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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Range doesn't matter if I can get in close!" Luin yelled as he transformed his suit, making a quick run into the sky and coming down towards the head of the unit. He was lucky the Elf Bullock can take a hit, though it seemed one of his shoulder units was now inoperable. He detransformed mid-air and came down slamming his hands together in an attempt to feint and smash the head. Then, given the opponent would likely dodge back, fire his 10 Finger Cannon at the same time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When Donna was prepared to fight Fram, the entry of Stella reminded her that the Sandrock at this stage will not be good in battling advance Mobile Suits such as those used by Fram. The ZAKU concentrating their fire at her showed the true worth as being able to attract and soak damage from grunts. The Gundam speed in hover towards the enemy grunts and initiated a flurry of death with the shotels. Quickly the ZAKU were cut down by close-range. "Although the Preventers may be my ally, my allegiance to the Earth Sphere United Nations and Instructor W is first!" She reiterated to Fram again what her Bits continued to attack Sandrock. "Stella! Beta Team! Thank you for earlier! We will survive this!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"You didn't learn anything from last time didn't you!?" Yzak growled as he dropped his beam rifle and pulled out his own beam saber and clashed with Jack but quickly put him on the defensive with a parry and then a furious barrage of strikes from his saber. "All you people are the same! I told them you would chase us and Barton thought I was being too cautious. Always count on OMNI to chase after an enemy!" Yzak said as he closed in against his enemy. The enemy pilot completely intended on killing Jack. He had no intention of leaving this battle without having at least beaten him in a fair battle. "You're just lucky Athrun Zala isn't here. You wouldn't stand a chance with both of us here. Not that you stand much better against just me!" Yzak taunted his enemy as the fire fight continued around him.

"What the hell!?" Leon Graves shouted as he dodged the shots but in the process his wings were damaged slowing him down. "Never seen finger mounted beam rifles. There really are some interesting types around here aren't there?" Graves muttered as he aimed at the cockpit too Mask's suit and activated the beam submachine gun setting for his pistol and unleashed a storm of shots at Luin Lee's suit. Grant wanted too stop him right then and there but the fire fight between him and the zaku elite units were proving more of a hassle then anticipated. He needed to get in there close but there was no way too do so without making a sacrifice. He had no intention in screwing over his partner and his allies were busy so there was only one thing left too do. "Guess I got no other choice sorry Captain..." Grant muttered as suddenly Hiling Care appeared on his screen. "OH so you're still alive huh? Look 'captain' you're going stand your ground and hold out until I get there. Once I arrive too assist you the battle should be over." Hiling said with a smile relishing her control of the situation. "Fine. Understood. Hey Alpha get in position to cover me!" Grant said as his partner confirmed the command and rushed out with his machine gun. The zaku units immediately targeted him but Grant shot a distraction shot at the enemy and then charged forward himself. "We got to hold the line until Care gets here! We need to assist the others! We're the support damn it a commando unit isn't supposed to be the ones to let down the others!" Grant shouted to everyone as he raised himself into the air with his aile pack and tried to prove himself a general nuisance to the enemy zaku. It was the only thing he could do because the enemy dodged his shots or blocked them with their shields. He would be gunned down soon enough if Hiling or one of the others didn't assist the Alpha Units.


"While I certainly don't intend on dying here. I got a family back home I need to get back too. Besides the Lieutenant wouldn't ever live it down. The little bastard...I remember when he was still an upstart recruit. No way am I going to give him the satisfaction of out living me." Beta Leader said as his men rallied to him and suddenly a massive beam shot pierced through the wall behind Donna and crew destroying it and then was followed by two massive beam shots which eliminated many of the enemy units. "What in the world!?" Fram said stunned as she was suddenly forced back into reality as Stella disabled the unit by slashing it across the shoulder with a beam rifle. Gaia had transformed back into it's normal gundam form in the brief interval and even though it was only a momentary distraction it was all that Stella needed. "I'll survive this! I will see my friends and Shinn again! I won't let down Lieutenant Blackstar or my new friends either!" Stella shouted passionately as Fram forced herself back her remaining bits quick to shoot at Stella who dodged them with some effort. Though she was an extended she was still not used to multi-directional attacks. Maybe she'd need to ask Puru for help or advice in that regard. "I'm not going to back down without a fight! Men fight on!" Fram growled at her men as they barely managed to rally their remaining soldiers before pushing back against the enemy forces though they were very few in numbers now. Nena laughed at them as she pulled back. "I'll be back in a second. Not that these losers will last that long."


Trowa jumped back as he opened up his chest gatling guns and fired upon Paul once again. He had to admit the pilot was skilled. Skilled enough to dodge his shots and fend off multiple attacks. Though he had a feeling this was more or less due to him being backed against a corner. The art of war did state a foe put into a corner would fight all that much harder to escape from it alive. Even his enemy's allies, the grunts, with those strange jet suits. They seemed adept at fighting off enemy units in groups since they were working really well in an almost perfect synchronization.

He could only assume they were men from the same unit as opposed crowded jumble that was the mismatch of his own units. Barton couldn't discount his own allies they were strong and they held more numbers. However a flash of light from nearby told him all he needed to know. His plan was now going to ruins. This trap was a good one even if he didn't truly understand all the workings in this facility. However he didn't count on heavy artillery. The units he had seen soon far had only had no such capabilities but their fighters had all been talented. It seemed to be a strange theme. With the blow and the dust cloud that followed Trowa could only assume the units over there were doomed. He also hadn't heard anything through the damn jamming they enemy was using. It was not like the usual static it was some sort of different form of it. It made him wonder what kind of technology these people had been using and if there would be tech that would disable his suit.

Paul however not only ran through the missiles but he didn't even bother with blocking the shells which bounced off the suit's armor. "I see your armor deflects solid rounds." Trowa said calmly though internally he was starting to feel unsettled. This was a bad mismatch if he had seen one before. His combat knife and his chest rounds were useless leaving him with his gatling laser on his arm.

Paul on the other hand was now in more of a straight. He had chose not to avoid the shots BUT he now had a much lower battery power. His suit may have been damaged too but he knew his phase shift was more than enough to take shots like those. Still he didn't like tanking those shots. The only thing on Paul's mind now was to break the enemy gundam. "I'm tired of this I have men depending on me! I won't die not until I get them to safety!" Paul said to Trowa completely ignoring his comment and pulled the thruster's controls full on forward and intended to gut the enemy ace. "You know you're really single minded."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack didn't reply, ducking the last thrust from the barrage and grabbing Yzak's suit's sword arm and ramming his own suit's elbow into the other mech's cockpit, more to disorient the pilot inside than actually cause any harm. Moving backwards quickly, he fired a burst from his own CWIS guns before unleashing a series of slashes while the smoke from the bullet impacts was still obstructing his view. "Less talk, more backing it up, you ZAFT bastard."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna looked to the direction where the sudden beam attack came from, and recognised the Virtue. "Thank you Nena!" She gave her thanks. The Gundam pilot was nearly caught off-guard when a Zaku tried to charge at her, but she was able to react so the shotel sliced the Mobile Suit to the left. She brought attention to the mound of Mobile Suits firing at her and decided she will fight them next. Shooting at the Sandrock proved to be futile as it wiped them out instantly with a single stroke. "Please tell Mr. Trowa once again that I cannot accept his offer." She said to Fram once again. "I cannot accept in a circumstance like this. I regret that we had to meet like this."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Go to-Ah! Damn it!" Fram responded as her mobile suit was shot in the shoulder by Stella who proceeded to open up as much rifle fire as possible onto Fram."I'm not going to die here....I'm not going to die here!" Stella said starting to panic even though the situation was starting to improve in their favor. The remaining members of Beta Team rallied on their leader though they had lost a couple of their members they had taken out more than their fair share of the opposition while the aggro was focused on Sandrock. The suit's armor had relegated the useless shots fired by the zaku to peashooter shots. "Damn it! I've had enough of this!" Beta Leader growled as he grabbed a fallen bazooka and fired on the walls collapsing a whole side of the ruins ontop of a quarter of the remaining zaku who were too slow too dodge or were otherwise preoccupied. The remaining zaku started to route at the sight of their ace pilot being defeated by an enemy gundam. They themselves were quickly realizing their own weapons were useless on the Sandrock. They couldn't even radio their commander for assistance due to the jamming. What was supposed to be a quick and effective ambush quickly turned into what amounted to a butchery on the wrong side. "Who are you people!? Why are you so strong!?" one of the younger enemy pilots shouted as he fell back only to be shot in the back by Beta Leader. "Worthless...absolutely worthless..." Beta Leader growled in disgust. He had lost his men to these people!? His long time friends and allies!? They were running after THEY pulled off an ambush!? ZAFT....Zeon...it seemed everyone was pulled from the same damnable cloth. At least those Earth Feds the previous day had put up a fight. These cowards had killed numerous comrades in arms. They had forced him to do bury his own men...it wasn't something he enjoyed doing ever...no man should ever have to bury their friends before their time. But they were soldiers they knew the risks but that didn't ease their passing. A brazen Zaku tried to ambush Donna from behind but Beta Leader shot a beam axe out of his hand and then shot the enemy down swiftly.
Yzak dropped his beam saber as the full force of the blow delivered by Jack's suit he hadn't been expecting that he had been waiting for the idiot to charge at him so he could parry and cut him to ribbons. The following shots from the CIWS from Jack just served to annoy Yzak even more as the mobile suit shrugged off the shots even they there were close Phase Shift nullified any advantage that gave to Jack. "You want to fight up close!? Fine!" Yzak shouted as he reached up and grabbed the neck of Jack's duel and started to slowly strange the machine's main camera. "If you know jack about our suit then you know that once you lose that camera it's over you piece of trash!"


Graham had control of his fight against the enemy sniper it wasn't even much of a challenge even with the advancements in her suit in comparison to his. It had actually made Graham Aker somewhat angry. If this girl had taken a shot at his allies and had this level of skill then it only proved the point that children didn't belong on a real battlefield. This whole situation was one whole debacle that he didn't think he'd ever see happen. He saw the burst of light coming from the ruins out of the corner of his eye during a U-Turn dodge and from experience he knew that meant that one gundam the one they called Virtue had opened fire. Nena Trinity that little sociopath hopefully she didn't kill any of their allies in that shot. The suit flailed and shot wildly at him in an attempt to get a lucky shot in at Graham but the Flag in his hands was too fast and too random to actually land a good hit on. "What is a girl like you doing on this battlefield? You have no right being here if this is all you have! Where's your warrior's pride!?" Graham demanded of the sniper who responded that she didn't even want to be here in the first place and she didn't need to answer to him and that she'd do her best to get back to her friends. Graham chuckled, "A noble goal but it won't be enough if you can't beat me!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack grinned and brought his saber up, slicing through the offending arm on his main camera at the elbow. "And you forgot that I was still armed!" Kicking the other Duel back, he reaches up and removes arm, though his view was far from perfect after the few seconds Yzak had to crush it. OK, this isn't safe to draw out. Gotta wrap it up and soon or they'll be burying me after today's fights. Stepping back, he raises his saber. "I'm going to tell you now, I don't intend to capture you, Yzak. I'm going to see you dead here to help whatever universe you're from win their war. Hope you don't mind the lack of an obituary."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna saw the futility of resistance by the Zakus that were thinning in numbers. When another tried to attack Sandrock's shotel held with the right hand cut off the arm of the Zaku. "Leave. Now." She gave another warning. "There is no guarantee of winning, but if you just leave we may be able to ignore you." Just as she finished talking, she threw one of her shotel at an approaching Zaku. The Gundam pilot brought her attention back to the battle where Fram was facing defeat against Stella. "Stella, please keep a hold of yourself! We will survive this together!" Seeing the bleakness of the battle for them, she hoped that Fram will call for a retreat. She was reluctant to leave Trowa in poor terms in a later encounter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mask laughed to himself as he strafed taking heavy fire from the beam machine gun in the lower area of his Mobile Suits Torso. He had damaged the wing units, exactly what he needed to do to get the edge in speed on his opponent.
"Not all mobile suits have cockpits in the same place!" He yelled closing the gap while releasing finger beams. He planned to disarm the unit with his leg sabers, the fingers being distractions.
"I am Luin Lee! I am Captain Mask! For the pride of all Kuntala, and the health of my allies and friends, I shall not fall!" He cried doing a back flip kick when he got close enough, hoping to then take out the units head with a focused blast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Shit! Damn it!" Yzak said growling as suddenly the hulking presence of Hiling Care came into the area. Grant and his comrades charged forward after seeing the zaku's temporarily distracted by their enemies and then proceeded to shoot the weapons out of their hands. The enemy zaku however were quick to recover and pulled out their axes one of them threw a grenade which forced Grant's team to fall back. Hiling however didn't move to assist as she went up to Jack. "I'd recommend going to help them. Unless you want to explain to Captain Jason how you somehow managed to both wreck priceless replacement parts for your gundam, killed a high ranking enemy pilot who could be captured, AND left your allies to die all in one fell swoop. I got this." Hiling said aiming her main rifle at the enemy gundam pilot. "Time's wasting..." Hiling said with a smug grin and tone. She clearly was egging on Jack one way or another Hiling would get what she wanted in this situation leaving Jack in a rather awkward situation. "I'm not some god damn toy for you fuckers!" growled Yzak as he tried to move only for Hiling to claw off the top of Duel's right hand. Beam claws tore through the metal of the phase shift with a loud bang. "And you...You better fucking sit down." commented Hiling with disgust as Yzak sat there unable to do anything under the watchful eye of both units.

"I don't care who you are, I'm not so easy to kill!" Leon Graves proclaimed as he took out his laser torch and quickly attempted to slice the enemy mobile suit in half. It was clear that his mobile suit was getting nowhere with this suit and he had one last chance to beat this guy. He could try running away but he had let a careless mistake cost him that chance. He didn't expect this unit's pilot to be so talented and he had let this man get the advantage of him. "Look kid you can have all the pride you want but it's meaningless if you don't know how to use it!"


"But...but this is a battle...this girl is threatening my life! She's already killed members of our team why should I calm down!?" Stella said with a hesitation in her voice and it was clear that she herself was unsure about what she was talking about. Stella was distracted now unsure about how to proceed unable to get it straight in her head as she was shot from behind by an enemy zaku unit as Beta Leader cursed loudly. "DAMN IT! Stella calm down and wipe out those who are our enemies! Just don't go overboard!" Beta Leader said as he simply gunned at the enemy opposition as Nena shot out another wave at the wall the separated Paul from the rest of the group. "This is getting embarrassing and complicated all forces fall back I don't care what Barton says!" Fram muttered with disgust as she pulled back using all her remaining weapons to keep Sandrock and the others down while Stella stood there shivering unable to do much other than dodge. The remaining handful of Zaku started to pull back in an uncoordinated rush as the enemy forces from the center were unsure about what was going on. They had been in a heated fire fight with SIGMA whom had done an excellent job of keeping the enemies off Paul and staying alive. "Mr. Barton the walls are breached!" shouted one of the enemies as Trowa sighed, "So be it...I will finish this one off quicker..." Trowa said with an abnormally calm tone.


Paul didn't waste much time he charged forward his beam saber in hand as he at the ready as he came closer to Trowa. He barely noticed the explosive blast behind him his Newtype senses shouting at him that it was happening on barely registered. His ally, SIGMA Leader, was asking for orders Paul gave him a simple one, "Capture or kill them I don't care which." Paul muttered intensely as he focus on Barton became acute not allowing him to think of anything else. He didn't hate the enemy gundam pilot nor did he have anything against him personally however he was the last piece in the puzzle. That tank that was the main goal was probably a diversion at this point. It hadn't moved since he arrived it was probably empty. He felt sweat drip down his brown as he continued to dodge Barton's barrage. Those he couldn't he deflected or blocked. Barton was on point but at this point he saw that Barton was now in a bad situation. His allies were dying around him and Paul's men were on the attack again. They shouldn't have let him of all people into this place. Maybe Donna or Nena would've had trouble but not him. Their suits weren't as versatile as Paul or Gabriel when he was still with them. Paul had skill bound by his dedication to his cause and his vengeance for the fallen and dead friends of the past still not quenched. Trowa notice that his weapons were no longer effective and with Paul gaining on him he had no choice but too call on his men to disable the magnetic field generators they had running in order to allow everyone to flee. Even though Barton felt they could still make a comeback it was clear this situation was getting out of hand. He tried to contact Aida only to get the response that she was in trouble. But before Trowa could do much or even get out a word he was forced into a defensive position his combat knife out as he blocked the heavy swing by Paul. "It would seem that I've been forced into quite the situation. But I'm not so easily displaced." Trowa said sternly as he kept his cool and easily managed to parry Paul but Paul came back quick and pressed his advantage on Trowa. "You're nothing but a coward who relies on heavy weapons! What kind of soldier doesn't have a back up plan!?" Paul demanded of Trowa who opened up his chest cannons again and riddled Paul's already dwindling power supply to an even lower level forcing Paul to back off as Trowa turned around to flee. Paul grabbed a nearby rifle dropped by a zaku and opened fire but Trowa managed to dodge even though he was dented by the enemy's fire. "I'm afraid neither of us has time to waste here. I will concede to you this battle but I will not lose again if we meet again gundam pilot." Paul could only watch as Trowa fled the scene. He growled as he turned his back to Trowa and went to aid Sigma in eliminating the enemy grunts left. Paul could chase him, he could've went after him. But it would cost him too much and with his power battery so low after absorbing so much fire from the guy he needed to get his suit repaired and soon. He only could hope the Sundown was fine...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As Fram led the remainder of her forces away, Donna wiped her sweaty face. "Stella, are you there?" She asked to see if her friend is fine. The Gundam pilot counted the number of kills she made in the battle, trying to figure an accurate method. Instructor W can go through the camera records or she can use the unreliableway of counting the scattered remains of Mobile Suits. It looked like the battle was over elsewhere as the enemy retreated. Her thoughts then went to Beta Team. "Beta Leader, how is your status, over." She enquired for answers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"I don't take orders from you, Hiling, and this man is too dangerous to keep alive. Yzak is my fight, you can help Grant." Still, he pulled his beam rifle and fired a series of shots towards the Zaku's, taking one out and destroying the ax of another. Moving Duel towards Yzak, he pushes the suit onto it's back and levels his blade with the cockpit. "I think we can both agree one of us was going to die, Yzak. Course, you were confident it was going to be my corpse on this battlefield. Guess Karma's a bitch." Thrusting quickly, the saber would have impaled Yzak's gut, making sure he would die, but giving him time to respond if he so choose.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I-I-I'm here..." Stella said shaking as she breathed in heavily her eyes dilated slightly as she struggled to regain control of herself as Beta Leader looked around and then shot off a series of shots aimed at a nearby zaku which was followed by an explosion. "We're not done yet kid but I'm here. I wish I could say the same for our men. I hope the Sundown is fine it probably got ambushed too." Beta Leader said sighing in disbelief as he looked over to the crushed remnants of the slaughter daggers which contained the most likely dead bodies of his men. No one could've survived that without being really lucky. Sneak attacks with beam weapons are incredibly potent. "We don't got the fire power to engage them we have to let them go. Reunite with Lieutenant Black Star and Sigma!" Beta Leader ordered as suddenly SIGMA 4 landed down heavily in front of them. "The rest of my team is routing the enemies. Middle section cleared. There appears to be a signal similar to the one from the Citadel emanating from a pillar in the middle sir. I don't know what to think about it. We received it when they stopped their jamming. I still detect GN particles meaning Hiling Care is still alive." SIGMA 4 informed Beta Leader who grunted as he considered everything Nena jumped in however interrupting the thought. "Come on don't be a kill joy let me keep fighting these punks!" Nena demanded of Beta who told her to do as she pleased which prompted Nena to launch forward towards the enemy whom were retreating. "We'll stop her later for now we got to control Stella and report our finding to Captain Jason." Beta ordered as he and his men launched forward towards the place where Paul was now skirmishing with the enemy parrying and killing one zaku who foolishly challenged the gundam.


"You're presuming to tell me what to do!? How dare you command me you filthy hu-fool! I should kill him right now just to spite you! Too bad you have other problems..." Hiling growled and then smirked as a zaku unit whom Jameson thought he had handled came from behind slamming a knife into the back of Duel Gundam as Hiling grabbed onto Yzak and pulled him into the sky. "I'll be taking this ...thing now if you don't mind. Oh wait I don't especially care if you do." Hiling said with amusement as Grant came in with a explanation"Fucking hate that woman! Sorry I let that one get away take care of him we got his partner!". Grant mouthed to his friend as he and his ally were busy in a brawling match with the other elite zaku taking turns tag teaming the apparently very talented pilot. Blade against beam axe the trio twirled and parried each other neither one of the daggers really gaining the advantage but both gaining ground quickly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack spun, using his beam saber to make the Zaku back off and holding it at a ready position in front of him. The damage from the knife was negligible thankfully, but Yuri would still be upset about it. Hell, Jack was upset about it, but he was half occupied with Hiling's slip up. "All good, Grant. I got him." Closing the more general comms channel, he opens one to Grant and his team only as he slashes at the Zaku unit. "Did you guys catch what she said? She almost said filthy human."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugihito


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Donna agreed that Stella should be calmed and report back. "Stella, are you ready to go back to the Sundown?" She asked. "I also owe you one for helping with that pilot." She was reminded of what the pilot said about Trowa wanting her. What will he think of her now as she, Stella and Beta decimated a significant number of their forces. If she will see him face to face in the future, what will he think. Trying to put the thoughts aside, Sandrock was brought closer to the Gaia Gundam. As she digresses, she needs to make sure Stella is alright.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PandaBrady
Avatar of PandaBrady


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mask's backflip had cost him. He hadn't thought that his opponent might try and attack during his onslaught. It had been to hide his own attempt to rid himself of the enemy, but he miscalculated.
The beams sheared his opponent's Left leg and severed the left arm as well. The right arm was lightly damaged, as was the right leg. However, Leon's Torch got inside the swing and cleaved the Elf Bullocks left leg off, the hunk of metal flying off, beam still sputtering.
The flip finished, and he finally unleashed his hidden attack, the top half of the torso being blown away, missing the cockpit by mere meters. He landed with a thud on the opposite side of Leon, panting heavily in anger.
"These damn Gundam Types!" He yelled to himself, turning the remains of his Mobile suit to face the enemies. He was lucky the Elf Bullock could function, it's beam guns and finger beams only slightly rocked by the collapse.
He would stay fighting. Worse outcome, be could always grab that piece of leg and fly off with the Elf Bullock's transformation.
He gritted his teeth aiming both hands at the currently preoccupied Elite Zakus.
"Damn...you...!" He began in anger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"I pegged her the type of girl to think she was above us. Don't read too much into it focus on the enemy in front of us!" Grant proclaimed loudly as he managed to get a fatal shot onto the other enemy suit only to have it promptly finished off by a suddenly shot from behind by Mask. "Holy fuck that almost blew my face off bro!" Grant proclaimed as he saw the other enemy suit hover and make a hasty retreat seeing his enemy was now distracted. "I'm not dumb this battle quickly became a losing fight. So much for Trowa's insight...Don't worry pal we'll finish our battle later." the pilot named Leon said with a flat tone as he moved away. "Shit! We still got to deal with this one!" Grant said as the enemy blocked the shot only to have his other should blown out by Mask forcing the unit to back away from Jack. "FOR ALL SPACE FAIRING PEOPLES I WON'T LET YOU WIN!" the man shouted as he threw his beam axe towards James and tried to back off towards a fallen rifle only to have his legs shot out from underneath him. The man's suit fell to the ground in a broken heap. Grant looked around breathing in heavily through his helmet. "Fuck you...fuck you and all of your trash terrorist friends. We will return home. I promise you that." Grant said as he noticed and pointed towards the sky. "The bitch left us here...she's heading towards the Sundown. Readings pick up Puru's signal is still there. Good to know. I'm also picking up auxiliaries and our other members are there." Grant said as his subordinate walked over and smashed it's foot into the back of the elite zaku. "We take him or we kill him? I vote to kill him." Alpha said as he kept the squirming unit still as the pilot cursed at them heatedly. "Hell I don't know man...I say let's bring him back. Break the rest of the suit into trash too make sure he doesn't fuck with us or pull him out of that cockpit. He could know something useful. What'd you think Jack?" Grant asked as Jack as he kept looking around. Suddenly her turned to Mask and rushed over to him and offered the man a hand. "You ok boss? Need a hand?"


"You owe me a lot more than that Donna. But I'm sure you'll pick up the tab in the future. Just make sure that unstable girl is alright. I don't need her freaking out anymore. We'll move back to the Sundown after we made positively sure we've cleared out the area. I've lost enough men today..." Beta said as he launched forward towards Paul's position. Stella on the other hand was breathing in heavily and it came through her suit's speakers as she tried to calm herself down. "I...I...I didn't want to die. I didn't want them to kill anymore of us. I'm sorry Donna. I lost my cool and I...I should be better than this. Is...is Lieutenant Lyons alright? What about the rest of the-...oh..." Stella asked as she turned towards the mangled remaining parts that were formerly members of Beta Squad. "I'm...I'm sorry..." she managed to sputter out as she clutched her head in her hands and squirmed around shaking in her seat. "I...I'm not stranger to blood...but...but..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack doesn't answer right away, watching the suit and debating before sighing and kicking the suit over. Reaching down, he pries the cockpit open and removes it's pilot and turns on his external speakers. "Squirm too much and I squeeze." He then turned to the Alpha unit. "Let's bring his suit back, see if Yuri can use it for parts for repairs."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"So Hiling takes away Yzak and you spare the guy? Won't lie that's some respectable restraint. But he's you're problem until we reach our ship. First off though...where's everyone else? I'm picking up Paul's signal down south. He's alive alright. Lyons dying is as likely as Hiling turning out to be what those japanese chicks call moe. I heard it means cute or something beats the hell out of me. Whatever it means it sounds way too nice of a word to even put in the same sentence as that girl. My advice? Tell the captain about her actions. Causing shit will just make Captain J doubt you." Grant said as he mentioned his pal, "Good work Chad without those good shots we'd been freaking boned. You too Mask. That saved our bacon."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Jack nodded, helping to heft up the damaged Zaku unit. "Not sure how much faith'll get put into what I have to say, but I'm going to do just that. Anyways, let's head back. I can't get any readings with all these walls up and in the way. Which is weird in it's own way." He nodded to the Alpha unit and the pair started moving towards the ship. "What was your take on this ambush, Grant? Anything unusual stick out to you? Besides the radar freakouts that is."
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