Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LookingGlass
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Sight of the Bomb of the Stage caused Hitori's gem to Blaze with Turquoise light as his eyes seemed to sharpen, He felt the essence within the explosive creature and read out its weak points and flaws in its very being. It looked like the Bomb had no defense beneath it and it being blazing as it was it was safe to assume that Water was not its friend. Hitori Grinned, "Siren I do believe we have some unfinished business." Hitori said as Two of the Steel Ribbons snaked from his arms and became enveloped in Whips of Water, "Oh this will be Childs Play, Hitori." Siren spoke in his Mind with a Girlish Glee as Hitori Lashed out at the Underbelly of the Bomb with his Sharp Water Ribbons.

Ritsu saw the Bomb and his immediate instinct was to see if he could Dismantle part of its core through good old fashioned theft. He Slammed the End of his Bo Staff on the Ground and used it to Pole vault himself around the Explosive. If he was lucky he would steal a Component, If not then this was going to burn like hell. He got Close enough as Hitori Slashed its Underbelly with his Water Ribbons and Exposed a Glimmering Organ Inside, it was a Fire Gem. "Oh Nice!" He said as he Pilfered the Gem from the Bomb. Quickly Rushing out of the Range of the thing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minerva - Friend or Foe?

With all the chaos that was now onboard the ship, one of the crewmen actually had the gall to stop and ask her if she was their ally, or if she wasn't. Beatrix had retreated, unwillingly at least, and her last words rang true beyond any possible doubt.

She did have her orders. Remembering this, she sheathed one sword smoothly with ansharp, precise click back into the place where it belonged. Hauntingly as ever, the abysmal black eyelets never left the brigand who dared to inquire of intention.

Reaching over her shoulder, the heavy round shield she bore, the other half of the fabled Caladbolg, came into place on her forearm.

"I have but one duty." She stated sharply, "One which bears greater purpose than your foolish endeavor." She took one step forward towards him; and more importantly, the below decks.

Another step then, with the chainmail beneath the plate armor chiming menacingly with every continuance of her procession. "My duty is the surety and safety of the Princess, and you will not stand in my way."

Every step she partook that drew her closer to him seemed more menacing than the last. Yet there was a key note hidden by which she said; her orders were simple and they would be followed to the letter.

She was to insure that Garnet was fine. But nothing was said about returning her to the Queen. Just has Beatrix had said eariler that day. Even the Lieutenant didn't know why. Something was going on behind the scenes, she could practically place her finger on it. But that in itself would not reveal the truth.

All she knew was that orders were meant to be followed, at least it seemed she'd get to see her family in Lindblum after a few long years.

Deftly twirling the luminescent sword in her grasp, she prowled forward with her shield confidently at her side. "Move aside, now."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"You say I won't stand in your way... But what if it is your own kingdom that is your own hindrance?" Cassius directly challenged her way of thinking. "You look at me as if I am a thug, your nose so high, eyes so low, yet you look not what is in front of you, that being which a threat to you, if you die, how can you protect anyone? Or anything? Simple... You'd be incapable..." Cassius shook his head as he chuckled.

There wasn't quite any form of smugness to Cassius, but there was an unrivaled confidence. He only needed his Blunderbuss... and with that Blunderbuss, he shot the core of the exposed bomb, freezing around it. The shell molting as it went hollow on the inside, gems breaking apart to salvage. He felt his weapon channeling as the ship began to get away from the grounds, soon out of reach of Knights, out of danger. The only real danger was the hull breaches to the ship.

"If you jump now, you can fetch new orders, if you stay, you can defend her and learn the truth you lack." Cassius practically looked down into her eyes. The Eye-slits seemed darkened; there was a type of eyegear there she could not quite make out. He merely waved her to go inside. One thing was clear. If he wanted her dead, he would have made an example of her... Even if not, there was many that stood in his general side. "Let me warn you. I am with Regent Cid of Lindblum. You'd best put your sword away. Sure... You could stab me... But you'd be shot in the leg, I could stab a syringe in your eyes... I can go on to the many ways I could hinder you... and how..." He placed his gun to her neck area. "You're starting to piss me off." She could feel a cold chill from the barrel.

"Karn, I am not your commanding officer, But I ask you confiscate her weapons and hand them to Wylde... Even she is smart enough to know a direct attack won't end well for even her... Again... No Fatalities..." Cassius held ready for anything... Should she comply, she'd see the Princess sooner than later. He waved his left arm for Hitori, Ritsu and Itzel to gather the remains of the now decommissioned bomb... Poor Parrin never got a chance to hit it. He could at least make dissection easy for Alchemy.

Minerva had quite a few things to consider. Even if she did strike him, he was right about one thing. He could hinder her progress easily, and have her overwhelmed. If he wanted to fire, he would. He did not need a reason not to, yet he was kindly enough to not pull the trigger. Regent Cid being involved also did raise a few brows. Yet, there was still a peaceful solution to this all. If he did want a messy one, he'd initiate combat. But she could also infer he has a lack of weapons skill, but not so in magic seeing as his race can channel it easily. But one things was definite. Should she choose to fight, her journey could possibly end. "I'm offering you a chance to see her. If you comply, you can even talk to her. Do we have a deal, Madam Knight?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Wylde let out a good long sigh and took an even longer deep breath as the ship few away from the castle. It was good... despite the fact she didn't get to defeat Beatrix... not that she stood much of a chance right now, but still felt bad about having been set up like this.

"Going to wait for the next time, it seems." Wylde said as the ship took height and the former soldier blinked a few times, thinking deeply as her familiar quickly vanished into thin air, dragged away into the abyss she appeared form, taking her relics with herself. With that done and all, Wylde felt no real desire to deal with anything right now! She quickly hopped back into the ship and found herself the nicest place on top of a crate to lay down and have a nice relaxing nap.

At least until a the confiscated weapons were brought to her and she had to wake up. She just took them, looked around, and dropped them under the bundle of cloth she used for pillow, making it even more comfortable now that it had some height also.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn flicked her ears as the others managed to finish the bomb off, the monkey pillaging the creature and acquiring the loot. Giving a grin in response to Wylde. "Oh you know me. Just enjoying catting around." she chuckled before her emerald gaze turned Cassius as he puffed himself up like a peacock with this strange woman who seemed insistent in seeing the Princess. Why is that people just talked what they could do? Suppose it was a intimidate tactic but either way the blonde didn't care for it. At least, not with words. But usually when it came to blunder headed knights who threw their lives in for a insane Queen, it was just... ugh. She was sore to think about such nonsense. Ears slightly perking up as Cassius turned to her in a request to take confiscate the knight's weapons.

"If you were asking, it's polite to ask with the magic word known as 'Please' which I'm sure you have heard of. It's a very special word." The blonde mused, her tail flicking before just giving a casual shrug. "But hey don't worry. By your performance earlier, seems like you and Boss have some things in common. Cats with no whiskers or tails." the blonde mused, perhaps still a bit sore about being nailed like that. Well, more fore her teammate but hey she almost had to take much needed medicine just to heal her body. All over a rookie's mistake in going overboard in a play fight. Suppose she shouldn't be too annoyed by it, but her rib did shatter. And they all were suppose to be somewhat of professionals. So friendly fire was preferred not to happen on the job. If she was going to get hit, she rather get mauled by a wolf or something.

Still though, she did as requested and went over to the stranger. Giving a slight teasing purr as she raised her hands on either side of her head, and made a mild groping motion with them. Her fingers moved in a swift manner suddenly, deft hands from years of experience as a thief. Moving to snatch the weapons aside.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Minerva - Deal with a Devil

The man spoke, and gave orders atop that to remove her weapons from her. A frown creased her lips behind the casque she wore, surely he didn't intend to keep them indefinitely, yet such cognition failed to make such confiscation any less inconvenient. She herself was a weapon, the sword and shield were simply accessories.

More likely than not he'd request she remove her armor too.

So as the thieves approached, some more lecherous than others, she slowly raised her fingertips up to the belt that held her swords to her backside and unfastened it. With a heavy clang that resounded with the weight such weapons possessed, the heavy slam of the shield finding the floor also denoted her disarmament.

Reaching up to iust beneath her chin, the heavy helmet came unfastened, and piercing eyes of azure came to be revealed as the helm was removed. Chestnut hair came cascading downward as gauntleted fingertups fiddled with the belts holding the chest plate came undone. The heavy waist plates, thigh, and legplates all came clattering down in a haphazard pile.

Pure white silk came to view beneath it all, and more importantly, the family crest of the Fairchild Family on her hip. Those of noble merchanthood based in Lindblum, anyone from such a city would easily recognize the name.

What had once been a heavily armored Knight evidently came to be an elegantly dressed, and remarkably striking girl in her early twenties. The only armor that remained were the gauntlets about her arms, and in all this process, she did not remove her eyes from Cassius. Glaring at him almost accusingly.

"Is this satisfactory?" She quipped sullenly, with her palms opened to indicate a lack of hidden weaponry. "If so, I will be on my way to my charge, Thief."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LookingGlass
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"You gonna claim anything Kitty Cat?" Ritsu said to Karn as he and Hitori began to Harvest the Remains of the Bomb. Hitori may be a Prickly and Strange Fox but he was Useful when it came to Dissection, he really hoped that wasn't just a Kumiho thing. The Kumiho just creeped him out in General but at least all he had to Worry about so far was just a few Insults here and there, nothing he couldn't take. Speaking of Taking though, as soon as Hitori was able to Rip through the Outer Layer a Treasure Trove of Gems and Parts could be found interspersed within the 'Meat' of the Creature. Ritsu began Pilfering what he could and Found Several good sized Fire Gems and Explosive Components inside, a Little Slimy but Not the Nastiest thing he has had to dig through.

Hitori Took The Outer Shell of the Bomb and Began to Rend it into Shards with his Ribbons, making them easier for Transportation and Usage, Before going to take a Few of the Fire Gems for himself. However there were Two things that interested him in Particular. One Being a Large Glowing Glass Orb in the Center and the Other being what appeared to be a Crystallized Structure that Looked Similar to the Liver. The Orb was Presumably the Bombs Core which he Carefully took, storing it in his own Gem for Safe Keeping. He Then Grabbed the Crystal Liver, it was Warm to the Touch But was covered in a Faceted Surface. He Sniffed it for a Second before Cracking it Open, a Small Burst of Blue Flame Sparked as a Fleshy Organ was revealed inside the structure. With Sirens Waters Hitori doused the Flame and had a Special Treat of Cooked Bomb Liver, Devouring the Meat with Gusto while Storing the Shards from it for later. They Might be Useful for something.

Ritsu watched in Horror, "That was Disgusting!" He said as he Pilfered another Gem.

"I think you mean 'Delicious'." Hitori said as he Licked his hands like a Fox licking its paws Clean.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Itzal hid a smirk as he listened to Ritsu and Hitori bicker as he continued to collect remains from the bomb.

"You know... If you two aren't careful, someone might mistake you two for a married couple." He teased, knowing that would get under Ritsu's skin. He looked up from his work and glanced solemnly over at Cassius and Minerva, he felt somewhat bad for the Madame Knight, but she honestly had to understand that Cassius had no tolerance for the mission going according to plan, he was an extremely tactful man and he admired the other Lumyian for that. Maybe that's why he supposed that he had a certain sort of bond with Cassius. But, he had to admit that he hadn't expected Minerva to be as gorgeous as she was, and a noble at that... Had he met her before? It was impossible to know and his memory was horrid.

Itzal carefully and silently walked over to the two, startling Minerva slightly, she obviously hadn't heard him. "Shall we move onto the next part of the plan?" He asked Cassius softly, his crimson cat eyes looking over Minerva as if he was studying her. His expression was hard to make out as he looked over the lady knight, despite his height compared to hers, he seemed to be almost looking down on her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Cassius gave Minerva a stern look. "A Bounty Hunter and contract holder of the Regent says otherwise, but your title means little to me if my title is that of a thief to a simple knight." Cassius looked to Karn however. "Thank you by the way." He slightly bowed his head before proceeding to the interior, he found Garnet helping in the lower decks as they were patching damage from the fight up. Things were working well with her steady coordination.

"Mr.Svent... Your arm..." Garnet placed her hand onto his right arm, healing it steadily.
"Heh, I was so irritated, I must have forgot I was struck." Cassius chuckled.
"That is no excuse to not take care of yourself." Garnet channeling a healing aura into his arm. She was finished in around fifteen seconds. It was clear that healing was more time consuming than others give credit for. But it just furthers the apparent convenience and justification of healing mixes.

"Yeah, I know. But... Just seeing how you are..." Cassius exhaled at the worry.
"You seem upset... Is something wrong?" Garnet tilted her head in concern.
"Well... I accidentally struck Karn earlier. I was trying to help make the acting more... convincing... As someone who has been a hunter for a good chunk of my life... The stage fights seem less convincing. Then again... Nobles typically never seen a real fight till just recently. Fighting is hellish, scary even. But composure and composition is key..." Cassius took a breath.

"I'm sure she knows you might not have meant it." Garnet assured.
"Let's hope so, else it will be a long trip for all of us." Cassius yawned into his hand tiredly.

Garnet's first thoughts were as follows. "He must have really done a lot... He puts up a good front... But I can see a scared man, one who wants to do good, yet... There is a piece missing... He does hold a lot of tools... Maybe he isn't natively good with Martial Ability...? She of course tried to give a smile. "You just need a good rest."

"Ooh... Some Knight jumped aboard to see you. Her goal is to protect you, so I'll allow her. She'd do a better job of it up close... I'm not exactly... The best swordsmen." Cassius muttered.

"You must mean Minerva... I feel absolutely dreadful for not being honest to her that I wanted to leave." Garnet twiddled her fingers slightly in response to the thought, Cassius picked up on her nervous responses in her bodily motions.

"No one could understand the weight of your request to leave. I just hope we can arrive safely." Cassius nodded his head before handing her the Buccaneer like hat he wore.

Garnet chuckled as she placed it on. Her hair seeming to fit just fine. She found herself giggling slightly... She was truly humored in an otherwise scary situation.

Baku came down to see her laughter, he could not help but grin a bit, Cassius bowed his head before walking over to see what Baku needed.

"You did good lad, the smile on her face says it all... And everyone else did good at fighting by the way it seems... But, what happened on deck if I may ask? The stage?" Baku rolled his shoulders.

"Karn hit the bomb into Beatrix, Beatrix was busy trying to repel the swords-women's attacks... And Hitori with Ritsu shattered the bomb enough for me to shoot it's core. So... Bit of a team fight. Honestly... I am glad Karn was able and willing to fight that bomb. It made things a lot easier..." Cassius evaluated it was possible to deal with Beatrix, but if the bomb went off, the ship would have been totaled.

"Sounds like Wylde did a number on Beatrix." Baku grinned.
"I feel bad for not knowing her name." Cassius blinked.
"Ya know lad, you leaped a lot today, but it is okay to take some social leaps too, But get some rest boy. I can tell you're tired... But who is Hitori if I may pry?"

Cassius chuckled. "Hitori is a dear friend of mine who helped me when I had no one else. I can tell you more of that story when I am less ready to drop from exhaustion." Cassius shook Baku's hand before receiving a pat on the back.

"Feel free to use a Guest Room. The girls have their own room, Men have Barracks, I have a water bed." Baku chuckled. "Aaand a spare bed as well... Then again, so do the women... But have a good night." Baku gave a thumbs up before returning to the bridge where Monica held the steering wheel. She seemed very exhausted from the stressful situation, Baku took the wheel from her before giving a hoarse smile. "Go rest lassy..."

Monica flailed her arms slightly. "Fiiine...Here is an energy Stimulate if you need a few extra hours to... Wellllll.... Function I guess?"

"Las, just get some rest." Baku barked, in which case she handed him a capsule.

Monica retreated to the Women's quarters, It was a rather large eight bedded room with rather nice sheets. Like always, she stayed in the middle, she began to undo her overalls and just began to lounge in her bed, wearing dark shorts and a flowy shirt, she simply reclined before saying a silent prayer that everything would go well.

Cassius was in his special room... It could be assumed that it was due to Baku not trusting him, or he did and understood not to mix his tools with their own... But he could tell Ritsu took care of it, there was flowers waiting for him. Cassius removed his mask as he began to strip of his armor and layers of clothing... Going as Far as to place his tools away neatly. Under his Hunter's garb, he had a sterile skintight suit. He removed that before reclining into the bed with his under garments and some form of a tanktop. A ponytail was set in a drawer with a set of glasses. He finally laid on his side under the linen blanket. He could feel there was a mixture of Cotton in it. Yet he wasn't sound asleep just yet.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Perrin took out a large water-skin from his pack and let out a bit of a shrug. Seemed everything was dealt with and already resolved or being resolved, nothing particularly concerning that he should shift his attention upon at the time. Letting out a bit of a shrug as the creature was already defeated and others were quick to deal with its remains and scavenge among them, Perrin simply drank from the water-skin and let whom or whatever simply pass on by for the most part. What was in the water-skin would remain a major mystery that the answer to would never be known to those who didn’t have hold of it.

Taking a moment to realize the bit of the attack that occurred a grin formed somewhat crossed his lips. “Maybe a bargain a partial refund for the attack on this trip.” Perrin chuckled to himself as a bit of a joke, not planning to ask for such. He already paid pretty low amount for the trip , which or more or less reflected the conditions of the ship. It seemed the few nearest on the ship of whom Perrin didn’t know whether or not they were simple passengers or crewmates were the ones dissecting and messing with the corpse of the creature. Out of curiosity, Perrin would watch, how one would prepare or deal with the massive fire entity.

Perrin was somewhat interested and surprised to see that the creature’s organs appeared like normal flesh when the surface was pulled back enough and apparently edible as well! He would briefly squat down near the few and look over to Hitori with curiosity. “How does it taste exactly?” Perrin would ask rather trying to take more mental notes and observations for later. Downing more from the water skin he had prepared. “Not burnt is it? Don’t think it would be seeing the creature is of fire, hrm… guess it wasn’t scalding hot as you’re already eatin’ the thing.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minerva Fairchild - Inquisition

Cassius tried to defend his actions, but of all his words the most surprising were the revelation that this kidnapping was sanctioned by the Regent of Lindblum! Remaining purely silent then, the Lieutenant knew all too well that if such news caught to the wind, it would mean war.

War that she wasn't willing to help cause in the least.

Yet as Cassius departed, a sudden presence looming over her from behind caused her to meet eye to eye with burning spite to Itzal. Similarly as she, he was seeming to take measure of her silently, and Minerva needn't state anything else. Or at least she seemed unwilling.

Turning back to where Cassius had gone, she marched forward with a gracefully smooth stride. Moving through the hallways, the Lieutenant sharply listened while waiting for a hint as to where Garnet had been stowed away by the crew.

Thankfully, it didn't take long. Hearing an exchange of voices to which one was distinctly familiar, Minerva waited for Cassius to leave before slipping into the room herself quietly.

There, with her back turned was the Princess herself.

"Your Highness," Minerva interjected suddenly, causing Garnet to turn about as she bowed deeply and respectfully to the Royal. "It may be impudent of me, but what in the Gods name are you doing here? Why did you decide to leave the castle? Beatrix gave me orders to be your ward and little else. I'm hoping you have more information."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Garnet felt her heart sink when she saw Minerva. She felt her hands fold over one another as she somewhat moved to the side, helping patch a few holes up with some of the ship's faculty. They at the very least understood her expression made things complicated for her, but they were going easy on her since she wasn't required to really do anything. "I wish to see Uncle Cid. So I sent for him. And they came to get me..." Garnet said simply, yet with heavy breath.

Upon the boards being nailed into place, she turned to the Knight before her. "I hate not telling those I otherwise trust... But I don't trust Kuja around Mother, she may be loving, but her eyes dwindle elsewhere rather than around her kingdom. I've seen... The most extraordinary shadows... But... My fear is not what mother may do, but what Kuja could be trying to do." Garnet stood firmly before approaching her.

"Three Lumyians in one day Minerva. The rarest of races in Society next to Kumioh, And Sudasians. I'm not omnipotent... But these are not the kinds of people who come out of the shadows without cause... Like an Animal leaving it's habitat... Humans are no different... But united they stand strong. Tell me... Minerva, if they were divided, how would we be here on this ship?" Garnet posed the question. "Our own Knights were divided, that is why I am here." Garnet was clearly alluding to the creeping shadows of Alexandria. "I wish to bring a light back to Alexandria, but I can't do it alone... I'm sorry I did not tell you sooner, or even at all." She looked from Minerva's eyes, to her own feet, shamed she could not just hold a torch with one of her own people.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

After a while Wylde deemed it was time to return to the women’s quarters for the time being. She rose up from her laying position on the crate, took the bundle of cloth she was using as a pillow and walked towards the women’s bedroom. She walked with a rather relaxed pace, despite the fight, her body seemed to be quite lacking in stress. After all she did do something she’s been training for years, give Beatrix a run for her money! Granted, she was going to lose if it went for a few more minutes, but the fact she held the general there like that for the time she did was a small accomplishment in itself!

Once inside the women’s quarters, she walked by her sleeping spot. In different from the other girls here, Wylde didn’t really like sleeping in a normal bed that much when she was on an airship. Instead she had placed herself a hammock in between two pillars and slept in it, still using the nice bedsheets and pillows though.

With a few swift movements of her hands, she took off the theatrical garbs and threw them in a pile next to one of the pillars before dressing in her sleepwear that consisted of a loose long silk shirt, before hopping into the hammock. She then pulled her rapier into an embrace before also pulling the blanket over herself and closing her eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shadow007
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Shadow007 Still a massive dork.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Itzal had decided to keep an eye on Minerva, due to not completely trusting her, but after listening to her and Garnet's conversation, he felt that he could understand the Lady Knight with a clearer state that he had originally saw her in. He took in a small breath as he approached the two. He bowed deeply to Her Highness.

"Pardon my intrusion." He apologized to them with a gentle, almost soothing tone. "I feel that I need to apologize to the Lady Knight for my... Unwanted hostility. However, I feel I should also say that you have no need to fear. Cassius can indeed be trusted and we will do whatever it takes to bring the light back to Alexandria. ... It is a noble thing you are doing, your highness. Never doubt yourself on that." His ruby eyes looking deeply into Garnet's.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LookingGlass
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Already taken, like I'd leave Cassius for Fox-breath over there." Ritsu scowled at Itzal before taking his collective to his barracks. He may tolerate the fox but he didn't have to like him, Ritsu also found that Itzal was pressing nerves in places that shouldn't be pressed with that jibe, still he couldn't let that get to him. Today was a long and hard day, he just wanted a shower and to pass out. He hoped Cassius liked the Flowers, he knew Cassius didn't like to show it but he really did love small sentimental gifts like that.

Hitori rolled his eyes before he noticed Perrin and answered the Question, "It tastes like a fine and Slowly roasted Foie Gras with just a hint of a Subtle Smokiness to enhance the rich and buttery texture. It is rather Warm to the Touch but I have tasted far Hotter dishes in my time. I consider myself a connoisseur of sorts, others may find my tastes ghastly but there are certain things I find vile. Like Pineapple on Pizza....Disgusting..." Hitori Visibly Shudder as he had Siren cleanse him of impurities. "Where's the Coziest Corner? I'll take that if it is not any trouble."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Feisty-Pants
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Feisty-Pants Team Mom

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Minerva -- Unease

Garnet's sorrow drew frustratingly close to Minerva's confusion, even still, it mattered little for now. "Divided in some ways, adjoined in others your Highness. I will see sure to it that you arrive in Lindblum. Come hell or high water." Nodding solemnly as if to affirm this a second time, it would swiftly become evident that the distrust between the Knight and the Ship's crew was very much in place.

Evident by how she reached for non existant weapons the second she heard that they had a guest.

Like a snake, he explained his presence to be amicable swiftly, and the Knight's azure eyes narrowed suspiciously. These men weren't able to be trusted, and wasn't the Cassius the very same one who she heard lamenting about having to fight?

Cowards, the lot of them of course. What else could she expect from a band of thieves?

"You're in the presence of the future Queen. Straighten up as if you actually had a backbone, swine." Minerva harshly stated, a sense of feral tone escaping fro betwixt her softened lips. "We are your guests on this Airship, be that as it may, you could suffer to show some god damn respect to the crown."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AwesomeZero5
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Perrin waited there for a few moments and listened closely to the rather professional sounding response from Hitori. It would likely be clear that Perrin was listening to the description rather intently. He was making a rather curious mental note on the taste of the fire like creature, or at least the particular organ that had been eaten. Perhaps it could be used to make something in the future or simply use for a snack all by itself. After all the treat from the description given sounded quite delightful with perhaps a minor exception of the smokiness part, but that was more personal preference over regular taste.

“Sounds fine enough, although would you mind clearing up how a pizza tastes? Don’t think I have ever tried one of those things but Pineapple’s odd sweetness is enjoyable on the rare occasions I’ve caught it in the market. Some say it makes good cookin’ with ham, and I wouldn’t disagree but ham is just as good without, personally anyways.” Perrin briefly scratched at his neck.

“Coziest corner?” Perrin would briefly and try and bump a soft fist into Hitori’s shoulder. “Well if you want a place to hide away in for a time, I’m unsure but I definitely know where the beds seem to be!” Perrin would get up. “Broke one in a little to make it the coziest. Think I can lead you to it.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Karn had slipped away from the others, though was fairly aware of what was happening. The crew greeting their new guest, a knight of sorts. The feline didn't particularly care as long as they get the job done. Which was getting the said 'princess' to Lindbulm safe and sound. Then they could go do whatever the fuck they want. Debate wars, offer peace treaties, chat up nobles, play the game of thrones or whatever the fuck rich bitch folks do. It was a world the demi-human had never been a part of, and it wasn't something she particularly cared for. Or perhaps she was just used to living in the mud. Plus, she liked predictable back-stabbers better than quiet ones. Much easier to stab back.

So they could go and bicker like cats and dogs as much as they like. High society and scum don't exactly mix, but hey, didn't matter if the goal was the same. Or if the same path leads to individual goals.

The feline had climbed on top of the mass of the ship, lounging on the wood high above the ship. The roar of the propeller above loud and evident. Yet she didn't mind, she had the best view after all. It was normal for Karn to find odd places to take a nap, just like a cat. Usually, it was high places like this, or perhaps some small cramped space she managed to curl into and hide. Depends what she was in the mood for. Emerald eyes opening slightly as she looked out to the sky, the feel of the wind and flight giving her... a feeling. For a change. Actual genuine feeling. It was nice.

Unconsciously, she drew a hand to her rib, then her utility belt. Fingers teasing against a flap hiding the vials of her medicine. It was mildly annoying, to have to fight harder just to be useful. To be on par with foes she had to go up against. Only to know that in the end, her time was limited. Yet it was more annoying, that she wasn't afraid of it. Still, she ponders why she was here. Why she wasn't in the ground somewhere? Was there really a point? Reality like dealing itself with a punch to her face every time something like this happens. Logically, she didn't see much point. But she wanted to see just how long she could go. Plus, she did have at least one goal in life to get to so there's that.

Taking a deep breath, she forcibly withdrew her hand from her medicine pouch and lied on her back, hand resting behind her head. Fluffy golden tail lazily hanging over the edge, swaying along with the wind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LookingGlass
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hitori noticed the Perrin one continuing to speak to him and looked at him quizzically for a moment, "If I am to tell you of Pizza you will exchange this knowledge with me?" Is what Hitori got out of what Perrin had said, "Fine, It's a rather fare contract indeed. Well it's all rather simple really, it was originally some peasant dish hundreds of years ago but now it comes in all sorts of fancy variants. The Base is a Crust Based of Dough, you put a base sauce over it. Tomato, Cream, or Pesto Based usually, add a fine helping of any thinly sliced or grated soft cheese over it and bake it till the crust is golden brown. Add Toppings at your digression. Now then, you're end of the Bargain if you would be so Kind." Hitori said politely.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CAS1006
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CAS1006 The Deadpan Snarker

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Quite the number of days passed by, a week in fact as air traffic had picked up. Word spread of the Missing Princess of Alexandria. Search ships and security measures all around the Country had picked up. It would seem going straight to Lindblum by ship would be a bad idea given the fact the Tantalus' Prima Visa was damaged, easily identifiable. A Conference was being held in the bridge.

"Monica, what have you gathered from the Aetherite Crystal Communication Network...?" Cassius stood near a window as Baku took to the clouds.

"Right... So Brahn has announced the deliberate poisoning of her men... non lethal, but poisoned none the less... The Inari's Den has been burned down. She believes they are tied together... Missing Fortune Teller at large." Monica took a breath before looking to Hitori and Itzel. "It would seem you're being taken interest to now that you're gone." Monica did not stutter, but she took a breath. "The 'Lion' has gone missing... Feared to have conspired with the Kidnappers... except this is a very political mission... But Garnet... What exactly did your mother do to... Send for your Uncle's hand?"

Garnet took a breath as she stepped forward near the wheel, then turning to face everyone in attendance. "To be quite honest with you, the man known as Kuja has been having talks with Mother. The kind of talks that I fear influences her attitude... And it is no good when your kingdom does not take it seriously past a rumor... Her compassion hasn't died for her country. This I can attest to. But her sense of truth seems to wane around me; she cannot seem to answer exactly what her and Kuja speak of... But she has stated 'What he shall give to Alexandria will make borders be safer, and our borders will grow larger.' Which... I believe will mean she will go to war... I fear she only aims to capture us to silence me." Garnet nodded to her Guardian.

Cassius rubbed his forehead. Surprisingly he wasn't wearing his battle gear. A Very casual robe where he let his hair down. It was a Midnight blue robe with crescent Moon pendent around his neck. His face had quite a few scars; they were hard to see, but one could spot them with a watchful eye. There was Grey and White Ascents to his attire as well. His wavy hair was parted by his hand, his Hazel-Green eyes looking forward as he paced closer. "So to get this straight, This situation was already blasted even before we started? Which... Means we need to get to Lindblum as soon as possible without Alexandrian interference... As well as Inform Bermecia... Normally I'd make a payment joke... But this is a serious matter..." Cassius crossed his arms.

Baku shook his head. "Right, so I might know a way to get there, but I tell ya lads and lassies, it might not be that practical... Aye... We're going to drop you lot at Dali... You make yourselves closer to Treno by taking a gate, and from there ya go south... Away from the Mountains. A Lift like Tram will take ya down further south, from there ya go to Lindblum. If I fly there in this, Air Traffic will inform that it was with the Regent, and... The rest is history from there..."

Cassius let out a groan. "This situation is getting worse by the second. In short, if this vessel is seen in as much as close as such a major city, they're going to use any siting they of us... and report back using the network. And by the sounds of it, this bounty is getting bigger by the second... I'm almost afraid to question what Weapon she has being made interdependent of the countries... I doubt it is for mist based monsters either..."

Monica took a breath. "I take it I'm supposed to follow you lot, seeing as I can gain us entry to Lindblum from the gate Checkpoints... They'd not deny a Research Development Explorer access. You all can be my "Adventuring" party. And then we get in safe and sound."

Garnet nodded, she liked this plan.
"Alright, I can agree to that. My job is to keep you alive anyways." Cassius stated to Monica. "Just try not to get in the way of a fight if one happens is all I ask of you... You don't even know how to use a gun." Cassius snickered.

"Aye, that be true. But you're not the best blade, you're just resourceful." She placed her index finger over her mouth as a grin formed, the two had a brief chuckled.

Garnet smiled at this exchange. She looked to Karn, Itzel, Wylde, Hitori, Ritsu, Perrin and her Guardian. "Safe to say you've all reached an agreement?"
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