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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel blushed as she closed her eyes to embrace the kiss. The moaning became a bit louder as she gave herself over to Zendra's affections completely. She would do anything in her power to protect her. Likewise, she would claim Zendra's body as her own and use it for her own whims. But when it came to a kiss, that was something that perplexed Ariel. Something from the heart...even Death was rendered speechless by the passion.

"Who...am I?" Ariel gently pushed herself away from Zendra to look at the other girl. She knew this would happen. "Zendra...come with me." She grabbed the girl's hand and led her down the hall until passing by a fellow late student. He was too busy running to notice them. Ariel grinned.


With one swift motion of her arm, she knocked over the boy's books onto the ground. She remained silent and smiling as the boy immediately glared at her. "Hey! What the hell's your pr-"

He reached out to grab Ariel's arm, but the moment he did his face became pale. His eyes rolled back once as he collapsed onto the ground with a thump, sprawled over Zendra's feet. Dead. The boy was killed instantly.

Ariel glanced at Zendra to gauge her reaction. "That's who I am," she said slowly.

"I am the Angel of Death."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra followed closely stopping as Ariel did watching the boy in the hall, she was confused at first why Ariel knocked over his books, then her eyes went wide as she watched the rest of the encounter play out, she brought her hands to her mouth unable to make a sound watching the guy who was maybe a year older then her fall before her and seen no life in his eyes.

"wh...that....ho..." she was confused as scared at the same time she pressed her back to a locker and stared down at the guy she didn't even know "a angel of death...." it all started to make sense, how she killed those girls in the woods, how she showed her how she would kill Tina and Megan "all he did was touch you...how come I did not die when I kissed you" she asked looking around hoping no one will see them with a body at their feet.

so many thoughts ran though her mind it was so much so fast but instead of running or crying she embraced Ariel hugging her "my angel, you have done nothing but protect me and help me....I accept who you are" she closed her eyes taking in the smell of Ariel as she hugged her "no one has ever been as nice to me as you have Ariel..." she leaned her head to Ariel's ear and whispered "I am yours...my Angel"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A sad smile formed on Ariel's lips. "Yes. I am Death. My job is to collect the souls of the deceased....maybe have a little fun while I'm at it." She glanced back at the fresh corpse, nudging the boy's face with the tip of her shoe. "You weren't affected because I decided it wasn't your time. I allowed you to kiss me. A Kiss of Death."

For a brief moment, Ariel's usual smirk and bravado of confidence faded away, dissolving into a look of uncertainty. Shaking her head at Zendra's reaction, she turned to go....only to freeze once she felt Zendra embrace her in another hug from behind. Astonished, Death turned over to look at the other girl.

"You're....you're not afraid of me?"

Her cold heart pounded faster as Zendra declared her an angel. Her angel. Funny. Up until this moment, Ariel wasn't aware she even had a heart. This certainly proved it.

"Zendra," she whispered. "You...you really think that?"

As Zendra leaned in to her ear, another genuine blush crept on Ariel's face. "Zendra...." Nuzzling into the other girl, Ariel held onto to her tight, as if afraid she would ever let go.

"I'll try....I'll be your guardian angel....I won't let anyone come between us...." Closing her eyes, Ariel snuggled closer into Zendra's grip, not caring who or what saw them at the moment. The problem with this scene?

There was still a dead body rotting right underneath them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra held Ariel tightly as well then broke the embrace her blushing as she looked Ariel in the face "you killed for me....you protected me...there is no way I can repay you for that Ariel, but I will try as hard as a mortal girl can to please her angel" she smiled before really noticing the body again "oh frick....what...what do we do now with him" she pointed at the body and clung closer to Ariel holding her arm lacing her fingers though Ariel's holding her hand.

"If someone sees use standing over him...they will assume we killed him...then we will be arrested and tossed in jail and..." she was talking so fast she forgot what Ariel just said about who she was and that she would protect her, Zendra was freaking out a small bit standing over the body, but as she did she still held on to Ariel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Seeing Zendra's blind panic, Ariel leaned in to lick her on the cheek and calm her down. "There's nothing we can do. His soul is already gone. The body will stay here until someone takes care of it....let's go." Gripping the other girl's hand, Ariel figured that they try to get to class as fast as possible. At least then they would diverge any suspicion from themselves. Hopefully.

Entering the classroom, the two girls were met by blank stares. Whether it was the fact they were late or that they were clinging to one another couldn't be see. Ignoring then, Ariel gavw Zendra a parting lick before taking a random seat.

"Sorry we're late! I'm still getting used to this new school, that's all."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra smiled and found her seat "I was showing our newest classmate around and lost track of time" Zendra told the teacher, the teacher nodded mentioned something about it was good of her to show the new students around and take responsibility for them, Zendra agreed and pulled out her notes as the teacher went back to his lesson, she sat there processing everything that just happened, she fell for a angel of death, she watched her kill and kissed her lips, it was very confusing it still felt like she was still asleep.

the class lesson crept by as Zendra listened and took notes, once in a while she would look over to Ariel. went she thought about her she could still taste her lips, feel her tongue lick her neck and cheek and the smell of her when they hugged, the more she thought about it the more she stopped paying attention to the lesson.

shifting in her seat Zendra tried to focus on the class and not in the fantasies in her mind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Likewise, Ariel spent the time thinking of her new predicament with the human girl. No doubt a thousand other divine beings were cursing her name for his kind of taboo, but hey, she was Death. She could do whatever the hell she wanted. And if that meant completely ignoring the lesson in turn for imagining all the lewd poses she would put Zendra in later, then so be it.

Class was ending now, and soon the lunch bell rung out throughout the building. Ariel walked up behind Zendra and placed her hands around the other girl's hips. "Guess who~" The Angel leaned forward and gently nuzzled Zendra's cheek. "Where do you usually eat, hmm?"

"With us. Usually she's the one buying."

Ariel frowned as the resident bitches arrived once more. Sighing, Ariel brought Zendra's cheek to hers and stuck her tongue out definitely at Tina and Meagan. "What do you two losers want? I thought I told you Zendra was mine?"

Tina smirked. "Oh that's fine and all. Besides, you two were just made for each other." At this, Ariel tensed as she noticed a few other girls lingering around the lunch period in class. Slowly, they surrounded Ariel and Zendra into a corner.

Three of them lashed out and held Ariel back at bay. The angel seemed unamused at the whole display though, simply choosing to yawn in response.

"You done yet?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra smiled as she felt Ariel's hands over her hips,she leaned her head back to look at Ariel and gave her a soft kiss on the lips but before she could answer she heard Megan and Tina again and sighed

Zendra now knowing what Ariel was capable of watched as a group circled them she was nervous "just leave us alone I am not your whipping girl anymore!" She lashed out standing up quickly from her seat then watching the group grab hold of Ariel "leave her alone or bad things will..." Before she could finish Tina punched Zendra full on in the stomach making her drop to her knees.

Tina standing over her smirked "you don't get a choice in the matter you bitch, you are our bitch you do as we say" Zendra held her stomach as Tina then kicked her in the ribs causing Zendra to cry out in pain.

Tina looked over at Ariel "awwww poor thing you sad because you have to watch me put the boots to your slut" Megan laughed as she was one of the ones holding Ariel
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel sneered at Tina and her grin became wider and more wicked. "Heh, you're not exactly the brightest, are you Tina? Hehe, then again, I guess it's only fitting for a pig like you to die like swine." Ariel lashed suddenly, shaking of her captors and lunged out at Tina. Giggling, she extended her arm and gave one small touch to her neck. "Bitches like you...just need to drop dead!" She waited for the near instant death to occur.

Now it had to be clarified that although Ariel was in fact the Angel of Death, she was still just a child, no older than the earth itself. This meant that she had still yet to unlock her full potential. She was far from being omnipotent. So when Tina have Ariel a confused look, she stared right back at her with a blank expression herself. Why...why wasn't she dead?


She was cut off as Tina swiftly recovered and landed a well placed punch right in her gut. Spluttering, Ariel collapsed to her knees as the girls surrounding her began kicking her in the sides. However, the pain was nearly non-existent as only one thought played back over and over in her mind.

What happened? Why didn't Tina die? What...was going on?

Finally registering the assault on her body, Ariel curled over to try and avoid the blows. She couldn't help but yelp though as Tina lifted her by the hair until they met face to face.

"What was that? A love tap? I get the feeling that you're nothing but shit, transfer student. Some freak with a thing for sluts." She showed Zendra her captive's pathetic form. "Here's your almighty guardian sweety. Powerless."

Raising her fist up, Tina reared back to finish it off. Ariel's eyes widened as a new emotion was seen reflecting off her crimson orbs.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra watched from the ground as things started going wrong, all she wanted was to be happy and just as fast as it came it was looking to be fading, she was confused why tina was unmoved by Ariel, and even more when she decked Ariel and the girls swarmed, slowly getting to her feet holding her side tears rolling down her face as tina went to attack.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Zendra jumped onto Tina's back before she could attack and just as fast as she jumped on she was flung of and tossed against the wall hitting it with a hard thud Tina smirked and turned back to Ariel "she is devoted I give you that much, to bad it wont be for much long freak" once again went to attack but before she could attack again something grabbed her arm.

from where Ariel was she could see a whip grab and wrap around it wrist of Tina and start to glow red Tina shocked by what was going on turned back to see Zendra standing behind her hair turned fire red and eyes glowing yellow "you stand there smug....I stand in judgement" Tina was not sure what she was looking at as she tried to free her arm from the whip Zendra was holding only for it to splinter and wrap around Tina's neck.

"My host was not to know of me.....but you forced my hand you worm.." as Zendra walked closer leaving ash and smoulder where she stepped Tina was jerked back closer and closer, the others stopped their attacks and stared as Zendra walked closer, soon she was in front of Tina who was now on her hands and knees like a dog and Zendra's whip was her leash "now...speak of who you are truly" she demanded of Tina her eyes looking to Ariel, Zendra was not there in the eyes that looked at her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Dropping down, Ariel gasped as she attempted to regain her breath. Da...damnit! These girls...they would pay! She'd rip them apart. She'd tear out their entrails and boil their blood. She'd make their skulls into flower pots. All these dark thoughts and more flitted through the angel's mind as she propped herself on her elbows and looked up to glare at Tina.

What she saw instead only made her more confused. Zendra had some sort of....fire hair. Her eyes were different, her voice radiant with newfound confidence and authority. And her weapon of choice...Ariel couldn't hide a blush as she took a closer look at it. Was Zendra a demon all along?

As the fire driven girl stood over both her and the now tamed Tina, Ariel blinked at her words, thinking the demand was for her.

"Who I am truly? I am Ariel. The Angel of Death. Zendra..." Her eyes were wide with curiosity.

"Who...are you? Are you still Zendra?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

the yellow eyes that now burned hot landed on Ariel "Zendra is asleep, this is the first time I have come out since she was a child...it seemed to take its toll on her, her and I are one....two sides of the same coin if you will angel" the whip tightened around a now choking Tina, she led her behind her like a animal and sat down on Tina's back her eyes not leaving Ariel "the emotion, Zendra let out seeing you attacked awoke me...breaking every seal that was placed, thanks to you angel....I am free" a sly smile cross her face she looked at Ariel in almost the same way Ariel looked at Zendra.

tightening her grip on her whip making Tina give out another squeal of pain "oh....it seems like Zendra is waking up...until next time angel..." the being who took over Zendra's body gave Ariel a Wink as the firery hair went out turning black as ash, then changed back into her normal hair color, her eyes faded back to normal and then the whip faded away the smell of brimstone lingering in the air.

Zendra fell into a heap onto the floor breathing heavy her eyes closed, she was passed out, Tina was laying next to her gasping for air a burn mark on her neck where the whip ate into her skin burning it, Zendra's eyes slowly opened "wh....where am I?" she said confused
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Having witnessed the abnormal act, Meagen and the rest of the girls hauled Tina up and dragged her out of the classroom. They would try to pin the blame of the burn marks on Zendra later that day, only to be told off by the Principal to stop making up wild claims and stories.

When Ariel looked into the eyes of that fiery creature, she saw her own hunger and instinct reflected right back at her. For a brief moment, her dead heart actually skipped a beat and her face flushed with embarrassment. Wasn't....wasn't it supposed to be the opposite way around here?

Clearing her mind of such thoughts, Ariel crawled over to where the back-to-normal Zendra now sat and hugged her tightly. "Don't you remember silly?" The angel's voice was soft and quiet. Best not to completely reveal the truth though. Ariel still didn't know what that thing was or if it was a threat to her Zendra.

"You saved me." Ariel rubbed her cheek into Zendra's stomach to try and heal the blow Tina had landed earlier. A low mewling sound erupted from Ariel's throat as she closed her eyes to savor the moment.

"You saved me..." she repeated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra let out a soft moan as Ariel touched her stomach it was a sound mixed of pleasure and pain "really?.....I don't remember at all" she was unsure what happened last thing she remembered was jumping on Tina's back then nothing, "I am happy I could repay you for you saving me" she was feeling much better, from where she was laying she looked around the room realizing there was no blood or bodies "are...are they dead?" Zendra wanted it to be the case but she had a feeling it wasn't and she started to cry lightly.

"all I wanted was to be left alone...then you came into my life...now....all I want is to be left alone with you and I can't even have that..." she move enough from where she was and buried her face into Ariel's chest holding her tightly, Zendra was so submissive and meek where was what ever was inside her was dominating and strong, two sides of the same coin is what the it said opposite but the same.

Zendra keeping her face resting on Ariel's chest looked at her angel and then stopped crying before finding her was to kissing her "even more so now...I am bound to you my angel" Zendra took Ariel's hand and guided it placing it on Zendra's chest, her heart was beating fast "I belong to you, my heart is yours" Zendra submitted
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel remained silent before answering, wanting to choose her words carefully. "No. No they didn't die." Again, why was that? Was there actually a limit to her power? But since when? And why did it just to occur now? The idea that she wasn't as powerful as she thought disturbed her. She could admit that. And the whole thin with Zendra...the angel would have to keep a close eye on her in the mean time.

"I don't know what happened Zendra. But...I will not allow it to happen again." Looking up at Zendra now, her red eyes were filled with hatred. Hate for Tina. Hate for Meagen. Hate for every one of those lowly worms and cows! Taking her free hand and placing it on the ground, she began to lightly scrape and scratch at the floor to vent out her frustrations.

"I'll kill them. They'll all die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die!"

Her nails were stained from blood now and she paused at her intense massacre of the floor. Wiping the red liquid on her skirt, she stiffened and blushed at Zendra's declaration for her.

"Yes....yes I feel the same....I will protect and serve you, love and nourish you...." The blush increasing on her cheeks, Ariel fell completely now into Zendra's grip.

"I am your angel....and you are my demon...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra watching Ariel attack the floor and when she was done reached for her hand "demon?" she was abit perplexed at that, she finally felt normal enough to try to get to her feet. "lets....leave I don't want to be here at school any more today, I want to spend the rest of the day alone with you....not worrying about those bitches" Zendra nuzzled to Ariel kissing her on the cheek.

after she woke up there was a fire lit inside her, a feeling she never had before it felt good it gave her the will to do things she would have no before hand.between Ariel and what ever it was that was inside her Zendra was less meek and felt more empowered. "my mom and dad wont be home...." she took Ariel's hand holding it in hers "we will be alone for the entire afternoon" she smiled "I will make us some lunch and we can relax"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel smiled coyly at Zendra's offer. Ditching school? No parents? All alone? Sounded fine by her really. "Ok...lead the way." It didn't take all that long though to reach the house, and once inside, Ariel couldn't help big gawk at how....how human it all looked. Considering her job revolves around guiding people out of this world, the angel didn't pay much attention to human habitats.

Now, up close and personal, she was simply amazed at how plain it all looked. Zendra had said she'd make them some lunch, so the black haired girl took the time to explore the area on her own.

Why? Why didn't it....?

The thoughts came back again, and Ariel frowned. The incident with her powers failing still disturbed her to a certain degree. If she lost her ability to kill instantly and with a mere touch, how would she protect Zendra? She supposed she would just do it the old fashioned human way. And in that regard, maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Certainly more room for creativity and the like.

Ariel giggled at that prospect and so resolved to distract herself by looking for pictures, possessions, and really any other evidence to suggest that Zendra has any other friends.

Even Ariel were to ever find out that her lover was spending time with someone else or even cheating on her...there would be grave consequences. Zendra was hers now. No one else's!

If she so much as a scrap of evidence suggesting otherwise, Death would not only ensure murder to he opposing side but also enact swift punishment to Zendra as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra walked into the kitchen as Ariel looked around "make yourself comfy, I will whip us up something" she started making some food for what she could find in the fridge, the rooms in the house were neatly kept master bed room on the left of the hall way, a smaller room with a partly closed door with Zendra's name carved into a plaque on the door, inside there was a fairly large bed, littered with stuffed animal's and a few pillows, on the walls there was a few posters and photo's of her and her family and a bookcase filled with novels and other books but that was it.

As Zendra was plating up the pasta she made, she felt abit light headed and thought she heard someone whisper in her ear "Ariel? did you say something?" she asked setting the plates down calling out, ever since the fight in the class room Zendra felt something was changed she felt this fire burning inside her, now she felt like she was hearing voices "lunch is ready hun" she called out, she reached into the fridge and pulled out her mothers bottle of wine and poured 2 glasses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Hmm, what? No, didn't say anything." Ariel gave one last scan of the current room she was residing in before heading over to the kitchen and sitting at the table. The bottle of wine caught her crimson eye, and a grin spread across her face.

"Whoa now! What's all this?" She brought the wine filled glass to her lips, licking the rim of it playfully. "Aren't you like, what, seventeen? And you're allowed to have alcohol already?" She sipped hers, staring back at Zendra. "I'm deathless, so I can't get drunk. You on the other hand...well..."

Swallowing all of her drink, Ariel leaned forward now to trace a finger over Zendra's face. "Well, you're breaking rules here sweety. What would your parents think? And of you so get drunk, what would I do? I supposed I'd go ahead and just have to punish my naughty girl~"

As she got closer, Ariel still kept her guard up. That thing living in Zendra...there was no doubt now that it was a demon. It has told her Zendra was the same being, but she and been screwed over by demonic possessions before.

If this thing was a threat to Zendra...she would tear it our of her personally.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by zombiechum


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zendra smiled and took a sip of the wine "just seemed like a good idea to have something with a small kick...its been quite the day" she leaned into Ariel's touch and gave a soft purr like sound "I am sure you would not take advantage of me in that state would you" from under the table Zendra's foot found Ariel's leg and trailed her stockinged foot over the skin she found. "Ive been so straight laced I think I deserve to be bad once in a while" she took another sip before taking a bite of her food.

Zendra was consumed by this new confidence and it showed as she continued to caress Ariel's leg with her foot "so do you often come into mortal girl's lives and have them fall for you" she took another sip she mind was racing with thoughts she never thought she ever have flashes of things we would let Ariel do to her crept into her mind and her face went red for a moment "I am yours....I just don't want you to be anyone elses"

Reaching over the table Zendra held Ariel's hand "I never thought I would fall for anyone...let alone a girl...and even less so a angel of death, but you have this hold on me, that I accept you own me my angel"
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