Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

How utterly rich! How simply divine! How...wonderful! A simple sentence, a simple exclaiming of the truth as Brett saw it, and how riled up one gets. Clearly a nerve was struck. Clearly, the girl with the headphones had about as much intelligence as she had fashion sense. Which is to say, none at all. A white hooded sweatshirt? Jeans? What was this, the seedy side of the Bronx? This annoyance had been one of the ones involved in the loser-ish activities. Puns were bad enough, and it wasn't like these sorry sorts were pulling wordplay on the level of The Bard, not a super - Shakespeare.

Posturing. That's what this was. Brett was certainly not intimidated, not from someone who looked like she belonged in an infomercial for teenage angst and how to prevent it. It didn't help matters that the noise from her headphones was about as pleasant as her attitude. Elsewhere in what Brett assumed to be some sort of cabin, someone was expressing hunger and another was doing a bang-up job at being a mediator. More and more it was looking as if her early assessment of being surrounded by losers was coming to light.

"Oh, you must be the Queen of the Losers, then?" Brett spoke with a chuckle behind her words. Even her manner of speaking seemed perfectly aligned to annoy or tease, it had a haughty tone to it that was equal parts 'rich brat' and 'classic-era Hollywood actress'. "How precious. You only live up to your title then, Loser, with how easily you get riled up. Run along, little Loser, I am sure your circle of reprobates can continue their discussion of things meant for babies and nerds - sorry, losers - who can't grow up, but do so in quiet."

Bret waved the back of her hand towards the Queen Loser as if she was dismissing a servant who was complaining about their wages being cut. Of course, it was then that two others showed up, looking to nip...whatever this was in the bud. And to that, Brett had no problems outright laughing, a palm in front of her mouth and a very insincere, mocking laugh it was.

"You two must be the King and the Princess then, yes? How adorable. Oh, yes, I'M the one making an ass of myself, when it is Queen Loser here flying off the handle over simple words. Take her away, you two, she's only serving to embarrass herself and I am almost feeling sorry for her. Much the same way a member of PETA feels sorry for a caged animal in the zoo. Run along now, before people start assuming I'm in league with you."

Brett, not willing to let well enough alone, looks once more towards 'Queen Loser' and grins.

"And by the way, turn that awful junk down, would you? Some of us don't enjoy the sounds of garbage in our ears."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

~Tony Hart~

Tony was generally a clam guy, with a charming and laid-back personality. But right now, these people were becoming rather irritating. Why couldn't people just get along, they could be so sensitive. Words were just words, they didn't inflict physical pain, and they should be mature enough to not let them get to them.

"OH MY GOD, I'M SURROUNDED BY FUCKING LOSERS." A girl has yelled this for some reason, Tony hadn't heard the whole conversation, but those simple words started a fucking riot.

Two girls looked like they were about to get into it, Tony recalled they were the ones with sound based powers. Shit.

“WHAT THE HELL? FUCK OFF.” A scrawny looking guy piped in. Big words for such a little guy, the girls looked more intimidating than he did.

"Yo, slut," the other girl said. "I don't know who the fuck you think you are, So how about you apologize and I don't kick your ass."

A girl with handcuffs and the scrawny guy attempted to calm the girl with the blue streaks in her hair, but it didn't look like it was working.

"Oh, you must be the Queen of the Losers, then? How precious. You only live up to your title then, Loser, with how easily you get riled up. Run along, little Loser, I am sure your circle of reprobates can continue their discussion of things meant for babies and nerds - sorry, losers - who can't grow up, but do so in quiet. You two must be the King and the Princess then, yes? How adorable. Oh, yes, I'M the one making an ass of myself, when it is Queen Loser here flying off the handle over simple words. Take her away, you two, she's only serving to embarrass herself and I am almost feeling sorry for her. Much the same way a member of PETA feels sorry for a caged animal in the zoo. Run along now, before people start assuming I'm in league with you. And by the way, turn that awful junk down, would you? Some of us don't enjoy the sounds of garbage in our ears."

Hart once again stood up, if a fight broke out, the tram would be demolished, along with everyone in it probably. Tony swiftly put himself between the two girls staring down at both of them. "This is not the time or place for a fight to break out. Can we all please just calm down?" As he said this, he was preparing to stop both of them, if things got out of hand. Tony could activate his suit at anytime, it would unfold from what seemed to be out of no where, when really it was attached to his back. It was folded quite nicely, and it was almost unnoticeable under his shirt. Shit was totally about to down and Techno was in the fucking middle of it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sam listened to the argument and saw that these childish brats were too busy wanting to start fights. Maybe he should go, but he decided against that since he wanted more food and people were the best way of finding it. He waited for this argument to die down and come to an end, but it didn't and he became angry. His anger reached to such a high level that he transformed and was now a big hulking mass with large fangs and grotesque mouths all over his body.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU!!! I'M GOING TO COUNT TO TEN AND IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP THEN I'LL EAT ALL OF YOU!" he roared at them causing slimy goo to fly out out of his mouth.

"In case any of you didn't know, human flesh taste just like ham and I love ham, don't make me turn you into my lunch!" he shouted. The mouths on his body were snapping their fangs together and making their tongues hang like they were preparing to eat a tasty meal. He was looking at each of them wondering if they dare his wrath, he would love to bite their head off if they tried.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aspen Archer

Aspen watched carefully as the tension began to grow. The heated argument was getting more heated as each moment passed. Aspen wondered whether she should intervene, she could more than easily restrain the two of them at least until they reached the Academy but that also depended on what powers these two possessed. She watched for a little longer as insult after insult was flung at each other and then came to the decision not to do anything. Their argument was quite entertaining and if worst came to worst the senior student Tony might intercept this instead. If they did start a fight it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, she could assess their powers.

Just as she thought it Tony got up from his seat to intervene, she was a little dissapointed but the tram was still moving so it looked like there was still time. At that moment the student from before that asked about food transformed into a giant beast. The sight infront of Aspen was revolting and by the sounds of it very deadly. She looked back to the two that had been previously fighting, Alexis did not particularly look bothered by the threat of being eaten. At this moment hoped the tram would stop soon and the teachers would do something about this creature, surely the academy wouldn't let a cannibalistic student in, he'd eat...well everyone.

Aspen paused and looked around, there were two students ready to brawl and another one threatening to eat everyone, didn't they know they were going to school for superheroes, right now they seemed more like villains.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~


"Come on, come on! Don't fight, fighting's not nice, and we're all supers, so we could cause some serious damage to each other, and--and, I'm sure that this girl is really very nice, deep deep down, Alexis! Let's just all calm down, and, um, be friends? Be the bigger person! She's probably just grouchy, so, uh, maybe we should all cool off and wake up properly before we get into any, uh, sticky situations?"

Before she could make good on her threat, Kity walked over spouting some nonsense about this jackass being nice deep down. Alexis seriously doubted that she was even close to being a good person. Kitty herself didn't really sound like she was so sure herself. Whatever, she wasn't doing a very good job of convincing her to back down. Just the look of this chick annoyed her off enough to put her in a bad mood. Alexis bet that she was a little pampered princess that thought she had it so bad because one of her hairs was out of place.

“Y-yeah, come on, dude. She’s not worth it. Might as well let it go. If she wants to make an ass out of herself, we can all laugh about it later. It’ll be fun, yeah?” Graham spoke up next. He seemed pretty eager to teach this prima donna a lesson at first. Now though, he seemed more like a timid rabbit. His courage waned quickly it seemed. Whatever. She didn't need Kitty's or Grahams help to teach this uppity brat a lesson. It was then, little miss Empress decided to actually reply.

"Oh, you must be the Queen of the Losers, then? How precious. You only live up to your title then, Loser, with how easily you get riled up. Run along, little Loser, I am sure your circle of reprobates can continue their discussion of things meant for babies and nerds - sorry, losers - who can't grow up, but do so in quiet."

Her voice, the way she talked just sealed the deal for her. It sounded exactly like some rich, stuck up, snobbish brat. Alexis' eyes' only narrowed as the girl continued to speak. It was taking what little self control she had to not up and slap her right there. She wanted too, really, really, wanted too but Kitty did have a point when she said they could all cause some serious damage here if she did something. This tram was moving quite fast, and if she happened to go overboard and damage a part of it...well, who knows what could happen?

"You two must be the King and the Princess then, yes? How adorable. Oh, yes, I'M the one making an ass of myself, when it is Queen Loser here flying off the handle over simple words. Take her away, you two, she's only serving to embarrass herself and I am almost feeling sorry for her. Much the same way a member of PETA feels sorry for a caged animal in the zoo. Run along now, before people start assuming I'm in league with you. And by the way, turn that awful junk down, would you? Some of us don't enjoy the sounds of garbage in our ears."

That, was it. Alexis could handle her music being insulted. She could have simply just walked away, and she probably would have at both Kitty's Grahams, and even Tony's urging if little miss perfect had kept her damn mouth shut. By now, Alexis' face was one of crazed anger, taking a hand from one of her pockets as she raised it to her headphones, a finger idly tracing the edge of the speaker.

"Heh...I bet you think you're so, so, goddamn fucking special, don't you little miss Princess?" She replied, with a low chuckle as she shoved past Tony and ignoring the threat from the talking food-disposal unit. The other girl wouldn't be able to tell, but she was slowly absorbing the sound waves from the music that was playing. "Let me clue you in, bitch. I'm ten times better at every-fucking-thing than you will ever be." In one quick motion, her hand smacked right into Brett's face, her fist aimed right for her pretty little face. If it connected, not only would the physical force of her punch be felt, but a shockwave of sound would be created as well, even if it missed. The force was certainly strong enough to shatter the window behind the blow, and most likely easily be loud enough to be heard a bit of a ways down the tunnel too.


~Meredith Hillard~
~Your Average Space Alien Horror~

A loud, low sounding shockwave of air burst from the tram tunnel. The blast wasn't enough to be damaging more than it was startling, though it didn't seem to affect Meredith any more than things normally did. In fact, she seemed completely unfazed at first. The train should be arriving soon, and that was not a normal occurrence. Did something happen? Had the kiddies gotten into a fight? Oh, that wouldn't do at all.

"Well, that's not good~" She smiled, shoving the entire leek into her mouth, seemingly swallowing it whole - how it all fit in there would be a mystery to anyone. "Sounds like someone is having a party and they didn't invite me." She sighed, hopping up from the seat as she landed on the tiled floor, stretching a bit causing a few of her bones to snap. "Tsk~ I never get invited to the fun parties the kiddies have. Its like they don't trust their Teacher! What, am I going to tell on them for 'partying hard'? Pfft."She laughed, did a little twirl and turned to face Paul.

"Be a dear and go to the control station right over there and pull the brakes on the tram. It should get here soon enough, and teach anyone who was having any fun to invite me next time!" And by that, she meant the emergency breaking system would cause anyone standing to fall over and anyone who was sitting was probably going to get flung from their seats.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kitty Lee

The window shattered with a loud crash as Alexis's power activated. The resounding shockwave was more than enough to knock Kitty off balance and send her hurtling to the floor, for the second time that day, but this time she wasn't as lucky.

She hit the ground with a thud. Under normal circumstances, Kitty was a fairly durable person, but with her hands cuffed together behind her back, there was no way she could avoid landing awkwardly on her wrists. She heard a rather sickening crunch, a sharp jolt of pain shooting up her arm. Her right wrist... did not feel good.

On the bright side, with her right hand suddenly set at a rather odd angle and the overall commotion, the handcuff seemed to have slipped off of her injured hand. Well, she did have fairly small wrists, and these handcuffs were definitely made for adults.

She got to her feet a little shakily, feeling a little deafer than before. "H-hey," she said, doing her best to smile bravely. "Um... I have a really bad feeling about this. There's no way a teacher didn't hear that, so why don't we just sit back down and pretend like we weren't involved?"

Hands finally free, she tugged at Alexis's sleeve with her good hand. "Time to go, I think."

It vaguely registered to her that there was some kind of horrifying monstrosity in front of her, but she decided that the best possible response was to focus on the situation at hand.

And then, before she had a chance to do anything else, the train abruptly stopped, and sent pretty much everyone --and everything-- flying. She landed with a thud on the floor, again.

Suddenly, her hand hurt even worse. Oh god, it was broken, wasn't it? She thought she'd probably fractured it earlier, but it felt even worse now. She didn't think she could move it even if she tried, and she could feel an awful wetness seeping into her sleeves.

Her head hurt, too. Oh god. She thought about standing up, but... she didn't think she could manage it at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 20 days ago

~Graham Turner~

"Oh, you must be the Queen of the Losers, then? How precious. You only live up to your title then, Loser, with how easily you get riled up. Run along, little Loser, I am sure your circle of reprobates can continue their discussion of things meant for babies and nerds - sorry, losers - who can't grow up, but do so in quiet.”

Graham was struck dumb for a moment. She was really digging, huh? Why was she being like this? It’s not like there was anything to be gained. Graham barely noticed the tall guy stepping between the two. But he did eventually. For another moment, he was jealous of the guy.

Why not share some of the height, jerk?

Then another bomb dropped.

You two must be the King and the Princess then, yes? How adorable. Oh, yes, I'M the one making an ass of myself, when it is Queen Loser here flying off the handle over simple words. Take her away, you two, she's only serving to embarrass herself and I am almost feeling sorry for her. Much the same way a member of PETA feels sorry for a caged animal in the zoo. Run along now, before people start assuming I'm in league with you. And by the way, turn that awful junk down, would you? Some of us don't enjoy the sounds of garbage in our ears."

Graham’s booked it, one-way trip to Phoenix, smell ya later folks. Jumping at it’s moment, his mouth hijacked the controls.

“Yeeew lit’ll bitch… Go ‘head ‘n’ kick’r ass, dude.” he mumbled, his normally neutral and quick accent fragmenting into the slow, “southern” tongue of his Kentucky people. Unsure if anybody heard, not really caring if they did, he barely resisted the urge to just spit at the girl. Hell, even he wanted to jump her now. He wouldn’t, but was there ever a time which tempted him so much? He turned his head in disgust. Any beauty she might have had (which was quite a bit, admittedly), melted, exposing hideous sores bore from hate. This thing wasn't a person anymore, just a rotting husk. Not literally, mind you, but Graham couldn’t bare to look at the woman without wanting to spit. But what he saw next made him wish he could.

There, before him, was a monstrosity. Fangs and mouth covered a hideous mass. That-that thing? That wasn’t real. Wasn’t a way in hell. He was just seeing thing from his rage. Had to be it. Then it spoke. So he was hearing things too. He felt as if he were going to pass out. If he kept looking at it, he might actually go insane. It wanted everyone to be quiet? He wasn't about to argue with it. Pissing it off was the last thing he wanted to do.

He could faintly hear Alexis and Kitty speaking. An escape from madness.

The sound of a window shattering and a bump from Kitty kept his sanity intact. He lost his footing and tumbled forward, landing much too close to the abomination for comfort. He might have screamed, might have bolted from the floor and crawled out the window, consequences be damned. Rather, he regained his footing, took a deep breath, and backed up slowly to the scene unfolding behind him. He turned back to see Kitty tugging at Alexis’ sleeve, begging her to leave.

What the hell had he just missed? What the hell was behind him? What the hell was going on in this train?

As if on cue, everything stopped. And little Graham got introduced to Newton's First Law of Motion. Quite intimately. For a brief moment, he thought he was floating. The next, he was falling. His head made contact with the floor before the rest of his body. And thus Graham was sprawled out, staring at the train's ceiling.

Had it always had dancing spots?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Paul Ray

"No idea~" She replied to Paul

Well, that helps a lot.. Paul thought, the iron balls continuing rotating in his hand. Then Meredith started humming a little tune that Paul found strangely familiar. He quickly shook that thought aside as he felt a poweful shockwave come through the rail tunnel that momentarily startled him, making him drop the iron balls which fell on the floor with a loud clang. Judging by her reaction, Meredith had too felt the shockwave and was already on her feet.

Paul himself stood up as well and listened to Meredith talking. He agreed that something was not right and that the probability that there was some kind of conflict going on between the freshmen was pretty high. "Hah, right away miss" Paul responded to Meredith while chuckling. Inside he sighed, relieved she didn't want to do anything more to the students. The new ones really didn't want to give any incentives for Meredith to join their little skirmish.

Paul walked over to the control station and searched for the emergency braking interface. He found it and pushed the button that would signal the train to abruptly stop. At the same time, a loud, metallic, screetching noice came through the tunnel, signaling the train's stoppage. Paul jumped on the railways and bolted towards the direction of the train, I sure hope none of the freshmen have any serious injuries... Paul thought while closing in on the train.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Multiple things happened in rapid succession to the point where Brett, who was enjoying how easy it was to rile up the rabble - how had this annoying git fallen for the easiest, oldest tactic in the books? Some 'super' she was, all any potential enemies had to do was insult the trash spilling out of her outdated music player. The first thing that happened was the 'mediator' from earlier jumping between Super Loser, who was flanked by her Loser Sidekicks, and Brett, who was quite cozy in the seat she woke up in. Brett rolled her eyes at this display. There was always one who wanted to stop something before it reached its natural conclusion, and all they did was make things pop off faster.

"Oh, and here comes the Pity Party to ruin things. Run back to your area, and take the Loser Trio with you, will you? Make yourself useful if you're just going to stand-"

Brett was cut off by the second thing, that being the earlier hungry tram passenger becoming a lot less human. Yet it was Brett who was somehow the focus of everyone's attentions. For the best, really, it was only natural that one such as Brett, with her talents, including physical features, was fated to always be in the limelight for better or for worse.

"Gross, who let that.....THING," Brett did not hide her disgust at the creature, she sounded like one would at seeing a poor person invading their country club, "That...hideous....FREAK go here? Is there not one NORMAL person here, other than mysel-"

It was fortunate that Brett was turning her head to re-address the Loser Trio, wanting them to know that in her eyes, their nerdy pun battle and the ring leader's terrible taste in music made them abnormal, but not in the way they all were; in the insulting way used among non-supers. It was fortunate, because as she was turning her nose at the abomination, her ears were picking up what Queen Loser was saying and her eyes saw her make a move. Of course it was the face. It was always the face.

Eliza always told Brett that a leading lady needs to keep her face flawless, except for when the scene calls for it - that was when makeup came into question. As such, it was important to guard the face at all costs. And that is what Brett did. Brett dropped prone, falling onto the seat as if she was about to fall asleep, though she felt the vibration behind the attack brush past her chin moments before the window shattered.

"Ten times zero is still zero, and that's why you'll make an awful hero~" Brett's response was in the form of a song, and the intent was to retaliate by sending a little blast towards Queen Loser's music player, but that was when the tram came to a sudden stop and her little blast went wild, shattering an overhead light.

It was quite calamitous.

And Brett was innocent. At least, that would be her defense if any of the staff asked. Which she figured they might.

What mattered above all was that her face was not harmed. That was important.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Alexis Sinclair~


"H-hey, Um... I have a really bad feeling about this. There's no way a teacher didn't hear that, so why don't we just sit back down and pretend like we weren't involved? Time to go, I think."

At the quiet voice from Kitty, Alexis simply turned her head with a growl, roughly pulling her arm away from the other girl. She was going to teach this uppity brat a lesson, and no one, not even these two were going to be getting in her way. It seemed her attack missed though. Unfortunate, but not a problem.

"Ten times zero is still zero, and that's why you'll make an awful hero~"

Alexis' face contorted into another scowl as she glared at the other girl. She could tell the other girl was trying to do something when she spoke - could she control sound waves too, then? Not like it was a problem for her since she could probably just absorb any attack like that thrown at her. Alexis made a move to attack again, right after she had missed the first time. However, that was right when the train suddenly came to a grinding halt - sending anyone who was standing right to the ground and anyone sitting or still sleeping was likely to be thrown around as well.

Alexis herself was knocked over. For a split second, she felt as though she was floating as the train screeched to a halt. The next, she landed on the floor right next to Kitty, hitting her head for the second time on the hard floor. "Goddamn it!" She snarled, rubbing her forehead as she attempted to regain her faculties. "What the hell!" She yelled.


~Meredith Hillard~
~Your Average Alien Space Horror~

Meredith followed right after Paul, easily catching up with the human as the emergency lights came on in the tunnel. As she caught up with him, she turned her head and gave him a small wink, and stuck her tongue out briefly before she sped past him with a mischievous grin. Whatever she had plan, was obviously not going to be so great for the new kids as.

As she approached the stalled vehicle, she jumped - first onto the wall and then using it as leverage to land on top of the tram with a thud. Well, almost. The front of her body made it, but she didn't get enough air to land fully on top of it. She crawled up, there barely being enough space for anyone between the ceiling and the tram. Thankfully though, she could compress her body enough so she had enough space to move.

Her movements were probably loud enough to be overheard by anyone in the compartment below, which just so happened to be the one the trouble making students were in. There wasn't a whole lot of room on top of the tram, but for someone who cold contort their body into something that could only be described as an eldritch horror, it wasn't a problem.

She crawled, making quite a few loud thumps and bangs as she made her way across the roof of the stalled vehicle. To the students below, this probably seemed like the beginning of some B grade horror movie written all over it. After a few moments though, she stopped moving and set about getting inside of the tram. She turned one of her arms into what could only be described as a saw literally made out of bone. She stabbed it, right through the ceiling of the tram and began cutting a whole that was just small enough for her to move through.

She made sawing motions, the bony appendage most likely easily being noticed by the students below. The sawing motion was slow and long as it cut a square-shaped hole into the roof, only stopping long enough to change directions. Soon, she had cut out three sides of the square. Very briefly the bone-saw disappeared, before the piece of metal was violently wrenched from the roof in a cacophony of horrible metal being torn sounds. A few seconds later, it was dropped into the tram, nothing more than a little ball of metal.

And then, down jumped something that looked like it came straight out of a nightmare. Its flesh was pale and veiny, though in the dim lighting from the emergency lights it would be hard to tell. The wicked looking bone-saw it had used to cut through the ceiling was on its right arm, from its elbow, all the way down the floor. It grazed against the floor, making cringe worthy scratching noises as it did so. Its left arm, was split into three, writhing tentacles at its side as more fleshy tendrils protruded from its back, poised to strike whoever so much as dared to move. Its head was tilted to the side slightly, as if giving the occupants of the tram a quizzical look. On the face, was one of the most terrifying things any human could possibly imagine. The mouth was a vertical slit, with rows upon rows of sharp, pointed teeth visible. Several pairs of misshapen eyes were contorted around it, every single one of them looking in a different direction, taking note of each student on the tram. Its legs, seemed normal enough, and the rest of it still seemed human shape - she was still wearing her clothes. Any senior student aboard would easily know what, or rather who she was.

For a time, she was silent, letting the students collect themselves. And then, it spoke, noticing the shattered light and the broken window.

"So...who should I eat first, hm? Humans taste so much like Pork...I wonder if I could make bacon out of all of you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kitty Lee

Kitty had been about a hundred percent willing to just lie on the floor. That is... had been.

When the ceiling started making strange noises? Okay, maybe not so willing anymore.

She scrambled into a sitting position, ignoring the throbbing pain in her arm --now that she'd gotten a good look at it, that was definitely not a good angle for an arm to be at, and, oh god, that was a lot of blood-- just in time to see what was basically something out of a horror movie emerge from the ceiling.

If she wasn't so dizzy from hitting her head against the floor, she'd probably have had a more interesting reaction. As it was, she could only state at it, slightly dazed from the general pain of her broken arm and what was probably a minor concussion.

The thing said something about eating her. Kitty thought about it, and then lay right back down. She was in way too much pain to deal with this right now.

"So," she said groggily, in Graham's direction. "Anyone else think we've seen entirely too many horrifying monsters today?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 20 days ago

~Graham Turner~



What was that? That-


Was the train...what were those sounds? They sounded like they we-


It was dark. Graham’s mind was swimming, and he couldn’t recall why it was dark. It was hidden under too much fog. The dots kept on their beautiful dance on the ceiling. They were always just out sight, but he felt he could almost reach them if he only tried hard enough. It was while chasing the dots that Graham noticed it. Something that did not belong on Earth, let alone this tram, was on the ceiling. It...Graham’s vision started to return to it’s normal state. Was it a bone? Or a saw?

As if to confirm the boy’s guess, the THING started to move. Started to rip through the metal like it wasn’t even there. Then it disappeared.

Oh thank Zeus it was gon-

A horrible sound flooded his ears, wailing on his poor ear drums. Metal being ripped like paper. That shouldn’t happen. Metal’s not meant to do that. Then it fell. Just a ball of metal. The ceiling, or at least a chunk of it, was now just a ball of metal. Graham closed his eyes. Whatever it was, he didn’t want to see it. If it was going to slaughter them all, at least he could try to pass out or something. Surely he had some kind of trauma he could give in to? Right?

"So...who should I eat first, hm? Humans taste so much like Pork...I wonder if I could make bacon out of all of you?"

And there it was. Compared to pig-based foodstuffs for the second time in...hell, minutes. He didn’t want to look. He was trying so hard not to look, begging his brain to just shut off for a few.

"So, anyone else think we've seen entirely too many horrifying monsters today?"

Kitty’s voice. It sounded like she was talking to him. Don’t look. Just. Don’t. Look.

So of course, one eye slit open. Then another. And then his eyes went wide with horror. The thing in front of him… and the OTHER thing...it was too much.

“OH, COME ON!” He shouted in exasperation.


His voice, almost quite teetering on the edge of hysteria, but not quite. More like the edge of the edge of hysteria. He wasn’t sure if he was going mad or had already been there. What he did know was he was done. Stick a fork in me.

There was no way he was getting up. He couldn't outrun anything, let alone a creature from the deepest depths of nope. And even if he could, where would he go? Running right into the gullet of the other monstrosity? No thank you.

He begged his brain again to let him pass out.

It refused.

Asshole brain.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sam was furious at Brett for her nasty words and was about to take steps towards her when the train's sudden stop caused him to fall over and his anger faulted and he changed back to normal. He got back up onto his feet and saw some strange being enter the cabin. It sounded female and it mentioned who she should eat first and she mentioned that humans tasted like pork, finally someone who knew what they were talking about. He would have smiled had he not realized that she may also intend for him to be eaten as well. Fangs grew in his mouth and gave a smile which showed them off.

"I don't know, but you look tasty to me, I've never eaten something like you, you must taste quite exotic" he said grinning and he took a step towards her. He grabbed a broken piece of wood and stuffed it in his mouth and chewed on it. The taste of wood was not too bad, but he preferred meat.

"So are you going to be my lunch today?" he asked curious to see how the beast would respond. Sam licked his lips and continued to move towards her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Olivia Octavia Delacroix

Upon realising that her sentient pillow was in fact pretty hot, Olivia felt a little disheartened. He clearly didn't move to get rid of her so he was very willing to be her pillow. Nibbling on her lip, she chastised herself for a good opportunity lost. Maybe he wasn't the greatest sentient pillow either, judging by how he downright refused to answer her and instead decided to go and talk to some other girl who was attracting quite a bit of attention around the tram. Huffing a little, she gave him a frown and withdrew her iPod from her pocket. There was no point even trying to resolve the conflict now because both parties were too worked up to try and even get anywhere with negotiations.

Sitting cross-legged on the empty seat, she plugged her headphones in and settled back as she clicked her music on. The constant bickering was beginning to give her a headache but the music caused it to fade away into the background. Olivia sat like that, in peace, for another few minutes before the apparent Queen of the Losers decided to use violence to solve her problems. Olivia probably would have fell back to sleep if she too didn't get a healthy serving of Newton's First Law. "Non!" She squeaked, her normal British voice being accentuated by a sprinkle of French.

Crashing against the side of her chair, she groaned rather heavily at the pain in her legs. Sitting cross-legged was obviously not the greatest of ideas on her part. Thankfully, however, she wasn't standing like the other half of the carriage's passengers. Yawning tentatively, she took her seat again and this time, Olivia placed her legs on the ground.

It seemed, however, that the events surrounding that lone punch were not concluded yet. A deep screeching noise filled the carriage, drilling its way into the ear drums of every pupil present and quickly violating said ear drums. Despite wearing earphones, Olivia was still at the mercy of the horrible noises. Things got even more horrible, however, as some sort of bone cut down through the roof and began to cut through the thick steel of the tram. "Casse-toi!" She hurled at the bone saw, clearly not aware that most of the people on the tram were not French. Maybe that was a fortunate aspect, considering she just cursed at a teacher. What they don't know won't hurt them! As it turned out, though, it wasn't exactly a terrifying Eldritch Horror but simply Miss Hillard, the biology teacher.

Her threat brought a smile to her face as she remembered the first time it happened to her. Yeah... She still had nightmares about that. Another problem roused itself in the form of a wood-munching male who desired to eat Miss Hillard. Olivia understood if people had those sort of sick fetishes but openly trying to achieve them in front of others and without the consent of both parties was wrong. She moved between them in a flash, her pout set in stone as she held her hand up to Sam. "Vous ne pouvez pas manger Madam Hillard!" It didn't kick in that she was speaking French for a few seconds but eventually, she translated for him. "I refuse to allow you to eat Miss Hillard!"

With that, she turned and gave the teacher a bright smile. "Madam! Did you have a good summer? I had a brilliant one! We jetted off to the Far East! Japan was magnificent!" This probably meant two things to the other passengers - Olivia was going completely bonkers or this so-called creature was in fact, no real danger at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Avanhelsing


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

jack very rarely got any sleep. He wasusually awake with all of his work. He had things to do at all hours of the night. So sleep was valuable beyond compare. Now he was sitting in the tram again. This meant he was heading back.

Most people went on vacation to somewhere warm and sunny. They were tanned well rested and whatever. Course Jack had spent his summer in Agartha or the Hollow Earth. His father had sent him there to learn more magic than he had before. Now he was heading back to the school to learn even more about the Super life. He hated having to learn what he already knew to be true.

Slowly his eyes opened to the chaos. The first thing that he noticed was some guy screaming about eating people. He could figure out what he was. "Wonderful. A demon. You are a bizarre creature aren't you? Possessed?" He asked almost to himself.

"Oh. I'm Jack Kyle or Kid Hermes Dr. Hermes' son." He said politely to the whole group. "If you need any magical help just ask me! Always here to help." He said to the new students. He already knew Tony but figured he should be polite.

Jack was not as clumsy as he use to be. He fell to the ground but managed to get onto his feet and looked around. He then looked up at the creature and sighed. He mumbled a spell and his Super suit appeared on his body. He figured that he was gonna need his magic soon. He did not care about his plunging neckline would bother anyone. He loved his suit and spun his staff.

"I have seen more scary than you. Hell I have killed scarier than you. I wonder what whatever in the nine hells you are tastes like." He asked smiling at her. He was not gonna take this from some lady. He could summon something to try and fight here. He could draw something up to fight for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Paul Ray

Paul watched as Meredith caught up with him and winked before speeding past him, heading for the stopped train. He mentally facepalmed himself, There we go again... he thought and sped up as well, trying to catch up with Meredith. He arrived at the train a few moments after his teacher did and heard the, surelly horrible for the newcomers, noises she did while she tried to squeeze herself through the tight space between the train and the tunnel ceiling and then proceeding to cut a hole in the train and jumping in.

"One...two...three...fou-" "OH, COME ON! YOU’VE GOT TO BE FUCKING ME. ANOTHER ONE?!" "Ah, she never fails to deliver..." Paul nodded in approval and quickly climbed on the side of the train. He found the door of the compartment which Meredith had entered and willed the doors to open with his powers, enabling him to enter in a more civilized way than his teacher.

The sight he saw wasn't outside the scope of what he expected. Well, he didn't expect a second monstrosity besides Meredith but he would manage somehow. What mattered now was to stop Meredith from eating the students. "Miss Meredith, this isn't the time for fighting! Some of the students are injured!" he told Meredith and shot a glance at the girl who was laying on the floor next to him.

He knelt next to the girl and carefully took a look at her arm. "Yep, definitely broken" he concluded after seeing that the bone had been broken smack-dab in the middle and part of it had pierced the flesh and was sticking out of it, "And she's bleeding heavily! She needs instant medical attention!" he finished saying and raised his head only to see the second monstrosity do what?

The dumb fool was provoking Meredith! Out of all the things... Paul raised his free hand, the one that wasn't holding the girl, and brought it down with force on the metal floor of the train. Suddenly, the walls right and left of the creature, who was by now moving towards Meredith, stretched outwards in the shape of thick, metal beams in an attempt to capture it. If the metal beams managed to reach the monster, they would twist around its waist, legs and arms, effectively incapacitating it until Paul willed it free.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bunny
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Nightmare Bunny An Organized Magical Girl

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kitty Lee

Lying on the floor, Kitty reflected on the fact that the world had pretty much erupted into chaos around her.

Her father had always reminded her to be grateful for her teleportation powers, because they meant that she could escape situations like this. She’d done her best to cling to that thought even when awful, horrible things happened –-like that one time that she’d wondered what the inside of the boy’s bathroom looked like, and then poof! She was there!-- but… well. With the anti-teleportation handcuff still hanging from her uninjured hand, she couldn’t even use her powers.

In other words, she concluded, still feeling somewhat dazed, she was trapped here. With the giant monster that had jumped out of the ceiling.

She turned her head to the side, a little woozily. Alexis was actually lying quite close to Kitty, as was the girl who she had almost gotten into a fight with. Well, that made sense. After all, they’d all been standing pretty close together when the train stopped moving.

On even further observation, Kitty’s bloody sleeve seemed to be dripping onto the angry posh girl’s (seriously, what was her name? Had she introduced herself?) shirt. Oh dear. That… probably wasn’t something that she was going to take lying down, was it?

”YOU’VE GOT TO BE FUCKING ME. ANOTHER ONE?!” Graham yelped. He sounded a little unhinged. Meanwhile, a few other people seemed to be waking up: Kitty could hear someone talking in what sounded like… French? Wait, was the thing that jumped out of the ceiling a teacher? The slime monster thing from before also seemed to be attempting to threaten the second, considerably more terrifying monster (who was possibly a teacher).

She vaguely registered a boy wearing a suit with a plunging neckline, also taunting the monster. What was with these people? She was certain the natural response to meeting a huge-ass monster was not to make fun of it. Right?

The door opened, apparently by itself, and in rushed a somewhat older looking boy. He seemed to scold the monster –-Meredith? What the fuck?-- before making a beeline for Kitty and kneeling down by her side. "Yep, definitely broken. And she's bleeding heavily! She needs instant medical attention!”

Well, at least someone was talking sense around here. Medical attention? Yup, that sounded good to Kitty. It sounded pretty damn great, actually.

She struggled back into a sitting position, yet again, and her dazed brain informed her that it would probably be a good idea to be polite if this dude was going to help her out. Another, smaller and more sensible, part of her brain told her that perhaps politeness wasn’t really necessary when face to face with not one, but two creatures straight out of a nightmare, but that part of her was summarily ignored.

“Medical attention... really does sound good right now! Ahahaha..." she said woozily, giving the guy a rather wan smile. He seemed to be using some kind of metal based power in an effort to contain the first monster, the one who had been previously been a rather hungry kid.

Then she sort of just... lay back down, and waited for something to happen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

~Tony Hart~

Out of the many trams Tony could have taken to watch over, he got stuck on the one with a man-eating monster, two angry girls, and now his transforming teacher. As Alexis pushed past him, she made a move to hit Brett. There was an audible blast of noise and Tony sucked in a berth through his teeth, had that connected? Thankfully the victim had dropped to the ground, dodging the slap.

With a screech, the trains breaks had been activated. Tony would have been fine, if fucking gravity didn't exist. The young man flew forward and probably hit a few people on the way down. "Fuck!" He yelled, as the anger inside him rose like a tidal wave. As he regained his footing, his suit closed in around him. The techno path locked on to Sam, who was still in him demonic form, threatening everyone. So much was going on! Loud noises were coming from the top of the train. Meredith. She was going to scare the shit out of the students. His assumptions were correct as she shredded the roof in a grotesque form. And Sam fucking challenged her! The dumbass! Hart was about to restrain Sam when Paul came through and incapacitated it with his ability. Leaving that problem to Paul, Techno moved to help the wounded.

Using his suit, Tony was able to identify all who were hurt and assess their injuries. The worst it seemed was Kitty, with a small concussion and a broken bone.

"Paul! Deal with Sam while I get the rest of these guys out of here!"

Tony picked up Kitty as lightly as possible and jumped off the train. He had already called the school's medics from his headset. He handed her off the to medics, "take care of her. I picked up a broken bone and a concussion."

Hart jumped back onto the train. "Does anyone else need medical attention?" He was able to see a couple other people had hit their heads. This was so chaotic! Tony did pause when he saw that cute girl from earlier yelling in French, his suit translated it. Hearing her words, Tony moved beside her. Hopefully Meredith, Paul, the French girl, and himself could stop Sam in his crazed form. Well he had no doubt they could, Paul had already restrained the beast. Looking over his shoulder he commanded, "Anyone who can, help the injured."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Classified
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Classified Classified Information

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aspen Archer

From the first sound blast Aspen hunched over and covered her ears as the glass behind her shattered. She carefully tried to dust off the shards that fell on her when the tram abrutly stopped. As she was still sitting with her feet up she almost flew off her seat but luckily Aspen managed grabbed a hold of the seat as tightly as she could so only her legs dropped down. Unfortunatley for her some glass pieces were on the were covering the seat and she cut her hands. What's going on now? Have we reached the acadmey? She looked out of the broken windows and saw they were still in the tunnel.

Everything seemed to happen so fast, one minute there was a human eating monster and the next there were two. The second monster's entrance was much more terrifying, a bone saw sawing through the roof, a metal ball that was once the roof landing in the centre of the tram seconds later with a thud and finally a grotesque monster appearing looking ike a creature from her nightmares. Aspen began wondering what she had been signed up for.

As quickly as it all happened it started to calm down...in a sense, there was still panic but not so much chaos. One student had begun to talk to the second monster, another older student appeared and restrained the first and the student on board with them, Tony, began to take control. Aspen relesed her grip on her seat, as she moved her hands away she felt wetness under her fingers. Looking at her hands she realised they were cut and bleeding but it didn't hurt, the adrenaline was taking away the pain, for now.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ogo
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Ogo oop

Member Seen 20 days ago

~Graham Turner~






Thing One and Thing Two were on opposite sides of him. And Thing One apparently wanted to have a go with Thing Two. And Graham was between the two. No. No. NOPE. NADDA. He, well, skittered from the aisle to the seats on the side nearest the door, which was just opening. Someone must have entered, but he couldn’t see more than the feet.

Nice shoes.

Newcomer shouted out something to...Miss Meredith? There wasn’t anyone on the train named Meredith, was there? If there had been, he hadn’t known. The second part caught him. Injured folks, eh? Well, if this went down, there’d probably be more injured. Someone was bleeding bad, apparently. Something in a suit, probably, the feet looked...armoured? Yeah, that had to be it.

“Medical attention... really does sound good right now! Ahahaha..."

Graham didn’t forget voices. He didn’t forget faces. Hell, he just didn’t forget people in general. That? That had to be Kitty. She was handcuffed. If she fell, she wouldn’t have been able to break her fall. It made sense.

He had to get out of here. The monsters would be preoccupied. Flee. FLEE. FLEE AND LIVE, DAMMIT.

”Does anyone else need medical attention? Anyone who can, help the injured.”

That was...Tony. The mediator. It came from the direction of the suit. Tony was armoured? Well, why the hell not? Still, he was right. Graham wasn’t that badly hurt, maybe a headache and a couple bruises. But what about the students that were still out? He couldn’t just leave them.

Wait, no, that’s crazy. Monsters. BIG. ASS. MONSTERS. JUST GO.

Torn between his logic and his morals...well, he had been prepared to die just a moment ago. It could still happen. Might as well go out doing some good rather than playing dead.

He crawled, under the seats, edging quickly towards the door. He reached it and got to his feet. Then he climbed over the seat. It had been empty, luckily. The one opposite it, however…

Damn. This kid was scrawnier than him. He shook the kid, who hadn’t yet woken. Kudos on that kid. Keep your eyes closed until you get outside and you might be alright. But he didn’t stir. Graham shook him harder, starting to shout at him to move. The kid stirred. He repeated his order and moved on. He was a man on a mission. He couldn’t carry these people out, but he could try his best to alert them.

He caught something out of the corner of his eye. In the area that he, Kitty, and Alexis had been, there was another girl. Had she been there the whole time? He could have swore she had been asleep. She was...what, looking at her hand? Blood. She was bleeding. He put two and two together. Glass. He climbed another seat, ending up just a row behind her.

“HEY YOU! Come on! We gotta go. Come on! GO GO GO!”

It came rushing out him like a machine gun. He wasn’t sure if it was even coherent. It didn’t matter. He was loud. He could use that. He looked away from the girl, scanning the tram, looking for anyone else that might be injured or passed out.


His throat felt hoarse. He might have blown something with that one. Hell, he might have woken the dead with that one. He felt like a human bullhorn. It didn’t matter though. His brain wasn’t working. Later, he might feel embarrassed, knowing the situation...but now?

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