Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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Tajjus continued his procedures, letting perhaps a few hours tick by easily—all the while creating strange smelling samples of things. He himself was careful not to touch the substances too much. At last, Tajjus had two different kinds of contraptions, each ready for an individual. He would wrap the first, the most terrible smelling, amongst any unknowing orcs, who, as they were either sleeping on guard duty, or too honed in on their target, were oblivious to his arrival and exit.

Tajjus fingered the last second kinds of samples of sap and brush, before he would make his way as close to the house as he could unseen. The sound of the door gently shutting would tell Tajjus that a new guest had entered the house. Logic told the warrior that he would need to be cautious. Tajjus would remain where he was, and slowly he would unravel on of his smaller blades from his gauntlet. As he knelt in the darkness; a vessel undetected, he would send the small blade flying into the insides of the house, towards what Tajjus reckoned was a hallway. The knife had a boomerang effect, and it would be sent flying into the house, whistling lightly through the wind, towards the place that the stranger may have roamed.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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As morning came, Maleficent was just sleeping soundly until the gentle buzzing of the bees awoke her. She sent a smile to them before watching them fly away. Mahal, how much she loved nature. That was what the elves of Fangorn symbolized: offspring and nature. One, meaning the children, and the other, the forces of nature itself. 'Course all elves loved nature, but they weren't at all serious about it like the elves of Fangorn. Who could blame them?

Already seeing Kili still asleep next to her, she did notice that the other dwarves were in the distant kitchen ahead of them. The Hobbit was still asleep, and she let him stay there to catch his "beauty rest". Gently shaking the young dwarf a little, Maleficent waited for Kili's awakening.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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Before slinking back into the forest, Tajjus had planted one of his nicer-smelling odors within the room, tossing the source lightly towards the she-elf, before sinking back. If all went well, the elf would be easy to smell, since she would have the essence of very distinct smelling trees. Maybe she would notice, maybe she wouldn’t. Tajjus hence slunk back towards his own perch, his prey was resting, so he would as well.


Kili arose from his own slumbering, stretching slightly, as he got to his feet, dusting the hey off of his body. Lucky him, there weren’t many fleas in the hey. A pleasant scent filled his nostrils, as he glanced to Maleficent in silent morning greeting. He picked his bow and quiver of arrows off the ground next to the hey-pile, slnging both over his back. Other dwarves were awakened, and he was glad to see this. Yesterday had been a long andn dreary day. He again looked to Maleficent.
“Now…How shall we introduce you?”
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Maleficent, now known as Saeril, watched Kili as he slept, not showing any ill-will towards him as she lightly stroked the side of his face and strands of his long brownish-black hair. She was happy now; not only did she find her family, but for the acceptance from them. Throughout the years of watching the youngest of royalty from the Durin's Folk, Maleficent was only concerned about the sight of her deformity, as much as the grim tales about her. The shadow was the only veil she had to blind the sight of others from seeing that deformity. Since the two young dwarves she was spiritually connected with, can't watch out for themselves, the felted presence of her wasn't that far away from them to notice. 'Course since they couldn't see her, they communicated with her as if she was a ghost that no one else could see. Except, she wasn't invisible, they knew. Only when their sight left them, Maleficent would come out, watch them sleep, whisper a "good night", and leave behind a sign. It was her job as a blessed elf: watch and protect royal blood until their brink of death.

Seeing her young godson awaken, Maleficent gestured to the kitchen where everybody else was, including the eldest brother. She has noticed that Fili was the closest in bond to Thorin, which would explain his baby brother's childish nature. Kili was driven by distraction as a wild child, while the eldest was well-mannered, probably because of being part of family matters, unlike Kili. The little brother hasn't fully matured because of this, and he was just the baby of the family. Who could blame him? Not his mother, brother, nor his uncle. It honestly amused Maleficent of his naivety, his unflinching optimism, and his unquestionable innocence, which explained why he was the one who longed to see his guardian appear; like a child. Looking down at the youngest before her, the she-elf perked up a small, encouraging smile. "Gandalf, Beorn, and Fili know me, so there is no reason for the others to fret. You go, I follow", she answered with her soft, ethereal voice.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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“Very well then,” Kili shrugged at the horned elf, nodding respectively. Her elegance and soft-spoken words had not gone unnoticed; her voice reminded him of not only his childhood years, but also of his mother. It had been a long time since he’d have a parent-like figure in his life. Thorin was someone he was steadfastly loyal to, along with all of the other dwarves, but Thorin was no parent. He was a bit aloof, and that was what made Thorin Thorin, but Kili wasn’t afraid to admist (mentally) to himself he was no father figure. Maybe Saeril would transform into more of a guiding element. Someone he could confide in. Which would be interesting as well as strange considering she was like a ghost to him, and she was an elf.

Older dwarves would definitely have a bit to say about this now-a-days, but as far as Kili was concerned, they could shut their long-bearded mouths. Save for the ones he knew that was. Kili returned his gaze back to Saeril briskly, “I’ll go see if I can get the others to start on our journey again. After last night, we could stand to get a move on. Orcs can be a pain in the neck.” Kili hence stepped towards his dwarven brethren,

“We ready to move?”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril wasn't one to move away from such fate; she was just one to be a bit frankly blunt. Her words that stand within advice were frank, and they were pretty much straightforward, as she intends to be. As an elf from Fangorn, it wasn't a part of her to be forceful or controlling, although in some cases, Maleficent can be towards those she only disagreed with, when intending to sway them to see the good, rather than the evil. Diabolical it may be, it wasn't to bring harm upon them, despite how others think.

Upon Saeril's views of the Durin's Folk, Kili only had his brother to look up to in his life: as a teacher, a sibling, a parent, and a protector. For him, Fili was the only person he would honestly listen to these days, and isolated separation affects them both. Ever since the exile of their mother, Dis, Maleficent hasn't once left them from her sight. 'Course they weren't raised alone, it amused her when they found their uncle as a hero and a leader, after hearing all of the tales of age's greatest fighters. It was a strange mix of familial love and hero-worship, really, and in conclusion, the she-elf saw nothing genuine, in familial terms, between uncle and nephew.

Gandalf was smoking his pipe in the near corner as Beorn talked to the surrounding dwarves. For her elf ears not failing her, Maleficent didn't lose yet a word. However, she didn't follow the young dwarf, but she did make a few steps forward in a stalking manner, in order to keep quiet and not draw attention. This didn't go unnoticed for the grey wizard, however. "Ah, at last, you have come", he spoke up in exclamation. The other dwarves, including Thorin, saw the strange she-elf. "Mithrandir", Sareil greeted back with a slight bow of her head, making her horns noticable. "Welcome to the Company, milady. Your elf ears don't cease you, since you know everyone", Gandalf complimented as he gestured to the dwarves. "Might I ask who this is?", the voice of Thorin sounded as he was leaning against the wall. "Thorin Oakenshield, I would like to introduce you all to Saeril Hermiaen, the last of the Elves of Fangorn", the wizard introduced her by her birth name, rather than "Maleficent", since fear wasn't necessary at a time like this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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Tajjus had awakened only minutes after the sun rose, his eyes now on the house which his prey took residence in. He gave a light huff, as he heard the sounds of voices. So everyone was awake. He leaned forward from his concelaled perch in the bushes, listening intently. There was lot of chatter, and an introduction. Tajjus would catch the she-elf’s name. He found it to be something as that came so easily off the tongue, something smooth and elegant that fit the elf perfectly. Tajjus sighed as he reviewed how the elf seemed to have a relationship with the dwarf. It was going to weigh on his conscience some if he had to kill her, but not enough to haunt him forever.

He examined one of his poison coated knives, flipping it lightly in his hands, before sheathing it.


Kili tried hard to maintain some forms of patience as he stood where he was. Introductions and whatnot…this was taking forever. Kili gave himself the soft reminder to just remain calm, as much as he wanted to pack up and move towards their original goal: the mountains full of gold, which belonged to Thorin. The thought made Kili furrow a brow; hadn’t there been speak last night of how man was only driven by greed? Perhaps the same could be said for dwarves? No. Thorin was just seeking his heritage. And the gold did rightfully belong to the dwarves.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Patience, young Kili, I hope your brother taught you that. Adventure is ahead of you, and I will be there, but now, let's not have any grudges between me and your kin

Saeril's soft voice sounded without her lips moving, although her luminous green-yellow eyes trailed to him. Yes, since she was blessed to both brothers, there was now a mind-link with them, although she knew that they couldn't communicate with between each other the same way. She was emotionally-linked to both Fili and Kili, meaning she could feel their emotions, hear their thoughts, see their memories, whatever she was accessed to inside their heads, but the brothers can't link with each other alone. If either one of them falls, the elf bonded to them can have an emotional change, making them grimmer and imbalanced. This was certainly the reason why the Fangorn Elves were tasked to protect them.

"She will be joining us for this quest", the wizard sounded in the background, which made the Dwarf prince sigh in annoyance. Another elf. It had to be one of the people who betrayed his grandfather. "You need to reach mountain before the last days of Autumn", Beorn recalled over them. "You are running out of time", he added to them. "Which is way we must go through Mirkwood", Gandalf responded the ski changer, which made Saeril frown at hearing such a place. "That forest lies in the deepest part. Foul things creep beneath those trees. I would not venture there, unless in great need", Beorn warned him with grim in his rough voice.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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I know, I know. This just seems to be taking a wee minute longer than it needs to. Kili returned, as he stood casually to the side, Mirkwood…that’ll be an interesting shortcut. I don’t believe I’ve been in those parts before. He mused. It was then that it doned upon Kili he had yet to say a word. He arched his brows, before blinking twice. It had been as if the Saeril had been right beside him, talking to him in a quieting whisper. Kili forced himself to not look in the elfs direction. She probably was going to be wearing a smug or amused teasing smile. He could use without that, and he didn’t need to look like some dwarf fixated upon Saeril’s good looks like any other man would. He didn’t need any of that. So how was this elf pulling off this little trick? He had no idea, but something was telling him that Saeril was going to be enjoying this part of the adventure. Well…I hope the adventure starts soon then.


Tajjus had his own reasons to be amused. He had the elf in his sights, his bow was drawn back so that an arrow was pointed right for her chest, the poisoned dart was drugged to nock her out. He had yet to fire though. He simply was waiting for a clear shot. He was already routing a good escape route. It was when a man robed in grey with a strangely large hat appeared. Tajjus had been journeying in the land lon g enough to know that someone with that garb was a wizard—who were not the type to trifle with. If his target—or Saeril as she preferred to be called was brought down now it may not end well for him.

So he continued to listen, ‘You need to reach the mountain before it turns Autumn’ Tajjus thoughtfully lowered his bow. ‘The mountain’. They had a destination, which meant if he lost them, he’d be able to track them. Assuming he’d be able to decipher what ‘the mountain’ was. These were dwarves…what was important about their location, or their objective to it? I’ll find out soon enough.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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You're wondering how I read your thought? Well, little Kili, I am an elf of Fangorn, a blessed one. I'm linked to you, mentally and emotionally, same with your brother. If you are ever lost, just say my name in your head. I'm not leaving you. That, I can promise

Saeril lightly chuckled before answering to her godson's confusion. He was indeed young, too young, in fact, to understand the world around him. Not as much as Fili does, afraid so. This was the reason why Saeril had to keep at least two eyes on him, instead of one. Instead of both of them, it was him she had to double her sight on. Being reckless, wild, and naive, Kili was no well-mannered dwarf. Never was. His mindset was of a child, and no matter how much he has grown, he was always one. Emotional, too. Cries like a child, laughs like a child, and simply, thinks like a child. As far as she knew, Kili was, overall, the not-so-serious type, nor a patient one. He looks for fun, and acts on it. No wonder why he was hard to handle for the rest of the family. That, she chuckled at.

"We will be taking the Elvenroad. Their path is much safer", Gandalf added to Beorn's warning. "Safe? The elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They're less wise, and more dangerous", the skinchanger advised to the wizard until he stood up. "I don't like dwarves; they're greedy, and blind. But Orcs, I hate more", he looked to Thorin. "What do you need?", he asked the Dwarven Prince, curiously.

Ponies were what they needed most, and soon, they earned them. "Bring them back to me when you reach the forest. Hurry, the Orc pack is not far behind", Beorn told them as the company hoisted themselves upon the horses, whom Saeril helped, because of the size difference. She put her horned headdress back on before perching herself upon Kili's horse, behind him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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I'll keep that in mind then. Kili replied mentally, in a joking tone. It was a small fact that he would have to be careful about what he thought--seeing as someone now could enter his mind and was within it. Well, he could trust Saeril, but it was still a slightly disturbing and awkward prospect. Not like he could do anything about it. Say. Why is this link not two-way? Or is it? He asked, as he got onto his horse, preparing for the road ahead. He was ready, and now that the dwarves had disputed with Gandalf and the skin changer of where to travel, it was time to move on. He would, as usual, follow Thorin's lead. Once again, they were off an an adventure!


Once again, he was on an adventure. How about that. Tajjus knew it would be difficult to keep up with the dwarves now that they had ponies, a much quicker method of traveling than foot. Nonetheless, he had their scent, and he could follow them for about a week before it wore off. The smell was that potent for him. Until it was washed off, the elf and her friends would be smelling of some very pleasant mixtures of tree smells. It would be tricky to track, however, he had memorized the smell, and he knew that the orcs would memorize this smell as well. He had also planted some odors in their camp so he would know when they came, or would be able to keep up with them if need be.

It was a plan. Tajjus looked at his prey thoughtfully. The elf was staring amused and compassionately at a particular dwarf, and she wasn't saying much. Something was amiss with her speechless ness, and how the dwarf also met her glances. Tajjus never said a word, but decided the elf and the dwarf had something he didn't know of going. He glanced to the skies, before he proceeded to follow.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril was sitting behind Kili as they followed Thorin and the rest of the company. The ponies weren't running, but trotted. A much easier case of movement for their supplies they were carrying. The she-elf too held the reigns that Kili held, although their hands were just inches apart from each other. She didn't notice they were being followed, but she did know that the Orc pack was not far behind.

Why? This link between you and me, is the same with Fili and myself. Since I am your main source for this link, you two can communicate with me separately, but not with each other alone. Think of it as an incomplete triangle, she lightly joked on the last sentence while their pony moved.

((Thought I could make this a small glimpse of my other OC. Care to extend as Thorin?))
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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Something was in the air. Tajjus almost stopped in his trekking, as he felt it. There was a familiar smell drifting through the winds, something coming from the south that smelled like--home. Tajjus shook the feeling, as he knew he was miles away from his beautiful desert. He continued striding wordlessly, focusing his energies on keeping up with the Dwarves. Then there was a screech that echoed through the air, a distant screech, one of defiance, one of longing. It was very audible, it was evident though that the sound was carried from over several miles away, a distant yet distinct screech.

Tajjus clawed through his memories, he knew that screech. He knew it well enough to know that some creature was coming, and that some thing was on a scent. It was a predator's call, a call of warning to smaller creatures. Yet to Tajjus, it was a call that reminded him once more of the vast sands in his desert. He shook his head, resuming following the company.


That so? Well, so you could thought of as the conduit of our thought conversations then, eh? Kili replied. This was going to be interesting. He wondered if he could actually use this link to gaze into Saeril's thoughts or memories. The curiosity itched at him, and he couldn't help but endeavor to probe, out of genuine curiosity trying to find a memory from hers of her watching him as a small boy. He was no professional, so perhaps Saeril would notice his little effort.

((I can't bring myself to play Throrin as of now. I tried to get into the character, but I don't feel like that is exactly working just yet. I'll keep trying though.))
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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Saeril internally chuckled at the young dwarf's question as the forest of Mirkwood began to appear before them. Looking down at him with an amused smile, she noticed the arching of his brows, as if he was trying to concentrate hard, and she did feel some tugging upon her psyche within their channel. He was trying to access her memories. She would gladly do so, but why open it up freely if you don't want him to see things you don't want him to see? For that, she opened up her memories of herself watching him and Fili, and sent only those memories to his conscious, in order for him to see them. It was only that moment for him to see them, until she almost pulled those images back to her. She couldn't let him watch them for too long, in fear of her other memories springing in the cycle.

Coming upon the dark forest, Saeril departed off Kili's pony, and gazed up at the trees. She almost lost track of her consciousness, while looking at them for too long, and she eventually gained back her stance quickly, before the others could notice. There was no need of worrying them. "This forest looks...sick", Bilbo recalled. "As if a disease lies upon it", he added while looking upon the decayed trees.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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He was watching from another person’s eyes his own childhood memories. There he was, playing with his brother, or leaving secret notes for his second mother, who crept in and daintily examined them. She hadn’t missed anything, and had taken it upon herself to always watch them it seemed. Then suddenly the bridge to those memories was destroyed, and Saeril pulled her horse away from Kili’s pony. The dwarf took but a minute to realize that Saeril ahd shown him what she wanted him to see, and now was done with it for the time being. Was she hiding something? Kili had to think about it for a moment.

It was definitely an unpleasant thought that interrupted his previous vigor for adventure.
“Fili, I think-“
Kili’s words were cut off by the hobbit’s commentary on the forest, which was another unnerving thing. The forest did look as if something were off about it. He was no lumber jack, but he didn’t like the looks of the forest.
“Let’s just make this part o’ the trip quick right?” Kili completed his sentence. If his brother knew him, he was saying he’d bring up his thoughts on the first troubling matter later.


Saeril wasn’t far from the others at all. She had however, journeyed to the other side of the ‘pack’. As they entered the forest area, the shadows of the trees caste heavily on the party. Saeril’s side of the pathway was no exception. Beside her, matching the pace of the pony, seemed to be none other than the silhouette of Tajjus. He would say nothing as his shadow flickered beside her, until the last blotch of sunlight caught his helmet’s eyes, where another blackness resided.
“Saeril. That’s a very nice name you have.” Tajjus said quietly, “I’m quite surprised you weren’t kind enough to give it.” His dry sense of humor kicked in, though his voice still did not waver.

He was careful to not make a sound, all the while he was in a position, whispering at a level only the she-elf could hear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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"Is there no way around?", Bilbo asked the wizard curiously, hoping there was another path they could take, as soon as he was done gazing up at the decaying forest. "Not unless we go two hundred miles north, or twice that distance…south", Gandalf responded with a sigh as he gazed into the forest before him. Looking back at the others, he noticed the skinchanger, Beorn, in the distance. "Set the ponies loose. Let them return to their master", he told everyone, before looking back at the forest. Letting the ponies go one by one, they had to travel on foot for now. Plus, Beorn wouldn't appreciate his horses going into the darkly enchanted forest.

Right after a few moments' gazing, the wizard immediately turned back to his horse, right before one of the dwarves could let it go. "Not my horse, I need it! I’ll be waiting for you at the overlook, before the slopes of Erebor, and Saeril, I need you to watch them the rest of the way", he finally said after a moment's silence. "You're not leaving us", it was more of a statement, rather than a question from the she-elf. "I would not do this unless I had to", the wizard sadly responded. "Do not enter that mountain without me", and with that, he rode off.

Sighing, the she-elf looked upon the forest before them. All alone they were now, but it was up to her now. Perhaps it was best to give them a warning? "This is not the Greenwood of old", she began to explain. "The very air you breathe in this forest is heavy with illusion. It will seek to enter your mind and lead you astray. We must stay on the path, and not leave it. If we do, we'll never find it again", Saeril had to give this warning out to them, since she, as an elf, can't be affected by the forest's enchantment. It worked best on other races that are not of Elven.

Looking down at Fili and Kili, she also told them. "Stay close to me. Hold onto me if needed", the she-elf led the company in.


Saeril did feel a presence near her, and she knew very well on who or what was following them. Or more specifically? Her. The voice was all too clear and recognizable. "Go away. You have no thought to be here", she snapped quietly at the shadow.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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So they were entering a giant forest that likely could kill them if they didn’t stay on the proper path. Oh yes. Dwarves and anything that wasn’t elf would likely fall spellbound to whatever dark magic the forest was emitting from it, which meant that they only had so long before they were sure to go insane or something. Kili thought about their past little adventures, with the goblin king, the moving mountains, and the trolls. Biblo baggins had previously stated before they had been chased by those cursed Orcs that he believed the worse of their journey was over.

Kili hadn’t believed that then, and he certainly didn’t believe it now. Saeril’s offer with holding her made Kili glance to the ground, hoping the older dwarves wouldn’t chuckle at the elf’s affection. He was young, but he was still a full grown dwarf. He sighed inwardly. His elf-mother was being protective. That wasn’t a bad thing, that was just something that was happening.
“Thanks for the offer Master Elf, but I believe I can do fine walking on my own.” Hopefully she wouldn’t take offense to that. He would still be close on the trail. A regret though, was they didn’t have horses any longer. Which meant the journey’s urgency for completion just went up a notch.


Tajjus had listened to the wizard and elfs talk, as he had listened to everyones. He remained walking by Saeril, his body seeming to swim through his surroundings. He could still track these dwarves by smell just fine, though he was not a creature specializing in smell, the herbal scents he’d dappled them with could be smelled uite some distance away. Still, he would have to follow them if he wished to stay alive on through this part of his travels. His next words were spoken as if he were smiling at the elf.
“My name is Tajjus.” He stated simply, “I was offered a bounty for your head. Let me make that very clear.” Tajjus seemed to pause, as he continued to tread next to her.
“Seeing as I dislike being threatened into hunting, and you seem to be more than the one-dimensional creature I heard of, I am going to see if you are worth helping rather than fighting. Give me reasons, I can be a valuable ally.” He seemed to genuinely offer. He himself truly didn’t like the thought of being given orders by the orcs, though he knew they’d appear again.

“The Orcs disclose Saeril. Pick your allies while you can, and know your enemies.” Tajjus stated simply, before he seemed to vanish after he went by a tree. Something in his voice was more earnest than his previous visit, where his voice was more amused and reserved.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AngelBites15
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The offer was a protective one, indeed, but Saeril knew better not to baby her godsons all the time. After all, she only saw them when they were young dwarrows. Plus, their mother Dis was there to see to them, if she couldn't. But she didn't take offense at their respectful decline. "Very well", and with that, she led them into the dark and dense woodland.

She didn't feel the strong enchanting air begin to slowly take effect on herself, but she kept a close eye on her comrades. The trees were covering the sky, and the thickness of their stems cover all ways for escape. Only the path can lead them to the end. "The path turns this way", Dwalin, Thorin's tough and loyal comrade points out, as he uses the end of his ax to feel the ground for the path. They make their turn as they carried on till almost nightfall.

"Thorin... Oakensheild... King... Closer... Thorin.... Under The Mountain..."

A female whisper sounded to their leader as an object appeared before him, for only his eyes to see: a huge, golden gong-like mirror on a tree. The strange object had a hallow sound as it continued to whisper...

Oakenshield... Closer... Thorin...


"I don't need other allies that worked for the enemy", once again, Saeril snapped in a whisper. "If only the Defiler would ever send a spy", no trust was ever present within the she-elf for this strange being called 'Tajjus'.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tajjus
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Kili on the other hand wasn’t feeling like this forest was the most friendliest place he could have followed Thorin into. Kili kept a hand on his bow as he traveled, keeping his eyes keen. He still felt something strange was in the air, as he walked on. This journey had proved to be an interesting one. This forest though. It was an ideal place for an ambush, whether the orcs had come in or not. There were always other things that presented a threat. Like those trolls they’d encountered earlier.

The party was making as much progress through the forest as it could, as time slipped by, still, Kili wished their legs could have carried them faster through these woods. A glimpse of the Hobbit, their burglar, reminded him he hadn’t had something to munch on for some time. Idly pulling an apple from his pocket, the Dwarf crunched on the delicious fruit. The skin was thin, the whiteness of the apple was crisp and packed with refreshing juices. Yet still, the air of the forest seemed to corrupt some of this goodness even from something as scrumptious as an apple.

“Ah, Saeril, we’ll be at the end of this forest before nightfall right?” He asked curiously, though a part of him believed they wouldn’t. He clutched his bow a little tighter. Something told him they were being watched…

Leading the Dwarves along the path towards their Lonely Mountain, stocked with gold was proving to be less and less of an Easy chore as time went on. Thorin released a gruff puff from his mouth as he sucked in air. The march for the end of the forest continued, as it’s insidious magic began to toll everyone’s minds. The party seemed to be getting more and more agitated with every step. Thorin himself felt himself growing impatient. "Thorin... Oakensheild... King... Closer... Thorin.... Under The Mountain..." Thorin blinked, stopping in his tracks, glancing to the elf immediately.

He’d disapproved of her type accompanying the party ever since Gandalf suggested her as a comrade, or more like it, left her with the dwarves. It was bad enough that they’d been forced to dine with the elves in the last forest they’d treaded through. Now they were stuck with another pointy-eared narrow faced pest. Was she giving him this little message? No, that wasn’t her voice. He realized he was staring at her with a death gaze, and turned to continue treading. She deserved it anyways. Oakenshield... Closer... Thorin... Thorin released a soft groan. Where do you think I’m headed? Now be quiet. Unless you have something worth saying for Thror’s sake. Thorin thought back, hopefully that would quiet that nagging voice down.

Meanwhile, the elf kept giving Kili those eyes as if she was his mother. It was disgusting. Since Thorin had respect for the younger dwarf, he didn’t disgrace the elf, since he seemed to not mind her at all. Hopefully the elf would just leave sometime. Thorin knew that wouldn’t happen though. So the dwarf walked on.


Tajjus had heard Saeril’s response, but he was not about to reply to her. He would follow them. Perhaps, a good method of keeping up would be to venture into the trees. It seemed like a sound strategy, to climb before leaping from branch to branch, staying behind as he watched from above. Tajjus grunted to himself, as he looked at one of the towering wooden skyscrapers. It was going to be easier said than done, considering that he was raised in the desert, where the only green things around were cacti. He could do it though, he just wouldn’t have the expertise of those woodland-folk, or the elves as they were called. Tajjus unsheathed a curved shaped knife. It was almost exactly like a sickle, perfect for grabbing onto things. Hence, the desert knight began to climb a tree.

He felt something disturbing in the air, as if the woodlands were---evil. Tajjus sensed some sort of witchcraft, and yet, he wasn’t entirely sure he could put his finger on it. He just knew he would have to move swiftly. Keeping up with this band will be difficult. He almost grunted as he heaved himself up a branch. Tajjus felt some fatigue over take him as he lifted himself over another branch. He missed his home, in the desert. How he missed the sands, and how he missed the family in the hostile planes. This forest made of plants—it was something truly strange to him. He’d never seen so many trees in his life. The elf most likely knew her way around the forest. What was her game exactly though?

Perhaps, in time, he would figure her out a little more. She was unlike those other woodland folk, considering she had those horns, as well as wings…

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