Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So far we got a really cute gay guy and a really cute pansexual guy and I'm over here like....

If this RP becomes "Superhuman Dating Simulator" I'm going to be very salty.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Mr Allen J All I want is the D, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!?

Also I highly doubt it would be the prime focus of this RP...but it IS high school and teens have hormones, even the superpowered ones.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Mr Allen J All I want is the D, IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!?

Also I highly doubt it would be the prime focus of this RP...but it IS high school and teens have hormones, even the superpowered ones.

I like dick too, but Jesus woman.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Mr Allen J Sorry...sorry...it's jsut been too long.

Toooooooo long D:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Mr Allen J Sorry...sorry...it's jsut been too long.

Toooooooo long D:

I'll give Winter an Ezra clone if you're suffering from a drought that badly.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 4 days ago

Hey. That's a good idea. We should forgo the story and just do the Highschool Superpower Dating Simulation. That'll have all the drama and tension we need.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Mr Allen J Sorry...sorry...it's jsut been too long.

Toooooooo long D:

I'm almost tempted to make a girl to curb your thirst.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have a feeling I'm going down a dark road where I'll forever be known as the thirsty girl and I am oddly ok with that
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I have a feeling I'm going down a dark road where I'll forever be known as the thirsty girl and I am oddly ok with that

Letting your raging ovaries run wild for even a second can ruin your life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hey is this thing still accepting? :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tyler
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Tyler Me. I Am Tyler... / The Elusive Auteur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I have a feeling I'm going down a dark road where I'll forever be known as the thirsty girl and I am oddly ok with that

I always come in 3st place. You are not alone, friend.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 1 hr ago


A B E L L E D ' V O I R E 1 8 // 0 7 // 1 9 9 9 ( 1 7 ) F E M A L E

"There's a couple bugs in my code."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I've always said to embrace your strange."
◼ HEIGHT | 5'11"
◼ WEIGHT | 90lbs
◼ BUILD | Petite
◼ EYE COLOUR | Light Green/Amber

Abelle, preferably Belle, has always kept a slightly mysterious and alien-like air about her persona, in an open-armed acceptance of the oddities of her existence. She stands at a tall 5'11, with long limbs that threaten to be clumsy but are instead coordinated into smooth, graceful motion. Her facial bone structure appears other-worldly and her expressions dip equally into adorable and uncanny. She keeps her hair short, for low-maintenance as well as to accentuate her bone structure, and coupled with a single plain nose ring and her near-amber coloured eyes, she appears extra-terrestrial. Belle always make sure to cast strong shadows (in the right lighting), and strike an eye-catching figure in her day-to-day.

Despite her decidedly 'alternative' choice of hairstyle and jewelry, Belle once again appeals to the contrarian within her by dressing light and loose, favouring creams, whites, and other bright, pure colours, often choosing sheer, silk, or satin fabrics. While many of her clothes are simple in shape and style, they usually bear some sort of minor affectation in such a way to allow them to stand out against other, similar garments. Her makeup swings between either natural-esque or dark and heavy, but no matter her daily fashion, Belle always appears comfortable and cutting-edge.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The specifics of my biology has always bugged me."
Belle's parents, Lorin and Nathaneal, were both born in France, and met in class at Aix-Marseille University in Provence, where they were both taking Advanced Language Studies. Lorin's mother and father had lived through the Dark Eclipse and had passed to her the 'hype-gene', and while she had never realised, it had gifted her with an excellent capacity for learning all manner of foreign languages - a skill that had been put down to natural talent and gifted intelligence. Nathaneal, however, had secured his place through scraping every grade he could manage, working hard to achieve the results he needed - Nathan dreamed of a life travelling, and wanted to expand his knowledge of the world through its people. Together, they discovered a quiet, but fiercely powerful kinship, and the two began a deep, loving relationship that would endure many trials. They graduated with high honours, and began planning their lives together, moving to Paris to be young lovers. In 1998, Lorin fell pregnant unexpectedly, and the two young parents-to-be made a quick - and ultimately easy - decision to enter a brave new chapter in their lives. It did not start without its difficulties.

From early into the second trimester, Lorin's obstetrician identified a rare recessive defective gene from Nathaneal had been passed on to their child, that would cause a debilitating - and eventually terminal - neuro-degnerative condition. The couple refused to abort Belle, but instead took every course of treatment, medication, and surgery that was available to help their unborn child. Eventually, in July '98, Belle was born pre-maturely, and she spent 3 months in the NICU before she was declared stable enough to return home. Belle spent a year in Paris with her parents; according to them, it was the best year France, let alone Paris, had ever seen. Then Belle returned to the hospital. Her condition was taking its toll far more rapidly than any doctor - pre- or post-natal - has predicted. Lorin's chosen medical advisors had given Belle four to five un-impeded years, but she lasted only one before returning to white walls and vinyl flooring.

The situation was poor at best. Belle was declining at a rapid rate, and no known treatment could effectively stall the process that had already begun. She had maybe a few months at best, and her parents were distraught. Belle herself didn't - couldn't - understand, instead clinging to hazy, half-formed memories of the city of Paris. It was at the end of their rope that Belle's doctors and parents found a final, frayed string of hope.

An experimental trial treatment for Belle's condition was starting its preliminary stages in the US, and Belle qualified almost immediately. Lorin and Nathaneal, almost frantic with combined grief and bittersweet hope, signed the flood of paperwork with fervoured pens, and Belle was whisked away a mere 4 hours later. Belle spent three days in Washington before her parents cleared their Visa's and passports to join her. In their desperation, they had skimmed over the details of the treatment, and it was only when they had landed, settled, and had Belle returned to them post-treatment that they were de-briefed by the lead medical staff on the trial.

The participants selected had had isolated strains of genetically altered genome tags from select species of insect introduced to the faulty genes that caused their neuro-degnerative conditions; it was a long-shot, and in very early stages, but the scientists involved believed that the DNA, chosen from a very select set of insect species, had properties that could treat or cure the patients' conditions by binding to the faulty genes responsible and either fixing - or overriding - the imperfect processes that caused the degeneration. It took several months, and other participants saw no changes - but somehow, against all odds, it worked for Belle. She got better. Lorin and Nathaneal thanked whoever it was that had watched over their child, and began to pick up their new lives in the US, far removed from the idyllic Paris days of their youth.

Lorin and Nathaneal picked up small jobs that paid enough to get by as doctors and scientists monitored Belle's improvement over the next three years; shortly after Belle turned five, she was found to be clear of all signs and symptoms of her previously life-threatening condition, and her visits and check-ups ceased. Overjoyed, Lorin and Nathaneal searched for their perfect home, and found it in New Hampshire, Crestwood Hollow, where Nathaneal found work travelling and lecturing, and Lorin became a professor of language at a nearby university.

Belle grew up healthy and happy, living in the Beau-side of Crestwood Hollow with her parents, her favourite young memories being those of warm afternoons spent in Mather Park when her father came home from whichever state he had been lecturing in, hazy summer air and the smells of sizzling barbecues filling her. As she aged, Belle inquired of her early life in uncountable medical facilities, and her parents, not ones to hide the truth from their daughter, carefully explained the unfortunates of her first five years, and the circumstances that had allowed her to continue on past them. Belle recoiled at first, only twelve and naive, finding the foreign DNA's presence within her to be unsettling and unseemly; but her parents left her with medical records and research notes, and gently helped her towards acceptance. Belle acquired a keen interest in Human and Insect Biology, Biology as a subject quickly becoming her best, and as she moved up academically she began taking on extra-curricular courses related to Human Biology and Entomology, having a vested interest in the subjects. Now, Belle is 17, through most of her puberty and attending Mather Memorial. She has a small group of close friends, and hopes to move on to university when she graduates to study Entomology in full. She is still fond of Mather Park, and still visits with her father when she can, but otherwise lives a happy, decidedly-'teenaged' adolescence.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"At least it means wasp-free barbecues."

//ABILITIES: Pheromone-based Insect Manipulation - Belle is able to secrete specific pheromones from the sweat pores of her body, creating an invisible beacon for all manner of insect, crustacean, and arachnid life to come crawling out of nooks and crannies of the world to seek the source - inevitable finding Belle herself - and then await further instruction. Belle's variety of pheromones are subtle enough in their distinctions to almost emulate telekinetic control, but in truth, Belle is simply signalling certain instinctual impulses in the swarms she can amass, which can range from complete aggression to total pacifism to absolute retreat.

The uses of her swarm are only limited by Belle's imagination, and her willingness to test the limits of her pheromone control. Only time will tell whether Belle's abilities will develop any unexpected advancements, or if her pheromones are limited only to bug-specific signals.

//SKILLS: Belle possesses a few talents outside of her abnormal pheromones, that prove to be as important to her as her hype-gene. A dedicated student, Belle takes her studies very seriously, as well as taking any extra-credit offered and attending some extra-curricular courses. She keeps herself healthy and fit, jogging, stretching and maintaining an exercise routine to keep her body as healthy and limber as possible, not wanting any further health issues after her first few years.

//LIMITATIONS: Belle cannot produce bugs, nor does she keep her pheromones in a permanent 'on-state', as this would lead to a bigger swarm than she can control, as well as massive ecosystem instability and a negative public reaction when she arrives on-campus with half a city's worth of bugs trailing behind her. As a result, Belle must preempt a situation in which a swarm will serve her, and then carefully amass such a hive with selective pheromones while also ensuring she does not let the size run amok. If there are no bugs in the immediate vicinity, Belle will have to wait longer and try harder to reach out further, and if there are no bugs at all, Belle will have no swarm.

Further, the larger Belle's current swarm, the more difficult it is to maintain pinpoint control as is possible with a smaller group. While she can use the swarm itself to proliferate her pheromones within itself for increased efficiency, the larger the swarm is, the more likely it becomes for sections of it to break away as the rest of it receives new or different instructions, resulting in a large chunk loss as half of the swarm begins leaving or even in-fighting due to the many different species of insect that can be co-habiting one of Belle's swarms at any given time. As such, Belle's pheromone control is a careful knife-edge game - enough to create a swarm and then make it large enough to allow it to govern itself, but not so big as to implode itself. It is far too easy for Belle to simply leave a pheromone lingering for too long, and a swarm to disappear as quickly as it arrived.

//WEAKNESSES: Despite Belle's pheromones, her control is not infallible. Strong enough instinctual responses in the insects that make up her swarm can override any existing pheromone commands and cause the insects to revert to their nature; as such, strong fear, hunger, or mating impulses can destabilize a swarm entirely.

As well as basic instinct, simple biology can also impede Belle's powers. The insects that make up her swarms are just that: insects. While, in large numbers and under Belle's command, they are capable of inspiring fear and causing lasting damage to Belle's enemies, they are still subject to the frailty of their forms - any method that would normally disperse a large cluster of insects will work equally well against Belle's swarms.

▼ N O T E S:

LORIN D'VOIRE | Mother, and loving primary caretaker of her daughter. Possesses her own hype-gene that affords her an accelerated comprehension of foreign languages, but has never realised this to be the case. She is still paranoid of every flu and fever Belle picks up - afraid of the illness that plagued her daughter's first five years returning - but tries hard not to restrict her. She teaches language as a professor at a nearby university, and savours the time she gets with her family.
NATHANEAL D'VOIRE | Father, and travelling lecturer on a mixture of language studies and neuro-degenerative conditions, a foundation of knowledge he expanded greatly through the trials of his daughter's treatments. He often spends one or two weeks in a particular state, roaming schools and universities to deliver his lectures, before flying back to New Hampshire to spend a week with his family. His feels some guilt for passing on the faulty recessive gene that caused Belle's condition, and spoils her somewhat as a result; his own father died too soon in Nathaneal's life, and so he knows how precious every second can be.

ALEXA FUMAL | A fellow student at Mather Memorial, heavily interested in architecture and history, and one of Belle's closest friends. They met early on in their academic careers, and have remained steadfast and loyal to each other ever since. Alex doesn't know much about Belle's medical past, feeling it rude to ask, but Belle has shared some details, and likely will again; neither really care - it is the now that matters.

N/A | None...yet

MATHER MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL | The school Belle attends, taking extra-curricular courses in Entomology and working hard to get the grades she needs for university. Belle latches on to any extra-credit she can find, and she is shaping up to be one of the school's star students.
MATHER PARK | Belle's favourite place in Crestwood Hollow, and where most of her afternoons and warm evenings are spent. The Hanging Tree ever-present, she often sits against its trunk on sunny days and listens to the world, enjoying every detail.
CRESTWOOD HOLLOW PORT | A throbbing hive of buzzing activity, Belle likes to visit the docks when the sun is high just to watch the unfurling tendrils of new people coming in, going out, running around working, or just enjoying their lunch breaks. The thriving hub of movement is both comforting and exciting to Belle, and reminds her that life is far, far bigger than just the city she lives in.

◼ MISC. | Not owning any notable tools or pieces of equipment, Belle instead has only the assorted typical goods of a high-school teenager: the latest smart phone, a laptop, several textbooks on entomology and biology, notepads, pencils and pens, and a copy of her medical history and a large sheaf of research notes from the experimental trial that saved her life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hey is this thing still accepting? :D

Yes, I'll be taking applications until some point this weekend at which point I will close submissions and finish reviews before handing out acceptances to my chosen cast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Lord Wraith Alrighty, thank you! I should have a CS up within a few hours. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@AbandonedIntel I'm quite surprised that you dropped interest in like four RPs I'm in. lol

Have a crush? :P
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BogeyDope
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Mr Allen J No its just that I'm really bored and Superhero OC RPS are the only thing enticing me (everything else is Fandom related and I don't do that lol)

But yeah... that is too much of a coincidence... maybe I do have a crush on you.

Tune in next time ;)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 1 hr ago

And so the daily ego stroking begins!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

But yeah... that is too much of a coincidence... maybe I do have a crush on you.

Tune in next time ;)

oh bby. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 1 day ago

Destructive, instigating, violent, aggressive.


R I T A J U L I A R O S S 16TH JULY 1999 (17) F E M A L E B I S E X U A L

"You have four seconds to get the fuck out of my face."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

◼ Height: | 171 CM.
◼ WEIGHT: | 61 KG.
◼ HAIR COLOR: | Blonde.
◼ EYE COLOR: | Emerald
◼ PIERCINGS: | Septum, left eyebrow, nipples and bellybutton.
◼ TATTOOS: | Pentagram on her right wrist. Full sleeve on the right of different pagan symbols. As well as a long green vine going up her neck under her chin.

Rita's a young woman who works very hard to look like she doesn't give a shit. She wakes up two hours before she has to go to school to do her make up in a way that makes it look like she fell asleep in it, to pick out her clothing - often black or jeans color with rivets. Band T-shirts, skinny jeans and big boots. And of course a beanie on her head, regardless of the weather. She's sometimes seen in a baseball cap and a hoodie, as well as black round sunglasses. Despite her obsession with her 'style', she's still rather natural, only wearing a small amount of make up and being naturally tanned and blessed with good skin, thus being free from acne. Most would never conceive her as pretty, perhaps hot or 'sexy', but very few would consider her cute. She's always walking around with the demeanor like she's gonna rip someone's head off - which she might. She's confident, yet not self-absorbed.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"What you want, fuckface?"
Rita grew up in a normal middle class inner city household. Her father, Anton, a Junior Partner at a law firm, her mother, Veronica, a P.E teacher at the local elementary school. A only child, Rita was often a little spoiled. She grew up a bit of a loner, partly because she grew up in a neighborhood where all the other families had two kids, and partly because she was never particularly girly, a bit of a tomboy. She fought with the boys at preschool, she wanted to play soccer and was always told she couldn't play with the boys. Her mother was quite the glamour-freak, and loved trying to make Rita dress up like a 'pretty girl', and she grew to resent it.

Resenting her father's good reputation by misbehaving, and usurping the ideals of 'The Perfect Little Daughter' was the way her life would continue into her teens. She broke a lot of rules, picked up smoking, drinking and attending parties she was too young to get into at 15, getting pierced, dying her brown hair blond, and getting tattoed were all in the name of pissing her parents off. She eventually grew into her own person, moving beyond just opposing her parents, getting her own ideals and goals.

This all went out the door when she was 16, and she caught a falling construction worker in her arms without any personal injury, saving the mans life and baffling her. Since then, she has been exploring her newfound abilities.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Punch first - ask questions while punching."

While certainly not the fanciest of powers in the world, as far as people with impossible gifts go, hers do the job nicely. Her gifts manifest in three notable ways.

◼ SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH | Rita is exceedingly more powerful than regular people, and her strength continues to grow for each day. Not with such leaps and bounds like going from lifting a table over her head one day to lifting a car the next - but still enough to be highly noticeable.

Like her strength, Rita gets more and more durable - capable of taking more powerful beatings with each day. This is possible due to her dermal layer - her muscles, organs and skin being stronger thanks to her naturally enhanced strength.

◼ SUPERHUMAN STAMINA| Like her other two partial abilities, Rita is able to keep up a increased level of physical stress, once more thanks to the increased ability of her muscles, heart and other organs.

◼ SELF DEFENSE | If you're a pretty girl who goes to six music festivals a year, you learn how to defend yourself. Rita incidentally also happens to be acquainted with a switchblade more so than with karate.

◼ BOOK SMART | Rita's naturally a pretty smart girl, despite not paying much attention, she's been able to always get a passing grade in school, advancing through the years at a normal pace.

◼ CRITICAL | Perhaps also known as 'grumpy'. Rita's always the one to poke holes in other peoples plans, and possesses powerful problems solving skills.

◼ DANCING | While she's more naturally the one who bobs her head to the heavy rock sounds, she is capable of being a excellent 'club' dancer, having a natural rythm in her. Not that she'd ever show anyone else. She can also, albeit ironically, lay a pretty mean dab.

◼ METABOLISM | Rita's metabolism is increased by her powers, and therefor, she has to eat a lot more, else she will run out of calories to burn and therefor run out of power, tearing at her muscles at a very alarming rate.

◼ BREATHING | Even if she is throwing cars around, Rita still needs to breath, just like everyone else. While capable of holding her breath for a minute or two longer than others, due to her increased muscles, she is still highly vulnerable to suffocating either by smoker or by drowning. Or by being choked by someone equally - or more physically powerful than her.

◼ IMMUNITY SYSTEM | While Rita's muscles are superhuman, and so is her resistance to bullets and blades - her resistance to toxins, bacteria and viruses are not. She was diagnosed with a blood disease that weakens the white blood cells in her body - while on it's own it's mostly harmless, it does make her more likely to catch a cold, and prevents her body from counteracting toxins and poisons in the blood.

◼ OVEREXERTION | We've all seen what happens to someone who tries to bench 10 pounds too much at the gym, their muscles take serious damage. Rita's got something similar that could happen to her if she tried to push her limits too much. Except the consequences for her are a lot worse than a few bruises and being sore the next day.

◼ TEAMWORK| Rita is admit-ably not the most patient person in the world, as she believes most people are too stupid to make good decisions. She's also finely attuned to not relying on anyone else - not her parents, nor her friends. This all quite the problem when she's pushed into a situation where teamwork is essential.

▼ N O T E S:

TBD | Test

George | Friend, only person she's told about her abilities.

TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad, King of Dirt

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hillan go post in Justice League for fuck's sake.
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