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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin followed Locas, a bit concerned with how... Open he was. She was just being polite when she offered her name, and she certainly didn't expect that he'd actually want to talk to her. But she supposed it wasn't too bad; at least she won't be spending the feast alone. And it wasn't as though Locas was an ugly or despicable man, simply that he seemed rather straightforward and a bit commanding. But at least he didn't dance around what he wanted, even if he's a bit eloquent about it. When he asked her what she bleed, she was able to quickly deduce that he meant what her mageblood was. Simply accounting on that idea that it was the only thing she could imagine that he's trying to ask, and if she gets it wrong, well, he could always correct her. "I am told that I have an Ancient Mageblood. Weaving, to be precise. To use movements to create magic. I think it's rather fitting, given how I grew up, but I am still a novice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Don't worry, I'll let you have one more go lass."

"Why thank you! You're to kind, surely..."

Annabeth was at a stall with a knife-throwing game. However, a few rounds in and she knew the game was rigged. More than half the knives were duller than golem, and the target was covered in so many gouges that it was one hammer blow from shattering into splinters, but also made it near impossible to get a solid stick with the dulled blades. However, despite the odds being stacked against her, Annabeth was about to hustle a few gentlemen of their gold. She had purposely lost a few rounds, allowed the men to "Show her how it's done", and made a pet with them. The current pot was twenty gold, when the price to play was only five silvers. Her opponent just went, sinking two knives into the bullseye and one at the thirty point circle. Now it was Annabeth's turn to show them just how outclassed they were. She couldn't throw a real knife to save her life, but she could throw these blunted ones to win her some gold. Her first shot missed horribly, causing the crowd to giggle at her failure. Her second one stuck onto the wooden backboard, but not the target.

"Aye lass, we can still split the winnings, thirty for me ten for you, if ya give me a kiss!"

"I think not. The game is mines, after all."

Thanks to all the games, she figured out the best balance for the knives, and used sharpened then against one another to create a finer point on each of them. Her third knife landed on a bullseye. So did her fourth. "Oi, that's good lass, but now there isn't any room on the bullseye! Even if ya hit the thirty point, we'd be tied and have to play again..." The other player's voice seemed agitated, now knowing that Annabeth nearly conned him out of his money. Or rather, just did. She threw her last knife at the target. She was indeed trying to go for the thirty point, but done something even better. Her last knife knocked away one of her opponent's loose blades, replacing it with her own. "Three Bullseyes. Thanks for the lesson gentlemen, I won't be forgetting it." Annabeth quickly gathered her winnings and left, leaving the others smiling at their own foolishness as they left to play other games.

With her purse a bit heavier, Annabeth decided to buy herself some treats. A delicacy from a far off land, fried maple leaves. At first she had her doubts, but they bad a crunchy, crispy apple taste, but also fairly dry. Which in turned made her want to buy some bubbling juice; it was a sweet grape flavored drink that fizzed in your mouth. She couldn't really drink it strait, so she took sips or small gulps. It went well with the fried maple leaves. Annabeth finished off her snacks and wondered around, taking in the sights and sounds. It was refreshing from the college's usual quiet and but erratic environment. Sure it was loud and bustling now, it at least it won't constantly switch between peace and quiet and sudden and drastic danger like the college tends to do. Not a week goes by at the college what something bursts into flames when it's not suppose to be one fire, or a vicious demons is unleashed and gets beaten into the stone, or half the college is covered in a thick smog. This was a nice change of pace.

Of course Annabeth's own pace came to a sudden stop when she near ran into someone. "Whoa!" She jerked her head towards what she was about to hit, thinking that it was a Eysire. Instead what she saw was much more... Different. Large boar like tusks, long ears, four digit hands and feet, a haunch but lanky body. She had no idea who or what this was, and was a bit afraid. At least until she spoke her name. It was familiar, like it was... "Lidda? Oh my I... I've seen you take many forms before, but I've never seen you take this one..." Not too far away she saw the Eania Ambassador, which cased Annabeth to back up and bow towards him. "G-greeting sir! I'm not disturbing anything, am I?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Locas Jule

Locas had most definitely heard of Weaving. In fact, one of his best friends was a Weaver before he was slaughtered with everyone else. He was never very good at Weaving consistently, but, given enough time and encouragement, he could do things that impressed even Locas, who never thought of magic as something particularly special or amazing. As far as he could tell, this was quite a rare Blood, but that didn't necessarily make it useful. He'd seen firsthand just how much work it took to be able to Weave with quickness and energy efficiency. It had it's uses, but as a novice, you were probably better off practicing in your spare time and only physically sparring.

It suddenly struck him just how fast this girl was. Sure, if Locas used his Blood, he could easily outpace her, but from how she'd flown at the man-bear thing earlier that day, her unassisted speed was not something to be taken lightly. This Meirin had been trained to be agile. If she had also been trained to better control her Blood, she would be quite formidable, and since that seemed to be the main point of going to this college, Locas figured it would be best to make a friend out of her. Leaning forward, he stared at her hand for a few moments, noting the tension in it. Meirin's awkward discomfort was beginning to annoy the male student, even though he knew it shouldn't be. Once again placing knitting his hands together and placing them under his chin, he smiled at her, in a genuinely comforting way.

"Well, Meirin," he began, suddenly feeling like her name was just a bit too long. He felt the air that was constantly present around him move away as he slowly willed it to raise the bench the girl sat on. "I hope you never decide to use those abilities against me. I know how dangerous Weaving can be in terms of battle, and I'd hate to be on the receiving end of your abilities." At this point, the bench was at least seven feet above the floor, and it was still rising. This was more difficult that he remembered it being last time he pulled it off. The girl hadn't yet noticed the height difference, or, if she had, Locas couldn't tell, a fact that reassured him that his conversational body language, tone, and choice of words were doing their job in this little prank. However, just because Meirin hadn't noticed didn't mean the people around them hadn't, and a small audience of upward-facing eyes had assembled. "Now, don't freak out," Locas said, his tone and body language unwavering. "And look below you."

The bench was now twelve feet in the air, the dining hall's tall ceiling and massive amount of manipulable air it contained contributing to the success of this small parlor trick. As the female student looked down, Locas couldn't help but chuckle. He saw the look in her eyes change from questioning, to briefly dumbfounded, to utterly terrified. Locas stopped raising the bench, but Meirin still held to the bench for dear life. He took pride in knowing he'd managed to get discernible emotions to show on her face for once, even if they weren't the best of emotions, but he then realized how off his sense of emotion had been today, and decided that these observations might have been as good as guesses.

"Meirin, I suggest you step off the bench," he called to her, smiling in a friendly fashion. His head was hurting, but he dismissed it as nothing. The human didn't even shake her head; she just stayed in the same spot, white knuckles wrapped around the edge of the seat. Rolling his eyes, Locas used the air behind the bench to push it over, causing the girl to fall two inches to a safe, stable spot of air that he'd constructed a few moments before, To the audience, she was flying, but for Meirin, if must have felt like she was lying on hard ground, as she looked very confused. As he slowly lowered her, Locas took the girl's now limp hand in his own, which was shaking very sporadically due to the massive amount of effort he'd just expended, leading her down a floating spiral staircase that only he could see elegantly, until she was only a foot off the ground. He then put his hands on her waist and, using the last of the energy he'd allotted himself to use for general purposes, made sure her skirt stayed down and covering her as he pulled her off and down to the ground. The audience around them applauded the moment Meirin's foot touched the ground, and there were a few hoots and cheers for the show Locas had just put on.

When the ruckus had died down, he offered her back the seat she'd been sitting in.

"Don't worry," he half-chimed, half-wheezed. "It's not going back up any time soon." He smiled as clever a smile as he could muster in his exhausted state, and for once his air of confident neutrality was broken in favor of his true, cunning nature. "I'm sorry...if I scared you," he said, his words broken by breaks of heavy breathing. "But I've always...found that just...telling someone...I'm an Aeromancer tends to...lead them to some...GAH...false conclusions."

He was starting to regret using all that energy. It had been a while since he'd last practiced, and that quote unquote safe to use level he'd set himself was not accurate any longer. He suddenly felt incredibly dizzy, and hurriedly sat down. Nausea followed suit, and he placed his head in his hands, his pride being cast aside in favor of comfort. It had been years since he'd felt the effects of Blood Sickness, and he'd forgotten just how utterly ridiculous the pain was. It took several minutes for him to return to a state of reasonable thought, during which all he could think about was how much he did not want to vomit right now. As his nausea subsided slightly, he decided he'd try to talk, and immediately regretted it.

"Most of those..." he had to stop to gag. "...who can manipulate the air around them...can't do so with the same finesse,"

And neither can I, it would seem, he thought. Why did I ever stop practicing on my own? Then, of course, he remembered being passed out in the woods years ago due to his overexertion, and the reason suddenly made a lot more sense when he remembered awakening with a bleeding head wound. He was just not doing it right; he'd gotten some things down, but he'd need professional training. That was why he came to the College in the first place. How could he have expected such a long period of time without practice to have contributed to his little show here? He figured that the only reason he was able to even lift the bench a foot was because he thought he could do it, and pushed himself to, ignoring his body's warning signs.

"I...was educated in physics... You'd be surprised how far a bit of air pressure can GO." He could have sworn he was about to vomit in that instant, and put his head between his knees with barely enough speed to keep most of it in. Unfortunately, a small amount of bile and blood came up, causing him to close his eyes. When he opened them, he saw a village of small people in front of him, all of whom seemed to be very angry with him. They stabbed his legs with their tiny spears, dripping with green poison, and Locas almost howled as pain rushed through his body. He had begun to spasm, though he couldn't really tell through all the pain. His mind was mush, which really didn't matter, as he wasn't really thinking anything anyway. As he slumped to the floor beneath the table, he began to foam at the mouth, and tasted blood in his throat. He was writhing so much that he barely saw the medic rush through the feast crowd before, for the third time that day, Locas Jule blacked out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sundered Echo
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Sundered Echo

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Earlier in the day...

Deven made his way through the halls towards the mess hall, he let his cloak remain open seeing as he was inside and the cold was not bothering him too much thanks to his blood. His mind drifted off as he walked. Trystan would soon be arriving at the college, he had to admit he was excited to see the familiar face. Tyrstan had been one of the few people Deven had grown somewhat close with, which was not too surprising considering he had taught Deven everything he knew about swordsmanship.

It had been almost a year since he saw Trystan. A few months before Deven and Jenna set off for the college Trystan was sent to help lead the forces attacking Redwood. Now here he was leading this emissary mission to the college. He would likely have hundreds of stories to tell both him and Jenna. Trystan was always a fan of his stories.Deven couldn't help but remember something Jenna's father had said about his brother, Trystan loves to reminisce...he'll talk your ear off a thousand and one times before he even gets out of breath. Sometimes I feel his mind is stuck more in the past then it is the present. Whether it's a curse of a blessing is a thing to be argued.

Trystan's mind set had always seemed so odd to Deven. They were complete opposites, just like him and Jenna. Both Trystan had so many fond memories, memories of happiness, of warmer times. They had so much they could look back on a smile about. But Deven? He had nothing, his past was something he would rather forget. His memories held nothing but pain and hurt for him, always the struggle to survive and the feeling of loss. He spent his life trying to forget his past and ignore his memories.

To him there was no point in remembering, the only thing he got from it was pain. To him it was a point of making new memories with which to bury the old ones. That way, he could maybe one day pretend that what happened never happened.

But he never could. He could never forget what had happened, not when the memories haunted his dreams, lurked in the shadows of his mind. He could almost hear that bone chilling voice again, No where is safe. it echoed in his mind making his hair stand on edge as a chill ran through his body. He pulled his cloak tight around himself, Stop it Deven. Deven thought angrily. Don't think about that, not again. You know thinking about that only leads to bad things. He thought scolding himself.

He shook his head as he tried to force his mind onto other topics. As he finished he noticed one of the colleges many windows overlooking the entrance. He slowed to a stop as he approached, he had recently found that letting himself get lost in a view sometimes helped clear his thoughts...sometimes. Worth a shot. He thought to himself before he released his grip on his cloak, crossed his arms and leaned on the edge of the window frame.

His eyes settled on the path leading to the college gates. There was a carriage approaching with an armed escort in tow he could not make out the insignia on their equipment from this distance but, he could guess by the darker colors that they were likely from Djarkel. Eania had quite the affinity for bright, showy and what some might call happier colors. While Djarkel preferred darker colors. "Hmm, so many envoys, all coming to one place." He thought aloud. I wonder if Trystans arrived yet... He thought to himself as his gaze followed the carriage in its path.

Auriel had been wondering the halls for a while now, unsure what to spend her time on, as ever. Outside of classes, this place had little in the way of official activity to keep her amused, which meant she often fell into old habits, most of which were frowned on by the majority of the staff. Thus far she'd managed to avoid any real scolding for her actions, but it was only a matter of time.

As she rounded a corner, she spotted the cloaked form of Deven, one of her fellow pyromancers, standing at a window, gazing out. Totally oblivious to her presence. She stepped slowly and softly towards him, stalking towards him as she would a beast of prey in the wild. Of course that was probably totally unnecessary, if he was in one of his reveries she could probably walk loudly up to him and he wouldn't notice, but this was all part of the fun.

Once she was almost right next to him, she reached out and gently took hold of the side of his cloak, pulling it aside and reaching towards his coinpurse. She deftly took it from his belt while he was distracted with the window, then leaned her head close to his ear and whispered "Lost something?" Before leaping back and brandishing the coinpurse before her.

Deven had long gotten lost in his thoughts as he watched the carriage, which in this time. Had managed to enter the college and begin dispersing its envoys into the college's depths. I should get moving again. I've wasted enough ti- He thought before he heard a whisper in his ear, "Lost something?" The feminine voice said.

His whole body tensed and his hand shot to his knife as his cloak came falling back to his side and he whipped around to face the source of the whisper. There standing before him, a coinpurse in hand, stood Auriel. Her crimson hair being the first thing he noticed, then came the rest of her features, her striking green eyes and the marking between them then her pale skin. She was a fellow pyromancer and the two had spoken on occasion both in class and out. But they were barely to the point he could justifiably call her a friend.

His eyes settled on the coinpurse in her hand and his hand shifted to where his should be. Sure enough, it was gone. His eyes narrowed on her in faint annoyance, "Good to see you too Auriel." He said before he jokingly rolled his eyes. "You are really teaching me to watch my back more and more often at this school." He continued as he extended his hand palm up for his coinpurse. "Mind if I have that back?" He added after a short pause.

Auriel had a big grin on her face as she dangled the jingling coin-purse in front of her classmate. "I could've run off and been half way across the college by now..." She joked. She didn't actually want the coins, after all she could just steal them from someone she didn't like if she needed money. This was just one of her ways of saying hello.

She tossed the coin purse back to him, then stepped up to the window next to him and looked out herself. "Whats so interesting out there that you didn't notice a pretty elf girl sneak up on you? I could've done all sorts of things and you wouldn't even have noticed..." As was largely the norm, her voice wasn't entirely serious in tone. The majority of what she did was, after all, purely for fun, and seriousness rarely came into it.

"You could have." He said, nodding as he did. "But thankfully you didn't." He said as he continued to hold out his hand. "So I guess I should count myself lucky that it was you that took it and not another." He added with a slight smile. It was times like this he was thankful that patience was not something he lacked, though Auriel had certainly tested his limits before.

As she tossed the coinpurse back to him he caught it with ease. "Thank you." He said as he returned it to its rightful place. As she joined him at the window he turned back to face it, leaning on the wall once more. He listened as she questioned him lightly, "What a shame that would have been wouldn't it?" He joked before he paused as he thought on his answer. "Just watching the envoys arrive. There's quite a lot of them." He partially lied as he gestured faintly towards the carriage in the college's courtyard. "I'm surprised someone as quick handed as you hasn't tried messing with them yet." He added smiling at her.

Auriel turned back from the cold air coming in the window and feigned a hurt expression "Who says I haven't?" She maintained the look for a moment, then dropped it, returning to her usual mirthful expression. "So... who is she?" Auriel asked accusingly. She'd seen Deven stuck in his reveries often enough to know when something was different. She was probably wrong in this case, but it would still be fun.

"What lovely lady has got the mighty and handsome Deven wrapped around her finger so tightly that he's stuck waiting at the window for her to arrive?" She was having trouble maintaining a straight face as she spoke. She couldn't imagine Jenna just letting him be smitten to that degree.

Deven chuckled and shook his head at her little act before he turned his gaze back to the window. A moment past of silence before Auriel spoke up again. "Hmm?" Deven said as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "She?" He asked, not entirely sure what exactly it was she was hinting at.

But soon his question was answered as she continued speaking, one of his guesses being proven true as she did. He managed to keep from getting a little flustered instead chuckling and rolling his eyes as he turned his head back to the window listening to her speech. Once she was done he spoke, "No." He said before a thought came to mind, "Lucky for you, theres no lady." He said grinning at her as he finished. "What about you? What's got you stalking about the halls?" He asked as his eyes drifted back to the window.

A slight sense of relief rolled over Auriel as Deven explained it wasn't a woman he was waiting for. Having other women involved closely tended to make for the kind of unpleasant complication she preferred to avoid. That was one reason she'd decided to leave Althalus alone. His woman was half snake, and not a very forgiving one either.

"Oh, the usual." She answered, only partially lying. She was bored, it was true, but she'd also learned recently that the representative sent from Ghannos was none other than Siala, the girl who'd given her her scars and chased her from her homeland. That'd put her on edge more than a little. "Its just so boring here. How can you stand it?" Of course she meant outside of the classes where she learnt how to throw fire at things. Or at least, they promised to teach her how to throw fire eventually.

Deven listened as she answered. He could only imagine what the usual must be for her, but he dare not ask. As she continued he nodded along with her, "It can be boring, but luckily I have been able to keep myself entertained. Whatever time I have where I am not studying or training I normally spend with Jenna and we tend to find ways to keep ourselves entertained." Deven said with a shrug. He noticed what he said could have been misinterpreted, but he was confident Auriel understood what he meant.

"You know, if your bored you could come with me to the mess hall. Jenna's waiting there now and I really should be getting back to her, i'm probably going to be keeping her waiting longer than she has patience for. I am sure she would be more than happy to have another person to pass the time with. What do you say?" Deven asked turning from the window to face Auriel.

Auriel looked back at Deven then, her mischevious grin only growing larger. "Why... might she get worried that you're off whiling away the long, boring hours in the company of another woman?" She said, teasing him with every chance she could get. She would still go to the mess hall with him though, at least something interesting might happen there. "Well lead on handsome... And watch your back..."

Deven smiled and shook his head at Auriel's jest. "You misunderstand the dynamics of mine and Jenna's friendship, if she found out I was "whiling away the hours with another woman" she'll probably start by giving me a pat on the back before she started complaining about being kept waiting so long." Deven replied smiling lightly at Auriel. As she told him to lead on and warned him to watch his back, he couldn't help but smile slyly and say, "I can't, I'm too busy watching yours." before he pushed off the wall and began in the direction of the mess hall.

Auriel smiled coyly at that remark and sauntered past Deven with a slight swing in her hips. She looked back for a moment and said provocatively "Well perhaps I should go first then..." before continuing down the hallway toward the mess hall.

Deven could not help but watch as Auriel passed him, his eyes admiring the slight show she put on as she walked. "Hmm...by all means, lead away." He said as a sly smile spread across his lips. He followed a short distance after her as she led the way, eventually speeding up to walk next to her.

As Deven came alongside her on the walk to the mess hall, Auriel adjusted her walk to get close to him and slipped a searching hand around his waist, behind his cloak. To onlookers, they'd appear to be a close couple perhaps, and while she did enjoy the closeness, it was also another method to acquire items that weren't hers. She simply wished he carried something more interesting than a bag of coins and a knife.

As Auriel slipped her arm around Deven's waist it caught him completely off guard, he hadn't expected her to move so close let alone slip an arm around him. Naturally his body tensed at the physical contact, though this time his hand did not drop to his knife. "Whoa, at least take me to dinner first." He joked before he smiled playfully at Auriel.

Auriel laughed at that and quickly replied in a sultry tone "I thought that was your job..." before sticking her tongue out for a moment. As she spoke she reached around to find the hilt of the knife on devens belt, testing to see how easily she could take it from its sheath.

Deven chuckled at her reply, "Has that ever stopped you before?" Deven teased, grinning at her as he did. As they reached a small set of stairs, it provided an opportune moment of time, while they descended them, to test how hard the knife was to pull from its sheath. It put up some resistance, meant to be unable to fall out while moving, but should she play it smart she may be able to take it from him.

"I am curious, how do you feel about this whole, meeting of nations thing?" He asked after they passed a pair of Djarkel guards. They were laughing at something one of them had said, but Deven hadn't been able to hear it.

Auriel used the chance to try and acquire his knife, but with her focus not entirely on the task she only managed to pull it a little out of its sheath before she had to release it again.

Auriel didn't much care about any aspect of the fact that the nations were all here. With the sole exception of the identity of one of the Ghannos representatives of course. That wasn't something she was going to talk about with Deven though. "Why?" She asked only semi-seriously. "You planning to join in the talks or something? You know they aren't ever going to get anywhere." She took on a sly expression then "Or is it because of this mystery lady you're denying exists?" She winked at him as she finished speaking, pulling him along at a faster pace once they reached the bottom of the stairs, eager to inform Jenna of Devens 'mystery woman.'

They quickly approached another staircase, and having already tested the dagger, auriel took the chance to yank it right from its sheath. The moment it was in her grasp and away from Deven, she began sprinting down the hallway. As she did she yelled out to him "Catch me if you can!" A silly grin on her face as her long legs carried her away from the shorter man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
Avatar of Konan375


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith and Althalus have a chat

In the afternoon

Uicle gave a humorless chuckle. "Well, good news, the mother and the child are safe. Bad news, I nearly horrifically tortured Xyden and killed him slowly for it. If I hadn't been stopped, this conversation would have involved a lot more agonized screaming. Then I would have moved on and began the agonized screaming again, with my golems helping me, until either I exited the College or some one killed me. So, believe me, my day has nearly resulted in a pain you've never experienced, and I sincerely hope you will never experience. As that will mean you've met a side of me that's been responsisble for several major horror stories you may have heard." Rapid footsteps jerked Uicle's attention from Leith. "There's the father. I think he may have overheard you, and would like a chat. I'll stay nearby to make sure he doesn't kill you, but other than that..." Uicle shrugged. "You are on your own."

As the Necromancy teacher stepped a distance away, his metal dog Golem following, the assassin stepped up where Uicle had stood. He didn't look angry. Just...cold. It seemed he was willing to give Leith a chance to explain himself, rather than just stabbing. "So..explain how you inadvertently nearly killed Mar and our child."

Leith was surprised when he heard what Uicle had to say. While he was glad to hear that Mar and her child was alive, and his shoulders relaxed as he breathed a sigh of relief, he hadn't expected Uicle to be the teacher that snapped and went on a rampage. If anyone, Leith would have thought that the teacher that would snap would be the Demonmancy teacher. Leith raised an eyebrow when Uicle mentioned something about being responsible for some horror stories he may have heard of, but before he could ask about that, the buzzing in his head started to get louder. He looked around and spotted Althalus heading his way.

Unable to get to his feet before Althalus was in front of him and asking about his statement, the shrieking started when Leith was halfway from his sitting position. With a hiss of pain, Leith straightened his legs and half jumped, half pushed himslef off the wall and away from the man standing in front of him to make the shrieking in his head stop.

With a small grunt, Leith pushed himslef off the ground and addressed the question. "Well, Xyden approached me earlier today and told me that he had seen some spies from the armies poking around where they weren't supposed to be. He wanted me to go alert some staff members to the spies while he was following another group. Stupidly enough, I believed him, and told him that I doubted that spies were in the direction I had come from because I bumped into you and Mar and Lyn just as Mar was taken to the medical wing. I'm glad to hear that they are fine." Leith took a couple of deep breaths after he said that because he had said that in mostly one breath.

Althalus blinked. This wasn't the first time Leith had reacted violently to his presence being to close. Or had known that Althalus was behind him even when there was no way of hearing his footsteps or knowing that they were Althalus'. And despite his curiosity, and blatant questioning, Leith had refused to answer him. It was a mystery, one that Leith refused to shed light on, but Althalus had spent the last six months arguing with Mar about his presence in Lyn's life. That tended to make him forget all his plans to hunt Leith down and make him answer his questions.

And now he was here, listening to the man explain how he had bought a lie from a snake person that showed no emotion or any hints of lies that anything else would have shown.

He sighed. "You're an idiot. You're bemoaning the fact that you bought a lie told by a snake who shows less emotion than a rock, who probably could have lied to anyone except the Psychomancy teacher, and had them believe him. They're both alive, and I'm not planning on killing you. Leave at that, and move on." A small smirk crossed his face. "Well, if you really want to make it up to Mar and me, you could help me find things a new born would need, and tell me why you react with pain when I come to close and know when I'm around you at all times."

Leith gave a small smile when Althalus berated him for worrying about believing Xyden's lie when a rock showed more emotion than him, and everyone save the Psychomancy teacher would have believed it. He knew that, but it still didn't help how he felt. The smile grew wider when Althalus said that telling him how Leith knew where he was would help make it up to Mar and him.

"I guess I could do that, and I think that I've gotten enough fun out of it." Leith tapped his temple with a finger. "I can hear you. About five years ago, I got this... this buzzing in my head. It sounds like a swarm of bees is flying around in there. It's terrible. Sometimes it can affect my sleeping patterns, but that's beside the point. You are strange. Whenever I get close to you," Leith said as he started taking steps towards Althalus. "The buzzing starts to go crazy. And when I get close enough." He stopped when the buzzing stopped and quickly took a step back. The buzzing returned.

"The buzzing turns into a terrible screeching noise. It was quite disarming when it first happened. It's kinda funny, there were a few times in these past six months where the buzzing got louder and you were nowhere in sight. As for the baby stuff, didn't Ssarak and Annabeth give you some stuff when they bumped into you?"

Althalus blinked at Leith. For a moment, he didn't believe him. Then, he shrugged. "This is a mage College, and frankly, is not the strangest thing I've seen or heard of. So you can hear me because of shrieking and buzzing in your head. I can accept that." He shook his head bemusedly,before addressing Leith's final comment. "Well, that is possibly true, but I don't know where any of that is at the moment, and I'm currently grabbing food for both Mar and Lyn. So...if you see anything that Annabeth and Ssarak didn't give us that might be good for a baby, grab it and we'll find out." He turned to go, then paused and glanced backwards at Leith. "A word to the wise, stay out of tail reach of Mar if you're planning on carrying anything you grab into the room with her. She might not like what you've chosen and her emotions are a little...wild right now. Also, never mention you inadvertently gave Xyden directions. She's far less understanding than I am."

He started to walk away, heading towards the kitchen. Uicle was no where to be found.

Leith watched Althalus walk down the hall. It had been an interesting morning, and Leith hoped that the incident with Xyden was the only bad thing that will happen in the ensuing day. With a sigh, Leith started his search for Val. He wanted to see if his rune he had commissioned from her was ready.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime

It became very apparent to Cynn that her rapier was now sufficiently out-of-reach, as the soon-to-be intruder would be in the room with her in mere moments. In a panic, the white haired forest elf scooted herself backward under her bed, awaiting the swing of the door that signaled either her demise or her safety. Unfortunately for her, such a swing never came; in fact, whoever was on the other side of the door decided to be a good Samaritan and close the partially-open portal to the forest elf's room.

Well, now, this was a predicament. It had seemed very easy to crawl under the bed, but as Cynn tried to wiggle her way out, she was met with a very resistant push any way she turned. She tried to prop herself up on her elbows, but there wasn't enough room between her back and the bottom of the bed frame for her to do it. This left her in a very uncomfortable position in which she was propped up on her chest with her arms outstretched before her. In addition, Cynn wasn't sure what, if anything, might be living under her bed, and in the colder environment, the hair on her legs stood on end.

Struggling a bit more and mentally declaring it futile, the white-haired girl's thoughts wandered. There was a pile of scrap just out of reach, but she probably wouldn't be able to put something together in a state of such limited mobility and with so few parts that could lift the bed or pull her out. She noticed the clothes she'd been wearing prior to her emotion-fueled freakout earlier, along with a few other articles of clothing, and tried to stack them on her back to push the bed up, but that achieved nothing save for her clothes falling off her back and now being stuck in the same issue Cynn herself was in.

Great, so now that I'm living under my bed forever, I can change my clothes, she thought, frustrated.

She scanned as much of the room as she could in her current state, but, finding nothing within reach that would be useful, the forest elf decided to resort to the only method available, discarding her pride.

"H-HELP," she shouted, squirming (as if it could help). "SOMEONE...HELP ME... H-HELLO? ANYONE...?"

As she lay there, under her bed, Cynn heard footsteps outside her door, followed by someone at the door handle once more. At this point, the person could be here to kill her and she wouldn't care, as long as they got her unstuck. Of course, she hoped that this wasn't the case, but she figured she wouldn't know until whoever it was walked through the door.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith had been wandering around the stalls for a while, finding some interesting games here and there. He paused as he found a game that centred around Hydromancy. There was a row of hoops. One row had a large hoop a small distance away from the counter. The empty space if the hoop was large. As the row progressed, the number of hoops increased, and the middle started to shrink. The man at the stall smiled as Leith drew closer.

"Welcome to my game! If you're a Hydromancer, this game will be challenging. If you aren't, It'll be nigh impossible. The point of this game is to shoot a stream of water through the hoops. Shooting a stream through the first hoop will get you half your money back, but you must stop to receive your money." The man started walking down the row. "As you progress, the shots will get harder and harder, obviously, and your prize will get larger. If you complete the last challenge" the man said as he stopped at a series of large disks that had holes the size of a gold coin placed off centre.

"You will win the grand prize of thirty gold coins. It is six silver to play. No runes that boost Hydromancy are allowed here. Do you want to play?"

Leith nodded as he reached for his coin purse. When he couldn't find it, he felt the blood drain from his face before he remembered that he had dropped it off at his room along with the runes that he had picked up from Val. Leith smiled at the man. "I'll be back."

With that, Leith spun on his heel and hurried towards his room. He was amazed at how many demons were standing guard. They were everywhere, and he had to take car not to bump into the statue-like demons. As he was making his way down a hallway, he noticed someone walk past a door and stop before reaching in and closing it. Well that was a nice gesture, Leith thought as he hurried past the door that was just closed. A cry for help from behind the closed door stopped him in his tracks. Leith turned to look at the door before walking up to it. He noticed a demon not that far away laughing. He raised an eyebrow before opening the door to find...


Leith was stumped. He was sure that he had heard someone call for help in this room. He looked back at the laughing demon, thinking that it had thrown its voice or something. The demon noticed Leith looking at it and pointed somewhere at Leith's feet. Confused, Leith looked down, but found nothing. He looked behind him had found a bed. He had a moment of clarity and looked under the bed. Sure enough, there was somebody under the bed. "So that's why it was laughing," Leith mused to out loud as he looked at the white-haired elf. "Did you call for help?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Fallenreaper ღ~Lil' Emotional Cocktail~ღ

Member Seen 25 min ago


Lidda had to admit that Annabeth was right, her eyes shifted to look on herself for the first time in a long while. After all, half Snow Elf and Orc crossbreeds were rare as well as unusual since their birth rates were so little, the reason rather clear to why. Out of all her prior forms, even she had to realize this current shape was the closest to normal she had ever gotten, most the others ranged in human shapes and some didn’t even bother with any humanoid traits at all. Those were the fun ones in her opinion. One of the fun reasons she enjoyed her blood and the creativity that came with it, it brought a greater understand how things worked in her mind.

When Annabeth’s initial shock was over, Lidda’s right hand rested upon her hip while her tusked mouth gave a small smirk. At least the best it could. Her eyes shifted to the weighted coin purse, likely now more empty now in her guess, at the student’s side and chuckled to herself. Either the girl was extremely lucky in her choice of games and managed to pick the more honest games out the many hustlers and swindlers in the bunch. The other option, the likeliest, was that she had taught the game owners never to underestimate a pretty face.

If the latter was true, Lidda could admire that. Khan’s naïve method was based on trust that the game owners would be fair and honest, but that’s not the greatest way to make a living. That’s why she sometimes skirted dinner to ensure there was no game that drained too much of the student’s earnings on the College grounds. If they did, she easily shut it down and reported it to the guards to watch the offender.

When Annabeth saw her father, the girl of course recognized him as the Eania Ambassador before she backed up and bowed in respect. Lidda’s eyes fought to roll upwards when she spotted him return the gesture, his face serious in its business like display. Before her father could answer, Lidda’s comment jumped in as she noticed Annabeth was alone instead of accompanied by her friends. “No, you’ve not. Annabeth, this is my father, Jordan Sonnet. A retired Captain of Eania’s military and current the official between the city and the College.”

Her head shifted to the sky and noted how late it was. Her voice added another comment to her intro, a slight dislike even if it was family as she decided to send Annabeth off. At least before her father’s presence could drag her into this, making things more complex than she needed. “It’s getting late so maybe you be finding your friends before the fun ends? I’ll be escorting my father back to his room before much longer.”


Khan listened to Tyrael’s words and knowledge about the Naga, namely with his experience living among them. What he found mostly interesting was that they lived near the Ravine, one of Tiien’s most dangerous areas, where they continually struggled again the threats that tried to swell to the surface. It seemed the place Mar came from was named Mesa Gaan and he made a note to converse with both Uicle and Tyrael to attempt to contact them. Mainly because if they reacted the way to Mar as Tyrael had once described, he could only imagine what would’ve happened if more Naga started to develop the same gift.

It could very well wipe the whole race in time. The thought was an unsettling notion but a dark truth about the civilized world’s reaction to change, one he had seen happen a few times over and was helpless to stop. His hand rubbed the back of his neck to chase away the negative thoughts before he noted the time. A few hours had passed and the feast had started to draw to a close. The evidence of this was in the number of attendees, the amount slowly dropping as they retired to their rooms. It was a good excuse to follow suit. Like in the past, his mind and body was usually drained in his experience with the events.

“Well, if you’ll excuse me Tyrael, I think it’s time I retire before I fall asleep upon the table itself. Have a good evening and thank you for your aid.” Khan said, his muzzle turned up in a bit of an exhausted smile.

The chair squealed as he pushed it away, his hands reached to stead his descendent upwards. His wings tucked close to his body and steps at a steady pace, he pulled away from the table and headed through the thinning crowd towards the door. Luckily no one approached him when he edged out into the hallway. His feet pitter-pattered in the slightly emptying hallways along his route towards his quarters.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime

Luckily for Cynn, the person who entered wasn't entirely a stranger. She vaguely remembered having met this man during her time at the College up to this point, and, despite her usual social awkwardness, he had seemed nice enough. He asked if she'd called for help after mentioning something about laughter, and Cynn nodded, already beginning to blush. Her face only reddened when she remembered her current...attire, her head pausing from it's frantic bobbing for a motion to look down and check that her current undergarments covered what they needed to. Once that item of interest was checked off the list, she returned to nodding, always the awkward one, and tried to wave the man down to her.

"H-Hell-llo..." the white-haired wood elf began, her panicked state only serving to make her words come slower, making her seem more shy. "U-Um...I...We've seen each o-other...b-b-before, r-right?" She waited for the man to lower himself to her level and respond.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith smiled slightly when the elf nodded. From the looks of it, she had gotten stuck under the bed. When she stopped nodding to look down, Leith noticed that she was in only her undergarments. Blood rushed to his face as he began to get embarrassed, and he straightened up to try and compose himself. When he thought that he was composed enough, he kneeled back down to see under the bed, his face still red. When the girl asked if they've seen each other before, he remembered her. He had introduced himself to her before, and he tried to remember her name.

"I think we have. It's Cynn, right? My name's Leith. I must ask, whatever happened that caused you to get stuck under the bed?" Leith asked with smile. "Anyway, got any ideas about getting unstuck?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime

She looked to the floor when Leith asked how she'd gotten stuck under her bed. "I...I thought I heard someone coming in...and I wanted to hide, so..." The forest elf's voice trailed off, and her face reddened. As he asked if she had any ideas how to get unstuck, Cynn suggested that he attempt to lift the bed, which he did attempt and which he failed to do successfully. This failure disappointed her, as she had been hoping he might have been able to lift her heavy bed frame, and hadn't really thought too much on alternatives.

However, always a quick thinker, she remembered the tools and metal she had just out of reach, and pointed at them.

"Perhaps you could try that," she asked. The man's face betrayed that he wasn't as confident with those as Cynn was herself, but she decided that any help was good help. "Come on, I'l just tell you what to do...a-and you do it. Easy!" When Leith eventually nodded in consent, she set to it.

"Alright, we'll need the six-inch long copper rod and..." suddenly she realized how difficult it would be to instruct someone how to build a lifting device, and she waved her hand as if to say, "Never mind." Obviously she wasn't getting out of this situation quite soon, and she set to work thinking. However, as she thought, the human stood and moved towards the door, mentioning that he'd forgotten about something. Cynn tried to call out to get him to stay with her, but he was already out the door by the time words came to her mouth. Frustrated, she slumped back down onto her chest and waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Annabeth Gultch

"Oh, of course Lidda. Um... I guess this is good night. I hope you enjoy your stay at the college, sir." Annabeth bowed one more time towards Lidda's father and the ambassador from Eania. She could hardly believe it, and had many questions to ask, such as why Lidda was in that form, just how she related to her father, what they were doing out here, and so many more. But Annabeth did as Lidda suggested and went off to find her friends. Annabeth continued to wonder around the college, her thoughts no longer on Lidda but now on her friends. She hasn't seen Ssarak since she tried to give her gifts to Mar and Athalus. She was also certain that Haklo was no where to be seen; even though she scarcely had much interaction with him, he left a fairly pleasant impression on her. But all her thoughts came back to Cynn. It had been quite some time since their little tiff, and now Annabeth was starting to regret blowing up at her like she did. Granted, Annabeth had no intention of telling her the full story yet, but she needed to at least apologize. Annabeth guessed that Cynn was still in their room, given that she was still in no condition to do much other strenuous activities as far as Annabeth knew. Deciding to try to make peace with her roommate, Annabeth brought some snacks, souvenirs, and other treats for Cynn.

It was unnerving with how many demons were around. She had heard that the demonmancy teacher had left to go gather more demons to guard the college, but she couldn't even throw a stone without hitting a demon (Hypothetically speaking). More so since they were so quiet and unmoving; she'd expect this sort of thing form golems, not demons. From her experience, demons were wild, free-spirited creatures who did whatever they wanted, up to and including causing a ruckus. Seeing them just standing around waiting made her worry that they were up to something. Still, the demonmancy teacher was pretty good at keeping them in line, and more than likely they're only here as a show of force against the two nations who had pretty much gathered their own armies outside of the college. Still unnerving.

Annabeth walked up to her dorm room, opening it up and closing it with one swift movement. "Cynn, I'm ba.... Ah? Where are you?" Annabeth noticed that the room was empty. Some of Cynn's things were scattered about, telling Annabeth that she was here. But no sign of the girl herself. Annabeth set down her things onto her desk and looked around the room, thinking that Cynn might have just been in the other rooms. "Cynn? Are you here?"

Tyrael Marchrosias

Tyrael went on a bit more about the Naga and some on the Ravine, caught up in the moment as he pleasantly chatted with Khan. As the night winded down many of the guest began leaving, and indeed Tyrael himself was feeling a mite tired from the Inferno. He'd like time to rest up and get ready for the next day, as well as organizing all these demons to find his daughter and generally make use of them. When Khan left the table Tyrael got up shortly after before he was stopped by someone. It was Satori, who had slight disturbed look on her face. Tyrael couldn't really call Satori a friend, and her own reputation left much to be desired, but he supposed that he could try to lend a hand to his fellow teacher and ask her what was wrong. If she didn't already know that he was about to ask and spoke anyways. "I have sensed a... Great disturbance. Many of these minds have shielded themselves suddenly, but even than I detect traces of... Evil. Pure evil. Tyrael, I need to ask you, where do your new demons come from? How long have you had them?"

Lucilia Riovas

After the meeting with the Eysire, Lucilia had little time to rest as more people showed up to speak to her, as well as herself searching for those she wanted to arrange things with. Despite some unpleasant business that at one point involved Lucilia having someone escorted out of the feast, it was a rather productive night. Hours ticked off as the crowd soon thinned out. If she had to guess, it was about two, maybe three hours before midnight. Many other vampires and creatures of the night will still be active, as would Lucilia. First she'd need to arrange quarters for Dirssi and her company. They'd have to move into the common house, but that aside Lucilia wasn't even going to touch on investigating Ssarak until she finalized the deals for the college, as well as reported to Khan about Xyden. It was than that Lucilia stopped in her track and rubbed her eyes. "I forgot to inform Khan about the incident... I suppose I should go find him. Hopefully he's already been told and I can arrange a meeting with him about it..." Lucilia faintly remembered seeing him leave the dinning hall, but did not know which door he left from. But she figured that he'd be heading to his private chambers, so she headed in that direction hoping that their paths would cross each other.


Norschtalen had to bide her time. Despite the fox's help, she couldn't get an audience with Khan as he was constantly busy, or otherwise unavailable. Even at the feast she couldn't approach as the other vampire Lucilia would have spotted her, and no doubt would have involved herself with Norschtalen's business between her and Khan. And Khan never left the table due to the demon teacher, forcing her to wait the entire feast for Khan to leave, which he only did to retire to his room. Not the best moment, but the only one she had. She followed the head master with two drinks which she wanted to share with him. As she approached, she called out to him. "Headmaster! Oh headmaster, please wait a moment!" Norschtalen caught up with the demonmancer not too far away from where the feast was held.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime

Soon after Leith had exited the room, Cynn heard footsteps approach the door again, but from the opposite direct that Leith had gone in. Soon after this observation, the door once again opened, and, much to the wood elf's relief, Annabeth stepped in. It was good to see a friendly... Well, was it a friendly face? That argument had gotten really heated, really fast, and she wasn't quite sure if the human's return was a peaceful one or not. And why should she get to talk to her now, even when she was in need? If she knew that Cynn had been stabbing the wall because of her and had stripped to next-to-nothing, she'd win! So, when Annabeth called for her, she didn't answer, and figured she'd find her soon enough if she kept looking.

Soon after, the white-haired elf heard what seemed to be Leith's boots coming back the way they'd left, and she panicked. Of course, it was only a matter of time before Cynn got found out, but she'd hoped she would get a bit longer making Annabeth think about her actions. He entered the room with a massive gauntlet in his hand, and missed Annabeth's presence entirely. This was suddenly awkward, even by Cynn's standards, and she had to bite back a sigh of facepalminess to keep Annabeth from noticing her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith shook his head with a smile as he hurried back to the room he had left Cynn. How had he forgotten that he had this? While leaving the room like he had might not have been the correct thing to do, he was excited to have a practical use for the item he had. He looked at the oversized gauntlet he was wearing on his right hand. It was an interesting artifact. It was a reward for being a part both of the missions that Satori's Investigation Squad had had so far.

A Daemon Artes called the Hand of Ginax. The ability of the gauntlet was that it gave the user a strength boost in that hand. He wouldn't be able to feel the weight of whatever he picked up with the gauntlet, but he could feel the weight of the gauntlet. At ten pounds, it was a pretty heavy gauntlet. One odd thing that Leith noticed about it was that the gauntlet had started to change in its appearance. The fingers were rounded when he got it, but the after he had worn it a few times to try it out, the fingers started to get points to them, something that he had wanted so he could grab solid objects a bit easier. Quite the item.

Leith had almost walked past the door to Cynn's room. With a small chuckle, Leith opened the door with his left hand. Unfortunately, the gauntlet made it hard to gauge how hard he gripped anything held in his hand. There had been several times he had crushed a rock to dust because he accidentally gripped it too hard. He pushed the door open and walked over to the bed and knelt down. Greeting Cynn with a smile. "So, I got what I had forgot about. I'm almost certain that this can help get you unstuck," Leith said as he waved at the elf with the gauntlet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Meirin wasn't really sure what to make out of what Locas did. At first she was fairly surprised at his magic, but than he ended up blacking out likely due to blood sickness. Throughout the entire time you could say she was dumbstruck. It didn't take long before medics arrived and took Locas away to the infirmary. She suppose she'd be seeing more of him later, she just hoped that each time didn't end up with him visiting the healers. Once the scene settled down Meirin just decided to get herself something to eat. The food was pretty good by usual college standards. As she went to get a seat she unknowingly passed Grey, who she missed as she didn't recognize him in the new armor. She ate her meal quiet and quickly before putting it away. Meirin wanted to go look around the college since it seems there was some sort of festival going on, but as she was leaving she saw Ssarak. She hasn't really seen him a lot since she taught him how to meditate back at the opening ceremony, though she doubts he needed her help with that now. Still, she figured that if she was going to see familiar faces again, she might as well start with him. "Ssarak? It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Annabeth Gulch

Annabeth was just about to leave her dorm and look for Cynn when, just as she was about to reach for her door, it opened. Annabeth sidestepped and avoided getting hit by the opening door, only to have some stranger come in wearing a fairly evil looking gauntlet. He seemed to have not seen Annabeth, which was fine as it allowed her to draw her dagger within him noticing. How or why he was here, she didn't care for. He didn't even knock, coming in like he owned the place. She was poised to hit him in the back of the head with the hilt of her dagger when he knelt at the bed and started speak to something under it. He mentioned how it (The gauntlet) would help someone get unstuck. Annabeth assumed it was Cynn. The situation was just all sorts of confusing, but Annabeth decided that she'd just watch for now and see what would happen. She had her dagger hidden behind her back just in case, but otherwise said and did little as the stranger was seemingly going to help Cynn out of a weird situation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Freeshooter92 Wasteland Scourge

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Grey Onyx


"Hugh! T-the hells your -Ach- problem? D-d-don't you, know -Urk- who I am?!"

Grey was silent as he held the man against the wall, by his throat. The man struggled and kicked, though against even his old armor it would be pointless. This man wasn't exactly fit. He had been taking a moment to survey the dining hall, and he had noticed that this Djarken Noble had likely had a bit too much wine, and was making unwanted sexual advances on two students. He had simply walked up behind the drunken moron, and grabbed him by the throat. After pressing him to a wall, he turned to the two girls and said "Worry not, This situation will be dealt with. Please run off and enjoy the rest of the evening." The two simply nodded and ran off at that point, leaving him to deal with, with this.

"H-hello?! Do you have any idea who you are- Hrk!" The noble had begun toangrily question him again, but Grey simply tightened his grip. He was very careful not to actually hurt him. The goal was to use fear to cow him into submission, not start a diplomatic incident. "I do not care." He said in the most commanding voice he could muster. The noble tried to speak, but he tightened again to silence him. "And I do not care if your status at your homeland allows you to get away with such. This is not home." He said, placing extra emphasis on the last part. "As such, you abide by our laws. Break them, and I will return. And if I do, I will send you back to Sanguine in a very small box. Understand?" The man was nearly in tears, and was nodding frantically. As it turns out, he was unused to large angry men putting their hands on his throat. At this point, Grey thought the bastard had had enough, and released him. "Go." Grey said, although the man was already walking away as quickly as he could.

With that business taken care of, he decided it was time to check on Lucilia once more, And was mildly concerned for a moment when she was nowhere to be found. Though she was by no means defenseless, it was his job to watch her at the moment. He noticed that she was leaving for whatever reason, and moved to follow. Besides, his gut had been telling him terrible things were going to happen all day, and misfortune tended to come in waves. "Mi'lady! Hold!" He said as he got relatively close. "If you're leaving, allow me to accompany you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Crossark


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Cynn Ellime

That sigh that Cynn had tried so hard to conceal managed to escape her oral prison and run out into the open. Looking up at Annabeth, she smiled a weak smile and waved awkwardly, her movements limited by the massive block of wood above her.

"Hi...Annabeth," the elf murmured shyly. "Would...um...you mind...helping L-Leith here? He's...not going to hurt me or anything." She added the last part having noticed the girl's hand on her knife, and did so in a tone that implied, "Back off, he's cool." Cynn tried not to think anything rude, because she knew Annabeth might hear it, but some things still slipped in. Still, she figured it was good to let bygones be bygones, and that any help was good help.

Alright, when this is over, she thought. I'm going to get a lighter bed frame

As Leith walked over and attempted to lift the bed, she hoped Annabeth would, in fact, help, as it would be a good point of conversation later on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Annabeth Gulch

So much for the element of surprise. Cynn must have saw Annabeth walked in, or heard her call out to her. But why she was so quiet Annabeth didn't know, but she suppose that she was still a bit sore about their argument. Sighing the human girl sheathed her dagger and went over to Cynn's bed. She gave the stranger an odd look but otherwise decided not to try to antagonize him. Yet. Annabeth still wondered how or why he was in here, but she would do that once Cynn was out from under her bed (Which would bring it's own questions of how and why). "Slow and careful now..."

It turned out that thanks to Leith's gauntlet, he would be able to lift the bed on his own, even if he did leave some prints on the bed frame. Annabeth mostly helped by directing the bed so that it wouldn't continue or threaten to crush Cynn yet again, and soon enough her bed sat in the middle of her side of the room, leaving Cynn exposed. Literally so, as she was down to her skivvies. Annabeth's face went red as she turned back towards Cynn's bed and threw the blanket over her body. "There are so many questions to ask right now, I just don't know where to begin... So... Are you hungry? I brought some snacks from the festival."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Konan375
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Leith frowned when Cynn spoke to someone named Annabeth. He turned around, and saw the girl that he bumped into earlier that day. He had not been expecting her to be there, so when he saw her, he gave a small shout of surprise and jumped. With a chuckle, Leith stood up from his kneeling position and addressed Annabeth. "Hello, Annabeth. Did you just walk in, or was I oblivious to you when I walked in?" He smiled. "Either way, sorry about the intrusion."

He walked over to the bed and took a deep breath. Hopefully this will work. Leith was certain that it would work, but he was worried that for some reason the gauntlet wouldn't work, and he would look like a fool trying to lift a bed with the gauntlet in his hand. He reached out and grabbed the bed frame with the gauntlet, wincing at the sound of cracking wood. "Damn, I gripped it too hard. Anyway." with a grunt, Leith pulled up. Without any signs of resistance, he was able to lift the bed easily, and with Annabeth's help, he moved the bed towards the centre of the half of the room. When Cynn was out from under the bed, Leith sat against the wall and sighed. He took off his gauntlet and set it on the ground beside him.

He was starting to feel a bit worried about the gauntlet. Mainly because it was starting to get more and more difficult to get off. He knew that if he wore it for a long time, the gauntlet would fuse to his arm. He didn't mind the thought of having the gauntlet attached to his arm, but he did mind that fact that he would have to relearn how to grab objects without using too much strength. He looked at Cynn and Annabeth and spoke.

"Well, today was an interesting day for me. First we happen upon Mar after she had her baby," he said as he nodded toward Annabeth. "Then I bumped into Uicle, who was a hair's breadth away from going on a rampage before he bumped into me, and then hear someone calling for help, and find Cynn trapped under her bed. How was your day today?" Leith asked with a smile. What else could happen today? Leith thought wryly.
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