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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel

Arms crossed over his chest, emerald eyes glancing around him, he walked in a tall stride, despite his short stature. Slightly feeling at his throat, feeling the choker underneath and hidden under the creme colored scarf. A ever so faintly glowing Lacrima in the center front. Still, he made sure his scarf hid it well.

However, he felt a bit lost. Unsure which way was which. The layout was simple though, won't be too hard to figure out. Pausing as he came across Jarvis, his emerald gaze narrowed slightly at the sight of the older man. Closing his eyes for a moment he looked to Jarvis and walked up to him.

"....Morning Jarvy. Everything alright?" he asked calmly, before hearing Jamie speak from what he assumed was downstairs.

"Guess GM is calling a meeting." he mused.


Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel


It had been quite the event last night. They danced, they talked, they laughed, then Michael pretty much passed out. Prince had to carry the boy. It was a good thing Prince was bigger, he wasn't quite built to be the man who carried people all the time. Human's varied in weight. Michael was pretty lean though so it was fine.

Currently, Prince lying next to Michael, having carried him to his room. Wearing only his pants, his jacket and hat resting on a chair. It would be amusing to see Michael's reaction, even if Prince didn't actually do anything to him.

"Morning Cutie~ Sure was fun last night eh?" The tall feline grinned innocently.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt Derrin Marris --- Phoenix Wing Hotel
Mayt would lurch awake at the knocking and calling to get up and head downstairs. He would unintentionally grab his sword and waive it around at the empty air about the room before letting drop to the floor again. Sighing, Mayt slowly got to he feet and pushed his way on to the bathroom. Freshening himself up quickly, he moved back out of the bathroom and looked around the room he had just spent the night sleeping in. His dreams had been quite troubled, and he didn't at all enjoy them, especially the ones that involved killing people in cold blood. After a long moment Mayt managed to take fairly accurate inventory as tow hat was in the room, and he gave it a nod as he re-attacked his sword to his belt and headed out of his room. He would just have to come back and change later, since it seemed whatever Master Jamie had in mind was Important.

The hallway was being filled with people as they woke up and started on their trek to the main room of the Hotel. Mayt joined them in this great journey, pushing against the people in his way somewhat roughly to move past them as quickly as he possibly could. It wasn't long until he had gotten most of the way down, and he saw that two individuals who had just come in and made quite an entrance. That seemed like it could be amusing, and after a fairly short mental battle, Mayt decided that he should go and talk to them. He needed the inter-personal interaction, especially now that he was a S-Class wizard of PHoenix Wing. Forcing a grin, he started to walk towards them. His left hand would be being raised up to wave a hello, and his right would be naturally resting on his sword scabbard, just below the crossbar of the katana contained within. "Welcome back, I guess. You two must've been gone for a while, because I honestly don't recognize either of you two. I'm Mayt Marris." He'd hold his hand out to the two, seemingly unworried about everyone else around them.

@Leslie Hall
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Hotel

Damian hears Master Jamie through the lacrima and reaches out of the shower to grab it. "I, uh, just got back from my morning training and literally just got in the shower. Mind if I just listen in?" While waiting for an answer, he set the lacrima to a visual setting so he could also see what was sure to go with the speech and continued with his shower.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelosse
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Zelosse The Entity

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Deep in the bowels of Magnolia city dwelled a lone fighter, a veteran of battles of willpower and pure strength combined. His clothing was once made of fine silk and polished steel but had fallen from grace over years of his nomadic wanderings across the world. Nobody ever truly remembered his name, knowing full well he had never done anything to earn that kinda praise. Marcus was a man of honest and honorable intentions, but...

"Keep looking! He can't have gone far!" Shouted a city guardsman to a small patrol of his men. "The man we seek is tall with a standard soldiers uniform and longsword!" The soldiers gave a nod and fanned out to search for the man who had attacked a home of an influential businessman in the upper city. Earlier in the day, Marcus had been begged by two gentlemen pleeding for help in getting their money back from a widely known thief. Marcus had agreed to help them get back what belonged to them rightly and was convinced the 'thief' who had robbed them had been a monster indeed to do such a thing!
It wasn't until he had broken down the door, broad daylight, that he realized he had once again.. been duped. The home was lavish and the wife and teen staring at him in horror as the two men burst in after him was all the evidence he needed. Embarassed and shamed he had swiftly dispatched the men, knocking them unconcious before they could loot anything or threaten the home owners.
That was just before the town guards had come by to see him standing amidst the wreckage of a doorway holding his sword over two fallen men. Marcus had done the only thing sensible to him at that moment: Run!

Almost two hours later of hide and seek-the-perpetrator had him at wits end. "Damnit... Why'd I have to go and listen to those two!" He whispered silently from a rooftop as two armed guards walked within inches of his hiding spot, but thankfully had not seen him. Slowly, he shuffled to his feet and braced himself. As the guard finally sweeped the block he was hiding he made a leap, landing heavily on another roof a short distance away and continued to run, apology after apology echoing in his head as he charged across the roof away from the patrol.
Wasn't long after he had left them behind altogether but still he kept his pace, determined to hide until they'd forgotten about him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@silver fox
Michaels heart stopped and then thumped hard in his chest at Prince's voice. Was he imagining it? Michael peeked about. And there was Prince, half dressed, his normal jolly self.

Michael made a sound between an "Er" and a groan, and nothing else came out. What had happened last night? Oh god, what had happened last night? He didn't like not knowing, and he stared at Prince, wide eyed. His thoughts were slow, as he tried to figure out what happened. What was Prince doing in his room?

His eyes roamed, seeing Prince's jacket and hat, on a chair, obviously not thrown, and that was slightly reassuring. He looked back to Prince, still no closer to figure anything out.



Jarvis left the room quietly, after writing a quick note and making sure there girls were okay, before shutting the door, turning he almost walked right into Karn. Smiling at the younger wizard, "everything is well Karn. That was a good battle you did. An amusing ending. Are you okay?" Jarvis asked, as Jamie called everyone in, "you should head downstairs" Jarvis said, turning to the stairs.

master Jamie

Amused at Damian's response, Jamie said almost cheekily, "well, we are letting everything hang out in the air today, so why not?" chuckling to herself, Jamie looked over the gathering guild members, and drew in a deep breath, deciding the communication lacrimas would get the message across well enough to those not here yet. As if in an after thought Jamie said "oh! Connect to Jack, connect to Dragon Fang's lacrima!" Jack deserved to know as well, after putting up with the them for so long. And dragon Fang was an ally. "jaaaaccck, Heeeellllloooooo" assuming Jack could hear, Jamie began.

"Last night, something happened. Something that can be considered a true miracle, I think, but it's something that can just be put down to a parents love. None of you know this. Or at least not the whole story. I guess I should start with this, and understand I planned on revealing this when we won the games. I am female. I can't hide that now, and if truth be told, I haven't felt right hiding it from the guild. I was born female, and my mofher naming me Jamie was just a happy coincidence.

But in anycase, that's a tangent. Some of you know that Jarvis had a child. She was mine, to. She is mine. Thanks to the spirit Thanatos, she is alive again. We gave up my transformation magic for her life. It's something I would do again. Her name is Samantha, but we call her Sam. Just another unisex name"
Jamie said with amusement, looking up as she saw Jarvis. "most likely still asleep. If she had lived as she should have, she would have been 21. Instead, she is still six. We started the guild for her. We will continue it because we are Phoenix Wing. We are, every single one of us, a family. Let's do the guild proud, and let's welcome in a new chance"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Unfamiliar Faces

"Why are you always like this?"

"Like what?"
Isabella Pinelli and Bullet
Early Morning - Phoenix Wing hotel lobby

@Lugubrious | @Caits | @Burthstone

Isabella lowered her arms, letting them slump down by her side in disappointment. Her reception wasn't as spectacular as she had been hoping. Bullet was busy bumping fists with some old pals that were chilling in the lobby. A silly grin plastered across his face, Isabella couldn't help but smile. Her eyes met his, and Bullet's positive attitude softened at the disappointed look in Isabella's eyes. He waved his friends off, telling them they'd catch up later before returning to his team mate. He gently nudge her using the left side of his body, slightly pushing her off balance and out of her melancholic thoughts.
"Chill out, Bella. Everyone's still half asleep. You'll have plenty of time to see all your old buddies." Isabella nodded at his words of support; but it still didn't make her feel much better. Walking through the lobby, Master Jamie gave the pair an approving nod as she went about her business. The pair were surprised to see their Master dressed in such an uncommon way. Regardless, they were happy to see her. Bullet flashed his master a large smile and a thumbs up; his way of telling her that their mission was done and dusted. Isabella blew Jamie a kiss, a gesture that carried with it all the nights Isabella had spent thinking about Master Jamie and all of her other friends while she was away. Seeing her again almost brought tears to her eyes. Bullet patted her gently on the back, and Isabella turned to see another one of his smug smiles.
"Shut up! I'm not crying!" Isabella proudly pointed her chin up, facing away from Bullet.
"I missed Master a lot as well." Bullet said quietly, folding his arms as he stared at Jamie gathering everyone together.

The two probably would have sat there talking about how much they missed each individual person (going into the intimate details for each and every one of them) when an older lady covered in bandages approached the two of them.
Whew, what an entrance! Good thing I'm not old enough to have heart attacks, eh?” Her voice was unfamiliar to the pair, but Isabella was just happy that a fellow guild member had come and spoken to them. The woman introduced herself as Fleo Plector. She was a more recent member. Isabella was about to introduce herself when Bullet's obnoxious voice cut in front of her.
"What's with the bandages? Did ya lose that badly in the tournament?"
"Bullet!" Isabella squealed, clasping her hand over her companions mouth. "Don't be rude! I'm sure Miss Plector here is an exceptionally skilled mage!" Bullet grumbled a response in protect, but it was muffled underneath Isabella's grip. He broke free of the hold, shaking his head in annoyance.
"Geez, I didn't mean anything by it." He quickly lifted his head up and smiled at the stranger. "I'm Bullet! The baddest beast in this guild." He proudly stuck his thumb at his chest.
"I'm Isabella Pinelli! The two of us were out on a very long mission. We've been gone for months, so I suppose we've never met. Might I be a tad presumptuous and ask about those bandages though?"

Bullet glared at Isabella in annoyance. It was apparently okay when she asked? Just because she dazzled it up with some polite words. Bullet never really saw the point in that; it just made her look like a snob sometimes. He sat there fuming slightly, when someone they knew all too well approached the two of them.
"Hi guys! Found us here, huh?" Sasha's voice was a much welcomed one by the pair. Isabella politely excused herself from Fleo to ran up to Sasha and give her a big hug.
"Sasha! Oh, how I missed you! How have things been here while we were gone? I want to know everything!" Isabella pulled Sasha away back towards Fleo. Bullet didn't even get a chance to say hello.

Another new voice caught the attention of the young man, and he turned around to see a man a few years older than him approach them. Their height difference was quite significant; Bullet having to practically stare up at him.
"Welcome back, I guess. You two must've been gone for a while, because I honestly don't recognize either of you two. I'm Mayt Marris." Bullet lifted an eyebrow at him, wondering where he'd heard that name before.
"Oh, right. The S Class." Bullet reached his hand out, firmly shaking Mayt's with a determined smile. He had heard about some of the newer S Classes whilst he was away. When the shake ended, the young boy didn't release his grip. "When I found out some newbie made S class before me, I was super pissed. Like really angry. I hated you even though I'd never met you. I want to apologise for that. You seem like a cool guy. I'm Bullet, and that's Isabella Pinelli." Isabella waved hello at Mayt before returning back to her conversation with Fleo.

Bullet smiled at the two girls being friendly, finding it funny that they'd seemed to split off to converse with their own genders for once. Bullet let go of Mayt's hand and bowed respectfully; which was something he didn't do often.
"You must be amazing to have made it this far so quickly. But Isabella and I are also amazing. We'll be joining you at the top sooner than you think!" Bullet straightened himself up with a determined grin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel


Prince purred in amusement as he rolled to his side, arm upright as Klimt held his head upright a bit. Tail swaying from side to side, ears twitching ever so slightly. Amusing it was to watch Michael's utter confusion. "What do you mean what? You should say Good Morning as well." the feline chuckled, his one eye blinking slowly.

"We danced like the wind, and floated like clouds into a pure filled night of pleasure. You fell asleep quite quickly." Prince hummed, stretching his lean body.

Karn || Phoenix Wing Hall


Karn slowly blinked, the calm neutral expression unchanging as he watched Jarvis. Lips piercing together ever so slightly before returning his expression back to a blank slate. "Yeah. I'm sure it was." he answered before pausing as if to respond but just watched Jarvis turn to the stairs. Emerald gaze narrowing slightly as he gazed at the back of the older man.

"....No." He muttered, though it wasn't very audible. Soon enough he followed after Jarvis, emerald gaze turning toward the crowd of people. Some familiar, some unfamiliar, and some others lost.

Stopping at the bottom of the steps, the blonde glanced around, arms slightly tightening over his chest as he examined as many people as he could with quick glances. A difficult task when crowded together like this. Deciding to turn his gaze toward Jamie, he listened to the apparent happy announcement. Sam huh... Interesting. Leaning his back against the wall, he decided to just listen in for now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Jarvis frowned, looking back at the younger wizard. Was that a no, a result of the battle yesterday, or a no as in everything wasn't alright? Jarvis knew that Karn had been sickly for a while, maybe for years. Edolas Karn had been the same. Jarvis watched people, and right then, something seemed different with Karn.

There was lacrima magic around the boy, but Jarvis couldn't be sure it wasn't a communication or teleportation lacrima, at least he could if it was one of his, but not of it was one from a store. Not unless he held it. Something was different with Karn, something slight.

Jarvy? Was that the first time Karn had called him that? Frowning, a little unsure, Jarvis resolved to watch Karn. He stopped Karn, and said softly "if something's wrong, you can talk with us, Karn"


That didn't answer anything, just gave Michael more questions. Danced? They had danced? He remembered something like that but it had happened? Pure filled night of pleasure? Was Prince messing with him? Michael didn't know.

He should compare himself. Think of something witty. But Michael wasn't witty. He was hardly even amusing. He opened his mouth, and the words tumbled out "while I'm use to having a cat in my bed, she's normally smaller.
I must have been confused for a moment,
I'm sorry."

What had happened? Remember! He demanded of his brain, but nothing came. Surely if something had happened, he remember? He rubbed his hands over his face, through his already messed up hair. "m-m-morning. Why are y-y-you in my b-b-bed?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel


Karn flicked his emerald gaze toward Jarvis as the older wizard stopped to show his concern. It seemed Jarvis was quite, not surprising but he was being a bit sloppy in hiding. Still, Jarvis picked it up quickly. The blonde should of probably acted more cheery, but he didn't really feel like it.

At the soft reassurance, Karn looked at him for a moment, green eyes then flicking over the room, landing on Sasha. The brief figure in sight caused his eyes to narrow, before shifting somewhere else. He saw Mayt, in which class his eyes hardened before quickly shutting them to avoid giving away emotion. Opening them again, he looked to Jarvis.

"Talking won't help too much. Though I do not know what else I need. But hey, now is not the time to be a dobbie downer old man. You should be cheery and get on the merry go round with Jamie there. Sure Sammy will be just as giddy when she wakes up." Karn answered, cracking a joking smile before resuming to watch the others. It felt like there was a invisible wall. Something playing a cruel joke on him. Such a happy scene... It was almost cruel.


"Awe I see, your quite used to having a pussycst in bed with you mhmm? How interesting." Prince purred in amusement before humming thoughtfully before promptly glomping Michael. Happily cuddling with the shy blue haired wizard. "I got sleepy when I carried you up here. So I took a nap." he purred.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mayt Derrin Marris -- Phoenix Wing Hotel
Mayt blinked and stared blankly when the other mage recognized he was S-Class. That was one of the last things he expected, though he didn't blame the other individual for being unhappy that someone as new as him made such a high rank. Nodding some, Mayt held his hands up some when bullet bowed. "Hey, no need for all that. To be honest, I'm probably the weakest of us three, and I'm personally unsure why I got picked to be S-Class in the first plance. Besides that, you're probably the first person to know who and what I was. I mean, just last night I had a bandit ask Jarvis three times if I was really an S-Class wizard simply because he'd never heard of me." He grinned and chuckled some, waving back at the other individual who had come in with bullet.

It was only then that it finally occurred to Mayt that Master Jamie was giving a speech to the whole guild, and he turned somewhat to face the guild master. He only caught a bit of the end, and he knew he'd have to ask for a rehash later. Sounded like they had yet another new member. At this rate, the guild was going to be more noobies than anyone else. Chuckling to himself at the thought about that, he slid his hands into his pockets. Once Jamie had finished, Mayt would look back over to Bullet. "Don't forget, it's one at a time to the top, but I await your arrival. Then I won't get any flak if I kick your ass. Oh, also, is it rude to ask what your magic is?"

@Leslie Hall
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Hotel

@Caits@Anyone else listening on the lacrima@Leslie Hall

There's the sound of someone slipping and sliding in a tub and the a loud thud, heard both through the lacrima and the floors, followed by Damian unleashing a string of curses as he managed to hit his head on the way down. And it wasn't the more comfortable feeling to deal with either. Standing up, Damian turns to the lacrima. "You're telling me I was RIGHT?" Laughing to himself, he got out of the shower and got to getting dressed and heading down, after securing Durandal on his back. He didn't notice the two new arrivals right away and instead went and gave his guild master a hug. When he finished, he rubbed the back of his head and groaned. That really smart. "Well, glad to hear your family is whole again."

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang Hotel

Jack started when Jamie's voice came through his communication's lacrima. "Good morning, Jamie. What do you need?" The announcement caught the Dragon Fang guild master off guard and he spluttered his drink of orange juice out, getting a weird look from Ammy. "I'll see you all at the stadium. Jamie...I need to go see her." With that, he quickly left the hotel and headed for Phoenix Wing's hotel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Yashia

Joshua was already awake by the time Jamie had come knocking on his door. The swordsman got ready for the day before heading downstairs, knowing the others would be close behind. As he got himself a light breakfast and some hot tea to drink. As he listened to Jamie's announcement, he had to stop himself from spitting out his tea and ended up having a coughing fit from swallowing it wrong. That was Jamie's true form? And SHE was married to Jarvis and had a kid?! Who had been brought back to life?!

Seriously, if this day had any surprises that could up something like this the world might end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Yashia

Amaya Yashia healer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

*~*Amaya Yashia*~*
Ice Dragonslayer

@Joshua Tamashii

Amaya woke up around midnight as once again her nightmares haunted her. "They still haunt me" She whispered getting dressed for the day as she relaxed in her room till it was breakfeast as she was amongst the first out and had her food finished by the time Joshua had stated his. She looked towards Jamie and listened "No wonder I was smelling a female smell even in her male form" She commented in thought before laughing a bit at Joshua's reaction "Surely you noticed the motherly protective motherbear personality she has and the way she is so accepting of everyone and thing." she commented to her friend wipping some coffee off the table
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@Leslie Hall@burthstone
Sasha smiled and returned Isabella's hug, not fussed at all that she wasn't given enough time to answer. Instead, she waited for the exchanges to happen, looking to Master Jamie when she spoke. She studied the form Jamie had, and smiled. Jamie always wore her forms with confidence, but Sasha imagined there just had to be something about wearing your true form, that...made everything seem right. She looked back to Isabella, and Mayt.

"Mayt isn't the only S class wizard. Damian was first, and that's him glomping the Master, and he was only in the guild, what, a few days if that. Penny and Mayt were chosen together when we went to the magic council." Sasha said, nodding to Penny.

She gave a small laugh, "As for what's happened the last several months, I think we need more then five minutes to catch you up. Bandits?" She said to Mayt, realising that the S class wizard hadn't been at the games the last two days.

She felt eyes on her, and glanced about, just catching sight of karns, but something seemed off. Karn had never looked at her like that, like Sasha had done someting to him. Worried now that she had done something to upset the shape shifting wizard, she thought back on the previous day, but everything had seemed okay when she had carried karn back to the guild hotel.

She looked over, letting herself be distracted as Sayiri entered cheerful,"good morning Sayuri! How are you?"
Master Jamie

Jamie chuckled at damian's response, the thud coming clear through the lacrima jamie held. As Damian seemed to hurry downstairs, Jamie returned the hug. "My family's been whole for a while now. Sam just makes it full" She said, looking over the guild members gathered, happily, "Round the teams up, lets have breakfast and get to the grounds early today. Get your head checked out. Don't need you with a concussion"

@Silver Fox

Jarvis frowned at Karn's words. Karn typically would have been happy, and want to be involved. This, this was almost...Jarvis shook his head, "Talking may be all you have, karn. Sometimes talking helps us figure things out" But Jarvis wasn't going to push, not right now. "Just know we are here. Like always" There were suspicions there, but Jarvis would think about them, for a time.

"don't push us away, Karn. The guild is here for you"


Michael went to speak, but Prince glomped him, forcing him to try and maintain a steady breath, but still seemed to hyperventilate a bit. But Michael seemed at ease, when Prince's words sunk in, relieved that he hadn't done anything in a drunken stupor. So he hugged Prince back, and took a moment to find words. "I don't want to drink ever again" his head still hurt and he let out a soft breath.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 1 mo ago


He had rose with the rest of the guild, and had gone down for breakfast. He did notice prince toying with the newer member Michael. "Stop teasing him cat man." He growled, slamming his hand covered in iron down on the table next to them. "Relax boy... this pussy cat didn't do anything to or with you... I watched him the entire night." Of course he sent jovial glances prince's way. The way Michael was slouching bothered Shujin, having had trained magical troops before. "Stand up straight boy!" He grunted. "You want to be a success at dragon fang no?" He narrowed his eyes with approval at michael before leaving to finish up his breakfast.


Jamie's reveal wasn't too unbelievable. He had dabbled in the dark arts in his past of course. What she said was entirely possible. He also had a mini triumph in his head as he had always seen Jamie as a motherly figure. So for her to turn out to be female was a win in his books. What caught his eye. Those two were back. "Yo! Isabella, Bullet!" He stood up and walked over. "You guys have changed." He didn't even think about whether or not they would recognise him, because of his own change in attire and haircut.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn || Phoenix Wing Hotel


Karn's lips tightened ever so slightly together, fingers digging into his arms. As if the comforting words were painful to hear. Emerald eyes lowering sadly before taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh. "Yeah, I know... It's difficult. It feels there are ghosts here." he muttered, examining faces, almost grimacing when he saw James sitting at a table. Taking a breath, he turned away. "I'm not hungry. I'll be outside if you need me. Go and enjoy yourself." he said, giving a final slight smile before quickly striding away, his walk a bit awkward and gave a grumble of irritation before shaking his head and quickly leaving the hotel. Stepping out of the doors, passing a few people that seemed familiar, but chose not to look at them. He stood outside now, emerald gaze glancing around at the world around him. Fingers tightening against his arms until it hurt, he tried to calm down, breathing slowly. Mind processing the situation he was in.

Prince || Dragon Fang Hotel

Prince chuckled, patting Michael on the head. "Awe come on! You just gotta drink smart! Plus you seemed to like it the way you guzzled it." he purred before ears perking as he heard Shujin and the feline just gave a innocent grin. "Awe don't be such a busy body!" he chuckled before releasing Michael and getting out of the bed. Putting on his coat and hat with a approving hum.

"Well, we better see what the crew is up to. Hopefully not having a food fight in the hotel." he chuckled in amusement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Grane Falo

Location: Domus Flau, Crocus

Grane arrived early in the morning at Crocus. Before dawn, he didn't know much about the previous events since the Magic Games began and only heard a few stories from some rune knights that escorted him to the arena. He tried resting for a few hours in one of the arena's private rooms, but woke up when the staff started preparations for the games for today.

It was going to be awhile until he was called for the Games. He tried sleeping earlier, but was kept awake because of his thoughts thinking about the rising reports of dark guilds appearing. Trying to find some place to relax, he left his room and eventually found a great open view from inside the arena of the Flower Blooming Capital of Fiore, Crocus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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