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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 13 days ago

After missing a grab and being blasted with fire from Torrens, Gormlag made the unexpected move of leaping backwards and nearly landed on top of D'Artagne. Before the fire demon could close the gap or seize the opportunity to attack with a fireball or ranged attack of some sort, the shaman called upon his powers over the earth. The ground beneath Torrens cracked open and a geyser of hot slag burst out. What would have incinerated any other being would fuel Torrens, but the half-molten rock and earth was highly viscous. Trapped in a pit similar in consistency to tar or honey, Torrens would find it nearly impossible to simply swim out or clamber away from the growing pit of fire.

Seemingly just now noticing the rabbitman's presence, Gormlag yelled to D'Artagne, "Finish him!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

Torrens had hardly any time to react before his feet sank into the ground as it melted around him and lava spurted over him. The fire demon was used to the ground melting around him, and he normally took measures to avoid making a puddle of molten rock, although this happened much faster than he was used to, and in no time at all he was stuck, knee deep in liquid slag. Aside from the lack of mobility, this didn't perturb Torrens much at all. In fact, being soaked in molten earth was quite soothing for him, like how a person might wrap up in a blanket next to a fire and drink a hot chocolate. Or maybe like a spa treatment, with warm water massaging their back and fresh ointments cleansing their face.

When the shaman ordered D'Artagnan to attack Torrens, Torrens let out a haughty laugh and looked at D'Artagnan. "Ha! Like that little knife won't do me any harm. Try it if you like, I dare you."

Then Torrens looked down at the molten rock he was standing in. "This lava pit you've made for me is marvellous, by the way," he said to the shaman, "So refreshing." Then Torrens scooped up some lava in his hands and lathered it over himself, as if he were bathing. "You should try it some time." With that comment he picked up another handful of the molten slag, heated it a bit above its normal temperature so it would stay hot for longer, and flung it playfully at the shaman. Torrens watched to see what the orc would do in response to the incoming line of lava.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Don't make me regret this..." He muttered to himself quickly turning around to face Torren throwing a bomb that was hidden behind the lava that would cause a big explosion and would be quite the mess if it hit.D'Artgnan called Fenir to come help him out knowing this would be the time for some assistance form his companion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Gormlag grit his teeth together, the loud gnashing sound audible as it echoed out of his helmet. The burning fiend claimed to enjoy bathing in a searing pool of molten slag, but how would he like it when every last bit of heat was pulled back out of that earth and it solidified into solid stone once more?

Seizing the opportunity created by D'Artagne's sudden throw of a grenade, the shaman outstretched a hand and began to work some sort of magic. He adroitly stepped to the side to avoid the handfuls of lava that Torrens threw. Even though the damage inflicted by such futile attack would be minute against a shaman that had infused his flesh with raw fire, beign struck by an object might still break his concentration and ruin the spell that he was working.

Once again the shaman performed an amazing feat of pyromancy, though this time there would be no fire or heat flung towards Torrens. Rather, the shaman was pulling all the heat towards himself in a most unnatural and unusual form of spell, bathing himself in a wave of fire. All of this energy had to come from somewhere, and in this case it was being leeched from the molten pool that Torrens waded in as well as straight from the fire demon himself.

In seconds, the lava had solidified into glassy obsidian colder than the most frigid winter snows, every last bit of heat having been drained out. Unless he had managed to somehow resist such magic, Torrens too would be deathly cold and crippled from such a rapid and extreme heat loss. In any case, even if he had escaped mostly unscathed he would be half encased within solid obsidian.

A low, insidious rumble reverberated from deep within the shaman's chest: it was laughter. "It would seem that the clever little fox is trapped in his own hole."

The onlooking crowd of orcs now surged forward, jeering at the fire demon who they took for dead. They looked forward to seeing what sort of horrible torture the shaman would employ against this one; if he had intended for Torrens to have a quick death, the fire demon would have already had it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

Torrens was rather enjoying himself when D'Artagnan's grenade landed. It was a crude contraption, explosives still being a rare substance, so it did little to harm Torrens behind his buffer of molten rock, yet it did fling a good amount of the lava aside. What is that rabbit trying? Perhaps he was trying to free him, although the lava proved much too thick for the bomb to clear enough of it away for him to escape.

As he was distracted by this, the shaman made his move and executed his trap. Immediately Torrens could feel the heat being violently leached away from the molten rock around him, which began to solidify quickly. But worse, the shaman also attempted to draw heat from Torrens, as the fire priest had done. While the fire demon's own internal heat sink was extremely difficult to tap directly, the shaman did not need to, for he was sapping the thermal energy from all around him, and Torrens' own heat rushed out involuntarily to fill the cold. Unlike his encounter with the fire priest, the shaman was safely out of his reach. Torrens attempted to conjure a fire bolt but that too was absorbed by the shaman's terrible heat sink. Desperately, Torrens held on to what little thermal energy he could, keeping it deep within himself for as long as he could, until finally the shaman stopped.

Torrens was in a pitiful state. One moment he had been lively, incandescent and cherry-red. Now he had cooled to a dull red-brown and he was bent over, severely weakened. His legs and waist encased in a tower of obsidian, his arms barely holding his torso up and his head hung in defeat and exhaustion. He could feel the cold grip of stasis closing in, although since he was only a bit above room temperature it would be a while before he cooled to that state. He had been bested, quite severely, but he was not out, for the last spark he held was the most powerful of them all. With it he could rise once again in a literal blaze of glory, but he could not afford to waste the last chance it represented.

Torrens sighed deeply, and raised his head just enough so his eyes could meet the shaman's. "I underestimated you, and you have beaten me." He paused, as though to catch his breath. "You going to come over here and finish me off properly?"

Then Torrens waited for the shaman to approach. Once the shaman came within arms reach, he would act. If the shaman did not approach, he would have to improvise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Moving forward with deliberate slow and giving off an aura of nearly unbridled cruelty, the shaman moved to execute the crippled remnant of his foe. Unseen and unheard, with neither a whisper nor a word, a small distortion in the air rushed closer unnoticed in the chaos. Made invisible through some of his dark magic, Faeles crept past D'Artagne's wolf, the demon's foul and acrid reek masked just as surely as his form.

Faeles invisibly walked up to D'Artagne and grabbed him tight with ethereal hands that would feel like nothing more than a cold breeze. His whisper, however, would ring clearly in the rabbit man's ear. He rasped in a familiar crooning tone, "...so much for leadership." Darting forward, he suddenly revealed himself behind the overconfident shaman. There was a sudden explosion of what could only be described as darkness, the mystical shadows that had been wrapped around his form with black magic so as to bend the light around him suddenly unfurling and flying as they would.

Sly fingers grasped the twisted horns that protruded from the shaman's helmet and clutched with an iron grip that no being of Faeles' slender size should have been able to produce. From within the wraps around his other hand the arch-thief procured a wicked dagger and held it to Gormlag's throat. The stubby, warped shard of metal glowed and seemed to come alive at the prospect of drawing blood; like a snake it suddenly wrapped itself around the contours of the orc's neck, pressing its edge inwards.

Yanking the surprised and now truly terrified shaman back from Torrens' lava pit, he turned to face the onlooking crowd of orcs with their shaman in front of him as a shield. There was sweet, delicious silence for a pregnant pause. At last, Faeles' whispered words seemed to echo thunderously throughout the quiet mountain pass, "Let's negotiate, vermin: you concede, and I let you flee this place."

Before the cowards that stood gawking at him could begin to mutter to one another, Gormlag the shaman roared, "NEVER!" His smoldering claws shot like lightning to grab the blade around his neck and snap it in half like any other piece of steel. Faeles did not so much as twitch; the long and expanded blade sensed the sudden movement and responded by suddenly retracting itself back into its normal shape, cutting the shaman's throat as it went. Choking on blood, the shaman gasped, "Summon the king..."

A sense of terror and desperation instantly engulfed the orcs; awakening their king was not something to be done lightly, but they had no choice. The crowd surged back to the village walls, and a few minutes later there was the sound of a tremendous horn being blown. Its harrowing din resounded through the mountains, and within a few moments an enraged roar answered back from atop one of the highest peaks. The heavy sound of beating wings soon followed.

Faeles had stabbed the shaman in the back for good measure; he didn't like to leave any jobs half done. Laughing, he vanished as abruptly as he had appeared and then presumably retreated back to where he knew the Horde to be waiting. Torrens was left to his fate; surely he could manage to effect some sort of escape what with the orcs in such a terrified frenzy that they had all but forgotten about the dying fire demon. As in for D'Artagne, his cover was not yet blown; perhaps the rabbitman could attempt to meet this 'king' and write off the actions of Torrens and Faeles as being no fault of his group. Admittedly once the orcs saw the Horde that was composed of hundreds more demons like that, they might be skeptical, but in the mean time distancing himself from the two overly zealous demons might be a good idea for D'Artagne.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago


D'Artagne decided to indeed move away from the two in hopes of not being seen by any other orcs and ruin his chances of speaking to the king.His kind were known to be very stealthy so he could easily move around the camp unnoticed and made his way to where the king should be.He would have to make this affair quick since he wanted his comrades to get out here safely.

"My king i do not wish to disturb you but i have some business that needs to be dealt with quickly" He said bowing to show his respect to the king orc.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

Torrens awaited the shaman's approach. He watched every footfall, every gesture, every cruel step, checking at every moment whether now was the best time to make his move. It was all going according to plan. Sure, it wasn't the original plan. His plans had changed three times in the past ten minutes. Yet this was his last plan. If he could not make this one work, that would be the end of him, unless the Master were to show such uncharacteristic mercy to revive him. Did anyone even know that he could be revived? If no one figured it out, then he could be stuck here an extremely long time, as this place was barren, and it may take millennia for a fire to pass by him naturally. He had spent that sort of time out before, but now was too soon. There was so much left to be done.

Torrens' brooding came to an abrupt halt when the shaman was stopped in his tracks by an flurry of shadows. He looked up attentively and saw that the shaman was now being held hostage by none other than Faeles. Torrens smiled. Seemed like he wouldn't have to deal with the shaman after all. It was nice to have backup. A minute earlier would have been nice, though. Hadn't Faeles been the one to prompt him to advance on the tribe, after all?

"Hey, thanks. Could you-" Torrens called out to Faeles, but already the arch-thief was gone. "Sure, just leave me here," Torrens muttered.

He put his hands on the obsidian encasing him and pushed, trying to lift himself out, but to no avail. He wriggled and writhed, but he was stuck fast. He sighed. No shortcuts this time. "Keep clear," he said to D'Artagnan, "This will get messy."

Giving the rabbitman enough time to move away, Torrens went back to his prior plan for escape. He released that ember which he had held onto so tightly, and for an instant he was engulfed from head to toe in pure-white Empyrean, a flash which for that instant was far brighter than the noon-day sun. In that moment the obsidian encasing Torrens was vaporised, and shards of shattered obsidian and molten rock were flung from his feet. For another second Torrens' skin crawled with fire, which curled around him and gave him strength. After it all, Torrens was standing strong and proud, his skin cherry-red, and surrounded by a puddle of lava above which the air shimmered and waved.

"Woo! That was a rush!" he exclaimed jubilantly. Then the horn blew from within the camp, and Torrens' face became sombre. He turned to D'Artagnan and said, "I think I should be leaving now. I've been beaten up enough for one day. I hear this king is a bird or something, which suggests he might be flammable, but I'm not keen on sticking around and finding out. Good luck." And Torrens turned and ran in the general direction of the Horde. It was dark, and he stood out like a campfire in the night, so he wanted to put as much distance between him and the orcs as possible before their king arrived.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Oblivious to the occurrences back at the settlement, Clotho fluttered back toward the camp of the Overlord. She trusted the situation behind her to sort itself out in the most appropriate way possible: either her allies' strength prevailed and proved their worth, or their foolishness and weakness got them killed. Either way, the outcome suited her, for both, in their own ways, would be justice. On the way to the Horde, she ascribed to no flight-pattern in particular, for her daring aerial maneuver back at the orc encampment had torn open the wound in the small of her back. Each beat of her wings strained her muscles, and given how many times each beat per second, the cumulative pain could not be ignored. With the composure of a commander, however, Clotho returned to base with no sign of hurt more visible than gritted teeth.

Dutifully she made a beeline for the habitation of her master and waited to deliver her report. When he could spare her attention, she knelt slowly, and told him, "Sir. The advance party discovered a large orc camp. We performed reconnaissance there and got a rough idea of their numbers, armament, and leadership. During this time, however, we were separated, and an unrelated fight among the orcs drew the attention of the demon Torrens, who decided to attack. D'Artagnan leaped to assist him. Faeles and I remained undetected. I left them behind under the impression that they could handle a platoon of orcs with ease, but I can return to assist them if you so desire."

After the Overlord made his reply, even if it were only to acknowledge that the report had been given, Clotho left quickly. She spent a few minutes among her insect troops, making sure that they would be ready for battle on a moment's notice, before retiring to a tree. A couple moments' rest before she returned to her orders would do far more good than harm. Stretching her limbs, the swarm queen attempted to keep her wings still. The arrow to the back might have just as well have been a curse, with all the agony it caused. Unlike many members of the horde, Clotho's body was purely organic in nature; she couldn't simple ignore or flash-regenerate any wounds. Still, in a way she welcomed the pain. It reminded her that she was alive--that she was fighting and surviving for something she believed in. Before all this, she mused, what she had been doing had not been living.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 13 days ago

At the mountain's summit there was a gaping maw in the stone's face that gave way to a cavernous pit. None of this was natural, though time had weathered many of the innumerable claw marks that had been left from when the cavity was dug and ripped out of of the mountain. It was inside this horrid lair (in which no mortal had ever set foot and lived) that the orcs' king had slumbered. Beneath him was a mound of charred bones, bloodstained swords, shredded armor, and unimaginably huge heaps of gold and gems, though even those precious treasures had their brilliance tarnished by the very foulness in the air. That great mound was all the spoils of war, accumulated for so long that they had become the size of a small hillock and a throne for the monster that slept atop his precious collection.

For a hundred generations Khilgarrath had ruled the orcs of these mountains with fire and death, and in times past all of these lands had been theirs. Time was finally catching up to the beast, though; his inner fire was beginning to fade, and with it his passion and desire for war. The orcs had declined in strength and number and now only plagued the lands near their mountain chain. Khilgarrath was mostly content to rest, and so it was only perhaps once in a century that his orcish slaves had the honor of marching to war beneath the shadow of their master's wings. Indeed, it had already been so long that many of the petty wizards and scholars had dismissed the tales of his horror as mere fantasy, but the peasants still remembered his legacy of terror.

It would not have been long before the mighty dragon roused from his slumber on his own volition, but the sound of that wretched horn from below still managed to make him wroth. He would have slumbered for perhaps another season or ten, but it would seem that the insects that worshiped him as their god of war and their king had seen fit to deny him even rest. The thought crossed Khilgarrath's mind to purge those worms with his flame; what were they to him, anyways? Perhaps a new shaman was needed to lead the tribe? It had been only ten years since he had imbued the hands of the last shaman with fire!

No. The shaman was still alive, but barely. Though the stench of smoky breath and rotten flesh clung to air of his den even after so many years of quiet, the dragon needed no smell to sense the little creatures that crawled about on the plateaus and crags of these mountains. His ancient magic was potent enough for such tasks, and with little more than a thought he scried below and near instantly located Gormlag the shaman. The fool would pay for this interruption!

Upon his descent D'Artagne had somehow mustered up the courage to call out and speak to the dragon, but the orcs' king would have none of it. The insignificant rabbitman hadn't even caught his attention yet.


Gormlag lay on the ground, choking on his own blood. Worse than the agony of his own bleeding was that fiery glare in his eyes from the baleful sun above; just as it had baked the dirt of these red mountains as hard as stone, it now withered the dying shaman with its tortuous heat and bright. It dried and scorched him just as it did those few sparse thistles and bushes that tried to eek out a living on the slopes of these forsaken mountains.

This pain burned him even worse than what he had felt when he had plunged his bare arms into the burning bile of his god, infusing himself with fire and becoming shaman. The sunlight pierced through the visor of Gormlag's helmet and into his eyes, blinding and burning even if he shut his eyelids. For all his former strength, the shaman was too weak to even move his head so as to avert the glare. The sharp pain and tortuous light denied him even the peace of slipping out of consciousness and slowly fading away into the next life; it would seem that he was doomed to suffer until his very last breath.

There was suddenly a tremendous thud. 'Yes,' the dying orc thought, '...I can hear their beat already! The drums of war! I will march to glory in the afterlife...' That horrid sun vanished and made way for respite. Gormlag shuddered, his life compelte and his end at hand. Then there came a second light, a thousand times brighter and hotter than the sun. Suddenly he was drenched in fire. Burning alive, Gormlag howled, his hoarse, rasping scream drowned out by the roar of fire.


Khillgarath had landed before the corpse of the shaman, crushing beneath his claws several of the charred corpses of lesser orcs that had been left by Torrens. Looming over the moribund shaman so much that he blocked the sun, the dragon had then reached up and began to sear the shaman. The rock below cracked and melted, the superheated air blast outwards in a small explosion, and the heat had burned away every last piece of weakness and soft flesh left within Gormlag's body. The flames began to die down.

The dragon sighed and looked down upon the shaman, the orc's body even more ruined than before. Already the dragon was exhausted, but this process was far quicker and more preferable to making an entirely new shaman, however unworthy this one was proving to be. That initial breath of flame was the drizzle that preluded the storm; he had broken down and shaped Gormlag's body by cauterizing away what had remained of the twisted orc's weakness and personality. Now it was time to temper the steel: this shaman would become a mighty sword indeed, a fine weapon of war that would hopefully never shatter again.

The dragon retched and from his throat flew a globule of searing bile, that fluid hotter than any coal fire, magical flame, or even the dragon's breath. The horrid fluid seeped into the ashes and bones that remained of Gormlag and forged him a new body even greater than the last had been. Before the shaman's spirit could wander away, Khillgarath used his magic to bind the orc's soul into this new body. The avatar of destruction was complete, and the shaman rose to his feet bearing more resemblance to a fire demon like Torrens than any orc.

Khillgarath's most pressing job complete, he sniffed the air and surveyed the scene. Clearly the village had awoken him because they had been attacked and were so miserably weak that they needed his protection, though in all fairness their foes had managed to defeat the shaman...

Where were the foes? The dragon saw neither any signs of an army nor any fallen invaders in the immediate vicinity, only dozens of orcish corpses strewn throughout the clearing. It was outrageous. But then D'Artagne would find looming over himself a draconic visage...

"Little one! You are brave indeed to not cower before me as even the orcs do. But surely you are not responsible for this intrusion upon my lands and savagery against my warriors? This...glorious destruction?"


The Master's eager ears listened carefully to the words of Clotho; for some strange reason, his scrying magic was failing in these treacherous passes. It was as if the magic of another great magical entity had already brought these lands completely under its control. That being, if it existed, would have had to be ancient indeed, for its presence was so deeply ingrained to the land that one could hardly even feel a disturbance.

When she was done, the Keeper acknowledged Clotho quickly, "Very well. Prepare at once; we will march upon this village quickly. If passage has already been secured then we will be on our way all the sooner, and if not, these orcs will be denied time for further preparation."

When the host of demons and other assorted monsters that was the Horde encountered Torrens on his way down, he would be unceremoniously ordered to fall back into line with the others with hardly a thanks. Whether by intention or mere chance, Faeles found himself right beside Torrens once more.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 1 hr ago


"Not us milord we would not dear try to destroy your precious land and your men.....our tiny insignificant band of mercenaries only want to travel past your land to the land across.." The small rabbit bowed his head down to show respect to the dragon.His eye twitched a little when he was called little but he got pasted that quickly since at least he was not called cute."Umm...Milord dragon i only offer safe passage for our company and no harm will come to your army or yourself" The rabbit said now looking at the dragon dead in the eye.

He would have to admit deep down hew was scared with most enemies he would not flinch or blink with other people.He had faced bigger but seeing a dragon made him a bit careful of what he should say or do.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

Walking away from the orc settlement rather briskly, Torrens was mildly surprised to find the Horde coming the other way, but he was quite content to fall back in line. He replenished his supply of magical green fire from the fiery demons, then marched amongst them. He was starting to worry about whether the orc's flying king had arrived and was still there when he noticed Faeles beside them.

"Oh, hello there, Faeles," Torrens said. There was a pause, before he said, "Hey, thanks for helping back there. Things didn't go quite as well as I had hoped." He chuckled, "Remind me not to go on scouting missions anymore."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mar opened his host's eye to observe what her elven ears heard, the beat of insect wings. And there she was, Clotho, racing back here to camp as she returned from her mission. Mar watched as the champion flew into the camp and disappeared behind some tents, now doubt reporting what she had seen and what happened to the others.

Shortly afterwords, Mar watched her as she inspected her insectoid troops, no doubt preparing them for a potential battle or to at least be ready to move out at a moments noticed. It was during this time that he got a clear view of her back, from which some blood could be seen. She had a wound there, likely from an arrow or bolt, judging from its size and shape. An idea began to form in his mind, after all, he needed a new, temporary host so his current one could recover. Soon enough Clotho had flown to, and rest upon a tree, no doubt in an attempt to recover. Now was his chance.

He moved his host to one of the wagons, laying her in it for safety before he left her body, leaving enough behind to keep her in a comatose state while that piece healed her. His oily form now snaked through the grass, coming upon a couple of rather unfortunate imps skipping out on their duties. That mess taken care of, he continued on his way, making his way back towards the edge of camp and soon reaching the tree where Clotho was resting. The was no sound as he closed in, like oil flowing silently across the ground or up a tree. He tensed up and waited...

Clotho shifted slightly, fully revealing her wound to him, and he took the chance then. He shot forth at great speed and entered her wound quickly, like causing discomfort and pain for her as he did. Next, he spread throughout her body, and she would feel every last uncomfortable bit of it, from her neck to the tips of her fingers and feet. The only part it stopped at was her mouth, the lower half of her head, he did not need her control her brain and mind.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cyclone
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Member Seen 13 days ago

Khillgarath's brazen eye met D'Artagne's as the rabbitman spoke. Throughout the whole ordeal, the dragon's unblinking stare might have been metaphorically burning holes in the little one. "Your band of mercenaries? Your company?" he echoed back, having caught those subtle cues. "So you have revealed that you do not come alone, and that you intend to march through my mountains. But to what ends? You will find nothing beyond save ash and ruin, for that country has already fallen to the shadow of another warlord. Surely you would not be so foolish as to offer your hire to that brute? Yes, I can already see your foolhardy plan: you plan nothing less than an attack on his stronghold, for that is the only possible place that you might strike. Nonetheless, to do so is suicidal."

The orcs' king did not even need an answer; he could smell that his guess had been true. He had a way of extracting information, especially from terrified beings much smaller than himself. "I could burn you all upon these rocky highlands to spare you the trouble of marching so far to your own deaths. Fortunately for your 'company', it has been far too long since I have smelt blood and my orcs have had a worthy battle. The toll through my mountains is that your 'company' will march along the orcs beneath the shadow of my winds, and together we will sack the lands beyond. Not even the warlord of those lands will be able to withstand my might; so you may stand a chance at survival yet..."

Just then the flaming green body of one of the master's demons could be seen rounding the slopes of the mountain above, its keen eyes catching sight of both D'Artagne and the dragon. A hundred more vanguards came, preceding the Horde's arrival an hour later. Throughout the whole time, Khilgarrath's confusion only increased. He had not expected such demons to be a part of this one's 'company', and indeed he already wanted to swat the flies out of his sky before their acrid stench permeated his mountains with an infernal smell for years to come. Alas, he had already struck a deal and felt bound by it.


Faeles had half expected a sour reaction from Torrens, maybe being chided for having not done more. It was good to see some recognition from a fellow demon, albeit one that seemed rather...impulsive. In his dealings Faeles had come across a fair many brutish devils with even less intelligence, so Torrens was at least tolerable. Perhaps he could even be useful.

"I think you will have a chance to repay me," he answered Torrens' greetings low to his breath, immediately moving onto business. It was hard to always muster a false, jovial tone. "I like to collect trinkets," he went on, casually flicking out that twisted knife he had earlier unleashed upon the shaman and brushing his enchanted cloak.

"...and I am always seeking new ones. Like maybe your Master's staff."

The Arch-thief instantly cocked his eyes to bore them straight into Torrens, gauging the demon's reaction. If this one went along, then all would be well. If not, he had spoken low enough to not be heard by any of the others. This one had no proof, even if he was foolish enough to try warning anybody else.


When the rest of the Horde at last arrived, Khillgarath was even more distraught. The one called D'Artagne had made a fool of him; this was no band of mercenaries or simple 'company', it was more like a legion from hell. The main body seemed to be freshly summoned demons, but mixed throughout was a menagerie of all other sorts of dark individuals. Now the dragon understood why these strangers had been intent upon crossing the mountains: they were looking to eliminate a rival.

As if it were nothing out of the ordinary, the Master met with the orcs' king and spoke to the dragon as an equal. The Horde remained stopped while they two brokered a mutually advantageous deal. After all, both wanted their share of the spoils that were sure to come.


Gormlag lived on. His every fiber of being was wracked by agony, and yet he suffered on. Suicide was dishonorable and would revoke his place in the afterlife, and so he would have to live even though his heart burned with rage and his body with the blistering fire of a dragon.

'Who is to blame for this? Whose death will bring me vengeance?' he thought to himself as he watched uselessly to the side as his king brokered with these invaders and the Horde made their way into his home. The fiery one that he had first fought had been a treacherous snake, but he was not the worst of them. Indeed, now the shaman was not sure if he could defeat Torrens a second time; his form was that of a magmatic, burning humanoid and he suspected that at this point their powers were one and the same. They were equals. How could fire kill fire?

There were two that were truly to blame. The first one was D'Artagne, the tiny rabbit. The deceiver. The two-faced liar that had been associated with these invaders the whole time, who had pleaded peace while his comrades butchered the defenders at the village's gate. The second one was the coward that had Gormlag's doom: Faeles. Though the shaman did not know which coward had stabbed him from behind and had been deprived the chance to even witness the retreat of his would-be killer, he would find out. The king had committed no act of mercy by prolonging Gormlag's suffering, but he had given the shaman one gift: more time. The chance for vengeance.

Gormlag would march for Khillgarath again and serve the king as ever, but he would also exact his revenge. And he would start with D'Artagne.

Orcs were not ones for subtlety and even the shaman was no exception. Some few hours after the Horde had arrived, when the Master and Khillgarath were still holding their meeting, Gormlag emerged from his village. The baleful orcs had remained inside, refusing to commingle with the assortment of demons and monsters that had only earlier left dozens of orcs dead at the gates.

It certainly drew attention when Gormlag alone trudged out from the village gates and towards the Horde, but none moved to stop him. He had an air about him that let them all know to be afraid. Quickly he blended into the Horde, for at this point he did not even look so different from some of the demons. He wandered and wandered, looking for D'Artagne. His plan was simple: approach the rabbitman and slay him. Right in front of all these other demons. Gormlag did not care what happened after that, though he was correct in his suspicion that most of the Horde wouldn't even care should one of their own be killed. It happened on an almost daily basis.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BBeast
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BBeast Scientific

Member Seen 18 days ago

Torrens cocked an eyebrow (or at least the facial feature of his which passed for an eyebrow) at Faeles' mention of 'repay', although all was well until he mentioned the Master's staff, at which point Torrens' face twisted to one of alarm. "Are you mad?" Torrens hissed, in similarly hushed tones. He continued, "I don't owe you that much. I had my own exit plan, as you can tell from me being alive and healthy right here. You just saved me the bother of dealing with that shaman."

Faeles' motives seemed clear to Torrens now, and why he so often appeared so shifty. He was a thief, after artifacts of power, in stark contrast to Torrens, who had been a warrior and Construct for as long as Keepers had been around. Not that Torrens disliked Faeles for it. Torrens furtively glanced behind him before leaning in even closer to Faeles, a distance which would have set Faeles alight if he was a creature of flesh. "And while I can't be positive, it's a safe bet that I've been around Dungeon Keepers for longer than you have. So I'll share with you this- Keepers draw their power from their Dungeon and conquered lands, not sticks and trinkets. Sure, his staff is probably powerful, but he could still tear you limb from limb without it. At least, if he can catch you."

Torrens straightened up and resumed his normal march, his face betraying no trace of the conversation which had just took place.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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"Of course it was not my best idea but it has kept my comrades alive so far...so do we have a deal sir?" The small rabbit thought seeing that things we're settled between them and the dragon."I think i better lay low for a bit..." He had this bad feeling in his gut as the small rabbitfolk hopped away form the dragon and into the shadows to see what he should be doing next.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious The player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

A guttural cry wrenched its way free from Clotho as she felt Mar's intrusion. The impact sent her tumbling from the treebranch, and the ensuing pain and sheer disturbance of that sensation prevented her instincts from kicking in to open her wings. On the ground she writhed, appropriately like one possessed, as the murky corruption of Mar surged through her systems. It repulsed her immensely, both during and after the process. At last, however, the invasion ceased. Shaking with rage rather than shock, Clotho got to her feet. It did not take a genius to figure out that some kind of parasite afflicted her, though she did embody a certain kind of genius.

”What is the meaning of this disgusting attack? Are you trying to control me? I would rather dash myself to pieces on a rock, or order my own soldiers to rip me to shreds, than become the puppet of some repulsive ooze. Whatever the hell you are, you're not part of the orc forces, which means you're under the command of the Master. I am the epitome of loyalty and service to the Master, so I highly doubt that this pervasive intrusion is sanctioned. I imagine that he could eradicate you in seconds. Perhaps you are the captive here, not me. Regardless, if you aim to control me, you're doing an especially poor job. Struggling with my anatomy, perhaps? It's not your everyday fare.”

With every passing second, Mar struck her as less threatening and more pathetic. What could the gelatinous weasel hope to accomplish by messing with one of the Master's chief lieutenants? Putting this matter aside, she could not afford to banter with whatever despicable slime had infested her. The Horde had begun to move, and with it Clotho moved as well. Her insect army made good time, and before to long she and her troops arrived at the rendezvous point where the demons of the Master waited. She watched, still heartily displeased by the inky pestilence but more contemptuous than fearful, as the Master brokered an agreement with the great dragon. If anything could penetrate her acerbic attitude and earn her praise, it would be Khilgarrath. Never had the swarm queen seen a dragon, and it truly risked thrilling her to see a legend come to life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

As the Great Dragon wrought it's mighty flame, something....else, came into existance. Not yet form, it did not yet need form, and to be formless, but here in the realm, was nice. Interesting. It could spy, without being seen, except by those who really looked for it, and as of yet, there was no reason for such an indepth search. It observed the Dragon's craft for a little, before flowing off, to see the rest of the Horde that their new guest was so smitten with. It was a lovely mish, of small rabbits and giant creatures, and even one strangely firey humanoid. It observed that one for a while, before returning to her drifting. It was nice to get out once in a while, and nice to be free of constraints, if only for a little while. It would get in trouble if it tried to remain formless too long.

Still, some time later, as time is measured in this new place, it saw the Dragon's Craft again, distinctly unorcy, and not looking to happy. Curiousity bid her to follow the Not-Orc, wondering what it might get up to. After all, it did not look like it was going to be handing out cookies and cracking jokes with the rest of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kangutso
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Kangutso The High Dracomancer

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Mar did not realize until after he had settled in to this host that he had caused Clotho to fall out of the tree and onto the ground, rather unceremoniously as well. He had caused her more pain than he usually would have, but that must've been due to how different her body was to that of an elven woman's. This was evidenced by the disturbed and torn grass from Clotho's thrashing.

Any hint of concern for Clotho's well-being, however, was wiped away as she got up and immediately went into a rant about his intrusion into her very body. Honestly, she took it better than anyone would have expected. He spoke directly into her mind, Disgusting, perhaps. Am I trying to take control? Your mind would prove too much trouble to try and take, it is a strong one. So you need not worry about killing yourself to escape such a thing. A pause, more discomfort for Clotho as he further settled into her body and grew accustomed to it, I am indeed under the Master's command, and I admit that this isn't sanctioned. My reason? My prime host is still injured, and I cannot do much with her while she recovers.

She started moving now, with the rest of the horde, Anatomy, yes, that is a word that has come up in your mind a few times. You're a very intelligent one, I could learn much by staying longer. I am already able to speak more clearly now. He could sense the feeling of a... thrill from her, and through he he seen what caused such a feeling, A dragon? Yet another this that is new to me... Or forgotten.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Amidst the sand and the dust kicked up by a passing army, there stalked an ominous duo.

One, a mockery of a knight. Adorned in plate armor the color of coal and stained with streaks of crimson from unwashed blood. Her hair was a healthy gold, in contrast to the sickly straw color of a lone eye not obfuscated by her decorative headdress. A ragged shoulder cape billowed behind her, caught in the wake of what lay ahead. If one were close enough, they'd have heard the knight humming a jaunty tune as she sat astride her companion.

The other, a beast without parallel. Skin purple and marked with tribal designs, with crude iron armor affixed over it's legs. Bladed armor had been affixed to the tail to further accentuate the lethality of the multi-ton killing machine when its teeth and claws weren't sufficient to get the message across. On either side of beast's waist was a quiver, but in place of arrows the left held an assortment of swords while the right held spears. None of which were anything approaching good quality. No lord, demonic or otherwise, would be caught wielding them, but they were sufficient. One did not need to be close to hear the thunder of his footfalls shaking the ground beneath them.

Emerging from the cloud of dust they came upon the mountain range that barred entry to a neighboring land, and along the spines of those great spires was a mighty army of the most foul, wretched, and depraved demons in all the land.

The duo paused, both craning their necks to glimpse the dragon visible even from the mountains base. The Lord of Beasts let out a disquieted growl, naturally being unnerved by the sight of a creature so far beyond it's purview. This was ignored by the Abyssal Knight, eye shining in undiluted wonder at the sight before her.

"Truly, we are a righteous cause." The Knight said with a soft smile, hand patting against the Lord's muscled neck. "Look at what has been brought together? The mightiest and the meekest standing as one before the tyranny of the world!"

He ceased his reverberations but did no more to signal this being a shared sentiment. Moving once more, they closed the distance between them and the resting army shortly. The Knight waved to the sentries as they passed, they being either too confused by the two or too afraid of the beast to properly react to the casual manner with which they entered the camp. The absence of hostility in their approach and cadence did much to assuage any concern of attack, and once they were amidst the troops they received only a few curious glances before moving on unmolested.

The Abyssal Knight had come to offer her services in combating the forces of Man that so fervently hunted her fellow creatures of the dark, and now that she had finally tracked down the Dungeon Master's horde she was ready to get to work.

She perked up as the Lord of Beasts sniffed the air, which coincidentally had enough force to pull a passing Imp off the ground momentarily before dropping it on it's ass, and turning towards the shadow between two tents. There, seemingly trying to blend into the shadows was a Rabbit man that she thought looked rather chivalrous.

Spurred on by a feeling of kinship, she dismounted with deft ease and approached the inconspicuous rabbit.

"Hail sir! I am the Abyssal Knight Lorelai, champion of the meek and mighty persecuted by Man, and this is my most honored compatriot Durgan, the Lord of Beasts who walk the land." Lorelai greeted, bringing her fist to her heart in what she thought was a courteous salute. Durgan was preening from being addressed by his full title, an unmistakable glint of pride in the beasts' continence that couldn't be shaken, even under the shadow of an ancient dragon. "We have come to pledge our service to the Dungeon Master. You seem a reputable sort, watching over the rank and file to maintain order as you are. Could you direct us to the leader of this glorious army to pledge ourselves to their cause?"
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