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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Why do people in horror movies call out 'Hello'? I mean it's not like the murderer's going to be like 'I'm in the kitchen, do you want a sandwich?' Name: Rei Nobuko Nickname: Age: 10 Gender: Female Powers: Manipulation and Materialization of fears. She can make a person see their worst fear. Her right eye, which is gray, can see a person's fear by looking at them. Weakness: Afraid of dogs, cats, and most people. Allergic to strawberries. Skills: Writing, drawing Hobbies: Writing mysteries and horror books, illustrating them as well Personality: Rei is an odd chid. She's always been mature though most people wouldn't know as she doesn't really make human contact very often. Most of her personality is unknown, though she will do a lot to find out how people react to situations. Background: Rei was always an outcast in her family. From a young age her parents only cared about Rei's older sister. So Rei turned to writing. She stole her parent's horror movies and watched in the middle of the night. She began to love horror from the bottom of her heart. She also found that she loved mysteries. So Rei began to write horror and mystery books. She snuck them to editors under a fake name and slowly people began to enjoy them. This raised Rei's spirits so she kept writing, which kept her from having to interact too much with her family, who didn't really care about her. Likes: Horror, blood, meat, horror movies, mysteries Dislikes: Animals, fruit Theme song: -Human - Christina Perri - Nightcore Version - -Delusional - Simon Curtis - Nightcore Version- -Monster - Sick Puppies - Nightcore Version - Clubs: N/A Dreams: One of her books becoming a movie Other: 4' 3. popular horror and mystery author ((goes by pen name Madoka Hideko))
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Rusalka
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Rusalka El Telefono Publico

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Two simple words...F*ck You."
Name: Evelyn Thorne Nickname: Ev Age: 18 Gender: Female Powers: Evelyn's powers are shadow manipulation and the ability to see and speak to the dead. She also has the ability to read the minds of whoever she touches, but often times she tries to avoid any close contact unless necessary. She also has a strange ability to feel the same feelings as whoever she grows closest too, such as if they are cut or injured in any way, she will feel it as well. It may even produce the same effect physically upon her. Speaking of physical, she has the ability to grow her nails into sharp claws and her teeth into fangs, even at some points turning the bones in her body into blades and forcing them through her hands...albeit painfully. Skills: Playing guitar, screaming, drawing, painting, parkour, owning n00bs in Dark Souls PvP Weakness: Most, if not all of Evelyn's powers are controlled by anger and hatred, and the more she feels, the less of a grip she has over herself, becoming a danger to all, even to ones she loves. Evelyn also suffers from chronic nightmares and insomnia, meaning she's usually drowsy and quite sluggish, and she has a tendency to sleepwalk. Due to her slight mental instability, she also suffers from momentary panic attacks that can halt her breathing, especially when faced with something that triggers her past trauma. If not treated, they could possibly kill her. Mostly because of her ability to feel the same pain as someone else, and even have the effect emulate itself physically upon her, she avoids forming any close romantic bonds with people...although she wants to. And she's allergic to cats. Hobbies: Her joys, of the few she has, is mainly playing guitar, drawing, watching horror movies, or reading. Her favorite authors are Edgar Allan Poe, Sheridan Le Fanu, HP Lovecraft and Bram Stoker. Her favorite music is metal, but she'll also listen to classical music, punk, dubstep, and some rap like Eminem or Ice Cube. She's a huge videogame addict and mostly plays horror games and RPGs Personality: Evelyn is cynical, sarcastic, and rather antisocial. She mostly likes to keep to herself, but doesn't really mind speaking with others. She is easily annoyed by some people, and may come off as a total bitch, but she does have a caring side to her and will fiercely protect those she cares for. Also, Evelyn is mostly attracted to girls, but has never had the courage to ask any out, mostly because she fears growing close to people. Background: Her background's a touchy subject for her to bring up, so we'll just leave it at that. She came to Orean Cause to get away from everything, her family, life in general, etc. Theme songs: -The Crimson - By Atreyu -Darkness -By Disturbed (Yui Hisashi Cover) -Killpop - By Slipknot -Obstacles - By Syd Matters -Axe Wound - By Butcher Babies Likes:
And lastly cigarettes, and dark, morbid, scary stuff Dislikes: Annoying people, bullies, a certain lusty argonian maid vampire, school in general, meat (she's vegetarian), semi-trucks (don't ask), her mother and her sister, a small cabin house in the middle of the woods Clubs: Music club, art club, gaming club Dreams: Evelyn doesn't have dreams.....she has nightmares
~"Oh my. Aren't you the adorable one."~
Name: Rebecca Selie Valentine Nickname: Mistress (that's what her little darlings call her), Becky (Seriously, don't call her this) Age: Unknown (She was eighteen at least when she was turned, sometime during the Renaissance) Gender: Female (obviously) Powers:
One of Rebecca's innate abilities is to conjure forth images that are pleasing to the eye, often provoking feelings of wonder, joy, love, and a sense of warmth and comfort
With just a simple look into her eyes or a batting of her eyelashes, a soft smirk included, Rebecca can gain control of someone and lure them to her subconciously. Of course, it's only effective if the intended target is of weak will, but she is rather persistent in her...endeavors.
One of her more sinister devices, Rebecca's well known to be a master-manipulator, able to sway the thoughts and actions of those around her to fit her own needs and desires, whether through physical or mental prodding. Even, she has the ability to invade the dreams of her intended victims while they sleep and tamper with them, further corrupting their minds until they are under her control
As with most Nosferatu, Rebecca has the ability to change shape into almost anything. Her most common alternate-form is of a black cat, but she can also form into a bat (naturally) or a cloud of dark mist. There is also the matter of her true vampiric form Weakness: Though she is a vampire, Rebecca is only affected by a few common vampire weaknesses. She can still ingest garlic, albeit in moderate amounts, and she can still traverse through sunlight, only for a short amount of time before she begins to feel weary, light-headed, and at some points nauseous. Prolonged exposure to sunlight may even cause her to faint or her skin to blister painfully, but this is only in the case of direct contact with her skin. Religious paraphernalia if touched to her skin will cause minor burns and the sight of such can cause her to have splitting migraines and even lash out angrily. Naturally though, a stake to the heart can kill her instantly. The same goes with forcing her to swallow holy water. But her one true weakness will always be adorable girls. Skills: Rebecca's particular skills have mostly come from her staving off her boredom for the last few hundred years, taking up menial hobbies and whatnot to entertain her. She is an avid poet and novelist, fluent with her words and has had a few of her books published in secret under a pen name Vaelerie DuMare, mostly horror and gothic romance novels. One of her books was even adapted into a manga recently (a yuri manga). She is also rather proficient in horseback riding and surprisingly, fencing, a sport she enjoys quite a bit for the rush she feels from it, plus she is quite the swordswoman. Not exactly a musical virtuoso, there have been times she's fiddled around with a violin or a piano, and is rather talented with both instruments. Hobbies: ~"Let's see. I believe I've already said I enjoy fencing and horseback riding and quite a few other things. Ah, but there is reading classical literature from all across the world, mostly Shakespeare, but I do adore the Greek Tragedies of Sophocles and Euripides, and of course the lovely poetry of Sappho. That reminds me, could chasing after adorable girls be considered a hobby?"~ No Rebecca...it cannot. *facepalm* "Can someone just stake her through the heart already?!" D:< You shut up! <.< Personality: Charming and elegant, a very courtesan attitude, she could woo you with just a few simple words or with just a look of her eyes. She cares for others and does what's necessary to help those in need, but when angered, her personality shifts and she becomes cold, relentless, and violent. Unlike some, Rebecca only pines for the simpler things of life. From day to day, she preoccupies herself with hobbies such as reading classic literature, listening to music, playing violin and piano, painting, etc., etc. It's become apparent to some that she enjoys the company of women more than men, possibly even a physical attraction to them. Though she is also sociable with men, she has a particular disdain for some, especially if they take advantage of a woman in any way or are cruel to them. Background:
Likes: Women, some men, horseback riding, fencing, reading and writing, clothes that are sexy or expose her cleavage, BDSM, wine (about the only alcohol she will drink), roses, classical music, playing her violin, sleeping au naturale Dislikes: Staying out in the sun too long, a certain irritating school goth, extremely loud, tasteless music(Metal), cursing, religious paraphernalia, sleeping in a coffin (she never will), remembering the past, being immortal Optional:
Theme songs: Normal Theme Sad Theme Happy/Love Theme Mischievous Theme Slighted/Angry-sorta Theme Clubs: -Literature & Poetry Club -Art Club -Fencing Club -Riding Club -Orean Cause Swim Team (just an excuse really <.<) -Music Club -Drama Club Dreams: ~"I do believe by enrolling at Orean Cause, I have already achieved my lifelong dream, to be surrounded by so many adorable little darlings who will love and cherish me as much as I adore them too."~ "In other words, you wanna make the school into your damn harem." -_- ~"Care to join me, my dear? I'll be extra gentle with you."~ "Like fuck I would!! You're like the town bicycle!! Gawd only knows who's sat on that seat!!" D:<
"Now, before the hangover kicks in, does anyone have a question? Preferably something that isn't ignorant?"
Name: Matthias Gray Nickname: Professor Gray (as he prefers to be called by students AND teachers), Matt ("If you call me that, I will personally have you removed from my sight." <.<), and the usual dickhead, asshole, douchebag, Professor Gay Age: "Just for the record, I'm currently 34 years old. My birthday is October twelfth, year withholding, and if you have any smart little jabs about my age, I'll see to it this school year is by far your most miserable." Powers: "I have the power all teachers have, deciding your fate. It's up to me if you graduate from this school, and by the looks of some of you here, that seems incredibly unlikely." (Powers will be revealed later >.> <.<) Weakness: Well, he's a drunk, so the only weakness for him is the morning after. Matthias does not do well during the early hours of the day. Skills: "I'm a classically trained artist. What skills do you think I have, you twit?" Hobbies: "A man as busy as me has no time to laze around like these ingrates I teach, but I suppose when I do have down time I enjoy the occasional cigarette." Personality: There are many choice words Professor Gray's students have for him, many that he's meticulously collected from time to time in a small notebook he keeps in his coat. He is rude, negative, pessimistic, condescending, spiteful, cold, mean, snarky, and all around carries the typical attitude of a stuck up art teacher, and as such he prides himself on his amazing artwork and tends to shoot others down for their creativity..or lack there of. ("Criticism doesn't always have to be constructive."). Nevertheless, there are times when Matthias shows some sense of sincerity, but it is rare among the crotchety bastard. For the most part, despite his loathing of his students, he considerably enjoys his job...maybe a bit too much. But he is by far the strictest and most hated teacher at Orean Cause. Background: "I'm a teacher. What more would you want to know of me than you already do? I've been teaching at Orean Cause for nearly seven years now, sculpting and shaping the young minds of today to be the movers and shakers of tomorrow, though I doubt that move would barely be a nudge just teaching them how to draw and paint." Likes: Alcohol, cigarettes, and destroying the hopes and dreams of his students Dislikes: Anime/Manga, Being called anything other than Professor Gray (even by teachers), every teacher and student he comes in contact with, his other job. Optional: He is constantly seen wearing black and he smokes and he drinks alot. He even keeps a silver flask full of vodka underneath his jacket and sneaks a sip every once in a while. Luckily it takes alot to get him drunk. Theme song: Fits him to a tee XD Clubs: "Again, art teacher. What do you think?" Dreams: "Dreams? Pfft! Dreams are trivial pursuits that do not exist. It's an excuse for starry eyed, dreamy high school kids who think once they leave the hallowed halls of this institution, they will be guaranteed that magical career they oh so desired, just because they dreamed it. Well, I'm here to tell you straight and simple, your dream doesn't exist. It is merely a fleeting image in your minds, a cute little butterfly that gets snatched up and mutilated by the hungry praying mantis called...life."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Grace Noel Age: 18 Gender: Female Skills: Grace is a prodigy with machines and technology, so much so that it goes beyond a simple skill. She can build things most people can only imagine. Hobbies: Tinkering, Running, Singing, Occasionally practical jokes Personality: Grace is a very upbeat person, but not exactly an optimist. She'll be one of the first to tell someone if she thinks their idea will fail. She tends to relate better to her machines than to actual people, and when she's upset she'll lock herself in her room to work on something. History: Grace doesn't tell anybody much about her past. The most she tells people is that she came to Orean because it was the best school she could afford. Optionals: Grace's right arm is a mechanical prosthetic that she built herself. It also serves as her multitool, and has a soldering iron, screw driver, volt meter and knife hidden inside the hand. Clubs: She doesn't attend a club, but she's more than happy to help the school maintenance workers if they need it. Likes: Machines, Computers, Sweets Dislikes: People who break her toys, Bitter food, Loud Noises.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Appearance: exactly five foot Name: Lisa Darkling Nickname: Shadow (given to her for her tendency to appear seemingly out of nowhere) Age: 17 Gender: Female Skills: Studying, Networking and Computer use, Sneaking, Cooking Hobbies: Reading, Walking (sometimes for a long time) Personality: Lisa can be a bit nosy at times, spending most of her time trying to solve other people's problems, and sometimes has trouble relating to other people, but she always has the best intentions at heart. She can be rather cheerful and kind, but she also has a manipulative side that exploits other people's weaknesses to get what she wants. Background: Lisa comes from a rather well-to-do household. She has never wanted for anything material, so her desires turned to the immaterial. She hoarded knowledge with the same hunger that drives a dragon to hoard gold, or so she was told by her rather flighty cousin. Regardless, eventually she could learn no more on her own, so she turned her sights to the world's schools, and found Orean. Delighted at the chance it presented, she enrolled immediately. Likes: Spicy Food, A good book Dislikes: Perverts, people who interrupt her Clubs: Cooking Club (though if anyone outside the club catches her there, she claims to have been dragged there against her will.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Appearance: normally about 7' tall Name: Christoph H. Nolan Nickname: Demon Wing Age: 32 Gender: Male(ish) Position: School Councilor Powers: Christoph is a changeling, and can become anything he wants to (within a certain size range). These changes are not only cosmetic, but functional too. For example, if he gave himself gills, they would function just as well as if he naturally evolved with them. Along with his morphing ability, Chris can manipulate the fabric of human memory, either individually or en mass. On a one to one basis, he can go deep, removing specific memories and replacing them with fabricated ones. When manipulating a large group, however, the most he can do is influence their decisions in the near future. (For instance, "I should go see the school councilor about my hallucinations.") Skills: Cooking, Cleaning, Teaching Hobbies: Normally in his spare time he wanders the school, but sometimes he just disappears without warning. Personality: Christoph is outwardly kind and cheerful, always happy to help out wherever he is needed. He seems to have no sense of impatience, and can calmly explain something again and again until a student understands the subject. Background: Christoph's history is unknown to almost everybody, even the older teachers. One day he just showed up and started teaching, and it seems the headmaster is the only person who knows why he is here. Likes: Pretty much everything Dislikes: Birds Clubs: Christoph supervises the cooking club.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"A weapon shows no fear, it lacks in hesitation. It only serves as a tool to harm, and it does it without empathy. When you have no need for such a tool.....throw me away..." "Why are you helping me? There is nothing to gain by saving me. You will only bring about a calamity. So please....allow me my wish...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kimiyosis
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Kimiyosis Poi, poi, poi~!

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Please don't call me Yami-chan! I'm your teacher at the moment!” “You wish to see death? My, how brave of you. Allow me to personally drag you across that river, and leave you on the other side!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Daird


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Lilith Age: Looks 14, but actually lost count sometime during the Roman Empire Appearance: Lilith stands at five foot nothing, with bright pink hair and green eyes. She has curled horns, three-foot bat wings coming out of her shoulder, and a long black tail that ends in a heart-shaped tip. Gender: Female Powers: Lilith is capable of possessing mortals, but not other supernaturals. She can enter into contracts with other beings, giving them their deepest wishes in exchange for their souls. She can also read minds and summon hellfire. Weaknesses: Any holy item will repel her, not just those connected to Christianity. However, it has to be held by a believer. In short: Cross held by atheist has no effect, Star of David held by practicing Jew leaves her reeling. Personality: Surprisingly sweet given her upbringing, Lilith is the furthest thing from a tomboy imaginable. She loves going out shopping for new outfits, reading science books, and training her pet fiend Aziel. She has a habit of pulling pranks, but never anything malicious. Bio: Lilith's life is defined by her daddy issues. Specifically, the fact that her daddy is Satan. Yes, him. Being princess of Hell does have its perks, and Lilith grew up living the good life. Whatever food and drink she wanted, everybody showing her the utmost respect, a legion of torturers to flay any soul that disobeyed her. You know, the usual. However, she wanted to be recognized as her own person, and Orean provided that opportunity. Other: has a habit of covering her mouth with her wings when she laughs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Corpus Venenum
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Corpus Venenum

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Appearance Human: (Ignore the basketball clothing, this is the closest I could get to the desired effect) About 6 feet and 6 inches in height in human form. Giant: Jack's height increases to about 10 feet, whilst his musculature expands greatly, usually destroying whatever he's wearing on his upper body, yet always leaving enough material to cover his legs from the waist to about mid thigh. Apart from this change, there is no real difference to his appearance - he just gets bigger and stronger. Name Jack Risastor Örninn Nickname Iceman Age 16 in Jotun years, so about 32 in human years. Gender Male Powers Jack's most useful and most commonly seen power is his ability to manipulate snow and ice, and to a lesser extent wind. His control over the wind is not absolute, and is indeed rather feeble, as he can just about summon a stiff breeze. However, his control over ice and snow IS absolute. He can manipulate it into any shape he wishes, and can create it from water (though he cannot cause snow or ice to boil, only to become water again, and he cannot make it from steam). He is also immune to any kind of weapon made from snow or ice, and cannot be affected by the cold, no matter how powerful it may be. His only other power is his Giant form. This form is part of his heritage, and is really just a massive surge in size and strength, though the strength is purely physical and not magically reinforced. This form can only be used every so often due to the massive physical strain it incurs, and it can also only work during times of danger or great emotional distress. Whilst in this form, he has a purely physical strength, speed, stamina and endurance boost, meaning he effectively becomes as tough as only a ten foot tall man built like Dwayne Johnson and Hulk Hogan's love child can be. His sense of pain is also dulled - not enough to ignore being stabbed, but enough to walk it off. Even when not in Giant form, he has a faster metabolism and therefore faster healing than an average human - nothing superhuman, but scratches and bruises vanish overnight and he can recover from more damage than a human can. Weakness Pathologically afraid of fire (another part of his heritage), physically weak to the fire - he burns easily in the sun, and will be physically hurt more than a human if he is burnt with hot metal or fire. Not invulnerable in the slightest, just tougher when he's in Giant form. Skills Great at rock climbing, sculpting, making snowmen and many physical activities. He also has talents for mathematics and the sciences, traits which come from his mother. Hobbies Jack spends most of his time reading, learning more about the world whilst also reading fiction. He also spends a lot of time in the school's art facilities, making random sculptures. When he isn't doing either of these, he's probably exercising in the gym or outside. Personality A somewhat disconnected individual from the rest of the world, Jack tends to watch it spin around him while he only stays with it through his few friends. He doesn't make friends lightly, past experience making him treat everyone as a potential enemy until they prove him right or prove him wrong. When he does make friends, he stays with them no matter what happens, putting himself in harm's way to make sure they're safe, and always acting as a shoulder to lean on. Apart from that, he has a bottomless curiosity that becomes apparent in any conversation with him, and a sense of humor that displays itself at random times. However, there is another side to him. He has a genetic disposition toward depression, which he has been fighting for a long time, thanks to the circumstances of his birth, which led to his father's death. He also blames himself for the death of his mother, thinking he should have been there to protect her. He has a tendency to shoulder the weight of the world, trying to prove to himself that he deserves to live. He's always trying, always fighting himself, attempting to move on. But never quite making it. Background Jack was born to a world where everyone hated him. His first home was Jötunheimr - the extraplanary home of the Jotun, the Frost Giants. He was born there to a Jotun father and a human mother, stolen from Earth during a Jotun raid. She and his father hated each other to begin with, but gradually grew to love each other and have a son. However, the rest of the Frost Giants believed Jack was an abomination that must be killed. As such, Jack's father sacrificed himself holding back the other Jotun as Jack's mother returned to Earth through one of the many portals that litter the Jotun's world. She forged a new identity for herself and her son, but soon realised that he was barely aging. She worked out that he was growing about half as slowly as a normal human, and so Jack only became a physical teenager at the age of 26. He is now physically 16, but mentally much older than 32. His mother died in a mugging just after his sixteenth birthday, and he ended up working 3 jobs to maintain the inflow he needed to pay for his fourth year of school. He had planned to stop his education and find his own way in the world once it was over, till one day a letter appeared on his kitchen table, containing a brochure for a place called "Orean Cause" - a school which, it seemed, catered to his kind of people. He made the decision to go for it, as he had no better options, and applied for a scholarship, which he was able to attain. Soon after, he learned that he had been given control of a trust fund by an anonymous benefactor. There was more than enough money to pay his way through the rest of his time at school, Scholarship or no Scholarship. As such, Jack aims to discover who his mysterious helper is - and why they are helping him. Likes Quiet rooms, good people, being helpful, kicking ass, snowball fights. Dislikes Assholes, injustice, bullies, the deliberately obtuse, really hot days, comments and questions about his family. Theme song Fire and Ice Clubs Being the self-imposed outsider that he is, Jack stays away from extracurricular activities unless he has a reason to be involved (like a desperate need for members for a club he likes, or perhaps a friend is attending who wants company) Dreams Jack dreams that one day he'll conquer his own self-hatred and depression, and finally become one with the world he has taken as his home, and be able to surround himself with true friends. But he only thinks of it as a dream - it'd take something (or someone) special to make him think of it as a possible reality... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hamlin the Dragonfly aka Harry Deacon
Happy Feet, That Floppy-Hatted Bastard, The Storm's Fury
Unknown. >1000 years.
Maximum Overdrive Hamlin is the living embodiment of all weapons; an avatar of death and speed...but also one of mercy and protection. As such, his physical capabilities are ridiculously far beyond human. Flexible to the point of being rubberized, faster than most super-cars, strong enough to lift nearly two tonnes one handed, tough enough to walk off small caliber bullets and falling buildings and with senses that are ridiculously sharp, he is the pinnacle of physical ability. However, he lacks anything more than knowledge of magic - he cannot perform it himself, as the life force to which most magic is attracted is not present in his immortal frame. Ace in the Hole Being as he is an avatar, Hamlin does not have any existence beyond a physical one. He has a soul...of a sort, but beyond that, has no life signs. He does not breathe, his heart does not beat, and indeed he emits no body heat. This makes him immune to most discomforts and gives him the ability to ignore pain as well - plus, no spell that focuses on life can find him, rendering him invisible to any spell that isn't set to search for a physical presence, since he doesn't count as being undead either. These powers combined mean that he can never tire, he can ignore temperatures so long as they aren't damaging his body (or his hat) and he is effectively an absolute badass. Heart and Soul This is the closest Hamlin can come to magic; a magic-satchel type ability that allows him to manifest any bladed weapon from out of nowhere. This ability is limited only to bladed weapons though; he cannot summon blunt force or ranged weaponry. These weapons are indestructible and immortal so long as they remain without about two meters of Hamlin - then they just vanish. However, he can only summon a maximum of three weapons at any one time - not even he knows why.
Hamlin, despite being once tough-as-nails character and with a body to match, has no resistances to magic beyond his speed and his lack of status as a living thing. He does not emit body heat, nor does he breath. He is, for all intents and purposes, a void in the universe but for his physical presence - and his hat. This means that he cannot really be healed by magic, as his body isn't truly flesh. He is also bound by a code of chivalry; he cannot ignore someone who needs help, and he is sworn to always do what he feels is right - and this can work against him and be turned against him by clever opponents. Of course, this is a problem when you combine it with the fact that he has one hell of a temper when his ire is raised; if an opponent can get under his skin, they can torment him into fighting with himself, since he'll want to kill them but his code won't let him kill without good reason. Also, Hamlin cannot use guns. He can't even touch them; they pass right through him as if he weren't even there. He takes that to mean that firearms have an avatar of their own running around the place whom he has yet to meet - but one way or another, ranged combat is impossible for him beyond throwing rocks...with enough power to knock sizable holes in the average wall.
Hamlin is skilled with every bladed weapon that has ever been made, terrestrial, demonic, angelic, extraterrestrial and anything else. If it has a pointy end and Hamlin can lay his hands on it, he can use it. He is also a master gymnast and athlete, and he excels in nearly every sport and every physical challenge. For example, he once sprinted from the bottom of Mount Everest to the top in his shorts, whereupon he slid back down again, having swum to the mountain from the U.S. He's just that kind of guy.
He spends most of his time reading trashy romance novels and playing his flute, which he feels makes him look mysterious. Despite more than a hundred years of practice, however, he's still just improvising - he's never learned a single tune.
Mostly a nice person, Hamlin believes that despite being a manifestation of all bladed weapons, he exists for the protection and aid of all life, save that which proves itself unworthy of such benefits. As such, he is always kind, always helpful, always willing to put himself forward to help...but he has a reputation as a sadistic bastard with a twisted sense of humor too. This is because he asks for impossible standards from his students, and they hate him for it. He does it because he thoroughly believes they'll thank him for it one day, and that they'll discover the joys of speed and flight. And because he finds it hilarious.
Hamlin is at least a thousand years old - mostly likely he is far older. However, he has never settled anywhere for long. It's doubtful that there is an inch of the planet that has not felt his touch in his time. But, he stays at Orean Cause. Those who wonder why occasionally ask him, and to them he replies "I am here because I am needed here, and because many do not want me here. For as long as this is true, here I will stay. However, when this is reversed...when all here want me, but none truly need me...then I shall have to go.". No one has yet figured out if he is quoting Nanny MacPhee, or if he actually came up with the line himself. No one wants to ask either.
The first rule of engagement with Hamlin: Don't touch his hat. The second rule? The same as the first, just multiplied by several orders of magnitude. Continue ad infinitum, and you have the rules.
Playing his flute, parkour, sparring with and without weapons, running trainees into the ground
Dishonorable people, guns, magic being used against him, people touching his hat (he REALLY doesn't like people touching his hat)
Theme Song
Gymnastics, Fencing and Dance
Hamlin's dreams are many and fleeting, as he has had many and has seen just as many reach fruition. Now, he waits for a dream that is truly worth his full measure of skill and time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BrobyDDark
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BrobyDDark Gentleman Spidey

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Appearance: Wild brown hair, brown eyes, lightly tanned skin. Always wears a variation of a blue and grey plaid button up over a white, black, or grey long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black sneakers. Always has his special necklace on. Has an average build for a 17/18 year old, has some muscle, but not too much. 5'10 and weighs 195 pounds Name: Hikoto Misho Nickname: That One Guy, or "Constant" Age: 17 Gender: male Powers: Lightning-based powers that can be channeled through his bo-staff or other weapons. Although his powers are indeed quite strong, they wouldn't be considered as strong as other powers. If Hikoto uses a special gem he keeps on a string around his neck, Hikoto can amplify the power of his lightning by ten, although this drains some of Hikoto's energy every second Hikoto is using it. Weakness: Hikoto is only stronger than a normal human. While that would be considered amazing for humans, I'd assume any fights that would happen would be between super-humans and monsters. Hikoto also has very litte combat experience, so it's likely that he'd be of any use in a fight. He is trying to remedy this, but it isn't going very well. Skills: Skilled bo user, excellent chef, and retains information no matter how useful it could be. Hobbies: Hikoto is interested in two things: Science and anime. More specifically, multi-dimensional theory and slice-of-life anime. Personality: Hikoto is a very polite and brave person. He's never done anything wrong in his life and he doesn't confront people who he believes has done something wrong. Hikoto tends to keep out of things until it concerns him or his friends, but he has been known to, on occasion, step in if things get a little out of hand. In a fight, Hikoto likes to strategize and uses what he knows about his opponent to his advantage. Outside of a fight, Hikoto tends to just gather information. Background: Hikoto was forced into Orean Cause by a friend of his who said it would do him some good if he met other people within his age-group. As Hikoto did not have parents, his friend was his only legal guardian until he turned 18 in the coming year. Hikoto went without question and hasn't regretted the decision. There's not much to know about Hikoto; He likes science and has horrible taste in anime. Nothing much more to say, barring that he's had his powers from birth and he got his special gemstone from his guardian. Likes: Anime, multi-dimensional theory, coffee cake, and energy drinks Dislikes: Hateful people, time travel buffs, dubs, and fruit punch Theme Song: Ready Steady Go Clubs: Hikoto is not in any clubs Dreams: Hikoto's dream is to one day prove that there are multiple dimensions and then meet himself from another dimension.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Appearance: Zac stands at about 5'9" and is fairly thin, with only a small amount of muscle, mostly on his arms and torso. His light brown hair is straight and falls just below his ears. He has bright green eyes that are often bright and full of life, unless of course he is having one of his bad days, in which case his eyes are quite a dull, dark green. Name: Zachary Ainsworth Nickname: Zac Age: 18 Gender: Male Powers: Sound Manipulation: Can manipulate sound waves, changing volume, frequency and how far the sound travels. He can create 'bubbles' where no sound can leave/enter. Mostly personal, and 'bubbles'are only small. Enhanced Senses: Zac's five senses are all heightened to highly advanced levels. He can hear, see and smell things clearer and from further away, has very sensitive taste buds and is good at picking out specific ingredients in food, and is more sensitive to touch all over his body Weakness: Extremely loud noises (until he can turn them down.) Low pain threshold. Mild ongoing depression. Skills: Multi-musicianship. (Guitar, Bass, Piano, Drums, Violin, Cello and vocals.) Good with computers. (Includes basic programming and many different forms of recording software and samplers.) Hobbies: Music (Both listening and playing. His favorite genres are Metal, Rock and most sub-genres thereof, but he has a very varied and diverse music taste and will try to listen to almost anything. He tries to keep an open mind and keep his opinions to himself, but can be quite a snob when it comes to music. He despises most pop and country, and dislikes most rap and hip-hop. He has mixed feeling on techno, and doesn't mind electronic music and samples when used tastefully alongside genres he enjoys. He has dabbled in incorporating synths and samples in his own music as well.) Video Games (His favorites are puzzle-platformers, but dabbles in all genres. He isn't very good though.) Personality: Zac is a very chilled and laid back guy. He can come across as fairly introverted but once he feels comfortable with someone he is very outgoing. He is always happy to meet new people and talk about music or video games, or almost anything. He enjoys listening even more than he does talking. He likes to feel helpful and useful, and is always there for his friends, or almost anyone really. He always try's to be on everyone's good side and is trusting to a fault. As all creative people are, he is prone to unexpected bouts of near crippling depression that can last anywhere from an hour to a week. This can often leave him bedridden for days on end. He also often puts other people's happiness and well being above his own. There are also short times where he will keep to himself due to thinking that he is just a bother to everyone around him. He often gets over it quickly, but it is always there at the back of his mind. He try's to be calm and collected, but it often quick to over react and over think most things. Even the tiniest issue can turn into a horrible world altering disaster in his mind if he lets it. Zac is very opinionated, and often struggles to find the line between assertive and and aggressive when it comes to arguments, especially when it's something he's passionate about. Secretly, he is a hopeless romantic. He often keeps it hidden to avoid getting hurt, but it's there, and he can't wait to find someone to finally share that side of him with. Background: Not much to say about Zac's childhood. He grew up in a family musicians and always fit in fairly well. Until he ended up bursting his father's ear drums when discovering his powers. His father has never forgiven him since and home life had started to get strenuous. Since age 14 his parents started getting distant and his father often verbally abused him. He retreated into music and that's the only thing that kept him sane. It didn't help that he also continued trying to fix his relationship with his parents by doing almost all the housework, as well as homework and a part-time job. It was all too much, so he left for Orean Cause. He hopes that in his new life he will be able to relax more and find people he can be comfortable around. Likes: Music, video games, bacon, friends. Dislikes: Pop music, being bored, silence, being alone (except when he needs it) Theme songs: In Due Time - Killswitch Engage Self-Destruct and Die - Dead Poetic There, There - The Wonder Years Clubs: Music Club, Gaming Club, Drama club. Dreams: To change people's lives and inspire people through his music, and to find someone who inspires him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zaxter996
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Appreance: She is quite short, only 5’3”. She is often wearing a pair of skinny jeans, a different colour every day, and big, baggy hoodie, the hood always up to cover her ears. Her tail often sticks up her hoodie to hide it too. If it is too hot to wear that though, she’ll wear a light hooded jacket and short shorts, again different colours every day. Name: Rin Nickname: None Age: 17 Gender: Female Powers: Telekinesis: The ability to move things with her mind. It is limited to her own physical strength however, so no lifting busses or giant boxes. Illusions: Rin can create illusions of almost anything, objects, creatures, even people (But that is extremely difficult and takes a lot of effort to maintain.), and can control these illusions. Weakness: Very easily distracted, especially by cute things and attractive people Peanut allergy Lactose Intolerant Allergic to cocoa Skills: Rin, surprisingly, due to her short attention span, is an excellent strategizer, solver and story teller. She is great and strategy games and table-top roleplaying games, both as a player and a Game-Master, however she does often go off on tangents. She would be a great writer if she had more discipline and a longer attention span. Hobbies: Video Games Table-top/board games. She uses a combination of her powers to create her own table top RPG’s and make existing ones more engaging and interesting. If she didn’t, she couldn’t hold her own attention to them. Personality: Rin is a very loud, hyperactive, cheerful girl. She’s always bouncing around, looking for someone to play a game with. She seems sweet innocent bust has a real dark side. Her games often have horrible twist endings that leave most mentally scarred or just sitting there, confused, wondering where they went wrong in their lives. She has a very short attention span, which often strains her ability as a game-master, but she tries very hard to keep herself in check during those times. She also has a very short temper and can get very angry very quickly, but that often doesn’t last too long. Background: Rin never knew her parents, as she grew up in an orphanage. This never seemed to bother though. She would always come up with games to play with the other kids, and they would even boggle the minds of many of the adults too. She was born as a wolf-girl, but always taught to hide her ears and tail, and never really learnt to embrace that side of her. It’s the only part of herself that she isn’t very comfortable with. When her powers started to surface, the other kids start to either stay away from her in fear of the tiny people she would create, or make fun of her and call her a freak. Seemingly, this never bothered Rin, who just spent most of that time on her own, playing her own games. Finally, the head of the orphanage decided she had to go, so she was shipped off to Orean Cause. Likes: Games, shiny things, steak, cute things, fluffy things. Dislikes: Mean people, anything that gets in the way of her playing games or eating steak. Theme song: None as of yet Clubs: Gaming Dreams: To make the best game EVER!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unfortunately
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Unfortunately smug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Height: exactly 6 feet Weight: 131 pounds Originally brunette Sagittarius ♐ Born November 27
(no last name) Don't beg, just borrow ze way onward, to victory! Wait, borrowing isn't part of ze battle... Zat doesn't make any sense too as ze metaphor.
Nicknames: Sneak Thief, Overdue Account, Ordinary Human Bean Age: 18 Powers: none. She is merely an ordinary human being who managed to steal extraordinary artifacts. Stolen Items: Angelic Peach: The iconic peach on Roanesca's hat is no ordinary ornament or fruit either. It is a fruit she has stolen from a revered tree on the village of her birth, and a remembrance to her first great act of theft. This peach is a regenerative item that visibly heals Roanesca upon consumption, and replenishes fully every one day as long as the seed is intact. Infernal Steel (or Infernal Steal): Roanesca found this lightweight Chokutō-style sword when she accidentally stumbled upon a temple's secret chambers. The Infernal Steel leaves an arc of flame upon swinging, which travels forward before dissipating a meter away. Her skill of woodworking and lumbering in her early years fared well enough, but she still has little idea on using swords compared to the finest of knights. Crimson Gem: Another item Roanesca "borrowed" in a church on the same town she stole the Infernal Steel from. Does nothing except making Infernal Steel do nothing upon contact. It probably might be a Touma-like magic nullifying item, but something tells Roanesca that there is more about this. Weakness: She's only human. What's more to say? Skills: Roanesca excels in stealing and being agile. She isn't born innate with any magic at all, but years of perseverance, hard work and commitment to thievery allowed her to "pretend to be special", as she says. Hobbies: Kleptomania, compulsive hoarding, wondering if the Angelic Peach's seed can grow, internet trolling, sometimes bullying. Personality: Roanesca has a very informal and condescending attitude. She finds difficulty in sympathizing for others, in trying to be respectful, and in trying to avoid eavesdropping on matters she finds interesting. She lies habitually, but also obviously. She speaks distinctly in that she frequently substitutes articles such as "a", "an" and "the" for "ze", starts pronouns with a "z", and ends questions with a "ja". Roanesca can actually use the proper words, and her excuse for this impolite speaking manner is "she's not well-educated", even though it's actually just her gigs and that she actually has the mind of a student on a honor roll. Her manner of speaking is masculine, although not "manly" masculine, but "loudmouthed and irritating" masculine. Background Debts, zou say? Orphaned at birth for unknown causes of her parents' disappearance or death, Roanesca was raised in an orphanage on a fairly big village. Everything the headmistress taught she caught interest quickly, as well as tales of the sacred peach tree outside. Aspiring to get up close to this strange plant soon, she trained herself through volunteering in most chores the headmistress ordered, even the chores of others. Thirteen years later, in the dead of the night, she snuck outside and plucked a fruit from the tree. Unfortunately, she was caught, and so she left the village and to a town not far from her birthplace. This town became the victim of her mischief for another four years. People were surprised to have their purses vanished in their bags, or their food gone from their hands, and other things Roanesca didn't even need suddenly disappearing. The thief remained obscure, from her daring acts of stealing the Infernal Steel up until the theft of the Crimson Gem, where she was caught and was forced to move... straight into the town where the Orean Cause stood. This certain place caught her interest, mainly because it's a place where she could finally get a formal education. After a year of routine stealing again, Roanesca finally settled to enroll herself in the Orean Cause, unaware of what strange things lie in wait. Optional: Roanesca is simply a regular human being born without any innate abilities. By following her example, stealing can go a long way towards becoming gifted! Wait, that logic seems questionable... She also has a pet salamander she found on her way to the city. Even though Roanesca wanted to keep him away, this salamander kept following, and decided to keep the animal for the sake of it. Roanesca named herself, just for the sake of it. Her hair is dyed blue to renew her identity after the Crimson Gem incident. Extra images:
Clubs Roanesca randomly joins any club whenever she feels like it. Ambitions To be the very best, that no one ever was. And get a job. Likes Reading, stealing, spicy food, classical music, contemplating on her special stuff, and not to mention her special stuff. Dislikes People who fawn too much on her salamander, cats, ear-piercing metal, also anime and manga Theme Schedule: Roanesca is on a college software engineering schedule; subjects vary from day to day. However, most common time period is from 9:00 to 5:00.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Name: Constance 'Connie' Blendin Nickname: Connie Age: 17 Gender: Female Powers: Connie has the power of being completely and utterly normal compared to most of her schoolyard peers. In that Connie, despite the circumstances of her birth, appears to simply be a normal teenage human attending what she assumed to be a private school that she got accepted into due to nepotism above anything else. If the ability to be normal is a power, she's got it. If being able to gossip and socialize with peers is a power, yeah that's her power as well. Maybe her power is going shopping or popping down to a cafe for a drink. Maybe she's just a regular human and is fine with that. Weakness: Numbers, as in mathematics. Connie has no ability to understand math beyond the basic multiplication tables up to about ten, and even then she gets a bit wonky once six comes into question. "Six times six? Isn't it...I only have five fingers! Six times six...if five times six is fifty six then six times six is sixty six!" That she is so bad with numbers is often why she doesn't realize when she's being overcharged at a store or is given incorrect change. "It was ten dollars, here's a twenty, I think I get five back, right?" Being a pescetarian she also has a weakness when it comes to meat that isn't fish, in that seeing it can make her nauseous and eating it is enough to make her run to the bathroom and be sick. Which really makes things difficult, considering the eating habits of her family and friends. Being a normal girl, she's also prone to being affected by magical influences, having no defenses for them. But surely her friends wouldn't think of using their powers on her, right!? Skills: Despite her awful math skills, Connie is quite good with languages and words, being fluent in three languages thanks to being forced to study them from a young age. English, French, and oddly enough Latin - that was requested by her mother for some odd reason, the French was due to her father. She's got a flair for the dramatic, having spend most of her time under the shadow of dear mother and being groomed for a life under spotlights, so when a performance rolls around she is good at slipping into the role she has been cast for. But perhaps the greatest skill she has is being able to drink a cup of coffee while it is still piping hot from the machine. Does this mean her power is super taste buds!? Hobbies: Being a fan of the arts makes drama a hobby of hers, and not just plays and live performances but films as well. She likes to host movie nights in her room for fellow film aficionados, but so far that's mostly just been her watching a movie on her computer while munching on a small bag of lightly salted popcorn. Costume design, or rather fashion design in general; Connie likes making outfits when she has the time and material, which is increasingly rare as school picks up. She once played a card game but found it hard to understand since it involved numbers so games are not something she understands. Connie also has an interest in watching live events, including concerts and sports - though when it comes to sports she's just as likely to stand around and ask questions as she is to watch and try to learn for herself. "What happens when the white ball goes over the fence? Why did they get three points with the orange ball but last time they got two?" Background: Connie, by all accounts, should've been like other students at Orean, in that she should've had some sort of magical ability. Her father is from France, a former politician who went into early retirement and fell in love, or lust as she would call it, with a beautiful woman named Angelique. The two had their fair share of trysts that resulted in Connie's birth. What Connie has yet to figure out is that her mother is a bit of a seductress by way of having succubi powers. She thought it odd that her father was grey haired and fragile looking while her mother was constantly youthful, but she dismissed it as simply being the power of love. Each time Angelique and Connie's father were together, it drained more and more of his life, until he looked to be a geriatric when he was only middle aged. Angelique had thought to make Connie into something of her heir before realizing that Connie took more after her father than her mother. Still, despite the disappointment, Angelique still cared for Connie on the hopes that one day she would develop latent abilities. Angelique was employed at Orean and it was at the suggestion of her mother that Connie applied and eventually got into the school to study under its language arts and drama programs. Connie takes to the performance arts because her mother was once an actress - though not in the sort of movies Connie has ever seen. In many ways, Connie is just trying to make her mother proud in whatever ways she can, not knowing that by doing so she's limiting herself to chasing after a shadow that she didn't even know she was under. Theme song: Girls on Film The Mother We Share Clubs:Drama Club Dreams: Well mostly she has recurring dreams involving oceans. But she's not a dream analyst.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Lilly Forester Nickname: Spooks (She was actually called that before she died, because she almost never left her room without someone dragging her out) Age: 19 (12) Gender: Female Powers: Lilly is a ghost, giving her several unique traits. - Lilly cannot be seen by people who don't already know about the supernatural. - Lilly cannot interact with the world in the presence of someone who cannot see her. - Lilly can possess certain people, animals and objects. Skills: Sewing, Dancing, Language Hobbies: Mostly exploration and word games Personality: Lilly is usually a good girl, but has a mischievous streak and sometimes can't help messing with people. Background: There isn't much to tell about Lilly. In life, she was pretty normal. It's only now that she's dead that she's done anything interesting. Clubs: Supernatural Investigation Club (She started the club just for the irony) Theme: I'm still here Dreams: Lilly dreams that one day she'll have a body again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scallop
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Appreance: Name: Dexter Cyrso Nickname: Dex Age: 17 Gender: Male Powers: He can control electricity, as in the one he shoots out of his hands, he can't summon it from the clouds. He can also fly real fast but he can't fly too high or too fast or else he'll faint. Weakness: WAAAAAATER Skills: Hacking, talking a lot. Hobbies: Hack, tell people his life story, watch movies and quote them day after day. Personality: Dexter is a very unique person. Many think he's either insane, an asshole or just likes to hear his own voice. When in fact he honestly just likes to talk. He gets over excited and hyper quite easily, always buzzing with electricity whenever he gets happy or excited. He really just likes his friends, if he can achieve any and when he does he tells them everything he knows, if they let him. Background: Dexter is very confused about his origin.....of sorts. The first thing he knows is that there was a thunder storm one night and after it had subsided, he was on the doorstep of an orphanage. Dexter loved this orphanage, it was his home even though the people there kinda wanted to rip him apart since he liked to do everything he could to keep the social workers happy. By the time he was 10, Dexter was at school, enjoying himself and soon became a massive movie buff,as he had been introduced to them by his drama teacher. Although...Dexter always knew there was something different between him and his peers, but never sure what that exact difference was. But 6 years later, the thunderstorm struck again. He was just leaving the cinema after seeing a new movie, bobbing his head to his song on his iPod when he was hit by a sudden bolt of lightning. This was when he discovered his powers. Lightning started shooting out his hands as the storm subsided and he found himself on top of a building, giggling madly, knowing his next course of action. At first he tried being a vigilante, which brought around his gas mask that he's now attached to, but soon he heard of this new school thing. So he enrolled, hoping to find some pure, amazing destruction. Optionals: Likes: Metal, movies, anime and most people Dislikes: Not much...except demons Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2AC41dglnM Clubs: Do movies count? Dreams: Being the best, around. 9:00 - 9:55 AM: English Stuff -10:00 - 10:55 AM: Math stuff -11:00 - 11:55 AM: Movie theory -11:55 AM- 12:35 PM: Lunch -12:35 - 1:25 PM: Chemistry Stuff -1:30 - 2:30 PM: Phys Ed -2:30 - 3:30 PM: Free -3:30 - 4:30 PM: Art Then Movie club!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Destinyfailhorror17
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Destinyfailhorror17 Who wants to talk about murders?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

He is 5"3. He has a sort of feminine yet lean figure, weights about 119lb. Name: Lavender Mynt Boquet Nickname: Bride Age: 16 Gender: Male (Is a trap) Powers: Bridal feeling: Its not really a power but it is an effect that can make anyone…anyone feel like they are getting married to bride everything someone talks to them. It is unsure how it happens but it does lead to some awkward things. Weakness: Fragile: Being born sick his body became so fragile that one push could easily hurt his frail state. Weak: He is weak hearted, so running and exercise is easily a pain for his weak heart for him and sometimes schoolwork as well hurts his heart. Can’t fight: Bride cant fight at all, he has no will or the body to engage or even protect himself from any fight that may occur thus leaving badly injured. A hopeless romantic: He is a hopeless romantic and would fall for anyone who might be nice to him or flirt with him, this would lead to many heart breaks for him as he is easily used for such romances. Skills: Arranging flowers and making flower crowns. Hobbies: Arranging flowers, working with his mom, growing plants and picking flowers Personality: Bride is quite an odd character; he is this sweat, warm, caring type of guy for who seems sometimes out of his own world. Somehow he never has a sad face on him only that sweet caring smile. Outside he may be this cute yet affectionate type of person yet inside he holds a lot more pain. He tries to hide it with flowers and friends, hoping that the pain would go away yet it always sticks with him. He cares deeply about his friends and his mom; he may be a bit shy with new people but will instantly take a liking to them in any way. Well that leads to certain situations though, he had a couple of breakups and fallouts with relationships only because he trusts people to easily. They use him easily as for his caring and care free personality. They use his money, or his girly looks for anything they want and then threw him away like a finished corn on a cob. Bride though isn’t bother by it; he always tries to find a reason why they did it and well accepts it. After his dad left it made him feel more alone and wish for more relationship to fill that hole. He couldn’t let the bad things that happen to him effect the person he knows. All in all he is this sweet, caring and carefree person who just loves to be with the people he cares for, flowers are another important thing part of his life that he loves. He may be even the perfect bride for anyone. All he has to do is to get rid of the pain he has in his heart for the longest time. Background: Bride was born quite ill, he had suffered illness ever since he was a child, he couldn’t go outside or go to school at all. He was a frail child and anything that could hit or hurt him he would be in deep pain. His mom and dad noticed how Bride felt so much pain, they tried to make him feel better but with all the sickness test and painful examinations it was hard for them to even make him smile. Though it all changed when they were able to bring him to a garden when he was eight. He was amazed with all the pretty flowers and thought it was all a fantasy. That seemed to improve his health, the more he was with flower the less he needed to go to the hospital. Weekly visits became monthly until it became yearly as his life was getting better. His parents decided to open a flower shop for the young boy, they named it “Lavender hideaway” for the young child. Everything was going well for the young boy but things became unpleasant. His father became distant and soon left him and his mom to work for this big business for evicting old places. Bride wondered why his dad left his mom and him for the company; he wanted to know why he was left behind. All he knew that his dad didn’t wanted to ruin the family and couldn’t even look at Bride anymore. His school life wasn’t well as well, it started good yet as soon people used him because his carefree attitude. Almost he was a weed; he was pluck out of the garden as if he was not needed. They would leave him heart broken on the rain and he would just try to forgive that person. He tried to find people that wouldn’t use him like that but it was hard for him. At the end the people who threw him away he still calls them friends. His mom could feel pain in her son heart seeing him like that. His nickname, Bride came from the fact when ever anyone announced their feeling to him the would say it like he was a bride so he stuck with that as his nickname. He wanted to feel like a bride one day and marry someone that he would truly love. He then was transferred to Orean Cause hoping that he may find a true friend, it a sudden changed for him but he hope that he will be all right. Optionals: Likes: Flowers, Lemon cakes, karaoke and romance things Dislikes: Meat, lies, break ups and Exes Theme song: Orange Clubs: The flower arrangement club Dreams: To marry someone he truly loves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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PaulHaynek The Roleplayer Nobody Likes

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

When Captain America throws his mighty shield...
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