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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well your summons can actually make quite a good show." She said as the too walked, "Try using Prince Charming, he seems to be the most well suited for the job and he can win the hearts of the ladies at the party." Ophelia rubbed her chin with her free hand, going on with her slight ramblings, "Or maybe they could use some comedy relief? The Tortoise and The Hare? Hmm... So many options. How about just using Prince Charming?" She finally came to a conclusion. "You have so many variations to your magic, sometimes it gets rather confusing."
The woman glanced at Eden, who appeared to be rather uncomfortable, so she drew her arm back and clasped her hands together. She coughed slightly before changing the topic slightly, "I haven't been to a fancy party in a long while~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

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"yeah i had the same idea. Kill it and see if it turns back to normal, if not we still get a fair pay so no worries for now." Sieben said smiling. " so i was thinking, do you have an idea how should we take down the ox? i mean do you have a plan or something. Because i was thinking that if i used my vein magic i could tie it up for a brief moment and then you kill it." Sieben hoped that Darren would like the idea. If he would that would be a good sign of acceptance for a newcomer. He began once again; "And when killing it, could we do it by spilling as less of its blood as possible?" He asked with a shaky voice. Sieben didn't tell everyone about all of his power, only that he usses veins as ropes and he didn't want them to kick him out of the guild, but this is the only way he eats. He can't remember the last time he actually ate some solid food. Steeling another beings blood was faster and it lasted longer. The only problem were the memories and feelings. That why he mostly feeds on the smaller animals. They don't have any complicated emotions, thought or memories at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themage


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Eden nodded as Ophelia decided upon recommending Prince Charming. The reasoning for it made sense enough. He would fit right in with the crowd too. At her next words, Eden gave an unsure look. Clearly, she wasn't sure if she should take it has a compliment or a complaint. It was true after all. All of her characters seemed so different from one another in many ways. However, she held them all very dearly in her heart. It was likely she would be stuck with them through all her journeys and something about that felt heartwarming.

"Did you go to them a lot before?" she inquired as Ophelia changed the topic. Eden didn't know much about anyone's past in the guild. Of course, she heard small rumors here and there but one could never say for certain if those were true.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Frequently, my father used to throw occasional parties. You did very little anyways, just dress up and binge on food and drinks, don't forget the mingling."She placed a hand on her cheek as she was reminiscing. "They were the good old days." Ophelia had a small smile on her face as she nudged Eden lightly. "What about you? Have you ever been to a 'fancy' party?"

Now that one had a good looker her, some would say that she was rather tall for a woman. Surprisingly she was six feet tall, and managed to tower over most she spoke with.

Ophelia pushed her hair behind her ear. Her massive hair was quite the trouble. The woman removed a blue pin from her hair and re-inserted it so that her hair didn't bother her as much as it was earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themage


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Eden looked up at Ophelia with clear curiosity. The way she seemed to reminisce about her old life made Eden wonder why she ever left it, especially to work in a guild of all places. Of course, she already thought up a few explanations but due to her nature, Eden didn't bother to pry.

"No... I haven't actually.... My parents were never really rich and but they still continue to struggle to reach their goal of becoming high class.... There were never any fancy parties involved though.. Only fake ones..." Eden explained in a quiet voice.

If one look close enough, they could see the small hint of annoyance that was appearing on Eden's face as she thought about her father's careless actions to try and start up his business. She thought him to be a fool and her mother didn't seem much better. Eden was definitely grateful to get away from them, which was a tad harsh considering they weren't that terrible of parents.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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Darren hummed in thought as he walked onward. He wasn't sure it he could not spill blood, as any good strike with his sword would probably cause a lot of blood spilling. He was curious as to why he asked that, but didn't get on it any more than he needed to. "I can try my best, but I'm not going to promise that there won't be a lot of bloodshed. I might be able to take it out by using a vibrations technique, but that might take a while, as well as a lot of magic to finely tune the frequency, and keeping it together long enough to have a good effect on the ox." Now that he thought about his vibrations technique, it seemed like he would have to go through more trouble than it was worth to use it, as he had never faced and ox before, much less one that was like a demon, so he wasn't even sure that it would work it he was able to do it. "Scratch what I said about vibrations, it probably wont work."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kelvin dragged his feet entering the guildhall, grimacing. The last job had been longer than usual, two weeks. Of course the first week had been spent weeding a field, the second battling the wild boars that had decided the field was a good place to eat. Honestly between the two, the boars had been easier on him. Just outside he had passed two of the members. Blind boy and the other... strange one. The first's magic was straightforward, but he had no idea what the man's magic was. Not that it mattered, he barely knew any names in the guild besides Master Kage's. He stepped to the side respectfully as one of their few S class mages went by accompanied by the bookie. They were talking of parties, wealth, and entertainment. Automatically their voices were tuned out of his head. It had been years since he had left 'home'. There were no reasons to bring those memories back. His first stop was in the exact same spot he had last paused for a moment in the guild before leaving again those two weeks ago. The job board, heart of the guild.

None of the jobs seemed to quite match his abilities in the slightest. Underwater and kinetic magic? Poor mix. Rat extermination? He was about as useful as anything else. As for working on the farm.... Kelvin sighed in defeat. He could probably plow a field pretty quickly. But farms... always farms. Kelvin swiftly pulled the job offer from the board and made his way to the sparsely populated guild bar. The least a man could do was enjoy a hot meal before putting his sore body back to work. Kelvin collapsed into a barstool and lay his head on the counter with some relief. It might be nice to take a day off once in a while... He picked his head up and flattened the paper of the offer on the counter. Kelvin looked at it wearily and pondered aloud.

"Should I take it?"

It might be time to look at what he had saved and start planning for the future.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla, who was busy eating, looked up from her small meal in the direction of Kelvin as she heard him think aloud, however she couldn't quite make out what exact words he had spoken. "Keep talking to yourself like that and people will start spreading rumors that you're crazy." she commented with a small smirk before her attention returned to her meal. Being rather lazy at the moment, she leaned against the counter of the table she sat at and stretched her back out as she briefly fixed her posture.

Calla being Calla, she naturally knew at least everyone's name in the guild. Partly because she was nosey and would bug Kage about it every time she saw a new face at the guild. Plus she was pretty good when it came to names. Of course, she wasn't quite the friendly type which is why her knowledge of guild members usually stopped at there names. For now at least.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by orcpunx
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orcpunx God

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Sieben was a tad disappointed by Darren’s answer, but it was to be expected. “» oh you can’t? Pity.” A sad face drew on Sieben. “not that it matter, i was just wondering you know.” His tone jumped up a bit. Though on the other hand Sieben wasn’t even sure, that it was a good idea to steel ill blood. Lost in his thoughts Sieben quickened the pace a little.

In time they finally got to the farm. Sieben could see the old man working in the enclose. “ hey mister, we’re the two mages from the guild. We came for your job offer, you know about the cursed ox.” He yelled out loud waving his hand. “I hope he’s a nice guy.” Sieben said quietly to his friend. This was his third mission and the first that he wasn’t doing alone. And he didn’t want it to go wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He glanced over with a flat expression. "Maybe I am crazy." He meant it as a joke of course. "And your name would be....?" Kelvin's food arrived and he tasted it cautiously. Guild food budget wasn't the best, sometimes it paid off to test the food first. It wasn't bad. As for the other members... maybe he should feel bad about not knowing their names, but what was the point? Conversations weren't common. "Maybe I should donate some money towards the guilds food bill. Could improve our fair a bit." Not that he ate here often anyway. Or slept here.

Actually, that could be a plan, get an apartment for once. Would be a shame to waste the money though.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla smirked a bit at his response and gave a small shrug in return. "Name's Calla. And you're Kelvin right?" she said, sounding rather sure of herself. It didn't even seem like much of a question to ask with such a tone as her. She poked at the food with her fork at his words and let out a small breath as if disappointed. "Can't improve the food until we get a better cook." Her gaze proceeded to narrow in on Kage accusingly.

Kage turned his head and blinked. "What?" he said in a whining tone.

"You're the who hired that friend of yours. The lousy cook!" she said rather loudly. Kage frowned and crossed his arms with a small huff of air. "He's a good friend and he needs the money! I owe him! Be glad you're getting anything at all!" Calla grumbled something under her breath along the lines of "foolish old man" before taking another bite of her food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Right." She was confident. Kelvin made a mental note of her name, shoving it back in the empty 'name-to-face-connections' filing cabinet that sat at the back of his mind. He turned in his seat to get a better look at the guild master to properly see the exchange. Calmly, he sipped the soup in one hand. "Maybe he wasn't destined to be a chef, but you can't really call him lousy. Last months bread had a hardness that only a master could dream of achieving." Kelvin, still flat faced, raised a solemn toast with the bowl of soup and then drained it before standing up to stretch. He was still sore, but it couldn't be helped. Kelvin leaned back against the counter and looked at the offer intently. It wasn't the offer itself, it was just what it represented. For two years he had done little more than work and travel as much as possible.
Now days he had come to wonder if it really mattered. The old man would get his field plowed eventually. And sure, he wasn't rich. But with no apartment bill, savings built at a decent rate. What really was he looking for in life though? Just another job? His stare could have burnt a hole in the piece of parchment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themage


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"You know, I don't remember you people being so mean when I first met you... Talk about killing good first impressions." Kage said in a whining voice. It was hard to ever take him seriously if you saw this side of him. But then again, he was a powerful mage and, if in a serious battle, could be quite fearsome.

"You're one to talk....." Calla mummbled before taking a drink of her water. She clearly remembered the first time she had met the Fairy Tail master, along with her first day at the guild. It was almost amusing to think of how serious and intimidating the man she had met was. Only to find out how he was truly like a day later.

Her gaze drifted back over to Kelvin as she noticed him falling quite for a bit. She gazed past him at the offer and raised an eyebrow. "Just staring at it like that won't amount to much. Flip a coin if you're that unsure if you want to take it or not." she stated. Of course, she didn't know the whole back story behind his reasoning. Instead she just made assumptions like usual.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kelvin glanced up, and back at the offer. A coin? Funny thing to hinge even a second of ones life on. Not that he was doing much better spending time musing about time. Right. Kelvin raised an eyebrow and nodded at her, dropping the offer on the counter and digging one of the larger coins out of his pocket. "Alright, heads, I take the offer, and tails, this coin belongs to the guild." He held the coin between two finger nails and flicked it so it made a clinking sound, and then dropped it onto his thumb, twitching it into the air. Kelvin made no move to catch it, and watched it land on its side, before rolling lazily towards the guild master and falling over.
"Well, what do we have, a job, or a coin with a Fairy tails?" Part of him wondered if the guildmaster would tell the truth. Makarov had been rumored to be a rascal. Of course, he was also rumored to be a giant and a midget at the same time. Regardless, this was a different man.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themage


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Kage's demeanor seemed to change slightly at this new predicament. He became much more serious and interest sparked in his eyes. His gaze followed the coin's movements until it landed by him. In an almost careful manner, he leaned over and grabbed the coin in his hand. A small smile settled on his features and he now looked at Kelvin with a steady gaze.

"I believe you have work to do." He responded before tossing the coin back over to him. In truth, Kage barely glanced at the coin. Instead, this became one of his more master-like moments. In a way, he planned on putting Kelvin to the test with this job. To Kage, Kelvin seemed confused about many things in his life and the reaction he showed towards the job made Kage wonder about him. All he could hope for was that the job might aid Kelvin in the long run. However, Kage was still an inexperienced guild master and the chances of it backfiring in someway, big or small, was easily possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The man changed in a way Kelvin hadn't seen before. He had been around for a few years, yes, but not in the guild. The longest he had spent was those months in recovery. Master Kage smiled at him and tossed back the coin.

Kelvin caught it deftly with a grin. "I guess its plowing farm fields for me." He held Kage's gaze as he pocketed the coin, before turning, flat expression again, to gulp down his drink. This simplified things nicely, Kelvin let it drop to the counter and looked down the bar a bit to the young woman.
"I don't suppose you are to interested in joining me? Even split it may be the best paying job for a while...Calla" It took a moment to summon the name to memory.
He had already started walking out, Kelvin had been certain the answer was no before he had asked, he didn't look the type. But, playful banter is what guildmates do. Might as well make an attempt at it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by themage


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Calla looked up as she was offered a spot to help out. She seemed a bit hesitant, as if enjoying relaxation for a while before going off on another job. Then again, she had rent coming soon and would need to be able to pay it off. "Guess it couldn't hurt to tag along." she commented stretching a bit.

She stood up and turned to follow him out. Her pace was slightly quickened in order to keep from falling behind. She seemed ready enough. As usual, she wore her armor and a sword was strapped to her side. It seemed like she was more ready for battle than to level some land. "So you level the ground and I make it so it's quick and easier for you to do so. Sound like a plan?" she asked then smirked. "Basically, you'll be doing both our work."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Wanderer

The Wanderer

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kelvin accidentally skipped a step when he heard her voice. His head would have turned to see if she was actually coming or just joking, had he less self restraint. Even so, Kelvin slowed his pace down until she could catch up along side. He eyed the armor and blade before nodding. "I don't suppose a sword is much help with moving earth." Kelvin had no idea what her magic focused on. From looks, he would say blade magic of some sort. How that could help him was beyond the powers of his imagination though, unless she planned on chopping up the ground. "Yeah, I knew better than to try making you pick up a shovel." It was meant as a joke, but like always, his face didn't give the expression to match. He knew it too. Probably had spent too much time alone. As for the job itself, he was still working out a plan. Kelvin glanced at the road and abruptly laughed. How long would it take for them to reach the farm? It was local, but normally he just used magic to speed his journeys, so local or not it rarely took long to actually make the trip. Walking just seemed so slow and awkward, it was funny how magic changed ones perspectives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HeartlessNobody
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HeartlessNobody Ghost of the Mad King

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Bardock walked down the road at a leisurely pace with a dead elk over his shoulder. Nothing ever felt quite as good as a successful hunt. He could have stayed in the forest and ate his prey, but the guild was in dire need of better food. He at least figured that elk burgers would be better than the usual slop they get. Bardock began to approach the entrance of the Guild Hall, and saw two figures at the front door. Once he got closer he could make out more of the finer detail of who was actually standing there. Kelvin and Calla were just making their way out of the Guildhall. Bardock began to wonder if they were going to go do a job together. He payed no real mind to the subject and gave them both a nod and then he entered the guild.

Once inside, Bardock found that the place was practically deserted. It looked like the only people left in the building were just him and Kage. "Hey, Kage, I brought you some elk. Maybe we can see if that cook of yours can mess up Elk burgers." He said as he walked over and dropped the elk onto an empty table. He spent no time searching for an empty seat and sat in it. He didn't even bother with the board. Bardock was sure that there were no jobs that would interest him, and really made no attempt to hide it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hmm... Such a travesty as well..." Ophelia's voice sounded quiet for a moment. The two ended up walking in awkward silence. Ophelia's eyes trailed about, staring at people who walked by or at the scenery, which was something she had ever did before. The only scenery Ophelia bothered looking at before was her beautiful-at least she thought she was beautiful- face.

"So..." She finally spoke up, "How long do you think it will take until we get there?" Ophelia sounded like a child with that question, but it was something to pass the time with. "Where were you from? If I may ask?" This one sounded slightly more mature. There was a hint of curiosity in her voice as she spoke to Eden. The woman had never really spoken with her this much until now, so Ophelia took this moment as a time to get to know her better.
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