Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maisy felt a chill run up her spine as someone actually TALKED to her...but from the sound of it, it wasn't a protein junkie Army Sergeant. Smiling wryly at Megan, Maisy made a small thumbs-up motion, still having the deer in the headlights look. Shakily, she said: "Y-Yeah...j-j-just getting used to the desert..." which was clearly a lie. Then her back snapped back up straight when the grilling started, her face getting pale once he pointed at her. Did she do something wrong? Did she forget to put deodorant on today? Oh. It was just because she was being a chicken shit. Okay, that was fair. And, he started seeming just a little cooler. He definitely looked like a hard guy, but maybe he just did that to unnerve some people? Or maybe he just has that kinda face. Regardless, Maisy nodded at each rule after the one he'd said while pointing to her. Made sense to her that you had to be able to love what you do to be able to win. And if there's one thing she knew, it was that Action Duels were just the BEST! Well, Turbo was nifty too. And some Standard matches would get pretty intense...

Ceasing her dueling rule wars in her head, Maisy's eyes lit up once he asked for volunteers for an action duel. Going from the deer in the headlights to BECOMING the headlights, she raised her hand eagerly. "Ohhh, I wanna Action Duel Mr. Professor Colonel!" she said, figuring now was the best time to show some gumption and get to finally run around in Real Solid Vision fields. She'd been training her whole life for this...well...if "Training for your whole life" counted as having spent one month learning Gymnastics and half a week learning Kickboxing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Satoshi Kyou
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Satoshi Kyou The Knight of The Frozen Lance

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Hayato Heard the man speaking of showing people how its done and laughed at the idea of it "Sounds good to me... I Hayato Ray shall gladly be part of this." Hayato said glaring at Shinrei after hearing his comments about Action Dueling
Hayate nodded and simply raised her hand "I'll volunteer too!, also Shinrei if you say stuff like that Hayato will get angry you know! Hayato and I..." Hayate said before being interrupted by Hayato "That's enough... I know what you are going to say... but please... Don't..." Hayato said to Hayate and walked away towards Shinrei "Fool." He simply said " why don't you smile for your sister, or do you want her to be like you... cold and heartless?" he added barely audible to anyone but Shinrei and walked back to his sister who was standing next to the man again "Sorry sorry" Hayato said and looked around as the people started showing up and volunteering seemed like the chance of him getting selected was getting lower as time went on and simply walked towards Vincent "So you are volunteering as well huh... Don't think that I didn't see my sister run off with you... What did my sister want from you...?" Hayato said a bit threatening but that was only because he was in a bad mood "My sis told me she had made a new friend called Vincent... i presume that's you... i heard a few rumors about you... but i don't care about that... how are you getting along with her? oh yeah she asked me to tell you in-case she forgot, there is a gift on your desk in your dorm room" Hayato added at the end and instantly asked "Are you perhaps interested in a duel after class, winner gets to buy a treat for my sister" Hayato joked

Hayato on the other hand started talk to a few of the people that showed up even someone she didnt recognise "Hello!" Hayate started after walking to the boy she never saw during the placement duels "i'm Hayate what's you name?" For once asking for a name the moment she met someone putting up a smile in front of him "I don't remember seeing your during the placement duel so... um... What course did you pick? I went for Action Dueling I can run pretty fast so i think is ideal for me!" Hayate struggled a little when trying to pick a subject to talk about but ended up asking for what course he picked

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Well that was, uniquely different. For some reason the administrators had decided to call Zacharie over to the fusion class, despite fusion being not one of his chosen classes. Que sera, sera. To borrow a line from Marlowe, despite the Goethe. Neither too soon, nor too late, entering in somewhere in the middle of it all just to see Vincent wake the teacher up as he took his seat. Brave man for doing so, but evidently the rumors were that his friend was quite the voyeur. The rest of the party seemed to be here, or so, a few faces Zacharie saw from breakfast and the placings. Taking his seat in a quiet corner was easily done, there was plenty of vacant space in this themed arena. A few notes on the nature of Fusion summoning, which, in all honest as really just the basics at first. There was more to fusion summoning than just using polymerization, many more aspects to the summon gone into a bit more detail later such as fusion substitutes as the question was raised and skimmed over. Relatively boring as Zacharie almost fell asleep, almost. That being said English class was a nightmare, and despite his familiarity with the language it was similar to dueling for him. Not quite his forte despite his ability.

And the last course of the day was action dueling. Whatever that was supposed to be. Although the teacher here was slightly more lively, then again compared to the last few instructors this man of a man was quite intense. Blowing them over the water completely with the authoritarian feel of the class. FIve rules, singling out the offending people as Zacharie faded into the background. Good, although that name really wasn't his real name as it? Was it? Who in their right mind would be named Snipes Crosshair? The only thing that Zacharie smiled at was imagining the burly army lieutenant saying "Attention Duelists..." before every statement made regarding some sort of instruction.

Okay, so he got half of it right. Still "Attention Duelists..." reminded Zacharie of a card he saw online before.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TBKrunk
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TBKrunk Poke

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Akemi Ael

After Venwyn's unfortunately anti-climactic approach to the sandwiches, especially after such a deadly stare, Akemi simply acknowledged his leave before nodding to Mary; it was then that she decided to select a delicately plump tuna filled sandwich, like a teddy bear over-stuffed to the point where it flowed from the seams. Of course, tuna was her favourite fish to eat - probably due to the amount of sushi she consumed as a child, but it did appear as if she had a natural affinity towards it. Afterwards, she sauntered off back to her room where she meditated for about ten minutes before becoming bored, using the excuse that she "became light in emotion quickly". That was when the girl decided it was time to slumber, quickly tucking herself in her sheets after practically diffusing out of her clothing, to have an uninterrupted sleep that lasted until about an hour before the wake up call.

It was only logical that she use this time sparingly; as such, the ninja took it upon herself to make a hood out of the waste cloth that had accumulated due to her evisceration of her given clothing. Akemi was nothing if not resourceful, as she bit off her longest finger nail and whittled it down with one of her kunais until it seemed like a curved needle, before puncturing a hole on one end with her right canine and tore the seaming on one of the pieces of cloth. This gave her the equipment necessary to perform such an odd thing, but it was only natural to her, given what her life had been. The hood was nothing more than something to protect her head from the scorching sun outside the tower, so penetrating due to the lack of clouds in a desert - as such she had nicknamed it 'Lifebeater'. When the wake-up call finally came, Akemi had not realised that one of speakers was placed in her bedroom; either someone had played a prank and put it there, or it was just naturally installed in that place. It did not matter, she reacted swiftly and threw a kunai at the origin of the sound, which was in the top, farthest left corner of her room. The sound dimmed to only be erupting from the hallways, with a comical lowering in pitch of Melchior's voice until it eventually died out in her room.

Breakfast did not last long at all. It was simply a beginning to a person's energy storage for the day, so Akemi did not take long eating - if you could even call it that, as she practically ate all of the food in one go by holding her mouth wide open and shoving everything in as rapidly as possible. Despite her speed, she had managed to savour some of the taste that had been held in the food she had consumed. Next, she took the D-Ciever out of her pocket, it was an electric purple kind of colour, which seemed to fit for some reason, but she didn't know why, and looked at the screen to see which lesson was first - Fusion Summoning. It wasn't something she was particularly interested in, however the purple flavour of the cards background enticed her, once again for a reason unknown to her. The ninja found herself dashing up the stairs, trying to pace her arrival at the room.

Despite the antics of other students that took place during the first part of the lesson, including the cold interaction between members of her own family, the young girl actually managed to learn a lot from it, yet she was still inquisitve about cards that had their own special summoning methods. The teacher even seemed interesting, having such amazing reflexes as to catch the paper ball without hesitation, from sleep. Although, she still yearned for more knowledge. As a result of such, the dull, boring, average lessons that came after only deepened her hunger for something actually interesting, so when the 'Action Dueling' lesson came up on the mobile device, Akemi brightened in mood immensely. What she had not realised until when she came out of her last lesson, however, was that this one took place in an external building which meant that she would become vulnerable to Lifebeater. Donning the green hood of vitality, the young ninja was set on her quest to reach the location unscathed.

Surprisingly, the journey was successful. What Akemi did not count on, however, was that the building would be open-roofed. "What a terrible twist of fate." the words escaped from her mouth whilst a small gust carried sand into it, causing a small cough that slightly enraged her. The teacher seemed to reflect and then multiply this emotion by ten million, like an entire sand storm had entered his body, but his demeanour did not intimidate the girl at all; an opponent of any size is just as dangerous as the next. That being said, she was cocky enough to calculate that she could probably take him in a fight, even with the militaristic attitude which suggested a disciplined background. Of course, this did not prevent her from opting in when he asked something of her. "I'd like to partake, seems fun enough.", she'd prefer not to, as to analyse more people that way, but if she would be a victim of 'Action Dueling', then the other person would surely be probed for any tactics she could adopt or manipulate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Well about seven people had volunteered which meant one more was needed. Colonel was kind of intense but his rules were fair and seemed alright. Megan would've preferred if he'd yelled less. Snipes Crosshair though? Really? Who named their kid that? Or even worse, had he named himself that? Whatever, "I'd like to action duel as well colonel." Megan said quickly in case there was only a limited amount of people that could duel. As she suspected it looked like action dueling would be the best for her. If she ran faster than everyone else she could play more action cards and gain the advantage, as well as avoid attacks for longer. Would've thought playing three sports a year would help her in playing a card game? The girl she was next to had volunteered as well and seemed eager now rather than terrified. Interesting response to yelling. It seemed like a lot of people wanted to action duel, though really, who wouldn't?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Camryn tittered. "Ah, c'mon guys, don't fight. Don't you know that we're all in this together?" She really hoped that reference wouldn't fly over their heads; it was a quality pun.

At first, Camryn had been reluctant to volunteer for the Action Duel demonstration (the Colonel's yelling didn't help much), but after seeing so many hands fly up, she figured that she may as well raise her hand, so she did. Who knew, it may actually be pretty fun. Plus she could get to meet more people and see more strategies, which was always neat. Plus she'd need knowledge of other, popular decks if she wanted to become a pro duelist. So all in all, it was definitely worth it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LunarStandard
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LunarStandard The Highest Standard

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It seems more and more people were starting to volunteer. Some were as excitable as the first boy, while others a little less so. Nevertheless, it was making Nathaniel want to volunteer himself, even though he really knew better.

Nathaniel's train of thought was broken as an unfamiliar girl...? Yep, voice suggests girl. As this unfamiliar girl introduced herself, Nathaniel could not help but give a sigh of relief as she mentioned that she did not watch his disaster of a placement duel. "Oh, really? That's too bad, hahaha..." He said with a nervous laugh.

At the mention of Action Dueling however, his demeanor lightened instantly. "Ah, a fellow Action Duelist! Well, I'm Nathaniel and I'm an aspiring Action Duelist myself." He said with a grin.

"Duelists, locked in combat! Kicking the earth, they dance in the air alongside their monsters!" Nathaniel recited the chant with a starry look in his eyes. "Isn't that just the coolest thing?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Xeiyenreisha


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hayate nodded and simply raised her hand, "I'll volunteer too!, also Shinrei if you say stuff like that Hayato will get angry you know! Hayato and I..." Shinrei looked at her with a confused expression on his face. He was about to say something when Hayato immediately interrupted Hayate before she could finish. "That's enough... I know what you are going to say... but please... Don't..." Hayato said to Hayate and walked away towards Shinrei "Fool." He simply said. Shinrei dismissed the insult since he didn't want to listen to someone express their opinion of what they thought of him. Even though he felt that way, he still felt somewhere inside himself he could trust Hayato until he heard the rest of what he said. "Why don't you smile for your sister, or do you want her to be like you... cold and heartless?" He added barely audible to anyone but Shinrei and walked back to his sister. The statement why don't you smile for your sister' hit Shinrei like a truck and remembering the incident in the past he had some nerve talking to him like that when he didn't understand a thing. When he was about to make his move Tsukiko blocked his way and told him to stop it. That she didn't want him make her choose between her and Hayato because she said she wouldn't.

"I will not choose between you and Hayato. Don't you dare try to make me do it either!" She said seriously toward Shinrei as she would continue to bar his path toward Hayato. The two respected each other she thought and there was absolutely no reason either of them needed to be fighting. Shinrei moved his sister aside standing in his position not budging as he held his hand up toward his sister to let him speak. It was that flashback again when his sister got hurt, it wouldn't go away. After that flashback was over then one with his mother few weeks before he made the World Circuit while she was in the hospital transpired. "You don't understand a thing about me do you? If you did, you wouldn't have chose your words so poorly. How dare you say I have the right to smile after what I've put my sister through and putting my sister in a three month coma because of my reckless nature and you have the nerve to..." Tsukiko immediately jumped in and added to try to end the argument between the two. "That's enough!" She screamed at him while it passed through her lungs and made quite an echo when it came out of voice carrying around the arena so almost everyone could hear it.

"Just stop fighting, I can't take it anymore!" Tsukiko said as she was starting to lose her temper. She was not only upset with her brother, but Hayato should have been careful with the way he used his words toward his brother especially since quite a few people knew about the accident she had during a one of her brother's duels. It was all over the news and almost the entire world had heard that Shinrei's sister had been hospitalized because Shinrei summoned a really dangerous monster that put his previous opponent three months into a coma before the recovered. Strangely enough, they did not remember a thing about the incident or the duel with him. It wasn't that what Hayato said was wrong. It's just that it didn't help Shinrei deal with the mortal wound of causing harm to his sister which has traumatized him completely.

They needed to get along because they were in class. For both of them to blow up like they did and show that much aggression toward each other showed how oppressed the two really were. It also tore a hole in Tsukiko's own heart when her friends and her brother just continuously argued aimlessly. She noticed that blonde haired person from earlier who was following her brother around was with them where she turned her attention away from the vulgar eyes of those two and decided to confront him and show him some dignity which her brother lacked.

Leander extended a hand to the two white-haired siblings, then said cheerfully, "My name is Leander Xenovia! Nice to meet you two!" Tsukiko extended her hand even though her brother gave her one of those cold stare downs and shook it. She was happy to meet another person who that she hoped she could work with to get better. "Pleasure to meet you, Leander Xenovia. I am Tsukiko Ikushirou." She paused for a moment as he wanted to shake her brother's hand, but she noticed her brother was still paying attention toward Hayato who really managed to rub him the wrong way. She returned his hand toward his side and then apologized on her brother's behalf, "Forgive my brother, he's well preoccupied at the moment. I'm sure he thinks it's a pleasure to meet you too and I will speak on his behalf since he cannot."

"Rule number TWO, BE RESPECTFUL! Those who are not open for others, and those who can not see any way besides their own, are doomed to fail and fall into a downwards spiral. If you truly have no business here, pack your things and leave." Shinrei had his turn to be chewed out, before another person got pointed at. This time, it was Maisy. Shinrei immediately turned his attention away from Hayato when he noticed the teacher was looking directly at him. Though he didn't want to acknowledge the teacher it was still the rules which he had to abide by since he was still remaining on a low profile. He knew that he said that because he did kind of just vent toward the teacher and the idea of Action Dueling without thinking carefully which wasn't something he ordinarily done unless something was really bothering him. He almost wanted to start a fistfight between him and Hayato, but he knew they'd both get the paper fan to the head by Tsukiko if he did something so stupid.

He wanted to say something toward the teacher, but he remained to keep his thoughts to himself. I'm not here because I want to be. Certainly not, I'm here because I have to be. I made a promise that I intend to keep no matter. I will see it through until the end. As long as she's here, no one will lay a single finger on my sister. Not my father or those damn associates from the company I own now. I will crush anyone's attempt to try to take her away from me! He remembered after that Hayato mentioned if he regretted entrusting Tsukiko's care to him and now he somewhat did. It was Hayato's careless speech toward him that made him have second thoughts about him. Though no matter how much he hated, the dye had been cast and it wasn't worth arguing to his sister about. He wanted to make her happy not miserable so he decided to forget about telling him to stay away from her.

Camryn couldn't help but giggle at that which caused Shinrei to deep sigh. When it came to him and his sister, she always won when it came down to finding out who would lose their temper the fastest. One stupid word is all you needed and that girl would whip out that fan and whack you straight over the head with it. Not only him, his father had become subject to her aggression as well for being stupid. Shinrei thought to himself as he brushed the thought of everyone seeing him get overpowered by sister out of his head. Doesn't she have anything else to do with herself? I mean, yeah it might be funny to her. But wait until you suffer the wrath of that thing. You wouldn't be laughing then.

"Duelists, locked in combat! Kicking the earth, they dance in the air alongside their monsters!" Nathaniel recited the chant with a starry look in his eyes. "Isn't that just the coolest thing?" Shinrei turned his attention away from the teacher and noticed someone he hadn't seen today though he sighed, because judging by their words they were another over optimistic moron he didn't want anything to do with. Just by his words alone Shinrei knew his body was saying stay away from this person, because they were no different than that other kid he met Haas. Not even two days had passed and Shinrei had not seen anyone interesting aside from Hayato and that was by mere chance he thought. He still wanted to pass that feeling he had the other day when meeting him off, but with his sister there it was no longer an option.

Camryn tittered. "Ah, c'mon guys, don't fight. Don't you know that we're all in this together?" She really hoped that reference wouldn't fly over their heads; it was a quality pun. "All in this together like what? Hah friends!" Shinrei scoffed at thought of him being friends with Hayato. He never said he was friends with that person. He was only a useful asset toward him which he could utilize so he could keep an easier eye on his sister. "One, I never recall requesting your help. Obviously, I do not need it either. Two, I don't know where you came from, but I don't need friends. Three, I achieved everything I've done on my own without these burdens you preach about. Four, why do you care so much about this triviality anyway?" Shinrei turned his gaze over toward Camryn which was icy cold and if you stared long enough you might freeze into your stance if you looked at wrong. Anyone that knew the guy, just knew how cold and heartless that many really was. His eyes were pretty much empty and emotionless. His face remained an arctic disaster which was frozen solid like a block of ice. Not even an ice pick could chip away that cold nature that surrounded his atmosphere. If people were smart they'd avoid making contact with someone like that, because intuition told them that someone of that nature never amounted toward anything that was good.

"Camryn, disregard my brother." Tsukiko said as she approached her after her brother was again being that stubborn isolationist who just wanted to hide from everything. "He's in a really bad mood today and has been through a lot. Really sorry you have to be burdened with his mean spirited nature he likes to display toward everyone." She paused for a moment putting her fan behind her back and the next time her brother wanted to talk like a jerk she would make her move. The teacher already told him 'be respectful' and he must have ignored every word that teacher said. She when she finally was close enough to Camryn nodded to greet her and introduce herself toward her, "The name is Tsukiko Ikushirou. That jerk over there." She paused as she pointed her index finger in the direction of her brother who still looked pretty grumpy judging by the cold stares he was giving. "That over there is my brother Shinrei Ikushirou. He's hard to handle and I know he doesn't seem friendly but he's a good person. He's just a little shut off from society. He's what you call an isolationist. Someone who has little involvement with other people."

She returned her hands toward her sides then spoke in Hayato's direction when she noticed him and her brother were done playing stare down, "Would you just let me deal with my brother, Hayato? I appreciate the help but he's not as aggressive when I deal with him. And besides... we don't want to instigate an incident in here." She finished her statement as she finally decided to turn her attention away from Camryn and the two Ray twins including her brother back toward the teacher. Before she could get Camryn's name she had to go off and make sure her brother wasn't trying to be a jerk to everyone again. So she was off with her trusty fan in hand to make sure his actions were quarantined when he got out of control.

"I'll do it if nobody else wants to, might as well try it." Angelo said smiling where Shinrei noticed it was that person from earlier who nearly got detention. "I remember you." He said coldly as he turned his eyes toward the individual. He remembered full and well even though he was zoned out in his own world that he threw a paperball at teacher and she caught. That impressed Shinrei somewhat, not the mischief of Angelo but the fact the teacher had the eyes of a hawk. Kind of reminded him of one of the tricks he pulled off during one of his duels on the World Circuit. He might consider that teacher a valuable asset for what he wants to know, but he pushes that aside and decides time focus back on this person who did it. "You're that juvenile from earlier. Delinquents always seem to shed their fur first when it comes to first days. I already know what kind of background you come from. You can continue on now." Another one of those kind, huh? He questioned toward himself in his mind. Seems those petty peons like to bring their problems onto the brass. How pathetic... He thought to himself somewhat amused by the thought. He wasn't entirely sure that this Angelo person was actually poor, but he did know that his nature reflect that after the stunt he pulled in class.

Shinrei turned his head and heard the sound whack. Surely enough it was Tsukiko with her paper fan again following him around and straight over the head with it again which made him cringe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Leander was overjoyed to see the girl, who introduced herself as Tsukiko Ikushirou, shook his hand. His very first friend here was made. Unfortunately, Tsukiko's brother, who she referred to as Shinrei, did not shake his hand, but that was ok. Leander knew the saying, "If at first you fail to succeed, try and try again." So, that is what he would do in order to get Shinrei to be his friend.

As for class, however, things were moving along, and Shinrei was one of the people being mentioned by the instructor's lesson. Leander listened intently, determined not to miss a word. When the instructor called for volunteers to do an Action Duel, Leander wasted no time being one of the first few people to volunteer. "Ooh, ooh, pick me, pick me!" Leander said frantically, waving his hand furiously. He had no idea what made an Action Duel different from a regular Duel, but he could tell that being in one was a sure way to figure it out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 day ago

Snipes nodded contently, scanning over the eager students with his eyes. It seemed enough were fired up that he didn't need to appoint someone themselves, doing that now would just be in bad form. "ALRIGHT! That is the spirit! You!" The army man used the same pointing finger as before, this time appointing an excitable young boy with blonde hair wearing the Light uniform. "You show the spirit required to win! You shall be the first to fight. AND YOU," Snipes yelled again, this time using his other arm to single out another boy from the crowd. His hair was brown and his uniform green, showing he is from Wind. "you show the excitement for battle. It is a dangerous attitude, but if you think you can take it then PROVE YOUR WORTH!"

The bulky teacher turned his back on the group of students, turning around to face the doors he hand been guarding. With a swift roundhouse kick, the thing flew open to reveal the barren field before them. "You two will enter through here. AS FOR THE REST OF YOU LOT," Snipes looked over his shoulder. "I want to see every single one of you in the audience seats NOW! Those who fail to do so within the minute will run three laps around the arena! The stairs are that way!" Snipes pointed once more, seemed like they were a fan of that, and this time to the far end of the room which had a staircase leading up.

"I don't care what your names are, recruits. But what I do know is that you need to get into position! FACE EACH OTHER IN THE ARENA! Once you are set, I will activate the field spell." Snipes instructed to both Vincent and Leander, and proceeded to wait until they were in position. When they were, 'Colonel' had already taken his spot at the top of the arena, in a booth normally reserved for casters who needed to oversee the entire field. He'd put in some form of earpiece, which had a single eyeglass and a microphone. There didn't seem to be any terminals nearby to activate the field spell with...

"Action Field Set! Castle of Chaos!" Snipes yelled over the microphone, and on cue, the Solid Vision technology underneath the bland flooring lit up. Out of nowhere, a castle accompanied by a huge forest started materializing. Vincent was standing at the bottom, looking up at Leander who had the entire Castle materialize underneath him and was now standing at the top. It resembled a challenger trying to lay siege to the castle, with the king's men standing atop to defend it.

"LISTEN UP! I will say it for this one time, but I want you all to remember the following chant! This is what you will start off every official Action Duel with!" Snipes cleared his throat, then proceeded with: "DUELISTS LOCKED IN BATTLE! KICK UP THE EARTH AND SOAR IN THE SKIES ALONGSIDE YOUR MONSTERS! ACTION, DUEL!" After the 'Duel' was shouted, Snipes snapped two of his fingers and a ball of glowing cards that had been floating in the sky suddenly exploded. This sent Action Cards flying around the field, showing that the match had officially begun.

Ethel actually panicked slightly when everyone was supposed to make it to the audience seats within the minute, and judging from this teacher's attitude, they probably meant that literally. Behind her a few students started to run away already, and honestly, the girl didn't want to take any chances. She darted off alongside the rest, trying to make her way up and find a spot as soon as possible. The one Ethel settled on in the end was one very close to the stairs, maybe only about 10 seats away. Breathing heavily, she looked over to the arena to see how the duel'd progress.

Haas wasn't in any better of a spot, although he was the first to bolt out of there. Unlike Ethel he settled for something a bit farther, in the back and out of the way... Which is ironic, since this is pretty much the inverse of the opening day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo smiled as the Teacher told them that they had to get to the seats in a minute. Angelo was good at this so he ran wiggly towards the stands to get to the seats and Angelo got a seat by the stairs but a few rows back so he could put his feet up on top of the seat below him. Angelo listened as the teacher talk about how to action duel properly and Angelo got ready to watch the duel and see what ask the fuss was about. Angelo didn't sit near Ethel this time so he could give her the space she wants. Angelo wouldn't talk to her all the time or he would be portrayed as a stalker. Angelo will talk to her later for now he was just going to enjoy watching an action duel...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Poke
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Poke Unreliable

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Venwyn Ael

That's Some Pretty Dark Magic, Venwyn.

Venwyn watched as the events unfolded before him. Snipes Crosshair was the name of the instructor, and Venwyn could already draw parallels between Snipes and Transformer - namely their ability to speak in extremely loud volumes. This one was slightly more tolerable though, speaking in loud volumes, but in short bursts that Venwyn could predict and "prepare" for... n-not that he was ever unprepared, of course.

Unsurprisingly, Venwyn was able to stand motionlessly through essentially everything that took place outside of the Action Duel Arena: the arrival of the rest of the students, the various conversations taking place between said students, and a long-winded rant of sorts as to why a particular student seemed to abhor Action Duels (and was subsequently punished with a paper fan for said rant). It was probably one of the catalysts that had led for the teacher to start talking about his Five Rules to Dueling™. Venwyn took this opportunity to consider exactly what he knew about Action Duels. As one could imagine, Venwyn was not particularly interested in Action Dueling either - the idea of entertaining an audience was something he was just apathetic to, although it wasn't that he detested it, it just simply wasn't in his interests to participate in much other than Standard Dueling and its slight variations (although even those he would approach with slight reluctance). Still, while Action Dueling wasn't something he was interested in in a practical sense, he was still inclined to learn about it simply because it could prove to be useful—like that Fusion Summoning class.

Needless to say, he wasn't one to volunteer when the teacher had asked, and simply waited in silence for someone else to be picked. There were a large amount of volunteers - including two of his clan members, who were clearly more interested in the practical learning of Action Duels than he was. However, they weren't chosen for this Action Duel. Such is the way of fate.

Venwyn had been fairly "slow" on the draw today, he believed. One would expect him to be first to attend—well—anything, and yet for whatever reason he had only been one of the "early ones" rather than the first. This time however, would be different. As Snipes yelled about who would be participating in the Action Duel and why, Venwyn began to do complex and unusual hand seals, and with each one, a rune sharing the same colour would appear, up until there were six runes arranged in a small circular pattern around him. As soon as this pattern had been created, a black pit formed inside of the circle underneath him, and he dropped in. What a spectacle that was.

The same black pit appeared in one of the front row seats of the Action Duel Arena, and from it Venwyn rose. Not the first to make the mad dash to the audience seats, but needless to say, he was the first person to arrive. That newfangled ninja magic had won again.

(Ninjas: 1 Normies: 0)

Aside from wanting to learn about Action Dueling some more, there was another reason why Action Duels held relevance to Venwyn. The cards. Action Duels had cards which were exclusive to them. They couldn't be found in Standard Dueling. Even so, Venwyn was a Card Archiver, and putting these cards to memory (despite the fact that they were simply constructs of Solid Vision with Mass effect) was something that he "had a duty" to do.

"I want those cards." The ninja said out loud to himself, solemnly aware that it was impossible to get them.

Hell, that was one of the only things he'd said today.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Alright well cya later bro." Ben said as he simply started to head in the opposite direction of where everyone was going to sit down at. "And just where do you think you're going?" Andre asked his brother plainly without much care on it. He'd up and leave himself but he figured he'd be taking lessons from action dueling from now on so he may as well take notes. He wondered why his brother would sneak out of class but then it dawned on him what Ben was doing. "You serious?" Andre said thinking he answered his own question. "Hey the boss said take three laps. Since I went easy on myself this morning I figured this is the perfect opportunity to go and do my own thing. Show the teacher I'm not just some boneless statistic. Maybe he'll think I'm a smartass or maybe dumb. Me I like to think I'm working my way to a healthy future." Ben said as he began to jog off away from the class as Andre looked on with complete disdain for his brother's antics. Why was he always so difficult to deal with? Whatever it wasn't his problem. Andre went to sit down somewhere. He found a place in the middle with two seats open to the sides of him and sat down. He heard one guy whisper to a girl about him. He heard Ben's name mentioned and the word 'demon' he assumed that guy was talking about his duel once more and or they were calling him a demon. He preferred the title of prince but hey who was complaining? He was the local freak after all...aside from that freaking ninja loser who popped out of nowhere a couple moments ago. Whatever hopefully this was good if not it was probably just going to be yet another waste of time. Like his placement duel. Everyone here was so self absorbed himself included. He wondered if there were anyone actual normal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Megan frowned in disappointment. She'd really wanted to action duel, now she'd have to wait for who knows how long. Shrugging ruefully she calmly counted the seconds in her head and made her way to the stadium seats, waiting until the 59th second to sit down in a seat with a nice view next to one of the ninja kids. She wondered if they were related. Anyway, at least she'd get a general idea of how an action duel before doing it herself. She wondered if anyone else would get to duel before class ended. And how often they got chances to do things like attempt to rank up and do duels of their choice. Could you only do duels of your preferred type or did you do all types? Or did you only do standard duels and duels of your choice and if you picked standard duels you only did those? It occurred to Megan that she didn't know very much about this place at all,
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tojin
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Tojin literal sea monster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Camryn had just kinda zoned out, but the teacher's yelling had brought her back to reality... Just in time to learn that she needed to be in a seat in under a minute. "Shit." She immediately sprinted into the stadium, casting around frantically for a seat that wasn't already taken, before finally picking a seat next to Megan and some ninja-looking guy. She slid into her seat, breathing heavily. "Hey, Megan. (pant) How're things? (pant) You know this, uh... Ninja dude?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Keyblade87
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Keyblade87 Wolf Knight in Blue

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Akira had been in a daze since fusion class but as soon as the other kids took off he was right behind them settling into a chair just before the minute was up. Thinking back he probably should have volounteered for this duel, especially having never been in one. Either way watching all of the visual effects was incredible. And looking at the two duelists got him all excited for more dueling.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Maisy wasted no time as she heard the VERY LOUD Mr. Proffessor Colonel delivered a roundhouse kick to an innocent door, then tell them to take a seat or run three laps. Making like a leaf and taking a hike to her seat, Maisy dashed to get a front row seat, though it seemed that she didn't have to quite sprint to it, as a couple people seemed to want to hang near the back. Smiling, she watched with rapt attention, ready to watch a really for real in person Live-Action Duel! ...And she was sitting near a ninja too!

Overhearing the Ninja procclaim his desire to have those Action cards, Maisy smiled excitedly. "I know, right? There's so many cool action cards...Gah! I just wanna make an entire deck out of 'em!" she said, eyes shining as she watched the field with rapt attention, muttering: "Wish I had my camera already..." as she waited for the two to say the LITERALLY MANDATORY CHANT. She loved seeing really proud duelists have to say it, it was so goofy and endearing. Like a really big superhero that had some corny catchphrase like "Plus-Ultra!" or the like. Ceasing her fangirling, she couldn't help but keep glancing towards the ninja. And contemplating if it was racist to ask him if he could run on water. Probably. Ninjas were well-known for being racially profiled.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SillyPhilly
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SillyPhilly The Mythic Radiance Dragon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


A girl wearing a NY hat casually rolled up next to the ninja on her skateboard and sat down to watch the demonstration.

She looked at Venwyn, then back to the field, then back to Venwyn.

"Geez this place got all the weirdos...."

Her nostrils flared a bit at the MANDATORY CHAT.

"Seriously? I know a million better moral inducin' chants then that corny jingle."

She blows a big pink bubble the deflates it goes back to chewing her gum.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Charak2
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1Charak2 Eliminate the Impossible / What remains is Truth

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vincent Gulfus & Leander Xenovia

Leander whooped with delight when he was chosen to be one of the volunteers. He looked around to see who his opponent would be, and headed in the general direction of the person the instructor had pointed, eventually reaching Vincent. "Hey there, are you the other guy?" Leander asked. He extended a hand for a handshake, continuing, "Name's Leander."

Vincent looked awfully demented for a few moments before regaining his composure, his eyes seemed to flicker with what seemed a reddish tint, probably just the light reflecting off his iris's. For uncouth seconds he was silent upon being chosen for the spot of having the first action duel against somebody from the light dorm. Noticing the guy making his way towards him with what seemed to be purposeful strides, he stood still. "Yes I do believe I am your opponent," Vincent said as he begun his analysis of the other student: Blonde, Light dorm, Blue eyes, Avarage height, Standard build. Probably running some sort of a OTK deck focusing on Des Koala that would proceed to wreck him royally. Great. "The name's Vincent, you may know me from the rumour... it's not true." He said starting to walk towards the stage.

Leander made his way to the stage as well, facing toward Vincent. Then the Action Field came up, and Leander found himself suddenly in a new place. The instructor gave them the official chant for Action Duels, and giant orb full of cards suddenly exploded above them, scattering the cards all over the field.

Vincent watched the giant orb of cards float up and explode above his head in a brilliant wave of light and power. Scattering across the battlefield cards that would either help or hinder the hell out of them. Each card was a game changer. This is what defined a Action duel. That and Solid Vision. Vincent kicked the ground; it was pretty solid, even if it only had existed for a few seconds.

"Are you ready?" Vincent asked as he activated his Duel Disk.

"You bet I am!" Leander replied, also activating his Duel Disk.

The field and the monsters faded away, revealing Leander having sustained a few minor injuries, but otherwise ok. Getting up and dusting himself off, Leander slowly made his way over to Vincent, then offered a celebratory handshake. "Good win, huh?" Leander asked, still wearing a smile on his face, albeit now tinged with a bit of uneasiness.

Vincent was silently for a few moments after the match had ended, He had won spectacularly. Vincent felt satisfied with that match, His regular persona resurfacing now the fight was over. "Yeah. You gotta admit I went a little berserk at the end," Vincent said with a grin in response to Leander on the outcome of the match.

With that reply, Leander's nervousness faded, and he chuckled it off. "No worries. I know I did badly. Besides, there's always next time," Leander said. "Come on, I'll take you to another friend of mine. Let's go!" With that said, Leander walked back to go find Tsukiko and Shinrei, with Vincent following him.

Vincent was surprised by the sudden invite. He guessed that Leander now considered them friends after that match. His eyes glanced upwards towards the crowd. He was looking for a certain someone. Finding the blue haired girl whoms Vincent had taken a platonic interest in. Vincent gave Ethel a thumbs up. It seemed random but she could probably guess that he meant it to say How did you like that then! and not How you doing girly? Vincent could only guess her reaction as he continued following Leander to where two other people was sitting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SillyPhilly
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SillyPhilly The Mythic Radiance Dragon

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After the match ended Cassie immediately stood up and started booing.

"Booo! You call that an Action Duel? My grandmother's knittin' club is more excitin' then that bit of drivel I just saw!! Boooo!"


Her hat glinted in the sunlight, like a beacon of pure white justice sent down from the heavens to judge the absolute ludicrous display that had just took place before her. Her brown ponytail, a magnificent brown that would make any thousand year old tree feel intimidated, fluttered a bit in the light wind that blew through the arena as did the two bangs that framed her face, twisted and stretched in anger, yet not too much to alter her beautiful features such as her alabaster skin and soft cheeks. Her eyes were two hunks of amber, looking as if they were mined fresh from the Baltic Sea and inserted into the empty eye sockets of a very angry china doll. A fire could be seen in each pupil. Not a literal fire of course, but the combination of her cross eyebrows, angry features and something to do with the lighting in the arena gave her eyes a fiery quality that reflected the rage, frustration, disappointment, anger, and vitriol that now had consumed her soul after seeing such a terrible display of FIGHTING SPIRIT. Her body was tense and calm at the same time somehow. She stood steadfast like a statue while at the same time looked like she was gonna jump in and start tearing peoples heads off. This was Cassie; focused and controlled, yet explosive and unpredictable. Like a volcano, if a volcano stood at 5'6'', weighed approx. 120 lbs, wore a NY cap, played a bunch of different sports, had an obvious attitude problem, and was made of squishy human stuff. Yes, just like volcano this girl was, and the terrible match she had just witnessed was the needle that broke the camels back then pierced through about a mile of dirt and rock before hitting a magma chamber, causing all of the built up pressure to be released thus resulting in a volcanic eruption. She was both light and dark, but not Chaos because that would just be silly. A lone warrior who traveled here to this very spot in particular on her four wheeled, self-propelled rolling device colloquially known as a "skateboard", who had braved the near-unending torture that was orientation, concurred the nigh-insolvable application sheet with only two spelling errors, wielded her mighty stack of exactly forty pieces of paper that everybody took seriously, valiantly ran way from the ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal-oh wait that one didn't actually happen, and had finally had arrived at this very spot at this specific time next to the weird ninja dude and some other whiny upstarts.

All to watch some idiot get OTK'd on turn 3.


She had such a way with words.

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