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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor let out a soft sigh when Amelia left, until she retreated and began to fiddle around him. Taylor did as told, laid down on the bed, as Amelia had a device in her hand. It buzzed faintly, and worked it's magic on him after a minute or two. Taylor didn't break eye contact with her, when she looked into his pale eyes. Her dark green ones was framed by dark eyelashes and her damp hair hugged her face slightly. Without thinking he removed a lock of hair from her face and behind her right ear. His eyes showed confusion and shock when he pulled his hand back.
"..sorry." he mumbled, and wanted to tear away his gaze from her eyes, but couldn't. She had him caught in her web and Taylor knew he was fucked. Fucked so deeply, because he was falling for her. He haven't even known her for a week, and she had already gotten a bigger impact on him than his previous flirt ever could've done for him.
Another minute passed, and now the headache was nothing but a faint buzz in the back of his head. He clenched his hand underneath the clothes, trying not to get lost in Amelia's eyes again, and do another stupid stunt.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

When Taylor brushed a lock of her behind her ear Amelia tensed a bit. It was such a gentle gesture, one she wasn't used to receiving from her asshole ex boyfriends. She then proceeded to blush. She held her thumb down on the touch pad with a bit more force and when it called out with a beep she lifted her thumb up. She tucked it away on her bedside table and looked at Taylor again.
"It okay now?"
God, she felt weird, all fluttery inside. She really wanted to kiss him, to have a real relationship but she shook those thoughts out of her head. She was going to be old Amelia now. She had only one goal and a ridiculously cute boy could not stop that. So she had to find a way to use him. She brought him here for no reason only out of the remaining kindness in her already dark heart. She had to make sure it was worth it. So she leaned down and brought her mouth to his.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor nodded at Amelia's reply, as he followed her movements with his eyes. Taylor's heart was beating loudly in his ears, as he let out a soft sigh. He was about to sit up, when Amelia leaned down and kissed him. He was shocked, but didn't mention anything as he closed his eyes and was about to kiss her back when his mind shouted at him, that this wasn't how it worked. He pressed a hand to Amelia' solar plexus, and pushed her away lightly.
"Amelia-" he tried, eyes lidded and he couldn't stop staring at her lips. "I'm sorry but I can't do this.." he mumbled, thinking about what happened yesterday. It was still a little fuzzy in his mind, but the memories were still there. He could still feel the faint brush of Amelia's lips on his. He wanted to taste her; he needed to taste her again. Taylor needed this, but it was wrong. Something was wrong about all of this. A girl couldn't just fall straight for his feet.. They just couldn't.. Right? Taylor doubted this, as he sat up.
"I should shower.." he mumbled, and finally tore his gaze away from Amelia's beautiful face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Amelia felt him responding a bit to her kiss but he soon pulled away. Shit. This wasn't how this was supposed to go. She heard his mumbles and almost face palmed herself but stopped before it showed. After he went to shower she sank down onto her bed and cursed under her breath. She needed this to fucking work. Why did it not work?
Time to have a little chat with Taylor, maybe she could drill some romance into his head. She went to get her blow dryer and blew dry her hair before checking her texts yet again for any update from Vorrie.

hey dude, gonna be l8 im waylaid by some kind of anti robot protest. robots are coming and it's chaos. hopes everyone is getting out there fine
- Vorrie

np, a bit busy so take as long as you want
- Amelia

She sat on her bed and waited until Taylor would come back so she could drill some sense into him and somehow, make her plan work.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor sighed happily when the warm water hit his back. He didn't use long before he grabbed some soap and washed the grease away from his skin. It sure felt like he was covered in it. He washed his hair, and finished up within fifteen minutes. He jumped into the clothes he'd gotten from Amelia, as he looked himself in the mirror. The clothes hung a little around his arms and waist, but it fit him nonetheless. He exited the bathroom, a towel in his hair as he retreated to the bedroom.
"..Amelia, listen-" he began, but paused when he saw Amelia sit on the bed, her hair curling lightly around her shoulders. "I- uh, don't think we should continue this.." he fiddled with his hands in front of him, before continuing.
"Romance we have going on..- look, we barely know each other other than from what we've told each others, and we got drunk yesterday, sorry about that by the way, that I uh.. Kissed you. I didn't mean to, so I will accept if you kick me out of your apartment, and leave me for dead.." he rambled, feeling sorry for what he had done. He was overthinking everything, and of course; Amelia would probably be mad at him, heck; she'll most likely throw him out. He didn't know anymore, and to this point he was afraid to ask.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"For god's sake, Taylor! Do you really think I'm that bad of a person? You can stay here. Plus if you go out there some robot will kill you within seconds. You don't get what you've just done, Taylor. You time travelled. Fucking time travelled like 1000 years into the future. Don't you think people would be curious? That the robots will be curious? Because after all, you must know how to do it, don't you? I'm not kicking you out." Amelia ran her hands through her hair and stood up, continuing.
"As for the romance thing. Sure we were drunk and all but why would you want to kiss me, and me you? To be honest, I can tell you that I'm not this kind person you see here right now. I'm far from it. I'm ruthless, too cunning, too evil and a hardcore rebel. I can't bow down to drunken kisses and a relationship with some time travelling dude! Even the drunk version of me knew that. But what you don't know is that you make that side come out from me and for that I'm grateful. It shows I have more to me than an ignorant rebel who only cares about her target." She could feel a headache coming on. So many words, so many lies. But if she wanted what she wanted she had to make sure it worked. And if it didn't...She could always hold her pistol to his head and demand answers. But that was for a later time. A more desperate time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor let out a sharp sigh, his heartbeat going faster and faster by every word Amelia said. He felt like he got scolded for something, he might not have done (yet). His vision began to blur around the edges, his chest began to hurt. It felt like his lungs were growing; bigger and bigger inside of him. Taylor forced himself to breathe slowly; not letting his panic attack take over. His eyes got watery; his face paler than usual and he was restless. Shaking with his hands.
"..Then be it," he choked out from between his lips. "Be the ruthless, cunning and hardcore rebel you are." he finished, just to get something out of his mind. He took sharp inhale, then another one - his chest still hurting as he continued again to a reply that might not give any sense at all.
"Don't bow down to the kisses I gave you; don't get in a relationship with me, because, as you said, I'm nothing but some time travelling dude, who you got drunk with. You have a target; which I have seen that you burn so horribly much for, so why let me between you and your target?" he asked curiously, voice weak from the panic attack that laid right beneath his mole spotted skin. He was silent for a minute; just breathing unevenly, and tried to focus on the woman in front of him. It was months since his last panic attack, and he had no idea what triggered it just now. He didn't dare think of the trigger, but he already knew it. Amelia was his trigger. Amelia was his trigger to everything, and he couldn't bear messing up with her. Taylor didn't know who she really was, but all he wanted was to pull her into his arms and tell her everything would be okay. Yet at the same time, he wanted to storm out of the apartment, but the problem was; the smaller woman had a point. People would be curious of who he was, and he had no idea where to run next.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Amelia saw the obvious pain Taylor was in and her forehead creased in worry. She pulled him a bit closer, urgently grabbing his forearm and putting two slender fingers on his patch of pale skin. She felt his pulse and listened as his breathing came fast and uneven.
"Holy shit" She muttered under her breath before pushing him down to sit.
"Okay, holy shit, okay...Taylor, breathe in and out, Taylor..." She'd never really seen anything like this before and she was panicking. Especially as she could be the cause of this. She took her hands and placed them on Taylor's shoulders. She mimed breathing in.
"Forget about what we talked about. Just breathe."
Her phone buzzed in the corner but she ignored it. She was so scared. She didn't know what was happening. She didn't know about anxiety attacks. She never knew what they were. There was a lot of medicine now. A lot of diseases or problems cured. She pressed her forehead to his. She honestly thought he was going to die.
"What the fuck is going on with you?! Wait Taylor just breathe..."
Her voice was shaky and she was quite obviously scared.@Riverbeak
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor was forced to sit down, as he gasped after air. Everything was blurry around his vision, everything kept going in and out of focus and he had trouble sensing what was real and what was not. He was slowly turning his panic attack into a dissociation, and he didn't stop himself. He inhaled slowly, just staring blankly into air as his eyes were watery. Taylor clawed at his chest, pulling out the shirt to try and breathe more properly.
"I- can't breathe..-" he chocked out, trying to focus on something. Someone.
Taylor let out another sharp sigh, as he inhaled again. He finally looked at Amelia, as she was trying to breathe for him. He slowly followed her breathing patterns, in and out in a slow rhythm. He gulped again; just getting lost into Amelia's, surprisingly soothing voice and beautiful green eyes. Eventually he got his heart rhythm back to normal and his rib cage wasn't hurting anymore. He looked away in shame.
"...sorry." he apologized, his head buzzing and he felt tired. Exhausted from the anxiety that was bubbling faintly in his stomach. "I haven't gotten a panic attack in months..-" he continued low. He felt ashamed from this; weak; paralyzed in a way. He hated this. He hated his anxiety. He almost jolted from surprise when Amelia's phone buzzed again, lighting up with what looked like a text message.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Oh god, oh god...I thought you were dying. I didn't know what a panic attack was and...you scared me so much, Taylor!" Amelia's eyes widened and she pulled him into a quick hug, making sure he was still there before going to her phone and checking the text.

im here, where in fuck's sake are u?
- Vorrie

Amelia ran to the front door and unlocked it. Vorrie was standing there, short purple hair mussed in all directions, leather pants hanging loosely off her hips and her black band crop top showing her pierced belly button.
"Hey, Vorrie. Sorry for the wait." Amelia apologized, ushering her friend in.
"Taylor!" She called out for him as she sat on the couch while Vorrie had hoisted herself up onto the bar and was swinging her combat boots back and forth, narrowing her eyes in the direction of the bedroom doorway and frowning.
"Who's Taylor?" Vorrie asked, turning her blue eyed gaze to Amelia. Amelia took in Vorrie. She had smooth mocha coloured skin and a beautiful figure. All the boys Amelia knew fell for her in an instant. So what about Taylor? Amelia shook that thought out of her head before giving a quick smile.
"A...friend." She replied.
"Friend?" Vorrie wiggled her eyebrows before giving a sly smile.
"Oh, stop it!" Amelia reached over and smacked Vorrie lightly on her arm before shaking her head, laughing.
It felt good to be around someone who didn't give her butterflies.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor was stunned for a second when Amelia hugged him; as he briefly let his long arms hug her back. He was breathing normally now, heart is a slow rhythm. It picked up when he caught a whiff of Amelia's sweet scented shampoo. They parted and Taylor just took in her appearance. He swallowed hard.
"Give me a minute.." he begged, smiling wobbly as he let another hand through his hair. It was still a little damp, making the blonde hair locks stick backwards, and curling around his ears.
Suddenly Amelia went out from the bedroom and ran to the front door. Taylor quickly got a whiff of another smooth voice enter the apartment. His heart rate picked up a little, but he forced himself to calm down.
"Just breathe..." he mumbled to himself, before he stood up with his towering height and walked out from the bedroom. He let another hand through his hair, as he messed it up. His hair stuck in most directions but leaned to the right in a cutesy slash not so cute way at the same time. Taylor didn't care as he tried to act casual. He was nervous for some reason, and it bugged him for another. Taylor let out a soft sigh as he went to the couch and took in the view of the other woman. She had beautiful darker skin, and leather pants that hugged her legs, with a black crop top and purple hair. Taylor lifted an eyebrow, curious of her appearance. She caught his attention, but there was nothing but curiosity from his side on. He had an entirely other person, poisoning his mind.
"I was summoned..?" he asked playfully, looking at Amelia with entirely other look. Careful. Caring. Almost in a loving way. His light green eyes was softer, and a soft smile was placed on his thin lips, just a tint of white teeth could be seen between his lips. He wondered if he could smoother himself into sitting next to her on the couch. He felt the need to show Amelia off. He caught himself in his thoughts. They didn't date, there was nothing between them, he reassured himself as he patiently awaited her reply.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Yup. This is one of my hacker friends, Vorrie. Vorrie this is Taylor...um....he's a...friend." Amelia gave an uncomfortable smile.
"You sure he's just a friend?"Vorrie asked slyly. Amelia ducked her head. She was acting strangely and Vorrie picked up on it with a mysterious glint in her sky blue eyes. Amelia saw Vorrie's look and snapped back to her normal attitude before her cunning friend could pick up anything different.
"Okay, what did you want to talk to me about?" Amelia said, grabbing her laptop and positioning it on her lap.
"I found one of the companies that makes the robot pieces, however, their firewalls are like crazy protective. I need you to help me." Vorrie took a laptop out of her own backpack and opened it up, leaning back into the cushions. She passed a piece of crumpled paper to Amelia. Amelia took it and quickly scanned the security details Vorrie had scavenged. Suddenly she remembered that Taylor was in the room so she turned to him.
"Taylor, you know basic hacking right? Could you help us a bit?" She passed on the piece of paper to Taylor, their fingers brushing ever so slightly. Vorrie watched the exchange with a raised brow. Amelia ran over to her room and lugged out another laptop she kept just in case. She patted the seat next to her and placed the laptop down before focusing back on the task at hand.
"ASSHOLES!" Amelia shouted at the computer screen shaking her head as her fingers ran over the keyboard. She barked out commands at Vorrie as she shook her head again and again at the screen.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Nice to meet you Vorrie." Taylor greeted, but felt uncomfortable, perhaps even a little shy when Vorrie asked if Taylor was just 'a friend'. He made a dumbfounded sound in the back of his throat, similar to the word; 'uhh-'. Taylor was awkwardly watching the two women move around with their brains on their fingertips. He was about to cough, to ask if he could do something, when Amelia spoke to him.
"Yeah--- well- I know the most basics, but I'm not sure I'm near the level of hacking skills as you are-" he replied, taking the paper. His heart skipped a beat when Amelia's fingers touched him. He had to hold back a goody smirk. Taylor began to read the paper, nodding and humming lightly to the few scribbled numbers and letters. Amelia suddenly ran to fetch another laptop, as she guided Taylor down on the couch.
A few seconds later Amelia gave him a laptop, as he began to fiddle around with it. He had no idea how this laptop worked, and when he thought he was about to begin with some brainstorming of the different hacking methods, he yelped when Amelia shouted 'assholes'.
"..-jeSUS!" he croaked out, looking at Amelia with a hand over his heart. He retreated to the his screen again; before he tried to calm down and do some work. He began to snoop around the firewalls, looking for weak points, when he noticed something recognizable.
"..interesting..." he mumbled, and stood up with the laptop. He looked at Amelia. "Do you have some paper and a pen?" he asked, looking at her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Paper and pen? Um, We have holoboards? I'll grab you one." Amelia replied, confused before going back to her room and fetching around her desk for a holoboard. She brought it out and placed it in front of Taylor, turning it on for him and handing him a stylus.
"What's up?" Vorrie looked up from her laptop curiously.
"Taylor found something." Amelia explained. Vorrie shook her head, laughing before returning back to her hacking. She leaned over and whispered in Amelia's ear, loudly.
"I can just see the hearts floating around here. You sure he's just a friend? I've never seen you with a decent boyfriend before. This may be your first time." Vorrie smirked before pushing back a strand of purple hair and leaning back over her laptop.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor had to keep in his sigh, when Amelia looked confused at the words; paper and pen. He didn't judge her though; he was the one with the accidental time travelling on his hands. He nodded to her, when she went to fetch a holoboard. He grabbed it when he was given it, as he found another seat in a desk chair and a table. Taylor began to scribble down the JavaScript, as he eventually sighed. This was going to take forever..- unless.. Taylor lit up like a candle, as he wiped the board, and began to snoop around Amelia's laptop's programs. He found a program that could run various of things through, to check for viruses, but if he now changed the program to something entirely different, he might be able to run the JavaScript. Taylor haven't noticed he talked to himself, as he began to fiddle around the program.
It took him about an hour to turn around the program, as he eventually created his own beta program. He let it run through a page first, but got a negative input. Taylor let it run through various of other sites, until one page began to work. He was working insanely fast, and he was slowly getting a sore butt from all of this. He got up, stretched his limbs as he retreated to the couches. His shoulders cracked, as he looked at the two women.
"Gotten anything yet?" he asked, looking at Amelia first and then Vorrie.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Amelia focused on the task at hand, sometimes getting up to grab an energy bar or a quick mug of coffee before settling back down.
She watched as Taylor messed around with her computer, eyes searching at what he was doing. Finally when Taylor rose to stretch and sat back down she gave him a weary smile.
"We're almost there, one last major breakthrough and we're done." She checked the time on her watch. 4:30pm. They've been working on this for so long already. Vorrie just gave back a yawn and checked her phone.
"I guess I'm going to cancel dinner today with Amber." Amelia reached for her phone and wrote another text to Amber.

Hey, Amber. Probably can't make it to dinner, we'll hang later okay?
- Amelia

Amber responded back immediately.

No prob :( Though you owe me. Spending the night with mystery guy?
- Amber

Amelia ignored the text, shaking her head and letting out a nervous giggle before sinking back into the couch cushions. Her shoulder instantly nested into Taylor's crook of his arm and she rested there, comfortably before turning and raising an eyebrow at him.
"What did you find?"

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Taylor sat down in the couch, and yawned. He let his arm rest around Amelia's shoulder without thinking as he let his long legs rest in front of him, one foot over the other.
"Well..-" he dragged out, "I might have messed a little with a program of yours," he laughed lightly, looking at her with puppy eyes. "A little much.. Very much indeed.. I might have changed most of the things in it..-" he mumbled, and tried to look adorable. (He probably failed) He looked away for a second or two. "I uh. Made a beta app out of it." he finished. Then he began to ramble, and moving his other arm to prove his different points.
"Actually, it was fairly easy, most of your programs has some sort of JavaScript in them so I could just mess a little with it and it turned out rather well! It's actually running on a webpage, so hopefully it'll give me a positive input, I can work with." he finished and paused. He mumbled a sorry for rambling, and laughed lightly. He looked at Amelia, with a goofy smile. He didn't know why he was so giddy. Childish almost. What was she doing to him?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Well, let's just hope it's going out okay. Vorrie progress?" Amelia smiled at Taylor's cuteness before turning to Vorrie.
"Hmm? Yeah...It's going okay..." Vorrie's eyes were half closed as she typed in several code sequences into her computer.
"And your rambling is completely fine." She said before leaning in to whisper in Taylor's ear "Maybe even cute." She gave him a quick wink before she poked his cheek playfully. She reached for Taylor's computer and nestled in even closer as she browsed his Beta program. Good thing that he had overwritten one of her less important programs she noted.
"Well let's see how this plays out then." She gave another of her smiles.
Seconds later she got a text.

Why are you so different around Taylor? You seem like a different person. But keep her. I like that attitude more.
- Vorrie

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Riverbeak
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Taylor grinned widely, when Amelia said the rambling was okay. He then almost made a half choked noise in the back of his throat when she said it was cute. If they'd be alone, he might as well just have kissed her right there. Wait what? Taylor pulled himself out of the thought of him kissing Amelia again, as he swallowed the spit he didn't have. He rested further into the couch, when Amelia cuddled closer with the laptop in her lap. The program ran various of numbers and letters through the scanner, all coming up with negative inputs. A few times, there was a few letters of the well known script, but that was it. Taylor let out a sigh, when the scanning was complete, the result was mainly negative. Nothing important was there.
"..try another website or company..-" he asked, his left hand already tapping something on the keyboard to make another scanning ready. He then came up with an idea.
"Who is exactly running the robotic company? Who builds them?" he asked. He had an idea. Well; it really depended on how many friends Vorrie and Amelia had together. "We want to get through their firewalls right? We already know that one attack won't do anything right?" he looked at Amelia and then Vorrie.
"What if we attack with multiple hackers? All at the same time? One must fine a loop hole, somewhere-- right?" Taylor finished, looking back at Amelia with a hopeful look in his eyes.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by ineffable
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ineffable The Illustrious (not really)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Well the robots actually run the robot machinery company and other than that, some humans but..." Amelia paused as she thought about it. Taylor said something else and she brightened up instantly.
"That's it! You're a genius, Taylor!" She gave him a quick hug before she settled back down with her laptop, this time entering her log in into the hacker forums. She created a new post, asking people to join her on a live chat, protected by various defense mechanisms. She showed the screen to Taylor and smiled.
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