Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

well I put it in a hider, fixed and shorted up the history somewhat, explained his activity the last few years (I figure he will become active due to either my other char showing up seeing their past together, or because stuff started to happen near his warehouse)
tried to put down and lessen his powers somewhat
added 3 years to his age
and tried my best with the grammar, capital letters and punctuations

please say so if its still not enough, if possible also some tips and such if its still bad
so yeah....
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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@The Mad Hatter finished wendy and put it all in a hider :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

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I trust that you are able to make balanced characters and that I do not have to tell you not to make them over powered. I also trust that you know not to god-mod, metagame or whatever without me having to say so.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask them; there are no stupid questions, only bad answers.

You do realize that over-powered is subjective, right?

We're talking about people that have the potential to move cities with their minds, or rip them apart, atom by atom. Others will only ever die of old age, and that will take centuries. They are effectively immortal, which some would consider OP to begin with. I've seen other characters bring down buildings around other characters, and the one that had the building collapse around them (huge falling pieces of concerete and I-beams, massive girders and all) survive with maybe a broken arm. (It was clever, really.) So... What is your limit or considering of OP? the other thing is, something that might be only minimally helpful or powerful in one player's hands a GM might consider OP in the hands of another.

Or are we talking something like this?

Or maybe Superman wielding Mjolnir

Just sayin'. Those are gross examples... but In a world very similar (ie: ripped off) of X-men... where do you draw the line?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

While I dont intent to make this into a huge discussion
I do agree with tearstone
I accept thay some feel that Drake may be OP

but personally I believe that while if he uses his real ppwers then yes he is but the point then is
can someone be OP if he never uses his full force
great power comes with responsibility and all

that is why I submitted Drake even trough I knew people may feel he us a bit much
cause I know he would never use his full force if it would pose a risk to anyone else
he cant live with the regret if someone gets hurt because of him and how can he use hus full power in a city filled with innocent people
unless he has to fly high into the sky first but that still has his risks due to the gusts of wind from his wings so yeah still to risky
he would only do that to intercept a missile or something

due to those rules I dont see him as OP unless a loop can be found that allows him to use his real powers
then he may be OP yes

just felt like saying this
as said I dont intend to make this a large discussion amd I respect the GMs opinion cause yeah
OP can be pretty subjective at times
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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I expected this question, to be honest.
Yes, I know that it's a matter of perception and all that, which is exactly why I did not specify what I feel is OP. I basically meant for the players to keep their character away from their own idea of what Over-Powered is.
I do wish for this RP to have different power levels, to give a more "realistic" feel.
However, I also feel that it is my responsibility to react when the other members of the RP reacts to someone's character as OP, in order for the roleplaying experience to be optimal for all parts involved.

I actually have a lot of superhero/superhuman/mutant characters, because I've been making up personas for my action figures and dolls since before I could write. Some of them are OP as shit and some of them are so underpowered that they'd be killed within a few posts of battle. I have this one guy, who will also be making an appearance in this RP, that is pretty OP.

Jacques was originally based on this bloke while Ruben was originally based on a police officer figure that had a stunningly similar face. The Technopath, who has a real name and story and all, was actually based on a Peter Parker figure that I had, which I had no clue was a Peter Parker figure, 'cause I was five and the comics we had were in English.

Aside from the fact that my characters are based on action figures, I hope that it cleared up your question. If not, PM me and I'll explain it better.

@Drake Baku
I'll toss you a PM in a little while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

ok ^^

also which country do you live in if you could not read the comics due to the language barrier?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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@Drake Baku
Sent you the PM.

I live in Denmark. I'm in the same time zone as you :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

yeah that explains it alright ^^
nice to meet a fellow timezoner XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

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@The Mad Hatter - Oh no, that's cool. I just get a little twitchy when GM's start saying stuff like "Nothing OP" and either don't define it, or don't have a sort of system of reasonable limitations, or do's and don'ts. I've had a GM who wanted his character to be the coolest, the most shiny, and only he was allowed to do the coolest stuff, his character he ran with the group had to be the one to save the day, proressed the fastest, and couldn't be outclassed. I've had another GM shut me down because I got funky with working physics theories (stuff proven over and over again, a solid tested hypothesis). I've had another GM kill off a character of mine because I had a better, more workable idea and it didn't march to the beat of their drum.

It's nothing personal. I just wanted to what you had in mind. The more I understand the constraints (or lack of them) of the RP environment, the better. Now that I know what you have in mind, I'm happy with it. ^_^

I really like the answer by the way. I think it's open, flexible, but with enough structure that it allows people to do what they want, but is governed by group consensus rather than one individual.

I need to get to work on drafting up my character.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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I also hope it's cool that I join at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@The Mad Hatter - Oh no, that's cool. I just get a little twitchy when GM's start saying stuff like "Nothing OP" and either don't define it, or don't have a sort of system of reasonable limitations, or do's and don'ts. I've had a GM who wanted his character to be the coolest, the most shiny, and only he was allowed to do the coolest stuff, his character he ran with the group had to be the one to save the day, proressed the fastest, and couldn't be outclassed. I've had another GM shut me down because I got funky with working physics theories (stuff proven over and over again, a solid tested hypothesis). I've had another GM kill off a character of mine because I had a better, more workable idea and it didn't march to the beat of their drum.

It's nothing personal. I just wanted to what you had in mind. The more I understand the constraints (or lack of them) of the RP environment, the better. Now that I know what you have in mind, I'm happy with it. ^_^

I really like the answer by the way. I think it's open, flexible, but with enough structure that it allows people to do what they want, but is governed by group consensus rather than one individual.

I need to get to work on drafting up my character.

I have my own experience
A GM made an really nice sounding rp, stated there was no law or whatever and very low tech
so yeah naturally everyone made chars based on that, I came with a pro. assassin
suddenly the GM was playing a cop and really soon started to hunt my char to the point that all I could post was how I tried to get away, but each reply I made to the point that I started to stretch my chars abilities and had to add new crap were countered by state of the art tech and god modding
that for me was annoying but all other players were getting ignored, even those shooting a gun at the cop directly were countered by armoring able to block acid lasers as if it was rain on a windshield and the cop char continued to hunt my char
I eventually had to give my char a teleportation power and even then he was able to follow me -_-'
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

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I'm glad that you are satisfied with my GMing :)
I've had some pretty bad GMing experiences, myself. After doing it for so long, I'm just pretty chill about everything.
I've been in RPs that never even took off before they died, RPs that lived for months before suddenly just dying, RPs that died due to characters dropping, RPs that died due to GM dropping. I've had GMs that wanted to control everything, GMs that had nothing but a basic idea and expected the players to work everything out for them, GMs who wanted to outshine everyone and GMs who hated on characters for player disagreements. I've been insulted in every possible way, treated like crap and been tossed aside like a used tissue without a second thought.
Sometimes, I wonder why I keep doing this and almost quit. At one point, I took a hiatus of six months becuase I got so sick of all the crap.

But there's good times, too. I love making characters, even if I don't get to use them for as long as I want or somtimes at all. I've made some great friends here and even if the good times are much further apart than the bad times, it really is all worth it to get the feeling of having found a place where you belong.

*ahem* sorry. Got a bit rant-y and sappy there...

I find myself refreshing the page over an over again to see what your signature will be xD

@Blue Demon
The power is quite similar to this guy's. I don't see that as an issue in itself, but I thought that you might..?

@Drake Baku
I've had my runins with situations like that. I used to get all worked up over it and get angry. I've long since realized that there's no point in arguing with them. It's better to just cut your losses and move on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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@Blue Demon
The power is quite similar to this guy's. I don't see that as an issue in itself, but I thought that you might..?

Well, I probably shouldn't have a similar skill set. Sad Day. I guess that's what I get for not reading everyone's CSs. :| Oh well, back to the drawing board.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

. At one point, I took a hiatus of six months becuase I got so sick of all the crap.

Been there XD
But there's good times, too. I love making characters, even if I don't get to use them for as long as I want or somtimes at all. I've made some great friends here and even if the good times are much further apart than the bad times, it really is all worth it to get the feeling of having found a place where you belong.

I also cannot break my ties with rping, I love working out stuff and I want to use what I made.
I keep using some chars over and over but also I like to make new chars, its time consuming and I often lack the time (which is why it took so long to change Drake, and to think I have some free days now) But its still fun to do ^^
and yeah you can meet people with similar mind sets, so I know exactly what you mean ^^
@Drake Baku
I've had my runins with situations like that. I used to get all worked up over it and get angry. I've long since realized that there's no point in arguing with them. It's better to just cut your losses and move on.

Yeah it was annoying and we all tried to make the GM reflect on his actions cause the idea he made was truly epic, ive even tried to make my own run at it after the site's reset but yeah I had some issues as well, I failed to get all players together on time and they dropped out
sadly the GM kept continuing so we did all stopped.

well I also had an experience of someone making a OP char, at first the char was accepted but the char was kinda a player killer right at the start while it was a co-op survival rp
The GM of that rp did his best to get stuff into the right way, but that player refused to change the char, saying it breaks the personality but with it, that person broke the rp...

its sad how some can be so stubborn
Even I try to lessen Drake bit by bit without breaking the mold I had, if need be I can even say, too bad but I will let him go.
Ok I admit I may also be a bit stubborn with Drake's mold, but yeah he was my first real char and I am just proud and attached to him, its not like I made him on the spot and I at least try ^^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

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@Drake Baku
I'm not ignoring your post (^that one^), I just don't have anything to say to it...

However(!), I feel that I can accept Drake as he is now, if everyone else is all right with it. I will be keeping a very close eye on you and you will be wearing a leash, but I'll allow him.
I'm gonna rain hell upon you with your grammar and spelling, too. We're gonna get you better, bro.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tearstone
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Tearstone Electrum-plated

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Hey no, don't apologize. I know exactly what you're going through and dealing with. I've had every one of those kinds of experiences. I totally understand. I've also taken long breaks, and questioned why I do it, quite a bit. It's one reason why I haven't really attempted to set up another game and run it in quite some time.

Now I'm conflicted though on whether I want to run one of my favorite characters, who never gets much play time... or work on something new.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

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So I finished my character. She's completely different than the other one I tried. I hope she is accepted.
I did take some liberties with the Crusaders. If I went too far, let me know and I'll fix it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Mad Hatter
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The Mad Hatter ... All the best people are

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@Blue Demon
I like her. Gotta have that one chick who knows whats what ;)
ShShe's accepted
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Blue Demon
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Blue Demon

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Sweetness. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

@Drake Baku
I'm not ignoring your post (^that one^), I just don't have anything to say to it...

However(!), I feel that I can accept Drake as he is now, if everyone else is all right with it. I will be keeping a very close eye on you and you will be wearing a leash, but I'll allow him.
I'm gonna rain hell upon you with your grammar and spelling, too. We're gonna get you better, bro.

woef woef XD

and thanks for helping me with the grammar and spelling ^^

now Drake is generally accepted, I will start working on my second main ^^

well that will be tomorrow night cause I am going to bed now XD
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