Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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  • Name: Adachi Ruriko
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Naturally she only has the cape and hat in a fight. She's also quite short at somewhat under five feet, around 4'9.
  • Personality: Ruriko is a rather serious figure. She takes her place at Otsuki Academy very seriously, and feels that she has little time for any kind of foolishness. In her mind, her purpose at the Academy is simple. To hone her skills and win. That is it in its entirety. Therefore, anything she finds dumb or foolish she is quick to be dismissive towards. Ruriko takes pride in herself, and often is quite straightfaced. However, her taciturn appearance is quickly broken when something manages to seriously annoy her. Ruriko can at times seem quite cold and unsympathetic, but this is largely due to her dedication to her purpose at the Academy. Deep down, she is somewhat lonely, but refuses to acknowledge this sentiment. Ruriko is also rather easily flustered, which also deeply annoys her. Ruriko has a poorly-concealed jealous streak, largely towards girls who are taller then herself. The girl is also disapproving of anyone who believes they are more skilled then herself, and is liable to challenge them to battle to attempt to prove that they are wrong.
  • Skills: Ruriko has trained from a younge age in traditional Japanese swordplay. Her capabilities in Iaido are surprising for her age, especially. Ruriko's second offensive capability is her remarkably poor cooking capabilities, which are so bad that they resulted in one student having to visit the nurse's office.
  • Equipment: Divine Gear: Starlight Masamune. The blade itself supposedly forged by a descendant of the legendary swordsmith Masamune, for the Adachi family. Regardless of if this is true or not, it calls upon the legacy of Masamune for power.
  • Abilities: Starlight Masamune is a finely-crafted katana outfitted with a set of vents and light blue plating up the side of the blade, a Light Engine fused into the hilt. It can fire off curved blasts of mana with slashes, a technique that Ruriko uses in combination with Iaido. The blade itself can be altered, splitting and expanding, altering its grip, to become a much larger sword(and an even bigger sword after that), or even divide into a rain of smaller blades and reform. Finally, by generating a smaller blade and driving it into a target's shadow, Ruriko can temporarily pin her target to a spot.
  • Brief Backstory: Ruriko was born to the prestigious Adachi family, a family that had trained generations of swordsmen and women using Ritual Technology. Ruriko is simply the latest daughter in this line, and was trained harshly from childhood in order to use the Starlight Masamune. Her childhood gave her a very success-minded, irritable, unsociable outlook on life, and as Otsuki was the local Academy she was enrolled to show support of it by her family.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Jennifer (Jen) White
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Being blunt and rather tactless, it could be fair to declare a block of cheese as having more social awareness than Jennifer does, though there's nothing particularly malicious about her. Sarcasm and wordplay also tend to go far over her head, unless it comes to insults--and she's quite prickly, though nowhere near as much as her hatred of bullying. On a more positive side, she's cheerful, friendly, and tends to do everything at two hundred percent enthusiasm--with an inside voice just loud enough to be too loud without actually shouting.
    Possibly a bit too easy to provoke into a fight, though...
  • Skills: Jen is accomplished at using a medieval Western sword, having been trained to expect using one since she was a child. She's athletic in general, however, and about as competent when it comes to just brawling in general--but refuses to give sports clubs the time of day even when people actually ask her.
    Since her mother tends to work odd hours, she can cook reasonably well and isn't averse to trying something new if given some directions how to make it. Her only stand-out skill in cooking is when it comes to preparing ingredients; she seems to have a naturally affinity for blades.
  • Equipment: A Divine Gear that calls upon the myth of Excalibur. Jen's pretty sure it's the oldest Divine Gear that she's ever seen anyone actually use, so with the rather... antique-like styling, she tries to keep it out of view most of the time.
  • Abilities: Despite its age, her Divine Gear certainly shines... literally. Its second most effective use after being a sword is as an improvised torch, though instead of a constant steady light it can produce a bright, blinding flash to create an opening. Its most notable ability is that the blade can line itself with holy light, increasing its cutting ability... and leading Jen to boast that there's nothing her blade can't cut.
    For something based on Excalibur, it's almost disappointingly low-key and mundane. That's fine by Jen, she'd rather rely on her ability with a sword before fancy attacks.
  • Brief Backstory: Born in England, with her father coming from a family with a long history of Ritual Technology use, it was only when her father passed away due to illness that her mother moved back to Japan, bringing Jennifer and her father's Divine Gear along. In the past few years, she's worked on making friends and fitting in as best as she can. This didn't go too well at first, with her missing a lot of school and getting in fights, but since attending Otsuki she's... mostly calmed down.
    Jen's grasp of the written language is still somewhat poor and her academic results tend to reflect that (and her lack of attendance) unless you ask her about Ritual Technology; it was her father's job and he made sure to teach Jen about it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Hoshino Akira
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: She's about 5'2, average for her age and nationality.
  • Personality: Akira is a rough and tumble, tomboyish sort of girl. She's a very physical person who takes pride in her physical prowess, and takes pride in teaching PE and ensuring all her students get the sort of physical education they need. She's fairly friendly and sociable, and takes her job very seriously. Akira has a lack of the concept of personal space, however, and in her encouraging(and frequently embarrassingly awkward) attempts to encourage some students about their private lives often forgets personal space is a thing that exists. Akira loves food, a whole lot, and every meal is at least somewhat sizable, both to deal with her unstoppable appetite and to provide a sacrifice necessary to fuel her cauldron. Akira has an aggressive and loudmouthed personality, with a short temper. She is incredibly protective of her students, as well, and if they are threatened she absolutely does not hesitate to go all-out.
  • Skills: Akira is quite strong, physically tough and easily able to take a blow. She has experience in hand-to-hand fighting and has knowledge of various sports.
  • Equipment: Sacrifice Cauldron: A gauntlet fixed over Akira's right hand, with an open port shimmering with blue light for her sacrifices. It takes food(specifically from Akira's meals) to be fueled, at least three sacrifices a day.
  • Abilities: Akira's Sacrifice Cauldron multiples her strength massively, allowing her to easily shatter concrete with a single blow, or even stop a speeding truck with her bare hands. It can also open several vents in the back in order to function as a rocket-boosted punch, and additional sacrifices increase power and speed. In order to activate power boosts, Akira says "Heat Up!"
  • Brief Backstory: There doesn't seem to be much to Akira's history. A former Otsuki student, she fell in love with the school and wanted to help it succeed, returning in order to teach PE. At least, this is what she says.
  • Position: PE Teacher
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

  • Name: Ishimura Hiromi
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance: Borrowing an appearance because wow it was hard to find something that worked. Obviously in more appropriate clothing(usually the school uniform). She's 5'1.
  • Personality: Hiromi is haughty and arrogant, believing herself to be modern day nobility. She takes great pride in her appearance and wealth, and is rather vocal about these matters. To put it simply, she's almost the picture of the "haughty ojou-sama" type of person. She has a legion of maids who follow her orders, though one in particular accompanies her to school on account of being a student, as well as the one Hiromi personally hired herself. While the blonde-haired girl is haughty and arrogant, she is not heartless and she hired the girl for her sake rather then because she needed a maid. Hiromi enjoys celebration, especially when it is a celebration that allows her to flaunt her wealth... or her prowess as one who wields a Ritual Device. Her confidence in herself is unshakable, to the point where she proclaims herself the best of all Ritual Device users within the bounds of Otsuki.
  • Skills: Hiromi is actually quite a proficient dancer. However, she mostly lacks in physical skills and relies on the abilities of her Ritual Device and Pact.
  • Equipment: Ritual Device: A Pact with the God of Darkness, Wealth, and Fortune, Daikokuten. Daikokuten manifests in a female form when materializing for this pact(Daikokunyo), wearing a maid outfit to "fit in"(somewhat humorously to many of the maids). She is rather jovial and friendly, but something of a schemer due to the theft of fortune. The device itself includes a golden mallet, a symbol of Daikokuten/Daikokunyo.
  • Abilities: As Hiromi's pact is with a household god who is strongly associated with the theft of fortune, this allows her to transfer and alter the outcome of events in a pattern consistent with "good" or "bad" luck. For example, attacks against her by an opponent are more likely to fail when she has transferred their "luck" away. Conversely, events will become more fortunate for her, such as excellent dodges. Skill can, however, counter this completely. She can, however, materialize this "luck" into barriers under the logic that "it would be lucky if there were something to defend me". Hiromi may also materialize wealth, as hundreds of yen coins, which can be used as a remarkably devastating rain of projectiles provided they are ultimately returned to Daikokuten. This means they must not be destroyed in any way, or Daikokuten will revoke Hiromi's privileges to use them as weaponry for a whole day.
  • Brief Backstory: Hiromi is the child of the Ishimura family, part of a powerful business conglomerate that handles various military ritual technology production across the world. As such, she was raised a very very rich girl, to say the least. When it came time for her to be granted a piece of Ritual Technology, she selected a Ritual Device in order to gain the service of a god, which she believed she deserved. Daikokuten, upon materializing for the first time, noted that Hiromi was a rich girl with many maids and chose to take advantage of having a female form in order to "match". Later, she took pity on a lonely girl her age and offered her work as a maid. They have stuck together since then, including when they enrolled in Otsuki.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RolePlayerRoxas
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RolePlayerRoxas The Thirteenth Something Or Other

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Poke
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Poke Unreliable

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by banjoanjo
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banjoanjo Still likes pistachios

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Tachibana Kaede
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Kaede is a pretty laid back girl, hard to get riled up or shake out of her general comfort zone of nonchalant acceptance. Her friendly demeanour makes her rather approachable to younger students and she's happy to help them out with preparation for the Academy Tournaments... or anything else. Unless she's left completely incapable of helping, she has an extremely hard time resisting the desire to help other people.
    If something is threatening another person in her view--or worse, actually hurts them--then the relaxed joviality falls away entirely. Her serious demeanour is quite scary, particularly as she's a very practical person: if you're already being dangerous, there's no point talking you down... flooring you is quicker and safer.
  • Skills: Kaede is an all-around good student, though her homework submission leaves something to be desired and she's somewhat lazy about ruminating on the arts and tends to do better in science--and, for many reasons, she's absolutely prohibited from taking part in PE. From a combat perspective, she's got basic training in more than a few martial arts but, when the situation calls for it, is most skilled at simply brawling and ignoring pain. Additionally, the redhead is great at dealing with children, whether alone or in groups.
    For obvious reasons, she's also pretty good with her feet when the situation calls for it.
  • Equipment: A Ritual Device dedicated to Heracles, made as a belt so that there's no reason she should ever not have the damn thing (especially because she doesn't wear skirts). The fact that without the belt, Kaede can't put on the belt is a Catch-22 situation she can't miss.
    So far as pacts go, it's a pretty easy one for her to satisfy base requirements: some measure of athleticism, helping children, or general heroism is enough to get it going, though this makes it something she can't easily use for her own sake--such as purely academic reasons--which is quite annoying. Circumstances that actually call for feats of strength and indomitable confidence--or uncontrolled anger, which makes Kaede glad she's level-headed--are necessary for more than the mere base abilities, however.
    The actual limits of her pact are dictated by more grandiose feats of worship: on top of all other factors, without replicating in some great quantity the Twelve Labours, it's limited to the current potential despite the god in question. Actually replicating one (the Nemean Lion) in a way was necessary to get the pact in the first place.
  • Abilities: Kaede's Ritual Device... gives her arms. They're obviously not organic arms, being a translucent mix of marble and Ritual Technology, but they're solid and she can control them like they were her own. They're also strong, even at a minimum--enough that it's a bad idea for her to take part in PE due to having a much larger potential for injuring people than a normal teenage girl.
    When properly activate, the substantial strength boost is enough to dent rock with a punch and Kaede moves noticeably faster, though this is more of an equaliser against dexterous opponents than a game-changing boost. The final ability it gives her is good aim, whether throwing something or randomly handed a bow.
  • Brief Backstory: Kaede is the eldest daughter of a rather large family, with her father a prominent researcher in Light Engines specifically--not the uses they're put to, but the engines themselves. This leads him to spend a lot of time travelling and, after his daughter received her Divine Gear just after starting middle school, he sometimes brought Kaede along if she was free--both as an educational experience for her, and because the Gear's construction was often useful as a physical reference.
    One experiment she was brought to, the winter before graduating from that school, was conducted in Greece and revolved around using a Light Engine to power a stable portal. Though the portals worked, it turned out to have a crippling flaw: an open gateway circumventing the Gate of Samhain. Only one entity got through before the power was cut, but the beast was larger than an elephant and disturbingly violent. Given the lack of armament professed by anybody else in the area, Kaede put herself in harm's way to take the thing on.
    From her current appearance but survival, it's quite clear how that fight went. Fortunately for her continued manual ability, the lab had a shrine to strengthen its Ritual Technology and Heracles was somewhat impressed with her success, consenting to a Ritual Device for the girl. Given that her previous Divine Gear was a pair of fists, it meant that her ability to take part in Academy Tournaments when older wasn't obstructed. To her irritation, her previous mock battles tended to restrict her ability to take part.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

  • Name: Dr. Sakura Saotome (Western order)
  • Age: 29
  • Gender: Female
  • Personality: Sakura is shy and rather lacking in confidence, especially as she's not had to do any sort of teaching for a while (nor supervise people when they might set things on fire). She's unfailingly nice, though, even if easy to upset... and incredibly competitive with video games.
  • Skills: Though she's out of shape, Sakura did attend a Ritual Technology school and hasn't forgotten how to employ her Divine Gear to fight, which is rather more threatening because it's been worked on and upgraded over the years, mostly by Sakura herself. Her knowledge of the science behind Ritual Technology is pretty comprehensive, and science in general. Most importantly, however, she can and will beat you at video games--explaining how her ability to use the Gear hasn't decreased.
  • Equipment: A nameless glove that Sakura's uncle initially built, but has been extensively altered and customised. It's a pretty thin black-and-silver deal and looks a lot less threatening than it is--though the lenses hidden amongst the silver are a giveaway. Since she's left-handed, that's where the glove is worn.
  • Abilities: As a Divine Gear that's been tinkered, upgraded, and rebuilt by an occasionally-mad scientist over the past fourteen years, the glove has quite a few abilities, customised to Sakura's preferences:
    HoloDisplay: Always on when the gear's in use, it generates a HUD-type deal over her glasses. This actually has three modes--one's basically just a personal planner and clock and another links to the Divinity Network and positions a virtual keyboard in front of Sakura. The third is the more useful one for a fight: it shows an aiming reticle where her fingers are pointing, a recharging bar, and can be set to highlight enemies in red and friends in blue, which helps with darkness. The other component of the display is basically a sidebar showing representations of different forms of shot, because...
    Finger Gun: The glove... can shoot, should Sakura start making the appropriate motions. It has numerous different firing modes, with the mana consumption for the large ones requiring a recharge before anything large can be fired. They are, unsurprisingly, modelled on various FPS guns: a standard bullet, rapid-fire machinegun, a quick but chargeable laser, an exploding orb-cum-rocket launcher... but also arcing lightning, a plasma-lookalike flamethrower mode, and a close-quarters choice that just has five bright strands from her fingers, because energy whips are handy if people get close.
    Stay-Warm Feature: The glove can keep drinks she's holding warm. Handy, that.
  • Brief Backstory: Sakura was never a student at Otsuki, attending a different, older institution that actually managed to win. Upon graduation, she proved her intelligence by making her way into Todai, eventually leaving for a private research company after completing research on a cheaper Light Engine manufacturing method.
    Unfortunately, the company went bust and, after over a year of being unable to find a job, she by chance met one of Otsuki's teachers one night and found that they were looking for a science teacher. Though Sakura really didn't think herself particularly suited for a teaching position, it was better to try than nothing and she started working there shortly before the summer break.
  • Position: Science Teacher, Ritual Technology repairman.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by HereComesTheSnow
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HereComesTheSnow dehydration expert

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Caasicam
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Caasicam made mostly of bees

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Name: Orimono Chikazu 監物 千量
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: A 5’ 3” mess of raven hair, midnight-hued eyes that might as well absorb light and happiness, and obscure postmodern punk rock band tees. She is built lithe, her generally active lifestyle being to thank.
Personality: Offbeat, carefree bordering on reckless, and a distant demeanor that could be mistaken as a disregard for the results of her actions.
Skills: Though not a physical powerhouse, she is suitably athletic enough to keep pace with most of her peers. She relies more on her Ritual Device, and the abilities that it grants, more than hand-to-hand combat, though trains out of necessity. Focuses primarily on negating the strength of opponents rather than meeting them head-on and trying to match them blow-for-blow.
Equipment: A pair of thick ceramic bracelets. Their glassy, obsidian surface are inlaid with a spiderweb pattern of lodestone shards. They have no obvious clasps or releases, and suffice to say she is never seen without them. Though two separate objects, they function as a single Ritual Device (and thus cease to function when apart) for Ometeotl, the god of duality and souls. It manifests itself physically as either its male or female aspect, a pair of sullen twins who could pass for her younger siblings, referred to as Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl respectively. The Ritual Device was given to her by an older sibling, and she is still learning the intricacies of having a pact with a god.
Abilities: The nature of the god that her pact is with allows her, put simply, to link two objects together. These links take the form of ethereal red strands from one to the other. Through these links, she can cause one to take on the properties of another, whether it be temperature, mass, or even velocity. Alternatively, she can bind the fate of them together, causing changes that would have only affected one transfer to the other. This ability allows her to effectively clone objects, granting her the ability to form an arsenal should she have access to a single weapon. This is easiest to accomplish on inanimate objects, though she has had some success with linking herself with something else. Binding a target with itself has the peculiar effect of amplifying its traits in a feedback loop, which she uses to great effect to boost her own physical capabilities beyond what her body could naturally handle.
Brief Backstory: Born to a middle-class family in Tokyo, her childhood was nothing exemplary or particularly notable. Her family’s business dealt with the construction of various modern Ritual Technology, though primarily as a contractor to the larger corporations that designed and sold the devices themselves. Her older brother was expected to attend an Academy, and he had been supplied with a Ritual Device, though he dropped out after a year to help run the business. Not ones to waste, her family convinced her to take her brother’s place at the Academy.
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