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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ryan looked at Norio and cringed. "Is it over? Are we done fighting?" He asked softly as he got up. He tried to wipe the blood off of him but he just smeared it instead. His left leg was unsteady from the battle but it was healing already. He shook a little and stared out into the distance. "What do we do now?" Ryan asked in a soft tone of voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Nightmare Bites

She felt the blade on her leg cut through Floria's knees as he felt it hook on and move her forward, but not by much. Her follow up was dodged but as expected from other ghoul's, counter measures were in place. both her rising and ax kicked were blocked. With her spin kick, she was surprised by the blunt force this Floria gave off. This was enough for her to stumble back, however, she used this to her advantage. As she fell back Mizumu pivoted low to the ground as her right arm formed into a whip that extended passed Floria's legs. With a quick snap and the pivoting spin, the whip would violently twirl towards Floria's legs. As it drew near, the edge closest to Floria would form into semi large barbs that, if pierced her skin, would anchor themselves as the momentum would take her to a nearby wall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Kid you look like shit." Norio said. "As for us I believe it is over. Unless the other king has more people for us then I'd say we are done fighting." Norio felt around in his pockets. "Ah yes there they are." Norio said pulling a cigarette out and lighting it. "You want one. Might help calm your nerves." Norio took a long drag. The sweet sensation of burning smoke going down his throat helped calm him down. "For now we just chill and wait. I don't know where the others are currently." He said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Itsuki, 22nd ward -> 7th ward

As the ghoul fled, Nidhogg considered giving chase but decided against. He was pushing his luck by being in this territory in the first place. Chasing his prey into the Lion's den would be beyond foolish. With that in mind, he jump back into the alleyway to see the woman had remained there, frozen in fear and gripping her bleeding shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding. When he approached, the woman tried to back away, but her back was already to the wall. Before she could make a noise, Nidhogg struck with a sharp blow to the gut. She was out in seconds, draped across his fist as he stared down at her body. The smell of blood was entucung as always, butthe temptation had long since lost it's purchase on him after years of feasting purely on the flesh of ghouls, je'd forgotten what humans had tasted like and had little desire to find out again. Picking the woman up, he quickly left the alleyway, hopping from rooftop to rooftop away from the 22nd ward and making his way to the 7th, where there was a hospital that he could leave her at to be treated.

After he took care of that, his appearance with the woman causing quite the stir and probably resulting in a call to the CCG if nothing else, he quickly left the area stopping once he reached an alleyway a respectable distance from the hospital. Taking off his mask, he let out a sigh of annoyance as he felt his stomach twist ever so slightly.

If I don't find another meal within the week, life is really going to suck.

Itsuki thought as his Kakugan faded away, and his Nidhogg persona with it. After he'd taken a second to recuperate himself, he got up and turned around, removing a few loose bricks to reveal that this alley was on of the places he stored away his hunting outfits, spread throughout the neutral areas of Tokyo. He placed his mask down amongst the folds of his extra cloaks, before covering it back up again. Once that had been taken care of, he looked just like your average homeless man, a down on his luck young man that pity look down on or pitied.

Exiting the alley, he began to make his way xlowly to his special hideout, located in the 16th ward. It was a small hole in the wall underneath a meat warehouse, and after a few renovations from the outside, he'd been able go make a storage place for extra food in case he runs into trouble. He had to go slowly, hiwever, as the fringes of morning poked out across the horizonnand humans began to walk the streets again.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bites
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Nightmare Bites Rain

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yume Soma

Location: 12th Ward

Unlucky for Ditto, Yume had dealt with headstrong people before so she knew that this was not going to end with a fight. As she noticed the flash forward of the other her arm, she took a few steps back, leaning her body to the side so her kagune could reach the other her whip easily without having to spend too much energy to it. Slamming her rinkaku tentacle against the whip harshly, trying to pierce through it with force while avoiding the barbs that formed on the end of the whip like form as she wanted to make her point that she was no longer going to hold back on the girl. Yume her other tentacle would then make its way in a rapid pace towards the other her shoulder with a tremendous focus. However she stayed herself through all of this and was still a way from unleashing herself fully. But she should not be underestimated even though she is only using two of her tentacles for the fight… for now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Atsuro Volke

As he was searching for any more Kagune residue, he heard Muto say they discovered a new body. This made Atsuro nod as he would need to collect blood from this sample as well. So as he walked over he listened to Adrian's analysis and nodded and clapped his hands at it, "Well done. Good job on finding the body Muto, and lovely analysis Adrian." Atsuro would praise as he went to work on getting a sample of the bodies blood before bending down and rolling up his sleeves and examining the stomach wound and looking for anything that might be a Kagune. You do a hard days work and you shall be rewarded, he reached into the wound and pulled out a tiny shard of what was most certainly a Kagune. It was still only one piece, yet it was a much bigger piece than the one he found earlier. "Well we should be much closer to finding out the culprit thanks to you two finding the body." Atsuro smiled as he pulled off the gloves and went back over to their squad leader.

With the days duties over with they were told to come back and they would turn in their evidence. Atsuro would get into the car again along with the others, and would arrive back at the headquarters in no time. Getting out of the car he took his briefcase out and closed the door. "Well I'm going to go turn in the evidence we have, so when are we meeting next?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ryan Chideta

Ryan considered saying no, but he was pretty fucking stressed. "Fuck it." He reached out and took a cigarette from Norio. He reached into his pockets to look for a lighter and came up empty. "Mind if I borrow that lighter?" Ryan asked as he stuck the unlit cigarette in his mouth. His leg was completely healed now and Ryan cracked his neck. "I don't believe I remember your name. Your code name anyways. I'm Plague." He stuck out his hand for a handshake only to realise how covered in blood it was. Ryan retracted his hand slowly and sighed. "I hope the boss gets back soon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Deep drags from his cigarette always calmed Norio down after a fight. Looking over he saw Ryan look for a lighter then come up empty handed. "Here you go kid. "They call me sage." Looking to his right he saw Plague go to shake his hand but retract it once he saw how bloodied it was. "The boss should be back soon. But he is fighting someone of the same rank."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tatsuo Hyakuya


Kazumo Igiri

Kazumo grinned ear to ear at Tatsuo's arrival. "Why wouldn't I be? I get to rip Mr Leviathan apart! Just thinking about it makes me want to go on a murderous rampage! Yet don't worry about those three, they are only here in case you decided to bring help. So..." Kazumo said watching the black crimson tentacle appear from tatsuo's back, with Kazumo's black wings doing the same. "Lets play!!!" Kazumo said as he took off at a fast speed appearing in front of Tatsuo before dashing all around him. Appearing then disappearing. "Hope you can keep up with this pace, cause it'd be a shame if you died too fast!" Kazumo stated appearing above the man with his black feathers shooting downwards at him. While having the appearance of feathers, it was clear they were much to sharp to be feathers.

Tatsuo chuckled at what Kazumo said, standing still as Kazumo moved around him at incredible speeds. For the others, Kazumo would probably look like a blur but Tatsuo saw him perfectly well "Rip me apart? With baby butterfly wings like that?!" He swung his tentacle at the incoming feathers, smacking most away and having to leap back to avoid the rest. Tatsuo didn't want to take any unneeded damage, he wasn't sure how long this fight would last. He smacked the floor with his tentacle, sending chunks of brick everywhere and creating a small cloud. Tatsuo came out of it, 2 tentacles behind him now. They were flattened and swinging at Kazumo from both sides, planning to bisection him into three parts.

Kazumo looked at this little crazed kid slicing up two of his ghouls and shrugged. "Well, someones a little excited. Reminds me of my teen aged years." Kazumo would say as he jumped and laid flat in the air to avoid the tentacles that Tasuo tried to cut him in half with. "Gimmie a second." Kazumo said to Tatsuo and appeared in front of Ryan halting him by grabbing his arm. "Hold your horses you crazed little killer. Love the attitude but damn you don't savor any of the fun. And this is why I brought backup backup. Even I can be smart." Kazumo said as as two figured appeared on Kazumo's motorcycle seeming shaken up by it. Kazumo then turned Ryan and pushed him towards the other two and looked at Tatsuo. "Okay and.... Resume." Kazumo shouted as his wings grew wider and shot out two torrents of the feathers now. Yet what may surprise Tatsuo was the fact that not just from the front but all sides were the feathers flying towards him. Meanwhile Kazumo stood on a ledge laughing. "Hahaha!! I love you, you love me! Watching you die fucking excites me!!! With a hole in your heart or maybe two! You will die before you even knew!!!"

Tatsuo was surprised when Kazumo vanished, only to watch him grab the arm of Ryan. His fists clenched, watching as Kazumo turned his attention back to Tatsuo. He sent a massive wave of feathers at him, Tatsuo calmly walking towards them as he was engulfed. The wave passed, Tatsuo's tentacles torn to pieces and his body covered in feathers from head to toe. His clothes were mostly torn and blood was dripping down his body, but his eyes were still fixated on the clown. He glared at Kazumo "I don't give a fuck what you do to me, I don't care about you stupid as fuck rhymes, but lay another hand on my people and I'll massacre all of yours. I don't care about the damage you'll deal but never touch them again. The feathers dropped out of Tatsuo's body one by one, his tentacles bubbling up and sprouting two more tentacles for each one lost, having four in total now. Blackness took over his scleras as his pupils burned a bright crimson. He was pissed, flattening one of his appendages and slicing through the building, cutting off a massive chunk that both Tatsuo and Kazumo stood on. Dust and debris was sent everywhere as the chunk of building fell downwards towards the ground. He kicked off the rubble, sending it flying into another building as he shot towards Kazumo. He spun his body, swinging all four appendages to smack Kazumo into the ground away from his people.

"Oh?" Kazumo stated as he watched the bloody Tatsuo glare at him as if nothing happened. He would then be warned to never touch his people again which made him yawn. "For someone who threatens it a lot, you don't do shit about it. You think I really give a fuck if you kill them? I literally had another set of backup because I predicted two of the idiots would die. You see that's the difference between us Leviathan. You are a leader who respects his people, while I am in this shit for the fuck of it!" Kazumo would explain and truthfully he didn't care about his people. It was rare for one to grow on him and he only had one person that being his sister that he cared about. He watched with a smirk however as two more tentacles appeared and of course his eyes did their ghouly thing. "Oooo I'm so scare- HOLY CRAP!" He shouted as the building was cut with both him and Tatsuo leaving the roof and heading towards the street below. Only to be sent into another building as he used it to propel himself towards Kazumo who was floating as he descended. "Wow you must really be mad to just kill like.... fifty people with that boulder." Kazumo stated and being in midair while being favorable to him, he couldn't really block four hits from the Rinkaku at once, mostly by a king no less. So Kazumo brought up his arms and covered his body with his wings as the attack hit and sent him flying towards the ground with a loud crashing sound, even causing a crater.

Kazumo would lay in the dust with blood pouring from his mouth and from the cut on his back. Although they were more so gashes as rocks tore through his skin. A grin would then cover his face as he stood up and walked out of the dust staring at Leviathan, his own eyes now pitch black with his pupils being red. Not that they were see able through the helmet. Kazumo would just start laughing though as his Wing grew yet again, now being much larger than his own body was. "MORE MORE MORE!!!!" Kazumo shouted as his feathers that were now larger in size went flying all around him, smashing into parked cars, buildings, street lamps, and even late night roamers. Kazumo would then take off at a blinding speed to ram right into Leviathan, his wings were large enough that extended fully out they were capable of slicing through solid concrete as they tore through the building and even metal with ease.

Every day citizens
It was your average night for most late night goers, most having fun and going to parties and whatnot. Everything was fine until they felt the ground rumble, countless citizens looking around to find the source. Only it was above their heads, a massive slab of concrete falling on a select unfortunate few. It crushed them immediately, shards sent flying and piercing numerous humans like swiss cheese. The survivors watched in horror, frozen until dozens of black feathers pierced through the walls and killed even more of them. Finally, panic broke out. People screamed and stampeded over each other, every human trying to escape with their lives. People gave up their homes, their shops, their entire lives just to escape the hellhole. One man, in the midst of chaos, was sane enough to make a call "C..C...G.....help us GAAA-" The cries of people took over the man's voice as his corpse laid in front of the telephone pole. There was no hope for them.

Tatsuo fell downwards after his hit landed, crashing on the ground below. The fall was high but it felt like a mere step to him. He calmly walked towards the sight where Kazumo fell, watching as his wings grew to even greater proportions. He fired massive feathers at him, Tatsuo swinging one of his tentacles only for it to be nicked clean off. His eyes widened, jumping to the side and rolling onto his feet. He followed up by running to the side to avoid the feathers, flipping and hitting any feathers that came near him with his Kagune. However, the brittle tentacles being torn to pieces. They went right through his body, blood spilling out as each feather passed through him. He coughed out blood, the wounds healing within an instant. But Tatsuo had a grin under his mask, unsheathing his katana and smacking away one of the feathers that came flying at him and continued to hit away any others within his reach.. His eyes burned with rage as Kazumo charged at him, the number of tentacles doubling once again as 8 now sprouted from his back. He charged back at Kazumo, letting out a pleased laughter.

Tatsuo's tentacles went to wrap around Kazumo's wings as he charged, hoping to stall him only for a moment. He pointed his black katana at Kazumos chest, picking up his pace as Kazumo approached at incredible speeds.

Kazumo would slowly get pushed to a halt with a step or two to keep himself advancing, as his eight tentacles would wrap around his wing in order to keep him from from advancing any faster. Kazumo would then cough up some blood when Tatsuo's katana pierced his chest. Yet Kazumo would grab the sword and pull it out of himself as the cut area spurted some blood before pouring down his chest. "Oh? This actually cut me? My my, Hydra's king uses a Quinque? And you call me a monster for touching your little helpers, you are going around with our own race attached to your hip!" Kazumo shouted in Tatsuo's face before spitting blood at him and then he would start yelling as his wings would turn into layer after layer of protruding sharp objects. Cutting his tentacles that held his wing clean off, they would then revert back to their regular shape as Kazumo who still gripped the sword started running and took off into the air with Tatsuo and would start to swing him in towards a building.

Tatsuo grinded his teeth at Kazumos comment, his words making him angrier as each one passed his lips "You don't understand why I wield this Quinque...AND YOU NEVER WILL" His Kagune was cut clean off and before he knew it, Tatsuo was in the sky with Kazumo. He was smashed into a building, slamming his legs into the walls to stop himself but only passed through the buildings due to Jesters speed. The clothes and skin on his back were torn off, pieces of flesh hanging on his body with blood pouring out. They healed as fast as they could, but was difficults with the constant slamming into walls. 4 appendages sprouted from his back, latching onto anything they could and slowing them down eventually, both of them at a stalemate. Tatsuos back began to rapidly bubble up, blood dripping out of his mouth, a heavy pain passing through his body "I never liked doing this but...IVE NEVER BEEN THIS EXCITED" 8 more scaled tentacles came shooting out of his back, making up a total of 12 tentacles. 2 tentacles sped towards Kazumo from both sides, smacking him off and away from Tatsuo. Tatsuo grabbed his sides, whispers filling his head but a grin still on his face and letting out a faint laughter. His tentacles began to crack, bend and wrap around each other in pairs, fusing and morphing into his advanced Kagune. 6 heavily scaled tentacles with large, salivating mouths were now behind Kazumo, each filled with rows of razor sharp teeth.

"I've killed two Kings...Special class doves but...Ive never faced someone like you...someone that's. Monster like me!" He kicked off the ground, running at Kazumo at incredible speeds. Two heads shot towards Kazumo, both aim for his legs as Tatsuo approached with his katana in hand, ready to bi section him once he got close enough.

"Nor do I want to." Kazumo chuckled as he slammed Tatsuo into a building and kept dragging him further into the sky. He tried to stop them with his leg but that wouldn't stop Kazumo at his speed, and eventually got him to a halt with four of his tentacles latching onto the building. Kazumo looked back as Tatsuo talk and tilted his head, he would slowly grin at the number of tentacles that appeared however. "Yeah, this is truly the best." He replied as two of them slammed into his side causing him to release the sword and fly off into a building, then proceed to drop to the ground rubbing his head as part of his helmet cracked revealing his right eye. So as he turned around he started to laugh with joy at the sight before him. He would listen to Tatsuo's achievements and couldn't help but to chuckle at them. "So you killed two kings like I did, and special class dove as I did. Man were so different yet so fucking similar! Thats why only a monster that the same as a monster can make each other feel this fucking alive! I'll match your Kagune Leviathan! Yet don't you blink! Your life depends on it!"

Kazumo shouted as his shoulder blades began to bubble much like Tatsuo's and out would sprout three more wings on each side giving him a total of eight, yet these wings would be blood red and blood would pour down Kazumo's back. Yet as the heads went towards him, he would vanish and appear far overhead with giant rubble from the buildings raining down upon him with some of his feathers mixed in. It would also be noted than some body parts were also falling down towards the ground.

Tatsuo couldn't help but grinned at Kazumos transformation, actually hoping this wouldn't be the end. He didn't want this fight to finish, not yet. He held his opens wide, eyes vibrating as his focus was tuned in on Kazumo. He didn't miss a single movement or detail. Even with that, Tatsuo was having difficulty keeping up with Kazumo as he appeared up ahead. Instead of dodging, he ran into the wave of concrete, flesh and feathers. He spun around a block of concrete, a wall of feathers in front of him. Shit He swung his blade at rapid speeds, smacking some away but most piercing through his skin. Even with that, Tatsuo continued with his momentum as he smacked all the concrete pieces away and flesh splattered over his body. Once close Tatsuo kicked at a giant concrete chunk, sending small shards of concrete flying at Kazumo with incredible speeds.

He jumped into the air towards Kazumo, sending four of the heads to bite each limb and kept the last two as defense.

Tatsuo smirked, feeling the blood dripping into the mouths of one of his heads and feeling slightly revitalized. The massive wound on his back quickly healed, Tatsuo putting his focus on that. Tatsuo pulled him in, raising an eyebrow as the head pulled in Kazumo waay to easily. His eyes widened, seeing only an arm in the mouth of one of his heads. He sacrificed his arm so quickly He grinned, the heads devouring and eating up the arm as Tatsuo kept his eyes peeled. The giant holes that covered his body began to heal, Tatsuo prioritizing that over his Kagune I have to tell Floria to take the others back to the base Suddenly, the sound of a motorcycle revving up echoed around Tatsuo. It was difficult to pinpoint it, the sound being too obnoxious and sounding as if it was coming from everywhere. A pair of headlights caught Tatsuo's attention from behind, Kazumo zooming past Tatsuo at incredible speeds and clothslining him. A loud snap could be heard, blood and saliva spitting from Tatsuo's mouth as he was sent uncontrollably flipping through the air. He crashed into a close-by building, the sheer force of the impact demolishing it.

Tatsuo rose out of the rubble, coughing out a massive amount of blood as he held his neck. It cracked once again, this time back into the right place. He laughed, wiping the blood from his mouth and awaiting for Jester's next attack, planning onto sacrificing one of the heads to bite that damn bike's tire and stop Kazumo.

Akira Matsumoto (Jinx), Above the Hydra/Joker's End Fight Beginning

She had been watching from the beginning for some time no. Laid down on her stomach, her feet swaying above her as she chewed on a bone from a "KFC" bucket. The contents however, were far from the original chicken flavor. Recently a small group of bar goers had fallen into the wrong alleyway and had the misfortune of crossing paths with her. Needless to say, they did not leave that alleyway. "So, Hank, who do you think is gonna win? I mean, I know it'll be Mister Jessy but what do you think?" If one was to only glance up, one would think she was talking to herself. But, a more detailed inspection would show that of a severed head next to her, still in a silent scream when it was cut clean off. She lowered the pitch in her voice to imitate that of a older man. "Gee, I dunno Jinxy. That Hydra guy sure looks pretty tough." An immediate tick mark grew on the side of her forehead as she slammed a fist down onto it, crushing it to nothing. "HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST THAT THAT THAT SORRY EXCUSE FOR A GHOUL COULD POSSIBLY STAND UP TO THE BEAUTY THAT IS JESSY!" She yelled as she felt the warmth of blood tricklee down her hand as she lifted it away from the now crushed skull. A seductive look crept into her eyes as she bit her bottom lip, her head no dangling over the edge as she watched the fight upside down. THe bone in her hand making it's way down to her lower torso. She moaned as she watched the fight. Pain was pleasure for her and watching the two ghouls on the roof get massacured was what sent her head spinning. "Oh Jessy~ She cooed. "Make me feel the same~" she whispered silently as the fight continued.

That was until she caught sight of her. "Miiiizuuuummmuuuuu...." She spun around so she could watch her. She hated her. Mizumu, or Ditto as she preferred, showed nothing to Akira; no hatred, no fear, nothing. Nothing BUT nothing. Akira's blood began to boil as she then hopped to her feet and started stomping around, screaming at the top of her lungs. "WHY DID SHE GET TO GO ON THIS AND NOT MEEE!" The anger spilled over into nothing but a child's tantrum as she threw herself to the floor, kicking and screaming. "Me and Jessy are going to have a talk when we get back, I SWEAR IT!" She stopped however when she heard a small explosion followed by the sight of Kazumo and the Hydra King fall off the roof in which she gasped. "JESSY!" Quickly she activated her kagune and put on her mask. She had a beautiful kagune for someone so...abnormal. It was black, outlined with red and strips of purple here and there. Her face became more twisted (see picture), a maniacal look of a psychotic girlfriend one could say as her one eye twitched. Her voice trembled as she spoke to herself "I swear it. That if there is a single piece of skin missing from his body I will make sure your whole FUCKING ORGAIZATION CAN'T RECOGNIZE YOUR TWISTED AND MANGLED EXCUSE FOR A ROTTING CORPSE!" Her body trembled in anger as she continued to watch.

Her eyes widened however when she saw Kazumo clear as day and bloody as hell. Her face began to morph into something sinister as she let out a rage filled scream that would terrorize even the bravest of men as she glared not daggers but bullets at the Hydra leader, imagining all the possible ways to destroy his body that would even make a ghoul puke up his meal.
She roared as she sent a wall of shards and explosive shards down onto the Hydra king. Her rage only building and building as the shards came down heavy and faster.

Falling to the ground at such heights would normally shatter the bike to pieces yet here it went and simply planted on the ground and remained fine as ever, he would start driving in circles before facing the building rubble that Tatsuo stood in. Hearing the laugh Kazumo beeped his horn which sounded like a laugh as well, one of those really annoying ones though. "Glad you are enjoying this as much as I am! You ain't seen nothing yet thou-" Kazumo would stop when he suddenly heard a loud yell and would face plant on his horn. "Oh fuck me to hell and back." Kazumo mumbled as he looked up to see none other than Jinx this really odd ass female that he was sure tried to rape him one night. Yet what made the vein in his head pop out was her sending an attack at Tatsuo. He didn't even think but appeared in front of the man he was just fighting and would let loose literally eight torrent of feathers that shot out and into the air. His feathers would easily break through her shards and would lay waste to her explosive ones. When it was all done, her shards were gone and yet he was in front of her with a hand on her head. "Who the fuck, said you could intervene in my fight? Huh little shit? Do you really think you will be of any help anyway? You think I am weak? If you wish to be here then sit the fuck down and watch." Kazumo said glaring at her before leaning in towards her ear. "If you attack my prey again Jinx.... I'll kill you." Kazumo warned before appearing down towards Tatsuo again and frowning.

"Case and point of what I mean when I say I don't care about my people, they only try to ruin my fun." Kazumo said as he pulled out his keys and hit a button on it. What would happen would be the bike coming out of nowhere and flying towards the back of Tatsuo's head, the most shocking part however was the fact it made zero noise now. "Did you know, I made a reallly bullshit bike?" Kazumo said grinning widely as he waited for Tatsuo reaction.

Tatsuo was ready to take on Kazumo until he heard movements in the air, sighing at the fact that someone was going to attack him. However before he could react to the shards, Kazumo appeared above him and easily erased the attack. Tatsuo patiently waited for him to return, chuckling at Kazumo's words "Oh really? In my eyes, it looks more like you care about her. If you didn't intervene, I would of devoured her whole One of the heads moved closer to Tatsuo's face, as if it was grinning at the woman who had tried to attack Tatsuo. "Yeah I do know how much bullshit your bike is" As if by instinct, Tatsuo moved his head forward and followed up by flipping his entire body. The bike barely missed his head, flying passed him as Tatsuo landed on his feet "I've studied your bike well and I know how you manage to escape our grasps each time. But no matter what, that bike will make vibrations...vibrations I could feel"

This time Tatsuo skipped the bullshit, 2 more heads sprouting from his back making a total of 8 now. His back was bleeding, the heads hurting him in the process but also giving him greater power. He clenched his fists, his eyes fixated on Kazumo "I'd say we've caused enough damage...it's time for the climax!" Tatsuo kicked off the ground, sending shards of concrete scattering all behind him. He approached Kazumo at incredible speeds, his blade and Kagune ready to attack and tear apart the remainder of Kazumo's limbs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vFear
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vFear monochrome boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A-class, 19th ward

"Go, go, go." directed Nebula's comrade as she sat with her legs hanging out of the car. With the needle wavering throughout the powerband, Nebula releases the clutch to begin gradually pressing the accelerator for a racing start - up until the point that the back end is smashed by a certain ghoul's kagune, though, sending the back end out. Nebula lets out an audible 'tch' as she twists the wheel violently to the left, attempting to compensate for the sudden backspin - slowing down in the process. She keeps her foot on the accelerator and both hands on the wheel, one half-on in preparation to move for the gearstick, in her attempt to escape the battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


[19th Ward]

"Pfffft HAHAHAHAHA" Yaya bursted into laughter as she watched the cripple Ghoul crash into the back of the car in a failed attempt to stop them. "HAHAHA BAKA, CRIPPLE, AND HOMELESS. YOU GOT THE WHOLE PACKAGE DON'T YOU AHAHAHAHAHA" She mockingly said to him as they drove away. She parted them with sticking out her tongue and waving. She hoped to hurt his pride, who was she kidding she knew that had to hurt his pride. But she wouldn't be satisfied with just that. She had to bathe in his blood to be satisfied. But that would have to wait, she had mischievous plans of her own. Yaya reached into her torn clothes, pulling out a sphere vial. The tip of her tailed rubbed against the opening, the man's blood dripping into the vial as she tightly closed it and placed it back inside of her clothes. The rest of her tail retracted before actually going into the car and taking a seat on the passenger side. She patted Nebula's back even though she was driving "Wow, you're really fun and nice. If it wasn't for you, I would of been dead" She said with a big ol' smile, speaking the truth but still not caring "If you don't mind, could you drop me off in Yatagarasu territory. I'll put in a good word for you to Scarecrow-sama. He'll be really happy that you saved me from those bakas" She said as she looked down at her wound, poking at the black parts and wincing in pain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Nightmare Bites

She felt the hit from the tentacle as the whip was once again smacked away from the target. However, she used that momentum that was built up from the rebound to wrap the whip around a nearby pole. It may have once been an antenna but it looked as if it had not been used for that purpose for some time. As the whip made contact she leaped into the air and let the centripetal force bring her flying around the pole and used herself as a projectile towards Floira, but with the angle being slightly off to the left of her but by looking at her, it would seem that she was aiming for Floria. As she came around, she brought her legs together to form into a large and narrow lance. Her speed was remarkable for what someone like her was capable of. As she would close the gap to about half a foot she would extend her arm out to form a semi thick and long blade in an attempt to either slice into her neck or knock her off the building. If it would connect, she would been blown back off the roof due to the speed and power of the attack. If she was to be blocked yet again, she would bring her legs down mid-air, reverting them back to
the axes as she would remove her mask, allowing her face to show her true self as the face she hade would morph into the symbiotic teeth and eyes. Her neck would extend outwards towards Floria's neck in an attempt to take a chunk out of her.

Somewhere in the Ninetieth Ward

As the car screeched away, he gave a nasty glare towads the cackling "bitch" who would taunt him as he was escaping. A vocal "tch" would escape as he tried to stand, his kagune disappearing. He quickly took notice to the visablility that he had due to the broken mask. As he gave a frusted sigh, placing the mask underneath his coat and brought his hood up. Most likely the girl her protected with silver hair would try to help him, if she tried he would wave her off and begin to limp away, repling with a "Thanks but I'll be fine." As he limped quickly out of the alleyway, before straining himself to walk normaly amongst the gowing crowd of humans. Mitsurugi would smile at the passerbys. He didn't particularly care if the SILVER HAIRED girl followed but he would make it difficult for her to keep up as he would dip in and out of groups of people, turn down multiple alleys before he made his way to a rather run down looking warehouse. He had come across this place a few times. It was a rather quiet area to lay low when an area would get too hot. As he entered he gave a sniff around, noticing he wasn't the only one in there. 'Tch, another ghoul. I'm not having such a great day am I.' He thought. His voice would echo through the warehouse like structure. "I know your here but I would like to point out that I have already had a rough day and I'm not particularly in the mood to get into another fight." He held a stance that showed alertness and the ability to strike at a moments notice while holding a calm posture.

@raijinslayer [vFear] @Phobos @XxLyraxX

@Phobos @Oblivion

Akira Matsumoto (Jinx), Above the Hydra/Joker's End Fight Beginning

Her screaming stopped as she watched her shards explode and disappear and Kazumo apppearing in front of her, all in a matter of seconds. Her eyes went wide. "Who the fuck, said you could intervene in my fight? "But-" Huh little shit? But he- Do you really think you will be of any help anyway? I-You think I am weak? N-no not at-If you wish to be here then sit the fuck down and watch." Kazumo said glaring at her before leaning in towards her ear. This caused her to gain some pleasure. "If you attack my prey again Jinx.... I'll kill you." Her voice had a sexual tremble to it as she replied. "O-o-ook~ heheheh~ Kazumo warned before appearing down towards Tatsuo again and frowning. She remained there in a fantasy like bliss until she turned her attention to Mizumu and the other chick and decided to have some fun with the both of them as she dipped low and moved across the building to get a better angle on the two. Her shards were aimed directly at the two and held it there, following their every movment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kazumo Igiri

He would listen to tatsuo silently and for once Kazumo remained silent before dodging his own bike that Tatsuo dodge as he felt the vibrations. "Thats because only I'm allowed to kill those retards. I'm not letting you do it. But good to know, I'll remember to get rid of the vibrations for next time. Good idea, hope it doesn't bite you in the ass." Kazumo couldn't help but laugh as he cracked his neck as Tatsuo grew even more heads. "Well then, lets hope the climax doesn't fuck up anything else.... Ahh who am I kidding it will." Kazumo stated but as Tatsuo came at Kazumo, he would instead fly at a building. A rather large one as well, yet Kazumo shouted a bit as his Wings morphed to form some massive ass wings that were soaked in his blood and were much wider than the building length was. So as Kazumo flew at the building, he sliced clean through it, he just risked cutting up his face but the building falling straight down on Tatsuo would still be a sight to see. Floating in the sky he would almost look like a really twisted angel of death.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Itsuki, 16th ward, Old Warehouse

Itsuki made it to the warehpuse easily enough, but he npticed with a frown the chaos hoing on in one of the wards by sound alone. This is going to bring the doves down on us . . . hard. Dammit, it was tougn enough to avoid them before, but now shit is going to hit the fan. I may have to stick to eating from my supply until things die down a bit.

With that in mind, he made haste inside the compound, making his way through the many cold hunks of cattle meat until he arrived at his own particular corner with a box filled with his own, special food. Picking out a few chunksm he dug in, the disgusting flavor of ghoul flesh being something he'd long since gottem accustomed to. As he ate, he wondered ever so slightly about those rumors he'd heard of ghouls that cannibalized othrr ghouls turning into all powerful gods with monstrous kagune. He'd found the theory interesting if nothing else, but didn't truky believe since he'd been eating Ghouls for years and had yet to show any signs of this incredible power.

As he finished eating for the day, not his fill, but enough to get him through the month if doves start getting active again, he suddenly heard somethingnin the silence of the warehouse. Footsteps, and while that alone wouldn't normally make him nervous, it was the smell and the words that accompanied it that caused his heart to pick up. He made sure to seal the box back up, and cleaned off all evidence of his feeding from his face before making his way out into the open area between the freezer areas. Seeing who it was, however, he quickly let a grin cross his face as he approached.

"Well now, this is a surprise. What the hell happened to you, Mitsurugi, you look like shit. First time I think I've ever seen you look like you got your ass kicked." Itsuki had met the eye-patch wearing ghoul a while back as they were both homeless drifters who happened to run into each other. Seeing as how neither was predispised to violence, they sat down for a chat at the time and soon became good acquaintances. "So, who the hell did this to you, and why?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago


He leveled a gaze in the direction of the smell and its owner who just now was entering into the light. As he stood there, Mitsurugi couldn't help but let out a light laugh as he lowered his guard to an old acquaintance, extending a greeting to him. "Well now, this is a surprise. What the hell happened to you, Mitsurugi, you look like shit. First time I think I've ever seen you look like you got your ass kicked." "Haha I still look better than you Itsuki heheh. He frowned at the ass kicked part. "Please, I was far from getting my ass kicked." Just to remind him of the defeat, a sharp pain shot up his leg, causing him to drop to a knee. He looked down at the ground as sweat dripped down his face onto the ground. "Guess it took a bigger toll then I thought. Hey Itsuki-san, you mind if I gave you some company for a little bit? Heat may have picked up after the scuffle in the 19th district." He felt his eye go into its cold blackness, the other eye under the patch glowed lightly but enough to be seen from under the patch as his stomach growled. He had completely forgotten that he was still hungry and he felt his urge to attack Itsuki go up but if hadn't been for his experience with starving before he wouldn't be able to control it. Mitsurugi bit down on his hand as blood seeped out and trickled into his mouth as the rest ran down his hand. For him pain was the key to suppress it however it would only last as long as the pain did.

"I hate asking but you wouldn't happen to have some food that you could give me to stave off this hunger and in turn ill give you some hot coffee made by I think may be one of the best coffee brewers I think I've ever had the pleasure to meet. But if you don't it's not no big deal. I still got coffee for the both of us. Also buddy we got to do some talking-" He pulled out his newly filled coffee thermos and with his free hand wrapped it around his friend's shoulders both to show hospitality and for balance. "Cause it's been some time since we last did. Shit I'll also tell you how I got this." Bringing his leg up to show the graze down his leg.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 3 days ago

Itsuki, 16th ward, Old Warehouse

"Heh, whatever you got into, it can't top the Dove attracting chaos going on in one of the other wards. From the sounds of it, I'd say at least two of the kings are having some sort of turf war right now." He sighed, running his hand through hus hair before he caught sight of the look Mitsurugi was givong him, followed by his subsequent words and actions. Itsukithought about it for a bit, unsure if the man would get angry at what he had available, but then decided that if the ghoul did try anything, he wasn't in a state where he could easily hold the Rinkaku ghoul off.

"If you're not picky, I got enough for now, but I'm trying to make it last. Doves are going to be getting antsy after tonight, so it'd be wise to cut back on any unnecessary feeding. But first, let me bring you something before you jump me." Itsuki went back into the freezer, finding the box and opening it to get a few pieces of flesh. It wasn't alot, but it should keep him satisfied for now. Quickly returning, he tossed the packets of meat to the other ghoul, keeping a distance as he did so just in case. He trusted that Mitsurugi had control of himself, but it never hurt to err on the side of caution.

"So, after you finish eating, tell me all about how you got your ass-kicked, as well as anything else interesting about your night. And yeah, been a while since I've had some coffee, so don't mind if I do."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vFear
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vFear monochrome boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A-class, 19th ward

After recovering from the inhibited takeoff and rounding the first corner, Nebula seems to become more at ease, although not enough to be relieved - not only is her car likely pursued by both police and CCG now, but it's also damaged, and she can't take it into work to repair due to the heat. She curses quietly to herself before a hand pats her on the back, which doesn't seem to effect her driving.
"Wow, you're really fun and nice. If it wasn't for you, I would of been dead." spoke her companion with a smile, "If you don't mind, could you drop me off in Yatagarasu territory? I'll put in a good word for you to Scarecrow-sama. He'll be really happy that you saved me from those idiots." Nebula tilts her head slightly towards the girl in the passenger seat, slightly curious about her age with her way of speaking, before she looks back to the road and simply nods.
"Yeah, easy," answers Nebula, "will the 21st ward do?". She pauses for a moment before speaking further, "Hey, I was wrong about you guys. I can give you my number if you want, in case any of you ever need a getaway."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Ashido Kazuyaka

Ward 7, Raining

Ashido looked around waiting for the other two to show up yet in the end only Naota showed up and gave some half assed excuse but at least they were here. "Well whatever...you're here now. Looks like it'll be just me and you...We will conduct this investigation ourselves. I don't have time to waste..." Holding an umbrella in his right hand to stop the rain soaking him he walked over to one of the bodies and knelt down as he looked at it for a moment before glancing up at the other bodies..."Well it's obvious most of these humans were just casualties here and it wasn't some ghoul feeding frenzy either..." Ashido made his way to his feet before walking over to the body that was identified as a ghouls...and in truth it was in bad shape "This wasn't some scrub ghoul...but it's clear it was killed by another ghoul, one clearly of a higher rating...I'd say we're looking at a ghoul of at least an SS~ rating..." Ashido noted the bite mark which showed some sign of cannibalism further backing up his theory of the attacking ghoul being of at least SS rating...more so if it could afford to just waste it's meal...in fact it seemed the attacking ghoul was toying with it...the legs were completely missing...as well has the head. Yet this body was certainly one of a ghoul as the head they had found was clearly linked to this one and despite the bad condition of the face they identified it as a wanted ghoul of at least S rank.

Ashido closed his eyes for a moment before walking around a bit more as he spoke out loud "See anything else that's interesting to note Naota?..." Ashido's eyes had set upon the tyre marks on some of the bodies which made his eyes narrow as he spoke quietly to himself "A bit far to come out by foot..." Ashido had his suspicions already..in fact it seemed everything had already been solved by simple observation. He knew of one ghoul that was higher than SS rank and that rode a moterbike...this slightly irritated Ashido as this ghoul in particular knew he'd be hard to catch and defeat...so why would he have to cover his trail? Still...before outright pinning the blame on this certain Ghoul Ashido wanted to try rule out a potential copycat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Tatsuo Hyakuya

[12th Ward]

Tatsuo chuckled at the falling building, tightly gripping his katana with both hands "You think thats enough to stop me?!" He charged head on towards the building, leaping and smashing through a window. It was hard to move in, everything within the building shaking as it continued to fall. He ran through the hallways and smashed through the walls, using the heads to help himself up as he tried to make it towards the other end. However, right before he reached the last window, the building smashed into the ground along with Tatsuo. It was silent for a moment, no movement or even a sound. Suddenly, Tatsuo rose from the rubble. A giant pointed pole was through his chest along with countless cuts and shards of something within his body. Two mouths moved down, clamping onto the iron pole and snapping it in two. The slowly pulled them out of his chest, tossing them both at Kazumo as the other heads began to bite down on Tatsuo's very body. He laughed, the Kagune's morphing and fusing with his skin. A black mucus like scale began to cover his back and slowly creep up his arms, mouths forming all along as they advanced. A black mouth crepth over Tatsuo's head, bubbling up and fusing together to cover his face. It was still morphing but Tatsuo didn't have time "Let's end this!" He moved like a blur, his speed far greater than before as he made it to Kazumo in seconds. He turned his body mid air, a massive singular head behind him and swinging at Kazumo like a bulldozer. It's mouth was also still open, hoping to tear chunks from his flesh
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

:::District One | CCG HeadQuarters:::
First Class Miyoko Ruri

Miyoko stepped out of her car, closed the driver's door and awaited her subordinates's exit from the vehicle. The mission went well, perhaps she should urge the higher ups to give her squad a more dangerous task in the near future. Atsuro, as keenly as usual, asked Miyoko a question just as she was about to open her mouth, he must of been on the same wavelength as her since she was literally going to tell them the answer to his question. "I will gather you all tomorrow for our next meeting. This one will be important so be sure to turn up on time. Failure to do so will mean that you will not be accompanying me on the next case." She glossed her almost bored-looking gaze over all three of her members before landing on Atsuro. "The rest of you can do whatever you like once you've turned in your evidence. As for you Rank 1 Volke, a word please. Give your evidence to Rank 2 Kassanai to turn in." While keeping her eyes on Atsuro, Miyoko lifted her car keys out of her right jacket pocket and pressed a button to lock the doors of her vehicle, assuming everyone had certainly left it's confines by now.

Taking her eyes off Atsuro, Miyoko turned towards the HeadQuarters's main entrance and waited for Atsuro's response.
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