Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@FunnyGuy @King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189

Kwan had gone to sleep after gorging herself on three peaches and enough pork to feed a Marine Gunnery Sergeant after wishing Lex good night and calling him brother. She knew it was a long shot for him to understand she was offering her friendship but thought; {“What the Hell? There was always tomorrow”}

Day 6

Kwan woke the next day in a barely contained explosion of nervous energy which she used by taking one of the most efficient showers she’d ever had because she could grab every drop of water and mold it to her body. To the amused young woman her shower seemed to be strangely long and the water water warm even though she only had on the cold water. Then there was drying off which was accomplished by executing spinning kick rotation maybe 180 times which made the shower she was in sound as if someone were starting an enormous fan. The blast of air she created was blew the scent of her soap through the bunker.

Her next performance was in the cafeteria where she made a broth soup who’s meat ingredient was the fat from last night’s pig, salt, spices and some veggies primary among them tiny hot wild onions. She thickened the broth with a inch thick layer of liquid pig fat which she emulsified blending the water and oil on a level usually only achieved by machines. The strange brew was a creamy green and showed no trace of anything solid which she poured into a bowl then slurped down quickly not caring how much noise she made in consuming three full bowls in in less than three minutes.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park & Audrianna Kent

Day 5, 8:00 PM

Interacting with: @POOHEAD189, @Wick

Audrianna looked at the long line of people waiting for roasted pork to be served to them. Silently, she automatically served each the way the old chef did, placing a generous amount of meat on each plate. They no longer needed to hold out on the food. The survivors were less than half of the original bunk population, the older ones were all gone.

"Oooo, this looks good."

Audrianna looked up and saw Ben Sherman looking at her. She gave him a small smile, bowed her head shyly and placed several slices of the pork on his plate. "Enjoy." she mumbled and then waited for the next in line to extend his or her plate towards her. Most of the people never really spoke to her and it was strange that today, they were complementing her on the food. The Commander, who was always busy, also paid attention to her. He even kissed her. He kissed me... her thoughts drifted off.

"You've gotten pretty good at this cooking thing, Aud. I mean, look at this pork... It looks delicious. Well, I hope it tastes good as it looks. And I hope you're finished daydreaming cause I'd like to eat,"

Jae's smart ass comment broke into Audrianna's reverie. She blinked, the knife she was holding automatically slicing through the pork. "Most of the others think it tastes good." she mumbled as she placed the same amount of meat she had been serving to others on Jae's plate. She raised an eyebrow when Jae held out another empty plate towards her.

"The first one's yours. You're so busy serving people I bet you haven't thought about setting aside something for yourself," Jae explained even before she could ask.

"There's a lot of meat. I don't think it'll run out that fast," Audrianna argued even as she set aside the plateful of meat Jae handed her.

"That's the same thing you said several days ago and you ended up eating that nothing but that piece of moldy bread. I'll make sure you have something to eat all the time. Think of it as payback for always making sure I have something to eat." Jae smiled as he walked away with his own plate of food.

"Thank you," she called out after him and then turned to the next in line. Her hands automatically worked but her thoughts drifted back to the Commander.

Jae walked back to the table he had been sitting on and began eating. He was halfway through his plate when he looked up at Harley. He raised an eyebrow at her words.

"...Oh yeah, you can fly Jae. Heat rises so if you build up enough of it you can fly. Just like I can ride the waves."

"Flying, huh? Well, that's definitely something to look forward to." Jae promptly fell silent as he continued eating. He mulled over what she had said, looking forward to actually testing out his powers the next day.

Day 5, 10:30 PM

Interacting with: @Wick

It didn't take long for the cafeteria to be be almost empty as people went off to bed with full stomachs. A few stayed behind and chatted over the food. Jae had been kind enough to stay behind and help clean the kitchen and wash the dishes. "It's the least I can do for you always taking care of me, so no real need to thank me for it," he said when she thanked him. "By the way, what kinda power did you get? I suppose everyone that survived whatever it was that killed the rest developed some sort of...well...I dunno, mutation?"

"I can create force fields." Audrianna responded in her straight to the point manner as she forked a piece of meat into her mouth. She had waited for everyone to finish eating before she ate herself, something that Jae often chastised her about. She expected that he would have done that again were it not for the topic of their conversation.

"Wow, really? That's cool. And definitely useful," Jae looked amazed as he studied her face as if he could see her powers on it. "So, you're like Violet from The Incredibles, huh?"

Audrianna nodded. "I guess in a way. Although I don't know if I can make myself invisible like she does. What's yours?"

"Mine's fire. I'd show you but I don't really wanna end up burning the place down."

"The Human Torch. Nice."

"Haha, well, I'm gonna be working on that. Harley said that I could probably fly. I hope I can. I mean, how cool would that be?" The excitement began building up in Jae again. "Anyway, I'll be testing that out tomorrow. Wanna come out with me?" Jae offered and then saw Cody coming towards them. "...Or maybe not. I'm sure there's someone else you'd like to tag along with," he winked, grinned, bid her good night and then made his timely escape.

"Wha---" Audrianna's eyes followed after Jae as he hurried away and then settling on Cody as he made his way towards her. Her cheeks immediately flushed a bright shade of pink. She didn't really know what to expect. Did his kiss earlier meant that he liked her? Would he continue spending time with her or will he go back to ignoring her like he did the whole year they were cooped up in the bunker? She began clearing the plate and fork she had used to eat. She paused when he pulled her towards him and enveloped her in a hug. Her cheeks burned redder when he pressed a kiss on her forehead, more so when he leaned down and kissed her on the lips. "G-good night, Commander," she stammered, thoroughly flustered.

Day 6, 7:00 AM

Interacting with: @Aeternum

It was nice seeing people with a healthy glow for once. The roasted pork Audrianna had served the night before had definitely lifted everyone's mood and she could only hope that it'd be that good every day. She looked at the remaining meat from the night before and was sure that everyone wouldn't mind eating it again this morning. Maybe a good sauce to go with the meat? She nodded to herself and then went into the kitchen to fix something up before people started filing in for the morning. A few minutes later and she was carrying out a bowl of brown gravy she made using a piece of the pork, some soy sauce she had been saving up and a few spices. She would have loved to make some bread to go with the pork but she didn't have any ingredients to make some.

Maybe I should take up Jae's offer of going out. I won't be useful in the kitchen if I can't cook anything... She nodded her head at her thoughts as she handed a plate out to the early risers. Yes, she'd try to help out with looking for food later.

"Uh, sorry to bother you, but what day is it?"

Audrianna looked up. Robert Moore. The boy's name immediately popped into her head. She knew everyone in the bunker. Everyone frequented the cafeteria the most, after all.

"It's the 6th day since the bunker doors were opened." She made quick work of fixing the thin boy a plate with a hefty serving of meat and gravy. "Here. It looks like you haven't eaten for a while." She reached behind the counter and handed him the peach Jae had set aside for him too. "And here's a peach. Jae asked me to give it to you when you've managed to bring yourself in here to eat," she gave Robert a small smile.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grayson and Harley

collaboration between @December and @wick

Day 6 11am

Grayson stared in awe as water poured forth from Harley's fingertips, filling the bowl in front of him to the brim. The girl began talking about other powers that their bunkermates had been developing, however it faded into the background as he slowly came to the realization that the entire bunker now possessed super powers.

"Wait wait wait, let me get this straight." Grayson held up his hand to gesture about his upcoming sentence, however he was at a loss for words and his hand just floated in the air between him and Harley. "Um... What?"

He furrowed his brow and peered at Harley with a confused expression, unable to process what she was telling him. Between the sickness, lack of food, exhaustion, and overall mental strain he had been experiencing over the past few weeks, he was at an utter loss for intelligent words.

Harley examined his appearance a little more. Had he really not gotten anythng while everyone else had? That would be highly pecculiar. He looked normal, no gills or anything weird like that.

"Have you been having any weird dreams or seeing strange things? It's possible that maybe your powers are mental and not physical ones. Try to clear your mind and think about yesterday. Did anything odd happen to you?"

Grayson looked down at the bowl of water in front of him and squinted, trying to recall the past day. "Well, there, there was this one thing that happened when I woke up yesterday..." He licked his lips and and shook his head. "I don't really know how to describe it, it was almost like I... I split in two, if that makes sense?"

He stood up and began pacing back and forth in between the tables, turning on his heel each time he reached the end of the isle. "When I woke up, I got out of bed, but for a second I left my body behind? It was almost like I couldn't breathe, and I was looking at my own body as it passed out on the floor, but when I started breathing again I snapped back into my body..."

Grayson plopped down on the bench next to Harley and looked into her eyes. "We have super powers?"

Harley smiled as he decribed what had happened to him and she nearly became giddy. "Yes, we do and if you described what I think you did it sounds like Pru from Charmed. She had Astral Projection and could do that very thing. If it is then you could literally be in two places at one time but the astral you couldn't be hurt and the real you would be vulnerable."

Harley was so excited for him she could barely contain herself. "I got boring old water and you can fight and do things without worrying about getting hurt as long as someone is protecting your real body." When she turned back to him her eyes were alight with glee.

Grayson's face broke into a smile as he listened to Harley rant about his powers. "Are you kidding me? You're a waterbender!" He let out the first genuine laugh for the past week and ran his hand through his air, shaking his head with disbelief.

"So how does it work?" He looked intently at Harley, as if he was waiting for her to give him a beginner's manual on how to turn into a ghost. He wasn't sure why, but he expected her to know how his powers worked; she seemed to know the most about the super powers the rest of the group had been developing. "Do I just hold my breath or what? And how do I not fall through the ground if I can go through things?"

Harley looked a little perplexed at that last question. "Well Pru and her sisters powers were emotion based. I have found that mine are too, so I am guessing that you have to figure out if your trigger is or not and then we can experiment a little. I think you are corporeal in the astral form not ghostlike. You can pick things up and weild weapons and stuff like that. The projection part of it has to be triggered though. If you want to go outside I can scare you and see if that does anything."

Harley grinned at what she could do to scare him and chuckled softly to herself.

Grayson felt a little unnerved at Harley's chuckle, however it still brought a smile to his face at her sense of fun. "Well, scaring people seems make their powers work, because if I recall, you were pretty startled when I first saw you use your powers."

The man bit his lip and flashed Harley a boyish grin, hoping she would appreciate his flirting. Before she could say anything, he stood up and motioned for her to lead the way. The excitement of the moment and the recent meal had bolstered his attitude, body, and confidence, getting him back to his usual self. "Let's go see if we can scare me out of my body."

Harley already knew what she was going to do and she grabbed his hand and ran towards the drop off. "You gotta see this view! It's totally amazing." She looked so excited that she was positive that he wouldn't realize what she was up to. She pulled him with her to the edge and looked down at the city below them. Off to the right was the lake she had filled up. She looked at his expression and smiled.

"It's sad but it's good that we have one close by to borrow from don't you think? So what did you do before all of this? I was a lifeguard about to start college. Can you swim?"

Grayson was slightly suspicious of how Harley was going to scare him, however the instant he saw the view, it took his breath away. He hadn't hardly been outside the bunker since it opened, and he certainly hadn't see a view like this for over a year. He breathed deeply and gazed out over the cliff face, amazing by the view.

"Uh, yeah, I can swim..." He muttered, stepping to the edge of the cliff and looking over at the lake. "I, uh... I used to help people with their problems..." His voice trailed off before he could explain his psychiatric career; the view was far too astonishing for him to take in all at once. "I can swim..."

Harley wrapped her arm around his waist and pulled him with her off of the cliff and they dropped for about three seconds before she pulled the water up and they rode the waves out over the city.

Grayson screamed a few unsuitable words and grabbed onto Harley's arms, his curses turning into a scream of varying pitch. "HARLEY!" Water encompassed his legs as his head whipped around, trying to figure out how they hadn't died.

Harley wanted to laugh at him but she tried really hard not to. She knew it had terrified her that first time she had gone over the edge on purpose. She put them down on top of a solid building and she let him get his land legs back.

"I probably shoud have asked you if you were afraid of heights." She didn't release his waist right away. She wanted to give him a minute to get his feet back under him. She waited for him to scream that he hated her or something. "Try to project now."

Grayson shakily regained his sense of balance, his arms held out to the side to help steady him. Had he not been so surprised, he probably would've enjoyed Harley hugging him from behind, however it faded into the background as his weak stomach avoided puking.

"I, uh, I need a second." He kneeled down on the roof, closing his eyes and orienting himself to his surroundings. Once he was finished, he realized how weak he probably looked to Harley. His cheeks felt hot as his embarassment showed, causing him to stand up and clear his throat. "Okay, let's do this."

After stealing a quick glance at Harley, Grayson shook his arms out and focused himself. "Emotions..." The first time Grayson had used his supposed powers, he had been holding his breath. Inhaling deeply, he closed his eyes and held his breath.

Imagining himself separating from his corporeal body, Grayson mentally pushed himself outside of his own physical form.

A small thud sounded behind Grayson as he opened his eyes. He looked down at himself and saw his entire form glowing a faint purple. A pair of feet that looked similar to his own lay beneath him, connected to an unconcious body laying on the roof beside him.

Grayson's eyes opened wide as he looked over at Harley, grinning widely. "Can you see this?!"

Harley was watching Gray and when he collapsed she was a little concerned but she knew he would get better control of that part later on. She looked around until she saw him appear and she nodded and grinned in awe of him.

"Yes, I can see and hear you." She walked over to him and touched his arm. "And I can feel you too." She looked at his body and back at him. "Do you feel okay? Any problems with anything?"

Harley grinned and looked over at the next building as she heard something and realized there was an animal inside that building. She looked at Gray. "I'm going to go check that out do you want to astral yourself over there with me? It's still really new to you so don't push yourself. You don't have to come."

Grayson shook his head, exhilarated by the new sensation. "No, I wanna come." He felt a small pain inside his chest, however he ignored it, enthralled by his new abilities.

His Astral form floated past Harley; he seemed able to move about freely through the air without regard to the ground. "This is so amazing!" He let out a hearty laugh and tried to land on the roof, however his feet slid right through it up to his knees. "Wait."

Grayson tried a couple more times to land on the roof, however, try as he might, he was unable to rest on the solid surface. "Um, is that supposed to happen? I can't touch the roof, but I can touch you..." Grayson extended his leg and poked Harley with his foot. He could feel her skin, but not the jeans that covered it. "Um, I think I can only touch you."

Harley forgot about the animal and watched Gray's feet. She pulled him out of the roof and watched him trying to touch the roof and then touched her leg. "Hmm, that is odd. We'll have to check the bunker for more information about Astral Projection. Charmed was tv after all things could be a bit different." She watched him and looked at his body. She walked over to his body and rolled him over. Something told her to check on him, intuition maybe.

"Have you felt an felt anything? Pain, difficulty breathing or anything weird? Your breathing is a little off over here." Harley checked his pulse and it seemed ok. She just felt like something was off.

Grayson felt an odd sensation when Harley touched his body; he felt an odd, tingling sensation in the spot that corresponded to wherever Harley was touching. "Well, there's a small pain in my chest." Grayson floated over to Harley, letting his upper body lead the way, with his lower half drifting behind him. "Do you see anything odd?"

Grayson looked over his own body and furrowed his brow, leaning in closer and placing his ear on his chest. It was odd, feeling his chest on his ear and his ear on his chest. "Um, Harley, I'm not breathing?"

He floated over his own body and moved his ear to his mouth, listening for any hint of the corporeal Grayson taking in air. "Yeah, I'm not breathing." Grayson tried to suck in a breath with his Astral form, however nothing came in. "Uh, do I go back into my own body?"

Concerned, Grayson slowly floated across his body from Harley, staring intently into her eyes. A small part of him was scared he wouldn't be able to return to his normal body, however he had been able to do it the first time.

Harley nodded. "Go back in and try to take a deep breath. If you don't breathe right away I'll start CPR." She was a little worried because well, this never happened on Charmed!

"Hurry up get in there."

Grayson nodded and flew upward, twisting his Astral form roughly five feet in the air above his body and dove back down, attempting to fuse with his physical self.

Rather than reforming, he just body-slammed himself; if he had any air in his lungs, he would have knocked it out, however he felt a large sensation of cold pain across him abdomen. "Okay, yeah, not my best idea." Grayson winced and shook his head. "Take two."

Grayson laid down on his body, closing his eyes and focusing on remelding with himself. He had never really felt like a complete human by himself for his entire life, however he had never wanted to be complete more than he did now.

Grayson exhaled as much air as he could from his lungs and took a large breath, pulling as much oxygen as he could into his lungs.

His entire body tingled as he snapped open his eyes, gasping for air in his own body again. Harley was on her knees next to him and he looked over at her with a broad grin and smiled, attempted to play off the large amount of burning pain within his lungs. "Ta-da!"

Harley had watched as he tried to get back inside his body and kinda bounced off of it and then he lay down into it and suddenly he was breathing a huge intake of air into his lungs. Harley looked at the ground in front of her for a moment. She had been terrified that he might not be able to breathe or wake up and it would have been her fault for taking him out here instead of staying by the bunker where the commander could heal him if he were still alive at all.

She brushed her hair out of her face and she wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. "You scared the hell out of me!" She was shaking a little and she didn't know what to do next. Her emotions had caught up to her and she was just slightly upset, so much so that she had to wipe the tears away from her eyes. She looked away and tried not to let him see.

Grayson tried to hide his joy as she embraced him, but it was quickly wiped away when he saw her distress. "Hey, Harley, I'm okay." He moved so that he was sitting on his legs and he hugged her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her in close.

"It's okay, I'm alive," He smiled greatfully and let out a small chuckle. "I gotta admit, I was pretty nervous I was gonna be stuck as a purple ghost for the rest of my life."

Breifly considering what to do next, he decided to resort to his natural setting: flirting. "But, y'know, even if I was a purple ghost, being able to only touch you isn't the worst thing in the world." He gave Harley a sly grin and craned his neck so that he could look at her face better. "Would it?"

She wiped her tears away and smirked and then she stood on her knees and kissed him on the lips. She pulled back to see what his reaction was and it made her a little nervous but at this point she was going to let her instincts have their way. "I'm glad you didn't go all casper the friendly ghost on me."

Grayson blinked in suprise; he could still feel the warm spots on his lips where her's had been, and while it was something he was expected, he hadn't figured that she would kiss him.

Grayson's face broke into a broad grin and leaned back in, wrapping his arm around Harley's waist and giving her a proper kiss that he was actually prepared for. He was incredibly aware of every inch of her skin that touched his, and he relished every moment of it.

Harley kissed him back passionately. She had no idea that kissing him would feel so wonderful. It made her feel alive for the first time in about 18 months. She wasn't going to be the one to break it up. She was completely focused on him and when she heard the giant cat behind her she pulled up a wall of water around them so that they were safe. It was a tunnel of water and they were in the middle of it, dry and kissing.

Grayson was so immersed in the experience that the funnel of water that appeared around them was completely unnoticed. His eyes were closed and the only the he could possibly focus on was the beautiful woman in front of him. While he wasn't willing to admit it, he had been rather lonely for the past year, and enjoying Harley's company had quickly become a favorite for him, even if it was mostly centered around him being sick or almost dying. It was worth it.

Grayson felt like he should pull away from her, but he wasn't going to let a good thing die. He was content to sit there, kissing Harley on a grungy rooftop until kingdom come.

After what seemed like an eternity passed, Grayson suddenly heard the sound of trickling water. While he would really rather be punched out than stop kissing Harley, the odd sound could be some form of danger. But, then again, maybe it was just a side effect from Harley's passion...

Grayson begrudgingly opened his eyes and gasped, both from lack of air and surprise, when he saw the water tunnel around them. "Uh, Harley-" He was interrupted as she kissed him one last time before they both pulled away. "Uh, are you doing that?" He gestured vaguely to the surrounding aquatic prison formed around them, both concerned and dazzled.

Harley heard Gray muttering something and she pulled back just enough to make out what he said. Her eyes were glazed from his kisses and she nodded, "Yes, the tiger was too close." She reached over and kissed him softly once more and then stood up. "Are you ready to go back?" Harley could see the cat through the water and she pushed out enough water to knock it off of the roof. Once it was off of the roof she let the water go crashing down and away from them..

"I still need to go water the orchard. Do you want to come with me?"

Grayson was still slightly concerned about the tiger that Harley had nonchalantly ignored while the two were kissing, however he brushed it aside, cleared his throat, and smiled. "Well, I'm not really sure what else I'm supposed to be doing around here. And besides, I like seeing you use your powers." Grayson grinned widely and gestured for her to lead the way.
@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Venku
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

After Kwan took the pig to butcher it Alex went off to go practice more with his power, he had some ideas he wanted to test out. Running into the forest he nullified the air resistance and used the wind to give himself a boost. Soon he had reached the ruins he saw on the first day. He concentrated on condensing air into a ball on his hand. Throwing the ball at a wall it went right through making a perfectly round hole in the wall. 'If I can condense air into a smaller area I can probably do the opposite too. With that thought he began concentrating on removing the air froma small area in front of him. It had the intended effect and created a small area of vacuum which once he became unable to control pulled all the air back in and caused some debris to fly towards it. He then realized that he had been gone for a while and it would be a good idea to head back. When he arrived food was ready and he quickly ate before heading to bed exhausted. The next morning he woke up, did his morning training and headed to the cafeteria.

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

Ben the Fighter

Ben's day had been mostly uneventful other than the nice meal Aud had given him. She'd always seemed kind to him. But he spent the rest of his meal, and indeed the rest of his day in quiet and thoughtfulness. He enjoyed his alone time, though something about this 6th day made him feel a bit more sociable. He wasn't entirely sure why, but he felt it. Getting up, he did his best to use some water to wash his thick and unruly hair, and headed over to the cafeteria to grab something else to eat. He found Audrianna and Robert chatting it up, and Aud doing the feeding as usual. Ben's voice was a bit hoarse, but pleasant. "Morning." he said with a wave as he walked in casually. He sat down next to them and gave a smile in further greeting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Commander Cody Varicke

Interacting with @kyrisse

Day 6 11am
Cody left his office and headed for the kitchen. He had just finished his inventory and journal entries on the pipes and he was looking forward to seeing Audrianna. He just hoped that she wasn't upset with him for not being in the kitchen to help her this morning. He had hoped he would be and then the pipe problem happened. He was hoping to find a way to pull her out of her shell a bit more. Cody really liked her soft heart towards others and he had been paying attention to her for a long time. She had just never noticed. He would always look like he was working on something so no one would pay him any mind.

Cody smiled and said hi to people in the cafeteria. He saw Harley and Grayson leave together and he smirked. Anyone with eyes could see that Harley liked Grayson. She was kind to everyone but when it came to Gray she went above and beyond duty it seemed. She always had since the first time she had laid eyes on him. He nodded at Ben as he passed his table and went to where Audrey and Robert were talking at the food line. There wasn't anyone else in line to serve so Cody slid around behind the counter and as soon as she and Robert finished speaking he jovially picked up her hand and removed the glove on it and kissed it. Her blushing was endearing and it made him smile.

Cody looked into her soft gray eyes and asked her "I know we can't exactly go on a regular date with the world being what it is right now but do you think maybe we could watch a movie together tonight? I'd like to spend some time alone with you and I think we should get to know each other better." Cody looked up to make sure no one was paying them any attention and he leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. He didn't want her to feel embarrassed by his actions.

Cody went back to the sinks and started washing the dishes and whistled while he did.
@King Tai@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@oliver
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
Avatar of Kyrisse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park & Audrianna Kent

Day 6, 8:30 AM

Interacting with: @POOHEAD189, @Aeternum, @Wick

"This is the Commander. The plumbing issue can not be resolved. There is no way to repair the pipes between the backup reservoir and the main line. This means that we will be limited on water at certain times of day. Our very own Water Goddess Harley has agreed to refill the reservoir for us daily so at least we will still have clean safe water. Good morning, Good hunting, stay safe out there today and look after each other."

Audrianna paused and listened to Cody's voice. "Oh." She didn't wanna admit it but she was a bit disappointed that he wasn't in the cafeteria. Audrianna, he's the commander. He has a lot of important things to do than hang out here with you. Don't forget your place, she scolded herself in her head. She turned back to Robert and gave him an apologetic smile. "Enjoy your breakfast," she mumbled before turning towards Ben who had just walked in.

"Good morning," she greeted softly before turning to the food and automatically preparing a plate for him. She didn't really mind serving people. Having something routine to do helped with the sadness she felt for losing the old chef. Although they were not related, he had been good to her and she saw him almost like a father. She once said that she wouldn't cry for anyone but when the old man had died in her arms, she wasn't able to stop herself. She sighed and placed the plate of food in front of Ben. "It's the same food we had last night, I'm sorry. There's really nothing else I can serve. As soon as we get more food in here, I can fix something else," she immediately apologized. "I hope you have a good meal all the same," she said before moving away.

"I don't think anyone would mind the same food as long as it's food and it's edible, you know. Even the watered down soup you made yesterday for lunch was better than nothing. You're worrying about something you shouldn't really be worrying about," came Jae's voice behind her.

Audrianna turned around and grinned at Jae. "Hey. Had a good sleep?" The Korean boy was really the only person she was comfortable chatting with.

Jae yawned. 'Weeell, a dream wherein I was being chased by peaches with razor sharp teeth and squealing roasted pigs isn't what I would call ideal but I think I slept fairly well."

Audrianna laughed. "You dreamt that your food was chasing you?"

Jae shrugged. "Awww, you heard me. So, can I get some food maybe?"

"Oh, yeah, of course." She immediately got a plate for Jay and filled it the same way she did for both Robert and Ben.

"Thanks, Aud. Gotta keep up my energy today if I wanna go out and practice...and maybe bring in stuff for you to cook too." He grinned at Robert. "Finally awake, I see. Glad to have you back with us." He brought his plate over to where Ben was and settled down onto the chair opposite his. He had already sat himself when he remembered that the man seemed to always prefer being alone. "Hey dude. I hope you don't mind me joining you. I mean, it's pretty lonely eating alone," he said. And being the chatterbox that he was, he didn't really wait for an answer before posing a question for Ben. "Things have been bat shit crazy, huh? Have you gotten yourself a nifty super power too?"

Audrianna watched Jae as he conversed with both Robert and Ben. Jae had always been a friendly person. He was good at dancing and singing and she often wondered how big of a star he would have been if the catastrophe didn't happen. She excused herself and began serving the other people that were piling into the cafeteria.

One after the other, Audrianna served the small population in the bunker. Like what Jae said, no one seemed to mind eating the same thing they had the night before and she was relieved that there was still so much left over to serve this morning. She had just finished serving everyone when she felt someone hold her hand and remove the glove she was wearing. She blushed when she realized that it was Cody. He felt his lips touch the back of her hand, effectively making the blush on her cheeks darken. "A movie? Uhm...sure, I'd like that. B-but after I've finished all my chores, okay?" Her eyes widened when he leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers. The blush that was just fading flared back up and all she could really do was stare at him as he walked to the sinks and began washing the dishes.

She bought herself time to calm down as she busied herself preparing a plate of food for the Commander. As soon as she was done, she walked towards him. "I can...uh... take care of those dishes. You don't really have to worry about them." She gently took the plate he was washing from him and gestured towards the plate of food she had set down on the table nearby. "I haven't seen you eat any breakfast yet so go eat and let me take care of this," she said.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aeternum
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Robert Moore
Day 6:Morning

"Uh, thanks." Robert mumbled.

Six days!? He wasn't sure he remembered anything after the second day. How long had he been out, and this only raised more questions about when he'd last eaten.

Robert glanced at the plate she was loading up, and tried to determine if he should say anything.

With the way he was feeling, he wasn't sure he'd be able to stomach the food. Honestly, he'd been looking for something lighter, and more easily digestible, like soup. This food, on the other hand, was heavy. He'd actually been thinking of slipping directly into the kitchen area and attempting to fix something up for himself. In the end, he couldn't decide before she'd handed him the plate and then a peach too.

"Oh, uh, thanks. Um... for the food."

He wondered if he should ask. Who was Jae? Maybe Jae was one of the cooks? He wasn't sure. After a moment he realized he'd taken too long to think it through, and felt as if things had gotten awkward. It was time to retreat.

"Please tell Jae 'thanks' for me too."

Robert managed a smile at her and found a corner to put down the peach and the plate. It was slow going, as he swayed a little on his feet. He made a second trip to retrieve a fork, a knife, and some napkins. Maybe if he cut it into really tiny pieces, it'd be okay. He stared at the food in front of him, and picked at it and poked at it. He really wasn't feeling all that well. In fact, he already felt like emptying his stomach, and he hadn't even eaten a bite yet.

The food smelled good, but something about it made his stomach revolt. At least, he thought it might be that it was revolting. He wasn't sure if it was that his hunger was causing his stomach to try to jump up his throat and grab the food, or if it was that his stomach was trying to escape.

He steeled himself and cut off a thin slice of meat, and popped it into his mouth. He let it sit on his tongue for a bit, chewed and then finally swallowed it. After a minute or two, he found he didn't need to rush for the restroom, and decided that it might be fine to keep going. He was starving.

He winced a little at the loud voices near him. His head was pounding, and he was thirsty. His eyes searched around for the water bottles, and was about to get up and retrieve one, when he suddenly processed that someone had said something to him. Right, it was the Asian man.

"Oh, uh... yeah, thanks." He mumbled, but he had already missed his chance to really respond. The man was already talking to another.

Smooth one Robert, smoooth.

He slowly shook his head. It felt like it would be rude if he just got up and left even if it was to retrieve some water. He eyed the peach. Maybe he'd try that. He hoped it was juicy enough to quench his thirst. At the very least, it would give him a moment or two before he went to get some water. At least leaving wouldn't seem so abrupt, he hoped.

He nibbled at the peach and chewed carefully. He still felt fine after a pause, so he nibbled a bit more until the sweet juices started to rush into his mouth. It wasn't quite as sweet as he expected, and the taste and texture felt somewhat different from the peaches he remembered. Then again, for the last year, the only peaches anyone got to eat was the canned kind. It was odd, but pretty good.

After a minute or two, the sweetness was starting to get a little overwhelming, and so was the saltiness of the pork. It wasn't that it was too salty, exactly, it was more like, he really wanted some water. He put down the peach, wiped his fingers with a napkin, and then went straight for the water.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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@FunnyGuy @King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189


The next croc Trinity took was with a rock that weighed about 150 pounds but just as she expected they quickly grew weary of her and started to hide; to them she was a monster and by old standards she was a monster. So giving the river monsters a break she began clearing debris along the river bank removing fallen trees and moving rocks so as to expose anything resting along the side she was working on today and tomorrow she would cross the river and clear the other bank and deprive them of cover.

No one had assigned her the task but she needed it, call it busy work or OCD she needed to work she knew no other life coming from the family she still called her own. And though she’d granted herself the full day to do her work she found that trees she was sure weighed four to five tons were easy to move; more like moving christmas trees than serious lumber so it was finished quickly and she decided to grab a seat by the water knowing now that the reptiles therein feared her.

Sure her life now officially sucked when compared with the one she’d had planned but she didn’t need to give up because her world was upside down. So deep in thought she absently reached out and grabbed a 50 pound chunk of concrete and skipped it down river spinning it like a palm sized river rock a couple of hundred feet.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wick
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Wick Drama Writer Extraordinaire

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Harlow Grey (Harley)

Day 6 about 12:30pm
Harley held onto Gray as they rode the waves back. She wasn't sure what to do now. Her and Gray making out in a water tunnel had been totally spontaneous. She felt herself blush. When they got to the cliff face she set them down and then the water dissipated around them leaving the land nicely watered and the air heavy with humidity. She let go of him slowly.

"I need to check the reservoir and Jae mentioned practicing his fire power. I think we need to do more research on your power. Will you please do something for me? Please don't try your power unless someone is around to monitor your body. The commander would be a good choice since he could heal you." Harley walked into the bunker with him and she had to turn left to go to the reservoir. The cafeteria smelled good and it was to the right. She felt her stomach growl. She hadn't eaten anything other than a peach in the orchard and she was hungry. "I need to check the reservoir, I'll catch you later?" After giving him a quick kiss on the lips she jogged to the maintenance room she needed to check on the water.

Harley refilled the reservoir. Since they no longer needed to recycle all of the old water they were allowing it to drain out into the area at the bottom of the hill that the bunker sat on. It saved a lot of stress on the electrical system that way.

Exhaustion suddenly overtook her, she walked into the cafeteria dizzy and felt like she might pass out. Harley curled up in a corner of the cafeteria and closed her eyes for a moment. Random people kept staring at her. She didn't care. She didn't even have the energy to be a smart ass to them. As she closed her eyes she could hear Robert, Jae, and was that Ben? Her powers had depleted her energy and within a few minutes she was asleep on the floor.

Commander Cody Varicke

Interacting with @Kyrisse

Cody spied Audrey making him a plate and he watched her. Her quiet generosity made him smile. A thought that kept occurring to him over and over lately appeared again in his mind. You don't deserve her. She is too good for you.

"I can...uh... take care of those dishes. You don't really have to worry about them." She gently took the plate he was washing from him and gestured towards the plate of food she had set down on the table nearby. "I haven't seen you eat any breakfast yet so go eat and let me take care of this," she said.

Cody gave her a tired smile and dried his hands off. "Alright, I'll eat. I would have been here earlier but the pipe problem had to take priority over what I would rather do." He began eating and observed her as she took up the dishes. The crowd in the cafeteria was loud and a little rambunctious so he got up and slid the kitchen door shut.

He walked over to Audrey and started washing his now emptied plate. He gently scooted her out of the way by taking tiny steps that kept bumping into her til she was in front of the sink that he used to rinse the dishes. He grinned at her and put the washed dish in the other side. Cody searched her eyes and leaned down while pulling her to him and kissed her. This wasn't a quick peck on the lips. This was a kiss to melt a person into a puddle of goo. After a couple of moments he pulled back a little shaky and breathing hard. He kept her close to him and whispered to her, "Why do you keep letting me kiss you? You haven't told me off once, why not?"
@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@oliver
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kai / Nina

After Nina got the help she needed and placed the plant down into something bigger, to her delight, the plant seemed to bloom ever more and grew a little bigger bringing a smile on Nina's face. In the hallway, Kai was having a little trouble. He was having trouble getting back to the floor but floating wasn't the issue this time. This time, he was either stuck on the wall, crawling or walking and a couple times, shifted to walk on the ceiling upside down. Blood was rushing to his head by this time. He attempted to get down but without focusing, he'd end up floating, unable to touch the floor.

Wallcrawling into the cafeteria, Kai was calling for a little help to force himself down.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by alexfangtalon
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Jake Evanston

Training Montage Inbound

Interacting with :@December

Day Six

Jake woke up much later than he desired to. Maybe it was due to the fact that over the past week despite being sick he got little sleep from helping others so much. He sat up in his bed very hungry. He looked to his bedside table and saw the two peaches he had taken yesterday. He wouldn't feel right if he ate his unless Trinity ate hers so he decided to just give them both back to the cafeteria and grab something else to eat.

Jake didn't run into many people on his way to the cafeteria. It was mostly people who he didn't know to well and only extended a wave and hello to them. In the cafeteria he wanted to get in and out as quick as possible. He wanted to avoid conversation cause he had a plan for the day. He put the peaches in the kitchen and grabbed a small thing of food. Once he finished eating he put up the bowl and made his way towards the exit of the bunker.

When he got to the exit he witnessed Gray get a peck from Harley. Lucky guy. Thought Jake. Jake walked up to the color named guy and said, "Looks like someones having a good day." Jake had a big smile on his face. He always loved teasing his friends from back home whenever they were dating someone. He told himself it was because it was fun to just mess with them when in actuality it was because he never could get a girlfriend himself.

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@RumikoOhara@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@Venku@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@oliver
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

Ben the Fighter

Ben gave Aud a friendly smile and a chuckle. "It's alright, we're all kind of going with what we can get." He'd always been extra polite to her, then again he tried to be that way with most everyone. It was how he'd been raised after all, unless of course he'd with his friends because he'd relentlessly mess with them until something went hilariously wrong. But Auddrianna seemed sweet enough. Ben began to eat his food greedily before Jae sat down with him. He'd just been sitting here quietly with Robert for a bit, enjoying his food.

"It's cool." Ben said to Jae's greeting, and gave a nod. "I can punch and kick really well." He grinned, showing it was a half joke. "Honestly, I feel like one good thing happened after the world went to shit. I can...feel my inner strength." Ben tried to explain, gulping down the last bit of Aud's tasty food and setting everything down. He rolled up his sleeves, and flexed. Ben usually worked out about an hour a night and was pretty fit to begin with, but he closed his eyes and focused his energy, causing his muscles to swell even more. When he opened his eyes, his gaze was focused an penetrating.

He pushed off the table and backflipped, landing on his hands and holding his body weight up easily. He could do that without his powers, but he focused his energy on a single point and held his body up with three fingers for a few moments, and fell back to his feet. He gave a bow, which was interrupted by Harley stumbling in and falling asleep in the corner. Ben blinked and pointed at her. "She ok?"@Aeternum@Wick@Kyrisse

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@King Tai@Wick@Aeternum@Kyrisse@Spinosaurus@December@Venku@alexfangtalon@POOHEAD189@FunnyGuy@oliver

Jason & Kwan

Assuming they really didn't need anything, Jason decided to not go outside or forage. Instead he stayed, walking around. He then went up to Kwan. "Uh, why are you eating so much food? I mean, I only studied biology for a bit, but I don't think it really is," he said casually.

Kwan looked at Jason when he asked her about her calorie intake I need to consume large amounts of calories because like a hummingbird I have an accelerated rate.

Then she paused as she thought of everything he said You know how to take a pulse?

"Yeah.." he said, "I kind of know. High school health class. If I can remember. Why?"

She smiles broadly and says sweetly I'm curious if like a hummingbird I enter topur state while sleeping.

"So you want me to take your pulse while sleeping?" he asked, "I guess that I could do that."

Lovely, I need to know these things because if I do I was thinking that I might enter the state of topur through meditation to conserve energy when food is scarce

"Ok, just lead me to the place, I guess." he said.

Kwan giggled her strangely colored eyes dancing with delight Not at this moment I just woke up and am now brimming with energy but tonight please do. she looks over her shoulder at the kitchen then back at Jason I was heading out to head off to the south and see if I can find things we might need here. I was planning on it being about 20 miles out then back by lunch

"Sounds good, I guess. I was going to do that earlier. Let's go" he said as he shrunk down to a bit smaller than an inch. She was faster than he was. He climbed onto her shirt and then onto her shoulder. "Ready."

Kwan looked at him and got a concerned smile I think you need a more secure location because I move at supersonic speed she paused as she remembered something she had in her room and blurred into motion heading there and back in less than 15 seconds in her hands is a backpack that has a cell phone pouch on one of the shoulder straps; best of all the pouch had a clear plastic front and was ventilated

This might be a better place for you to ride than out in the open.

while I seem to escape the effects of the winds and the gravity shears of my ability I don't know if it extends to other people.
She says as she uses a blade to cut a damaged but thick plastic bottle and pushes it into the case so it will keep him from being squished then into the case and bottle she tucks a purple silk scarf to serve as makeshift padding.

He went into the bottle, "So, what are we going to get?" he asked, not quite knowing for sure.

I'm not sure what we'll find just that we need to do this

It is not good that we don't know what's out there and dangerous as well
she says as she picks him up and dropshim into the phone case atop the silk

"I think I might be durable while shrunk, but I don't know for sure." he looked around, "I'm ready to go."

Kwan headed out of the bunker moving at a normal walking pace till she was outside and about 100 feet from guards then she began to accelerate and was careful to check on her friend in his little cockpit on her chest when she was moving at about one hundred miles an hour and found him no worse for the wear. Emboldened she moves her speed up progressively before stabilizing around 4oo miles an hour which she found was like a comfortable jogging speed for her with her new ability.

it takes them only about 2 minutes to reach the remains of a small town 10 miles from the bunker and to the south. they have come to a stop atop a hill of topsoil on a construction site to give them a better view of the local area.

Its sad you know coming out here and seeing how much we've lost but at least as Uncle Monkey said "So long as You draw breath there is hope"

He was a positive thinker that never took the world too seriously
she said with a giggle that makes her chest bounce and therefore the phone case as well

He was bounced around , "Ow!" he yelled jumping into the cushion. It didn't really hurt. He was surpsied anyways.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

• Grayson Donovan •

Grayson returned with Harley to the bunker, enthralled and slightly unnerved by her immense power. The waves held the pair up with odd currents, feeling almost like a vortex around his legs, however he didn't spin in circles like he expected.

The water carried Grayson and Harley back to the cliff they had originally dived off of; the two made their way on foot back to the bunker, slowly walking so as to spend more time together. Harley was completely dry, however Grayson's clothes were damp, but he didn't mention it to her, not wanting to complain.

When the two finally made it back to the bunker, Harley mentioned a long list of responsibilities she had to attend to. Before Grayson could say anything flirtatious, she asked him not to use his powers alone, and the brief reminder of how much it had scared the both of them when he couldn't remeld into his body quelled any comments he could have made. Before he knew it, Harley had kissed him and was gone, leaving him standing alone in the doorway staring as she walked away.

"Looks like someones having a good day."

Grayson whipped his head around to see a young man smiling broadly at him, his eyebrows lifted upwards in a teasing manner. Grayson let out a pleased chuckle and looked back towards the direction Harley had left, attempting to hide the small amount of blush his face betrayed. Before the asteroid, having any kind of girl to kiss would have been something he had bragged about, however the events of the last year had sobered him up a bit. Harley wasn't just some girl he was making out with. She genuinely attracted him, and her confident spirit and tricky playfulness drew him in. He didn't wanna mess it up by being cocky.

"Oh, shut up, Jake." Grayson turned back to face him and leaned against the wall, grinning broadly. "There's nothing wrong a little fun." Grayson attempted to play it off, trying not to reveal just how attracted he was to Harley.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cody and Audrianna

Collaboration with @Wick

Day 6

Audrianna continued washing the dishes as Cody ate. She was hyper aware of his presence in the kitchen but continued washing the dishes silently, her mind scrambling to think of something to say. She blinked when he began bumping into her until she was displaced and he was standing directly in front of the sink. She raised an eyebrow at him when he grinned. Why was he suddenly paying so much attention to her? He didn't used to. So why now? Why---

Her thoughts were interrupted when he leaned down, pulled her towards him and began kissing her. Her eyes widened and her body immediately stiffened. She had half the mind to push him away but the other half of it wanted to kiss him back. And it was the latter half that eventually won out.

Slowly, she leaned towards him and began kissing him back, all thoughts of pushing him away gone from her mind. She was breathless like he was when he finally pulled back.

"Why do you keep letting me kiss you? You haven't told me off once, why not?"

Cody's question immediately made Audrianna's cheeks blush a bright red color. She avoided looking into his eyes and ended up looked down at her feet. "S-sorry. Should I have?" She sighed inwardly. He must think I'm weird, she thought a little despairingly.

Cody blushed a little. "Well I would hope if you didn't like me you would kick me or yell at me or something. I can only assume that you like me at least a little bit because you haven't. Why are you so shy around me? I would never hurt you and I've been watching you for the last year." Realizing that the last part might sound a little creepy he explained his statement. "Okaaay, that sounded creepy to my own ears. I observe people around me and you caught my attention." Cody ran his hands through his hair and put his hands on her shoulders. "I like you and I don't want you to be so shy around me."

Her cheeks still red, she looked up at Cody. "You do?" She wasn't sure if she heard him correctly.

Cody was beginning to wonder how she didn't know. "You weren't tipped off by all the kissing and wanting to be near you?"

A shy smile spread across Audrianna's lips. "I didn't really wanna assume too much," she admitted.

Cody blushed and smiled at the same time. "Come here." He pulled her close to him again and he put one hand on either side of her face gently and while grinning said, "If any guy is finding ways or reasons to touch you or kiss you he is trying to tell you that he likes you." Cody leaned in and kissed her gently.

Audrianna let him kiss her, responding with a little less shyness and a little more fervor. When they pulled away, she smiled the same shy smile. "And when a girl lets you kiss her, it means she likes you too."

Cody grinned widely and hugged her to him with both arms. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear you say that. Are you done in here for now? Dinner isn't for several hours yet. Do you want to watch a movie now?"

Audrianna shyly returned the hug. "Watch a movie? Now? I'd... like that but... can we? I mean, aren't we supposed to be...uhm...gathering more food and... well, I was of thinking of trying out my powers with JJ later." While it was the Commander that was inviting her, she didn't feel right lazing around when there's still too much to do.

Cody looked slightly crestfallen and nodded to her. "Yeah, I guess you are right. We have had some of the others bringing in food. There is always stuff around here I could be working on." He sighed with a dejected tone. "JJ is only a friend right? He isn't going to steal you from me when I'm not there is he?" He asked her playfully. "Since you are braving the new world out there with JJ you might want to see if Harley will go with you guys. She can counter his fire if anything goes wrong. Maybe after dinner we can watch a movie?"

It was strange hearing the words from the Commander but it gave her a warm feeling that he was worrying that someone might take her attention away from him. She reached out and intertwined her fingers with his. "I don't think anyone will be able to steal me away. JJ is just a close friend." she assured him and then blushed when she realized how bold she sounded. "I-if you want, I can just help you out with whatever you need to do."

Cody looked at her and smiled at her offer to help him. His next big job was a doozy. "Oh sweetheart, you don't want to be anywhere near the next job I have to get setup. Go practice with JJ. I'll catch you later ok?" He reached down and pulled out his dog tags that he wore around his neck. "Would you wear these?" He asked sheepishly.

She felt slightly disappointed that he didn't take her up on her offer but at the same time, she felt relieved. She needed to practice her powers if she wanted to be of some use to their small group. She nodded. "Okay. Movie date after dinner right?" she smiled prettily and then looked at the dog tags in his hand. Did he mean for her to wear his tags? "I would if you want me to," came her simple reply.

Cody smiled widely and put the chain around her neck and lay it carefully so that it wouldn't choke her. "I would like that very much. Okay, if you need me I'll be behind the bunker digging a trench. I'll shower before you see me tonight. I promise." He kissed her again and slid the door open to the cafeteria and headed towards the maintenance rooms.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Finished with her self assigned task she rinsed her face and arms off in the river unafraid of the creatures there she was at war with. Then she shook her hair free of her leather hair tie before combing it out and resetting it into a tight ponytail riding just behind the crown.

She thought briefly of just heading over across the stream but reconsidered when she heard her stomach growl. So giggling at her rude tummy she headed inside to fill it once more and grabbed whatever they were serving and headed over to eat in a corner. She ate quickly while her mind ran at full speed concocting plans and making a list of things she needed and steps she’d have to take to make her goals and that’s when she noticed a sleeping woman on the floor.

She walked over to her and said softly several times Miss, Miss are you okay

Getting no response Trinity thought she couldn’t just leave her there laying on the floor; besides people stepping on her there was the fact that the concrete could rob her of body heat and it might result in a cold or something.

So she put away her plate and then bent down and carefully picked Harley up surprised as she felt the other woman weighed so little she was afraid she’d blow away. She started to take her to the women’s section knowing she was a single woman like herself but having never really got to know her. It was while she carried her that she realized she didn’t know where to take her which made her blush with embarrassment. Faced with a puzzle she solved it as she did all puzzles; with the practical application of logic and took her to her own room and lowered her gently onto her strange bed then covered her with her prized quilt which she traveled with when she worked out of town and was the reason why such a family heirloom was with her now.

She started to leave Harley alone till she thought of how confused she might be wakeing in someone else's room so in an effort to soften the shock Trinity sat with her back to the wall and watched her sleep

@POOHEAD189 @Aeternum @Wick @Spinosaurus @alexfangtalon @Venku @December @FunnyGuy @King Tai @Oliver

(Edit: Sorry about the mild mental confusion displayed in the above post; I wrote it after being awake 38 hours.
Oh and thanks for all the help passing the hours waiting on a sick Equine)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kyrisse
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Jae Park

Interacting with: @POOHEAD189

Jae finished off his food as he watched Ben demonstrate what he can do. He wan't really surprised when he did a backflip but his eyes widened when Ben held himself up by only three fingers. "Well, that's definitely something," he commended before he looked towards where his backflipping friend was pointing. He spotted Harley by the corner, apparently asleep on the floor. He made a move to stand up to help her out but before he could, he saw Trinity walk towards her.

He raised an eyebrow as he watched Trinity easily lift the other woman up as if she only weighed a pound. "Guess it's a room full of super powers." he whistled low and then sat back down. He picked up his fork and waved it lazily at Ben. "Have you tried pushing yourself to the limit yet?" he asked and then gestured towards the cafeteria doors. "I'm gonna see how hot I can go later. Me and..." he paused as he looked around for Audrianna. Probably back in the kitchen, he thought to himself. Maybe he'll go ask if she still wanted to come with him later. "...maybe Aud are going out for some much needed test runs and practice and maybe nab ourselves something to cook if we're lucky. Wanna tag along?"

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by King Tai
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King Tai Your Chocolate Bro

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Kai / Nina

Shortly after getting her plant the needed space, the thought that Kai brought to Nina kept poking around in her mind being a person with powers. If she indeed have the power to manipulate plant-life's growth and feel what they feel, what else could she do? Taking the plant with her, he noticed Kai was asking for help to get down but she spoke up to him while grabbing him from the wall and tried pulling him down, which worked but the moment he finally touched the floor, he started puking.

*BLURGH!!* Damn... he said looking up and panting towards Nina Thanks... he said So this is what happens when I'm off the ground for too long... he said Kai, you should be more careful. You seem to stick to walls and float. You never told me what your abilities are... Ain't it obvious....the laws of gravity don't apply to me unless I can fly. I don't know the full extent of my ability yet.

Nina folded her arms Well you seemed to have gained a little control of your ability. Kai shook his head Nah...not at all. Yeah I've practiced in here but I'm afraid to go outside, thinking I'm going to float away. Nina smirked It's one way to find out...I'm going to test what you said to me about manipulating plants. Why not come out and practice a little and maybe try to get something to eat too...like hunting whatever creature we can find.

Standing after composing himself, a little chuckle escaped from Kai's lips. I don't know about going outside...what if I float away? I believe that you will be able to focus enough to get yourself down. Yeah but what if I don't? Kai....how are you going to master your abilities if you're not willing to push yourself? Yes...it's a scary thought that you could float away but that should give you plenty of motivation to gain better control of your powers. I'm scared too because I have no idea how far my powers could go but I won't know unless I try. Please...Kai...we want to be cool too like the others.... she said holding her hand out. Kai hesitated and grabbed her hand and smirked Alright....I'm blaming you if I float to the ends of the earth and end up with a mountain up my ass...

Nina giggled a bit Deal! she said as they headed out of the bunker to start practice. When they opened the hatch and the sun beamed, Nina was the first to come out with the plant and had to shade her eyes a bit before they adjusted and turned, waiting for Kai. Ever since Kai gained his abilities, he didn't go outside at all. He was peeking out like a meerkat from it's burrow and slowly crawled out acting really cautious. See...you're still grounded....nothing to be afraid of... she said as she held her hand out to Kai to get him all the way outside. When she pulled a little, Kai smirked feeling confident until the little jerking force caused him to life off the ground from his assisting step.

Oh shit...oh shit oh shit... he started levitating a little while he still held Nina's hand. Going up a little more, while connected, his body started to shift upside down while he started panicking OH SHIT!!! Nina get me down! he said as his floating was starting to cause Nina to go with him as nothing was above him to stop from going higher.

Kai!...calm down, just focus on getting down....come on... She said as Kai was trying to calm himself but Nina's feet gently lifted from the ground now but Kai still was not in full control yet while Nina continued rising with him. Kai!!! She called out as Kai was trying his best to get them down. It wasn't until Kai could feel them stopping that he thought he gained control I.....I was wondering...if this would work... Nina said as she looked down at the plant's grown and extended stems turned vine-like and wrapped around Nina's ankles, holding them in place long enough for Kai to focus them back to the ground.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

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Ben the Fighter

Ben pursed his lips and nodded as he thought for a moment. "I have gone all out, actually. The second day out, but...I started to glow a bit." he said, unsure of what it meant. He flexes his hands and looked at his palms, then clenched his fists. He remembered that he had powered up to such heights that he felt invincible, but...he collapsed immediately afterwards. He almost couldn't take it, going to those heights. "I do need some practice." he admitted.

He gave his buddy a smile. "Whenever y'all are ready." he told him, grabbing a last bit of food and chewing on it a bit, cheek full.
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