Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For Sachiko
Well this was a bit more of a predicament it had anticipated. The databased indicated that Sachiko was primarily a throwing knife user, so having her jump out at the Mosca was a bit incompatible with its determined strategy for winning this battle. Luckily, it had a trump card by which to turn the tide of this hopeless situation:

It flew straight up.

Indeed, its linear positioning speed was not to be underestimated. It was now much higher than it was before. Of course, descending back to a suitable range would be a problem in and of itself, but it would manage. Somehow. But because Sachiko had not managed to slash it to bits, she landed across from her previous position. That lent itself to another problem, as the Mosca began its slow turn to face in Sachiko's direction again. It was definitely a lot slower than flying straight up, yeah. It also began descending for the sake of convenience.

Your move, Sachiko.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sachiko Kanno|Fleeting Cloud

Sachiko clicked her tongue in annoyance at how she forgot about how fast they were when they ascended. With a sigh she looked forward this was hardly her toughest opponent but at the same time it was easily one of the more annoying ones since as a robot psychological attacks was pointless. With a idea in mind she sent out asteion with a knife clutched tightly in its small jaw towards the mosca it was time to play dirty it seemed. While it jumped at the mosca aiming at its head Sachiko gripped her daggers tightly and climbed higher before jumping downwards spiraling downwards with her knives pointed downward making a drill effect.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reina Saotome || Forest

Finally noticing the machinery noise being really close to their distance, Rei blinked once, then twice, at the robot landing before them. Since when did sci-fi stuff actually stop being fictional? Hearing the sarcastic comment from the boy beside her, she snickered and nudged her elbow towards him with a sarcastic comment of her own. "Pffft. Is it supposed to be some sad excuse of a real life Gundam?" While she snickered and laughed, it didn't change the fact that fear was present in her being. Was it on their side or an enemy...? The tomboy wasn't sure but she squeezed her grip on the badly made spear, ready to strike, even if it probably wouldn't do much to a strongly built looking robot.

Once Fon left with a 'Good luck kid, you'll need it' sort of speech, Rei shouted towards the leaving baby, "Hey and you call yourself a tutor?! Well whatever, at least we wouldn't hafta take responsibility for an injured baby. I mean who knows what his mom's gonna do if she ever found ou--" Her ramble to herself was interrupted when Yoshi shouted at her to go right, realizing at that moment the robot was coming for them. Having the realization pretty late, Rei literally jumped out of its flying path to the right and landed on the ground with a thud. Before giving it a chance to attack her while she's down, Rei quickly got back on her feet with the make do spear pointing towards the hunk of metal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hisaki Kawaguchi

"Huh? It's stopped...? What's it...?", as Hisaki continued to observe from a hidden spot, he learned that this machine was only here to peek on whoever was in the camp. He sighed, why was he so worried, actually, who was using a machine like this to look at girls anyway? Whoever it was he felt like he should punch them for how silly this was. If they wanted to spy on girls, they should use something more discrete, like a bird instead. Still he flipped the knife in his hand as he began to move closer, there's got to be a way to turn it off somehow, normally these things have integral wiring or someplace where their circuitry is easier to reach... Usually it was in the back of it's head. He should probably stop this thing then head the direction it came from. He can worry about food later, certain things come out at night too after all.

He stepped silently as he observed the back of the Mosca, he needed something to give him the opportunity to disable it quickly and efficiently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For Sachiko
The situation had been considered. The Box Animal had been prioritized as the primary threat. However, flying up has been rendered ineffective by the animal's attack vector. Likewise, controlled descent had been countered by the downward attack of Sachiko Kanno. That left only one available tactic: It turned off its jets and let physics do the rest of the work. While the impact would assuredly damage its thrusters, that would be far more acceptable than immediate defeat. With a thud, some dust, and the sound of metal warping, the mosca landed on the ground and began turning to face Sachiko.

For Yoshi and Rei
The two targets avoided the head-on charge. In retrospect, that was probably something it should have expected. A countless number of combat simulations had revealed the unsettling trend of charge attacks of large, lumbering entities being easily countered by the presence of obstacles directly behind the intended target. Indeed, a tree trunk directly impacting its sensors would not at all be an acceptable scenario. It moved its arm 90 degrees, oriented its hand to clip one of the trees to its side, and began to use that as a means to quickly U-turn. Of course, this manuever sacrificed the integrity of its left hand, but that was better than getting brained, as it were.

Now it was back at it again with its charging attack, this time aiming at the unarmed Yoshi specifically. However, before getting too close, it tilted until it was straight up, rose in altitude, and directed its hot, post-jet-flame-heated foot down towards him.

For Hisaki
Mosca 3 was having the time of its lack of life. Unlike its contemporaries, it was not engaged in combat, and thus was in no position to take one for the team. It was just here, sitting in the best seat in the house, and keeping watch over what they suspected was the camp of Sachiko Kanno and her associates. This was the correct conclusion, but it's not as if they knew. So far, it only had visual one two individuals - a dark-haired girl and a blonde boy - but if it used thermal imaging, it could make out a third individual, also female. So there it stood, spying on them.

Because Mosca 3 likes to watch.

Also because they might become security concerns later, but that was beside the point. Suddenly, Mosca 3's watching paid off: there was a flash. No, not that kind of flash, but the sort of flash associated with quick, barely-caught movements. In order to search for the source, the back of its head was facing Hisaki directly, meaning he was in no position to be detected through the peripheral. That said, it was pretty obvious it wasn't paying any attention to whatever wasn't in front of its "eyes".

Like most constructs, it had an obvious weakness in the joints, which was now much more obvious with his close proximity. Similarly, he could see that the armoring was centered around its core and its head, with the minimal defenses on the extremities as something more of an afterthought than a design intention. Of course, striking one of the unarmored joints alone wouldn't be enough to shut it down in one hit, but there was a supremely good chance of crippling the parts of the machine that were on the output end of wherever the machine's "brain" was.

Back at Camp/Ayumu Tomoe
At this point in time, camp didn't look exactly like it did when everyone left to seek out a means to support everyone's survival. While everyone was romping around in the mountains, Yuki, Sanji, and Ayumu had managed to secure some of the less improvisable utilities for the group through sufficient application of begging diplomacy. Then, after setting up color-coded tents for everyone, Sanji hit the hay while Ayumu and Yuki did wholesome, family-friendly camping activities. Although let it be said that these vaguely-defined, family-friendly camping activities were most definitely not lewd or otherwise morally unsound in nature.

Anyway, Ayumu continued to boredly stoke the flames of the campfire, taking the prolonged silence as a time to reflect on everything that had happened so far. To call it emotionally, not to mentioned physically, exhausting would be rather apt. Still, even he could tell that if he stuck with these people, a stressful trip like this would be something he'd be begging for by the end of it. But that was just something that he'd rather not think about. He dropped his stick into the fire. "Mou, Yuki-chan," he turned to face the white-haired girl, wherever she was, "I'm bored. Wanna go out and take a walk or go look for more stuff or something?"

For Mud
A moment of silence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sachiko Kanno|Fleeting Cloud

Sachiko clicked her tongue in annoyance she was not expecting for it to willingly accept damage. Still this could work in her favor cursing her luck as it started to turn towards her she she altered trajectory path to land on a branch rather than continuing her path downward. Keeping in mind it was focusing on her she decided to try and keep it that way as she rushed forward using an ability of her flames to extend her knives blades to become as long as swords. With a signal she motioned for Asteion to attack from behind as she charged forward. It was a risky plan but if it worked the fight would hopefully be over. Expecting it to start firing at her she started to zigzag randomly in her rush forward charging it in a head on assault. This would hopefully keep injuries to a minimum as she tried to end this fight and check on the boss sure a Arcobaleno was with them but it didn't hurt to be safe.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"Oh right. I don't have a weapon so I must be the weaker of us two." Yoshi scoffed as he tried to think of what he could do in the short time he had before the machine reached him. The only option was to tuck and roll out of the way again. "Stupid machine." He grumbled as he leaped out of the way again. He rolled upon landing, almost immediately getting to his feet. In his little rumble he had picked up a few stones. "I'm not some low level npc for you to dick around with!" He shouted angrily as he threw one of the stones. It was fast, heading for one of the mechanical beasts eyes. Hopefully it would make contact. Just for good measure though, he threw two more. He aimed at any kind of tube or wire he could see. Must have connected something, though he couldn't be sure it would actually do any damage.

The good thing about this was that he wasn't alone. And if anything, he had the thing that Fon gave him. But what did it do? He could use it for sure. But would it really help? Yoshi grit his teeth. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that, but with Rei's makeshift spear and a few stones, he figured it'd take A LOT of good luck and skill to come close to even just scare this thing off, let alone defeat it.

Yoshi glanced at Fon and then at Rei, and finally the machine to survey its next move. The baby said he would help if things got too dangerous. This could only mean he expected Yoshi and Rei to win. Whatever the jawbreaker pill things was, it would probably help in that area. But how? And should he really rely on the thing? Was that the right way to go about taking his first steps into the world of the mafia?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuki - Back at Camp

The dreams she had were filled with images of her training, the Volkov line did not allow the weak among their number and so they were not fond ones... Still with her eyes closed as she relaxed by the fire she was at least safe while she relaxed, that was until she heard a voice. Ah as much she was hoping that she would awaken to another voice she at least leaned up and opened her eyes to respond, that was better than most got. Oh how she would have loved doing those vaguely-defined, family-friendly camping activities were most definitely not lewd or otherwise morally unsound in nature right about now... "Hmmm?" She responded to her question about it, but she just needed to wake up a little before she decided to really respond to them. "Ah right.. Yeah I could use the walk, and you may not be safe alone out there" With as straight a face as always she pushed herself up onto her feet and yawned, shaking free of the chains of slumber. "Right.. What about going over to the stream to get some water while we are at it? IT is likely nice there this time of night too."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sachiko/Mosca 1
Sachiko had expected correctly. After the rather telegraphed movements, a hail of bullets began flying from both of the machine's fingertips as the Mosca began trying to move out of the way with heavy steps. Her serpentine approach made it difficult to get a proper lock on its target. Neglecting the Box Animal targeting it from behind was a troublesome reality, but between the two of them, disabling the human would be more conductive to victory and intelligence gathering overall. Besides, turning around would be far too much of a time sink in exchange for maybe getting a hit or two in.

Yoshi + Rei/Mosca 2
CRACK! The first stone thrown hit the Mosca square in its red lens, sending spiderweb cracks along its glassy shell. With that, the metal humanoid stood from the crushed earth and regarded Yoshi with its single glowing eye. Then it lifted its arm. Prompty, another stone hit its face, this time on one of the three gasmask-esque tubular protrusions, bending it out of shape. A mechanical noise echoed through the clearing as some kind of smoke or steam was exhaled by the second tube. The Mosca rose an arm to protect its face with its bulky forearm and extended its other one. Another mechanical sound, this one reminescent of a certain something out of one of those first person shooter games. Then it started blind-firing in Yoshi's general direction.

Ayumu Tomoe
"Mmm, yeah. That's right, isn't it?" Ayumu replied, directing his gaze up to the clear night sky for just a moment. He'd not done much stargazing before, but even he could appreciate how the sky looked so far from the city. "Sorry for waking you up, by the way," he apologized sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head before getting up off the ground. He silently dusted his butt off. "...So "I won't be safe alone", huh? That's bit melodramatic if you ask me," Ayumu grinned. Not that he minded so much - it was very fitting for the situation. "Anyway, getting some more water to boil sounds like a good idea," he agreed, looking off into the treeline, "After all, the others aren't back yet..." He narrowed his eyes before shrugging. "Stream's this way, yeah?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sachiko Kanno|Fleeting Cloud

It was quite simple to just keep on dodging the fire it was focusing on her leaving Asteion free to land a hit. Using her cloud flames once me she extended her knives leaving them with a bit more length before continuing her march forward. Keeping up the serpetine pattern in her movement to keep the mosca from getting a clear lock on her. Due to its sudden drop the feet area was warped by the sudden crash which should have made it a bit harder it to dodge her attacks. Managing to get up some what close she aimed with one knife in her left hand point towards the neck before increasing the size and throwing it at the neck joint. Seeing as how Asteion was right on the neck about to attack she flipped backwards before starting to move towards the left in a effort to try and keep it's attention on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Yoshi gasped, eyes widening as the damn thing began to fire on him. "Fuck!" He shouted as he began to run. He made sure not to run towards Rei. "Get out of here!" He shouted knowing that even with both of them they definitely couldn't handle this thing. WHo was he kidding. He had no special talents, skills or abilities. How was he going to get him and Rei out of this safely? He was treating this like it was all fun and games, but it was dangerous. And all he had was a baby and some stupid jawbreaker pill thing that he didn't even know a thing about.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit." He repeated to himself over and over quietly as he tried to think of a plan that could possibly work. His mind must have been going a hundred miles and hour. It felt like he'd been running for hours, but it's roughly been 60 seconds. Barely even. "This if such bullshit!" He shouted angrily as he reached into his pocket. After running in the opposite direction of Rei he had turned and began to run away from the clearing altogether hoping the thing would follow him. He didn't have time to wonder if the plan had worked. He couldn't look back. But even if it hadn't he didn't have THAT much to lose right now.

"Here goes..." He through the small thing Fon had given him into his mouth. He wasn't about to let this thing melt. He just swallowed. He felt his heart pound once, hard, in his chest before feeling the strength leave his body. What... The... Fuck?? His thoughts seemed to drag as everything slowed down around him. He felt like he was falling. Am I... Dying? He glanced in Fon's direction. Was this all some kind of trick by that runt? No... Maybe? Had he been hit? If I could... If I had the chance... I'd take that thing down... And then... I'd... I'd get some damn answers! And just like that everything went black.


"REEEEEEEEEEEEBOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRN!!!!" Yoshi didn't know where this was coming from. It must have been a scream loud enough to be heard all over the mountain. Or maybe that was an exaggeration. He didn't know and he didn't care. Before he'd even hit the ground everything was back. Not just back. It was all better. He felt it. Something deep within. It felt like a fire had ignited inside him. But not just that. It was surrounding him. "I'll destroy that damn thing with my DYING WILL!" He screamed as he turned running back towards the machine that had attacked him and Rei. He hadn't even noticed that he was half naked, only underwear covering up what was important. Had to make sure to keep things family friendly. "You bastaaaaaard!" He shouted as he jumped, feet aimed at the Mosca's head for a drop kick. All caution was being thrown to the wind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 9 days ago

Hisaki Kawaguchi

"Guess I'll worry about what it is later...", he muttered to himself.

He began with quickly and silently slashing out the leg joints, the targets were easy in this case. Shortly after it would no longer be able to move it's right, and then it's left arm. All that's left now was to make sure it was completely disabled, then go secure some dinner. He flipped the knife in his hand deftly before stepping up to where it's core should be, looking for some kind of panel to turn it off, or making sure it was turned off if he somehow managed to disable it through the joints.

Still, he should be quick, if the girls nearby found out he was here he wouldn't be able to slip away peacefully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Amaterasu
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Amaterasu Love Pillar

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Reina Saotome || Forest

"Hey! I'm still here, you dumb robot!" The make do spear was aimed full force towards the mosca which had diverted its attention away from Rei. "And if that's not enough, take this!!" Without giving time for the hostile robot to react, she slowly picked up a huge rock about half her size and threw it towards the robot. For a normal person, it would've been impossible for them to even lift such weight and more so to throw it but Rei had a gift strength that she now appreciated in this time of need.

'Yoshi better be okay, I can't stand to lose my best bud here!' The raven haired girl gritted her teeth as she took cover behind a tree, hoping her distraction worked and got the robot's attention away from the boss. Hands evidently shook in fear, was it going to fire its bullets towards her next? This was becoming scarily too real too quick, she hadn't expected this much danger on the first day after joining the mafia family.

Rei shook away her thoughts and focused on finding a way to get both her and Yoshi out of this. Not too long after, she heard the loud screaming,"REEEEEEEEEEEEBOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRN!!!!" Confused by what had happened, Rei peeked from behind the tree what was going on. "What the hell, Yoshi!!! Watch out!!!" Disregarding the ridiculous fact that he was now just in his underwear, Rei screamed, feeling helpless at the suicidal attack that Yoshi initiated. It was too dangerous to throw another huge rock with her bud being in such close proximity to their enemy, the tomboy couldn't do anything but throw stones at it with all her might.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Yoshi and Rei and the Totally not Bummer Summer

Miraculously, Yoshi's attack managed to push the Mosca forward just a bit, it's attention focused on his friend, who'd just thrown a pretty big rock at it. It was astonishing really. Well, not for him since he knew about her gorilla like strength. "Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" To anybody it would seem like Yoshi had more or less lost it. "Take this thing down with my dying will!" Anything else he said was some sort of grunt, groan or roar like noise. The Mosca was clearly having a hard time. Still, it's sensors managed to focus on Yoshi, or rather the flame at his forehead and the energy he was emitting. This area was supposed to be a neutral zone with no mafia activity and yet here he was, a metaphorical nobody in Dying Will Mode, not that he seemed to know what it was.

"Take it down!" The boy growled again as he used all of his strength, which had apparently increased, to lift one of the machine's legs and knock it onto the floor. It wasn't hard. Rei's rock throwing had managed to bang innumerable dents into the damn thing. It clearly wasn't made for this kind of random, idiotic assault. Yoshi continued to move though. He growled again as he lifted the arm up, standing on the machines side. He held it tightly and began to pull until the metal separated at the joints, thanks again to Rei's expect marksmanship. This was why she won at fps games. Even if only by a small margin. This was it! This was their victory. It wasn't graceful in the slightest, but hopefully they'd passed. "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He was still shouting as he used the severed arm to bash the bots head in until it finally stopped moving.

When all was said and done, he hopped off the side. Yoshi was panting as the slight glow that'd enveloped him began to dull and the flame at his forehead when out. He was back to normal. "Um..." Confused wasn't even the word. It was a stepping stone to a better word which could be said as an understatement at best. "What the..." He glanced down at the beaten bot and then up and around. "How..." He suddenly felt a small chill as a breeze came by through the trees. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" He would finally cry out as he looked down and discovered his lack of clothing. "Rei? Fon? Who?! Why?!" The young mafioso couldn't even finish a thought as he stood there astonished, wanting nothing more than answers. And maybe a new pair of pants.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Fon w/ Rei and Yoshi
Seeing the carnage wreaked on the poor robot, Fon removed a slip of paper and a pen from his robes, which he used to inscribe a message that he handed off to his white monkey. "Lichi, take these to Kawaguchi-kun and Kanno-kun," he requested, sending his animal companion deep into the wilderness to seek out the two students.

After Yoshi had sufficiently calmed (for a given value of calm, at least) down, Fon cleared his throat. "Wonderful job you two," he praised, circling the beaten machine. He was admittedly rather surprised that Yoshi hadn't immediately defaulted on the little gift he had been given, but it was not unpleasant at any rate. "We shall be returning to camp now to regroup," he explained, taking the lead this time, "...And, perhaps, to get Sugihara-kun a change of clothes."

w/ Hisaki
Machines can't feel. Or so many anti-synthetic proponents prevalent fiction commonly suggest. Empirically speaking though, this was a true fact. Thus, Hisaki was able to render the machine inert with ease. It wasn't off, though. Walking over to the machine's core meant he would now be within the machine's sight, but that didn't matter. Nobody overseas really knew who the hell he was, and it's not like they could've done anything about it anyway.

At any rate, the core was pried open like a clamshell, only to reveal a hollow space with a bunch of padding. A place for a pilot? Cargo? Who knows. There was an active diagnostic display that appeared to indicate that it was still functional. He found the off-switch - or at least something that turned off all the lights and made a cooling down noise when switched - right next to it.

Shortly after, Lichi appeared from the trees and passed off one of his notes. It had "Return to camp for answers + attendance + food" written on it.

w/ Sachiko
It was plainly clear that Sachiko had won at this point. Her tiger's teeth were embedded into the stubby little neck of the machine, flame-coated jaws tearing through it with cavalier ease. The same could be said of the assassin's cloud knife. Combined, the two factors worked to decapitate the mosca, causing it to fall dead with the crash of stone on steel. It was done. The deed was complete. And with that knowledge, Shiso had completed her observation of Sachiko and Hisaki. Thus, she began to return to camp quickly and stealthily.

Like with Hisaki, best monkey soon passed by Sachiko and handed the second, identical note off to her. He made a face at Asteion before heading back to his master. What a hard-working guy.

Back at Camp
The returning scene was, as previously stated, a far cry from the barren patch of earth from before, and was a welcome sight for our returning fighters. What was more reassuring was the fact that there were answers to be promised. Of course, it appeared that their camp was minus two people, and the last of the three who had stayed was sleeping soundly in a green tent. Sitting around the fire was Shiso, who gestured for them to take a seat by the flames. There were hotdogs on sticks being cooked over the fire as well, and two coolers behind her. "Glad to see everyone made it back alright," she suppressed a chuckle as her eyes passed over Yoshi, "Have a seat, grab a stick, and feel free to ask me what it is you want to know whenever you feel."

There was no change of clothes for Yoshi. Sucks to suck.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sachiko Kanno|Fleeting Cloud

"A few if you don't mind" Sachiko said with a small nod of her head and accepted the stick with a small nod hunger was always the enemy one that often strikes even the most prepared of soldiers. "First I am assuming the Mosca's sent out was not part of a test were they? Second the nature of their attack was to precise to be nothing short of a scouting unit this means there was a outside force wasn't there?" She quickly added it only made sense and in hind sight but it also worried her scouts in the are meant they spotted her and also meant her sister was in danger as a result. "Also the scout mosca recognized me and prepared accordingly what does this mean on the safety of my sister?" She added worry tinting her voice with the last bit. "Scouts always travel in packs never alone and I figure others ran into one as well but if I am not mistaken that means one is unaccounted for unless they changed tactics." She stated starting at Shiso her eyes unwavering as she looked and waited for answers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Questions?! QUESTIONS?! Oh Yoshi had a few. But where to start?

"How about what the fuck was that thing that this little jerk..." He pointed at was obviously still mad about earlier, "... just called a Mosca?! What the hell was with the fire and tiger thing from the stupid fucking box thing she used earlier?!" He was cursing. He was kind of loud. Obviously, he wasn't calm though. So Fon was letting it slide for now. "What did you give me?! What did it do to me when I swallowed it?!" He was up in arms, now pacing in his underwear before the campfire. "Oh yeah, I've got another one. How about we discuss why and how I ended up in my underwear after I'm pretty sure I just about fucking died!" There were so many more things he wanted to know, but it was clear he also needed to calm down, after blowing off some steam.

Even so, what the young boss to be could probably use properly was a good old fashioned general knowledge dump. A tutoring session on the ins and outs of what the fuck was going on, what had happened and what might very well happen. He just needed to learn, and he expressed that... Not particularly well mind you... But it was expressed all the same.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

During his earlier and more vulnerable years as a teacher, Fon had learned to appreciate the presence of inquisitive students. While what was offered here was less of a turn out than he'd have liked, fortunately the ones who did ask seemed to have asked most of the important ones. Even Yoshi had said something, which was good - an interest in acquiring knowledge was important for a boss. "The arrival of the scouts was an unanticipated event, but something we had accounted for considering our group. Between two who can comfortably defeat them and two supervisors, we felt it was an acceptable risk," Fon answered, "As for your sister, she should still be safe. They know for sure only you are here, but if they come for her, as Vongola mafiosi Shiso and I will be able to transfer your sister to a safer location beforehand." Though he had answered earnestly so far, he remained silent regarding the final question.

Meanwhile, with the Final Mosca
You know the drill at this point.

Back to Fon
The miniature monk waited patiently until Yoshiaki had calmed down. Of all his personality traits, the young man's tempestuousness was both the most troublesome, and the one he was most well-suited to remedy. "As for your questions, Yoshiaki-kun. The Mosca are robotic combatants employed by mafia across the world. The ones you encountered are scouts, not warriors. Their duty is to spy, or engage and asses," he paused in thought, "In fact I would be little surprised to learn that the Vongola are gathering right now to discuss the events that had just occured." He thrust a hotdog stick into Yoshi's hands, like he was mentally preparing him for his next answer. "If you are that troubled by the prospect of possibly dying, I do not believe you would enjoy hearing the fact that you actually did," Fon commented nonchalantly, as if he had said something not completely absurd, "You got better, fortunately. What you took was a Dying Will Pill - it improves your physical abilities...with the unfortunate caveat of burning off all of your clothing and inciting temporary death - though that death becomes less temporary should you not possess a proper motive."

He turned to Shiso and made a request of her to chase down the two who'd gone out to look for everyone else. "Now, seeing as everyone seems to be content with their current knowledge, feel free to head to bed as you will," Fon informed, turning back to the group, "Tomorrow we will see about beginning your training."

Later, Elsewhere
The light of the midsummer afternoon shone through the window of a study in an old manor, casting the room in a warm light. A young girl with ashen hair stood before a vast desk, at which sat a brown-haired man, staring deep in thought. "That is all the information the scouts have acquired. What is your assessment?" asked the girl, and with narrowed his eyes, the brown-haired man at the desk lifted his intent stare from a troubling sight.

"...Does this hair look grey to you?" he asked, bringing the strand of hair closer to his face. The girl was struck silent, but didn't seem particularly surprised at the fact her warning had been ignored. "The pigmentation of your hair is not the pressing issue, sir." He tossed the hair to the side, "Of course it is! I'm not getting any younger you know. Gah... My stomach's aching just thinking about it."

"...At any rate, the Foundation advises more concern over the issue of an Arcobaleno, a wanted mafiosi and their unknown cohorts with access to Dying Will Mode. We advise swift response - both to apprehend the criminal Sachiko Kanno, and to bring the Arcobaleno Fon and his associates in for questioning. Need I remind you that Namimori is still under our protection, even with your refusal to properly update its defenses."

"Hey, hey, reputation's a powerful deterrent," the man leaned back in his seat, arms raised in defense, "Besides, on the bright side we can finally get those Mosca upgrades you've all been rallying for."

"That is beside the point. How will we deal with the opposition in Namimori?" she said coldly and humorlessly.

"Right, right... Well here's an idea: how about let's not bother one of the seven most powerful people on the planet. I mean, isn't it aa little bit O-T-T to go after one of our better allies when we're the ones who started it?" he pointed out, nesting his hands lazily behind his head, "'Sides I'm sure they're together for a good, innocent-little reason we've misinterpreted, and it's not as if just any of our squads will be able to take him in by force anyway; hurting those kids'll probably just piss him off."

"A lack of response shows that we are unable or unwilling to protect our territories. You of all people should know we cannot afford to show too much weakness. If other families find o-"

"If it gets out being the operative word." The boss grinned cheekily, instigating a brief pause as both mafiosi stared each other down. "Even a token response is advisable, but ultimately it is your choice," she concluded, plunging the study into silence, "I ask again: what is your decision? The Foundation requires a report."

He leaned forward and pointed. "Tell your superior that..." He lowered his finger, overturned his hand, and rested his chin on his palm, "Uhh..." After a moment of deliberation and a deep inhalation, the Vongola XII gave his solemn adjudication. "I'll just... give him call and ask nicely...?" he shrugged, "Don't worry about it. I've got it covered."

"Very well."

And with that, he was left alone with his papers, his aching stomach, and his maybe-greying hair. Once he waited and made sure that the Foundation girl had left the vicinity, he reached into his suit, retrieved a communicator and brought it up to his grimly smiling face.

"Shiso," he said, "I'm not sure how long I can stall it, but there's been a change in plans."

Target 1 - Camping Arc: Complete
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Yoshiaki Sugihara ~ After the Camp

The group had received a multitude of answers, though throughout the course of their trip they would come to gain quite a bit more questions as well. Yoshiaki had taken quite an interest, using any moment he could throughout training and during intervals to ask questions. He was typically satisfied with the answers he got. Fon was quite informative, but he wasn't exactly forthright with everything. The diminutive tutor had secrets to keep as well, of course, and it was pretty clear at times.

Still, the camping trip would soon come to an end, and with that end each member of the group would return home. The young Mafia Boss to be was fairly satisfied, though his body was sore to an unbelievable degree. He couldn't believe how intense his training with the Arcobaleno had become in such a short span of time. The little guy wasn't going to hold back and had apparently come up with a pretty big lesson plan in the short amount of time with which he'd had to study the members of the group. Yoshi wasn't quite sure what everybody had been doing, but his own work alone was intense. He couldn't really even begin to worry about the others. Not that he would have regardless, aside from Rei.

He was in his room now, laying on his bed in a tank top and boxers. He could barely move a single part of his body a half an inch without feeling short bursts of pain shooting through his body. On top of strength training, Fon working on his body's overall stamina and durability, among each of his other physical qualities, He must have died at least a dozen times. According to Fon he was no closer to finding a way to direct or control his "Dying Will" Form, as Yoshiaki had come to learn it was called, and that wasn't good. It wasn't like he could use it all the time either based on the rules Fon had described to him. If that wasn't enough, Yoshi had even had to endure some of Fon's martial arts training. He'd always thought just brawling was enough, but the baby, without even trying mind you, had quickly corrected that train of thought.

"Geez... I don't think I've ever had my ass handed to me like that..." He grumbled before closing his eyes. Memories flashed, but only for a moment before his eyes shot open again. Why the hell was he thinking about that crap now? "Whatever... I have more important things to worry about." He had to talk to his mother and sister soon. Fon and Shiso would be back to collect them all soon if he had understood properly. They needed to finish any and all business they may have had before then. "Would have been nice to have a clearer time frame. But two or three days oughta be good enough to talk mom into it." Honestly, he was more worried about trying to get his sister to come around to his leaving. After all, the last time they'd separated things didn't go very well.

"Oh well." He yawned, stretching his arms, much to his frustration. "I can worry about that more tomorrow. He just wanted to sleep and rest his body a bit after end of what felt like one of the longest camping trips of his life, though it was more or less the first real one of his life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sachiko Kanno| Who says you cant go home?

Sachiko sighed as she relaxed a little bit in her small apartment. It wasn't the greatest but she swore that she would get the largest house she could get once her sister was better. But that still a long time off so in the mean time she dealt with the one bedroom apartment. Things was pretty hectic and the appearance of moscas did not ease her mind at all in fact it made even more paranoid. She was constantly looking over all possible ways that it could have found her. So far the biggest give away was probably her flame emission that she let slip after a moment of anger. Still even if it was that the fact remained they found and attacked her meaning perhaps Vongola was not as safe as she thought it was.
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