, help the people here. Anyone wounded in the field can be brought back." He answered his healer gently. Nobody else seemed to step up to answer her.

Now, the biggest question facing Alvin, would he help as well? He wanted to help his people true, but on the other hand it was only a matter of time until Sion found him. Time that was running short. Was it worth the risk? The world for these few people? These few, precious Gradians who felt abandoned by their government? With that thought the young prince made up his mind.

"I'll help as well, my people need this. And the first responsibility of a monarch is to his people." Alvin declared, facing Archibald dead on, daring the bandit to challenge the pure and unwavering passion that was clear in the price's emerald eyes. His fists clenched and his mind began preparing for the verbal abuse that was sure to come.
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