Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Bugs you say?" Caelyn visibly shuddered she always hated bugs. Disgusting things with so many legs that it was almost useless. Caelyn could tell that the healing effects from the stone were wearing off. She didn't want to ask for more treatment though, because she didn't know if Armond could be trusted with that information. So, to hide the pain and pass the time she decided to make conversation with him.

"Lord Armond, ye have my thanks for watchin' over me. Ye did no' hof to do that you no'" Caelyn blushed at her accent she knew it must sound very uneducated around a noble. It was another reason she didn't like them. They brought out her insecurities and made her feel inferior. To his credit, she knew it was not Armond's doing. It was her own. "Might I be givin' you some advice? Do no' be afraid of what you don' know." Caelyn had a sneaking suspicion that he was not as bad as he put off towards Mara. He was probably just unsure what to think about Merfolk, and a bit ignorant to their ways. She was too, but the more she got to know Mara, she realized how amazing they truly were. To confirm what point she was trying to make she glanced upwards at Mara. Seeing how much she cared and protected her made Caelyn curse a bit. She should be helping, not just laying around.

"Anythin' I can be doin' to help Mara?" As soon as she finished the question, a BOOM erupted. She knew what was coming. "Armond, sir might ye be helpin' me get some firewood. I'm thinkin' we might be tied down fo' a bit. Cos, I do no' see this bein' a light shower." She grinned and nudged toward the door to get him to follow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Armond listened to Nayash, "Well, some would argue memory loss as a type of illness. Irregardless of that, you are still not up to par, and I fear you might injure yourself further should you collapse suddenly." he replied before listening to her speak once more. Illurath, she had said that name, he was sure of it. "We received reports of a woman asking for a man with that name, last we heard, she was headed this way. I can only assume that's you, Miss. You said he was a hooded man? I wonder if he's the same man..." he trailed off, losing himself in thoughts of his own. He was quickly brought out of them by the woman he was watching over, she had apparently regained consciousness as he thought. "Food? I'm sorry, but I have none with me, and those who went hunting haven't returned yet. I'm sure they will return any moment now." he replied. He looked upwards as Mara called down, warning everyone of potential falling debris or bugs. He was about to turn his attention back to Nayash when he heard a familiar voice from outside, "Speak of the devil." he said, turning his head back to Caelyn. Just when he thought he couldn't be surprised even more by the group, the woman offered him some friendly advice, even after the fact he had threatened her friend. "Your words are kind, Miss, far too kind for someone like myself. I know I was harsh before, and I have no excuse for how I acted. I've been looking for someone ever since I found sanctuary in Bale, a man who stole something very precious to my family, and framed me for their murder. I guess I've been so consumed with finding him, that I've grown ignorant of others, and perhaps even a little racist." he admitted.

He shook his head, "I know it's no excuse, but it's the truth. Anyways, I'm sure you're starting to get cold, I'll go get some firewood. I think I saw a pile of chopped wood to the side of the cabin when we were coming in, I'll go collect some and start a fire." he said, standing. He walked out of the cabin and to the side of it, picking up several dry pieces of wood and bringing them inside. He noticed a fire pit in the middle of the room and set the wood down, looking around for some dry hay afterwards, finding some near the door. After grabbing a handful and setting it under the wood, he reached into his robes and produced a small red crystal, tossing it onto the wood. The crystal shattered and flames ignited the wood, "If I had made it in time, I would've been of some use with a couple of Burn Outs. But after hearing it was a giant scorpion, I don't know how useful these things would've been against it. Doesn't matter now, they serve as a good fire source." he said out loud. He moved back to Caelyn, offering her some help, "Let's get you closer to the fire, Miss, I'm sure you don't want to get cold laying there." he said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xiga


Member Seen 6 mos ago


“Yes, there was a fire over there, but no left overs… I am SO disappointed. It smelled good too!” Raena said as she skipped alongside Veragwen. Well, skipped as best she could with Nayash’s hammer in her left hand, stopping her otherwise light movements. She remved one of the leafy branches she still had in her hair, and then wiped some of the dirt off her face, and then booped it on Veras cheek, smiling as she did.
“Kill eachother? That sounds hurtfull. Why would they do that?” Raena shot back at Veraqwen as she mused loud to herself. “Whatever, if they do, theres more food for me!! “ She cheered and skipped once more before Vera grabbed her hand and led her somewhere.

It wasn’t long before she heard the sounds of someone hammering, and immediately Raena flicked herself lose from Veras grip and rushed ahead with Nayashes war hammer.
“DO YOU NEED REINFORCEMENTS MARA?” Holding up Nayashes hammer her smile stretched across her face, laughing at her own joke. Then she dropped it as she noticed newcomers.

“OH who are YOU suspiciouslooking guys? We were a girls crew! Then jesus.. Jeebus. Jerkus. Whatever his name came by, well he isn’t a jerk .. He has bunnies, but anyway, who are you? New guys in the girls crew. Ffancysmancy ones too! EXPLAIN yourselves! “ She blurred out as she rushed indoors, dropping the hammer where she had stood only moments ago, eyeing them suspiciously one after another.
“Oo Caelyn!” Her attention shifted. “YOURE ALRIGHT!” She jumped over and hugged Caelyn, perhaps a bit too tight, and then skipped over to Nayash. “Dread sis, I found you your thingy! Your smasher! Its outside. Ooh, wait Ill get it for you!”

Before Nayash managed to answer, she then skipped outside and picked up the hammer, dragging it inside, slamming against the door and tipping over a chair as she did, then she dropped at the side of the table, leaning it vertically when it settled, with a THOMP. “That is some heaviness there. PHEW.” She exclaimed then thumped down on the floor beside it, seating herself on her knees looking ready to bounce up at any moment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Veragwen entered after Raena. "Look who I found covered in shrubbery, trying to catch rabbits." she smiled at Raena. She was glad to see they were somewhat getting along while she was gone. She gave a quick curtsy to the noble before going straight to Caelyn and Nayash. She wanted to use the stones, but with Armond and Jerus around, she didn't like that idea. She wondered how much the noble already knew of the Dragoons. Possibly more than they did. Regardless, she didn't trust him. Jerus either, although he seemed like a nice enough kid. She trusted him in a fight, but not with the information of the Dragoon Spirits.

She took off Caelyn and Nayash bandages before gently putting on some ointment from her pack on their wounds, "This will help the healing and ease the pain." she said, smiling at them both. Then she gently, but tightly, applied new bandages to the wounds. She wanted to talk to Mara, but that roof did need patching. She thought about helping, but there was already quite a few people on that roof. Having in cave in from too many people would be very bad.

"Raena, this is Lord Armond. He's a noble from Bale....and that's..." she frowned, then smiled at Samael, "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. My name is Veragwen, it's nice to meet you." she said with a pretty smile. Well, that's just great, she thought, another one to watch. She really needed to talk to Mara.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marmalade made it her mission to ignore anyone who showed up with or after Armond. She assumed that anyone else that appeared probably worked for him. This included the bossy newcomer that climbed the ladder unprepared. She had no extra hammers, so she decided to pretend she didn't hear him. After a moment, however, she gave in. It was more important to mend the roof in a timely manner.
"You will have to go get one." Marmalade finally replied without looking at him, "I didn't bring anymore up."

Listening quietly, Marmalade heard Caelyn talking to Armond about his attitude toward half-bloods. She scoffed loudly as he explained himself. It was a few minutes before she realized she had done that out loud and tentatively went back to hammering nails into the wood.

One by one, their companions returned. Led by Raena of all people. Marmalade smiled, it was good they had returned as it had started to sprinkle lightly. She estimated that the storm would be over them within the hour. Pulling her away from the looming clouds, Raena had shouted to her about helping with the roof, but was quickly distracted by the people that had joined them in her absence. She smiled again. Raena would be a very welcome distraction from her annoyance.

After about an hour, the roof had been sufficiently repaired. Not a moment too soon either as the rain started to become heavier. Marmalade waited for the man who assisted her to climb down first and followed him. Before entering the cabin, she picked up a few extra pieces of firewood. She was certain this rain was going to last all night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dapper Amaroq
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Dapper Amaroq Resident Wolf

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Samael looked down through the hole towards Veragwen. She seemed to be adjusting the bandages of one of the others. A doctor, maybe? At least this group wasn't as badly prepared for travel as he believed. He could only wonder what someone like Armond would be doing with a merry band of misfits. "I am Samael," he said, turning back to his work, "I was hired by Lord Armond as a personal guard, which means that we will be travelling together for the time being." Samael didn't feel the need to go too much in to detail. There was only so much they needed to know.

After about an hour, the roof had been sufficiently repaired. Not a moment too soon either as the rain went from a light storm to pouring. Samael pocketed the hammer he had gotten earlier and quickly climbed down the ladder, anxious to get back inside. His cloak was dripping with water when he reached the door, so he squeezed it out and hung it to dry on the coat rack on the wall. With this done, He dropped down in to a wooden chair near the front of the room. From there, he listened to the rain beating against the make-shift roof repairs.

"It doesn't look like the rain will be stopping anytime soon," He said to the group, leaning forward in his chair, "So I'd like to ask a few questions. First of all, who are all of you and where are you going?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Caelyn had extended a chance to Armond, and he took it. She knew deep down that everyone is capable of being good. It was better to look for the good than focus on the bad. She understood why Mara was so bitter to the man, but it also hurt her a bit to see the woman so shielded. All of the criticism she must have endured growing up. She was no different than any other being. If anything she was more amazing, such a kind heart even with so many obstacles. One day she would converse about being half mermaid with her. Her curiosity had been piqued, but for now she had other things going on.

"You have my thanks, Mr. Armond. This side of you, makes the title of noble seem more correct." She said offering a curtly bow while making sure to be a bit dramatic with it. She threw him a wink to let him know she was just doing it in jest. She got the words out just in time to be bear-hugged by Raena. "Raenaaaa..." She squeezed the words out. The girl was incredibly strong. "My ribs.....ow. Please be lettin' me go dear." Although the hug hurt her more than she would ever admit. It warmed her heart to see the girl. Something about that girl stuck to you like glue. She grew on you the longer you knew her as well.

As if on que, Veragwen walked up and tended to her badges. "Lady Vera, I don' deserve all the nice you are givin' to me. But I kno' that I am needin' it. I intend to be repayin' it in full one day. You always seem to be takin' care of me." Caelyn gave her the most sincere smile she knew.

A boom of thunder sounded just as Mara was climbing down from patching the roof. She walked in with firewood, and Caelyn moved over to help her. "Mara, I know he seems snoody, but we don' know his story. Just like he does not no' ours. Why give him more reason to be scared of what he does no' know. As strong and amazing as you are, show him that. By actin' like he was to you, you are only fuelin' that fire. Be the bigger person, its what my da' always told me to do. I wish you could have met him, I no' you would 'ave loved him." She said with a beaming smile.

The rain started coming in, and she decided to go talk to the newest member to join the group in the cabin. "Hi, Mr. Samael, my name is Caelyn. We all just left Seles." Caelyn said we a solemn tone. "The town is lost, and the beast that was plaguin' it done. The lives lost to that beast can never be repaid, but we did give them some kind of peace I am to be hopin'. As to why we are all here, we each have our own stories, mine is simple. I was scared and needed to find myself, saw this flyer and now I feel like I have a purpose." She looked around the room taking in everyone. The smile on her face as genuine, almost peaceful. Then the storm raged.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Armond looked up to see the pair from earlier, return, and with food. They also seemed to have an extra member with them, likely the missing member they had been talking about beforehand. This one was quite the ball of energy, he couldn't deny it, and she spoke faster than anyone else he knew. Also, her words sounded like they were made up, well, for the most part anyways. By the time the woman stopped talking, Armond was completely confused and unable to answer any of her questions, though luckily Veragwen had helped to give her the answers she sought. He turned his head to Samael as he asked a similar question like Armond did earlier, getting a similar response to the question from Caelyn. After she had spoken, and Mara had joined the rest of them, Armond finally spoke up. "I'm sure you're all very suspicious of me, I mean, a noble from Bale coming all the way out here for one creature? Sure, the creature wasn't of the normal variety, but that's not the point here. From what I've gathered, it seems you've come into contact with a certain individual, and due to my hesitation, Miss Nayash suffered for it. I'm sure you've no doubt heard about the Zeraltus nobles in Deningrad? How their estate was burned to the ground? It's no mere coincidence that my last name is Zeraltus, for I am the only survivor of the mass slaying of my family. I'm also certain you've all heard the rumors how the youngest of the family did the killings? I assure you, they are false accusations, I didn't murder my own family...I'd never do such a monstrous thing." he told them, folding his hands.

He remained silent for a few moments, staring into the fire, "I know who did it though, the man who framed me, he's also the one who stole something of extreme value from my family after killing them all. A long time ago, my family was the first to traverse Death Frontier, before it was settled on by Miss Nayash and her people. My family found only one thing out there that made the dangerous trek worth it, a red gem. It was larger than any gem naturally made, and so, it eventually became a heirloom. It was passed down from generation to generation, father to son, mother to daughter. The cycle continued until a man named Blitz was hired by my father. Several months after being hired, Blitz betrayed my father and my family, killing them all and leaving me alive. He left evidence pointing to me as the murderer, and since I had no allies in Deningrad, I fled to Bale. The King was close friends with my father, and he offered me sanctuary until I was able to clear my name. However, my own sources told me that Blitz gained powers beyond belief, and I do not mean his necromantic powers. He found a way to use the gem. It seems the gem was more than it seemed to be, and after consulting the books I was able to bring with me, I have come to the only logical conclusion. The gem is really a Dragoon Spirit from ancient times. If he's learned to use it, then the only way to beat him is to find the other gems and their respective worthy owners." he finished, looking at each of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Veragwen smiled at Caelyn and shook her head, "You think too little of yourself and too highly of me. I'm just doing what I can to help...."

Veragwen listened closely to Armond. Once he finished she glanced at Mara. They had a red-eye stone in their packs. Well, a fake one, it seemed. She was pretty sure she knew who framed Armond already. "It was this same hooded man we encountered, wasn't it?" she looked at Raena, "Do you remember what color Illurath's armor was after he transformed into a Dragoon?" she was pretty sure she would say red, but if not, there was another fake one they could figure out.

She looked back at Armond and rubbed her chin, "Why would he do all that, though? Stealing the spirit is one thing, murdering a bunch of people, and framing you for it is another... Can you tell us anything about him? If he is able to use that kind of magic that brings back the dead, he is even more dangerous than just being a Dragoon." She knew the man needed to be stopped. The world didn't need another Seles and she was determined to not let that happen again.....not that there was much she could do to fight him. She could still help gather the chosen Dragoons and protect them. Who knows, perhaps she would be one. Vera would like that, being able to make a big difference against such a threat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Xiga


Member Seen 6 mos ago

After listening to Armonds reply, Nayash nodded, but didn’t ad anything more to it. She didn’t know what to ad, and as Caelyn awoke her focus completely shifted.
“I was really worried there for a moment..! Im glad to see you awa-“ She was interrupted from a shout outside , followed by a comment on Veragwen and the rest being back. She turned to look, and the shouting was none other than Raena.

A smile crossed Nayash’s face as she watched Raena rush around the cabin to introduce herself to each and every one, especially Caelyn, whom Nayash sympathetically flinched with as she could see her brutal hug. She was then offered her hammer back, and before she was about to say that it was ok for it to be left outside, it thumped on the table beside her. She couldn’t help but to smile at the girls enthusiasm and thanked her as she thumped down on the floor in front of the table.

Then Veragwen approached her and Caelyn. She gently gestured for them both to get ready to have heir bandages changed, something that Nayash had hoped would take longer. She knew she was in prettybad shape, but by removing the bandages it could be confirmed. And the feeling once the preasure on her side was released nearly knocked her out, a she turned 3 shades paler. Once the ointment was on Nayash first dared to breath again.
She groaned as she did, the bandages adjusting to her body and after the change was finished she started to finally feel the energy of her façade running out. Her eyes started to look tired and hurt and her posture started to slack more. Even when she had collapsed earlier at the treestub from the movements, Nayash had put up the mask of managing it, much like Caelyn did.

“Thank you Vera…” She sighed, then turned to Caelyn observing the girl and her strengths. She was definitely a fighter like her, and she wondered about her background. She seemed strong and independent, yet she had a big heart, like the other girls here. Somewhere Nayash felt like she didn’t match the gang, the company- although she appreciated it- made her a bit uncomfortable at times. She needed to remember where she was from, who she was and what her goals was, and perhaps that would lead her to understand why she felt the way she feels.

An hour passed and as it did, so did Nayash’s energy. She drifted in and out of sleep, leaning awkwardly against the outer wall next to the table on her chair. Then the thunder clashed and Nayash woke up once more from her half consciousness.
“How much time has passed..?” She asked as she looked around the room, at each and everyone. “I must have.. Dozed off. “
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

I had arrived inside just before the storm really got bad and already begun cleaning the meat as the others spoke. I didn't feel a need to explain myself to some mercenary, whether Lord Armond had hired him or not, since you never knew what their next job would require of them. I chuckled lightly as Raena ran around introducing herself, then repeating the reunion earlier by pointing at the people she didn't know and demanding their identities. Only fair, since she hadn't been here to see the earlier confrontation, which I was still on edge about. A match in just the right place could reignite the whole thing and then we'd never get any rest, with daggers being glared into each other all night.

As the thunder clapped outside, I finished up with the second rabbit, sliding it's innards to the side with the first one and hanging it up to be cut up when I finished with the other two. I glanced at Nayash when she spoke and chuckle lightly. "I'd guess about an hour or so. Storm's still going strong though, so rest up. No harm in healing up."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Marmalade walked in, she was met by Caelyn. She had asked her to take it easy on Armond. While she was naturally inclined to reply with a 'He can stuff it up his ass.' the person asking was Caelyn. Marmalade couldn't figure out why, but when this woman spoke, it was like talking to her mother again. She felt that, no matter what, it was most important.
"We shall see." her smile matched Caelyn's. The idea of meeting Caelyn's father amused Marmalade. It would be interesting to meet the man that raised his daughter to be so like her mother.

Taking a seat in the rear of the building to listen to everyone speak, Marmalade started to clean her scythe. She saw the dull twinkle of the Dark spirit as she rummaged through her pack. She would have to stay awake, maybe with Veragwen to heal the now sleeping Nayash and Caelyn. That way no one would see and ask questions..

As if on que, Marmalade narrowed her eyes as Armond mentioned collecting the dragoons. What was going to stop him or the king from keeping them for themselves? She looked at Veragwen then around the room at the rest of the women and Jerus. While she didn't trust Jerus with the knowledge that they had the spirits, he was certainly better than a noble.
"How exactly do you plan on finding the spirits and the ones that can use them?" she asked, completely suspicious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dapper Amaroq
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Dapper Amaroq Resident Wolf

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Samael listened to all of this with interest. To think that the reason that Lord Armond allowed the company of this band of misfits is because of some lucky bastard in his own line of work! He'd have to try something like that later, only with killing the entire royal family and putting the blame on a captain, or someone else without plenty of trusted friends. Putting the blame on someone who was bound to have some connections was a pretty odd choice.

What interested him more than that, however, was what Blitz was after. Where did he learn about something as powerful as a dragoon spirit anyway, and just how powerful are they? This guy must not only be crafty, he must have a pretty good place to get info from. Samael could just imagine what he could do with something like that. Even if he wouldn't be able to use it, he didn't exactly need to tell anyone else about that little flaw. Still, if someone challenged him, he'd need some way to persuade them that he had the power. Samael mentally marked the idea down in his mind as yet another idea to check out later and turned his thoughts back towards the conversation.

The ginger was talking again. "How exactly do you plan on finding the spirits and the ones that can use them?" she asked, Armond. As much as this girl annoyed him, Samael could see that she had a point. It's not as if the Dragoon spirits are just going to magically appear. Still, there was something else he was concerned with.

"Yes, finding them is a problem," he said to her, "but what happens when you do find them? It's not as if they're going to all be ready to sacrifice their lives on the word of a suspected murderer, is it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zaga2575


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Veragwen's words were kind, and Caelyn had hoped true. Maybe she was too hard on herself. She had always been that way, even growing up. If she didn't dive and get enough pearls as her very best day, she would be mad. Not just upset, but actually mad at herself. "Well I guess it's better to be hard on meself, than boast as much as a noble." she said aloud. Leaning around Veragwen, she looked to Armond and added "No offense." She offered him a wry grin and a smile. If this dandy was going to be fitting in with this band of misfits, he would most certainly need a sense of humor.

Caelyn saw the visible effort put into Mara's words. She knew that the girl hated the noble. But she also, had a feeling they were going to be stuck together for some time. "Thank ya Mara, you are a kind person. I hope that one day I might be havin' your strength." Caelyn just smiled at the woman. She is just as stubborn as my dad, but I could get my way with him as well. She thought to herself.

As much pain as Caelyn was in, Armond's words about this "Blitz" made her shudder. She knew that she needed to get her strength back. She may not be able to take down a giant scorpion, but she sure as hell could distract it. Thinking about her wounds made her look over at Nayash who was looking at her. She knew the girl had to be searching for her identity. Then with all the strength she had exerted to keep up the façade that she and Caelyn had both been doing, she drifted to sleep. About an hour later she awoke, asking how long she had been out. The question made Caelyn giggle. Nayash was a strong woman, and she knew she would remember that in time. "Ah, Nayash welcome back, you were no' out for very long." Caelyn winked at her.

Samael's words had an impact that shook Caelyn to the core. Sacrifice themselves? That would mean Mara would be forfeiting her life? Caelyn shook her head. She would not let that happen. She had found a family after going so long without one she would not lose this one too. With that thought she knew she had to get to the stones, so that her wounds would heal faster. Vera's healing abilities were amazing for conventional medicine, but the more she heard the more she realized that their situation was not.

"Vera and Mara, might I be havin' a word with you two in private?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Armond listened to everyone talk, and most of that chatter was directed at him in the form of both questions, and statements. Where should he begin? Hell, where could he begin? He figured answering the questions would be best, followed by what else he knew about Blitz. Since he would be with them for awhile longer, they should know exactly what they were getting into by keeping him around. "Miss Veragwen, I have no idea why he would go to such lengths to obtain the spirit, but my theory on that is because it's a spirit, it was valuable in some way to him. As for his powers, I fear the worst every day. What if he were to use his necromancy while using the spirit? I don't want to imagine what sort of catastrophe that madman would be able to cause. It's bad enough he can already resurrect dead creatures, I don't want to see him do more with either of his powers. So yes, I think he's a much larger threat than that of a Dragoon alone." he replied. He turned his attention to Mara next, who asked a very good question, "Well, you see, I don't really have an answer to that. I mean, I've read books mentioning the spirits, but I have no idea where they are, aside from the Red-Eye Spirit that was stolen. But even then, all I know is that Blitz has it, and who knows where he's gone now. But even if I managed to locate and acquire the remaining stones, I would have no clue on how to search for their rightful owners, or what makes them active in the first place. Suffice to say, all I know of them comes from very old books, most of which perished in the fire." he replied to her.

His attention then turned to Samael, "You're right, if I were in the position of these people, I'd have a hard time believing in a suspected murderer, even if he was a noble like me. I honestly don't expect anything from anyone these days, it's difficult to gain the trust of people when you're labeled a murderer. Sure, I could hire more people like you, Samael, but that would just be asking for another Blitz-like character to end my life. And as much as I'm hated in this world, I'd rather live and be hated, than die and be known as a coward." he told him before turning his attention to the others. "I know we got off on the wrong foot earlier, and I know many of you...dislike me because of my status. But just know that I would never tell any of you to sacrifice your lives for me, for you are your own people, and you have the right to choose for yourselves, despite what others of my nobility might say. I've learned that we were born into the world free, and we are not to be subjugated to the will of anyone, man or otherwise. If I could, I'd cast off my noble title, for it has caused me nothing but trouble. All I want now is to be a regular person, like all of you, someone who is free. Someone who isn't bound to such foolish responsibilities, someone who can go places and do what he wants, see the beauty of this world. But alas, I cannot, for I have my role in the world. And that role is to be a noble until I die." he finished the last part in a sad tone, his head dropping.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ezmeralda
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Veragwen smiled a little at Caelyn, "I realize you're only kidding, but I don't think this is the time for jokes. There is something serious we need to discuss...." she checked on Nayash, giving her a warm, pretty smile, "Just rest, Nayash. You need your strength." she said, laying the woman back down and pulling her blankets up.

She turned back to Armond and rubbed her chin, "Well, I don't know about helping you, and I'm no Dragoon, but I do know that Blitz needs to be stopped. I won't allow another Seles and who knows whatever plans that man has....If one becomes a Dragoon it is for a purpose. The return of the Dragoons alone heralds some sort of danger. I don't know if that danger is Blitz or not, but he certainly is one. But what will you do if they refuse to help you?"

She looked back at Caelyn, "Once we're finished talking, sure." she said, nodding to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

I listened only partially as the conversation after Nayash had awoken drug on, focusing more on making sure he didn't split the stomach or liver open when gutting the animals than actually talking. So when the mercenary asked why any of them should trust an accused murderer's word, he fell over off his stool in surprise, the loud thud, bringing everyone's attention back to me. "Ow..." Rubbing my head and sitting back up, I look at everyone. "So I zone out to clean meat and suddenly someone in here is accused of murder?" A couple fingers point towards Lord Armond and I blink twice before fixing my stool and sitting back down. "Right then, carry on."

Resuming work, I listen a little closer, noting that Caelyn asked Veragwen and Mara to speak private, causing me to frown. I also thanked my lucky stars that they couldn't see it. Do they really want us to trust them when they're still keeping secrets and whispering behind our backs? I mean, I can understand it to a degree, but you...no, nevermind, I'm just with them to the city of Bale after all. At least, that's how they want it and that's how they'll get it. I wasn't embittered towards them, being as I had shown up late to the party and all, but they could be just a little more open with the guy who joined the group first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shurikai
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Shurikai Dream Mage

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With a simple roll of her eyes, Marmalade went back to ignoring Armond, focusing her attention on cleaning the weapon. It was something she had done time and time again. It came as naturally to her as swinging the blade. Of course, while slicing through something was far more enjoyable than cleaning it, sacrifices had to be made. The blade reflected a perfect image of her face. She was so focused, she didn't notice when Jerus fell out of his chair.

Her scythe was now squeaky clean and she had nothing to do. It was unlike her to get bored, but it was still pouring rain out. Lazily, her eyes wandered the cabin, landing on Jerus. His whole aura read "Annoyed". She raised an eyebrow at his back. It was then her tired brain registered that Caelyn had asked to speak to her and Veragwen in private. Marmalade nodded at Caelyn, acknowledging that they would talk later. She also made a mental note to talk to the girls about Jerus. She knew they didn't quite trust him yet, but if they were to travel with Armond, they may need his help to keep their secret safe.

Marmalade looked at Veragwen as she offered her question to Armond. Her gaze switched to the noble, waiting for a response.
"Its possible, since the spirits choose someone worthy of using them. Good or evil. Some may not want to help you. Will you force them to join you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Krinos Solstice
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Krinos Solstice The Hopless Romantic / BKS Lead Sniper

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Armond listened to both Veragwen and Mara's questions, nodding a little as he understood the point they were making, it might be more difficult to get them all to willingly help stop whatever this threat was. "You're both right, there's always a chance they won't help, it's even possible they might actually go help Blitz. Who can know for sure? If we find these gems and their owners, I'm not going to try and force them to do what I want them to. Hell, with the power they'd have, I'd be in no position to make any sort of demands of them. At most, I'd inform them of the situation and let them do what they felt was the right thing. I mean, I've said it before, but would someone really want to help an accused murderer? Let alone, would a Dragoon do it? I don't think they would, to be perfectly honest." he admitted to them. He sighed, looking around again, "This is starting to get depressing again, I'd like to change the subject to a more cheerful one, though still in the relevance of those gems. Now, I know most of you dislike me, some of you may even hate my guts. I understand and accept that. But now that you know the severity of the situation, I have something to request of all of you..." he paused, standing. Taking a step forward, he slowly got to his knees, shaking his head as he heard movement. "Stand fast, Samael, I do not care if these become covered in grime and dirt. It means nothing to me anymore." he told him. He continued what he was doing, lowering his hands to the ground, followed by his head, "I beg you, help me search for the Dragoons. I have no one else to turn to, and nobody who'll listen." he begged them, knowing how humiliating it was for a noble to be seen in a position such as this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dapper Amaroq
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Dapper Amaroq Resident Wolf

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Samael was stunned. Armond couldn't actually think this would workHis eyes widened as he realized what his client was doing. Of all the worst things that he could possibly do, this was one of the worst! Samael could feel what little respect he had for Armond vanishing, almost as if it never existed. What was worse, Samael couldn't fine himself trusting this band of idiots at all. especially with Armond forcing himself in to such an easy position to sneak up on him from. Samael started to move, but Armond stopped him.

"Stand fast, Samael, I do not care if these become covered in grime and dirt. It means nothing to me anymore."

"Grime and dirt!? You-" the bodyguard started, but then caught himself. He wouldn't care if Armond started to go mud wrestling, but this was one move that would get him killed if he wasn't paying attention. He knew from experiance that it was too easy to take advantage of someone bowing. Despite thisSamael faltered for a moment, then reluctantly sat back down. If Armond wanted to make a move like this, it shouldn't be his problem. It was still unnerving when your client decided that nobody was going to try and sneak up behind him, even if they hired a bodyguard to watch their back for them. His hands unconsciously drifted towards his kamas as he watched the others for their reaction.
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