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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The metal wrapping Slade's body made a ting, literally giving him a light shiver, as he turned around to see the yellow Flash. His pupils widened, a clear sign that he was rather impressed by the speed demon's abilities, but he did his best to hide it. On a completely unrelated side note, he was somewhat pleased that the villain got his head out of his ass and decided to give teamwork a shot. His actions in Central City have led a lot of people, including Slade himself, to believe that he was nothing short of a psychopath, a man who enjoys watching others suffer. Once in his life, the Mercenary was glad he was proven wrong. Wilson threw a nod at the anti-Flash, only to realize he was long gone, and that he was nodding to a red and yellow silhouette that was left behind. Despite Zoom's obedience, the Merc knew he didn't control him. He wasn't even sure if Amanda herself had full control over him. Slade reverted back to his previous position, facing Boomer, who, as previously foreshadowed, was spewing his usual stream of bullshit. His harsh words prompted Deathstroke to speak, but before he could make out a sentence, the Cap finally gave in, about to make a demand when more guards emerged and compelled the talkative Aussie to pull out his weapons. Slade did the same, managing to get two headshots with his trusted FN Five-Seven pistols, paving the way for Digger's careless attack. He turned his head, scowling under his mask at the man for his negligence. If Waller wasn't going to blow their heads up, then it would be Boomer's excitement who would. But even Boomer, who was pretty obnoxious, didn't get into Slade's nerves as much as the next guy - that would be Catman. Ever since he burst into the prison, all he did was try to one-up the rest of the inmates. His remarks and the fact that he promoted himself as head of the group without the other's consent further agitated Slade. To add more to the tension, Ravager was craving for attention and there were more guards coming their way. Unsure of what was more annoying; the sound of gunfire or the incoherent rambling between the team, the Merc finally let out a growl, hoping it would settle everything down. "Enough!", he said, darting his gaze towards the Cat, who was urging them to follow the escape plan devised by him, before continuing his speech, "There's a better chance she's gonna blow your head if you continue with your stubborn attitude, Kitty. If you want to proceed with your plan, then nobody's stopping you, but I sure as hell am not gonna stick behind your tail.", Slade finished, gradually calming down as he did. He was confident that none of the inmates was going to follow him, taking into account Boomer's relationship with the Cat was pretty sour, while Ravager was, for some unknown reason, infatuated with the One-Eyed Merc. Amid the ongoing noise and the gunfire, Slade's hearing senses received a feminine voice, obviously Ravagers, suggesting that there should be an escape vehicle around which would help the team to get to the air ship. He turned his head to face her, relieved that someone finally made a good implication. The moment he mentioned 'wheels', Slade's mind immediately sprung back to the APCs, same ones that were used to capture him. They were probably the prison's trademark vehicles, and the best part about them is that they were big, designed to hold a personnel of at least six people, excluding the driver. The improvised team that had just been created was only comprised of five souls - well, four, if one of them felt merciful enough to kill Catman in the way and spare the rest from his pathetic attempts at trashtalk, so the numbers figured. The Merc punched the man-sized hole the girl had made with his gauntlets, making enough room for him to fit in, then standing up, toe-to-toe with his number 1 fan. "Okay. That's what we're gonna do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Captain Boomerang was about to further apologize for the destruction he had just accidentally caused when everyone's favourite z-lister arrived. The Australian groaned as Catman berated the three of them for not doing anything. Did the idiot realize that they were formulating a plan instead of just running off blind? Sure the stunt he had just pulled with the explosive boomerang was stupid, yet this guy took the cake! Luckily Mr Deathstroke shared his feelings for the walking feline. "There's a better chance she's gonna blow your head if you continue with your stubborn attitude, Kitty. If you want to proceed with your plan, then nobody's stopping you, but I sure as hell am not gonna stick behind your tail." While both of them were a bunch of fruit loops, Digger had to admit if he had to follow one it would be Deathstroke. Besides the mercenary had already seemingly gotten both the Reverse Flash and Miss Deathstroke on his side and no one in their right mind would go up against them. Strength in numbers as one may say and while he wasn't too keen on joining a new crew after getting ditched by the Rogues, Digger figured he'd give it a burl. "Sorry fleebag, but I'm with Professor Mad-Eye over ere'" He shouted towards the fleeing Catman, bending down to dodge more gun fire as he did so. Following the merc through the hole him and his young lackie had created, Boomer gave a smile to the girl before moving forward and gazing around. The girl was right about needing a getaway car although the problem was finding one. "I take it we can't jus' go to the parkin' lot?" He joked, glancing back through the hole nervously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

a vain in Catman's head bulged as he glared angrily at both Deathstroke and Captain Boomerang. This partnership was really starting to piss him off and right now even though they were in the middle of escaping he wanted to rip their heads off. First he had to work with arrogant scum and now he's taking orders from them, hell no! Once they were out of this shithole then they would be setting some ground rules and if they didn't like it then there would be blood regardless if Waller blew their heads off before hand. "You can go shove a boomerang up your ass ya talentless hack" he growled at him, ignoring the guards that were in coming. He didn't care about the guards right now his attention was on his annoying ass teammates. "So where to One-Eyed Willy and Captain Kangaroo?" he asked folding his arms as guards began to shoot at them. Without even looking Catman just threw three caterangs at the guards and heard the nice sound of their throats being cut into. "I don't know about you three, but this is some pretty good action wouldn't you say" Catman said giving them a smile. One guard ran up to them with a nightstick in his hand and tried to attack them, but Catman roundhouse kicked the weapon out of his hand and then drove the razors on his right gauntlet into the man's throat.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

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Being a mere couple centimeters away from her idol, Rose couldn't even begin to explain all the strange sensations pooling through her body as she looked up at him with a smile that didn't know if it wanted to be flirty or genuine. By him agreeing to her voiced thought on finding something they could use to get them to the plane The Reverse Flash eventually found for them (if the bastard even came back for them at all), her smile had made up its mind to stick with something she knew; sultry. "I take it we can't jus' go to the parkin' lot?" Forcing her mind back to where it should be, Rose sidestepped to face Captain Boomerang full on, catching the smile he shot her just before it was gone. This, in turn, caused Rose to remember the half-assed offer she gave to him earlier and she shook her head slightly. "Not a chance stud. The deal was if *you* talked to Speedy, the bloke did it on his own." She told him a bit dryly, perching a hand on her hip before continuing, answering his comment. "If you've got the means, I'll take anything with an engine." "You can go shove a boomerang up your ass ya talentless hack" Rose spun around to give her attention then to Catman, a scowl showing even through her mask. "More talent than a man dressed like a pussy!" She commented with a roll of her eyes. If Waller didn't take any liberties soon, she just might have to. There was only so much stupid she could handle... and she spent the last few years of her life with teenagers! "I don't know about you three, but this is some pretty good action wouldn't you say" At this, Rose blinked. Twice. Removing her hand from her hip she crossed both arms across her chest, putting most of her weight on her right leg. "Have you been... you know... checked lately? And I'm not talking about fleas or ass worms, I'm talking ADHD cuz you're all over the fucking place mate." Shaking her head, not even wanting to bother for a reply, she turned back to Slade, whatever it was she had been feeling for her idol completely gone and replaced by irritance towards her other companions. "We done here? We're sittin' ducks and I could think of a whole slew of other things I'd rather be stuffed with than cooked vegetables."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

![enter image description here](http://www.craveonline.com/images/stories/legacy/article_imgs/Image/catman.jpg "enter image title here") Catman snarled at Ravager and he clenched his fist tightly in anger. If this bitch wanted to get in on the name calling in the middle of an escape attempt then he was perfectly willing to start the name calling. "Please tell me again how many times you've fought the Bat and actually won? If you want to find out what is like to have your face sliced off then I will be perfectly willing to show you" he said holding up his right fist showing off the three razors on his gauntlet. A guard tossed a canister of teargas at them, but Catman simply jumped up and did a spinning-back kick and sent the canister flying right back at the guard and his fellow guardsmen. The teargas went off causing the guards to cough rampantly. This was getting out of hand and he wondered how much longer the others were going to just stand there and argue with him. If they were going to die here then at least he would be going out fighting and that was alright with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

NOTE: I'm Switching to first person POV Time seems to slow down, when I run. It always feels like I've snapped my surroundings into place, and I can just observe. Of course,That's merely my perception of it; and it isn't always like that. Sometimes it feels like I'm moving at a breakneck speed,running so fast I can barely stand to slow down. Other times, it's like the rest of the world has slowed down, or even stopped, and I'm the only one still moving. My name is Eobard Thawne, and contrary to what the public believes, I am the fastest man alive. I've been labelled a supervillain, a psychopath, and that's fine. It's fine because I never really saw myself as the hero; It was a role I aspired to, but never really thought I could reach. Barry Allen is the true reason for my fall from grace, and he is also the reason why there's a bomb collar around my neck; the reason why my brother is dead. I can't vibrate through the damned collar, and it seems to somehow limit my speed slightly. But that, I can leave off for another time. Right now, Amanda Waller wants me to work as part of a team. I don't know what her endgame is, and frankly, I don't care. What I care about is my own design. I finish inspecting the helicopter, and turn on my heel. There's no traps or explosives lined in the vehicle, and it seems large enough to hold all of us, plus one more. A likely deduction is that we'll be getting another teammate. I should warn the others, but really, it might be fun to see how long it takes them to find out. Red lightning flares in my eyes and I take off with a sonic boom, running back to the team. As I run, windows of the nearby town shatter, car windows,too. Alarms blare, as I move so fast the sheer speed of it all is astounding. I stop in front of Slade, the sudden halt in my forward motion causing a rush of wind. "Deathstroke, I know where the cargo plane is. 20 miles north, no traps or explosives. Have you secured transport yet?" Even though there's no real reason to, I vibrate my vocal chords to make my deep, distorted voice. I find that people, particularly enemies find it terrifying, and in this case, it makes the guards around me just a tiny bit scared. The Rogues just find it creepy. I notice the onrush of guards behind me and snap my fingers, causing a sonic boom and shock wave in their direction. They go flying against the wall, bones crushed. It's an ability I love to use, but keep hidden unless the situation necessitates it. It's always fun to create sonic booms and break the sound barrier, but to do so with just a snap of the fingers? That's just awesome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"We're still working on it. Not everyone can run at the speed of light, Roadster.", was Slade's response to Zoom's question about whether they had secured transport yet. His bountiful exchange of words with The Cat had kept the team behind schedule, something he should have foreseen. Slade was renowned for being calculative and thinking ahead of time, but for some reason, his behavior turned more volatile during his brief stay in Belle Reve. It could've been the sedatives, or the fact that his imprisonment caused a dent in his reputation, a reputation which he values. Or perhaps, it could just be Catman's incoherent rambling which managed to agitate him. He wasn't certain, and he didn't have enough time to be. As more armed guards made their way inside the site, Slade threw a glance at Boomer and Ravager. "I'm going to pull one of them for interrogation. Cover me.", he said, rapidly switching covers as the bullets whizzed past him. Using his cunning and deadly abilities, he managed to get close to a unit of six of the prison's official lackeys, pulling out his dual pistols. In a surprise attack, he shot four of them down, deciding to subjugate the remaining two in a far more amusing method - his dual pistols now holstered, the One-Eyed Mercenary swiftly dodged one of the guard's horizontal knife slash, before removing the shiv out of his hand and violently stabbing it up his throat, blood gurgling down from it. The last guard was only left with his pistol, desperately trying to put a bullet in Slade's head, but to no avail. The latter uses the body of his dead colleague as a human shield, before finally letting go of it and lunging at the guardian, effectively disarming and pinning him down to the ground. "We don't have much time here kiddo, so you just tell me about the APCs and I'll make your death less painful.", Slade remarked, increasing his tone so as to avoid his voice getting muffled by the firefight. The guard's mouth remained shut. Upon seeing that he's not gonna co-operate, Deathstroke grabbed the pistol from his holster and shot the already wounded man in the leg, provoking a blood curdling scream by his side. "Okay, okay. It's in the Hangar, adjacent to the weapon storage!", the man let out a response, grunting from the pain as he did so. With no time left to waste, the Merc. punched the guard, immediately knocking him out, before gesturing Boomer and Ravager to follow him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Electing to ignore Catman's snide remarks, he moved forwards, only to be blocked by Ravager who side-stepped into his path. Digger furrowed his brow at her comment, before turning away and scowling. "Don't worry princess, wasn't interested anyway." Who was he kidding, this girl wasn't worth his time or energy! Besides, if this broad was Mad Eye's heir, then he didn't really wish to piss the big guy off, especially with everything he had heard about him! As Belle Reve's second douchiest inmate bragged about some interesting exploits about his feline life, a rush off wind and bright light welcomed back the prison's biggest douche. Digger's brow furrowed even more at the Reverse Flash's appearance, with the Australian neglecting to keep his ignorance a secret. Nothing would make his day more than this guy spontaneously combusting. That was a thought that Captain Boomerang and the rest of the Rogues had when they faced this guy for the very first time when a fight between him and the Flash disrupted one of their old heists, resulting in the group landing a large amount of jail time. Ever since then, all Digger wanted was for the little speedster to just fuck off down to hell. Luckily with Waller in change of the trigger, that dream may come true sooner than expected! Captain Boomerang controlled himself from slamming his fist in the human lightning bolt's face as he spoke to the "squad", his manipulated voice causing him to seethe in hatred! Luckily, Deathstroke took control, moving forward to face an incoming wave of security, with him ordering Boomer himself and Ravager to "cover" him. With a smile, he shot forward, launching several boomerangs forward through the air. While few missed, flying upwards through the air, the majority hit their mark, taking down a good couple of security guards. He watched as Deathstroke interrogated the lone survivor who named the group's next located. Beaming, Captain Boomerang punched the air in a feat of triumph before tailing after the mercenary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Please tell me again how many times you've fought the Bat and actually won? If you want to find out what it is like to have your face sliced off then I will be perfectly willing to show you." Rose blinked at the snarled comeback Catman had for her and just shook her head, breathing out an annoyed sigh. Okay, the Teen Titans weren't exactly very well known, not like these guys, but she would have at least thought that her reputation had managed to slide through some cracks in the criminal underword enough for people to know that they didn't work against Batman; so really her answer was 'none you fucking moron' but she felt it best to sweep that one under the rug for now and get on to more important things... like getting the hell out of here. A sudden gust of wind picked up, forcing Rose to raise her arms up parallel to her face as a sort of barrier. By the time her long blonde hair had settled back down against her back she heard the second most annoying voice she had come across that day. Okay it might not have been his voice, more some crap-shot at auto-tune... she didn't know, nor did she see the purpose behind it. Unless someone had closelined him along the way to the plane or back and damaged his vocal cords... the sheer thought almost had Rose smiling. "Deathstroke, I know where the cargo plane is. 20 miles north, no traps or explosives. Have you secured transport yet?" "We're still working on it. Not everyone can run at the speed of light, Roadster." An entire throng of guards were suddenly pushed back by an unseen force, but the sound had Rose's hands shooting to her ears as she glared something fierce at the man in red. "Oi!" She shouted in an annoyed warning. Shit like that could get them killed, enhanced abilities or not. More guards began to file out of the building, like a never-ending swarm of annoying little ants. "I'm going to pull one of them for interrogation. Cover me." Rose turned her attention back to Slade and gave him a curt nod, a smile playing across her lips, already imagining what it was that her hero was about to do. She had seen him fight only he once before; against The Bat, but that one fight was enough to want her to become more like him in every way and in hopes that one day she could meet him and learn more about the way he does things. She didn't know what everyone was so adamant about 'not meeting your heroes,' so far she was pretty damn pleased with the whole situation, even with the bomb now surgically implanted into the neck of her spine. "Aye aye sir!" Rose replied with a heavy inlaid amount of sultry in her voice. He didn't disappoint. Rose had almost completely forgotten that she was supposed to be taking care of any other guards that could potentially pose as a problem, lost in the way Slade was handling the situation to eventually get one of the guys to talk. Shaking herself from her reverie, Rose turned her back to Slade, taking the opposite direction Captain Boomerang took and faced off against three new guards. "Alright boys, you wanna play? Let's play." Reaching back for her Katana's, Rose charged at the first, swords wielded with one over her head with her elbow bent and the other proving as a protection against her chest. With one, powerful jump, Rose vaulted over the first guard, extending out the blade over her head and finding the flesh around his jugular vein with the tip of the blade, slicing into it as she continued to fly over him. Landing sideways at his back, Rose faced off the other two approaching as the first guard's head lolled to the side, useless and spouting blood like a fountain before the lifeless body collapsed to it's knees before hitting the floor on his chest. Without even so much as blinking, using the momentum she had gained from her landing she jumped back up, swinging her boot around and connecting the steel toe with the secon'd guard's ribcage, the force of her amplified strength shattering the bones upon contact. Her other foot, while in the air, finished off the third guard with a hose-kick back into his chin, the heel of her boot catching him underneath his chin and forcing his head back so quickly, his neck snapped clean in two. Landing back on her feet once again, Rose returned her Katana's to their sheath's on her back and stepped over the second guard who held tightly to his side, as if his cries and whimpers would help to mend the broken bones there. At his gesture, Ravager returned once again to Slade's side, closing the distance with a short jog over to him and gave him a curt nod, a silent statement that she would follow wherever he led, still holding that smirkish-smile reserved for him and him alone. "You find out where we need to go big guy?" She asked, withholding any surprise from her voice as she already knew the answer, but it was a good way to keep conversation with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"You and I need to have a talk later.", Slade harshly declared, straying away from her question. He was well aware that she probably knew where they were going, and even if she didn't, he couldn't care less. At that moment, Slade was the group's compass. If they wanted their breakout to be quick and painless, they'd have to follow him, with the exception of Reverse Flash, whose nearly unmatched speed proved too much for the Mercenary. For a man like Deathstroke, who'd been used to working for other people, the fact that he got to play leader, even if for a limited amount of time, felt somewhat uplifting, in the lack of a better word. He knew that they'd have to discuss leadership once they broke away, and that it would probably be Reverse Flash who'd claim it, taking into account he was the most powerful of the five, and he was perfectly okay with that as long as it didn't cause him any harm. The path towards the hangar was bloody. Everyone was on alert. There were loads of units being deployed, and because the area was too open to take cover, Slade was being overwhelmed. His dual pistols served him good for a while, but even they ran out of bullets. The team's best bet at that moment was Reverse Flash. "Hey, yellow guy!", Slade yelled intensely, his voice coming out as somewhat muffled due to the mask. "We need you to clear the coast for us.", he proceeded, this time his tone less acute. The man could snap necks before one could pull out a gun, even with Waller's collar on his neck. He was Amanda's most precious asset at the moment. Slade, in the meanwhile, turned his head to the team, gesturing them to make a run for the hangar as soon as Zoom made his move.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I nod my assent and run ahead, moving in a gust of wind and a yellow blur of red lightning. My speed allows me to take advantage of being able to survey my surroundings at a rate far faster than those around me. Slade, the obvious tactitian, knew that if we were to take this hangar, we'd need to kill these guards quick. There are too many of them for a head on assault, so they send in me. I snap the neck of the first guard, not even stopping to let his body topple before I'm literally running into the next one. They fall like dominoes, necks unnaturally twisted, as I run. It's an exhilarating feeling, being able to do this. I don't have to snap necks, because at these speeds, it's like throwing someone in front of a train, and that train is on steroids. I've managed to take down all of the men but five. Their reaction time is amusing. They think I can actually get shot. Nevertheless, I slow down, and come to a stop in front of them, my eyes pulsing with red lightning. I raise one hand, they pull their guns tighter to their shoulders. I smirk, imperceptibly, and with less than a second's notice, I run hard. I'm moving slower than normal, but for my purposes, it will suffice. My hand vibrates at just the right speed, and it cleaves through their gun-barrels like butter. The time it takes to do this is less than a heartbeat, as I come to a stop right where I stood in front of them. Their guns clatter to the floor, and their faces crumple up in fear. I raise both hands, and snap my fingers, unleashing a sonic boom and shockwave that sends them flying against the steel wall, dead. Running back to the team, I jerk a thumb at the scene behind me. "It's done. Let's clear out." Once again, the distorted voice makes an appearance. I do it mainly to terrify my enemies, but if it gives Digger a bit of grief, so much the better. He won't mess with me though, not at the level he wants to. Not after what I did to Piper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Captain Boomerang struggled to remain calm as the Reverse Flash sped ahead and began to take out the oncoming group of guards. The sight of the red lightning pissed the man off in general, especially after the last time he had encountered it before he had been hauled off here. That had been a dark day for the all the Rogues, fortunately, a gesture from Deathstroke snapped him out of his thoughts. Nodding to their one-eyed leader, the super villain moved forward swiftly down the corridor. Spying the door ahead which undoubtedly led to the hangar, he spotted its guards. Smiling, he reached to his utility belt and grabbed a couple of projectiles which he launched forward, one after the other. These whizzed through the air in a gleam of silver metal before colliding with their targets; the first two hitting the door's hinges and thus missing one of the guards, who gave a short laugh before being silence by the next boomerang, which sliced through his right arm. As he dropped his gun in pain, his companion opened fire, before the same happened to him. Moving closer, Cap' Boomerang swung forward, knocking one of the guards down with a hard blow to the face, only to be knocked back by his partner. Growling, he charged forward, tackling the second guard into the door, which fell under their weight, helped by the destruction of its hinges previously. Stumbling to his feet, Digger was happy to find himself in the facilities hangar bay. Below the walkway he entered onto, various vehicles lined the walls, from APCs to SWAT vans, as well as the occasional typical prison bus. Turning back to his "squad", he gave a crooked grin and beckoned them to follow. "Come on Mad-eye" He called. "Come take your pick!" A sounds from his feet caught his attention, and he looked down to see the guard groaning and beginning to sit up, dazed slightly. Sighing, Captain Boomerang kicked him back down, flinging a boomerang downwards to end his misery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Catman was annoyed at having to wait for such amateurs to get their shit together and get out of this fucking prison. It felt like they had been stuck in this place for eternity. "If you guys can't pick a plan to get the hell out of here then we might as well just get shot" he said very annoyed. Then Reverse Flash had told them to get going and he was still skeptical that anything would even happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You and I need to have a talk later." Rose lifted her head up slightly to look up at the the split metal mask that covered Deathstroke's face, his tone as cold as the armor he wore but this didn't preterb Rose in the slightest. She nodded once in respectible affirmation before adding on in a sultry voice, "Oh I've got more than words planned for you big guy, but sure, we can talk first so long as you buy me a drink or two." Stopping her strides as they entered the hangar, she crossed her arms over her chest, flicking her gaze over to the reverse flash who Slade was then addressing, asking him to take care of the majority of the security guards for them. Her narrow shoulders shrugged, speaking outloud to herself, "Works for me." She blinked, and it was over. Rose raised her eyebrows, clearly impressed with the skill the Reverse Flash had executed simply by making her and the other's jobs easier, a smile flickering at the corners of her lips despite the arrogant front he was putting up with the unnessicary shock wave-finger-snapping thing; she wasn't sure if she'd ever get used to that. And the voice. Frankly there were a lot of things Rose couldn't stand about him, but as long as he got the job done, well thats really all she could ask for. "let's just hope that you're only fast on your feet for the ladies' sake." She said passing the Reverse Flash by, missing the entire spectacle Captain Boomerang had put on with his little bent sticks. With no guards left to stop her, Rose headed towards the parked vehicles, her eye catching a military-grade motor bike which had her eyes widening with want. It probably wasn't the most practical for their small group, as maybe two could fit on it and she was sure that the idea was to take one vehicle, but that didn't stop her from caressing the leather seat and looking over her shoulder back at Slade with her soft pink lips pouting a bit, like a child begging their father for a puppy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DeathstrokeSW


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Amanda Waller threw her headset down, and put in her earpiece, designed for mobile travel. Directing this squad was going to be tough without a leader on the team, and unfortunately, Deathstroke wasn't stepping up with Eobard running the show. She needed someone who understood, bluntly, that A.R.G.U.S. wouldn't hesitate to put dissenters down. Reverse-Flash was obviously a good choice for the team, but Thomas Blake, she wasn't too sure about. So, Amanda decided, she had to bring in Them. A team honed by years of experience on an alternate Earth, it hadn't been easy subduing them during the event the press was dubbing Forever Evil. And though she loathed to even be near him in particular, he was a necessary addition to the Team. Walking lithely down the halls of the Supermax prison situated beneath A.R.G.U.S. headquarters, she faced a large elevator, and let it scan her retina, then her fingerprint, before sliding open. Stepping inside, she entered a 14 digit code that changed every four hours, then sliding her ID in. Once it accepted, the elevator dropped a mile beneath the earth, stopping to open to a row of cells. These cells did not hold a legion of supervillainous inmates, but rather a handful; only the most dangerous. She walked past an exercising Thomas Wayne Jr., past a lovesick Atomica, an anxious and equally lovesick Johnny Quick, a powered down Grid. Deathstorm, AKA, Professor Martin Stein, pored over books, while Superwoman cooed at her expectant stomach. The last cell held the man she came here to see; Clark Kent of Earth-3, also known as Ultraman. Given his Kryptonian abilities, and the fact that his powers grew by kryptonite, he was placed in a cell with red solar panels, effectively limiting his powers. He sat on a sole chair, as if he'd been expecting Amanda for quite some time, leaning over, and clasping his hands. His black hair was combed back save for a single lock laying on his forehead. His normally blue eyes grew red with heat vision in an intimidating way, but Amanda scoffed. "Mr.Kent." She greeted, sliding to sit in the one chair reserved for rare visits. He nodded, and the red left his eyes. "Ms.Waller. To what do I owe such a visit?" He said, his deep voice slightly modified by the speakers. Amanda raised an eyebrow and nodded towards him. "You already know, Mr.Kent. It's the same offer I made last time." Ultraman smiled, and even laughed. "Oh, I do. My world had a similar team; but really, as I told you last time, Amanda, not without a few of my team. Power Ring is dead; Johnny crippled for life. Atomica is separated from him, and it's killing her. Lois? She can rot here, but for me to join your Task Force X, I want Dr.Stein and Thomas as well. Grid can run information for us from here." Amanda sighed, and looked at the situation. Where the team was going, who they'd likely face....was it really worth letting half the Crime Syndicate out? In the end, she thought yes, it was. Nodding her assent, she turned and left, already arranging for their gear to be delivered to their cells and transport to be utilized. The team was already getting Captain Cold and The Evil version of Aquaman; this would just be helping the team.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

At this point, Slade didn't know what was putting him off more; the fact that Catman was not following the guidelines, or the fact that Ravager was looking for approval by him in every action she was taking. Her flirting and her surprisingly bright nature in the face of danger was a slight but still present addition that fueled the Mercenary's frustration. Despite his agitation, he still could muster enough power to keep a straight face, lightly slapping Ravager's hand as she asked for permission to hitch a bike. "Let's leave fun for later. For now, I need your blades to do the work." Slade had previously noticed that his copy cat bore a set of extremely versatile blades, with the sharpness of a high-frequency sword but not crafted from the same material. He would have noticed. They seemed to cut through layers of rough substance with relative ease, and it was exactly that said attribute which would help the team progress their escape. The APCs were equipped with cutting edge hardware. What was keeping Task Force X, or what was left of it, from sure escape was the locked door, which needed a code AND a retinal scan to unlock, an obstacle which Slade didn't anticipate. His sword couldn't do any damage, while Cap's explosive boomerangs would either risk blowing the entire car up or would serve no purpose. Their only choice was Ravager, or rather her weapons. Deathstroke side stepped from the girl's way, extending his palm towards the car in a suggestive fashion, at the same time throwing a glance at Cap Boomer. "How's your driving?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Digger followed suit as his companions crossed the hangar and headed towards the APCs. He smirked as Deathstroke and his little protege discussed the girl's dire need to take a nice looking motorcycle instead. Now that was why he didn't have time for children of is own, as they were always wanting things. Sure it's not usually military motorcycles, but he would probably have to increase his criminal activities if he was ever unlucky enough to bare such an unfortunate gift. Shaking the thought out of his head, he look looked around the room and the exit. At the end of the hall, a huge metal looking door loomed and by the looks of the control panel next to the door, it wouldn't be opening anytime soon. He turned to the others to express this opinion only to find the one-eyed mercenary also eyeing up the door. "How's your driving?" The question took him by surprise. Harkness assumed that the great and powerful Deathstroke wouldn't have needed to rely on someone such as Captain Boomerang to be his chauffeur. Regardless, he decided to hold back the quips for now, as the fact that they were this close to escape was making him optimistic. "Guess I'm alright, mate" Came his reply, shrugging his shoulders. Glancing at the door slightly, he reached into his satchel and produced yet another of his explosive boomerangs. "Do y' want me t' blow us a hole or whut? I promise not to 'ave a repeat of them guards earlier!" He managed a chuckle, playing absent mindlessly with the weapon in his hands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

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Withdrawing her hand from the bike, pulling it into her chest while her other hand rubbed the slightly agitated area in which Slade had slapped, her bright blue eyes looked upon him with her lower lip sticking out just slightly. He didn't hurt her, she could take a lot more of a physical beating than that, it was more the fact that his actions caused her heart to sink a small bit lower in her chest. She wasn't getting the bike, and she wasn't getting his approval. Two things that had the cute blonde re-thinking what she had done wrong, her gears already working on how to turn it into something right. "Let's leave fun for later. For now, I need your blades to do the work." Dropping her gloved hands back to her sides, Rose tilted her head a bit as she reached back and withdrew the twin blades once more from her back. Her eyes flicked over to where Slade had been looking to get an idea as to what it was that he wanted her to do, the position of his mask having her eyes finally meet on the door which he soon discovered had been locked up tight, for security reasons, of course. Stepping aside from the bike she had previously set her heart on she walked over to Slade, letting her hips sway side to side in an alluring manner as she reached him, keeping her eyes trained on the single one she could see looking back at her. "Of course you wouldn't want any of the ones already gift-wrapped for us by Santa." Rose said with an overly dramatic sigh. "Very well..." "How's your driving?" "Guess I'm alright, mate. Do y' want me t' blow us a hole or whut? I promise not to 'ave a repeat of them guards earlier!" Stepping forward, swords drawn with the edges catching the light from above, Rose took the couple steps needed before she reached the door. With practiced precision, Rose sunk down both blades into the safety box that was otherwise meant for code entry and a retinal scan, causing the entire thing to short out and spark but Rose stayed put, not put off by the temporary fire zone and sunk her blades into it even further. She moved the blades around a bit, tearing up the surrounding metal like butter, seeming to be 'looking' for something until finally there was a click and the massive, double-reinforced steel door groaned followed by a pressurized hissing sound, causing a bit of steam to leak out of the seams in the door that finally started to swing open slowly, given it's massive weight. "So long as you drive on the right side of the road Cap." Rose said, answering Captain Boomerang's question by removing her swords from the wall with a grating metal sound and placed them back on their sheaths on her back and walking back over to the small group. Smiling over at Captain Boomerang for a moment, she looked back to Slade, having to look up given their massive height difference and flicked her gaze back over to the door. "All yours big guy." She said looking back at him with a smile that would have one wondering if she was even talking about the open door anymore.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Catman stayed close by the others wondering what they were planning and it was after a few minutes that he realized that if he wanted to get out of here then he would have to work with his so-called teammates even though he didn't like it. He threw a caterang at a guard which sliced the man in a throat. "I'm an excellent tracker, is there anything that you want me to do?" he asked the one eyed mercenary. He didn't like having to take orders from Deathstroke, but if meant getting out of this hellhole then Thomas was willing to listen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Teal
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Teal Potentially Disease Ridden

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Mercenary quietly observed as the girl elegantly tore the car's side door off, therefore enabling the team a safe passage to the airship. At that moment, he could almost feel the aura of Mirakuru streaming through the air. He could see that Ravager, even though seemingly a child, had a pretty twisted past, perhaps even more painful than his. Her mean, flirtatious walk could fool anyone who never thought of peeking down the door to a dark place called the Underworld, but not Deathstroke. He was well aware that behind all those flashy winks and tempting words, there was a tortured soul hoping to be saved. Naturally, Slade was never a savior, so he realized he could make some use of her. After all, everyone thought she was his child, so all he had to do was just play the role. Upon being done with his pondering, Slade turned his head at Cap. Boomerang in response to his suggestion about blowing the door. "That won't be necessary. I need you to board the car, unlock the backdoor and fire this beast up.", he declared, tapping to the hood of the car like one of those unemployed rednecks who tend to worship anything with wheels and a horn. Shortly after, a projectile flew past him at great speed, killing a guard whom the squad hadn't spotted. He turned his head to face the owner of the weapon, his right hand lightly touching the handle of his sword. He quickly found relief after realizing that who he thought was an assailant was actually just Catman, who had gone through a brief reformation and finally decided to stick with the team. Slade considered cracking an insult at the man, but refrained, reckoning his submission before the Mercenary to be humiliating enough for him. "Just get in the backseats.", Slade remarked, pointing at the back of the car with his thumb as a quick beeping sound was made. Shortly after the beep, the engine started, with Captain Boomerang on the driver's seat, looking as smug as ever. Turning his head to face Reverse-Flash, Slade gave the yellow demon a quick nod, as if telling him that they're ready to get out of that shithole.
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