Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gamma Base, Secret Location. 0000HRS Local Time
Days since last reversion: 3

Ross stood in his office looking at his computer screen, a video of Hulk was running on a live feed. He smiled slightly looking at the feed, he finally had him. In the video Sterns approached his captive, why Luthor had gotten rid of such a valuable asset he would never know. He had worked with Emil Blonsky and proven that the design of the Hulk could be improved on, while Blonskys sanity was in question there was no doubt that he retained his intelligence, and his training, while gaining all the strengths of the Hulk. If only they could replicate it, he could have an army of soldiers capable of going toe to toe with any of Luthors Justice League if they decided to act against the American Government. Not only that but Luthor wasn't the only one gathering heroes and fighting villains. There was Superman and his cronies.

That reminded him, he still had to contact Luthor. He may have the Hulk captive but the Pentagon still expected his unit to work against irregular threats. He switched the video just as he watched Sterns stick a needle through the Hulks skin. That was all the adamantium he had at his disposal, he knew there was more of it but it was currently being diverted elsewhere and even he couldn't get through the red tape. He picked up his phone. "Put me through to Luthor."

Sterns walked out of the holding room, the vial of blood he placed in the fridge. This was the sample they heard about, the one that was for his own use he had taken while he had the opportunity to have the cameras deactivated. He'd work on it later, it wasn't easy to lose the military but when he put his mind to it he could finally complete his own experiments. Until then he was stuck being a lap dog for Ross, but if that's the way things had to be in order to further his own agenda sometimes sacrifices had to be made. Walking out of the lab he walked down the corridor, military staff walked past, completely ignoring him. He was a nobody in their eyes, just a guy that Ross brought in to poke the Hulk like a pin cushion.

They'd all look differently to him soon, they'd follow him to the ends of the Earth.

Holding up his ID to a couple of armed guards he walked into another holding cell, this one was different. It was more open and the subject was no longer restrained. Though the door was strong enough that if the subject tried to break out the chamber would fill with knockout gas before it could be knocked off it's hinges. Walking in he looked up from his tablet and spoke. "So Mr.Blonsky, how are you feeling today? Are you willing to comply?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Sep||Ivy & Colossus


Ivy barely spared the man who was chucked into her vines. They happily latched on and immobilized them as she stared down the would be shooter. The woman's eyes were already glazing over. However it didn't seem to make any difference to the woman who continued to spout zealous rhetoric. Mutants are evil. Blah blah blah. Her anger was beginning to spill over making it hard to rationalize not killing the woman out right. In fact killing them all was highly appealing at this point.

Then there was a explosion that distracted Ivy. She jerked and turned slightly towards the sound. Her moment of inattention allowed the other woman to lunge at her. Ivy grunted as she was hit from the side. The cultist reached for the gun and Ivy did the one thing she could think of. She tossed it away from her. Ivy was by no means a good fighter when she didn't have the upper hand. Nor did she have training with firearms. If she retained it chances were that it would be used against her.

"I think I have found them Comrade!"

Ivy heard the mutant from earlier shout at her. She only didn't reply a little help? because of the punch to the mouth. The two women rolled on the ground each struggling for the upper hand. But Ivy was tiring quickly. Her shoulder was beginning to throb. Her wound barely healed. Her limbs felt like lead as the cultist straddled her. Even anger wasn't enough to fuel her anymore after two days of no sleep.

So Ivy did the only thing she could as the woman wrapped her hands around Ivy's neck. She focuses on her pheromones. For a long minute nothing happened and Ivy knew she was going to die. She just wasn't strong enough. Then, as black encroached on her vision the woman's hands loosened. Ivy watched the woman's eyes roll back into her head, her body jerk and foam at the mouth.

Ivy shoved the woman off after two tries. She half propped herself up and took in great, gasping breaths. When her limbs finally stopped shaking she gingerly climbed to her feet. There she swayed but remained upright. She eyed the gun then the stairs. Then she eyed her plants. She had no more strength save for her desire to save Sarah. If she pulled from her vines, it would release the other cultists. Mind made up Ivy staggered over to the strange gun. She carefully picked it up and made her way up the stairs.

As she climbed she heard voices. One she recognized the other she did not. Ivy was too tired to pick out the words they were saying. Right before she rounded the corner she took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, hefted the gun. The sight she was greeted with was enough to keep her planted and vertical. Sarah had tears running down her cheeks. The gun held to her head was obviously the only thing keeping her in place upon seeing Ivy.

"Drop it or I drop you." Ivy said in a low growl. It wasn't intentional but her abused throat wasn't capable of sounding smooth anymore.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

At least this time it wasn’t an abandoned warehouse that the Bug-Eyed Bandit had made her lair. Instead, it would seem that Brie Larvan was sticking to her bug theme, due to Raz having located her to Ivy University’s old abandoned botanical gardens. Personally Ant-Man was just happy to finally get some originality from his villains for once. Sure this place also ticked the “Abandoned” box on every super-villain realtor’s list of possible venues, but at least it wasn’t another warehouse! Scott was sick of those places. Just once he wanted to go against a guy with an island volcano lair!

From what the Justice League’s scanners had detected, the Bug-Eyed Bandit had set up a similar system within the garden’s interior similar to that of his father’s headquarters. However they detected that the security had greatly improved this time around. There would be no chance of Scott heading in through the ceiling like last time.

Instead, Ant-Man sent his ants into action.

He led them towards the grand glass building ant-sized, riding atop the back of one of his Carpenters. The swarm of ants stuck close to the ground in a bid to not appear noticeable as they circled the gardens, Scott peering intently around the facility as he did so. For a place such as a botanical garden, the place really did have a lot of cameras. Even while trying to keep his distance Scott could easily tell that the things had only been recently installed. Hovering gently near a broken pane gave him a chance to peer inside properly. Unfortunately there wasn’t much to see from this spot, given the mass of plant life within, however between the leaves he could make out what appeared to be a set of recently installed generators.

It was the cloud of metallic grey floating around the top of the garden’s glass dome ceiling that caught Scott’s attention though. The Bandit’s robotic insects jittered about loudly amongst themselves. There was certainly a lot more than there had been at the warehouse.

He let out a resounding groan to no one in particular.


You know, you could always get the Atom to help.

Raz’s comment caused Scott to stop right in his tracks, where he paused momentarily, before letting out a short laugh.

Get real Raz!” Scott replied coolly, as he began to steer his ride away from the building and back towards his armada of ants. “Palmer’s a total arse!

At once, Scott waved his arm to beckon his ants to follow him before darting forward. As he moved, the miniature hero began pointing with his arms towards the glass dome, particularly towards the primary metal framework between the glass panes. Simultaneously to his pointing, a swarm of red began to rise from the ground onto the structure. As the crazy ants scurried up the botanical garden’s framework, Scott’s ear was met with Raz’s voice once more.

Sounds like someone is jealous!” He teased, emitting a short laugh of his own.

Jealous?” Underneath his helmet Scott scrunched up his face in frustration. “Why would I be jealous of that idiot?

Maybe because that idiot is actually smarter than you? Better looking too actually, now that I think about it. And probably richer.

As the technician spoke, Scott had managed to do a full loop around the gardens, his crazy ants having covered the majority of the facility’s framework, leaving patches of red everywhere. Happy with their positioning, Scott came to a stop, not before rising into the air slightly to get a better look at his workers.

That may be, but the guy’s got a villain named the Bug-Eyed Bandit!” Scott argued, gesturing towards the building.

Isn’t she technically your villain too now?” Raz argued, only for Scott to cut him off instantly.

Whatever the case, I don’t need his help. I’m the Ant-Man, and I’m going to take the Bug-Eyed Bandit down, indepedANTly!” He chuckled at his own thrilling joke for a second, before raising a small detonator up into the air with his right hand.

Let’s do this thing!” He cried, slamming his finger on the trigger.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the fire began to spread across the first floor of the house, Shadowcat cursed the mob outside, many of whom erupted into a cheer as the house began to burn. Mob mentality was the worst, and time and time again that was proven in human history. When a group of people are loud enough, they can sway even the most timid to join in with their lot. That leads to violence. That leads to people dying.

She looked back at the mother and her mutant daughter, still huddled in the closet in fear. She reached out her hand yet again, pleading with them, “Please, I know you’re scared. But I need to get your out of here. I need to get you to Professor Xavier.”

When Kitty says the Professor’s name, something in Jubilation’s eyes clicks. The younger teenage mutant realizes what the situation they’re in really means, and that they really do have a way out. She looks up at her mother, “Mom, come on. We need to go.”

“But...the house..” the elder Lee said in a stupor. “Everything is burning.”

She wasn’t wrong. Sweat dripped down Kitty’s face as the heat from the burning first floor seeped upstairs. The crackling of the fire was loud, which meant it was spreading fast. If anything, it meant this whole block would be up in flames sooner rather than later. That wasn’t good.

“It’s gone, mom,” the teen pleaded. “We’re still here. And unless we get out of here soon, we won’t be.” She shook her mother and continued, “Mom, stuff can be replaced. The two of us can’t be.”

The mother and daughter pair finally lock eyes, and the mother’s sense seem to return to her. Not wanting to waste any more time, Kitty grabbed the pair’s hands and pulled them up, “Awesome. Let’s go.”

Kitty pulled the two women towards the wall that they shared with their neighbors, attempting to get them to break into a run. Instead, the younger mutant pulled back on the X-Man’s hand, “What the hell are you doing!?”

“Oh, right,” she began to explain. “I can walk through stuff. It’s my power. And I can usually take people with me.”


Kitty cursed herself for saying that, “Well, yea, usually I’m not about to BE ON FIRE! Now move!”

The two Lees look at one another and relent, which allows the three of them to make a running start towards the neighboring wall. They pass through unharmed, and Kitty lets out a sigh of relief. If she hadn’t been able to do that.

“Come on,” she motioned towards the next house, and then the next. Neighbors were rushing out of their homes thanks to their block being on fire. As the escaping group passed through their homes, people gaped as Kitty dragged the Lees through wall after wall. Some children yelled in terror, some of the adults cursed them for bringing this upon them, but most just stared. They always stared.

Before long, the group reaches the last house on the block, and they make their way downstairs and out the front door. There, waiting in the car, was Bobby and Hank, waiting to get them out of the city.

“Come on!” Bobby motioned from the open door. “We gotta get out of here.”

They hopped in, and Hank took off away from the burning block.

Kitty let out a relieved sigh, “That was too close.”

“Well, you got there at the right time,” Ms. Lee smiled at her. “If you hadn’t been there, we’d be dead.”

“Yea, thanks,” Jubilation nodded meekly.

“Well, that’s what we do at Xavier’s School,” McCoy added in from the front seat. “We help those that-”

“LOOK OUT!” Bobby yelled as a tractor trailer blew a red light and came careening towards their car. Thinking quickly, Kitty grabbed everyone in the car and prayed she’d be able to make all of them intangible. The sounds of screeching, crumbling metal, shattering glass, and ripping asphalt filled her ears, and she figured it would be the last thing she ever heard.

But when she opened her eyes, she found herself in the middle of an intersection with the others. The truck had plowed their car into the middle of the street, essentially cutting them off from any escape. Behind them, another truck had pulled up behind them, cutting the other way off. The trailers opened, revealing squads of Purifiers in both of them.

“Well, well, well,” one of the armed terrorists chuckled. “Looks like we got ourselves a catch.”

“Beast,” Kitty said to McCoy as she prepared for a fight, “might be time to call for some back up.”

“Quite right, Ms. Pryde,” Beast confirmed before opening a channel to the mansion. “Professor. We seem to have run into some Purifiers. Some backup would be appreciated.”

The Purifiers raised their weapons. Before they were able to fire, however, a tower of ice encased the group. Kitty turned to see Bobby, his entire body encased in ice, using all his strength to protect them.

“I dunno how long this will last, but it’ll hold them for now,” he smiled at her.

“Let’s hope we can get some help, then.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"That's how I found you. I listened. Trained to filter the white noise and find what I want. The people of this city have accepted you as a fixture of Opal; I think that surprised me more than anything. Many see you as a talking chimp, a side show, sure enough--but to many more, dammit, you're THEIR talking chimp. Most the people that were cursing you...well, let's just say it was due to your sunny disposition, instead of the fact that you're a chimpanzee."

Jean's eyes darted to the index cards, and back to the Detective; her tone as dry as the Scotch. "Quite charming. Really." It was a tease, highlighted by the way her eyes snuck another quick look at him after the "Really", the way the corner of her lips threatened another small smile in his direction. "But what I'm here for is too important to be dissuaded by anti-social behavior. So, now that you know what I do and why I'm here, more or less, maybe you want to tell me a little bit about your current mystery?...or you could be a jerk, share nothing, and just have me walk behind you and make sure you don't die until you can help me. I suppose it is up to you."

Another sip, longer and harsher and thirsty, and the weighted bottom of the suddenly empty Scotch glass smacked against the top of the bar. "One more, please, sir."

DC grabbed his forehead as he dealt with the influx of thoughts, sounds, and ideas that seemed to run through his mind like rushing water. He was used to stimuli and taking in large amounts of data in a short time, but this was too much. Too noisey, too loud, too much too much... and just like that it was gone. DC felt a large patch of sweat on his forehead and looked at Jean Grey.

"Get you drink to go," he said between breaths. "We need to get out of here."


They were back in DC's office. He sat at his desk while Grey sat in a chair opposite the desk. On the desk in front of him were a stack of manila folders. Each folder had a red stripe across it diagonally with the Opal City PD's logo stamped in the center. They were murder books, each folder containing the police's criminal investigation into a homicide.

"Six murders over the last two months have connections to each other," DC said with a wave to the files. "Homicide hasn't noticed it yet because they don't have enough time. This city averages a murder and a half a day and that's turned homicide investigation into assembly line work. Tag 'em, bag 'em, and if there's no serious or obvious suspect then move on. And these six do not have a serious or obvious suspect."

He pulled one off the stack and opened it up.

"Kenny Boyd was killed two nights ago by persons unknown shortly after being released on bail on a drug charge. Every single one of the guys who were killed were scumbags, pimps and dealers, who got killed shortly after posting bail. Their lawyers hired me to find out whose killing their clients because the cops sure as hell don't care."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Lord Wraith presents

'O N E K N I G H T T O K I L L T H E B A T'

B L A C K G A T E P E N I T E N T I A R Y - G O T H A M C I T Y

Slade had been anticipating this fight. That much was clear to the Batman as the Terminator made safe strikes against the Bat's own. Could he defeat Slade at close quarters? Indefinitely, but over time and this wasn't the night for a drawn out duel. With a batarang in each hand, the Bat parried the blade away as he put distance between the Terminator and himself. There was no doubt in the Bat's mind that the blade was made of some of the most lethal metals in the world as the honed edge cleaved on of his throwing weapons clean. Pressing a button on his belt, the Bat hurled a handful of batarangs towards Slade. Firing his grapple, he launched himself forward, fist clenched as the knuckles on his gauntlet crackled to life, an arc of electricity flying across them.

"WHO IS THE BLACK MASK!" The Bat roared as his fist slammed against the Terminator's helmet. The staggered man stumbling backwards beneath the blow as Batman launched himself into the air. His cape arced behind him before spreading out in its familiar silhouette as the Bat descended towards the ground. Smashing a handful of smoke pellets on the ground, the Bat disappeared from view as the smoke enveloped the room. Silence fell over the cloud before a sharp hook was delivered above Slade's kidneys. Blow after blow rocked the assassin's body until a hand gripped itself around the back of Slade's head, another knocking his weapon away as the Bat smashed the assassin into what remained of the prison wall.

"Talk Slade, or I'll break every bone in your body."

A beep in his cowl alerted Batman the button he had pressed earlier had in fact been received. Beyond the wall the subtle roar of an engine could be heard.

"You missed your chance Slade." The Bat growled as he let go of the Terminator. The wall behind the assassin exploding as Slade was thrown across the room from the Batmobile's weapons.

"The GCPD will be looking forward to having you behind bars again." Came the smug snarl of the Bat as he placed restraints on the wrists of the injured man. "I'll send Black Mask your regards." The Bat called as he jumped out the hole in the wall, gliding towards the car waiting below. Somewhere above the building shook as the autopilot took over the controls for the Batwing. Freeing itself from the crumbling structure the aircraft almost groaned as it took off into the night sky while sirens lit up the court yard below as the GCPD moved in on the scene.

"Outsider, I need you to run the name 'Black Mask' through all our databases. I want this man off Gotham's streets by the end of tonight." The Bat ordered as the Batmobile roared through Gotham.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jean Grey tried to sit. She really did. But some things were about as possible as keeping a secret from a telepath; good luck to you. She sat for all three minutes--three whole minutes--before her body squirmed, and prompted further motion. Motion that rolled like a river into more motion. First, she stood, and looked her pretty eyes this way and that. Every few moments those eyes would sneak a peek back at the Chimp, and every time they did those semi-glossed lips of her's would threaten a small grin.

But it never came.

"Nice digs. It's got the vibe of an uber Private Dick."

The twelve year old in Jean let out a small snicker under her breath. Her eyes rolled to the ceiling; where her body soon followed--freeing itself from the bondage of gravity to float up, and up, and up--until she were a mere few inches below the ceiling. "Almost looks like water damage up here." One little part of the ceiling had a slight yellow tone to it. And while it might be water damage, Jean could instantly think of two other possibilities. But she was restless, and it helped to move. To fidget. To poke at ceilings.

At least, it helped her.

Judging by the quick-jerk nature of her host, Jean descended until her feet were firmly back in gravity's hands, her hands stuffing neatly into the pockets of her coat. When he told her "homicide doesn't have enough time" her mind flashed back to childhood, to Boston, to being at her parent's table at a charity function when city politics were invariably brought up. She remembered wealthy men and women from her parent's circles sighing about the state of Boston PD. Talking about it like it had gotten as bad as Detroit, or Gotham City.

It was a life, and circle of people, so far from where Jean currently found herself it almost felt like it all happened to another girl. Not Jean. Out his window she saw glimpses of Opal City; shadowy, bathed in the neon lights of the bars and clubs, or the pale yellow glow of the street lights. And if you weren't on a street with the neon lights or the street lights in Opal City...odds were you had bigger problems than darkness.

"...God saves, man kills." A quiet prayer under her breath, again, as she heard that Opal averaged a murder and a half every day. By the time she was done moving about the place, Jean had come around to his side of the desk, and leaned back on it's edge, just a foot away from where he sat, her head in his direction, her eyes pointed down at him. "So the lawyer of pimps and dealers has some touching concern over his clients--or maybe just their money. Given the nature of the victims, maybe it's just some street war you've lucked into?...or is that the kind of thinking Opal PD uses to rationalize not paying the murders much mind?"

It was a sneaking suspicion of Jean's, especially after touching upon a few minds of Opal's finest.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HenryJonesJr
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Member Seen 1 yr ago


Danny Rand’s Apartment

I wake up after a long, uninterrupted sleep, feeling like a new man. I’m still a bit sluggish, but I don’t feel like I’m going to keel over dead any time soon. Misty isn’t next to me when I wake up, unfortunately, so all the things I wanted to say remain unsaid, but that’s nothing new. I’m the king of unsaid things.

My feet swing over a bed and I take a few tentative steps out of the bedroom and move towards the kitchen. My feet wobble a bit before I regain my balance, finding my footing.

The cobwebs now begin to shake form brain as I walk gingerly through the large hallways of the penthouse apartment I live in. Three bedrooms, a full bar, a formal dining room, and a kitchen fill my place. It’s probably the one thing I should get rid of, but I’ll be damned if I don’t love waking up and having a view of the entire city from way up here.

I saunter on over to the fridge and swing it open, sighing as I realize that I really don’t want to cook anything. I can cook, but I want to be babied, damn it. I almost died! Can’t someone make me some french toast or something?

“Bout time you got up,” Luke’s voice startles me. I spring up from inside the fridge, smacking my head on one of the shelves. “Good one.”

Wincing, I rub my head, “You could have given me some more warning. A ‘Hey, what’s up’ or a ‘Well I’m glad you’re still alive, Danny’. But no, instead you make me give myself a concussion.”

Luke looks at me incredulously, “You’re kidding right?”

“Yes! Maybe! I dunno! What did you learn at the crime scene?” I grumble and pour myself some coffee that Luke had clearly made. I take a long sip, savoring the bitter, hot liquid. It runs through me, seemingly back to life.

“We never got there,” Cage responds, taking a sip of his own. “Jess ran into Copperhead. While she was in pursuit she called us in for backup.”

“Did you get her?” I ask.

“Hell no, man,” he shakes his head. “Bitch is slippery as hell. Disappeared down an alley and didn’t come out the other side.”

“God damn, man,” my head rolls around and I sigh deeply. “Sewers?”

“Best we can figure, yea. You find out anything about her?”

“Yup,” I say after another sip. “Part of some secret society. Sowing chaos throughout, well, time. Show up throughout history up until the second world war. Still, it seems erratic, like there’s no rhyme or reason behind it.”

“So we’re at another dead end?” he asks.

“No, we still need to look at that crime scene,” I respond. “If there’s anything there, we’ll find it. The least we can do is finish the case we were hired to take. We’ll worry about Copperhead after that.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”


New York City Docks

The docks smell of oil, dead fish, and rotted wood, and the ground is slick form an evening shower that started as Luke and I headed out for our investigation. Somehow things always come back to the docks. It seems like a stereotype. The detectives have to go to the docks to find the bad guys, but every stereotype comes from a kernel of truth. Most illicit products come in here, meaning at some point you’re gonna end up here.

“So anything happen between Misty and you?” Luke asks as we approach the warehouse the officers were investigating before the assassination. “I heard she stayed the night last night. Getting back together?”

My shoulders shrug weakly, “I dunno. I mean, nothing happened. We didn’t really even talk about our situation. Just about Copperhead and all that stuff before I passed the hell out from exhaustion.”

“Well, at least she stayed with you,” Luke adds in. He’s not wrong. She could have left right away. “Jess thinks y’all will be back together in no time.”

“Do you think the Justice League talks about their love lives as they walk into what could be certain death?”

“I certainly hope so,” Cage chuckles. “I’m sure they put their super suits on the same as we do.”

“I mean, Captain America probably always wears his,” I respond as I break the chained lock off the massive wooden warehouse door. “It’s probably in his contract.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I hope he has a zipper-Sweet Christmas!”

As Luke swings the door open, we’re greeted by the sight of dozens of soldiers garbed in dark-orange combat suits. Machine guns are slung over their shoulders, and each of their faces is masked by snake-like balaclavas. They turn to us and begin yelling in a language I’m not familiar with.

“Well, this is gonna be fun,” I look over at Luke and nod. The two of us then jump into action.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chicago, Illinois. 1535HRS Local Time
Co-Starring @Blue Demon as Ivy

"Drop it or I drop you."

Piotr just turned to the lady, and raised one of his hands to indicate to her that she should calm down. He then turned back to the purifier with the gun held to Sarahs head. "What is it you are wanting, exactly?" He walked towards the woman slowly in the most non-threatening way that he could when he was made of organic steel, which basically meant that he was walking incredibly slowly with small steps. He stopped at the moment he noticed that she tensed up. That was as far as he was going to get, there were no plants in the room for his fellow mutant friend. He looked at her, eyed the surroundings. Twisting his torso slightly he turned side on, right leg ready. Left, ready.

He slammed his left foot down on the floor, the entire room shook and the woman destabilized. Without a second thought Piotr dove forward, moving his right arm above Sarahs head (Who had now ducked) and into the chest of the Purifier, pushing her backwards onto the floor. With his left hand he punched the gun, it sparking and fizzing as it was cracked in two. He then held her down. "Tell me, where are you getting your information?" She said nothing. "Where are you getting your equipment?" He shook his head as instead of speaking she just shook her head. Having no real time to stay and play fifty questions he ripped off his belt and used it to bind her arms together.

When he was sure she was secure he moved over to Sarah, as he put a hand on her shoulder gently she briefly recoiled. "Please, I do not mean you harm. I am here to help you." He smiled, as she nodded at him and he picked her up and turned to the other woman. "Perhaps we should get out of here, and then discuss what is going on."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

As soon as Scott pressed the trigger, the botanical gardens below him flew into chaos. Bursts of electricity seemingly sprouted from the electrical EMP coils attached to the backs of the crazy ants covering the glass dome, sending a very brightly coloured surge of electrical energy inside the gardens. For a brief second, the sound of an alarm could be heard over the sound of static, only for it to be struck short by the force of the EMP. Through the glass, Scott could make out the sight of the metallic insects inside dropping from the air deactivated, followed by a very feminine shriek. Obviously somebody was not very happy to find her killer robots shut down.

Following suit with the Bandit’s falling bugs from inside, Ant-Man steered his carpenter ant down towards the ground, moving quickly. All around him, his ants followed suit, making their way down the botanical garden’s glass walls. They converged on a window a couple of metres off the ground on the east side of the building. The mass of red insects encircled it, painting a clear target for Scott, as he shot forward on his mount. They passed through the open window with ease, with Ant-Man instantly finding himself surrounded by plant life. That was no issue for the astonishing Ant-Man though, as the miniature hero managed to steer his way through the leaves in no time at all.

As the edge of the treeline came into side, Ant-Man leaped forward, springing off of his ride. Midway through the air, he shifted in size, resulting in him emerging with a flash from the darkness and into the open centre of the gardens. The place certainly wasn’t pretty.

Dirt and mud covered the floor, alongside the occasional pool of filthy looking water. However as expected, they were also joined by the metallic remains of the robotic insects. There must have been hundreds of them laying there .The centrepiece of the room, which had long ago been a very ugly looking stone fountain was no little more than a small pile of rubble. To Scott’s left was the generators he had spotted previously. Despite being top of the line, the things were currently motionless and silent, having fallen victim to the EMP. They weren’t the only things to be affected by it though. A line of computers were sat on the other side of the room, mirroring the setup located in the original Bug-Eyed Bandit’s warehouse. It would seem that the EMP had also broken the sprinkler system too, with water erupting ferociously from pipes on the railings above. And to top it off, someone was now unfortunately shooting at Ant-Man with a gun.

Luckily the Bug-Eyed Bandit’s aim was all that sharp, meaning that Scott had time to dive behind cover; with the fountain finally finding some use after all these years.

You think I’m powerless without my hive, Ant-Man?” She cried manically, firing two more shots in his general direction.

Yes I do!” Scott cut in cockily before she could continue.

The comment seemed to stop her in her tracks for a few seconds. Deciding to test his luck, Scott peered over the fountain’s rubble in an effort to get a look at the full situation. Unfortunately he was simply met with gunfire once more.

Shut your mouth Bug Boy!

"That's Spider-Man's nickname actually.

I said shut it!” She cried once more. Instead of the sound of a gunshot rupturing the air however, all Scott could hear was a click.

He smirked. Looked like she was out of ammo. Springing to his feet, he vaulted the rubble and charged towards the purple clad woman, as she scrambled to reload the weapon. Just as she fired once more however, Ant-Man was leaping into the air and shrinking once more. His tiny body found itself landing on the barrel of the pistol, and with one more leap, he found himself leaping up towards the Bugged-Eyed Bandit’s bright green goggles, his fist flying forward as he did so.

Bug-Eyed Bandit? More like Black-eyed Bandit!” Scott exclaimed loudly, regaining his original size and posing somewhat heroically above the now unconscious woman. That was until he realized what he said, and began to shift uncomfortably between his feet. “Yeah, that’s probably…Forget I said that. I’d… I’d never hit a woman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"...God saves, man kills." A quiet prayer under her breath, again, as she heard that Opal averaged a murder and a half every day. By the time she was done moving about the place, Jean had come around to his side of the desk, and leaned back on it's edge, just a foot away from where he sat, her head in his direction, her eyes pointed down at him. "So the lawyer of pimps and dealers has some touching concern over his clients--or maybe just their money. Given the nature of the victims, maybe it's just some street war you've lucked into?...or is that the kind of thinking Opal PD uses to rationalize not paying the murders much mind?"

It was a sneaking suspicion of Jean's, especially after touching upon a few minds of Opal's finest.

"The fine people of the Law Offices of Fitzwaller, Fitzwaller, Fitzwaller, Fitzwaller, & York care about keeping their high-priced and scumbag clientele in mint condition. AS for the OPD, they like gang wars. The bad guys kill each other and they sort the facts out afterwards."

DC thumbed through the files to see if he could catch anything. The victims all came from diverse backgrounds and specialties. Drug dealers. trigger men, pimps, smugglers. He thought about asking Jean for help. After all, she was supposed to be the psychic. He was just the talking, hyper-intelligent primate. Random chance was always a possibility. In this city, so much lead flew that it was bound to catch a few people who seemed connected.

"Shit," DC said as something caught his eye.

"I can't believe I missed it."

He hopped up on to his desk and rifled through the stacks of papers to find what he wanted.

"B&B Enterprises."

He slapped six documents on the desk in front of him.

"Same company bailed all six men out twenty-four hours before their deaths. It's a link."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Ruby>

"The fine people of the Law Offices of Fitzwaller, Fitzwaller, Fitzwaller, Fitzwaller, & York care about keeping their high-priced and scumbag clientele in mint condition. AS for the OPD, they like gang wars. The bad guys kill each other and they sort the facts out afterwards."

DC thumbed through the files to see if he could catch anything. The victims all came from diverse backgrounds and specialties. Drug dealers. trigger men, pimps, smugglers. He thought about asking Jean for help. After all, she was supposed to be the psychic. He was just the talking, hyper-intelligent primate. Random chance was always a possibility. In this city, so much lead flew that it was bound to catch a few people who seemed connected.

"Shit," DC said as something caught his eye.

"I can't believe I missed it."

He hopped up on to his desk and rifled through the stacks of papers to find what he wanted.

"B&B Enterprises."

He slapped six documents on the desk in front of him.

"Same company bailed all six men out twenty-four hours before their deaths. It's a link."

"Funny thing about gang wars--all too often it's not the gangs doing the majority of the dying."

It was an aside, motivated by the bitter resentment from an open, loving, hearted woman. Jean understood collatoral damage; after Scott's mistake during the Brotherhood fight, anyone who wore an "X" understood collatoral damage now. The X-Men were child killers, and President savers. Didn't it just sound like the status quo of PMCs and black ops teams? The X-Men were neither of those things. The X-Men would never, ever, become either of those things. But right now they were a young team with a long road of redemption to walk.

If they stayed together, at all.

At the sudden dropping of the "Shit" bomb, Jean's body moved off the desk and came to a full stand, turning to face the desk...and the talking chimp that suddenly jumped onto the desk. He was more than a talking chimp--spend five minutes with him and that was clear. Touch his mind, even in the slightest way, and it became even more incredibly clear he was more than just a talking chimp. There was intellect and cunning in there that Jean could respect, even admire...but none of that kept her lips from smiling.

Or kept her right hand from sneaking into her jacket, and pulling out the overly encrypted smart phone. How does Jean not SnapChat a talking chimp jumping on his desk, and excitingly slapping down on papers in a classic "Ah ha!" moment? The short answer? She doesn't. She takes the quick video, and immediately allows SnapChat to have it. You know, for all the X-kids back at the Mansion wondering what Jean Grey was up to.

Resisting the urge to step forward, take the chimp in her arms, and squeeze-hug him for being possibly the cutest thing she'd seen in months? Was difficult, but she resisted; too real was the fear of the Chimp smacking her around like a pile of papers on a desk. That, and she didn't want to make a spectacle out of him. She didn't want him to feel like she saw him like that. Which was funny, she didn't see him like that. All he had to do was look into her mind to see that.

It could be hard for telepaths to do the careful dance of normal communication, playing to all those uncertainties and fears that telepaths could just breeze past because they knew better. Jean knew how she viewed the Chimp. And if he knew, really knew, she had a feeling he might even let her live if she grabbed and hugged him. But that was another day, and the Chimp was freaked out by her telepathy, not eager to see how it could change his life. So instead, her thumbs busied themselves by putting in the company name to Google Maps.

"Heeey, looky there: the internet seemes to have an Opal City location for this B&B Enterprises." Green eyes illuminated in the glow of the phone's LEDs peeked over the top of the smartphone, across the desk of sudden mess to the chimp, and reflected the way the smile on her lips had slipped into a grin. "Care for a walk, my dear Detective?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Gamma Base, Unknown Location. 1200HRS Local Time.
Time since last reversion: 4 Days.

Ross steadied his uniform as he stood on front of the camera, this was after all going to be sent to the President. If he approved of the video, and was still fine with the project this would be sent out to Luthor, Stark, Richards and their other allies before being sent out to the general public. The American people had to know that the US Government was taking these super powered threats seriously, and that they were working on a plan to capture and contain anyone that got out of hand. Even Superman. He had once thought that the Hulk was his way of dealing with these threats, but not only did the Hulk seem reluctant but Banner was even less co-operative than the green goliath. Though the whole experience did give him two things, it gave him Stern and it gave him Blonsky.

He had been reluctant at first, though once he got his mind seemed to sort itself out after the shock of what happened he had finally got his priorities straight again. He stood ready to make a dramatic entrance. "My fellow Americans-" Always a good one to start with. "-In recent years, as you know there has been an influx in super powered people making an impact on our society. Mutants, aliens, experiments, robots. These are all threats, working independent of your government with the capability to turn their talents to taking over our fair country at any moment. This was until now, let me present to you-" He stood to the side slightly to allow the "-Major Emil Blonsky"

Walking into the room Blonsky put on the best smile he could in his current state, Ross bought it. "He is the first Hulkbuster in the service of the U.S Military who is enhanced, fully trained and under the control of the United States government. He has already proven himself succesful in the capture of the fugitive Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk who is now safely resting in a cell out of harms way. Now I'm sure you have a lot of of questions..."

Hulk strained as an electric shock caused his entire body to convulse, pulling on the nodes that held onto his limbs. Though still they didn't budge. The longer the shock went on, the angrier he became. The angrier he became, the harder he pulled. Till he pulled down hard and the nodes broke. Had Banner been in charge he would have noticed that someone else had shut them down allowing him to break free. Though Hulk didn't care, Hulk just wanted out.

Breaking into a run he crashed through the wall shaking the entire base. In a long corridor he didn't take the time to look where he was going and just began to run. Already the lights hard turned to a deep red and an alarm had began to blare, someone spoke over the alarms. Hulk didn't care what they were saying, he just wanted to get out. Ross never left him alone, he'd have to find somewhere new. He wouldn't let Banner have any say in it. Banner always ended up getting him in trouble, always stopped him too. Why did nobody ever learn?

He turned a corner and there were soldiers there, aiming their guns at him and firing. The bullet casings just bounced off his thick skin swinging his arms around on-front of himself he clapped so hard that it created a shockwave that destabilized the footing of the soldiers. Capitalizing on that (not that Hulk considered using the phrase) Hulk sprinted past them shoulder first into a wall hard enough to burst through into daylight. Though he found himself in the air, unable to correct himself mid-flight he took a dive into the dirt making a small crater and taking a mouth full of dirt and sand. Turning around he saw that whatever the base was that it was built within a hoodoo, likely near the original gamma site. He growled slightly, no matter how much he tried he just couldn't get away.

Alarms blared and the base shook as Ross cut the recording and ran over to his desk, pulling the phone of the hook he practically barked into the receiver. "What the hell's going on?"

"The Hulk sir, he's loose. He's trying to make his way out of the base." There was another thunderous sound, followed by a large bang and the entire base shaking. "He's out sir!"

Ross just turned to Blonsky, putting the phone down. "Go do your job."

Samuel Sterns, standing in the back of the room behind Blonsky had to work hard to hide his smile. Everything was going according to plan.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by TimeMasterX
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Doom Patrol - Part Three


The skies were dark; an unnatural shadow blocked the sun and brought darkness to my land. The ground shuddered with each breath this ‘Galactus’ drew and the sand in all directions had been whipped into waves by the force of each exhalation.

“Y O U K N O W O F G A L A C T U S.”

The voice neither asked nor held any surprise. It spoke with the certainty of the Gods themselves and held no room for questions, although I had several myself.

That is the monster that left my land barren?” I could scarcely believe it, it looked too bipedal and alive to be so ancient.

"Quiet child,” Doom was clearly in no mood to explain, "Doom has no time for idle chatter.” His attention was fixed upon the figure blocking out the horizon.
"Y O U K N O W M Y N A M E, W H A T A R E Y O U?”

Doom waited for the sands to settle before he responded.

"Your Doom.”

The words filled me with excitement, terror and hope in equal measure. Such a challenge was laughable when delivered to an enemy that blocked the very light of the sun but if any could back up his threat I knew it was the man in front of me.
A rumble in the ground alerted us to the incoming words.

"Y O U W O U L D D E C L A R E W A R U P O N G A L A C T U S.”

"War has already been declared.” Doom responded coldly, ”You are merely the latest pre-emptive strike.”

Galactus did not respond, a hand rose from beyond the horizon and, with a gesture, mechanical spires began to rise from beneath the very dirt of my land. A hum filled the air, the sound pierced through my very being and left me screaming, clutching my bloody ears in the barren sand.

A hand gripped my shoulder and pulled me to my feet, I was groggy and disorientated but could just about recognise Doom as he pulled a small device from a pouch on his belt. With a flick of his wrist we were instantly surrounded by a dome of clear energy and the sound that had made my body shake in pain was gone.

”---u m-st c---rol yo----lf,” His words were barely reaching my brain and I struggled to process their meaning. ”You must assist me or neither of us will survive this day.”

With that, Doom handed me the device he had conjured our protection with. I took it in shaking hands, the small object was cylindrical and was no larger than a straw that the hatchlings in my flock were fed with.

”When I give the word you will lower the forcefield for two seconds ,” As he spoke Doom was gesturing towards Galactus, the being had taken hold of the machinery he had conjured and was glowing brightly as it operated whatever fantastical controls it was using. I looked at Doom and realised what I had taken for a gesture was nothing of the sort, he radiated power and was clearly gathering it in preparation for an almighty act of aggression. ”You will then reactivate the device. Do you understand?”

I nodded quickly, hardly daring to speak; the device had a simple button atop the cylinder and I hoped desperately that it would be as simple as pressing it and the whole situation would be over.

”Very well,”The calmness of Doom’s voice emboldened me, ”We shall begin.”

At his nod I pressed the button on Doom’s device, instantly we were beset by a whirlwind of sand, it shredded the skin from my body and made my eyes water in agony but the worst sensation was the noise. The hum of Galactus’ machines tore into my brain and made the very act of remaining upright next to impossible. Doom gathered his power into a great charge of energy and, with a gesture, sent it hurtling at Galactus. He then looked down at me and I hit the button of the device once more. Instantly the ‘forcefield’ popped into existence, shielding us from the force of the elements outside.

My body cried out for rest, moisture and soothing attention but I ignored it as I pulled at the cape Doom wore. “Is that it?” I asked desperately, “Have we won?”

Doom said nothing, his eyes were fixed beyond our little bubble upon the energy he had released. I followed his gaze and was just in time to see his attack strike the massive figure of Galactus…and have absolutely no effect. If the being even felt the immense charge of energy he gave no sign. He merely continued operating his equipment.

Doom exhaled slightly and I saw his shoulders sag momentarily before he straightened and began fiddling with his gauntlet once again.
“Did it work?” I asked worriedly, my body was close to giving up and I wanted to be ready should Doom need me for his next attack.

”Not this time,”

“So, what do we do? We cannot give up.”

Doom took the device from my hand and, with a swift motion, crushed it in his fist. ”This world is lost, there is no further purpose here.”

I could not be sure if the sudden sandstorm that enveloped us was what took my breath away or if it was the shock at the man before me admitting defeat.

“You mean you are not going to do anything? You brought this monster here in the first place, you and your sorcery!” If my words affected the man beneath the mask he gave no sign of it. He merely turned away, from the figure of Galactus, from me, from any of the problems he had caused. My body’s tenuous grasp on air had faded and I felt wisps of sand begin to slide down my throat as my breaths grew more desperate.

"Your sacrifice will be remembered,” Doom said softly, the metallic tone of his voice making the words harsh in my ears, ”When Doom inevitably succeeds.”

With a gesture and a hum of energy, Doom was gone.

I have not left the spot where Doom disappeared. Galactus still works on his machines and the ground itself cracks and burns around me. My companion and protector, my inspiration and my betrayer has left me to the mercy of my people’s ancient enemy and I cannot even find the strength to curse him. I believe that he believes he is doing what he must and that causes my tongue to remain silent.

Instead I begin the Song; the great history of my Flock and all the others of my world. The notes are hardly audible and my voice cracks in the sandstorm but I do not stop. I sing my people’s story as my world tears itself apart, Galactus cares not for history even as he finds himself absorbed into its melody and made into song like everything else.

I am not sure of how to recount my own history, the Song has notes for heroism, villainy and acts of betrayal but they all seem to ring false. I left my Flock with a stranger, I journeyed through the barren desert with him and I watched as he engaged in battle with our ancient enemy and then left my world to its fate. Perhaps I am a simple traitor and failure. But I will let the Gods decide, if they hear my words and judge me so coldly then I will abide. If not then we will see where they decree my fate to lead. Please-

C A S T L E D O O M - L A T V E R I A - O U R D I M E N S I O N

Boris studied the monitors in Doom’s lab, the Master had given strict instructions to not interfere with his latest project and so the old man watched as the parallel world crumbled beneath the feeding process of a parallel Galactus. How many times had he watched the process now? A dozen? More? It did not matter, the Master had fixed his attention on Galactus and would visit as many parallel dimensions as it took to find a way of killing the cosmic giant. Boris was no expert on such things and was content merely to know his place. He would monitor his master’s progress and be there when called upon.

A hum alerted the aged Romani to his master’s return. With a shimmer of energy the silhouette of Victor Von Doom appeared on the dimensional pad fixed in the lab. The silhouette slowly formed into the solid shape and form of Latveria’s ruling monarch.

“Master!” Boris found himself exclaiming, “You have returned.”

”Of course Boris, I always come back.” The cold tones of Victor’s mask did not hide the frustration in his voice. ”The texts of the Golgotha Revolutionaries did not provide the power as we hoped. The Devourer was unharmed.”

Doom stepped from the pad, his strides heavy and leaving a slight trail of dust in their wake.
“I realise,” Boris chose his words with care, “that you may wish to explore other avenues for this venture but there are matters here that have arisen in your absence.”

”What matters demand Doom’s attention?” The frustration in the Master’s voice had given way to weariness; this had been the latest in a growing number of assassination attempts on alternate versions of Galactus and Doom never dealt well with failure. He had barely slept or taken sustenance since deciding to embark on his task and, though he would admit no weakness, must have been feeling the effects of such a decision.

“Prime Minister Von Bardas has proposed several measures that need your personal ratification,” Boris did not hide his disdain for the young facilitator of Latveria; Lucia Von Bardas was ambitious, canny and a keen presence in Doom’s inner circle but was also a strong proponent of a less isolationist policy and believed Latveria should open its borders to tourists and commercialism from countries abroad. Boris disagreed emphatically with such policies and, more importantly, so did the Master. Doom had always made his disdain for foreign influence very clear and would not allow it to bleed into Latverian soil. However, he kept Von Bardas close in his cabinet, a decision that confused Boris, there had been rumours of the two enjoying a more exclusive relationship but those were quickly quashed before the Master became aware of them.

Doom nodded, ”Very well, what else?”

Boris swallowed, “There is a slight shortage of the Latverite stockpile. It looks like some has been taken.”

This drew Doom’s attention, Latverite, a new element found scattered all over Latverian soil after a particularly heavy meteor shower a few years previously. It took the shape of rocks in a primarily green hue and had proven very difficult to accurately quantify.
Studies had eventually shown a concentrated level of radioactivity in the mineral so Doombots had been used to remove the green rocks from inhabited areas and were continually scouring the country for signs of the foreign element. Doom had obsessed over the rocks for months and had drawn up plans to use them to as an efficient energy source when the Galactus problem had demanded his attention. Since then the Latverite had been locked safely away in storage, or it should have been. A cursory inventory check had revealed that several kilograms of the mineral were missing.

"Can Doom not trust the safety of his home to anyone?” Frustration again, a sure sign of the seriousness of the matter, Boris knew better than to respond. ”You did well to alert me old man.” Doom’s voice betrayed just a hint of fondness before it was replaced by his customary coldness. ”It is clear that Doom must take the world in hand once more.”

“I have instructed the Parliament to assemble in the morning to hear your decree.” Boris assured his master, “They will all attend.”

”Good, now leave me. The journey has been long and even Doom must rest.”

Boris nodded shortly before turning and leaving the room.

Doom stood in the silent lab, the machinery around him was in constant movement but the filters in his armour kept the sounds from piercing the metallic shell around his ears. He reached up and unclasped the protective straps of his mask, ignoring the enchantments that would have burned another being’s fingers from their hand for attempting such sacrilege, with a smooth movement Doom removed the mask and took in the pure and unfiltered sights and sounds around him.

”One day it will not matter,” Victor whispered, ”It will all run smoothly and all will know how they are blessed to live under Doom.”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Sep||Ivy & Colossus


Quite frankly Ivy really disliked this metal man. She bared her teeth at him as raised a hand to her before dismissing her and focusing on the other woman. She blinked as the man paused then the floor rose to meet her. She heard the harsh sound of bodies hitting the floor and Sarah's frightened wordless cry. Ivy lost the grip on the strange gun as she tried to brace herself for impact.

Ivy hissed in pain as she hit the ground awkwardly. Her healing wound pulsed in time with her rapid heartbeat. Her elbow now added to the various aches from her tussle downstairs. Still Ivy ignored her body and forced herself up into what amounted to a sitting position. Her green eyes immediately locked onto Sarah. Her daughter was huddled in a corner, eyes wide and cheeks tear stained from crying.

That made it three for three. Ivy's heart twisted at the thought of all her children crying. She was supposed to protect them. At the thought Ivy attempted to stand and go to Sarah but her limbs really wouldn't respond.

Exhaustion. Ivy's analytical mind supplied. Too much effort and too little sleep. It was probably the stunt with the plants downstairs that was finally catching up to her. Without her rage reserves she was crashing. A few hours of sleep and she would be fine. But there was still so much to do before she could be weak. Sarah was still so far away. The metal man was between Ivy and her daughter. A man Ivy didn't trust at all. Grown men who wanted little girls were typically up to no good.

While these thoughts passed through Ivy's head the man had finished with the other woman and entered Ivy's line of sight. He knelt down in front of Sarah, cutting off Ivy's view of her. Ivy made a small sound. Helpless was never something that sat well with her. Then the man scooped up her daughter and turned to her. Ivy tilted his head and watched his lips move. The only thing she heard was the pounding of her own heart.

"Sarah." Ivy said. Or maybe she didn't. With the way her body wasn't responding it was completely possible she just imagined saying it. Then her eyes fluttered closed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Byrd Man
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Byrd Man El Hombre Pájaro

Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Byrd Man>

"Heeey, looky there: the internet seemes to have an Opal City location for this B&B Enterprises." Green eyes illuminated in the glow of the phone's LEDs peeked over the top of the smartphone, across the desk of sudden mess to the chimp, and reflected the way the smile on her lips had slipped into a grin. "Care for a walk, my dear Detective?"

DC looked up from the papers and had to resist the urge to snatch the phone from Jean's hands. If Effie were here, he wouldn't have hesitated to take her phone and immediately search the internet for everything it had on B&B Enterprises. But Effie couldn't throw him across the room with the flick of her eyes. DC instead jumped off the desk and rooted through a desk drawer until he found a pack of cigarettes.

"Let's go."


They rode the train to downtown Opal City. There were the usual long looks DC was used to. Years in this town and he was still a novelty among the citizens of Opal. While they rode Jean searched for more information on B&B. There was nothing significant to be found other than the business name and address. No newspaper mentions, no advertisements, no chamber of commerce memberships. Just a name and an address.

"Are you familiar with shell companies, Ms. Grey?" DC asked as the train jostled him. "A legitimate front for an illegal business, often used for money laundering and tax harboring. From what we've learned, B&B Enterprises seems to be a shell company."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ruby
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Ruby No One Cares

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jean felt it; DC's urge to snatch the phone out of her hands. And she almost found herself smiling again at the thought of Effie, and the comfort DC must have felt to go snatching things out of the girl's hands. That was the defining relationship between DC and humanity, fascinating as it was for Jean to peek under the surface and realize just how differently the Detective might act around her with similar familiarity and comfort. Not that they were likely to ever get there, but it was Jean's nature to be interested. To care.

It was a curse that dogged her far more than any X-gene.

The train was just another chance for Jean to see Opal City, and see how it responded to DC. Opal's trains reminded her, in the slightest bit, of some areas of Australia--like Perth. Though the two cities were otherwise little alike, the very rhythm of a city could be found in the mass transit systems they had. Like veins snaking through the body; with the she and the chimp headed straight into the heart of the beast.

Crowded as the train was, there was precious little said. Jean wasn't surprised at some of the curious looks he got, but found herself slightly disturbed when she felt anti-mutant sentiment surge: someone on the train recognized her, and hated her. It didn't take Jean long to find the person: a white man in his early 20s, in jeans and a dark hoodie, staring daggers at her. For the entire train ride, Jean met the stare.

The only thing that broke the tension was when the train stopped, and the process of passengers exiting. Jean fell in behind the chimp, following him out of the train station and onto the street. When he dug out the cigarettes, Jean cleared her throat just a touch, and asked if she could bum a smoke and a light. Little else was said, until he asked her about shell companies.

Gray smoke from the cigarette cherry wisping up and mixed with a stream of smoke coming from either nostril as she flicked the end of the cigarette with her thumb; a girl clearly no stranger to cigarette smoking, even if it would have surprised people. But that was the game Jean grew up in: projecting the perfect appearance, while having as much fun with the underlying reality as you could. She had spent more than one evening hiding from a parents party by creating a party-within-a-party with the other rich kids, stealing bottles of booze and wine and cigarettes when no one was looking to make it interesting. "I come from old New England wealth, Detective--yeah, I know a little something about shell companies. Need one? I'm sure my uncle has a few lawyers he could put you in touch with."

Her tone was dry, removed from emotion on the subject. Jean found the practice despicable, but it wasn't the only part of her family history she found disturbing.

Jean finished the cigarette, flicking the butt to the nearby curb, looking down the downtown side street he had led her down. "I'm starting to have a fun little feeling about this job of yours. What kind of company bails out all six victims from that lower rung of society? Sure, if they're young execs, or someone with knowledge of something sensitive in nature...any guesses?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Chicago, Illinois. 1540HRS Local Time
Co-starring @Blue Demon as Ivy

As he stood up holding Sarah, the woman fell down. Это характерно , я присылают на простой миссии и что происходит ? Я встречаю мутант , который может контролировать растения , получить в борьбе с очистительными и арестуют раз и допросили во второй раз. Только один раз я хочу миссию, которая просто и идет , как и планировалось. He turned to Sarah, smiling again at her. "I apologise for the language, can you walk?" She nodded, as if speaking she would be unable to control her own voice. She was still in shock, which wasn't surprising giving her age and the circumstances. She was probably lucky that whatever her ability was that it hadn't manifested during this event, that would have just caused more trouble.

Walking over to the woman now lying on the floor, he picked her up carefully in his arms. Down the stairs he passed the Purifiers still attached to the wall via plants, he knew even now that most likely they would get out of this situation with very few consequences. Whereas if he had no alibi, despite his intentions, he would likely have never seen the light of day again. The world was all wrong, but that is what the X-Men endeavoured to change. He turned his head to Sarah. "Is there a place we can go, so that your friend-" he nodded to the body in his arms "-can feel safe as soon as she wakes up?"

"Y...Yes. There's a botanical garden nearby." Piotr nodded, the location made sense with her affinity for plants. Whether or not they could have a discussion there without being interupted was another question. He signalled the girl towards his vehicle, placing the lady carefully down inside before turning on the engine and, following Sarahs directions, heading towards the botanical gardens. After about en minutes they arrived, unloading the woman him and Sarah headed inside. He turned to her as she sat watching over her friend.

"Sarah, do you know why those people took you?"

"They seemed..." She gulped. "... they thought I was a mutant. I am, aren't I? That's why... That's why you came for me?"

Piotr nodded.

"Indeed, however it is not a thing to be afraid off-"

She shook her head. "I'm not."

Piotr smiled, she reminded him of Illyana. Her determination, and her spirit. It was a welcome relief to how most people reacted to discovering that they were mutants within the US.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Barrett
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Barrett Oh, the year was 1778...

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Three hours ago, a young man was shot in chest three times during a the robbery of a liquor store. The man had the bad luck to be entering the store as the robbers left with their loot, bumping into one of them. Most people are not entirely in control of themselves during situations as stressful as a robbery and the criminal pulled the trigger three times before he had a conscious thought about it. He and his partner ran off as high speed, leaving the store owner to call the emergency services and the victim to bleed to death on the sidewalk.

Now, Detectives Jones and Sawyer were on the case. Together, they'd reviewed the CCTV footage of the incident, taken statements from the store owner and the two terrified customers who'd been in the store at the time. None of it seemed likely to help much and the C.S.I. unit had been delayed by several hours now. Apparently some Superhuman hullabaloo or other was holding up traffic at the other end of the city and now half of Metropolis was backed up. And the longer they waited, the colder the trail got. John knew it and Maggie knew it but there didn't seem to be a damn thing they could do. Or, at least, a damn thing that J'ohn could do if Maggie kept on watching him.

If she were to look away for a few minutes, perhaps go off and smoke, he could scan the mind of the storeowner to get a better read on the perpetrator's appearance and mannerisms. Or he could go the direct route and try to track them by the trail of memories they would doubtless have left scattered across the city in which ever direction they made their escape. As the Martian Manhunter, there was much he could do to bring them to justice. As John Jones, he could only wait for the C.S.I.s to arrive and stop people traipsing all over the evidence. Humans, or perhaps just citizens of Metropolis, seemed to view the yellow police cordon as more of a suggestion than an order so John was guarding the crime scene's perimeter on the street, pacing the yellow taped area like a caged beast.

J'ohn was considering perhaps feeding Maggie a lie like "I've got a doctor's appointment" or "The captain wants me on another case" when he heard cheers and felt something shoot by overhead. He looked up, hoping to see a bird, a plane or something along those lines. Instead he saw a much less welcome sight, the unmistakable shape of the Asgardian 'deity', Thor, with some sort of metal man slung across one of his shoulders. He did not pause to acknowledge the many people below him screaming their support, adulation and congratulations, instead making a bee-line for the LexCorp building. As J'ohn cautiously reached out mentally to listen to the Thor's thoughts, he could feel the waves of frustration coming off of him. While Martians did not believe in any sort of pantheon or deity, J'ohn could not deny that the Norseman's mind was strange indeed and he would not have dared pry even if he felt he had a right. But he didn't need to do anything more than listen to hear what was foremost in his thoughts: Superman.

Fragments of the day's events lined themselves up in J'ohn's mind; a battle, a stone, a compromise... Without a second thought he shouted through the store's open door to Magge "I've got an appointment on another case!" and took off at a run. He got around the corner, stepped into alleyway and allowed his form to twist into one more similar to his 'normal' appearance. Upon publicly becoming a superhero, J'ohn had decided that humans would react better to one of similar form to themselves and therefore crafted an appearance that struck a middle ground between an average Martian and a human. The public knew this face by the name Martian Manhunter.

He rose into the sky and carefully extended his mind across the city, searching for one very particular being though he wasn't hard to find. After all, there' only one Superman. It took J'ohn only a minute or so to locate and reach the man of steel, who he was dismayed to find seemed to be injured.

"Superman, what ails you? I saw Thor flying away with a captive and picked up a mangled version of your trial's this day." he said, alighting on the rooftop next to his ally.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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"What does that mean?" Steve asked the two. The sinking feeling in his gut told him it wasn't good. But he needed cold hard facts.

"Well, with the computer fried we can't see what he looked at, but we know that he had all access to everything. All the Leaguer's personal information. All of Lex Corp's secure files. Everything."

Justice League HQ; Now

Steve wiped a hand over his face. His right ear was a little sore from the earbud Natasha had given him. Just because he was a super soldier didn't mean he too didn't feel discomfort. Though to be fair under most normal circumstances it wouldn't have bothered him. Except for he couldn't remember the last time he slept. And no, being concussions for a night didn't count either. Steve had just wanted to fall off the grid with Natasha. But he couldn't. Not with most everyone out of the HQ doing whatever. Only Zatanna was still around and that was probably because she was on Cap sitting duty.

Steve resisted the impulse to pinch his nose. Once Natasha had dropped the bomb (metaphorically) about what the Chameleon could haven taken, she had left. Left Steve with the ear piece and a promise that she'd track him down a lead. And here it was, nearly morning and soon Lex would be here and Steve...

And Steve would have to tell Lex how badly he had screwed up. Steve sighed and did pinch the bridge of his nose. Sometimes Steve wished for the simplicity of the war back. While it had been horrendous on so many levels, it had been black and white too. There were the good guys and the bad guys. And all he had to do was tear Hydra apart piece by piece. But this The future? It was messy and complicated and so alien.

Steve stood up, grabbed his shield and headed to the weight room. He really needed to punch something.
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