Avatar of tsukune


Recent Statuses

5 yrs ago
Current I'm not dead, not yet. Two more months to go in internship hell before I'm done with college and return to RParadise.
7 yrs ago
I find "reviews" with nothing but hollow vulgarities derisive. I'm flattered by the lack of finesse from these uncouth imbeciles with their painfully limited vocabulary to entertain my refined ego.
7 yrs ago
Over(work) 9000
7 yrs ago
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." --Gilgamesh, Mobius Final Fantasy
8 yrs ago
♪ And so it came // Giving way to all the stress // Feel my world spin before me // Fever, sore throat burst again... ♪ --Parody to Adele's "Skyfall" with regards to my current state



"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good."

|| Hemingyay | Longhand ||

「 M O I 」

Slowly -- but surely -- coming back from a long hiatus.

Better known by the name of Tsu. An "advanced" roleplayer with at least five years of experience on/off. In real life, he is a college student studying in Asia, majoring in design-related fields. Outside of this site, he's also a hopeless poet and an indie writer currently working on his first book (as and when he has the time and inspirations to write something). He is also active in the Harry Potter fandom through participating in fanfic competitions/challenges and building connections with gift fics.

INTP; a Pottermore-certified Slytherin but identifies himself as a Slytherclaw who is both witty and ambitious. Considers himself a Denpa Otaku -- a fan of animanga, visual novels and JRPGs, and he's as opinionated about what he likes and dislikes as every other fan out there.

「 R O L E P L A Y S 」

Roleplay invitation is strictly reserved for close friends and peers only, for now. I'm too busy to join big, open groups at the moment.

Pokemon: Hoenn Fantasy | 1x1 | @Altered Tundra
"I've come up with a new recipeh!" #IgnisIsBrock
(For the sake of RPG I'm sad to say that I have to censor most of Yuffie's horribly awesome nicknames to cater for childish SJWs.)

Sekirei: Pure Sanctuary | 1x1 | @RyuHll
Still waiting for the day Hikari can bitchslap my Orinami... and another chance for Nagisa to greet a new friend with a sniper gun under their chin.
(I just have the knack of making yanderes. #SorryNotSorry)

Star Riders: Hoshizora no Riders | 1x1 | @Inkarnate (@Gowi)
Currently having a dilemma to choose between a professional pervert and idol whore.
(You know what, let's just have them all be kinky with each other to save the damn world from killer lolis. Yay.)

Unlight | 1x1 | @Dusksong
First attempt at a romance-ish RP. Wish me luck -- and make be sober over how I can only have fictional girlfriends.
(While I try my best not to turn Meyer's perfect vamps into assholes because I'm really itching to do that for the lolz.)

「 L I N K S 」

Tsukune Reservoir Chronicle
The graveyard where I dump all mah character sheets (and some lore notes because why not).

Tsukune World Chronicle
Coding workshop for iChecks and OOCs, from sluggish actives to upcoming epics... and even dead failures.

The Art & Beauty of BBCoding
The most comprehensive guide to BBcoding on RPG. #NotBragging

Longhand / Hemingyay
Before RPer, I'm first and foremost a writer.

Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble
Double, double, toil and trouble
Something wicked this way comes!

「 Q U O T E S 」

It's the origin to the greatest ideas ever known to mankind."

"Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, yet the highest form of intelligence."
Oscar Wilde

"Sarcasm is love. Sarcasm is life."
"If I don't get at least one sarcastic observation from you per day, I would think something was seriously wrong with you IRL."

"You are one known for some pretty fucked up stories."


Vivi, World of Final Fantasy

Anonymous Meme

Most Recent Posts

Reinald Wong

Somewhere in Central Paris, France_
♫ Final Fantasy Type-0 HD OST - A Day Like any Other / Day of the Sun

Reinald didn't care much for the Caucasian boy's short height or even the deep voice that would probably surprise most people, because he was more amused at the strange accent in the counterpart's response. He wasn't quite sure where he had heard such an accent before; all he knew was that it sounded distinctly American.

So it was this guy whom he had heard shouting just now. Well, at least he could save himself from another embarrassing moment of trying to speak broken French, again.

He studied the boy for a moment - to others, he seemed as if he was checking to make sure this American was really alright. But the other reason, the hidden one, was merely an old habit of his: the power of observation that was essential in one's daily life, even in his field of study and (the not-so-healthy hobby of) gaming. Besides, it was a natural reaction for most people to form a first impression of any stranger they first met. The boy looked very much like your stereotypical street-smart teen in various media and fictions, especially the way he had dressed, and his body language... both of which made a strong contrast with his unmanly facial features (except for the voice, which was even deeper than Reinald's own). Well, fictions were largely based on reality anyway, and he wasn't the one to say about contradictions between outward appearance and the inward self, either.

"...Yeah, that's rough," he finally replied with a small shrug, a little distracted as he was reminded of his own bad morning. "You're clearly not a Parisian... I guess you're a tourist like me, then?"

He took a big gulp of coffee from the takeaway cup in his hand - by now it was lukewarm, and he felt a little thirsty in the dry, spring breeze. He eyed the sandwich in the American boy's hand, but didn't feel one bit hungry, not with bits of raw tomatoes poking out from the sides of the food.

"Almost forgot... I'm Rein, by the way. Nice to meet you."
How to Get Away with Murder: Grim Reaper's Gambit Special Arc


Season Three: The Deathly Aftermath, the sequel when majority of the cast has gone to the afterlife paradise - or more hell, who knows.
While I want to make a character of this caliber:

Reinald Wong

Paris, France_
♫ Final Fantasy Type-0 HD OST - A Day Like any Other / Day of the Sun

It was often said that Paris was the city of love for those spiritual ones; in the eyes of the more materialistic individuals, it was the metropolis for fashion. However, upon arriving in the country filled with so many mystical rumors that captivated those who longed to come here, Reinald Wong could only say one thing.

What a bunch of stupid lies.

His first impression of the so-called romantic country had been going downhill ever since he touched down at Roissy Airport. He couldn't help feeling that French people were a rude lot, even more frustrating with the language barrier. At least he finally managed to get back his travelling backpack, which somehow ended up in the Lost Baggage area for reasons he had feared before coming to France. After a quick check to make sure nothing was magicked out of his bag from those thieving baggage handlers infamous in most European countries, he left the airport building and was chauffeured to the accommodation arranged for him prior to his arrival.

His series of unfortunate events didn't end there.

No, it wasn't about the hotel - on the contrary, it was more than what he could have bargained for. Not a five-star classy place per se, but decent enough for at least week worth of stay, and perfect for any casual travelers coming here for a free-and-easy tour. It was what happened after he decided to use the spare time to roam around the city for a bit of sightseeing - after all, it wasn't often one could come to such expensive place with all expenses paid by someone else. He left most of his belongings in the room, only taking the letter - the reason why he was here - and his valuables stuffed into his hoodie pocket (today's slogan: "NO FUN, NO LIFE"), then exited the building. He spotted a cafe just up ahead, and brisked towards it.

Coffee was about the only thing Reinald could communicate over the counter for some light refreshments. The female barista chuckled at him, which made the Asian young man more conscious about his terrible pronunciation as he turned his head away in embarrassment while waiting for his drink.

He probably should have taken up a French module back in school when he had the chance.

He was glad when the cappuccino was finally ready and served, but before he could leave, the barista had grabbed his hand. He frowned, not understanding a single word she was saying to him, until she made a hand gesture to her ear with a seductive look.

She was asking for his number... and probably something even more.

Reinald stood frozen for a moment, trying to digest this sudden turn of situation. Then he shook out of her grasp with a hurried apology, swept his hot drink off the counter and headed out of the cafe without another word. He swore that his face felt warmer than the styrofoam cup in his hand.

Okay, maybe he should take his words back. Paris was more than just a romantic city - it was creeping him out.

Scrolling down the labyrinthine streets while taking in the scenery completely different from home (and sipping on real coffee, not those overly sweetened crap back where he was from) was quite an experience, enough for Reinald to forget about the hiccups that had happened to him from before. Other than romance and fashion, Paris was also well-known for their nightscape, and hence hailed as the City of Lights... according to the pamphlet in his hand. He wasn't particularly interested - he felt that it would be pretty much the same in any major cities around the world - but it wouldn't hurt to stay long enough to snap a picture of it. He could use a new background for his mobile screen.

His mundane thoughts was interrupted by the sound of people fighting in one of the alleyways in the vicinity. He was even more surprised when he caught one of them shouting in a language that he could understand, albeit with a thick accent of sorts. Curious, he looked around, trying to find the source of the noise... And he got his answer when some gruff-looking men scrambled out from around the corner, in a great hurry to get away from something that seemed to terrify them. Reinald couldn't help raising an eyebrow as he watched the thugs disappeared down another alley. Paris is sure full of surprises...

Even more amusing when the something - or rather, someone - who walked out of that same alleyway those men ran out from was a young teenage boy. Obviously Caucasian, though somewhat on the short side. Munching on a sandwich nonchalantly as if all the yelling and cursing just now were merely Reinald's hallucination. So early on this fine morning? That's bullshit.

"Hey," he called out to the blond in unaccented* English. "I thought I heard a fight somewhere around here just now... You okay?"

Now that I finally got enough sleep... I just realized how weird I was last night. Hope you guys don't mind me being a bit bitchy because my sleep has been in a mess the past couple of days.

@Shoryu Magami
Let me reread the IC posts so far and also the OOC OP first to double check some stuff, then my IC post should be up shortly.
@Shoryu Magami
That's why I'm that smartass who puts gifs to beautify my profile but turns the function off to save my own gadgets, yo. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

In all seriousness, when I'm using the better wifi in my friend's house, I don't have problems loading gifs or even videos on computer. But my phone is still a no.

EDIT: Yeah, I know what you mean, Snaggle (what you're saying is basically a resolution issue). Anyway since Sho has given us the freedom to do our own layouts, I think the discussion is pretty done and over with. Everyone can do their own thing as long as they adhere to the OOC rules, and everyone is happy. Yay~
Pixel size (which is the canvas size in Photoshop) can affect file size, aside from the resolution of the image used - bigger images will have a larger file size than smaller images. Also, file type is also another factor (.jpg has a smaller file size than .png, but .jpg cannot save images with transparent background).
It might possibly be due to the shitty public/school wifi (because a lot of people are using the hotspot, so it might affect the internet speed). Using the CS tab as a gauge is a good idea, but it's not a very good gauge because text is generally sparse - it's mainly the general info for the public eyes to see, not the meat of their private secrets. In the IC, there will be a lot of text as the plot thickens, so if everyone is using huge, HD portraits on top of walls of text, not to mention having to load every one of our avatars and sigs... even if my computer might be able to handle it with better internet, but my mobile? No way.

Again, as I've said, it's a personal problem thing, so if you guys want to use portraits and Sho allows everyone to do their own layout freely without compromising readability, go ahead while I'll stick to my own minimalist style. If the majority wins and I'll have to make one for my character for consistency sake, I don't mind doing since Photoshop is my best friend. Though, I'd appreciate if the portraits can be kept at a reasonable size, maybe 200 or 300 px and below? And seriously no gifs, please.

I'm just trying to be kind to my mobile, y'know. XD
I didn't actually think about the whole 'pictures will make my PC screw up easier' thing. How likely is this going to be a problem? I ask because browser crashes are a very real and very serious problem for me.

If I turn on the avatar and sig, even my computer screws up at times when I try to access the ICs in the other RPs I'm in because of the sheer amount of images and words it has to load up. Btw my computer is a friggin' Windows 10, all updated to the latest patch and the shiets. Admittedly, I use the college or public wifi to get online on the computer, because I don't have internet at home (which is why I use data on mobile at times).

So, if it's a problem for me, I don't see how your current machine can handle that, lol.
@Shoryu Magami
Ah, too bad about the Wikipedia part, but refer to my PM for the key points that I've already addressed. If you need more info I can screenshot or copy-pasta into the PM for you (after I have some sleep tho').

Regarding portraits, it's not a problem for me (resizing, even adding the stylized name and stuff) since I have Photoshop, but personally I want to avoid having to do such extra work. One, because as long as the character names are clearly stated in the header of each player's post, that's good enough. Sure, having portraits makes the posts prettier, but I feel that clarity and readability is more important than focusing too much on being stylish. Two, adding portrait pics to every post will actually put more loading strain on your computer, especially when the IC posts will get longer as it progresses (also, wasting more of my data plan when I'm on mobile, lel). Third, it's a hassle to do the coding, especially since I write on my phone sometimes when I'm unable to use my computer, such as when I'm traveling.

If the majority wishes to go for the portrait idea, I'll leave it to the GM to have the final say whether all players have to do it, or I'm free to be that odd one out not to use it because of the reasons stated above. I know it's a personal preference, but I prefer things to be kept minimal and simple even with all the stylizing and stuff, because the most important thing is making sure the content of the IC is easy for the eyes of everyone to read... and also cut down unnecessary loading time, yeah. (Which is why I turn off the avatar and sig on the forum.)
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