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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glass fought the urge to step in and switch his opponents, knowing that the Room gave them all a chance to have consequence-free match ups. Still, knowing that Silic would be fighting Vera didn't fill him with enthusiasm. Choosing instead to focus on his own opponent, Glass prepared for his own battle, making sure to keep an eye on the vicious looking tail, and try to concentrate his energy as subtly as possible.

Nearby, Silic wasn't sure whether to cheer for a chance to finally prove himself, or weep at having to battle against the cyborg who had almost wiped the floor with someone far stronger than himself. As the battle began, Silic dodged to the right, avoiding the energy blast, only to run into Vera's mighty kick! Spittle flew from his mouth, as the Namekian tried to gather his wits once again, and quickly gathering energy, launched a close-range Dodon Ray, hoping to force the android away from him.

Dodging narrowly above and to the right of Fourteen's energy slice, Sodius charged in to try and deal with the cyborg at close range. The sword may look powerful, but that wouldn't matter if he could get within the weapon's guard and get some strikes in! Nearing his opponent, he launched a powerful series of jabs at Fourteen's head and body.

Seeing that his opponent wouldn't be making the first move, Glass decided now was the time to try one of the new moves he'd learned. After spending enough time in the Pendulum Room and with the Turtle School, it was impossible not to pick up. Dropping into the proper stance, he quickly gathered energy, hoping to just force an opening in Fifteen's stance. "Kamehameha!" A beam of brilliant blue energy shot forward, aimed at the center of Fifteen's mass.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Vera grinned wildly as her kick landed, as to be expected given how he was before, but what she did not expect was the boys fast recovery as he fired a ray within mere moments after being kicked! Twisting her body she avoided a direct hit but it clipped her side, shredding a chunk of clothing along with burning her skin. He had gotten faster that was for sure, not to mention learning more dangerous moves. However, now she was not in the best place to defend herself from a attack, her hand coming up to attempt to fire a Masenko towards him to make sure that he did not push the advantage.

Meanwhile #14 was busy with a rather aggressive one as she was being pressed back as she put all her effort into attempting to avoid the punches and kicks, though her smaller size helped with this. Her sword sheath retracted back behind her with the handle facing down just as the horns on her head gave off a small spark of energy, gathering a small ball of ki before firing it! IT was designed to explode the moment it got a few meters out, but it as only really a distraction as she grabbed onto the handle of her sword, it breaking in half to show a much smaller knife in the hilt! Just like before a flash of energy danced across her horns as if gathering something new as she charged into the fray with her knife.

The bright blue light of the Kamehameha caused #15 to cover her face for a moment as it was charged, and yet she did not move from her spot even as it was fired directly at her! The beam seemingly clashed with its target as a wave of blue ki washed over the crimson haired women. However if Glass pressed his attack he would notice something; as the beam had hit a gauntlet formed around the androids arms, the red matching her hair as they formed over all her limbs from the rings that were just below her joints. The last of which was her neck, which formed slowly as she smiled away, happy about just how much power Glass had, the attack even damaging one of her gauntlets. After her mask finished forming she dashed forward at surprising speed, only to go down to the floor much faster. HEr fist slammed into a solid piece of the molten earth, sending sprays of lava above her towards Glass!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Still out of breath from the kick to his midriff, Silic was gasping for air as he saw Vera launch her attack. Struggling to move out of the way, the Namekian barely made it out alive from the blast, but the radius of the attack was enough to catch him as he fled. His foot, from just above the ankle down, was missing. Silic fought the urge to scream in pain, and instead focused that emotion into sheer will, forcing purple blood and a replacement limb into place.

Now truly out of it, Silic fought to stay conscious and continue his battle. Knowing he would have to play to his strengths, he began charging energy in his hands. Silic rushed towards Vera with everything he had, releasing his energy as he neared. "Explosive Demon Wave! HA!"

Sodius floated there, blinded by an explosion just meters in front of him. While no harm was done, the Namekian could tell something was up, and entered a defensive stance in anticipation. 'There's no way that was a mistake.' His thoughts rang true as the little girl charged through the previous explosion, a knife-like weapon drawn. Seeing she now had the advantage with her weapon, Sodius desperately charged ki to his eyes, generating a brief, blinding flash. He then began gathering energy, hoping to release it all in an explosive wave around him if she continued her assault.

Eyes narrowing as he pressed his attack, Glass saw the strange shielding around the android form. It was almost enough to make him stop the attack, only the tell of cracks in the armor making him continue his draining assault. His target's response, however, was surprising. Something instinctual made him avoid the massive splash of lava, despite knowing it wouldn't hurt him badly if it landed on him.

Flying higher and higher, he was now far above the battle field. He could see his sons struggling, and knew they would be at their absolute limit soon, maybe even beyond. Knowing only one attack that could possibly break down Fifteen's defenses, Glass began charging a massive amount of energy in his fists, storing it for what was to come. Now ready, the Namekian began a dive down towards Fifteen, hoping to land a single hit on the android and put her down for the count.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Thankfully it seemed her plan had worked, the blast not only distracting him but forcing him to grow back his limb, a rather unique ability that she bet most beings wish they had. Twisting back upright, Vera once again faced Silic looking a little disappointed by something as he charged her once again. "Time for a new lesson!" Leaning forwards into the coming blast, Vera suddenly vanished showing up behind Silic where she attempted to get him into a iron grip head lock and turn his head towards the others fighting.

"Listen close. When facing a powerful enemy, even if they outnumber you, teamwork will always win out over sheer power." It was then that she sensed a building power coming from Sodius and from the way that it was forming her technique filled mind guessed at just what he was planning. "For instance Silic~" If he was still in her arms she would slap her free hand over his mouth before trying to vanish from where they were to right behind his brother, a grin forming over her face as she waited for the explosive wave to come!

Meanwhile #15 was looking up towards Glass, her tail coming up above her head to point its tip at the charging namekian and fire small beams of energy towards him as he came down towards her. However she got a whole new plan as she looked down towards the crack in the lava flow that she had caused and simply hopped into it like it was just a bath to her! Vanishing into the pool of molten rock with her tail going in last.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In the midst of his dive, Glass was forced to dodge erratically, avoiding the numerous energy attacks Fifteen launched at him. As he neared, the android slipped into the lava, no doubt hoping to avoid the attack, but after a moment of thought Glass decided to try something a bit out of left field, continuing his charge. Rearing his fist back, Glass slammed his attack into the lava, before quickly forcing out his ki.

"Impact Wave!" Molten stone flew upwards all around. The energy rushed from his attack, pushing out into the lava behind the force from his punch. Combined, a massive surge of fiery rock would push out in the sea, like a massive object had just been dropped in, and Glass hoped Fifteen would feel that wave like a normal human would feel being hit by a wall.

In the distance, Silic fought to free himself from the clutches of Vera. His already drained lungs struggled to pull oxygen in to no avail, and from the woman's words he knew exactly what she was planning. Blackness on the edge of his vision, he was practically helpless as they appeared behind Sodius. Now desperate, he saw only only thing that could possibly redeem the situation.

Feeling his conscious split, Silic utilized the Multiform to create a copy of himself, next to Vera. It acted instantly, jumping behind Vera and using the Mystic Technique to wrap its arms around the cyborg, using its other half and Thirteen as a shield. "Now, Sodius!"

Hearing his brother nearby was a surprise, but he listened nonetheless. The massive amount of energy now condensed, he released it in a massive, roiling explosive burst. "Super Explosive Wave!" Raw ki flew off his body with tremendous force, enough to hopefully damage everyone nearby, even his brother. Reaching out with his senses, he searched for his brother's signature desperately, hoping he hadn't killed his twin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Lava burst into the sky, red hot rock and metal raining back down to earth as if the sky itself was weeping from the attack. a large blob of lava split apart while in mid air, Fifteen having been blown out and away from the lava from the impact! Turning around mid air she landed on a solid piece of earth, her tail jabbing into it to stop her from sliding back too far.

Looking over to Glass in the raining Lava, her body slowly cooled off from the intense head, her shield having been the only thing that stopped her burning to a crisp, but the impact did clearly effect her from all the bruises and scraps on her. Lowering her center of gravity she dug her fists into the earth, lifting the huge piece of earth out to throw at Glass! They had yet to fight in close conflict, but she was clearly enjoying this!

Holding tightly Vera was shocked to see another pair of arms wrap around her! Now she could not release the boy even if she wanted too, her eyes going wide as she was turned to see the ki blast coming right for her! "DAMN IT!" From afar the bright light of the energy causing #14 to cover her eyes for a moment, lucky to have been fast enough to escape she feared her sister was not as lucky.

From the blast Vera was sent flying down towards the earth, her limb body badly damaged from the attack, even missing her left arm! Sparks danced across #14's horns as her enhanced reflexes kicked in, everything seeming to move in slow motion as she sped towards her sister, catching her mid air. Staring up towards Sodius to see the effect it had on the other pair.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Despite his better instincts, a grin tore across Glass' face. His own battle had been exciting so far, testing the abilities of a foe he knew nothing about, and at least for now, relatively consequence free. Clenching his fist, now raw after its brief contact with lava, the Namekian was impressed with Fifteen's display of strength, the sheer size of the earth she lifted enough to dwarf the pair.

'How does that even stay together?' Ignoring that question, he allowed instinct to take over, dropping into the almost hypnotic state of a desperate fighter. Glass saw an opportunity with the attack, and he took it. Throwing a number of ki blasts into the earth, a cloud of dust was thrown up as the Namekian clamped down on his energy. With a burst of speed he charged from the cloud of dust, and prepared himself for the inevitable attack of rock. With any luck, at least he'd be closer now.

In the skies, Sodius looked around, sensing for his brother. He found his twin split in two, one near death and the other not much better off, a battered body with barely energy. "Pull yourself together, Silic!" Slowly, the two floated together, combining back into one. The end result wasn't too pretty.

Silic, now exhausted, fought the blackness at the edge of his vision. He had already spent a huge amount of energy between battling Vera and regrowing a limb, but the Multiform and subsequent attack had completely drained him. Physically, his muscles were weary, though getting better as air now coursed through his lungs. "I'm not doing to well. I might have room for one more attack, if you can pull something together. I'm about to pass out, though."

Thinking for a moment, Sodius nodded as he turned to his two targets. Down below, Fourteen held her sister in her arms, an emotion he wasn't sure of playing across her face. "I'll see what I can do." He too was feeling spent, his energy spent on that attack taking a lot out of him though. The amount of damage was certainly surprising, he hadn't expected an opponent on Vera's level to be so harmed.

Ki surging through his weary body, Sodius charged at his target, knowing the now burdened Fourteen would be vulnerable for at least a moment. All he needed was one chance. Nearing the pair, he launched a brief series of straights and kicks, before Eye Flashing. A single opportunity, Sodius tried to grab the cyborg to give his brother a clear shot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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The huge piece of earth slammed into the ground, sending lava and rock flying everywhere in its wake! Fifteen followed suit, charging the Namekian with her fists at the ready, clashing with a shock wave that pushed back all the dust around them. It was here that Fifteen shined, close combat was what she was built for and it showed since her skill was far beyond Vera's even if her power level was still apparently a little lower than Glass's sons! Even her her strength alone was frightening but when combined with her skill and the extra limb of her tail she was a straight match for Glass's own ability in close combat!

Pushed back down to the floor from the attacks Fifteen's feet dug into the ground before suddenly she seemed to vanish! Though unlike everyone else who did it this was not instant transmission, it was sheer straight line speed! Coming to a sudden stop a few feet behind Glass, the earth cracking and breaking apart below her as she came to a sliding stop. The lava fanned out behind her as she charged her gauntlet, the back of it brimming with Ki. Dashing for Glass her eyes full of determination now; the ki on the back of her gauntlet acted like a booster, and the resulting punch would send out a massive straight line shock wave comparable to a ki blast.

Meanwhile Fourteen was holding her sister, her gaze turning form the recovering pair to look at Vera. "You could have defended against that." With closed eyes the hurt android nodded to that fact, she could have used her shield and prevented damage to the both of them but... "He wouldn't have learned anything... Nearly killing himself, with his brother no less..." Opening her eyes she took a look at the two Namekians now planning and commencing their attack.

"Wasting most of your energy to revive us and then wanting to fight right away. You really are a Idiot" Vera gave out a hearty laugh as she reached over to place a hand on the side of fourteen's sword sheath, the tank on the side starting to fill with power, the violet color glowing brightly against the crimson of the sky. Pushing off her surprised sister she caused the ki blasts to avoid them both, though she started to fall to the earth below.

"Yeah, seems like I am. Go get em Gwen"

With a look of slight annoyance Gwen turned to Sodius, the sheath of her sword making a 180 with a mechanical 'click' as the end opened up into what looked to be a cannon! "Gungnir" With those words the sheath kicked back as it fired a powerful beam without any charge up time. The tank emptying its contents into the attack that homed in on its target, the combination of red and violet energy almost blinding!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Sodius' eyes widened as the massive energy beam was directed at him, the sheer force of the attack astounding. Behind him, Silic was still struggling to stay afloat, and the only thing between the injured brother and the beam was a tired Sodius. Bracing himself, the Namekian prepared to counter attack when he heard his brother call to him. 'Move! I'll be fine!'

Panicked by his brother's words, Sodius almost didn't move, but in the end relented. Silic, energy already charged and ready to attack, met Fourteen's beam with one of his own, brilliant blue light clashing with red and violet, the display breathtaking. Focused on his task, however, Sodius charged at Gwen, preparing an Impact Wave of his own. As the last of Silic's energy drained away, the crimson beam inched forward, coming nearer and nearer.

Meanwhile, Glass was busy dodging the wave of energy Fifteen had propelled at him, narrowly avoiding the powerful attack. Heat from friction in the air scorched one side of his cloak, the burnt tatters obstructing his movement, and forcing the Guardian to rip the piece off. Breathing heavily, Glass watched his opponent's movements, barely keeping track with his eyes. 'She's good, really good.' Flaring his energy, Glass met the charge with one of his own!

"Show me what you've got!" Fist reared back, the two would meet over a field of stone and lava, their physical might clashing!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The display of color was only rivaled in its beauty by the sheer amount of power that clashed with it. Gwen was holding fast with the remaining power within her swords tank, however a sudden reminder of the fact it was two against one came in the form of Sodius charging towards her! Within that one moment before he attacks, red sparks danced across her horns, signaling the activation of her enhancements unique trait; reflex.

Everything seemed to slow down to a crawl as her mental enchantments processed everything at a super high rate through those 'horns' on her head. Detaching the sheath from her arm Gwen grabbed onto the handle of her sword, pulling it out just as the wave of ki slammed into her! Tanking the attack she attempted to push the blade through it and into Sodius, while her sheath continued the beam attack, though it was running out of juice fast due to not being connected to her.

The fight was unrelenting in its intensity, #15 was trading blow for blow against Glass and despite how many times ti would have been perfect for her to fire a ki blast or two she would not do so, always returning to the straight up fist fight they were having! She was enjoying herself to say the least, the look in her eyes one of excitement and determination!

Vera hit the ground pretty hard when she landed, though at the very least she was on solid land instead of the sea of lava that flowed all around them. "Damn it..." She wished she did not drain herself so much, the very fact she was not proving she was the best was killing her inside thanks to her pride but... She brought this on herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pouring his energy into his energy wave, Silic was fighting a losing battle. Light fled from his vision as the Namekian fought off unconsciousness, knowing his brother was depending on him, but that determination did little to stifle the coming night. Consuming him, the darkness ate Silic whole even as the brilliant crimson energy covered his broken body. 'Finish this, Sodius! Give it your all!' As Fourteen's attack ended, nothing was left to be seen of Silic.

A calm sort of rage was clear in the eyes of Sodius. He was never one to scream or throw a fit over losing something, but the anger at losing his brother, even the illusion of him, gave him a cold fury to fuel his actions. His body began to change subtly, ki burning rapidly as his muscles bulged, the pain adding to his focus. Fourteen's blade connected, the powerful attack nearly cleaving his arm in half and making it useless, but for just a moment, all that mattered was hurting the cyborg who had 'killed' his brother. Fist reared back, the Namekian launched a powerful blow with his palm, using the last of his ki to potentially finish their bout.

Glass fought through the ache of every blow Fifteen hit him with, choosing to launch his own attack rather than attempt to block. 'We're both hurting, but if this turns into a battle of attrition, I'll lose to her every time. I need something to finish this!'
Except he couldn't think of a thing to finish this battle, his instincts on their end as he traded strike for strike, enjoying his battle to an almost uncomfortable degree. Not noticing the energy of his son fade, the Namekian pressed on in a frenzy, unsure of his next move, living in the moment!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Dazed from the blast Gwen did not even notice the other brother had been felled by her attack, her focus on the spraying blood of where her sword had cut. Grabbing the hilt with both hands she attempted to turn the blast to defend with, however the sheer power of the attack knocked the main part of the sword and part of her horn, down towards the earth while all she held onto was the short sword that once was held within the hilt. Throwing the large dagger towards Sodius she reached back to the sheath, only to be overwhelmed by the attacking Namekian and smashed down towards the lava below!

Meanwhile #15 was still holding strong, the endless energy within the android the only thing that should have been keeping up with Glass, and yet she was matching him blow for blow as well. However, at the moment he went into his frenzy she had the upper hand against his wild attacks! Shifting herself to the side ever so slightly, she used the backside of her hand to redirect a incoming punch before placing a palm almost gently onto his chest, within a blink of a eye she had pulled back her palm and tried to slam a full powered fist directly into Glass's chest!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Pain shot throughout Glass' chest, Fifteen's powerful blow sending him flying backwards, plowing through volcanic earth and skidding across lava. Slowing his motion, the Namekian struggled to his feet, down but not out. That had definitely hurt, though, the sharp pains running through him as he stood telling him that at least a few ribs had been broken. He reassessed his condition, and found it lacking for the opponent he was facing, his muscles already growing weary against the tireless cyborg.

'A change of pace, then.' Still focused entirely on Fifteen, Glass' energy flared within him, focusing on a single point. "Dodon Ray!" A single brilliant beam of yellow light flew from his finger, aimed directly at Fifteen! Pouring energy in the technique, he hoped to break through the strange armor of the cyborg and finally deal some real damage!

Sodius watched Fourteen fall down, collapsing towards the lava below. For a moment the Namekian hesitated, unsure of what to do as clarity began to dawn on the Namekian, intense pain running through his exhausted body. He didn't even have a good technique to use at this range. Instead of questioning what to do, Sodius opted to lower himself closer to Fourteen and observe her next move. With any luck, he'd be able to react if she attempted another attack, or catch the falling girl if she was out of the fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Bring up the gauntlets #15 barely blocked the incoming beam, though at the cost of her armor as it tore between her arms barely missing her head and shattering the armor protection that remained. she looked down to her arms while her tail come up above to open fire on Glass, mainly to keep him busy from firing another blast at her. She ripped the remaining shards of armor off of her arms and tossed them to the ground, as she did something was amiss.

Sparks of power danced across her arms and her power level that was once only a match for his sons had suddenly increased dramatically. However something was wrong with this power, it was not like his or any fighters he had known... It was like a beasts or a coming storm, uncontrolled and unrefined. The armor on her legs and face/neck still remained, but her main line of defense had been halved, yet this did not seem to slow down the cyborg as she simply dashed forwards to continue their brawl! This time though, her tail glowed brightly as her arms ki died down, almost like it was absorbing her own energy, keeping it in control.

Meanwhile Vera had stepped up from her place on the ground, moving over to the sword that had fallen to the earth to pick it up. Peering up to her falling sister and the young namekian she held the blade tightly in her one good arm, it still glowing slightly with power. Gwen on the other hand struggled to awaken from the shock that still ran through her body, but finally she flipped back to her feet, though beaten and battered from such a assault.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Avoiding the beams of energy aimed at him, Glass' eyes widened as Fifteen's energy quickly rose, at least doubling in raw power. 'What is this? How could someone's energy increase so much, so quickly?' Closing his eyes, he focused his senses solely on the energy around him, avoiding the blasts while also taking a closer look at the massive energy emanating from the cyborg. Her ki danced through and around her like a wild fire, barely contained. A pair of energy beams skirted by, the Namekian barely avoiding the now more powerful attack.

Glass sensed the woman dash forward, her energy flaring in her arms before becoming more intense, focused. Feeling the pain through his chest, he questioned whether this move was wise, but ultimately knew he would have to finish this quickly to have a chance. Charging his own energy, he focused his energy in his fist once more. Rearing back his arm, Glass met her charge with one of his own! It would be a battle of pure speed, power, and focus, as they met over a the fiery landscape!

Sodius, still focused on Gwen, floated down to where the girl now stood. "Do you still wish to battle?" His voice was tense, as if fighting the urge to simply finish her. Though offering a truce, he was still tense and ready, muscles taut as his Namekian technique was still very much active. His only concern was Gwen, and his battle with her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sparks of energy danced across the lava flow every time the two met fists, however unlike before #15 was now unable to produce the large devastating shock waves or the instant transmission grade punches that she had done so before. It was simple to see that the gauntlets were the very things focusing her power into such powerful attacks, and without the enhancements on her body she was otherwise incapable to use Ki like normal people. However her normal attacks were a little more faster due to the lose of weight so she was still able to match Glass's attacks.

With a burst of ki from her leg armor she dashed back to some solid ground, peering up at glass before down to her feet. Within but a moment her glowing spine like tail split in two, ripping apart her leg guards in the process, once again causing her power to sky rocket well beyond what any one on earth was capable of, and yet it was still uncontrolled. Her tail shifted its place, the two parts moving up to here shoulder blades, now bleeding energy like small water falls.

The storm had calmed around her and she looked up to Glass, waiting. After all now that her leg guards had gone, she had lost her ability to fly at any sort of speed to keep up with him, so the best option was the ground. She gave him a 'bring it on' gesture, intending to finish the fight.

Meanwhile Gwen floated to the ground, watching Sodius closely for a moment before speaking "Not really, after all it would be unfair..." Suddenly she generated a simple ball of energy she tossed it below Sodius, right towards her sister Vera. Dropping the now drained sword and holding out her hand she adsorbed the energy being thrown at her, restoring some of her lose energy. "After all, there are two of us." IT was then that they both noticed the increasing power coming form #15 and Glass's fight. "Ohohohoho~ It seems like she is enjoying herself. Well then Fray, show your little sisters what you can do."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Watching Fifteen tear off more of her own armor, Glass was astounded as her energy rocketed once again, nearing his own in terms of raw capacity. 'Incredible. She had this amount of power all along.' Again the sudden release of energy caused a massive fiery surge, and again the surge soon quieted down, from an inferno to a blaze around her. He knew it would be simple to just fly around her and launch energy attacks at the woman, her still unstable ki would make her slower, after all. Except he wouldn't learn anything from that, and that's what this was about.

Instead, Glass launched a flurry of smaller energy attacks at the Cyborg, before flying down in a blitz, hoping to take an edge in their next brawl. Moving at lightning speed, the Namekian prepared a brutal superman punch! It was a risky attack, he knew, but the chance to deal such great damage was worth it in his eyes.

Sodius was unsure what to do, shocked at the recent turn of events. Now faced with two equally tired opponents, the Namekian was forced to make a decision; Face them both at the same time, or split up and risk wearing down that much faster? He'd seen the team work they had to offer. A choice was made. Splitting into two was never a pleasant experience, but in this case his exhaustion made that more unpleasant. A sickly pop signaled that he had successfully used the Multiform, two of him now standing where one had stood before.

"Let's see what you both have left!" Simultaneously, the pair charged at their targets, Sodius A towards Vera and Sodius B towards Gwen. Sodius A refrained from using energy attacks as he approached, hoping to take the woman in close combat, the one area he had a chance of competing with Thirteen in, assuming she didn't grapple his energy away. Meanwhile, B launched a series of small ki blasts, hoping to force the girl against a nearby cliff face. Nearing her, B prepared one of his only techniques. "Demon Wave!" A wave of purple energy flew from his hands, directly at Fourteen!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Like a energy blade Fray's two wing like appendages swung above her to knock away the smaller ki blasts away, a excited look in her eyes as she was gleeful that he accepted to come down and fight her! The powerful attack that Glass launched slammed right into her shoulder, but within that same moment that it had hit her she turned her body so she could negate some of the damage but also open him up for a grab. Attempting to reach out she would use his own force against him to try and slam him into the ground!

Vera had been charging something up in her palm as she watched and waited for what Sodius would do, however what he decided on surprised her to say the least, though it did make her smile. Holding her hand behind her back at the charging namekian she swayed back and forth to avoid the ki blasts that were sent her way before she hit her back against the cliff. It was then that he started to close in, a perfect time to spring her own attack! "Light Grenade!" The small ball flew out to meet B's demon wave! Gwen on the other hand still had her short sword with her, so she did not mind diving into melee with A, after all he was only at half power right? She should have been able to handle him!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StephenRouse


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glass felt Fifteen's body give in to his force, but not in the way he had imagined. Falling forward, he felt something strike him in the back, his spine bending at a horrible angle, and knew that this would not end well. He crashed into the ground, denting the rock below. His attempt to end the spar had ended more poorly than he could have imagined, with him all but out of the fight.

That didn't mean he would give up. He still had one move left, something he could use despite being temporarily from the waist down. Gathering his remaining ki, Glass focused it with intensity all around him, before releasing it in an explosive wave. Raw energy blasted out, engulfing the area.

Meanwhile, the two Sodiuses were surprised to find that their targets had switched things up, trading places to battle them! Sodius Ay was face to face with Gwen, unsure what to do against her weapon, instead going back to Be's plan of using energy attacks. Preparing an attack, the Namekian launched a powerful Demon Wave at the girl, hoping to take her by surprise.

Be, at the same time, felt his eyes burn as a powerful blast and flash of light nearly blinded him. Turning to face Vera, he charged at her, flying towards the woman as his brother began his attack of Gwen.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Fray peered down to Glass as he laid in the broken earth, her shoulder pretty much gone from the sheer force of the attack that the namekain had landed on her. Peering over the the dwindling fight that was going on, Fray's mask rolled off her face while her tail reformed back into its tail like construct. It was then that she felt the building power below her, turning to look at Glass a smile was still on her face and a look of 'this was fun' about her. With hat she let loose her power, deciding that if he was willing to do such a thing then they may as well be taken out in the most glorious way possible!


Both Vera and Gwen felt the very ground shake and the sky rip apart as the massive explosion sent a tidal wave of molten rock and metal across the planet! With that the fight between the two had finished "I knew they would match up well, I hope they both gained something" Vera said, just as she raised her hand to block a incoming attack from B, her head not even turned towards him as she did so. "You however, have learned NOTHING!" For the first time Vera expressed anger towards the young namekain as she tried to push his arm down and finish him with a powerful kick! Splitting his power in two and trying to take on two tireless enemies at once was not a clever move sadly. Gwen was pretty much the same way, deciding to finish it fast, even using her enhanced reflexes to dash into the attack before it started to try and cut off A's arms and finish up before the wave of lava reached them.
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