Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Trisana Leaf Nickname: "Dreamtime Brawler", "Miss Fortune" Age: 16 Gender: Female Guild: Vyper Bolt Rank: Mage Personality: Trisana is very outspoken, never one to back down from a challenge, especially if her friends are at risk. She loves to brag and show off, whether it's about her friends, magic, martial arts or even just her fortunes. History: Trisana never knew her parents, or any of her family. She grew up alone in the forest near Oak Town, afraid to go near it for the first six years of her life. Eventually her curiosity overcame her fear, and she wandered into town, where she met a small boy. They quickly became friends, and he taught her to speak and read. When he eventually moved, she followed him and helped him whenever she could, until they both decided to join a Wizard Guild. Magic:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kiso
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Kiso Yasogami's Steel Council President

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Yuuka Takenaka Nickname: gardner of the four seasons Age: 16 Gender: female Guild: Lamia's scale Rank: A class mage appearance: Personality: "Please leave before you get hurt" Yuuka is soft spoken and does not enjoy hurting others. As a orphan she holds bonds between family and friends above all else. Though when angered or her garden destroyed she has been known to show a much more sadistic side to her that contradicts with her normal personality. This often leads to her finding it a hard time to make friends. History: She is a orphan who was raised by a old mage who wanted to pass down her magic to someone before she died. Taking in Yuuka she taught her how to control and manipulate plant life though personally Yuuka has more control over flowers more so than anything else. Though as years past the old mage died and she was left alone with nothing more than the cottage located in a sunflower garden on a hill. This lead to her entering the city for the first time where she took up being a mage for hire for a little bit before settling down. She joined Lamia's Scale a guild that took interest in her not for her magic like others but rather who she was as a person. Though as a mage she became known as gardner who could make plants bloom no matter what season leading to her nickname gardner of the four seasons. One thing she always has with her is her master's parasol a umbrella that seems to be able to help her control and manipulate the plant life. Talents dancer: was trained in multiple dances to help build up her flexibility and how fast she could move on her feet. This leads her to dance around her enemies in twirls and other such things. Though it also influenced her fighting style to be both graceful and elegant like a dance as well. Keen Intellect: She has a sharp intellect that she uses when fighting often using it to create and control plants like a minature army. Gardner: has been known to garden in her free time mainly growing sun flowers but has grown other items as well. Magic: Plant manipulation: can grow and control plants and change them to fit her needs from turning a rose to a whip and so forth. Her magic however is very weak to fire magic which could burn down most of her plants. She can also use her plants to shoot condensed magic they produce from the sunlight. Wood make: though limited in control she can make various wood type structures with it among others. wood dragon slayer: her most powerful magic though due to her nature she rather not use it seeing as destructive and is afraid of loosing control over it like it did in her childhood. Other: 1. prefers intrumental music more so than anything else. 2. despite being young in age she often acts far older than she is 3. she can not stand large crowds 4. has been known to use her magic to create a flower for to sit on multiple times despite there being some place to sit already. 5. owns and maintains 8 throwing daggers that she uses in conjunction with her magic. her theme dont know how to link it sorry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbjbNGgL8p8
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Yatogami Akio
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Yatogami Akio Scarlet Speedster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Kim Mori Age: 19 Nickname: Kimmy Gender: Female Guild: Lunar Wolf Rank: Mage Personality: Sarcastic and easily outgoing, impatient, a smart ass, a laid back and easy going person. Kim is a prankster who pulls dirty and despicable mischief and gets away with it by lying and manipulating the situation around her. Kim proclaims herself to be fabulous, free spirited, passionate yet lazy and impatient. Inside that cool get up lies a facade like paper that is scripted, ledger that is bleeding and cruelty that a Lunar Wolf would do. She hates to admit her weakness because she never again wants to feel dead weight and shun/shamed on. Background: Kim has been in Lunar Wolf ever since she can remember but before that, she was just kid in the streets, doing all the dirty work; making her own ends of living and surviving, making sure that no one belittles her, Kim always puts up a facade but others could tell and would so pick on her. Her Dad worked in Magnolia as a Chef while her mom, she never knew what she's like. Once a simple life is now replaced by a new life, Kim dreamed of becoming the strongest so that no one would pick on her ever again, she stole a book that would teach her the magic she have today. From then on the bitter hardships she has no longer felt weight as she brushes it off faster than ever. Magic: Reflector is a form of Magic which enables its user to twist and distort almost anything. It can affect both material things, such as metal, and intangible entities. The only downside is that the focus of the user is limited when reflecting more than it can chew. Kim learned this magic for the sole purpose of never getting to be hurt again. Those who dare to fight her, the pain that is thrown at her, she'll throw it back HARDER. Such Magic possesses both great offensive and defensive capabilities: by refracting air, the user is capable of generating highly-destructive flying slashes of various sizes, which possess great cutting power. The user is capable of twisting anything aside from human bodies and can only use their refracting powers on a single area at a time, either around themselves or elsewhere. The harder and stronger the object the reflecting affects the user resulting of making it ineffective. In her case, she has to manually activate the magic and maintaining it proved difficult. She can only keep it on for ten minutes. Other: None.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Name: Reina Grand-Arc

Nickname: The Idol; Grand Stomper

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Guild: Vyper Bolt

Rank: Mage

Personality: Reina is a soft spoken, kind hearted girl. She'd never harm anyone without good reason and even then she'll try to talk her opponent out of the fight. This might make her sound like a weak person without any resolve but that's far from true. There are two situations that bring out her passion: when she fights and when she sings. Reina goes from being reserved and quiet to a confident idol who can keep up with the toughest of her allies and enemies. In most other situations she's a worrywart and a bit naive. While she's not boisterous or prone to starting or jumping into brawls like the other members of Vyper Bolt, when she feels uncomfortable or finds herself in the line of fire she won't hesitate to unleash a kick that would rattle Agnalogia's senses. She will hurriedly apologize afterward though. On stage, she seems to disconnect from everything except the music becoming a resident of her own world and also drawing others into it with how entranced she is while performing. In battle, she prefers to fight on her own as to not endanger allies while using her Sound magic but is completely aware of when she needs help. Though that is hardly ever as she may not be a master matrial artist or have an incredible mind for strategy but she is an incredibly gifted fighter in general. Much like her music she moves and flows naturally hitting just the right mark when she needs to and without missing a beat.

Biography: wip

Sound Magic
Sound Palm
Sound Wall

Forest Requiem - Reina leaf whistles a beautiful melody that revitalizes those she considers allies within the vicinity, restoring stamina and amplifying magic power.

Sonic Kick - Reina's signature technique, she uses her Sound Magic in tandem with her kicking prowess to create a powerful kick capable of destroying a large building that results in a sonic boom.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Bleu Chess

Bleu Chess

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Niti Laevis

Nickname: None

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Guild: Lamia Scale


Personality: An overly friendly and somewhat eccentric guy, Niti is affectionate to whoever crosses his path. Personal space? What is that? That's something that doesn't exist in his dictionary as he makes it his own personal mission of clinging to those he count as allies. He uses terms of endearment for both friends and foes which can rub anyone the wrong way and had gotten him into more trouble than he could count. Nevertheless, he is a busybody in body and soul, a trait that somewhat keeps him at bay… or not. He’s often seen rushing off or just quietly sitting in a corner and pitifully staring at anyone until someone gives him something, ANYTHING, to do.

Although he might not be the most down-to-earth person in the whole guild, Niti takes his job as a healer seriously. He is surprisingly studious when it comes to studying subjects he might find useful and makes sure that the well-being of his fellow guild mates is his top priority. There are very few things he takes seriously and health is one of them - both physical and mental (insanity and blood lust not included).

History: Not much is known about his past, but that’s just because no one bothered to ask. In short, Niti came from a small village in the east where mining for precious gems is a main source of income and the people pray to higher beings for success and bounty. Surrounded by trees and mountains, his village is relatively remote and peaceful. Among the villagers, Niti is known for his endless bouts of energy and constant runs through the forest.

One day, after heading out of town for a few days to accomplish a chore, he found the road to his village closed off with mages whose jobs were to stop all who came. It turned out that his village was hit by a particularly horrible disease and had to be placed into seclusion. The mages refuse to give him any more details than that, saying to let the Magic Council handle it, much to his frustration.

Finding his own town quarantined, he desperately searched for a hint as to what this disease might be. The mines provided no clues and, according to the heavily censored letters from his family, no villager ever recalled a Patient Zero or anything out of the ordinary. Most of Magic that Niti experimented with came up with dead ends or provided only temporary relief in finding a possible cure. With no solution in sight, the whole disease situation was shrouded in mystery, and he had no other choice but to place it in the hands of the Magic Council with the quarantine still in effect.

With no other place to go, Niti took to the city where he found a new home that took shape of Lamia Scale. There, he furthered his studies in Magic and took on Soap Magic with hopes of someday finding a cure to this whole mess. Every once in a while, he would receive letters from his older sister stating the whole village’s well-being and how they are doing.


Soap Magic – A type of Magic that enables the caster to create and manipulate bubbles, foam, and soapy substances for different kinds of moves, primarily used for defense, support, and healing. Lesser known for combat, Soap Magic requires incredible creativity to execute attacks.

• Enhanced speed
• Immense acrobatic skills
• Has an ear and love for juicy gossip especially those involving romantic escapades.
• Have a tendency of stalking couples.
• Has his own first aid kit at hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Reiner Leonhart Nickname: The White Flash Age: 20 Gender: Male Guild: Lunar Wolf (will join) Rank: S-Class Mage Personality: Reiner is a rather serious individual, even in times of dire situations. He is somewhat distant as well, due to the fear of his magic hurting even his comrades. Once he gets used to someone, he begins to show his more natural side f how he acted before leaving his tribe. History: Reiner was born in a nomadic Native American like tribe, who lived outside of Fiore and down south in a sea of intense desert. His name wasn't originally Reiner Leonhart but was changed in order to fit in. Reiner stool out from his tribe, the only one born with pure white hair. Because of this, they thought of him as being blessed and raised him to be the guardian of their tribe. The tribe leader took the greatest interest of him, realizing his talent. The leader began to teach Reiner a very rare and hardly seen magic, Tremor Magic. At first he was hesitant, since the destructive abilities of this magic was massive and extremely hard to control. But Reiner trained diligently. He wanted to protect his first love and the tribe leaders daughter. Refiners coming of age ceremony was finally here, the tribe out casting him in the woods at the age of 15. In 2 years, he came back, now a fine control over his magic. However, instead of Joy he was met with agony. His tribe was annihilated, not a single survivor remained. From that moment on, he hunted down whoever did this to his home. Finally, the day came when he came across a town with a dark guild, one Mage who bragged of how they destroyed a weak tribe. At that moment, Reiner lost it and used his magic to level the city with his magic. It wasn't enough however. He went to the guild hall and faced the entire dark guild by himself, killing numerous of dark mages. But he was not unscathed. By the time he made it to the guild master and his elites, he was already on the verge of death. He planned to use one last magic to kill both himself and the fuckers who were before him. Then, that was when he came. A god in mans clothing a or a man with a gods spirit. A man with long black silky hair single handily took out the guild with his bare fists and blade. That was when Reiner first experienced true fear, but yet wanted to fight this man. So he did but within a short while, he was defeated. The man left him with a few words "Head to Crocus city. In that city, many mages of various strength are living in that land. If you seek to get stronger, that is where you should go" Like smoke in the wind, the man was gone. Reiner didn't bother to ask questions. If he wanted to fight him again, this city Crocus is where he'd find him. Magic: Tremor Magic - A powerful magic with both great offensive and defensive capabilities. The magic is capable of generating massive vibrations, or shock waves, which can travel through almost any medium. They're capable of icing through land, solid objects, water, the air and even organic bodies. This shock waves shake the very foundation of what they pass through and breaks apart whatever objects it goes through. There are two major weaknesses of this magic, the first being that these waves do not discriminate on whether they pass through ally or enemy. Either way, the shock waves will inflict harm on whoever is in it's path. The second being that this magic is heavily influenced by emotions, it's strength being. The greatest when the user is at his angriest. It is for this reason that Reiner always attempts to keep a calm demeanor. He fears if he let's go, he could harm countless number of innocent people. The training he did was merely to control the strength, size and frequency of these shock waves. This way, he could use the magic when near comrades. This magic is incredibly taxing on the body and it took Reiner a few years to hone his body to be capable of taking these shock waves. Reiner has been seen using this magic with his fists, but it is not limited to just his fists. He is capable of using it with nearly any part of his body.
Other: - Carries around twin small axes, which he has fully mastered. - Martial Artist who focuses on his speed and the destructive force of his magic. - Heightened senses - Raised as a hunter, therefore has a vast knowledge on nature and survival - Dislikes modern drinks, like coffee, soda, etc. - Loves modern pastries but hides this love
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akashi Mayhiro

Akashi Mayhiro Some Scrub

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Magic Council Unit: The Hound Dogs
Hound Dog
is an elite black operations unit that takes orders from the
himself, under the command of Alec Roganoff. Unlike the Rune Knights, Hound Dogs have shown that they can covertly perform operations that are considered against regular military conduct and even laws. Hound Dog's name may be attributed to their their ability to track down any target; trained as remarkable sensors regardless of sensor magic or not and along with their technology mixed magic tools, they are superior to the military and rune knights. They are highly trained in pragmatic combat, they are not to be underestimated.
Status: Active Allegiance: The King Type: Black operations unit Role: Perform operations that are against regular military conduct and even laws. Headquarters: Era Members: Oram Hellios, Kuroko Nagasai Leaders: Alec Roganoff
Under Alec, the Hound Dogs where only shown to follow the exact orders of the King of Fiore. Unlike the Rune Knights, the Hound Dogs are not bound to any sort of protocol or laws, as they are a covert paramilitary unit, they do their mission regardless of any damages and consequences that they incur. Because of their covert nature, the secrecy of their operations are highly guarded, and as such the Hound Dogs will eliminate any potential threats – such as witnesses or bystanders – that get in the way of their mission. A part of their covert nature is to cover their own existence, as such the Hound Dogs themselves have to remove their own presence in many situations, such as destroying evidence, retrieving bodies of comrades, and general clean up of anything that would indicate their presence. Failure to achieve an objective usually ends with Alec Roganoff punishing members severely. A Hound Dog member who interferes with operations or betrays the organization are also punished, usually through death.
Resembling that of Crime Sorciere's leotard trend as well as Aran's outfit; Hound Dogs usually wear black with navy blue leotard and sometimes it varies depending on the operation.
Rune Pens for dispelling any runes. Magus Killer Guns with mana disruption or killing bullets. Olfactory Shades. Olfactory Sensor Device. Last But Not Least, a pet! A hound dog or a Hound Wolf.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 6 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Rin Age: 10 years old Guild: N/A Personality: Clingy, annoying, bratty, talkative. Background: Rin is the girl that Oram saved from the Akurans. She is now sticking with him. Other: She has healing magic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Haruna said I could join! ^_^;

Done I believe!

That aside, I promise not to disappoint anyone! For anyone I haven't met yet, name's Feisty. ^_^ Kinda newish around here, and a somewhat rubbish writer, but I do what I can!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Saltwater Thief
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Saltwater Thief The Wild Card

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Name: Tenshi Amane


Age: 14

Gender: female

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: mage


"Someone who is truly strong, won't scatter their aura about everywhere."
She had a "sheltered upbringing" and can come across as sheltered and or top of the world at times. Though with that said she can be a caring person a times. Though despite all that she lacks a true charisma but rather has an otherworldly one that makes me notice her. She can come across as a bit unhinged at times during battle where she openly asks people to hate her and attack her.

History: She was raised in a noble family before their death by a dark guild. Running away she stumbled on a cave in which she rested in for a few days before she was found by the dragon residing in the cave. Scared she was going to die but rather the dragon took her in and raised her as its own. It is also this moment that changed her fate. Later though things would change later on when the dragon Kohryu was on its deathbed it had taught her everything it knew and no longer had the will to live so on his deathbed he left one of his scales for her. Knowing that she was alone once more she went out to a city where was eventually found and taken in by the Sabertooth guild.

Monstrous strength: it is unsure why but Tenshi has an insane level of strength and durability that makes it hard to fight her for prolonged fights.

Librarian of stored knowledge: She has a sharp mind in which she can recall anything she read or heard at a later date.

Earth magic: while not as proficient with it as her dragon slayer magic she is good enough at it to create rocks to use for keystone magic.
Keystone magic: the ability to create and control large dense earthen material and fire it at people often used in conjunction with her magic and sword.
Crystal dragon slayer: her strongest magic but while she has strong control of it she lacks the experience granted with age and time to use it properly.

1. She tends to get bored easily
2. She is a child and can get scared easily
3. She often takes advantage of her monstrous strength and uses it to lift things that others cant.
4. She likes to create keystones and stand on it to make her not only seem taller but give her the impression of flying.
5. Owns a golden sword(jian) forged from Kohryu’s scale making it a sword that can stand up to her strength and how she uses it.

Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM636580PhI
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Masaki Haruna
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Moka Thera

Nickname: Impulse

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Guild: Sabertooth

Rank: Mage

Totally an inversion of her best friend Tenshi, Moka is her opposite in every way; Moka is impulsive and full of energy, showing no hesitation, she is quite loud and sly while Tenshi is calm and collected. She is known to joke around and play tricks and pranks without notice. Moka is hyperactive, vivacious and very talkative when it comes to things that amuse her and makes her happy.

History: TBA

Slyness: She is very tricky and messes with your mind.

Battle Strategist: Claimed to be on par with Tenshi but not as smart as she makes herself out to be, Tenshi obviously smarter. Moka is cunning and hits at precise points, deduces feats through observation.

Speedster: Speed is her best asset.

Lightning Devil Slayer Magic. Magic that is known for slaying demons, she mastered her magic at the age of 12!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Name: Cut

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Guild: Unity

Rank: Paragon

Personality/Bio: Cut rarely takes interest in anything, and nobody, including the few guild members she's recruited, knows who she really is, or even her real name. The entirety of her known history begins when she registered her guild with the Magic Council.


Holder Magic: Ephemeral Truth
Ephemeral Truth is an ancient artifact, a blade passed down from master to pupil for thousands of years. The only weapon of it's kind, it's magic allows the user to create a distorted space around the blade where they can move in any way they desire. Though it is far more potent than any other movement based magic, wielding the sword comes with a price. Any magic the holder had before, whether it was born to them or not, is taken from them, and no further magics can be used. This includes magic from holder items.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Suku
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Suku Praetor

Member Seen 11 mos ago

[hider=My Hider]

Nicknames: Death Scythe

Age: 16

Gender: female

Guild: Lunar Wolf

Rank: Mage

Yomi seems like a happy, charming, relaxed, and laid-back jokester, and for the most part she is; however, she is also a complex person with a terrible childhood that he hides from those close to her. She also deeply cares for her comrades and is never afraid to rush to their aide in battle.

Yomi grew up as an orphan in a small town, knowing nothing about her family or real name. In the later years, she was a part of a street gang of orphans, which had to steal to survive. She adopted her name after honoring the two names of the ones who took care of her. Her life meant little to her at this point she began to think that a happy life was not meant for her. It wasn't till later that she was taken in and raised. It was during said time period that she found about her innate magical ability. Despite everything though her heart and blood would not let her settle down in one place and after four years of training her magic with those that took her in she set out to find herself her history and her parents. It was during this time she earned her title as death scythe. Her favored weapon after all was a unique scythe that she remembered the "gang" leader once held before he left it behind buried in a ruins of a small town. That was her first stop after reclaiming the scythe she left searching any leads on her past. This lead her to joining a guild not only would it allow her a place of rest but it granted her the ability to go on missions when she felt like she needed to. Though the main reason was try and using her status as a guild mage to get more answers on anywhere that might know of her birth family.

Magic: Requip, Take over

Take over "reaper"

With this she gains a more sadistic personality and the ability to the control and manipulate two giant black skulls. Beyond that her speed and flexibility is increased. Though she has not yet completely mastered this and as such she can lose herself to the "reaper" as she calls herself.

The skulls she summons are simple in purpose they are made of a dense rock like material that seems to be animated by a green "flame" when in actuality all it is burning essence created from the material reacting to the outside environment. They can either ram into enemies or act as shield depending on how she wants to use it. Beyond that if destroyed she can take time to summon another pair though this takes time and leaves her in a vunerable position.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 14 days ago


Alias: Avarice

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Guild: Sabertooth(?)
Rank: A

Personality: Avarice is easily impressed, very excitable, and a bit of a pervert from time to time. IN battle, however, he's ruthless and somewhat sadistic towards his opponents, never holding back no matter who they are.

History and Bio: MOst people already know this, and for those who don't, check the demon invasion arc(which was run by yours truly in a horrible manner)


Swift Curse: This curse allows Avarice to move himself or objects he holds at high speeds without suffering any of the consequences. Through long, intense training session, Avarice has been able to change his magic so that it can be used in a variety of ways. He can only use one variant at any time, and there is a 10 second gap in time where he has no abilities what so ever.

Celeres: This variant of magic is all about moving fast. At stage one, he can move so fast he becomes just a blur, but he has to move in a straight line. This allows him to easily build up momentum to land devastating blows at high speeds, but is still block able by skilled individuals. Once you figure out he can only move in straight lines, his movements are easier to predict. In Stage two, however, he moves a lot faster, so fast that he can't even be seen and he's no longer constricted to movement in a straight line. However, this also means that his attacks will have less physical power to them, as turns will end up more than likely losing momentum. To combat this, he usually begins using his knives at this stage. Stage 3 is the fast he can move, so fast that it can be counted as teleportation and breaks the sound barrier. The whole thing about stage three is making Avarice the projectile, so it's more of a finishing move kind of thing. However, this is also the speed where the Swift curse automatic shielding begins to fail, which means that he'll feel the impact. Thus, in exchange for the raw power this move has, it deals a fair bit of recoil to him, making it so that he can only use it 3 times.

Vibrationis: This variant speeds up the molecules of things that the curse effects, creating intense vibrations. This allows Avarce to give his attacks the added danger of scrambling an opponents insides a little, causing them anything from a bit of nausea to internal bleeding if they are subjected to it for long enough. He can even vibrate the air around him, as long as it's within a 5 meter radius. While this is less likely to harm someone, it will cause intense pain as their skin is ripped apart by intense vibration. The rips aren't large, but enough of them can become a problem, as a person could very likely bleed to death from them. Works especially well on armored individuals, as their own armor can be used against them, as it's density means even more violent vibrations.

Velox Pugno: This variant focuses all of the ability onto his limbs, allowing him to unleash a barrage of powerful punches in the span of a second. He can do the same with his legs, even making it so that they come from various directions, and the opponent has only a few moments of time to react before getting pummeled by a rain of nearly endless blows.

Ablego: This final variant allows Avarice to 'gift' his ability to others, but without the shielding or control. He basically touches someone, things of a direction, and they will be sent flying in that direction until they hit something solid. Even if they manage to stop themselves, the curse will not stop until they've hit something solid in the chosen direction, or have gone about a few kilometers in that direction. A very powerful and tricky ability, it can catch foes unawares and make them an easy target for Avarice to pick off at his leisure.

Re-quip Magic: Avarice can summon a variety of knives to him, most of them being nothing more than common knives, but his stay with Demon's Maw has given him access to two knives that hold powerful magic. They have no names, but he has one knife that can cut through anything, including magic, but can't cut deeply into skin. Just enough to bleed them, but then it stops. He also has a knife that creates a blade of intense flames when swung, and a fountain of ever present fire when stabbed into the ground. Only the user is immune to damage from the fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

(Damnit. I did it again!)
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