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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

Goshikuro getting shown up by his lackey would be pretty humiliating for the guy. He may have to put the lackey in his place either way. Maybe the lackey is getting too clever for his own good?

We could say the lackey is foolish or as arrogant as Goshikuro. Maybe his master isn't sure of the lackey's plan so the lackey wants to prove himself and by doing so, he must push Kurama's buttons? This would confirm Botan is important to him but is also confirms to Kurama that there is a student who isn't who he wants others to believe. I do like the idea of Kurama going back to the student, only to find he's not possessed anymore.

Btw, I'll probably be going to bed in 30 or so, and so should you mister. -wags finger- XP
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

A case of someone getting too big for the seat they're in. Making moves without explicit permission shows that they're getting in over their head. Disciplinary measures would need to be taken. If the guy isn't outright killed, he'll probably wish he was, but given the nature of this character I'm willing to bet that's the last they see of him.

Goshikuro wants him to suffer, so the lackey does things he's in a position to do, without being certain of Goshikuro wanting it other than "He hates Yoko and this would upset Yoko, therefore it's genius to do this." when in actuality he had exposed Goshikuro too soon, since Yoko is going to pick up on that energy sooner or later. Goshikuro can be killed easily outside of his full strength returning to him. It's too soon to risk being found out, and that lackey is going to cost him everything. People like him can be replaced. It's just a matter of how much Kurama can figure out. Being close to Botan as he helps remove the corruption from her body with his own energy--similar to how Botan helped revitalize the withering plant in the greenhouse--could help him solve that puzzle.

After you, m'lady.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

The lackey did overstep and take a huge risk. Perhaps this prompts Goshikuro to get a more powerful lackey but one who he can better control and know his place. I do think it'll still be quite a while before Goshikuro will show himself to Kurama, I think a possible new lackey/stand in would keep Kurama and Botan busy for the time being.

And in regards to your PM, my brain is too mush to properly attend to it right now. ^^;

Though we have more thoughts on the demons, what do you see happening on the side over the course of the week/weekend? Did we want to do the shopping thing or give Kurama x Botan another bit of alone time to get to know each other before she starts sinking into depression?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

A new lackey could be in order, since villains like this tend to have a few of them to go through before the big bad. We just need to discuss how he will differ from this first one, but that's a discussion for another time, and we have more progress to make before then.

That's alright. It'll be there for you when you next log on ;3

We could perform the shopping activity later, I think, after Botan's depression is dealt with as a way of helping assure Shiori that Botan's mood swing is now over. It helps her get a good change of scenery, and Kurama could also get her something after the ordeal. He won't want her to think he's treating her like a child, but what she went through was frightening and he wants to treat her. Maybe after shopping he takes her out for lunch, too. I think the reward of it should be left after her ordeal, while in the meantime Kurama is trying to understand Botan more and more as the week goes on. I hope I'm making sense?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

He almost killing herself may bring up some other feelings, probably ones that are more true and less artificial than what the demon caused her to feel. I think she's going to need some one on one time with Kurama after that and shell just want to be around good, happy things. :3

I'm falling asleep here so I'm gonna head off. I'll be on tomorrow night though~
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

When you come back, elaborate more on that. It sounds like such a good idea; the event making Botan's true feelings emerge, whatever they may be, could make this horrific event churn out something amazing afterward. Maybe it encourages Botan to really, truly live, since among other things she hasn't really done everything she's wanted to do, or have what she wants to have. I know we talked about the horrific event with an unnamed man doing something so horrid that Botan broke down. This also seems like the type of thing that has Botan open up with just as many tears involved.

I like the idea of her crying into his arms too much >.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago



And I think when Botan allows herself to dive into her darker emotions during the demon's reign, she'll probably slowly understand just how draining her job is and how she might be feeling somewhat 'unfulfilled' or without purpose. The souls she reaps, well she doesn't get to follow up on any of them. Her job is to guide people to transition from their life to another one but Botan doesn't reap the rewards, so to speak. On top of that I'd wager to say her life was threatened a few times back during the Dark Tourney, it might be interesting to explore whether or not she (and maybe even Yoko, unless he was deemed immortal, I don't recall off the top of my head though) is somewhat vulnerable to an 'ultimate death' or if being a spirit is truly an endlessly life. I think with her almost killing herself, there still should be some kind of 'stake' you know? I'm just rambling though.

But this could be a learning point for Botan and it probably will be, as well as for Kurama and them breaking down walls and getting to know one another.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Usually you text. Don't expect you to spontaneously pop on, you know ;3

I get what you mean. Even in things like Dragon Ball Z, death is no consequence since there is always a tool to bring people back, so you care a lot less when people expire. Botan's physical form could be destroyed, but as for what she is, I think she'd just revert to the spirit she had been before. Her physical form was just for investigation purposes, and I doubt Koenma gave it to her so she could go on dates and fall in love, just do what was expected of her. This may open her up to feeling more like a tool than a person, even if she knows that Koenma sees her as more than just the help. As for Yoko, I think he is open to death, especially since he is within Shuichi now. I don't think he'll die with Shuichi, they may just end up as two people. Botan's death should still be of concern, since no mortal mind should approach the idea of death lightly because "I'll just be a spirit again."

I say that Botan should feel more like a human than a reaper while this investigation is underway. It's a touchy subject. I think without her soul being threatened, only her physical form would pass, while who Botan is would be picked up by another reaper. Still, should be scary to her that someone can make her take her own life like that without her even being wholly aware, you know? I believe she'd still be scared of that, but that's just me.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

I'm pretty sure if Shuichi is killed, Yoko would be able to finally move on from the body so there is a threat there. Yoko may not need Shuichi to live, but they at one time did need one another. But I feel right now, they're on pretty damn good terms and Yoko isn't in a huge hurry to move on since he's become fond of Shuichi and his mother. And I do think even as a spirit, she may weaken if she has to take a new physical form, maybe to point where her spirit is taxed beyond future use. I'd like her to have some mortality/finality, even if it's not as pressing as a human's.

So yeah seems like we're on the same page. -nods nods-
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kurama is their mutual attitudes, even if Yoko's is somewhat suppressed because a human belongs in a human world, so yeah, Yoko would probably survive if Shuichi does die, and they could split, but like you said I don't think Yoko is in any hurry to leave the guy. So you want Botan to permanently die if she's killed as a human? I'm trying to understand exactly what you see for her should anyone succeed in killing her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

What I mean is, her spirit itself would probably (at least in my mind) weaken after heavy use (ex: taking on a human form, injury, maybe a body change?) and that after enough time (probably a lot) it would just end up deteriorating or something.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

So killing Botan in a human form would cause her spirit form to slowly deteriorate, because human or not, it was still her being existing, and even if she wasn't really a human from the start a death is a death? Yeah, I get what you're saying, so this might hit home for her especially once Kurama saves her by the skin of his teeth. Though I'm certain if she was mid fall and he HAD to get to her, he'd need to transform into Yoko out of dire need to have the speed to get her in time and not break every bone in his body trying. Still, tragic shit dude. I think Yoko threatening anyone who threatens Botan means a lot more when she CAN be taken away from him.

I'm working on it now. How long will you be around tonight?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

In my mind, spirits generally have some super far out expiration date (otherwise, Spirit World would be fucking packed lol) and that any excess/outside strain just speeds the process along. In the grand picture, Botan isn't fading away anytime soon but still, most spirits don't face mortality but Botan has been around it enough in recent events, it's enough to shake anyone. Now she's getting attached to her life as a temp. human. Almost dying should rattle anyone who isn't a psycho. XD I think her almost dying could even jog part of her previous human life before she did die. That is just food for thought though. I'd rather the internal struggle come out slowly than all at once.

I think in terms of Kurama saving Botan as we have planned, we considered either a knife or a fall but those two have been done, we could try a third option, maybe something with chemicals or drowning? I don't think Yoko would be needed but in the future maybe without so many people around (like fighting a badass demon like Goshikuro) then Yoko is def. going to make a cameo for Botan's sake. That'd be fun.

And I should be on for another 1.5-2 hours. ^^
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

I hear you, and I think that maybe as she's in that process she does have glimpses of her past. I'm in agreement.

I think it might be too soon for Yoko to become involved until Botan becomes Kurama's girlfriend, in which case he WILL take over if his base form isn't enough to get her out of harm's way. It's the little things. Drowning could work in the school's pool, mostly because I don't want Botan to be preparing to drink a cup of corrosive chemicals from a lab. God forbid >.<

It should be complete by then. By any chance do you want to get back to the pm's or is tonight a bad night?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

Cue bonding for her and Kurama (over cute cupcakes and coffee) ~ ~

I don't think Yoko could come out anytime soon, you're right there. Though I just mention Goshikuro since in my mind, that stand off isn't happening for a while. Drowning could be interesting, cue some mouth to mouth? Though it would be a lot more sad and upsetting than sexy of course. </3 But I think we could pull it off.

It's kind of a hectic night for me, I could try making a reply to the GoT plot but I don't think I'd be able to get more than a reply or two for the PM tonight. But I am glad you reminded me though! By next Wed, I'll be free as a bird~ (for at least two weeks wooo)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Botan's getting a week off after that ordeal >.> suicide attempt for her would get around, bitches feeling bad for insulting her, everyone glad she's alive, but she needs a MENTAL HEALTH EVALUATION LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER and I don't think Kurama can get her out of that xD though it depends on who followed Kurama as he hauled his ass to that pool. Everyone's all, "How did Kurama know?" and Kuwabara, out of nowhere, is just all, "That's the power of love."

No, not for a while, probably a couple mini bosses to deal with first before then. Once Kurama does find out, I think he's going to have to train like he did for the Dark Tournament, but he definitely can't leave his mother or Botan unattended since they ARE targets. Koenma might want to bring Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei in on this since Goshikuro is a threat that may be higher than Toguro ever was, but Yoko may want to handle this personally and correct his mistake.

I was GOING to bring up the mouth to mouth but I thought it would be REALLY weird lol. But totes he's gonna get that water out of her lungs and EMBRACE HER LIKE NO HALF-DEMON HAS EVER EMBRACED A REAPER IN A HUMAN BODY BEFORE!

Don't worry about it then.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

Oh wow! You're right, I hadn't even thought of the mental eval. But that's a good point. I'd hope after a few sessions, she'd be feeling like her old cheery self again but it would give her cause to stop and think a bit more about it. Though I'd see her wanting to confide in Kurama more than a human who may not fully be able to grasp some of her flimsy stories and such. XD Oh that dialogue better make it into the future post. We still need to plan for the lackey, maybe a light CS for him? A name and appearance at least IMO.

This may work? But if not, we can keep looking. I figured an ordinary appearance as someone who blends in, would be the best choice. Easy to forget in a crowd.

I think Shiori would love to meet Shuichi's friends. Hiei? Ehhh, we'll see how that goes but I don't see Hiei having much regard for his human mother who Hiei may just regard as a liability or hindrance for Yoko. But I could see them all sitting around playing cards, Hiei somehow getting competitive about it without realizing it. Yoko can be off takin' care of business. And of course Botan would duck out to go chase after her beloved hunk.

Yeah it could come off as weird, which is why I wasn't sure how to bring up either. ^^; But hey, make sure she can put a towel over her wet clothes and get escorted off with Kurama and I'm sure it will be more romantic/sweet than awkward and somewhat pervy. -crosses fingers-

And okay! How's this post goin' though? -is excited- :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Kurama will GO WITH HER EVERY TIME to make her comfortable! It will just be so the school officials and Shiori feel better. Kurama's a good guy and a great person to confide in, but he's no professional. Still, if being around him helps her, they'll definitely encourage him to stay with her as much as possible. Oh don't worry, that dialogue will make it xD I've had an itch to use Kuwabara, Yusuke, and/or Hiei anyway, just no opportunities at this time. Kuwabara's definitely shipping them, and when the fight against Goshikuro happens, Kuwabara will bestow the headband of love/justice to Kurama before he goes off to save his girlfriend. Kuwabara is the best friend anyone could have xD

I can think of something for him later in terms of name and past/powers, but I'm trying to focus on the post first~

Hiei cares for Yukina in the same way Kurama cares for Shiori, so Hiei can't exactly make the argument about someone holding him back ;3 Hiei's gonna mind himself in her presence though. Kurama doesn't fuck around when someone disrespects his mother. I'm down for a competitive game of cards, Kurama slips out, Botan goes out to join him, they talk and... possibly other things. They'll get their privacy.

Kurama's not the type to blush about it when her life was close to ending, but if Botan ever brings up how she looked when he pulled her out of that pool I think the last thing that comes to mind is the outline of her body through her wet clothes. His priorities aren't on her body, something she can appreciate immensely, which means that when the body appreciation DOES come it makes his moves of affection all the sweeter.

It's coming right along, but you know me... I'm being careful >.>
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Genkai
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Genkai ~ Endlessly Writing ~

Member Seen 19 days ago

Well even out of the office, she'll want to talk to Kurama. She'll want to say things that would blow her cover or make her sound nuts so Kurama would be solace for her, when she doesn't want to tip toe too much around speaking her mind. But having Kurama accompany her would be a welcomed gesture. :3

As a note, my brain is already turning into sleepy mushy but I can probably swing another 30 mins. But I will need to be up early for blood work tomorrow.

I don't see Botan bringing up her appearance or state by the pool, I was thinking there might be creepy guys around looking but then again, they'd probably quickly remember she almost drowned and I think any sex appeal would hopefully not apply to use a tense situation. ^^; I think in at moment, she'd be embarrassed, pretty shaken, upset etc so no focus on her body would be pretty damn appreciated too haha. She's too vulnerable ~ Everyone look away ~ !

I'm sure it'll be good. It'll give me some awesome YYH dreams hopefully cause lately it's been tons of DAI dreams, not that they've been bad...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SoleAccord
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SoleAccord #ImSippinTeaInYoHood

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

It's kinda what he's there for, dude. I will say that if you need to get to sleep for blood work tomorrow, you can check on the post in the morning. I just don't enjoy rushing posts unless I absolutely have to, and you're worth taking extra time for. You're the bae.

Oh, no, Kurama wouldn't have any of that disgusting shit, man. I'm telling you, he's going to forget this is just pretend the second someone says something wrong about her in his presence. 0 to 100 REAL QUICK. Botan's gonna end up hearing about it sooner or later. Kurama doesn't snap easily but when he does, PEOPLE DIE! Or just learn their lesson ;3

Sometimes you need something new in your life. I'm all over it dude. You'll dream of it sooner or later, or wake up to it.
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